Proverbs about purity as an example of Slavic wisdom. Proverbs and sayings about purity

The bath soars, the bath rules, the bath will fix everything.

White snow, but not tasty.

White is not white, but it was on the river.

The belly is not a mirror: what gets into it is clean.

To live in the mud is to acquire consumption.

The house is unclean.

In stagnant water, all evil spirits start.

There is crowdedness in the open field: one cooks porridge, and he spilled that one too.

There are four wills in the open field: at least there, at least here, at least in a different way.

In an open field, in a wide expanse, behind dark forests, behind green meadows, behind fast rivers, behind steep banks.

Water and soap washed away the dirt from the soul.

Water does not like dirty people.

The wolf and the bear do not wash and live healthy.

Everyone carries a mouth where the water is pure.

She washed the spoons and poured them into the cabbage soup.

Where there is milk, there is fiber.

Where not, it is clean without us.

Dirt is not fat, crushed (rubbed), and she fell behind.

Dirt is not fat, rubbed, and she lagged behind.

Play with mud - dirty your hands.

If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree, there will be a severe winter.

I sit down for my bread and stupidity.

She kneaded it insipidly, planted it closely, took it out, blew it and blew it up.

And in a rich house there are unclean dishes.

The pure filth will not stick.

Like a piece of glass (clean or sober).

How clean the glass is.

What is lump, such is the stench from him.

When the oak and birch leaf has fallen clean, it will be an easy year for people and livestock.

The bear does not wash, but people are afraid.

Wash yourself, even if you wipe off your skin, but you will not be whiter than water.

Washed, not washed, but saw water.

You don't really mess with your family.

Our good does not burn on fire, does not sink in water, and does not rot in the earth.

Not white snow in an open field turned white.

Do not scold: it will not be clean in your mouth.

Do not pour out the slops without preparing clean water!

Do not be proud of cleanliness in the house, but be proud of cleanliness in the soul.

I won’t let the midge sit down, not a speck of dust lie down.

I won’t let the midge sit down, the speck of dust lie down (I will take care of it).

Not the mistress who speaks, but the one who cooks cabbage soup.

The new broom sweeps cleaner.

Fire cleans, water washes (an excuse for those who eat what others consider filthy).

Fire cleanses, water cleanses.

From a pure heart, pure eyes see.

From pure heart clear eyes.

The filthy will not stick to the clean.

A filthy vessel is not condemned even in a rich house.

Dishes love cleanliness.

Simplicity and purity are half the salvation.

Simplicity, purity, rightness are the best beauty.

I would have given birth once a year, so as not to shave day after day.

I would give birth once a year so that I don’t shave every day.

You won’t crack from trash, you won’t rise from purity.

You won’t die from trash, but you will curl up from cleanliness, like from a popular print.

It will wrap up from a pure forest (they say, hinting at pure vodka, if someone is squeamish and calls a lot of things filthy).

The slave beats herself if she does not reap cleanly.

Washed - not tired, but washed - did not recognize.

So sparkles, even if you lick your tongue.

So clean that there is nowhere to spit.

Only a beetle, in manure tenacious, but cleanly groomed.

You teach the groom to cook cabbage soup and crush lice on a ladle (they say to the girl who is clever).

The cat's hair is filthy, but the snout is clean; the dog's snout is filthy, and the coat is clean.

One has nothing, the other is completely clean.

Clever smart girl - a light button.

Walks like a mermaid (about a girl; that is, unkempt).

The hostess in the house - pancakes in honey.

Even with a bast (awl) sewn, but washed with soap.

Even though it is sewn with a bast, it is washed with soap.

Cheren poppy, yes the boyars eat.

Black will not stick to white.

Clean as an Easter egg.

Clean as a chimney sweep.

Pure fellow - squandered on a bare bone.

Clean, eloquent, and talk a lot.

Pure as in the temple of God.

Purely my reapers reap what is served from the oven.

He scribbles cleanly - and buries the ends.

Pure and fire will not burn.

The pure does not cling to the filthy.

The pure will not stick to the filthy.

The clear sky is not afraid of either lightning or thunder.

Everything is clean to the pure.

Cleanliness is the key to health.

Purity - best beauty.

Cleanliness is half health.

Purity is beauty.

Everyone likes cleanliness, but not everyone succeeds.

Spiritual purity is more than physical.

Clean dishes are easy to rinse.

Clean boots go faster.

To remove rubbish from the hut, it's time to adjust the cart.

Sewed, washed, stroked - kissing adjusted.

Clear as the sun, like a star, like a button, like gold.

