How to draw nature using pencils and watercolors. Master Class

If you need to draw a rosebud or a bouquet of roses, then this lesson will help you do it right. I offer two options for how to draw a rose flower.

How to draw a Lily flower
The drawing of a lily is made on graphics tablet, but you can use this lesson to draw a lily step by step with a simple pencil. Step by step, adding new and new lines, you will definitely get the same picture of a lily.

Video how to draw a lily in stages with pencils.

This tutorial for beginners will help you draw the shape of an apple correctly. Only at first glance, it seems that an apple is easy to draw. Except correct form, you still need to be able to make a two-dimensional drawing of an apple three-dimensional.

In this video, the drawing of an apple is made with colored pencils.

It is not difficult to draw a banana. It is enough to make the initial markup in the form of a rectangle and divide it into two parts. The main thing is to be able to correctly paint the banana with paints.

We will do the drawing of the mushroom in stages, first with a simple pencil. On last step you can color the mushroom with paints or colored pencils. You can draw leaves and grass next to it to make the picture of the mushroom realistic.

Mandarin, drawn on a graphics tablet, looks like a real fruit. Try to draw a tangerine step by step with a pencil, and then color the drawing with colored pencils.

Drawing nature, especially in summer and autumn, is very exciting. Drawings autumn nature- this is, first of all, a unique palette of colors of tree leaves. Ordinary leaves turn surrounding nature into a fairy tale.

Drawings of nature are not only plants and flowers, but also an ordinary, unattractive snail. The snail has a simple structure, and therefore drawing a snail is quite simple. It is very important to make the correct dimensions of the outline of the "house" of the snail in the first step.

The main decoration of our nature can be considered a butterfly. There are no such colors in nature so that the artist can accurately convey the beauty of her wings in the picture.

Paintings on the theme of the sea are painted by marine painters. It is very difficult to convey the full depth of colors in a drawing. seascape, but for children I have a simple lesson. Step by step, step by step, you can draw the sea with a pencil, and then paint it with paints.

We are so accustomed to the trees around us that it seems quite easy to draw them. In this lesson, you will find out if this is the case.
Trees and plants are the basis of our nature. Protect the environment!

There are millions of flowers in nature on our planet and each flower is unique. In this lesson we will learn how to draw flowers in a bouquet in stages with a simple pencil.

A drawing of a camomile, probably, will be able to draw everyone. A few petals, a stem with leaves and a picture of a camomile is ready. But for some reason, painted daisies do not always turn out the same as in nature. The reason is that you start drawing a daisy with petals.

This is one of the most simple lessons on the theme "Drawings of nature". To draw a sunflower correctly, first start drawing the stem and leaves, after drawing general outline sunflower flower.

Drawing of a Christmas tree and Santa Claus - the most new year theme. Paint Christmas tree can be done in different ways, the main thing is to draw the needles correctly. I offer my version of drawing a Christmas tree for children with a pencil.

It is not difficult to draw a tulip flower, especially if you draw it in stages. It is much more difficult to paint a drawing of a tulip with paints, to accurately convey all the shades of color.

To draw a picture of a snowflake, in addition to a pencil, you need a ruler. Are there any snowflake patterns? No, of course, each snowflake is a unique part of our nature and has one single crystalline form.

A ladybug must be painted with colored pencils or paints, or even better, draw it against the background of the nature surrounding it: green leaves, bright flower buds.

Absolutely any novice artist sooner or later thinks about how to draw an autumn landscape. It is this season that makes nature extraordinarily bright and beautiful, inspiring painters to create truly magnificent landscapes. Of course, learning how to draw an autumn landscape in stages is best done by sketching from life somewhere in a park or outside the city. But, if this is not possible, then photographs can also be used. But to understand how to draw an autumn landscape in stages for beginners without nature, or the photo, most likely, will not work. After all, drawing a landscape by imagination, you can easily make various mistakes.
Before you draw an autumn landscape with a pencil, you should prepare:
1). Pencil - you can use both a regular, but well-sharpened pencil, and a mechanical one;
2). A pen with a black gel refill;
3). Colour pencils;
4). Eraser;
5). A piece of paper.

