George Gurdjieff or in search of esoteric knowledge. Gurdjieff and Stalin

Stalin and Gurdjieff knew each other well. According to some reports, they studied at the same time at the Tiflis Orthodox Seminary. Although I doubt it: by that time Gurdjieff had already received such colossal spiritual knowledge that the seminary would not have given him anything ... But it is absolutely certain that they lived in the same apartment in Tiflis. And since both were exceptional personalities, they had a noticeable influence on each other. Subsequently, while in exile, Gurdjieff repeatedly mentioned the wound he received in his youth in Transcaucasia. Just during the famous "exes" of young revolutionaries, whose organization is attributed to Stalin. Much speaks for the fact that he was wounded by a bullet at the end of 1904 in the area of ​​​​the Chiatura Gorge, when a post stagecoach was robbed. And yet, it is not worth exaggerating the influence of Gurdjieff on the future leader, as many are doing now.

The existence at the same time of two powerful conceptual systems - National Socialism and Communism - is certainly interesting fact. I have a feeling that behind any scientific explanation there must be something else, less real, but closer to the truth. With this feeling, I justify my attempt to place between Stalin and Hitler George Gurdjieff, the greatest philosopher and, if you like, esotericist of the 20th century, the Russian Don Juan of the 1920s.

Stalin and Gurdjieff

The trajectories of Stalin and Gurdjieff have three points of intersection. It is impossible to answer the question whether these points are real or not. If the existing biographies of Stalin can be safely called PR products, then the biographies of Gurdjieff fall under the definition folk tales. Point one. Stalin was born in 1887 in the city of Gori. Gurdjieff was born in 1885 in the village of Gurdzhani. Thus, initially they were separated by 2 years and one hundred and twenty kilometers. It is known that in the period from 1899 to 1901 they studied at the theological seminary of Tiflis. Were they familiar? Unknown. I can only quote from Trotsky's book "Stalin": "At that time he (Stalin) was interested in questions of socialism and cosmogony." After that, Stalin leaves for the revolutionary struggle, and Gurdjieff leaves for Tibet. Point two. During the period 1912-1913. both Stalin and Gurdjieff are active in Petersburg. Stalin oversees the editorial office of the Pravda newspaper, and Gurdjieff teaches and organizes the first production of his play The Struggle of the Magicians. There is no evidence of their intersection. However, the possibility of their meeting, in my opinion, is likely. The third point is even less real. It is similar to the story about the secret visit of the Beatles to Moscow. There is no information about Stalin's attitude to esotericism. But there is a legend about how at the end of the 30s a certain person came to Russia, to Stalin, who went unnoticed to the Kremlin, to Stalin's office. According to one version, it was Gurdjieff. A literary presentation of this story can be found in Viktor Suvorov's book Control.

Gurdjieff and Hitler

The intersection of Gurdjieff and Hitler has one well-known point, quite clearly fixed. It is known that Gurdjieff was close to Karl Haushofer (apparently, they were members of a group engaged in the search for ... what they were looking for) and, accordingly, with Hitler and other founders of National Socialism. In fact, Gurdjieff worked with them for some time. Photographs from the early 30s have been preserved, confirming this circumstance. There is reason to believe that the swastika as a symbol of National Socialism appeared with the direct participation of Gurdjieff.

Stalin and Hitler were interested in his teachings. He was called a magician and a prophet. George Ivanovich Gurdjieff himself modestly called himself a teacher oriental dances. Well, who was he really?

George Gurdjieff

... In the summer of 1948, an accident occurred in Fontainebleau, near Paris. The driver on a sharp turn lost control and crashed into a tree from all over. The mystic dance teacher - namely, he was driving - was found unconscious.

What caused the disaster? The recent rain, the confusion of the driver, and a specially rigged accident?.. Many were inclined to the latest version - George Gurdjieff had enough enemies who wanted to settle scores with him.

Gurdjieff has been compared to Blavatsky and the Tibetan sages. It was said that it was he who helped Hitler choose the swastika as the party emblem of the National Socialists. It was believed that Stalin borrowed from him the method of remaking a person.

