Synopsis of an open lesson on the development of speech “Spring landscape. Drawing with crumpled paper on the theme “Spring landscape Spring landscape art lesson


Subject: "Landscape - a genre of fine art"

Academic subject: art

FULL NAME. teachers: Isaeva Anzhelika Vladimirovna

Class: 2

Curriculum author: B.M. Nemenskiy "Fine arts 2 class". M., 2010.

EMC "School of Russia"

Lesson type: learning new material


    Acquaintance with the concept of "Landscape". Teach drawing unconventional technique- spray; discover and develop potential artistic ability embedded in the child.

    Development of careful, responsible, respectful attitude to nature (the ability to see the beauty of nature through painting, development creative imagination, fantasy, artistic taste of children).

    Teach children to reflect impressions received from observation winter nature based on the content of familiar works.

    Deepen the skills of working with paints and other materials. To instill a love for nature, for the fine arts.

Methods: explanatory and illustrative (presentation of the material); practical (skill development).

Forms of work: frontal, individual

Equipment: Musical fragment: P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons. December", video clip " winter fairy tale" - authorBelozerova Tatyana Vladimirovna. For students - sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, sticks. Screen, projector, computer.


- The beauty of nature, the change of seasons, have always been a source of inspiration for poets, musicians and artists. canvases famous masters the paintings are written amazingly bright, touching, truthful. They evoke feelings in us that owned their creators: admiration for the generous beauty, love and affection for our native places, so familiar to us, familiar and close. (SLIDES 3,4,5)

Agree, when you look at these pictures of winter, you immediately remember beautiful poems about winter, about the fabulous outfit of winter nature. (SLIDE 6)

There are painters who devoted all their work to depicting nature.They are called landscape painters. These are A. Savrasov, (SLIDE 7) I. Shishkin, (SLIDE 8) I. Levitan, (SLIDE 9).

A real artist, painting landscapes, conveys the state and mood of nature, all its beauty and diversity.

What impression do you have after viewing the picture?

What is a landscape? (SLIDE 10)

landscape types. (SLIDE 11)

Among artists, poets, musicians there have always been singers of native nature.

Poets sang of nature in poetry, artists in paintings, and composers in musical works.

the greatest master sound image of pictures of Russian nature is the famous Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky. (SLIDE 12) In many of his compositions, one can clearly hear the singing of birds, and the howling of a blizzard, and the waltz dance of snowflakes, the breadth and expanse of our fields, and the thoughtfulness of the winter forest. Tchaikovsky loved all the seasons and he wrote wonderful music about each of them - a cycle of pieces for piano "The Seasons".

Now the play “December”, the very first month of winter, will be performed. Listening to music, we will try to feel: what did Tchaikovsky want to tell us with this music?

Does music help us feel the beauty of Russian nature better?

- What did you learn in this lesson?- What caused difficulties in the course of work?- What did you like?What mood do you leave the lesson with?- Think of a title for your drawings.- People of art, artists always learn from nature. She gives us a lot of happiness, joy, we must protect her, protect, take care of her. Looking at works of art about nature, we can hear music, and listening to music about pictures of nature, we visualize its enchanting images.- Looking at your work, I immediately remembered a poem that very accurately reflects what you drew.

F. Tyutchev


Bewitched, the forest stands

And under the snowy fringe,

Motionless, dumb

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched,

Not dead and not alive

Magically enchanted by sleep

All entangled, all bound

Light chain down...

Fizkultminutka " Winter forest»:

We came to the winter forest.

How many miracles are around here!

On the right is a birch in a fur coat,

On the left, the tree is looking at us.

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky

They lay down nicely on the ground.

So the bunny jumped

He ran away from the fox.

This Gray wolf prowling,

He's looking for prey!

Then he will not find us!

Only a bear lair sleeping,

So he sleeps through the winter.

The snowmen are flying

How beautiful they are!

Beauty and peace in the forest

And it's time for us to go home.

Kamneva Elena Vladimirovna
Abstract of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development in senior group. Drawing " spring landscape»

Kind of activity: Pictorial.

Form of organization of activity: Workshop.

GCD theme: « spring landscape»

Target: Formation of children's ideas about the genre of painting - landscape.


1. Learn to create landscape composition depicting nature in spring.

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the seasons, about changes in nature in the spring.