  • Everything is clean to the pure.
  • Cleanliness is the best beauty.
  • From a pure heart, pure eyes see.
  • The pure will not stick to the filthy.
  • Clean dishes are easy to rinse.
  • Clean as a chimney sweep.
  • Dishes love cleanliness.
  • Cleanliness is beauty.
  • Pure as in the temple of God.
  • Clean as an Easter egg.
  • Everyone likes cleanliness, but not everyone succeeds.
  • So clean that there is nowhere to spit.
  • So sparkles, even if you lick your tongue.
  • The new broom sweeps cleaner.
  • I sewed, washed, stroked - I set up kissing.
  • Do not be proud of cleanliness in the house, but be proud of cleanliness in the soul.
  • Washed, not washed, but saw water.
  • White is not white, but it was on the river.
  • Washed - not tired, but washed - did not recognize.
  • To remove rubbish from the hut, it's time to adjust the cart.
  • The bear does not wash, but people are afraid.
  • Water and soap washed away the dirt from the soul.
  • Pure fellow - squandered on a bare bone.
  • Clean, eloquent, and talk a lot.
  • He scribbles cleanly - and buries the ends.
  • The pure does not cling to the filthy.
  • The clear sky is not afraid of either lightning or thunder.
  • Cleanliness is half health.
  • Water does not like dirty people.
  • Cleanliness is the key to health.
  • Clean boots go faster.
  • The pure filth will not stick.
  • Pure and fire will not burn.

People say: strong parents give birth to healthy children. But it is not always a matter of good heredity. The way a child will be born and grow up depends on many reasons: on the health of the parents, the living conditions of the family, and, in many respects, on hygiene. Everything is important here - a damp rag when cleaning the room, and an open window, and sleep on fresh air and children's outdoor games. Everything that strengthens the body and accumulates strength for life, for work, for creativity. You need to observe hygiene in food and clothing, at home and at work. Human health also depends on cleanliness and order.

Some folk proverbs also dedicated to this topic. They do not talk directly about hygiene, but more about cleanliness and order, the daily routine. We have collected the most apt and interesting statements on this page.

Cleanliness and tidiness

Cleanliness is the key to health. Water does not like dirty people. Clean boots go faster. The dirty will not stick to the clean. The clean and the fire will not burn, but the dirty and the water will not wash away. For the pure, there is nothing impure. Ah, what a white! Magpies will be dragged away. Everything is clean to the pure. The pure will not stick to the filthy.

Clean as a chimney sweep.

The order of the city keeps. Every thing has its place. What lies in place, then runs into your hands. Keep order - the dream will be sweet. What is Dyoma, such is his home. What is badly put, is thrown. Where there is order, there is luck. Everything has its time and its place. Every business has its time. Every vegetable has its time. Order saves time. It doesn't spoil the order. If there is no order, and you will remain at the table with an empty spoon.

Each cook has its own rules.

Where accuracy is, there is neatness. Who is neat, he is pleasant to people. A slob and a slovenly spinner don't even have a decent shirt. You can see the slob by the dirty shirt. Even if you dress a slut in silk, there is nothing to look at.

The slob went, unraveling his shirt.

Dirt is not fat - wash, and lagged behind. I'm lying in the mud, but don't dirty me.

Pig eyes are not afraid of dirt.


Healthy is great. Health comes in days and leaves in hours. Money can't buy health. healthy spirit in healthy body. Healthy man- rich man. Money is copper, clothing is decay, and health is the most precious thing. Health more expensive than money. Healthy - jumping, ill - crying. Smoking is injurious to health. Who does not smoke and does not drink, he protects health. Health is near: look for it in a bowl. Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm - you will live a hundred years on earth. Sick - heal, and healthy - beware. The disease does not go through the forest, but through people. The patient is sad. An old disease is difficult to treat. Whoever has aching bones does not think to visit.

Healthy is the one who feels healthy.

Food and hygiene

Everyone carries a mouth where the water is pure. Drink water, water will not confuse the mind. Turn around, just turn around. As long as there is bread and water, everything is not a problem. Pure water trouble for the sick. Bread will feed, water will drink, Water has started to work, wires have buzzed. Hot water doesn't make you crazy.

What a trouble if water is drunk.

Bath is the second mother. Steam the bones, direct the whole body. Eat half full, drink half drunk (do not drink half drunk), you will live a century to the fullest. Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage - they will not allow dashing. Where there are feasts and teas, there are sicknesses. Lie down after lunch, walk around after dinner!

Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm!

