Nyusha interview. Nyusha: “Right now I live in absolute harmony with my body and feelings

The first and only candid interview of the singer Nyusha, made on the eve of her first birth for the OK! magazine.

Photo: Damir Zhukenov Nyusha

H yusha, now the most main question that excites all your fans: when do you plan to return to the stage from maternity leave?

Just a couple of months ago, I wrote on Instagram that I was giving a few more concerts and stopped touring for a while. But at the same time, I do not stop my creative life. I continue to work on the album, just the other day I presented new song“Tayu” and a video for it, and very soon I will definitely return with performances and concerts.

They say that during pregnancy, creative inspiration is especially acute. Do you have it like that?

To be honest, in the second trimester of pregnancy, I took a creative break. Perhaps this was due to the accumulated fatigue. Or maybe I just wanted to enjoy this state in which I am, to contemplate, to study myself, to dig inside. After a short pause, I began to feel an energetic and emotional upsurge. And I can say that now the most fruitful has come creative period. I write songs all the time, a lot of ideas are born in my head.

Have you discovered any new traits in yourself?

Pregnancy is an absolutely amazing, magical state. I now look like an open, honest, naive child. I have become more daring in some decisions, more straightforward in my statements, more free - I do not drive myself into frames and formats. But with all this lightness, I already have enough wisdom adult girl, expectant mother. This is a great combination. I want to be a little weird, to experiment - I think this is just the same rowdy my creativity. (smiling.)

The more I immerse myself in my state, the bolder I become in self-expression. This is also reflected in the music. My new single"Tayu" is definitely different from everything that came before. This song is very tender and sensual. This is a lyric that has not been in my repertoire for a long time.

You filmed the video for the song "Tayu" in a position, you had an unusual acting task - to play seven different heroines at once.

Yes, and it was an interesting experience. All these heroines are expecting a baby, and no matter what they do, where they live in the world, what their mood is now, they experience a single state of happiness in their souls, they are all waiting for the birth little miracle. This feeling of absolute harmony. And although not everyone is physically pregnant easily, nevertheless, special energy emanates from every woman during this wonderful period, special light which is visible from afar.

What was it like filming for you? Very tired?

Of course, there were nuances. I couldn’t keep up with the 12-hour work schedule, so we spoke with the director in advance that we would need several days for filming. We have shortened our shifts. I was also very worried that I would feel tense on the site ... I really appreciate the professionals, I always give my best myself one hundred percent and demand the same from my team. I don’t like it when something goes wrong, when there are hitches, I start to get nervous because of this. Of course, I didn’t want to stress once again, being in a position. In addition, I am too straightforward and can even be harsh. Especially now. Fortunately, the film crew turned out to be professional and well-coordinated. To be honest, I didn’t even have time to get tired, I didn’t have to ask for a break, because we worked as quickly and productively as possible. There were no emotional outbursts on the site. Peace and mutual understanding.

There are usually a lot of dances in your videos. Did you have to make an exception here?

Yes, although even this time it was difficult for me to sit still! ( laughing.) Movement is in my blood. I really wanted to dance. But I'm still physically a little limited now. In this clip, the maximum amount of emotions is conveyed with the help of glances, with the help of an internal message, with the help of acting. It is almost impossible to see movement there.

I think you're being a bit modest about physical activity. Judging by Instagram, you continue to keep yourself in shape with the help of yoga, confidently perform complex asanas.

I have wanted to do yoga for a very long time. But it didn't work out. Enough for a long time I was in search of my teacher, mentor, who would be right for me. It turned out to be difficult. Then I decided to relax, let go of the situation and see what it will result in. And at the very beginning of pregnancy, I accidentally found a person with whom I wanted to do yoga. So yoga came into my life during my pregnancy.

Is yoga more of a sport or a spiritual practice for you?

Together. First of all, yoga is an attitude, a reflection of the harmony of external and internal states. Surprisingly, right now I live in absolute harmony with my body and feelings.

You can often hear such an expression - "I'm ready to become a mother" or "I'm not ready to become a mother." In general, how do you think you can be ready for motherhood?

I think it's very individual. Women, in principle, are created in order to one day continue the race, to give life to a child. But in modern world It's not easy to do just your family and nothing else. I, too, always dreamed of a child, but never came to the state of “everything, now I’m ready!” I just knew that I had to meet that very special man. And Igor became such a man. Feelings prompted: it's time!

Is your pregnancy easy?

I'm not used to complaining. Yes, and I have nothing to compare with. I think my pregnancy is still going smoothly. I heard a lot of information from doctors, friends, relatives about possible unpleasant symptoms, but I didn’t notice the difficulties that pregnant women usually complain about. On the contrary, I see only pluses. For example, sometimes I love to be alone. And now it turns out to do it in the best possible way.