If everything you need has already been prepared, then you can start learning how to draw an autumn landscape with a pencil in stages:
1. Draw the horizon line with light lines and outline the fence;
2. Draw the outlines of large trees and small bushes;
3. Draw a fence;
4. Draw two birch trees and sketch their foliage. Mark a path that goes into the distance;
5. Circle the drawing with a pen, specifying the details. When drawing bushes and trees, avoid excessive detail - you should not draw every leaf. Draw large cumulus clouds in the sky. Draw a bird on the fence;
6. Using an eraser, remove the pencil sketch;
7. Shade the grass with green shades, yellow and light brown;
8. With gray-brown pencils, paint over the path and stones;
9. Paint over the tree trunks with black, gray and brown pencils;
10. Using pencils of bright, saturated tones, paint the foliage of bushes and trees;
11. Color the fence with gray and brown pencils;
12. Green, yellow and orange paint over the forest in the distance;
13. blue pencil shade the sky. Lightly paint over the clouds with blue and purple hues.
Now drawing bright autumn landscape completely ready! Having understood how to draw an autumn landscape, you can paint it with paints. Paints such as watercolor and gouache are best suited for this, which have extremely bright shades, are easy to mix and are economically consumed.

Draw autumn with colored pencils

Drawing master class. Landscape "Native expanses"

Kokorina Elena Yurievna, teacher visual arts, MOU Slavninskaya average comprehensive school, Tver region, Torzhoksky district.

Purpose of work: the master class is intended for children of middle and older school age, art teachers and educators additional education. Can also be used for activities with children younger age, if you offer them a ready-made drawing.
You can decorate the interior with a drawing, or use it as a gift, as well as to participate in competitions and exhibitions.

Target: making an autumn landscape with colored pencils on the theme "Native expanses"
- draw an autumn landscape with colored pencils;
- contribute to the development creative imagination children, the formation of the ability to convey their observations and experiences in drawings;
- to form the ability to see the beautiful in the phenomena of reality of the surrounding world of the native land;
- develop interest in landscape painting and to the drawing process itself.

For work we need: landscape sheet, a set of colored pencils, a black helium pen or a simple pencil.

... If you see a river in the picture,
Or spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut,
The picture must be called - scenery.

A landscape painting enables the artist to express his attitude to the world in a broad sense, to the world of nature that surrounds us. Nature brings people together, often gives them similar moods, thoughts and experiences.
How beautiful are the beloved expanses,
Blue was given a calling spill,
The rustle of herbs and birch trees are dear to me,
Memory with tenderness in the heart keeps!
(Oleg Mandrakov)

Our beautiful nature often changes outfits.
I love you dear expanses,
the greenery of the forest and the smell of the fields,
blue lakes, majestic mountains,
the diversity of my Russia.
And the dawn among the curly birches,
and the sunset by the blue river,
the noise of acacias and tired maples.
I am happy to live on the sidelines of my native.
Spring waters spill
Or golden leaf fall is spinning.
All the whims of nature are good,
I enjoy any weather.
(Alexey Luchinin)

Golden autumn - joyful, magnificently harvested, rich in harvest, they love her for generosity, for the wealth of fields, gardens, for clear days azure-blue sky, for the beauty of forests painted in gold and crimson.
Today I propose to draw an autumn landscape with colored pencils. The main characters of our landscape will be birches on the banks of the river, and in the background - the church.
To begin with, we will sketch the main plot of the future picture. You can use a simple pencil, but I took a helium black pen.

With a blue pencil, we begin to tint the sky and the river. Strokes are placed horizontally.

With a darker blue pencil, changing direction, put the second layer of hatching.

We introduce a purple pencil into the sky and the river, at the same time we paint over the birch trunks.