3. Develop visual - figurative thinking, attention, speech, creativity.

4. Educate careful attitude to nature.

Equipment: magnetic board, blanks (sun, tree, flowers, stream, birds) for simulation landscape, image slides landscapes, still life, book by K. Ushinsky, colored pencils, sheets of white paper.

Course progress.

1. Motivation.

Guys, I will ask you to stand in a circle and say hello to each other.

Creating a working mood "Hello"

IN: In the morning the sun woke up,

It pulled, it pulled.

Opened up its rays

Gave everyone a smile.

Looked all around:

Friend on the left and friend on the right.

Start the day with a smile

Wish you all good health


IN: The sun not only stays longer in the sky, but also warms noticeably more every day. In the fields appear first thawed patches: but soon the earth, wet, saturated with water, is shown everywhere from under the snow. Another week will pass, another - and the snow will remain unless somewhere in a deep ravine where the sun does not look. The trees also wake up from their winter sleep and, warmed by the sun, are filled with juices. The sky is getting bluer and the air is getting warmer.

Is it now spring in all countries?

But it is not everywhere the same as ours. Who knows what kind of spring, for example, in Africa (it is hot all year round and there is no snow, and in spring it does not melt, they do not even have the first flowers).

And how to make the children living there know what kind of spring we have (you can tell this passage that the author wrote, or you can draw picture and send by mail).

2. Goal setting.

IN: we will now turn into little ones artists and find ourselves in the workshop, where artists paint their paintings. There we will be with you paint beautiful colored pencils spring landscape. And then we put it in an envelope and send it to the guys from Africa and Antarctica

IN: close your eyes and say the magic words

"One, two, three turn us artists»

Children go to tables

3. Joint activities of the educator and children.

If you see in the picture

The river is drawn,

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds

Or a snowfield

Or a field and a hut, -

Be sure to picture

It's called…. (scenery) .

Let's say this word together (we speak).

Now take a close look at the slides. Think about which picture is superfluous (slide No. 1 : landscapes: winter, spring, summer, autumn and portrait).

Why this picture (is not scenery) .

Tell me what time of year painted on every picture(slide no. 2 : landscapes: winter spring Summer Autumn).

How can one say differently, knowing that a picture of nature is scenery(winter scenery, spring, summer, autumn).

Please tell me it's beautiful artists nature in these pictures?

And what needs to be done so that she always remains as beautiful (take care of her: do not cut down trees, do not burn fires in the forests, do not break branches, etc.)

Of course, nature must be loved and protected!

Show a picture with spring landscape. (slide no. 3 : spring landscape) .

Why did they decide that spring is depicted (children's answers).

What else happens in nature in spring (the sun warms more, thawed patches appear, the day becomes longer, the buds swell, the first grass and flowers appear).

And now I propose to make (simulate) mine spring landscape.

What will definitely be in the picture if it is spring and every day it gets warmer (children choose the sun from the three proposed blanks: without beams, with short beams, with long beams).

What else can draw, If scenery- this is a picture about nature (children choose a tree from three proposed: autumn, spring and christmas tree).

What else? When the snow has only melted in places, what is it called (thawed patches)

The snow melts and turns into what (in streams)

But flowers can draw on our picture? Choose which ones. (Children choose from three: tulip, snowdrop, chamomile).

Finger gymnastics "Snowdrops"

snowdrop flowers (interlace fingers)

open the petals (slowly spread fingers)

The wind breathes a little (easy to blow)

Petals sway (wiggle fingers)

We bring the nose closer to the flower

We inhale the fragrance of flowers (sniff air)

What else can draw? Who flies to us in the spring (children are offered a rook and a bullfinch).

Here's what we got the landscape.

Well, now let's stretch.

Physical education minute:

The sun began to warm (hands up, stretched)

Droplets began to knock. (fists rattling)

Drop - one, drop - two (hands alternately forward, palm up)

Drops slowly at first (clap hands)

And then, and then (jumping)

Everybody run, run, run (slow running in place)

Everything faster, faster, faster (quick run in place)

A small stream runs (squat)

And now I offer you get creative and paint your landscape.

4. Independent activity of children.

(The guys do the work on the music, the teacher provides assistance in case of difficulties).

Please take your drawings and stand in a circle.

4. Reflection.

What are we today painted(nature or scenery)

What is the name of the picture that depicts nature? or What is scenery?