I have a lot of time, I am maximally removed from everyday problems, from everyday tasks. Creativity is always born alone. I am in a state of solitude for inspiration to come.

Your dad, Vladimir Shurochkin, - music producer. How much does it influence your creative decisions: for example, what song to record or what track to shoot the next clip for?

My dad and I are more likely to exchange views. It is important for an artist to be as natural and organic as possible in his songs. As a source of creativity, I choose the compositions for the repertoire myself. This is the only way to remain sincere with the listener. We discuss professional issues with him: what kind of arrangement to make, what style to give preference to. And almost always we agree - after all, we are dad and daughter, we have similar tastes. ( smiling.) We feel each other very subtly, which is why we continue to work together for so many years.

Are you an artist at home? Do you need more attention and admiration?

No, it's not about me at all. I am an artist on stage. Standing in front of the public, you have to be brighter than in Everyday life, you need to exaggerate emotions, make wider gestures so that your message, your message, your emotions break through the screens, reach the audience in the last rows. I see no point in doing the same at home - it will look like a tantrum. I do not need increased attention, admiration, hyper-care from relatives and friends. I have no complexes in this regard. Although I know that some artists do not go out of character, even remaining out of the public eye.

You generally create the feeling of an independent girl. sort of good example girl power.

How else? There was nothing in my life that I got easily and simply. Each victory came through a certain struggle, so I very keenly feel the value of everything that I have today. At the same time, I have an adequate attitude towards success. I realize that all this happened thanks to the energy, the forces, the attention that I have been giving to my favorite business together with a team of like-minded people over the past ten years. I don't tend to scream about girl power at every turn. But since we are talking about whether girls should be strong, whether they should be independent, I think so. The main thing is not to go too far, not to rush from one extreme to another.

You know how it happens: either you are a completely defenseless girl waiting for a prince in a white Mercedes who will solve all your problems, or a ruthless careerist who sacrifices her family to build her business, her empire ...

You seem to have found a balance. Do you artificially “turn on the girl” when you communicate with your spouse?

No, I do not include a girl. Before meeting with Igor, I simply had more tasks, the solution of which fell on my shoulders. When it comes into your life a real man, of course, he takes on many questions. And those problems that a man should solve are solved by a man. Everything falls into place by itself. That is why I have more time for music, for home, for family.

You and Igor spent most of your maternity leave in Spain. Why there?

It just happened. This year we opened a wonderful place there, I won’t specify which one. ( smiling.) And we decided that we wanted to stay longer. I feel very comfortable in my position. There is no special reason for this. In general, we love to travel.

What type of vacation do you prefer?

Here we have to find a compromise. Igor likes a more active holiday, and I get very tired after tours, concerts and flights, so it’s important for me that during my vacation I could just relax. We try to combine: we choose interesting direction, the first part of the vacation we get enough sleep, sunbathe, lie on the beach, go for massages and spas, and the next days we see the sights, go on excursions, discover new places, get acquainted with the local culture. After all, I want to bring impressions from the trip, to be inspired.

Do you like to come back again and again?

To the Maldives. This is a paradise created by nature itself, where at any moment you can just relax and draw on a supply of energy. But that's if I'm really tired. ( smiling.) It is more interesting, of course, to visit new countries every time.

Actually, posts on Instagram speak eloquently about your family travels. Why did you decide to share with subscribers not only news from creative life but also letting them into your personal space?

I'm used to the fact that the Instagram page is mine Personal diary. I always share what is happening in my life: both creatively and partly in my personal life, because there are facts that cannot be hidden from fans ... At some point, my pregnancy became such a fact.

If there is a family in my life, there is a husband, then subscribers know about it. I chose the public profession myself. It seems to me that our joint photos and videos with Igor should inspire many people, give them positive emotions. And this is also a certain response of the audience.

But at the same time, I still think that there should be a certain line between me and the viewer, beyond which I would not want to let anyone in. This is, you know, like friendly communication with a neighbor. We can be friends, chat, go to visit to drink tea, but, so to speak, we will not look into each other's bedroom. I talk about my personal life on Instagram, but I do it in a dosed manner.

How has your clothing style changed during pregnancy?

I now have a collection of slippers at home. ( laughing.) It's just the most necessary footwear in my position. Even though I resisted until the very end. Slippers are the only type of footwear that I have always said no to. And then there was some kind of sharp turning point, I revised my wardrobe ... By the way, interesting detail A: I have never gone to a maternity store. Those things that I wear now, I bought in different stores, in different countries, and at the same time they are not at all for expectant mothers! Such is the unspoken protest occurred. ( laughing.) As I said, pregnancy is a bit of a rebellious period. I want bright colors, unusual prints. Like never before, clothes convey mine internal state such a teenage girl who is happy, who is not afraid of anything and knows no problems.