What you bake, then eat. You work until you sweat, and you eat hunting. When I eat, I am deaf and dumb. If you don't eat, a flea won't jump. The more you chew, the longer you live. I didn’t eat, but I sat at the table. The mill is strong with water, and man is strong with food. Do not eat properly - you will be a wolf. What we eat, then flows down the collar.

In the priest with a sickle and a pitchfork, and in the house with a knife and fork.

Our Miroshka eats even without a spoon. Bread and water are healthy foods.

Whoever chews, he lives like that.

Movement, work, work

Movement brings grace. Move more, live longer. No matter how much you run, and not pass the rest. A fast horse will soon tire. Whoever hurries wisely always succeeds in everything. Hurry, don't rush. A small deed is better than a big idleness.

It’s good to plow on the stove, but it’s difficult to wrap.

Business before pleasure. Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do. Idleness is the mother of vices. To live without work is only to smoke the sky. And the lying stone is overgrown with moss. Under a lying stone and water does not flow. Every thing has its time. The one who wastes time in vain does not notice how he grows old. If you lose a minute, you will lose an hour. A minute saves an hour. The age is long, but the hour is expensive. Every thing has its age. Everything has its time. Sleep a lot - live a little: what is overslept is lived.

Finished the job - walk boldly.

Inactivity is the sister of disease. Idle youth - dissolute old age. He who works from a young age is good for everything. Play is play, but business is business. Business to conduct - do not weave bast shoes. Quiet during the day, but gloomy at night.

The day boasts in the evening.


Sleep is better than any medicine. After labor, peace is sweet. Sleep after dinner is silver, and before dinner is gold. Get enough sleep - you will be younger. As you lay down, so you sleep. best sleep until midnight. Without sleep and bread is not for the future. What is the bed, such is the dream. How less sleep the sweeter it is. After bread and salt, dinner is gilded at bedtime. Who gets up early, he takes the fungi for himself, and the drowsy and lazy go after the nettle. The less sleep, the sweeter it is. Lie down and sleep; get up and be healthy!

Sleep, don't oversleep.

Tags: movement, health, laziness, order, labor, cleanliness

About purity

Do not scold: it will not be clean in your mouth.

Spiritual purity is more than physical.

From a pure heart, pure eyes see.

Even though it is sewn with a bast, it is washed with soap.

Only a beetle, in manure tenacious, but cleanly groomed.

You don't really mess with your family.

How clean the glass is.

The cat's hair is filthy, but the snout is clean; the dog's snout is filthy, and the coat is clean.

Purely my reapers reap what is served from the oven.

Where not, it is clean without us.

Dirt is not fat, rubbed, and she lagged behind.

You won’t crack from trash, you won’t rise from purity.

Black will not stick to white.

The new broom sweeps clean.

Everything is clean to the pure.

Clean as a chimney sweep.

Wash yourself, even if you wipe off your skin, but you will not be whiter than water.

One has nothing, the other is completely clean.

There are four wills in the open field: at least there, at least here, at least in a different way.

Play with mud - dirty your hands.

The wolf and the bear do not wash themselves and live healthy.

The slave beats herself if she does not reap cleanly.

The house is unclean.

Clean dishes are easy to rinse.

You won’t die from trash, but you will curl up from cleanliness, like from a popular print.

Everyone carries a mouth where the water is pure.

Simplicity, purity, rightness - the best beauty.

Do not pour out the slops without preparing clean water!

The belly is not a mirror: what gets into it is clean.

Fire cleanses, water cleanses.

And in a rich house there are unclean dishes.

Cleanliness is the key to health.

Water does not like dirty people.

The clean and the fire will not burn, but the dirty and the water does not wash.

Clean boots go faster.

We have clean bread, sour kvass, a sharp knife: we cut it smoothly, we eat sweetly.

Clean water is a problem for the sick.

Living in poverty is not shameful, but living in filth is shameful.

Clean source - clean stream.

Before you start changing the world, look around your house three times.

To live cleanly is to be healthy.

Cleanliness is the best beauty.

Better to be clean than full.

With an unwashed face, even a sister does not show herself to her brother.

Buy soap and wash the stigma.

Sorrow passes when it is expressed, dirt - when it is washed away.

When the shirt is white, then the wife is sweet.

Purely not where they sweep, but where they do not litter.

Proverbs about cleanliness and neatness occupy significant place V Slavic culture. After all, our ancestors have long taught their children to keep order in everything, since it is a guarantee happy life. Therefore, it is not surprising that many proverbs about purity have survived to this day, which can become a real find for those who know how to listen.

for children

Children are the hardest thing to get right. After all, little tomboys rarely think about what danger can lurk in poorly washed hands or in toys scattered around the house. That is why many proverbs about cleanliness reflect the elementary rules of behavior that every child needs to know.