Why are we painting a landscape?

If children from Africa look at our paintings, they will understand that we painted spring? How can we tell that we are drew a spring landscape with you?

Did we make it?

Tell me, did everyone finish their drawings or did any of you want something else finish drawing? We will rest and we will definitely finish your work.

Well done! Thank you for your work!

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Name of UMK: Multimedia presentations: "I.I. Shishkin", "Spring is red!", "Sequence of drawing a landscape", clip "Spring", paintings by artists depicting a spring landscape, methodical development lesson. Item: art

Class: 2

Lesson topic: "Spring landscape".

The place and role of the lesson in the topic under study: Painting. Spring landscape. 2 hours. First lesson.

Lesson type: A lesson in learning new knowledge.

The purpose of the lesson: creating conditions for the development of children art education, expanding the idea of ​​a spring landscape.

Lesson objectives: to form emotional and sensory connections between the manifestation of color in nature and the color system of the image; to form artistic and graphic skills; apply in your drawing linear perspective, combine in the composition the main and additional elements in the landscape; develop understanding of the world around, as well as the perception of nature and art; in work from nature and from memory, develop associative color perception in children; educate children to respect native nature, friendly relations to each other.

Lesson stage

Time, min

Methods and techniques of work

forms of organization of educational activities

Teacher activity

Student activities

FUUD (formation

universal learning activities)

I. Organizational

Hello, friends!

I'm glad to meet you!

Let's hold hands

Let's gather in a circle.

The sun shines through our window

I got a little bored

I'm waiting with my friends!

Gather quickly!

Greet each other and wish Have a good mood at the lesson.


Set to work.

Checking the readiness of the workplace.


checking students' readiness for lesson;

organization of student attention.

II. Preparing students for work at the main stage.

Mystery. If you see a river in the picture, or spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds. Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut. Be sure the picture is called (landscape). Who guessed what the lesson will be about? Well done! Right! It's about the landscape.

Brainstorm. Conversation.


Interview with active children.

Conversation with the teacher. Anwser the questions.

To provide motivation for the teaching of schoolchildren, their acceptance of the objectives of the lesson;

Actualization of the subjective experience of students (personal meanings, basic knowledge and methods of action, value relations).

III. Assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action.

Who can help me give the concept of landscape? Prepared students make messages.

Landscape is an image of nature. It first appeared in China, Japan and other countries of the East in the 7th-10th centuries.

Landscape is a kind of painting that deals with the image of nature with the transfer of the mood, wound by their contemplation.

To clarify what kind of landscape will be discussed, the teacher reads a poem by A. Pleshcheev.

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

Spring blew through the window

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

For a conversation about spring and its signs, view the presentation “Spring is red!” Motherland appears in a new image: awakening and variety of colors. Play a game: "What is associated with the colors of the rainbow?" Exercise for the eyes. Let's give our eyes a rest and do exercises for the eyes. Please stand up and just blink. Let's look 10 times up - down, right - left, in a circle to the left, in a circle to the right. And they just blinked.

When looking at reproductions of paintings by I. I. Shishkin and video materials, pay attention to the emotional state.

The presentation "The sequence of drawing a landscape" will help you choose the right techniques and drawing techniques, accurately determine the colors and their shades.

Verbal Visual Interactive. Associative line.

In couples. Collective.

Explanation. Demonstration of drawing techniques. Organization of children's recreation.

View new material. Eye charger. Dynamic workout.

To ensure the perception, comprehension and primary memorization by students of the material being studied "Spring Landscape".

Encourage students to learn new material that will lead to

certain conclusion (generalization).

Create meaningful and organizational conditions for students to master the methodology for reproducing the studied material.

To provide students with comprehension and primary memorization of the material being studied "Spring Landscape".

To promote the assimilation of new material by students, which will lead to a certain conclusion (generalization).

IV. Consolidation of new knowledge and ways of action.

Dynamic pause.


Consolidation of new knowledge.

Ensure that the knowledge and methods of action that they need for independent work on new material are consolidated in the memory of students.

To ensure, in the course of consolidation, an increase in the level of comprehension of the studied material, the depth of its understanding.

V. Application of knowledge and methods of action.

Invite the children to draw their impressions. For individual work with children, the following recommendations can be made:

When drawing, do not get carried away with small details, this will fragment the work and disrupt its general mood,

Use bright, but not flashy colors in your work, because we draw nature, and everything is harmonious in it.