By the way, this summer you presented a capsule collection of sportswear - the result of a collaboration with designer Leka. Do you plan to further develop in the fashion direction?

I was very inspired by the very process of preparing our joint collection with Leka. And to be honest, just last week I decided to continue making clothes, but on my own. I don’t know yet what it will be - clothes for pregnant women or for children, or maybe for men. I don't want to get ahead of myself. Several fashion projects are under development at once. And on the eve of the New Year, new items will definitely come out.

Creative energy and the truth overflows! You also have your own dance school… How successful is this project?

This summer, children from our school, together with their parents, went to a unique summer sports and dance camp in Dagomys. The trip was organized jointly with the School-Studio of Gana Maximova, Honored Master of Sports, coach of the Russian national team in synchronized swimming. In addition, my sister Masha gave several master classes on the water (Maria Shurochkina - Russian synchronized swimmer, Olympic champion. - Note. OK!). The kids were more than happy. After all, they not only danced, but also tried themselves in aquatic activities sports. They even learned to juggle! This was the uniqueness of the trip. Our school is called Freedom Station for a reason. For us, this is not a business project at all. We want to attract people who came not only to learn how to move, but also to liberate themselves, to learn more about themselves through improvisation, to go beyond their comfort zone. After all, when you start experimenting with something that is unusual for you, unexpected results appear. We are for creativity, for unlocking potential!

What surprises does Nyusha the singer prepare for us upon her return from maternity leave?

I'm constantly experimenting with hair, clothes, images, music, lyrics. Agree, it would be strange to see me the same as I was at 16. Change, in any case, is inevitable. Especially for a person who is brewed in show business. IN next year we, together with my team, are planning to make an anniversary show dedicated to the tenth anniversary of our creative activity. We want to present in a new way those songs that people know and love, to collect dance and musical groups that will meet all the requirements of the updated program. I see no reason to remain at the same stage at which I was before. Moreover, such wonderful changes are taking place in my life now.

"What the hell is love - your dad's opinion is stronger," - with this dramatic phrase, 21-year-old singer Yegor Creed completed his performance on stage Crocus City Hall February 22. The musician performed the song of his ex-lover "Only", adding a verse own composition. With this rebellious trick, the idol of millions told about his breakup with the singer Nyusha.

A couple of years ago, a novel by an aspiring artist Black Star and top performer Nyusha were discussed only on the sidelines of show business. The couple never advertised their tender feelings, but not because of a desire to isolate their personal lives from the press, but because of the firm opinion of Nyusha's father and producer Vladimir Shurochkin that Creed is only looking for a reason to earn points in his piggy bank of popularity. When the counters under the clips of the young pupil of Black Star exceeded 50 million views, the relationship of the lovers ended long ago. IN candid interview SUPER singer Yegor Creed for the first time shared the story of his romance with Nyusha and told why he decided to perform her song at a concert.

February 22 you had a concert at Crocus city ​​hall. Why did you perform Nyusha's composition?

Everything was within the framework of the concert, I chose this song because it is close to me.

Why is it so?

I just needed to speak out, and in this song I expressed what I had been sitting inside for a long time. I didn't mean to hurt or offend anyone, it's just something that hurt.

So you dedicated it to Nyusha?

To some extent, yes. I took a step to completely let go of this whole situation.

Remind me, please, of the verse you added to this song.

I really like the first line: “I write about love so often that love, stuttering, will write a story about me. And we made a bet with her, I filled your name on the left hand. And in fact, weeks flew by, everyone told you: he had no money. What the hell is love, your daddy's opinion is stronger You lie a thousand times, throw a thousand phrases, then a thousand tears about where you are now. Strong in words, but all hopes collapse, you were the best, and now you are my fear.

Is there a name on your left arm?

This is the kind of tattoo that no one could ever see. There is one letter.

Is this the first verse that you talked about your romance for the first time?

I wouldn't say the first time. I have a whole album about her.

Why did you hide your romance and how did it end?

It's time to sum up, because there are too many rumors around. We need to give a clear answer once and for all. I would not say that I had an affair with the singer Nyusha. Novels with the singer Nyusha are twisted by those guys who want to be with her as a singer, and I had an affair with Anya. And I took it exactly as real girl, and not some singer or image from the stage. We met her at the very beginning of my journey, when I hardly earned any money. She had everything, she was a superstar. She already rode expensive cars, and I was hooked on her by the fact that she began to meet with me, with an ordinary guy. So it was sincerity.

I will not speak for her entire family, because she has a wonderful mother, but the rest of her relatives did not really support the choice, because they did not consider me serious, and what could I give her - I had no money.

Did it somehow affect you?

