Circus, but not only: Impressions of an Ashgabat citizen from going to a circus performance (Photo). State Circus of Turkmenistan State Circus of Turkmenistan

The State Circus of Turkmenistan is located on Makhtumkuli Avenue in the capital of the state, the city of Ashgabat. The circus can accommodate up to 1600 visitors.

A significant moment in the arts of Turkmenistan was the lifting of the ban on ballet, opera and the circus by the new head of state, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, in 2008. The ban was imposed by the head's predecessor, Saparmurat Niyazov, who did not consider the art of circus and ballet to be remarkable.

Reconstruction of the former building of the state circus began in 2008. In 2009, the restoration ended, and the opening of the circus was marked by the first performance. The building was faced with white marble and granite. The foyer, spectator seats, arena and animal enclosures were also reconstructed. The internal architecture and design of the circus has been completely renovated and redone.

In 2012, the Turkmen circus made its first international tour for the first time. The circus troupe showed its performance in the city of Minsk.

151 / State information Agency Turkmenistan (TDH) / 11.11.2012 / official chronicle

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the State Circus with his grandson. This visit was unplanned, and the visit of the head of state, which was of a private nature, was an unexpected and exciting event for circus artists and spectators, who on that day were mainly Ashgabat schoolchildren. As usual on weekends, another performance was given here. It should be noted that going to the circus has become a favorite kind of exciting family vacation for the residents of the capital.

As is known, the national circus art in Turkmenistan was revived on the initiative of the leader of the nation. In the memory of the people of Turkmenistan there are wonderful moments of the long-awaited opening of the State Circus in Ashgabat after its capital reconstruction in April 2010. Almost twenty-five years after its opening in 1985, only its general architectural outlines remained of the old Ashgabat circus. Now the building, unique in its artistic design, is completely lined with white marble and granite, everything else - the foyer, arena, spectator seats, circus equipment, enclosures for animals and other objects have been completely renovated in accordance with the most modern requirements.

The comprehensive reconstruction and rebirth of the State Circus became a landmark event in Turkmen culture, giving a strong impetus to the development modern school Turkmen circus art.

At the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on November 9, the leader of the nation, speaking about the further improvement of the sphere of culture, especially dwelled on the development of the national circus. In particular, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave a number of specific instructions on further equipping the circus with modern equipment, allowing to hold performances, concerts and celebrations that meet the highest level of technical complexity.

Along with this, the leader of the nation focused on the need to organize traveling circus performances in the regions during the year, as well as regular holding in the State Circus recreational activities for Ashgabat residents and guests of the capital. All this is intended to raise the professional level of the Turkmen circus, strengthen its role in cultural life society, to develop its wonderful traditions.

…Today, having arrived by car with his grandson at the building of the State Circus, the head of state, before the start of the performance, met with the leadership of this institution, inquired about the state of affairs in the national circus art, plans for its further development and increasing international prestige, the working conditions of circus artists and their programs .

This spring, during the state visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Ukraine, the Galkynysh group performed at the National Circus of this country, where it made a splash. Now the Turkmen riders, together with their colleagues from the circus, will also have to conquer the Belarusian public: they will go on tour to Minsk, which will be another step in popularizing the Akhal-Teke breed and the skills of Turkmen horse riders abroad, as well as establishing partnership contacts.

In this context, the leader of the nation recommended a wider and more active exchange of experience with the world's leading circuses, including among circus riders, whose performances invariably become " highlight of the program» in the Ashgabat circus, decorate many festive celebrations in our country, as well as international events, promoting them abroad national art and heritage of the Turkmen people.

The head of state instructed to more energetically involve talented youth in this kind of art, to identify capable children, and to carry out purposeful work on training personnel. The President of Turkmenistan also ordered to organize tours of the State Circus throughout the country on a regular basis.

Then the head of state, together with his grandson, went to the hall where young viewers with sincere delight met the appearance of the leader of the nation. Warmly welcoming all those present, the head of state passes to the place among the guys in auditorium. The performance was opened by an incendiary musical composition with the participation of children creative teams. Ringing voices, a jubilant song, a cheerful dance emphasized that solemnly upbeat atmosphere, joyful animation that reigned in the hall with the appearance of the leader of the nation.

The news of the arrival of the President of the country caused great enthusiasm among the artists preparing to enter the arena, who tried to demonstrate all their skills and professionalism and did it brilliantly. Considering that today circus art has adopted achievements in the field of advanced technical thought, the engineers who reconstructed the building of the Ashgabat circus equipped it with modern equipment, intricate mechanisms, which makes it possible to embody the most daring and original ideas.