And Gurdjieff was distinguished by a rare "omnivorousness." They looked for (and found) like-minded people in all walks of life. Poor or rich, Jew or anti-Semite, communist or Nazi - he didn't care.

In general, George Ivanovich Gurdjieff was an extraordinary personality. He told about himself that he was born in 1872 in Karst on the border with Turkey. His father was from a Greek family and fled there from the Turks. Then the family moved to Alexandropol; Here the boy spent his childhood and adolescence.

Gurdjieff told one of his followers, Peter Ouspensky, that once he happened to observe a group of Satanists and fire worshipers. And he saw with his own eyes how the fire-worshipping boy could not get out of the circle outlined around him on earth by another boy, the Satanist.

Another time he heard someone sound the alarm, shouting that a certain spirit had come out of the grave. And people needed considerable efforts to curb the revived dead man and bury him in the ground again.

In his book In Search of the Supernatural, Ouspensky states that, observing such manifestations of the supernatural around him, Gurdjieff gradually came to full confidence in “the existence of special knowledge, special powers and abilities that are beyond human capabilities, as well as the existence of people who have the gift clairvoyance and other supernatural powers. And he himself wanted to have such knowledge.

While still a teenager, he began to travel with the firm intention of finding teachers who could teach him such superpowers. Ouspensky and other students of Gurdjieff were sure that Georgy Ivanovich finally achieved his goal, but how and where remained a mystery to everyone.

Even in a conversation with Ouspensky, he spoke in riddles, mentioning in his stories “Tibetan monasteries, Chitral, Mont Athos - sacred mountain Athos, Sufi schools in Persia, Bukhara and East Turkestan; he also mentioned dervishes of various orders, but about all this he spoke very vaguely.

John Bennet in his book Gurdjieff: Great Mystery” mentions that Gurdjieff, being a native of the Caucasus, was confident that this place is still a repository of ancient hidden wisdom, dating back 4000 years ago.

Anyway, he went looking for esoteric knowledge, lasting more than 20 years, as a result of which he allegedly discovered "practical, effective methods, with the help of which a person could control high matter, "which is necessary for his spiritual and physical changes.

In 1912 Gurdjieff returned to Russia and settled in Moscow. He decided to organize a school of oriental dances, hinting that he had learned this art from the dervishes.

He also took something from Buddhism and Christianity as the basis of his teaching. But 90 percent of his teaching was based on his personal philosophy. “The impression of communication with Gurzhiev was very strong,” eyewitnesses recalled. - It was hypnosis incredible strength and power…”

The dances that he performed with his students were also strange. He dressed them in white suits, forced them to make movements with gestures vaguely reminiscent of Indian dances.

Despite the acquaintance with Prince Bebutov and the support of two sibling, the affairs of Gurdjieff in Moscow and St. Petersburg went neither shaky nor roll. And when the revolutionary unrest began, the students generally began to scatter.

Then Gurdjieff decided to go to the Transcaucasus.

In the 1920s, Gurdjieff, together with some of his students, moved to Constantinople, and then to France, where he organized the Institute for Harmonious Development near Paris. They say that a wealthy Englishman gave him money for this. Among his pupils, indeed, there were Englishmen, as well as representatives of many other nationalities. And he looked at everyone as his slaves, to say the least.

In any case, K.S. Nott, in his book Further Teachings of Gurdjieff, describes how he met Gurdjieff in a Parisian cafe and began to complain to him about why he had taken him and his other student, Orage, so far away from their native places, and now left them, never having given the highest knowledge... Gurdjieff at first listened quietly, and then, grinning sarcastically, said bluntly: "I need rats for experiments."

What kind of experiments did he do?

A significant part of the Gurdjieff system was occupied by training sacred dances and their execution. He himself trained inexperienced students in dancing, and then demonstration concerts were given in Paris, London, New York. In addition, he diligently suppressed the will of his followers, mercilessly expelled dissidents.