Clip "Spring". Music will cheer you up and inspire you to create bright works.

practical, creative

Integrated (use of music)


Supervise the correct execution of work, compliance with safety regulations.

Create your own landscape using various techniques and tools.

Completion of work in full. Develop painting techniques. Help in mastering the technique of drawing with a cotton swab. To ensure that students acquire knowledge and methods of action at the level of their application.

Ensure that students develop the ability to independently apply knowledge.

VI. Reflection. Demonstration of works.

Children, tell me, please, what new did you learn at the lesson?

What was the most interesting for you? What do you remember the most?

Creative. Verbal.

Create a gallery of work. Help fix work.

Try to complete the work with the whole class. Pin your work on the board.

To initiate and intensify students' reflection on their psycho-emotional state, motivation, their activities and interaction with the teacher and classmates.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, please look at the board, the exhibition is already ready there. Let's evaluate your work. Whose work is the most correct for the execution of the spring landscape, for the use colors and proper drawing technique.

I liked all your work, you are great, you coped with the task. We've got a great showroom.

Questions. Summarize the lesson. Thank you for your active participation in the lesson.

Answers on questions.

Isolation and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what is still to be learned, consciousness of the quality and level of assimilation. Give a qualitative assessment of the work of the class and individual students.

Plan - a summary of an open lesson on the topic

"Spring Landscape"

teacher additional education MBU TO CDT O.V. Beltyukova

The date of the: November 30, 2017

Subject: Spring landscape.

Children's age: from 10 to 13 years old. Second year of study.

Target: creating conditions for the development of art education in children, expanding the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spring landscape.



In work from nature and from memory, develop associative color perception in children; to form artistic and graphic skills; apply the technique of linear perspective in your drawing, combine the main and additional elements in the landscape in the composition;


to form emotional and sensory connections between the manifestation of color in nature and the color system of the image; to develop an understanding of the surrounding world, as well as the perception of nature and art;


to educate children in respect for their native nature, friendly relations with each other.


1. organizational part.

2. Introduction to the topic.

3. The study of theoretical material.

4. Physical Minute.

5. Practical work.

6. Exhibition creative works and a brief analysis.

Lesson equipment:

For the teacher:

Illustrations depicting a spring landscape

For students:

  • gouache
  • brushes
  • palette
  • jar for water.

During the classes:

1. Organizational part.

The long-awaited call is given, the lesson begins!

So let's not waste time and start working.

Today we will draw, learn and reason.

2. Introduction to the topic.

If you see in the picture, a river is drawn,

Or spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds.

Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut.

Is the picture called...?


Who guessed what the lesson will be about?

Well done! Right! It's about the landscape.

Who can help me to give the concept of landscape?

Landscape is an image of nature. It first appeared in China, Japan and other countries of the East in the 7th-10th centuries.

Landscape is a genre of fine art that deals with the depiction of nature views with the transfer of the mood that is instilled by their contemplation.

To clarify what kind of landscape will be discussed, I will now read you a poem by A. Pleshcheev.

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

Spring blew through the window

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

3. The study of theoretical material.

And now I will give you a sequence of work, I will tell you when you can start, and I will consistently do the work with you!

When drawing, do not get carried away with small details, this will fragment the work and disrupt its general mood,

Use bright, but not flashy colors in your work, because we draw nature, and everything is harmonious in it.

4. Physical Minute

Looked chick from the nest - Head down.

Wow, what a height!Shaking your head.

Let the height Wave with the right hand.

Fly out of the nestMahi with both hands.

Look at the world -

One two Three… Head turns to the right

Left, forward.

5. Practical part.

Pay attention to what colors and shades prevail in reproductions depicting spring. So, your task is to depict the spring landscape!

Let's get to work with me! Create your own landscape using various techniques and tools.

6. Exhibition of creative works and a brief analysis.Summarizing.

Children, tell me, please, what new did you learn at the lesson? What was the most interesting for you? What do you remember the most?

Guys, please look at the board, the exhibition is already ready there. Let's evaluate your work. Whose work is the most correct in the execution of the spring landscape, in the use of colors and the correct drawing technique.

I liked all your work, you are great, you coped with the task. We have a wonderful showroom.