I always talked about us in many interviews, but I always called her "She", but Nu is the most best girl that was in my life. She was a motivator for me, gave me a kick when I gave up. For three years I tried, wrote, but nothing worked. For all this I would like to thank her very much.

Why did you break up and how long ago was it all?

It's been over a year since we broke up. I tried not to think about her, but since I had the opportunity to perform her song, I remembered the past and thought it was time to talk about it. That performance was the most emotional. After that, I felt empty.

Why didn't you talk about this before?

Her parents thought that I was dating her because I wanted PR to advance my career. That is why I kept this relationship so carefully hidden. I never said anything, only my closest friends knew. It is probably ugly of them to deny all this and say: “Who is this. I do not know him. We barely talk to him." She was the first girl I was very serious about. I wanted children and saw her as my bride. The song “The Best” was written about her, then “The Bride”, in it the phrases: “Your parents don’t love me, they talk nonsense, they say, he will ruin you” - this is our whole story. At the very end of the relationship, when we broke up, I realized that men were crying. I arrived at the studio, recorded a song that summed up the entire album "The Bachelor" - "Beregu". This is my most personal, serious, adult song, I wrote every line and tears flowed. At that moment, I experienced every line, as if I cut my heart and took out a line from there. Every time I sang it in concert, I thought about it.

Is this story over for you?

What was this song then? The cry of the soul?

This song was the end for me. I wasn't trying to hurt her feelings, I wasn't trying to offend anyone, I just said it like it is. I am a man and a man must speak the truth.

During this time, did Nyusha somehow react to your songs?

Don't know. We saw little, corresponded little. After that, I had a brief relationship with a girl. In all my life the most strong relationship I had with her.

Does the burden of fame that has fallen on you prevent you from building relationships?

Everything has its pros and cons. It's hard when you come to a cafe and they recognize you, you feel uncomfortable. Building a relationship is very hard, especially when you are two public people. Most of all, I was destroyed in our relationship, when love seems to be very strong, and when you come to some event where there are strangers, you seem to not know each other. I didn't understand how this could be. If we love each other, how can we hide it?

Can you date a show business girl?

No, definitely not.

Do you think that you have become callous after your relationship with Nyusha?

No, I just became more courageous. When we just started a relationship with her, I was just a child, it was very disturbing. I was wildly jealous, because of this, quarrels arose all the time. That was my biggest fail, that I behaved like this. You could say I grew up with this relationship, started it as a boy, ended it as a man.

If you met her now, what would you say?


Nyusha: “My status has changed: now I am a bride!”

More recently, the singer Nyusha traveled around the country with concerts and danced at music awards in open dresses, which attracted the attention of both young and relatively adult audiences. However, now she is not up to courage. Nyusha is a serious player and. Every Friday she analyzes the performances of the children, sending some home and helping others to reach the final. At the same time, songs and dances have not gone anywhere from the life of the artist. The Teleprogramma magazine met with Nyusha in her new dance studio Freedom Station.

"In the children's" Voice "I am in my place"

- Was it scary to take responsibility in the children's "Voice"? Each unpressed red button is, to a certain extent, a psychological blow in the understanding of the child.

- Even before I sat down in the red chair, I realized that I was ready to be honest with myself. It is important. Because I was called as a mentor. This competition has rules. They suggest that I should choose children who are musically close to me. I don't have to decide the fate of the children. I must rely on my taste, experience, opinion, intuition and make a choice. Sit down with a clear mind and listen: like it or not, and why, what caught on, what was missing, and so on. I treat it like interesting experience rather than a fateful situation. These are children - they have their whole life ahead of them, you can’t take everything so seriously.

During the first numbers that I heard, of course, I was worried. Then the excitement subsided. The hardest part was when we turned around after we hadn't chosen a child. I chose the words, tried to argue so that he would not be offended. She did everything so that it would not become a total tragedy for the children.

- Were you ashamed or offended for already decision?

“If it were possible, I would leave everyone. And made it to the final. But there are rules television show. I am sure that the first thought and decision are correct. They come from the heart, and there is no doubt. There were certain conclusions, reflections on which I based myself. But I was never ashamed. Creativity includes a huge scope for implementation, but the mentors at The Voice have to make choices, and I did not shy away from this. I don't think I owe anyone anything.

- Close people - mother, sister, friends - sent angry SMS after the broadcast: "Why did you send this talented girl?"

- Every man to his own taste. Of course, they said different things and each time based on their own taste. If they were sitting in this chair, they would certainly have acted differently. But I am me, so the choice is mine.

- IN big interview by the start of the fifth season of the adult "Voice" the producer of this show that mentors were not paid before, but now they are. What is the amount of your fee?

- (Laughs.) I think we will not discuss the numbers. We agree on all details in advance. Since my schedule is scheduled for six months in advance, we just need to discuss the details and work in a way that does not harm each other.