And today, the audience once again delightedly applauded the acrobats and aerialists who surprised with complex and spectacular tricks, funny clowns, dexterous jugglers and magicians, everyone who creates this bright holiday circus and miracles. And the performance of the dance ensemble "Edigen" gave the performance a special spectacle.

The artistic and acrobatic performance "Avaza" turned out to be very picturesque, which became a kind of mini-performance, where the amazing beauty of the Caspian seaside was conveyed in the language of plasticity and grace.

Lyrical notes were introduced into the program by the number "Taychanak" ("Foal") performed by a young horseman and his four-legged friend - a horse. This poetic scene embodies quivering love Turkmen to the horse how to true friend and colleague. Love, which is literally absorbed with mother's milk and passed down from generation to generation as a sacred gift of ancestors.

The brightest pearl of the performance was, of course, the equestrian number, which was always a success and again caused a storm of applause - the performance of the Galkynysh group. In a breathtaking show on Akhal-Teke horses, riders demonstrated excellent mastery of all tricks of the art of horse riding and vaulting. Spectators are always fascinated by the beauty and swiftness of truly "royal horses", as well as the dashingness of Turkmen horsemen performing the most difficult tricks at full gallop.

Horsemen rush through the circus arena like a whirlwind, performing risky acrobatic elements on the go. But now they lined up in a pyramid on horseback, and under a storm of applause under the dome of the circus, the banner of the Fatherland was proudly raised! This spectacular number never leaves anyone indifferent, causing delight and admiration in all who saw it. The flag of our Motherland was applauded both abroad and by the guests of our country, in front of which, as if on wings, dashing riders flew by, saddling the incomparable beauty of the "heavenly horses"!

At the end of the performance, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov entered the arena with his grandson and told one of the horsemen about the boy's request to allow him to ride a horse. When the horse was brought up, the boy famously took off into the saddle and, confidently driving the horse, let him circle around the arena. Those in the hall unanimously applauded the young horseman - such an ability to stay on horseback could be envied by an adult. But, knowing perfectly well the love for the horses of the leader of the nation, who has repeatedly demonstrated the skills of an experienced rider, we should not be surprised.

It is quite natural that the grandson of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov - a passionate lover, connoisseur and connoisseur of Akhal-Teke horses - is also an excellent rider. After all, as has always been the case with the Turkmen people, the spiritual guardianship of the elders younger generation consisted in inoculation with early childhood primordial values, one of which is the tradition of attitude towards the horse. Thus, passing on all the best, significant, kind and eternal, Turkmens brought up young generations worthy of the glory of their ancestors.

... The leader of the nation turned from the arena to the children gathered in the auditorium, asked them about their impressions of the circus performance, about their life and interests. The guys unanimously answered questions, soon their voices merged into unison, sounding a hymn happy childhood. Looking at the joyful faces of winged boys and girls, the President of Turkmenistan proudly said: “Glory to the children of the era of power and happiness!”

And all the guys immediately picked up these words, chanting “Glory! Glory! Glory!".

Then the head of state talked to the circus performers. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov thanked them for their wonderful performance and, expressing satisfaction with their work, wished great creative success. Stressing that the state will continue to support the development of circus art in our country, the leader of the nation announced the decision to donate 50 thousand US dollars to the State Circus.

This news was met with an explosion of applause. Inspired artists sincerely thanked the President of Turkmenistan for such a generous gift and assured him that they would spare no effort for inspired and selfless work to bring the national circus school to the high level, raise its authority in all corners of the multilingual planet.

Today, the circus has occupied its niche in the rapidly developing entertainment industry in our country. He is especially loved by children, because the performance on the arena opens the doors to Magic world where courage and dexterity, grace and elegance, beauty and talent triumph. And therefore, in the circus as an art form, there is also educational value. And this aspect is especially emphasized by the leader of the nation, speaking about the popularization of our national heritage through the circus art.

...Meanwhile, the head of state was surrounded in the arena by children - members of dance and folklore ensembles that performed in today's program. Inviting the leader of the nation to their round dance, they performed a vocal and choreographic composition, which became a bright final chord of this holiday in the circus.

The current event has also become an expression of the continuity of generations, their spiritual closeness. Coming to the performance with his grandson, the head of state showed by personal example the importance family values and foundations. I would also like to note that in the communication of the leader of the nation with numerous children, one can feel mutual trust, sincerity and openness. Feeling great respect for the President of the country, the guys at the same time see him as a great friend, caring and wise, able to inspire and direct, help both in word and deed.

And the words of the head of state addressed to children are always filled with bright hopes, sincere pride and firm faith in the happy future of our Motherland, which is in the hands of today's boys and girls. Fatherly admonishing the younger generation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov urges children, first of all, to love the Motherland passionately, to honor the elders, to carefully preserve the spiritual ideals of their ancestors and the centuries-old traditions of the people, their heritage and heritage, in a word, to be true patriots in the very high value this concept...