The Nazi invasion caught G.I. Gurdjieff in France. And then it turned out that some moments in the teachings of Gurdjieff were very suitable for Hitler and his associates. For example, Herbiger, Hitler's teacher, believed that the moon could be the cause of the apocalypse. “This is already the fourth satellite of the Earth,” he considered. “The old three fell to the ground and exploded. Each cataclysm destroyed the previous civilization. Only the most deserving can survive...

And Gurdjieff found that man is entirely under the control of the moon. She controls not only sleepwalkers, but also has a huge influence on everyone else. Hitler was familiar with this doctrine and saw nothing harmful in it.

Moreover, it is known that Karl Haushofer, one of the ideologists of the Third Reich, was at one time with Gurdjieff in Tibet, looking for the roots of the Aryan race there. It is also known that some of the Nazis were students of Gurdjieff.

In any case, such an episode is known. Gurdjieff somehow approached one of the leaders of the occupying regime in France and slapped him on the back in a friendly way. The guard immediately twisted Gurzhiev, and the Nazi himself only burst out laughing: “Teacher! How glad I am to meet you! .. ”- and began to hug him.

In general, Gurdjieff survived the occupation of France more than tolerably.

However, after the collapse of the Third Reich, he began to have complications. Many began to laugh at Gurdjieff, calling him a "Greek charlatan", an "American master of magic" and a "miracle worker from the Caucasus." The number of his students decreased, although those who remained had no doubt that he was a true magician, possessing occult knowledge and special powers.

It was also said that Gurdjieff could predict the future. True, he did this not often and at the special request of his students. But some of the predictions, through the disciples, became the property of the press. And then it turned out that Gurdjieff had predicted in advance the death of Lenin, the death of Trotsky. The latter, apparently, worried I.V. Stalin, who was the main organizer of the assassination attempt on Lev Davidovich. He ordered Beria to deal with the guru.

Perhaps after this, the accident occurred, with which our story begins. Gurdjieff's car suddenly lost control at high speed and crashed into a tree. However, the accident could have had quite ordinary reasons: everyone knew that Gurdjieff was a terrible driver, just a crazy driver.

One way or another, but after the accident, Georgy Ivanovich was in bed in the hospital and again began to teach dancing. But after a while, he suddenly fell right in the classroom. And on October 29, 1949, he died in an American hospital near Paris.

Beria reported to Stalin that before his death, the guru said: "I leave you in a predicament."

His devoted disciples kept watch over his body for several days, and K.S. Nott noted in his memoirs that "strong vibrations were felt in the room" and it seemed that "radiation came from the body itself."

And John Benet, who led one of the groups after Gurdjieff's death, claimed that in recent months In the life of a teacher, he said that “he will inevitably leave this world, but another will come who will complete the work he has begun,” from somewhere in the Far East.

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Gurdjieff's teaching is also called the teaching of the fourth way. The classification of "paths" is quite definite by him. The first path is the path of a fakir, who sacrifices physical goods for the sake of knowing the world. The second path is the path of the monk. The monk curbs passions. The third path is the path of the yogi who disciplines the mind. The fourth way - unites and refracts the first three. This is the path of the magician, the path of maximum awareness, the path of awakening from the power of illusions and the state of automatism. This is Aida Yoga.

“The fourth path is sometimes called the path of the cunning one. “The sly one” has discovered one secret that neither the fakir, nor the monk, nor the yogi know.”

“The fourth way does not require solitude in the desert, does not require a person to leave everything that he lived before, to renounce everything. The fourth path goes much further than the yoga path; this means that a person needs to be prepared for the fourth path, and such preparation is acquired in everyday life; it must be very serious and cover a variety of aspects.”

In 1919-1920 Gurdjieff opened it in Tiflis and Constantinople. Gurdjieff also tried to open it in Germany - relations with the authorities did not work out. Gurdjieff stopped in France. At the expense of his students, he bought a castle in the Prieuré estate, near Fontainebleau near Paris.