Each concert Nyusha, as a connoisseur of Western examples of show business, tries to furnish with chic - rich costumes, colorful performances and a lot of dancing. Photo: Personal archive

Did your parents bring hidden bribes: pies, gifts, flowers, theater tickets?

- When we met at rehearsals, one boy brought flowers, chak-chak and without a second thought gave them to me. This, of course, is not a bribe. It was a manifestation of warm feelings. Such moments speak of a good upbringing and attitude. By the way, then this young man dropped out of the project. And he behaved very worthily: he approached backstage, hugged me and said that next year I must definitely be in mentors, because he will come again. That's what a real man is!

- It is too important point: legitimacy of your participation in the "Voice". After all, you are the youngest mentor of the project for all nine seasons - five adults and four children. Do you think the place in the red chair belongs to you by right? Or you feel uncomfortable: they say, there are more experienced specialists.

- I chose a profession where pressure is always expected. There are many different opinions. But at the same time, not everyone is deeply familiar with my work. Few people know me as a person. Not everyone knows what I am capable of, what I know about music. Therefore, I treat negative comments with understanding. Before calling me to Golos, the producers of Channel One probably discussed the candidates for a long time, assessing the level of competence of the musicians. And since I happened to be chosen, why should I feel out of place? I am happy that there is an opportunity to work with children. They are sensitive to themselves. We have mutual love.

- In the show "Evening Urgant" you showed the ring that you have on the ring finger of your right hand. How many carats are in a stone and how did this ring come about?

– To be honest, I don’t know about carats (laughs). Something else is important. I don't like to talk about my personal life, I think it's pointless. Happiness loves silence. But I promised - as soon as it happens an important event in my life, I will definitely report it. It was important for me to notify the fans about the change in my status. This is a very big life change. It happened - and the ring appeared. I would not like to go into details.

The singer showed the ring on the air Evening Urgant". The presenter was so happy, as if he himself gave it to Nyusha. Photo: Channel One

Is this called an engagement?

Photo: Channel One

“I never regretted mistakes”

- There is a feeling that you have big ones. Do not raise your voice, love children, treat your interlocutor carefully and do not puff out your cheeks. Don't get into conflict either. Once you were accused of plagiarism - and then the history of development did not receive. What needs to be done so that you start breaking dishes?

— I am an optimistic person. Negativity is destructive. Throughout my life, I have been aware and convinced of a simple law: the warmer you treat the world and others, the sooner this warmth returns. And tenfold. Therefore, when disputes arise, I act as a buffer that softens the conflict. If I suddenly begin to feel angry, then I immediately try to understand why, which of external factors- a person, a situation, an event - led to such a situation. In any case, emotions cannot be kept in oneself: one must either splash out or let go.

— If during a concert the microphone or sound is turned off, how do you react to such embarrassment?

There are costs in every profession. Of course, there are failures in technology, the human factor also intervenes. Before true reason sometimes you don't know what to do. I know what I might be facing. And I'm ready for this. I do not consider it necessary to end the concert in such cases. You can just sit on the edge of the stage and sing a couple of songs while the sound engineers figure out what the problem is.

The first sign of popularity is parodies. In 2013, Timur Rodriguez reincarnated as Nyusha in the One to One show. The singer was also invited to shoot. Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN

- And still there are situations when emotions work before the self-control system. Some time ago, the media talked about your communication with one of the artists.

“Of course, I developed a kind of shield for myself. He doesn't miss the negative. The period you are talking about was not easy. I can only be responsible for what happens to me. I cannot answer for others. If there are people who want to participate in my life, this is their right. We have freedom of speech. But I will discuss and comment on personal relationships only with loved ones.

Private bussiness

Nyusha was born on August 15, 1990 in Moscow. Father - Vladimir Shurochkin, musician, producer, composer. Mom, Irina, was also fond of music - she graduated music school in piano class. At the age of 11, she began performing on stage as part of the Grizzly group. At the age of 14, she tried to pass the casting for the Star Factory, but did not get into the project due to her age. At the age of 17, she won the television competition "STS Lights a Superstar". Composer, laureate music awards and festivals. Since 2017 .

- Do you feel the need for radical changes: image, hairstyle, car, house, figure?

- Women tend to change, and artists even more so. The public is waiting for experiments in creativity or image. Despite the schedule, I am a rather spontaneous person. I can fly away or leave for new emotions. Of course, so as not to let anyone down and not violate the agreements. It's important for me. Fresh sensations and impressions are needed.

Nyusha does not forget about regular workouts, celery and carrots. But at the same time, do not mind ordering ice cream with pizza. Photo: instagram.com

- Did you want to go back to the past and change something there?