  • Cleanliness is the key to health.
  • Everyone wants to go where there is order and cleanliness.
  • Only a beetle that lives in manure rejoices in dirt.
  • Who does not wash his hands, his teeth hurt.
  • Cleaned boots go twice as fast.
  • Any illness of soap is afraid.

Floorboards about cleanliness as an example of great wisdom

However, do not assume that only children benefit from such lessons. Quite often, adults also forget to keep the house in order in the hope that someone else will do the cleaning for them. In this case, they should also listen to proverbs about cleanliness. Perhaps the wisdom that is contained in them will make you look at the world differently.

  • Only that owner is honored in whose house there is order.
  • When the shirt is white, the wife is sweet to her husband.
  • Purely not in the house where they often sweep with a broom, but in the one where they do not litter.
  • Not the one who lives in poverty should be ashamed, but the one who does not know the order.
  • Before conquering the world, inspect your home.
  • The clear sky has nothing to fear from thunder and lightning.

Naturally, there are those proverbs that ridicule excessive accuracy. Indeed, in any business there is a line that should not be crossed:

  • You can't cook borscht without dirtying the stove.
  • At least three to the bones, but you won’t become whiter than water.
  • It is not cleanliness in the house that makes a person beautiful, but cleanliness in the heart.

White snow, but not tasty.

White is not white, but it was on the river.

The belly is not a mirror: what gets into it is clean.

To live in the mud is to acquire consumption.

The house is unclean.

There is crowdedness in the open field: one cooks porridge, and he spilled that one too.

There are four wills in the open field: at least there, at least here, at least in a different way.

In an open field, in a wide expanse, behind dark forests, behind green meadows, behind fast rivers, behind steep banks.

Water and soap washed away the dirt from the soul.

Water does not like dirty people.

The wolf and the bear do not wash and live healthy.

Everyone carries a mouth where the water is pure.

She washed the spoons and poured them into the cabbage soup.

Where there is milk, there is fiber.

Where not, it is clean without us.

Dirt is not fat, crushed (rubbed), and she fell behind.

Dirt is not fat, rubbed, and she lagged behind.

Play with mud - dirty your hands.

If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree, there will be a severe winter.

I sit down for my bread and stupidity.

She kneaded it insipidly, planted it closely, took it out, blew it and blew it up.

And in a rich house there are unclean dishes.

The pure filth will not stick.

Like a piece of glass (clean or sober).

How clean the glass is.

What is lump, such is the stench from him.

When the oak and birch leaf has fallen clean, it will be an easy year for people and livestock.

The bear does not wash, but people are afraid.

Wash yourself, even if you wipe off your skin, but you will not be whiter than water.

Washed, not washed, but saw water.

You don't really mess with your family.

Our good does not burn on fire, does not sink in water, and does not rot in the earth.

Not white snow in an open field turned white.

Do not scold: it will not be clean in your mouth.

Do not pour out the slops without preparing clean water!

Do not be proud of cleanliness in the house, but be proud of cleanliness in the soul.

I won’t let the midge sit down, not a speck of dust lie down.

I won’t let the midge sit down, the speck of dust lie down (I will take care of it).

Not the mistress who speaks, but the one who cooks cabbage soup.

The new broom sweeps cleaner.

Fire cleans, water washes (an excuse for those who eat what others consider filthy).

Fire cleanses, water cleanses.

From a pure heart, pure eyes see.

From a pure heart, pure eyes see.

The filthy will not stick to the clean.

A filthy vessel is not condemned even in a rich house.

Dishes love cleanliness.

Simplicity and purity are half the salvation.

Simplicity, purity, rightness - the best beauty.

I would have given birth once a year, so as not to shave day after day.

I would give birth once a year so that I don’t shave every day.

You won’t crack from trash, you won’t rise from purity.

You won’t die from trash, but you will curl up from cleanliness, like from a popular print.

It will wrap up from a pure forest (they say, hinting at pure vodka, if someone is squeamish and calls a lot of things filthy).

The slave beats herself if she does not reap cleanly.

Washed - not tired, but washed - did not recognize.

So sparkles, even if you lick your tongue.

So clean that there is nowhere to spit.

Only a beetle, in manure tenacious, but cleanly groomed.

You teach the groom to cook cabbage soup and crush lice on a ladle (they say to the girl who is clever).

The cat's hair is filthy, but the snout is clean; the dog's snout is filthy, and the coat is clean.