With a yellow pencil, we begin drawing the crown of a birch. We put the strokes horizontally.

In yellow, paint over the ground under the birch, the nearby hill on the opposite bank and two trees in front of the church.

We shade the leaves in the crown of birches with a brown pencil. We put short strokes in different directions. The same color is slightly introduced into the river under the birch and under the trees near the church.

Enter green color in the crown of a birch.

We paint over the distant hill with a burgundy-brown pencil and introduce this color into the river under the birch.

With a dark green pencil we draw the foliage of the bushes, tall grass along the river bank and paint over the foreground of the bank where birch trees grow.

Draw blades of grass with a brown pencil. We put the hatching in different directions - this creates the feeling of swaying grass. Hatching emphasizes the tops of the hills.

We also put a light brown hatching behind the birches.

With a black pencil we make a drawing on the trunks of birches.

We introduce black strokes into the crown of birches.

With a green pencil we make a mesh hatching in the background, behind the birches, and paint over the black background.

We make burgundy spots.

We introduce a red pencil into the foliage of the bushes.

We decorate the church and the trees in front of it.

We decorate the river: with a light blue pencil we make horizontal and vertical strokes. We paint over the space unevenly to create a feeling of water movement.

In the background, behind the birches, draw spruces with a black pencil.

Now with wide strokes we paint over the entire crown of birches with a yellow pencil. And we introduce the same color into the river.

I'll take a pencil and draw a forest
I will draw the fields and the snake of the river.
So that peace and tranquility be on this Earth ... (Terenty Travnik)

The drawing is ready, but at the very beginning, for a sketch, I used a helium pen. In some places of the picture, the drawing line comes to the fore. I suggest to smooth these transitions. To do this, using the same black pen, we emphasize the pattern on the birch trunks and the conspicuous line of the river with hatching.

How to draw nature? The question is interesting, but the process of artistic depiction of the world around us is even more fascinating. Nature is immense, it can be different, depending on the time of year, obeys lunar calendar, depends on solar activity and many other factors. How to draw nature in order to at least partially convey its charm? There are several ways in which you can achieve good results.

Creativity of the house artist

First of all, you need to decide how to draw nature in stages so that the artistic process is a pleasure. After all, even any sketch or sketch requires painstaking work, the image appears on clean slate paper gradually, step by step. Much depends on whether the master has experience. For example, the question of how to draw nature is quite difficult for beginner painters, but artists with skills can easily cope with the task. The final result also depends on the talent of the performer, his creative abilities.

How to draw nature with a pencil step by step

Any image can be conditionally divided into separate stages. First you need to make a sketch, then draw additions that will reveal in detail the artist's intention, while the drawing will become more meaningful. The next step is to combine the individual fragments into a single whole. Another stage of creativity is the application of strokes with a pencil, shading the individual details of the picture.

How to draw nature with a pencil, felt-tip pen or paints

A black and white or gray image of trees, meadows, a lake or a river may not be enough to convey the beauty of the world around.

How to draw nature so that all the signs of its splendor are visible on the sketch? Is it possible? It must be said that even great painters cannot do this, since nature is infinitely diverse. It is customary to divide the plots of paintings according to the seasons: the theme of spring contains one set of signs and criteria, the winter theme is a different set, summer is depicted using its own special rules, and autumn also has only one inherent signs.

Paintings by seasons

The autumn theme of the drawing is subject to a certain color scheme, this is the gold of fallen birch leaves, the red copper of maple leaves, the brown yellowness of an oak leaf strewn on the ground. Autumn is depicted with the help of yellow colors of all shades, bright saffron flowers, lemon yellow and crimson. It is already clear how to draw the nature of the autumn period, you need to use all the listed colors and halftones based on them. And if you successfully paint the elements of the autumn landscape, you get a good picture.