“Every time I had such thoughts in my head, I realized that I didn’t want this. My life is my life. My mistakes are also mine. They shape me, and without them I would be different. I don't want this.

"If alcohol, then pomegranate wine"

- Then the question is from the realm of fantasy: Russia went to the demands of Ukraine and. You were invited to go. Ready?

— I am not satisfied that the political situation interferes so much with the creative competition. So this is unacceptable for me. If there was a different context, I would go. IN currently No. It is unacceptable.

- Although your style is very suitable for Eurovision - dynamic numbers, a Western approach to work, a lot of movement and dancing during your performance. Does the studio we're talking about now have anything to do with you?

- Yes, it's ours. dance studio, which we recently opened together with Oksana Shurochkina (wife of Nyusha's father. - Auth.) - my co-producer and choreographer. It's called Freedom Station. And we have a lot of Napoleonic plans. We want to fill in the gaps that exist in the Russian dance space. First, work with kids. We have groups of mom and baby up to two years old, which is very rare. Secondly, inclusive groups are for children with special needs. In the summer we invite everyone to our Kid `s camp in Sochi, where we will hold master classes and relax together on the Black Sea coast.

Your sister is an Olympic champion. Are you interested in sports as a spectator?

- When there is time, then yes. My life has long been associated with sports. I like to watch figure skating, synchronized swimming. I started to be more interested in football, because I recently became the ambassador of the 2018 FIFA World Cup from Kazan.

The sister of the singer Maria Shurochkina became the gold medalist of the 2016 Olympics in Rio. Masha is a synchronized swimmer, and Nyusha is an ambassador for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Photo: instagram.com

- Do you have any favorite teams or players? For some reason girls love it.

- While I am familiar with football and athletes from the outside. From hearsay. Didn't dive deep into the topic. I know that one of the strongest football players in the world is Messi.

Our whole life consists of rare moments when we can relax. We're not robots. It is impossible to stay in a continuous tone. I also periodically want to be a girl who feels bad and wants to eat ice cream with strawberries. I don't see anything wrong with that. The main thing is that these are rare moments, not weekly depressions.

I promised the fans that I would definitely inform about the change in my status. I kept my word

— How about pizza?

- Yes, sure! Why not? I think it's okay to eat an extra candy bar or a fried potato and then hit a workout the next day.

- What about alcohol?

- I try to lead healthy lifestyle life. Therefore, if alcohol, then a small amount and on holidays. Which? I prefer pomegranate wine. To a certain extent, it can even be useful. In Europe, wine is drunk both during the day and in the evening. If in moderation, it's not harmful.

What will happen in the finale of the children's "Voice"?

So, the final stage of the project remains. In the final of the fourth season, three from each team will fight for victory. Six of them were determined as a result of fights. And three more got a chance to continue participating in the show after an additional stage - the battle of the losers.

Now each artist will perform one song solo, the other together with teammates and a mentor.

The remaining participants will perform one more song each, and viewers will choose the winner of the project through SMS voting.

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Friday/21.30, First

Nyusha makes an appointment early in the morning at a coffee shop. This is unexpected, because for many stars the day does not begin until noon. It turns out that before the interview, she had already managed to record the broadcast on the radio. And immediately after go to the rehearsal of the show. As soon as a girl enters a coffee shop, she catches her eye. She is wearing a short white dress, large earrings in her ears, and almost no makeup on her face. We settle down at the table. After 15 minutes, I feel like I'm chatting with a close friend.

When I was preparing for the interview, I was very surprised to learn that you are 26 years old. For some reason it seemed to me that you were no more than 20 ...
I often hear this. Although in fact I matured early - I started performing at the age of 11, at the same time I spent a lot of time in the studio among musicians. Of course they were older. Often I caught myself thinking that it was more interesting with them than with peers. So I have been feeling like an adult for a long time, but a part of the audience still associates me with the past, “teenager” image. Now the turning point has come. I am changing and I want to show myself differently. This will be clear from the new album, which will be released in the fall, and from the 9 Lives show in November. I am sure that we will have an incendiary and unusual concert — we will tell stories with the help of light and video installations. I hope every viewer will find something of their own in them.

What other stereotypes do the public have about you?
Many people believe that I am frivolous. Because, apparently, I always smile, maybe sometimes I don’t dress too seriously. Actually it is not. I am constantly thinking about difficult things. But I think that I should bring something bright and positive into this world. I feel it is my mission. Our life is full of problems, and with my work I try to make it a little happier.