What radically distinguishes Gurdjieff's teaching from other schools is the use of dance in practice. At the Gurdjieff Institute, the students danced two types of dances: exercises and ballets. The first consisted of a variety of movements and endurance tests. For example, it was necessary to walk in a circle with outstretched arms, which some managed to do for about an hour without resting. The second kind is the cosmogonic Sufi dance.

IN last years Gurdjieff presented himself as a dance teacher in his life, which, of course, meant more than just a choreographer. Gurdjieff claimed that in each of his "sacred dances" lies secret meaning inaccessible to the uninitiated. There is even a version that Gurdjieff, with his ballet "Battle of the Magicians", provoked the Second World War no less.

Managed Crisis

The basis of training at the Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man was the principle of the pendulum, or rather, the removal of the pendulum from a state of equilibrium. Gurdjieff argued that any development begins in struggle, that effective growth requires taking a person out of his comfort zone. Well-groomed aristocrats at the Gurdjieff Institute washed and hammered nails, a man who was afraid of the sight of blood was sent to slaughter cattle. Such a radical approach, coupled with Spartan discipline, gave rise to rumors of atrocities happening in the Master's house. A tragic event added fuel to the fire: after a short stay at the Institute, the English writer Katherine Mansfield died. This still gives reason to critics of Gurdjieff to call him almost an executioner, although the woman arrived at the Institute already seriously ill.


When it comes to Gurdjieff, one of the most "hot" topics is the theme of Gurdjieff's relationship with Stalin. It is obvious that they knew each other: they studied together at the Tbilisi Theological Seminary, it is also known that Stalin stayed in Moscow with his brother Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff's cousin, the sculptor Merkurov, was a privileged person in the Kremlin - he was allowed to make death masks from members of the government and leaders of the party apparatus. It would have been much easier for Merkurov to earn the strange, to a certain extent magical role of the Kremlin's Hermes-psychopomp (guide of the souls of the dead), using the patronage of his brother. Gurdjieff influenced Stalin to change his date of birth. The rectification of the date allowed him to take and hold power. As the year of the new incarnation, both magicians chose the same year 1879. This year's totem is a spider.


The theme of Hitler's connection with Gurdjieff is also one of the "eternal". It is known that Gurdjieff was acquainted with Hitler and other founders of National Socialism. In fact, Gurdjieff worked with them for some time. Photographs from the early 30s have been preserved, confirming this circumstance. The swastika as a symbol of National Socialism also appeared with the direct participation of Gurdjieff.

One of Gurdjieff's students in the 1920s was Karl von Stülpnagel. Already in the 30s, when a former student was walking down the street, accompanied by two SS men with dogs, Gurdjieff gave him a kick with the words "Recollection!" (Remember!). Gurdjieff acted like a Zen master beating a student with a wake-up stick. In 1944, Stülpnagel, already Colonel General of the Infantry, became a participant in a conspiracy against Hitler. According to memoirs, before the execution, a student of Gurdjieff retained a "soldier's bearing."


Gurdjieff was an avid racing driver. He has been in accidents many times. After his last accident, Georgy Ivanovich was in bed in the hospital and again began to teach dancing. But after a while, he suddenly fell right in the classroom. The magician died on October 29, 1949 in an American hospital near Paris. The doctor who was present at the death of Gurdjieff recalled: “I was present at the death of so many people, but this death shocked me with its unusualness, I could not imagine that anyone could die like that. At the moment of his death, he opened his eyes, sat up in bed, supported by pillows, asked for a hat, put it on, a beautiful red hat, took a cigarette in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other, lit a cigarette and began to sip coffee.

All life was gone from his body, but his face beamed and his eyes shone. At the last moment, he said: "Does anyone have any questions, otherwise I'm leaving?"

Gurdjieff's teaching is also called the teaching of the fourth way. The classification of "paths" is quite definite by him. The first path is the path of a fakir, who sacrifices physical goods for the sake of knowing the world. The second path is the path of the monk. The monk curbs passions. The third path is the path of the yogi who disciplines the mind. The fourth way - unites and refracts the first three. This is the path of the magician, the path of maximum awareness, the path of awakening from the power of illusions and the state of automatism. This is Aida Yoga.