One has nothing, the other is completely clean.

Clever smart girl is a bright button.

Walks like a mermaid (about a girl; that is, unkempt).

The hostess in the house - pancakes in honey.

Even with a bast (awl) sewn, but washed with soap.

Even though it is sewn with a bast, it is washed with soap.

Cheren poppy, yes the boyars eat.

Black will not stick to white.

Clean as an Easter egg.

Clean as a chimney sweep.

Pure fellow - squandered on a bare bone.

Clean, eloquent, and talk a lot.

Pure as in the temple of God.

Purely my reapers reap what is served from the oven.

He scribbles cleanly - and buries the ends.

Pure and fire will not burn.

The pure does not cling to the filthy.

The pure will not stick to the filthy.

The clear sky is not afraid of either lightning or thunder.

Everything is clean to the pure.

Cleanliness is the key to health.

Cleanliness is the best beauty.

Cleanliness is half health.

Cleanliness is beauty.

Everyone likes cleanliness, but not everyone succeeds.

Spiritual purity is more than physical.

Clean dishes are easy to rinse.

Clean boots go faster.

To remove rubbish from the hut, it's time to adjust the cart.

I sewed, washed, stroked - I set up kissing.

Clear as the sun, like a star, like a button, like gold.

All proverbs and sayings: />

This article presents Russian folk proverbs and sayings about cleanliness and health.

Russian folk proverbs and sayings about cleanliness and order

  • You can see the slob by the dirty shirt.
  • And in the mud a person is cleaner than the one who walks in silks.
  • As the soul is black, you cannot wash it off with soap.
  • Don't think to be smart, but think to be neat.
  • A neat cook is worth more than a cook.
  • Order saves time.
  • It doesn't spoil the order.
  • You put it farther, you take it closer.
  • A prudent owner will find a place for every nail.
  • Order is the soul of everything.
  • You can't wash a black dog white.
  • Pure and fire will not burn.

These were Russian folk proverbs and sayings about cleanliness and health.

Pharmacy will heal for half a century. AND good pharmacy subtract centuries.

The pharmacy will not add a century.

The bath is our mother: you will steam the bones, you will fix the whole body.

The bath is healthy, the conversation is fun.

There is no happiness without health. (Ukrainian proverb)

Without health, nothing is sweet to a person. (Ukrainian proverb)

Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age. (Russian proverb)

Causeless fatigue is a harbinger of illness.

Take care of your clothes while they are new, and take care of your health while you are young. (Ukrainian proverb)

Take care of honor from a young age, and health in old age. (Ukrainian proverb)

God would give health, and the days ahead.

God gave life, God will give health.

A sick heart is bitter and without pepper.

The disease does not need to be called, it will come by itself

The disease does not ask us. (Ukrainian proverb)

The disease does not push, but dries. (Ukrainian proverb)

The disease does not go through the forest, but through people.

A person's illness does not paint. Illness and a piglet does not paint.

It hurts heartily, but ashamed to cry. (Ukrainian proverb)

The pain of the doctor is looking for. On the wound and a band-aid.

A sick wife is not nice to her husband.

Painfully wounded - and the head was not found.

It hurts that stepmother's scratching.

A sore spot is more likely to bruise. (Russian proverb)

The patient will help himself - the doctor will soon cure.

The patient is not himself.

The patient is treated, the healthy one is furious (fooling with fat). (Russian proverb)

The sick - get treated, and the healthy - beware of the disease.

The sick one runs away from the grave, but the healthy one hurries to the grave.

Sick that child.

Don't trust a sick person to eat.

The patient is sad.

The law is not written for the sick and the road (about fasting).

The law does not lie to the patient.

The sick and the golden bed will not help.

You can’t rub jelly into the patient’s mouth.

Sick and honey is bitter.

A sick person does not like honey, but a healthy one eats a stone.

The doctor helps the sick, and the kalach helps the hungry.

Patient posts are allowed.

Sick wounds on their shoulders.

Teeth hurt - so break your lips, grind blood and anoint your eyebrows.

The disease is small, but the disease is great.

The belly of the patient is smarter than the head of the doctor.

If the bones are intact, they will overgrow with meat.

Be healthy for a hundred years, and what you lived does not count.

Be healthy for a hundred years.

Be not red, but healthy.

It happens that the louse coughs.

There would be bones, but the meat will grow. The body gains bone.

It would be health - the rest will be.

It would be health, and there are many days ahead.

The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous.

They go to the bath not to drink water, but to wash the body.

In good health and getting sick is good.

In a healthy body healthy mind. (Ukrainian proverb)

In stagnant water, all evil spirits start.