"A woman is always more attractive when she is independent"

I noticed that after the 25th birthday, people around me really like to remind the girl that it's time to think about marriage. How acutely do you feel this pressure?
So far I hardly notice it. Probably because close relatives and friends are well aware that at this stage my life is work. They see that I am responsible in my decisions and do not try to put pressure on me. In addition, in the 21st century, the boundaries have been erased and many ideas have changed. After all, we calmly look at foreign artists who start families after 30, or even after 40. Can these actors and musicians be accused of wasting time and life in vain simply because they marry late and have children? They are busy doing something, creating something important, leaving a mark on history. Now I want to do something useful and important. And I will definitely have a family when I meet my man. But I'm not going to give up music.

That is, even if the prince insists that you stay at home, nothing will shine for him?
I've set the bar high, so a prince like that won't stand a chance. I try not to let such men approach me.

What if you already fall in love?
To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine a situation in which you can lose your head so much. When I realize that I have found my other half, of course, I will need to slightly change my usual way of life. But I definitely won't give up my job. I am sure that family and career can be successfully combined. I believe that a woman does not have to be a housewife. She is always more attractive when she is independent. If she has her own business, even if it is not the main income, she realizes herself. There are many examples around. In addition, often a person has a vocation. For example, for me it's songwriting. I compose and sing them since childhood. Even then I felt that this was my destiny. I worked hard to make the dream come true.

Which young people are you giving the green light to?
There should be a man next to me who is at least my level or stronger. I mean fortitude, not how many kilograms he can lift. I have an inner core, so my chosen one should have it too. I also always pay attention to how a new acquaintance behaves with his family. People are like trees: everyone has roots from which world views, fears, behavior patterns, good and bad qualities grow. I judge by myself, because relationships with my family are very important to me.

“When there is a person who truly loves you, you look at yourself through his eyes and feel better”

What is the most important thing you learned from your parents?
Treat everything I do with love. When I was growing up, my dad and I often discussed this. And with mom you don’t even need any words, you can just watch her. She is a cheerful, open person, although she has worked hard all her life. Mom was and remains for me an example of an independent woman who goes through life smiling, in spite of any obstacles. Her eyes still sparkle like she's eighteen. I want to be like her. Dad, of course, is a different person, not with the simplest fate. He taught me not to take a situation with hostility, which at first glance may seem unfair. Sometimes it is better to put up with circumstances that you simply cannot change, and over time you will understand that justice will prevail.

Dad is also your producer. How do your professional relationships affect your family relationships?
I wouldn't say it affects us a lot. We are not around twenty-four hours a day. My parents divorced when I was two years old. At first we did not spend much time together, then more and more. Fortunately, somehow there were no serious conflict situations, now I have a large and very friendly family. We are all in a wonderful relationship with each other. And with dad, we manage to clearly separate business and personal. When it comes to work, he never sees me as a daughter. You know, I see this as a big plus. For parents, their children are the most talented, smart and beautiful. But dad managed to look at me from the other side. If he thought that I had no talent, abilities and character, he would immediately say: “You won’t succeed, it’s better to go study as a dentist.”

How confident were you in yourself and your abilities?
I was tormented by many fears, including stage fright. And I asked myself why I can't be as confident as others. This is a serious test. Of course, like all girls, I also thought about my appearance: why my hair is straight and not curly, black and not white. It seems to me that the state of absolute harmony, when you are completely satisfied with yourself, does not exist. But I clearly understand that when there is a person who truly loves you, you look at yourself differently - through his eyes - and you feel better.

The singer broke the silence and dispelled all the rumors around her romance and parting with a popular rapper.

KP One of the most popular young singers on our stage, unwittingly, got into an unpleasant story. Many have tried to confess their love with the help of a song, but so far only rapper Egor Creed (our Justin Bieber) has decided to report a break in relations and their reason. “I got your name on my left hand. But in fact, weeks flew by, everyone told you that he had no money. What the hell is love your dad's opinion is stronger”, the lines that sounded at one of the combined concerts became a small sensation. It turns out that Nyusha and Yegor had a relationship, and he broke up with the singer because she is a daddy's daughter! Then he gave an interview where he told about their relationship, that he wanted children and all that. Nyusha was silent after the concert, was silent, reading Creed's interview, but in a conversation with a KP correspondent, she decided to dot it.

"Daddy's daughter for me a nice review"

KP What did you feel when you heard the words of Yegor Creed about you, moreover, “screwed” to your own song, which you allowed him to sing?

There is no point in hiding that I did not really like the way my composition sounded. I wrote this song a long time ago and it is dedicated to another person. Its meaning is repentance, regret. When I allowed this song to be used, I thought that it would be the original version, but performed by the artist Yegor Creed. Instead, I heard a composition with a completely different meaning. Plus, they started accusing me of something. It's disrespectful to remake my song and not notify me. I have full right prohibit the execution of this version, which, in fact, happened.

KP After the words of Yegor, it may seem that you father's daughter and that's why your relationship ended...