“The fourth path is sometimes called the path of the cunning one. “The sly one” has discovered one secret that neither the fakir, nor the monk, nor the yogi know.”

“The fourth way does not require solitude in the desert, does not require a person to leave everything that he lived before, to renounce everything. The fourth path goes much further than the yoga path; this means that a person needs to be prepared for the fourth path, and such preparation is acquired in everyday life; it must be very serious and cover a variety of aspects.”

In 1919-1920 Gurdjieff opened it in Tiflis and Constantinople. Gurdjieff also tried to open it in Germany - relations with the authorities did not work out. Gurdjieff stopped in France. At the expense of his students, he bought a castle in the Prieuré estate, near Fontainebleau near Paris.


What radically distinguishes Gurdjieff's teaching from other schools is the use of dance in practice. At the Gurdjieff Institute, the students danced two types of dances: exercises and ballets. The first consisted of a variety of movements and endurance tests. For example, it was necessary to walk in a circle with outstretched arms, which some managed to do for about an hour without resting. The second kind is the cosmogonic Sufi dance.

In the last years of his life, Gurdjieff presented himself as a dance teacher, which, of course, meant more than just a choreographer. Gurdjieff claimed that each of his "sacred dances" contained a secret meaning, inaccessible to the uninitiated. There is even a version that Gurdjieff, with his ballet "Battle of the Magicians", provoked the Second World War no less.

Managed Crisis

The basis of training at the Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man was the principle of the pendulum, or rather, the removal of the pendulum from a state of equilibrium. Gurdjieff argued that any development begins in struggle, that effective growth requires taking a person out of his comfort zone. Well-groomed aristocrats at the Gurdjieff Institute washed and hammered nails, a man who was afraid of the sight of blood was sent to slaughter cattle. Such a radical approach, coupled with Spartan discipline, gave rise to rumors of atrocities happening in the Master's house. A tragic event added fuel to the fire: after a short stay at the Institute, the English writer Katherine Mansfield died. This still gives reason to critics of Gurdjieff to call him almost an executioner, although the woman arrived at the Institute already seriously ill.


When it comes to Gurdjieff, one of the most "hot" topics is the theme of Gurdjieff's relationship with Stalin. It is obvious that they knew each other: they studied together at the Tbilisi Theological Seminary, it is also known that Stalin stayed in Moscow with his brother Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff's cousin, the sculptor Merkurov, was a privileged person in the Kremlin - he was allowed to make death masks from members of the government and leaders of the party apparatus. It would have been much easier for Merkurov to earn the strange, to a certain extent magical role of the Kremlin's Hermes-psychopomp (guide of the souls of the dead), using the patronage of his brother. Gurdjieff influenced Stalin to change his date of birth. The rectification of the date allowed him to take and hold power. As the year of the new incarnation, both magicians chose the same year 1879. This year's totem is a spider.


The theme of Hitler's connection with Gurdjieff is also one of the "eternal". It is known that Gurdjieff was acquainted with Hitler and other founders of National Socialism. In fact, Gurdjieff worked with them for some time. Photographs from the early 30s have been preserved, confirming this circumstance. The swastika as a symbol of National Socialism also appeared with the direct participation of Gurdjieff.

One of Gurdjieff's students in the 1920s was Karl von Stülpnagel. Already in the 30s, when a former student was walking down the street, accompanied by two SS men with dogs, Gurdjieff gave him a kick with the words "Recollection!" (Remember!). Gurdjieff acted like a Zen master beating a student with a wake-up stick. In 1944, Stülpnagel, already Colonel General of the Infantry, became a participant in a conspiracy against Hitler. According to memoirs, before the execution, a student of Gurdjieff retained a "soldier's bearing."