In three deaths bent.

Even a frog will not croak in cholera.

In cholera, neither a fly nor a swallow.

What keeps the soul.

The merry one wants to live, but cannot die.

Any disease to the heart.

Believe not the disease, but the doctor.

Raise the cow by the tail in spring!

Evening walks are useful, they remove from the disease.

All unwell. The whole body is unwell.

In the evening (in the evening) scratching your head - it will hurt.

Took the cat across the stomach. It rumbled up and down.

The impact of pressure depends on the material: some are compressed under pressure, others are straightened.

Time is the best healer.

Time will heal everything.

He got up as if tousled. I got up and left as if nothing had happened.

Every disease goes to the heart.

Take every pain to yourself.

Dried up like a leaf, like a match. Bones and skin, only ribs.

Get enough sleep - you get younger.

More on the topic:

English proverbs and sayings about health. Poems about health.

Where it hurts - here is the hand, and where it's cute - here are the eyes.

Where it hurts - grab, praise; where it's nice - look, look.

Where there is anger, there is harm.

Where there is health, there is beauty.

Where there is a cough, there is sickness.

Where it's nice, there look and look; where it hurts, there is enough and enough.

Where there are many doctors, there are many sick (and ailments).

Where there are feasts and teas, there are sicknesses.

Where it's simple, they live there for a hundred years.

The rotten pig will chill in petrovki.

Head hurts, butt is better.

The main thing is health, but business is like the weather: sometimes a bucket, sometimes not a nastya.

To teach a fool is to treat the dead.

Look at your feet: you won’t find anything, so at least you won’t break your nose.

The pot of the belly will not spoil. The pot will not let go.

A pot on the stomach - everything will heal.

Bitter is cured, and sweet is crippled.

Diploma is not a disease - it does not take years. (Russian proverb)

God bless the whip and collar, and the horse will take you. (Russian proverb)

Give freedom to pain - it is a sonnet in an arc (Russian proverb)

Give free rein to the pain - it will kill.

Unleash the pain - you will die before death.

Move more, live longer.

Money is copper, clothing is decay, and health is the most precious thing.

Lost money - lost nothing, lost time - lost a lot, lost health - lost everything.

Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm - you will live a hundred years on earth.

Until the wedding will heal.

Until death, everything will heal.

A good word heals, and an evil one cripples.

A kind person and someone else's disease to the heart.

A good person is healthier than an evil one.

To be good is to live long.

A century away - everything will heal.

Expensive medicines help, if not the weak, then the doctor. (Ukrainian proverb)

We undertake to treat others, but we ourselves are sick. (Russian proverb)

A hollow tree creaks and stands, but a strong one falls.

To teach a fool is like treating a hunchback.

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Breathe incense.

Even a fly will kill him with its wing.

Barely a soul in the body.

Eat, but not fat - you will be healthier.

Eat a radish - and a slice, and trihu.

Eat horseradish food and you will be tenacious.

If you want to be healthy - temper yourself.

If it were not for the teeth and lips, there would be a soul on the oak.

There is a disease - there is a cure.

If you are over fifty and have just woken up and nothing hurts, then you have already died. (English proverb)

There is health - we do not appreciate it, but when we lose it, we cry. (Ukrainian proverb)

Eating soon is not being healthy.

Eat half full, drink half drunk - you will live a full century.

Eat garlic and onions - will not take the disease.

Greed for health is the enemy.

Wait until the devil dies: he did not even think of getting sick.

The desire to be cured helps the treatment.

Women's weaknesses are cured by guesswork.

Alive - healthy, neither burned nor sick. At least carry water on it.

Live with reason, and doctors are unnecessary.

Stomachs are not threads: if you tear them, you won’t tie them up.

For the captivity of the move when the legs hurt.

For someone else's cheek, the tooth does not hurt.

Getting sick is easy, getting cured is difficult.

If your nose hurts - put it out in the cold, it will fall off on its own and be healthy.

A closed wound is difficult to heal.

stale air and dirty water trouble for health.

Conceived for health, and brought to rest. (Russian proverb)

Frozen - so warm yourself, overgrown - so shave.

Frozen - more than fried.

A healthy person does not need a doctor.

Healthy is great.

Healthy and unhealthy is healthy, and unhealthy and healthy is unhealthy.

Health is the head of everything, everything is more expensive. (Ukrainian proverb)

Health in war is doubly expensive.

If you lose your health, you can't make up for anything.

Health is more valuable than wealth.

Healthy - jumping, ill - crying.

You will be healthy, you will get everything.