Then, at the request of the circus workers, the head of state took a picture with them as a memento of this significant event. Once again wishing good luck to the performers, the President of Turkmenistan left the circus building.

In addition, today the head of state held brief meetings with the Minister of Education of Turkmenistan and the Hyakim of Ashgabat, main theme which was the creation best conditions for the education and harmonious upbringing of the younger generation, its comprehensive development and self-realization, stimulation of the creative activity of young people. Our first task, the leader of the nation invariably emphasizes, is to grow up worthy successors, continuers of great and noble undertakings. That is why the state gives priority to the implementation of the policy in the field of childhood, and in this patient, persistent and very responsible work aimed at the future, there are no and cannot be secondary issues.

The leitmotif of the recommendations made by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov regarding the organization of pedagogical work, social environment, has become the continuity of generations, which is one of the main factors in the spiritual progress of the people, its consolidation and identity, sustainable development a society based on invaluable experience sanctified by centuries of national history.

Today's event at the State Circus, which gave its young participants a lot of unforgettable joyful emotions, once again highlighted the wonderful prospects further development Motherland.

The connection of the past with the future is carried out through the present, and our present is our children. Happy children are our confidence in tomorrow, our bold look into the future, our true power and our true glory!

This is our confidence that in the hearts of boys and girls, addressing whom the President of Turkmenistan proudly said today: “Glory to the children of the era of power and happiness!” toast to eternity and the inseparability of the connection between generations - the invaluable heritage of the nation.

State Circus of Turkmenistan

The State Circus of Turkmenistan is located on Makhtumkuli Avenue in the capital of the state, the city of Ashgabat. The circus can accommodate up to 1600 visitors.

A significant moment in the arts of Turkmenistan was the lifting of the ban on ballet, opera and the circus by the new head of state, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, in 2008. The ban was imposed by the head's predecessor, Saparmurat Niyazov, who did not consider the art of circus and ballet to be remarkable.

Reconstruction of the former building of the state circus began in 2008. In 2009, the restoration ended, and the opening of the circus was marked by the first performance. The building was faced with white marble and granite. The foyer, spectator seats, arena and animal enclosures were also reconstructed. The internal architecture and design of the circus has been completely renovated and redone.

In 2012, the Turkmen circus made its first international tour for the first time. The circus troupe showed its performance in the city of Minsk.

On the arena of the Turkmen circus

For almost seven years - from 2001 to 2008, the Turkmen circus was forgotten. It happened at the whim of the first president of Turkmenistan Saparmurat Niyazov, which banned in the country, along with ballet and opera, circus art. “I don’t understand ballet,” Turkmenbashi said. - Why do I need him? You can’t instill a love of ballet in Turkmens if they don’t have it in their blood.” He was of the same opinion about the opera, the circus and the National Ensemble folk dance, which was also abolished.

Presentation of the gymnasts

Only in 2008, the next president of the country G. Berdimuhamedov returned the opera and the circus to the people. Since then, performances have resumed in the restored building of the State Circus on Magtymguly Avenue. In Ashgabat on tour for last years circus groups from Russia and Poland visited, only the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue presented its programs in the capital of Turkmenistan three times. Well, after our own school-studio was opened in 2010 for teaching circus art, and Turkmen horsemen have received world recognition, the audience visits the circus with special pleasure and applauds their artists.

National character

We received these photographs from one of the ANT readers, who recently attended a performance at the State Circus. According to the author, the performance was wonderful. Their own program is no worse than, say, the program of a Russian circus troupe, and in some ways even more interesting, perhaps in that it is built on a culture close to the viewer.

"According to your program Russian circus clearly inferior to ours, the audience goes to it, mainly to look at outlandish animals - lions, tigers and elephants, ”our reader writes.

For 2 hours, adults and children watch with intense attention the performances of gymnasts and jugglers demonstrating a high level of skill, admire the jewelry work of trainers of dogs, donkeys, camels and even goats, laugh at the jokes of clowns, applaud midgets. And, of course, the graceful performance of riders on Akhal-Teke horses did not leave the audience indifferent. At the end, the artists perform "Kushtdepdi" - the national Turkmen dance, met with loud applause.

“I was also pleasantly surprised that our dancers also performed under contemporary music", - writes our reader.

Judging by the photographs, the stands of the circus that day were almost completely filled. This is explained not only by the interest of Ashgabat residents in the performance itself, but also by the availability of tickets - only 2 manats (57 US cents), while visiting circus groups set the price ten or more times higher.