In winter, nature is less colorful, the color scheme consists of white, black, dark brown and gray. Birds can become bright spots in the picture: bullfinches, finches, tits. Besides the birds winter picture organically decorate the berries of viburnum, mountain ash and frozen wild rose. The artist's imagination can add other colors to the drawing, for example, the bright colors of the clothes of people riding a sleigh from an ice slide. Winter background snowy expanses dark green pines and spruces look beautiful, they can also be depicted.

Spring nature blooms with fresh greenery, cornflowers, lilies of the valley, lilacs, multi-colored meadow flowers. Paintings on spring themes always come out colorful and fun. How to draw nature in stages when there is a sea of ​​spring flowers around is a simple task. You must first depict the stems and leaves, then the contours of the petals, and on last step paint all the flowers brighter. The earth can be covered with a solid green carpet. In the artistic palette there is a color that is called "grass green".

Summer in the picture looks no less colorful than the rest of the year. You can draw a landscape in which there will be a forest, a meadow, a meadow and a lake. In summer there is a very beautiful sunset and no less impressive sunrise. These natural phenomena are easily depicted with the correct selection of pink shades. All the clouds in the picture must be painted with a pale red color in their lower part, and in this way we will get a real morning or evening picture. And in order to distinguish the signs of sunrise or sunset, it should be remembered that the sun at sunset is depicted as a large red circle, and the rising one always looks like a relatively small disk of golden color.

natural phenomena

There is a particularly colorful phenomenon in nature, which is called the northern lights. A drawing on this topic will turn out great if you depict ice hummocks blue color, and above them - flashes of cold lights that engulfed the entire sky. The picture will not be superfluous representative of the northern kingdom - a polar bear, making its way between blocks of ice. Or a seal lying in the snow near a polynya. The plot can be varied indefinitely.

No less spectacular will be the drawing of the night sky, strewn with large stars. In this case, you can depict the well-known constellation Ursa Major and polar star, and between the stars to designate falling meteorites.

Inexhaustible themes for creativity

Drawing nature in all its diversity is always interesting, there is no need to look for plots, because they are all around us. For creativity, you only need a sheet of paper, pencils, watercolors and a little imagination.

It is possible to visit the art studio or art school. Therefore, having acquired appropriate benefits and finding thematic material in the Internet, young artists trying to master the basics of professional drawing.

General explanations

In this article, we will figure out how to draw a landscape, how to correctly convey perspective, get acquainted with other theoretical concepts and their practical implementation on paper or canvas. So, the first recommendation that applies to everyone before you start working with paints or other colored tools is with the help of simple pencils and an eraser to make a sketch, which will then be brought to perfection. For a sketch, a regular landscape sheet or whatman paper is best suited.

Theoretical basis

Step by step drawing

Now let's figure out how to draw a landscape in stages.

  • The album sheet should be placed vertically. This will make drawing much easier.
  • When distributing the depicted objects and details, take into account the principle of harmony so that there is no displacement of the picture to the left or right, so that one or another of its edges is not “weighted”.
  • We will talk about landscape. The work begins with the drawing of the earth, the main details of the relief.
  • Next we move on to trees. foreground, and then - far. All the time you should remember the correct spatial distribution of objects.
  • Now it's your turn small parts: islands of snow, grass on thawed patches, puddles, foliage, etc.
  • The next step is hatching. It is not applied to the entire drawing, but to its individual parts. Then the sketch will not lose its original lightness, airiness. Hatching is being done soft pencil. Strongly "blacken" puddles and clouds do not need, do not forget about the play of light and shadows. And it is better to hatch the crowns of trees also in the “mass”, without drawing each leaf separately, otherwise the drawing will lose its naturalness.

To brushes and paints

When the sketch is over, look carefully, did everything turn out exactly the way you want? Correct the mistakes. Maybe there is a need to draw one more sketch, and then move on to brushes and paints. It should be noted that a landscape, especially a spring one, is best in dry pastel. So it will be easier for you to convey the radiance and airiness of spring air, the tenderness of colors, the very atmosphere of the beginning of this wonderful time of the year.