I will be healthy - and I will get money.

Healthy for food, but frail for work.

Healthy as a bull, but I don’t know what to do.

Healthy, like a bull, like a hog. Strong as a forester.

A healthy apple does not fall from a branch.

Healthy and grief is not in grief, and trouble is not a vow.

A healthy lesson is not afraid. Healthy and the prize does not take.

Health is the first wealth, and the second is a happy marriage.

Health is near: look for it in a bowl.

Health is the most precious thing, and so is money.

Health comes out in poods, and enters in spools.

Health is more valuable than gold. (Russian proverb)

Health and happiness do not live without each other.

You can't buy health - the mind gives it.

Health comes in days and leaves in hours.

Save your health, get away from trouble. (Russian proverb)

An old disease is difficult to treat.

Sick in health.

Health is weak, and the spirit is not a hero.

Health has no price.

To be healthy is to forget grief.

Fear the wolf in winter, and flies in summer.

Angry and hot-tempered - the doctor will not help.

And one cow, yes, is healthy.

And diabetes is not sweet.

And the dog knows that grass is cured.

Play, do not win back; heal, don't heal!

Hiccups to the bucket, and ache to bad weather.

A pacer on the road is not a comrade, and a sick person in a hut is not a neighbor.

Fatigue is worse than death.

And a good pharmacy will reduce centuries.

To each his own disease is difficult.

What thoughts are such and dreams.

Coughing and sneezing - not your hunt.

The body gains bone.

More beautifully put in a coffin.

Whoever got up before the day is healthy during the day.

Who gets fat, he gets sick.

Whoever treats health carelessly, he is always sick.

Whoever is not afraid of cholera is afraid of it.

He who has not been sick does not know the price of health.

Who does not smoke, who does not drink, that protects health. (Ukrainian proverb)

To each his own disease is difficult.

Cough your eyelids: there is no sin in that.

Cough little by little, so that it becomes for a year (so that it becomes for a century).

Whoever is buried is cured.

The skin is spruce, but the heart is great.

In addition to death, you will be cured of everything.

He who overcomes his anger is strong. (Russian proverb)

Who heals, he will mutilate.

Whoever lies a lot, his side hurts.

Who does not give in to illness, he remains healthy.

Smoking is injurious to health.

Lightly wounded - and the head was not found.

He lies - he can’t, but he won’t say what hurts.

The doctor heals his pocket.

He heals and throws into the grave.

Fever is not a uterus: it shakes, does not regret.

The fever will thrash you more than your stepmother.

Bow and bath - everyone rules.

Bow from seven ailments.

Onion heals seven ailments, and garlic plagues seven ailments.

Better forty times to sweat than one to get frosty.

It is better to endure hunger than to accept harmful food.

Love to the grave - both fools.

People are modest, but we are healthy.

Worry less - prolong life.

Many are ruined by an excess of food, not a lack of it.

Wash whiter, be nicer.

A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.

Do not pray for a sore, but heal.

Everything will live alive.

For us - for health, and for you - for headlessness.

Neither decoction nor powder takes it.

Not the sick one who lies, but the one who sits over the pain.

For every disease, a potion grows.

I rubbed corns on my teeth.

On a treated mare you will not run over for long.

Ride a horse for a week.

Don't go to bed full, you'll wake up healthy.

Not every disease leads to death.

Not everyone dies who is sick.

God does not give death or life.

What a cow - the wife would be healthy.

Eat onions, go to the bathhouse, rub yourself with horseradish, and drink kvass!

Once you start treatment, there is no need to rush.

Everything is unhealthy for the unhealthy.

Old age is not in time, sickness is not to the point.

Don't give in, don't lie down; and if you fall down, you won't get up.

Danila did not die, but the sore crushed.

Not happy with a sick and golden bed.

It's awkward, awkward, but great.

Do not ask health, look in the face.

God did not give health - and the doctor will not give.

Do not be afraid of the road, if the horses were healthy.

Not the patient is fastidious - pain.

God forbid to be treated and sue.

Don't play with your hat: your head will hurt.

Not everyone is sick who moans. (Russian proverb)

Not being treated is bad, but being treated is even worse.

The disease does not go through the forest, but through people.

Do not ask the patient for health.

Do not rush to die, you will still lie down.

Not the potion to the ground, but the one to live.

Not so much death in the world as pain.

If you don't get enough sleep, you lose your health.

Everything is unhealthy for the unhealthy.

Nothing hurts, but everything groans.

Don't breathe, don't gasp.

You can't heal, you can cut it off.

There are not as many deaths in the world as there are diseases.