My parents divorced when I was little, but my father took an active part in my upbringing and development. And it seems to me that it is very rare when a father takes such care of a child. In general, “daddy’s daughter” is a pleasant review for me, though not in the context in which Yegor used this expression. I have a wonderful dad who has achieved a lot in life and who I want to listen to. He, being mature and wise, never interferes in my relationships with young people. He can give me advice, but I always make the decision myself.

KP You're one of those artists who don't do PR for themselves in their private life. Even when you had a relationship with Yegor, no one knew about it. It's hard to accept that close person can reveal your secrets?

Like any normal person, I have a private life, but I do not see the need to make it public! And if someone does this, the question arises: “For what purpose?” I work very hard and most of my life and so on show.

KP Well, what do you think it was for? Just before his big solo concert.

I just don't know how to put it mildly ... Apparently, it was necessary to attract some interest in my person on the eve of the concert a. And this is after so much time after we practically stopped communicating with him ... It seems to me that this was not a very beautiful act.

KP Was he serious about children? Your career is in full swing. And he was 19 at the time...

Yes, well, here, after all, we looked at this situation a little differently. What kind of children can we talk about (smiles), if he himself is still a child. A man should take care and be a support for a woman, and not vice versa. I believe, for example, that a real man will never expose his personal life. And already the accusations against relatives and friends, which were made from the stage and then in an interview, are generally unacceptable. And none cash nothing to do here. Never for my relatives, nor for me, this issue was in the foreground. Moreover, at the moment when our relationship was ending, Yegor did not need any additional investments. And if my relatives doubted the sincerity of his attitude towards me, then this is also a completely understandable situation. That's why they are relatives, to protect and wish the best. I believe that the reason for our expense was turned inside out and presented in accordance with Yegor's ideas ...

Our visions of the future just didn't match.

KP Many of your acquaintances are unhappy: you did a lot for him helped with the recording of tracks, prescribed backing vocals ... And he didn’t even mention you on his disk.

When we met, he had a period of searching for himself. I really wanted to help him, support him. I saw his potential. He's a really talented guy. And the fact that I tried to help, took part in musical production this was a confirmation that I saw a prospect for him. And why he didn't mention me I don't know, I guess he took it for granted.

KP You probably helped him "not to catch a star"?

Many things in life came easy to him. He once told me that he succeeded in everything. This was probably one of the main tests after his arrival in Moscow - not to succumb to euphoria big city and the first success, not to catch the "star fever". We talked about being grateful for what you have. And do not forget about the people who take part in your development. Someone reaches for luxury, and someone wants to do what they love. Our opinions about life values ​​diverged. I saw and see the meaning of life a little differently than he does.

KP Did you break up because of this?

Yes, it served Starting point. We perceived many things differently. We have a different worldview. And at some point, our views on the future ceased to coincide.

KP Why did you hide that you were dating Yegor?

When we first met, he was an aspiring artist. And if we came somewhere together, then the situation would be unprofitable for him. Everyone would say that he is trying to quickly achieve success and popularity at my expense. I also cared about his reputation. In general, a public person needs time to figure out whether they love him as an artist for fame, or as a person. Publicity, in my opinion, is a very serious test for a relationship.

“I want to say to men: “Be bolder!”

KP But you didn’t swore after this story “that's it, no more people from show business”?

I thought that in our field people should understand each other better, but it turned out that this is not so. But I know exactly what qualities a man who will be next to me should have: a caring, with a sense of humor and self-irony, a kind and sincere person.

KP What will the next song be about?

It is called "Kiss" and accurately conveys my state, which, I'm sure, is familiar to most girls. It's no secret that men are becoming less and less decisive. And girlfriends complain that they stop paying attention to them, to do serious things. Perhaps this is because women have become more independent, more powerful. I strong man, but I, like every woman, sometimes want to feel weak and defenseless. And composition is a challenge. I want to tell men: be bold!

KP You have a new show coming up in November. Do you already have notes?

Yes, we are working on it now, we have a lot of interesting ideas. Modern technologies allow not to clutter up the stage with decorations, but arrange with screens and the play of light real story. But most importantly, I want the audience to recognize themselves in my songs, empathize and leave the hall happy. In parallel, we are recording an album and the audience will hear some of the new songs in our new show.

KP It's no secret that due to the crisis in our country, the situation is not the most favorable for artists. You travel a lot have you noticed how conditions, halls, people have changed?

Unfortunately, the crisis affected everyone. This affects both the conditions for holding concerts and their attendance. The audience has become more selective. At the same time, I am very glad that I still gather full houses and invariably feel a very warm welcome. I would even say that I feel at concerts a kind of unification of people and their sincere love. I would like to thank them very much for this. I am happy that in this difficult time we are still together!

Elena Lapteva Special Correspondent of the Department of Culture and Gossip