Gurdjieff was an avid racing driver. He has been in accidents many times. After his last accident, Georgy Ivanovich was in bed in the hospital and again began to teach dancing. But after a while, he suddenly fell right in the classroom. The magician died on October 29, 1949 in an American hospital near Paris. The doctor who was present at the death of Gurdjieff recalled: “I was present at the death of so many people, but this death shocked me with its unusualness, I could not imagine that anyone could die like that. At the moment of his death, he opened his eyes, sat up in bed, supported by pillows, asked for a hat, put it on, a beautiful red hat, took a cigarette in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other, lit a cigarette and began to sip coffee.

All life was gone from his body, but his face beamed and his eyes shone. At the last moment, he said: "Does anyone have any questions, otherwise I'm leaving?"

In any case, K.S. Nott, in his book The Further Teachings of Gurdjieff, describes how he met Gurdjieff in a Parisian cafe and began to complain to him about why he had carried away him and another, most likely his student, Oraja, so far from his native places, and now he left them without giving the highest knowledge ... Gurdjieff at first listened quietly, and then, grinning sarcastically, said directly: "I need rats for experiments."

What kind of experiments did he do?

A significant part of the Gurdjieff system was occupied by the teaching of sacred dances and their performance. He himself trained inexperienced students in dancing, and then demonstration concerts were given in Paris, London, New York. In addition, he diligently suppressed the will of his followers, mercilessly expelled dissidents.

The Nazi invasion caught G.I. Gurdjieff in France. And then it turned out that definitely some moments(source not specified) in the teachings of Gurdjieff are very satisfied with Hitler and his associates. For example, Herbiger, Hitler's teacher, believed that the moon could be the cause of the apocalypse. “This is already the fourth satellite of the Earth,” he considered. “The old three fell to the ground and exploded. Each cataclysm destroyed the previous civilization. Only the most deserving can survive...

And Gurdjieff found that man is entirely under the control of the moon. She controls not only lunatics, but also has a decisively huge influence(source unknown) to all others. Hitler was familiar with this doctrine and saw nothing harmful in it.

Moreover, it is known that Karl Haushofer, one of the ideologists of the Third Reich, was at one time with Gurdjieff in Tibet, looking for the roots of the Aryan race there. It is also known that some of the Nazis were students of Gurdjieff.

In any case, such an episode is known. Gurdjieff somehow approached one of the leaders of the occupying regime in France and slapped him on the back in a friendly manner. The guard immediately twisted Gurzhiev, and the Nazi himself only burst out laughing: “Teacher! How glad I am to meet you! .. ”- and began to hug him.

In general, Gurdjieff survived the occupation of France more than tolerably.

However, after the collapse of the Third Reich, he began to have complications. Many began to laugh at Gurdjieff, calling him a "Greek charlatan", an "American master of magic" and a "miracle worker from the Caucasus." The number of his students decreased, although those who remained had no doubt that he was a true magician, possessing occult knowledge and special powers.

It was also said that Gurdjieff could perhaps predict future(translator's note). True, he did this not often and at the special request of his students. But some of the predictions, through the disciples, became the property of the press. And then it turned out that Gurdjieff had predicted in advance the death of Lenin, the death of Trotsky. The latter, apparently, worried I.V. Stalin, who was the main organizer of the assassination attempt on Lev Davidovich. He ordered Beria to deal with the guru.

Perhaps after this, the accident occurred, with which our story begins. Gurdjieff's car suddenly lost control at high speed and crashed into a tree. However, the accident could have had quite ordinary reasons: everyone knew that Gurdjieff was a terrible driver, just a crazy driver.

One way or another, but after the accident, Georgy Ivanovich was in bed in the hospital and again began to teach dancing. But after a while, he suddenly fell right in the classroom. And on October 29, 1949, he died in an American hospital near Paris.

Beria reported to Stalin that before his death, the guru said: "I leave you in a predicament."

His devoted disciples kept watch over his body for several days, and K.S. Nott noted in his memoirs that "strong vibrations were felt in the room" and it seemed that "radiation came from the body itself."

And John Benet, who led one of the groups after Gurdjieff's death, claimed that in the last months of the teacher's life, he said that "he will inevitably leave this world, but another will come who will complete the work he has begun," from somewhere in the Far East.


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