No life, no death.

Unable to - to death, but maybe - to the grave.

A beggar seeks diseases, but they themselves go to the rich.

The nails were swollen, the calluses were rubbed on the teeth.

Just bones and skin.

A doomed beast is not an animal.

There is no cure for health. (Russian proverb)

On a sore spot you will rather knock.

Odova coughed from cover to cover, and she says that she is coughing.

One foot in the grave stands.

You don't get sick of bedsores.

Verbosity hurts the head, gluttony hurts the stomach.

People die faster from satiety than from hunger.

Burnt on the water, treat yourself with milk: to treat the old - pour water into a sieve.

Oh, my stomach hurts, I can not live in the world.

From lying and sitting, ailments are added.

More people die from overeating than from starvation.

The grave heals from old age.

From moderate food - strength, from plentiful - the grave.

The steam does not break bones, it does not drive the soul out.

Until the heart hurts, the eyes do not cry.

With frequent grief, pain will come.

It is bad for him to limp, whose legs hurt.

For a healthy son, the heart aches, for a sick son twice.

He succumbed to one pain and fell ill, and you will gain another.

Mowed grass and dry in the field.

As long as health serves, a person does not grieve. (Ukrainian proverb)

As long as the pigs do not settle down, the frenzy in the head will not pass.

They will heal, maybe God will give and die.

He turned blue as he sat on the ice.

Slept like I was on vacation.

It's time to fight - there is no time to heal your hands.

Canine disease to the field, and women's to bed.

A self-inflicted wound does not heal well. (German proverb)

Mode is the key to health.

It is easier to hurt than to heal.

You won't die before death.

A frail child, so rotten as an adult.

Cut down a healthy tree, but a rotten one will fall down on its own.

Let the ore go, drive a nail into the coffin.

Blush does not cure ailments.

From a sick head to a healthy one. (Russian proverb)

Go to bed with chickens, get up with roosters.

They don’t die from fasting, but they die from gluttony.

The disease itself will say what it wants.

They don't treat their illness with someone else's health.

Your sore is a big nodule.

Laughter and sleep are the best medicine.

Eats sweetly, sleeps so badly.

Sit and lie down, wait for illness.

Silushka runs through the veins with fire.

A creaky tree is tenacious.

Sweet to eat and drink, go to the doctors.

There is only one death, but darkness of diseases.

Modesty in food is the prevention of disease.

That soul is not alive that went to the doctors.

So healthy that if a knot squeezes in a fist, so the water will flow.

So healthy that you can drive into the ground.

Tobacco and stone dry.

The same fat and the same wounds.

He does not know health, who is not sick. (Russian proverb)

It is not necessary for him to go to bed who wants to be freed from illness.

As if hammered together on an anvil.

It's hard to get sick, and even harder to sit over the sick.

It's hard to get sick, it's harder to sit over the pain.

You are not good for me, but I am not good for you.

The patient's health is not asked.

Whoever hurts, he screams.

Whoever has aching bones does not think to visit.

Who does not hurt, he does not itch.

Whoever hurts, he talks about it.

Mutilation is not dishonor.

Every doctor has his poultices. Peace to the deceased, and feast to the healer.

Mind and health are the most precious things.

Whoever lost it would have a sticking in his throat, and whoever stole it would be to his health.

Mind and health are the most precious things.

Moderation is the mother of health. (Russian proverb)

Fell - it hurts, but got up great.

A stubborn one will be cured by a club, and a hunchbacked grave.

Meet the morning with exercises, see off the evening with a walk.

She left, tortured, bent and twisted.

I'm sick - I eat a loaf, I can't - I eat a pie.

Bread and cereals are good for your health.

Don't be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.

Good medicine never sells sweet.

A good (kind) cook is worth a doctor.

Although the mansions are cheerful, they are not very healthy.

Although the body is not visible, but strong health.

At least the hut is spruce, but the heart is healthy.

Although not soon, but great.

Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage will not allow dashing.

The part that cannot be healed, it is better to cut it off. A person grows old, the disease becomes younger.

The better you chew your food, the longer you live.

Laziness does not feed a person, but only spoils health.

The more you chew, the longer you live.

The less sleep, the sweeter it is.

The more you hurt, the better you heal.

Clean water is a disaster for the sick.

Whatever hurts, he talks about it. (Russian folk proverb)

Cleanliness is the key to health.

Cleanliness is half health.

What gets into the mouth is useful.

What is healthy for a Russian is death for a German.

What is soon is bad.

Someone else's sore does not sit in the side.

Other people's infirmities will not heal.
