Sadalsky quarreled with Maria Maksakova on the air of a program dedicated to Eurovision. Sadalsky and Maksakova staged a public scandal on "let them talk"

Yesterday on the air of Channel One during Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk”, a discussion of the results of the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 took place. Maria Maksakova, who now lives in Kyiv, also took part in the popular program. The singer did not come to Moscow, she communicated with the presenter and guests of the studio through a teleconference.

Maria Maksakova fully supported the decision of the SBU to exclude Russian representative Yulia Samoilova from participating in the competition. According to the widow of ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov, if Samoilova had not visited Crimea, she could have freely come to Kyiv:

This is a decision that is connected with the legislation of Ukraine. Here it is quite obvious that it was violated by Yulia, because she performed in the Crimea, and this was the reason for the ban on entry.

The conversation with Maria Maksakova went quite calmly, until Stanislav Sadalsky, an old friend of her mother, intervened in the conversation.

During yesterday's broadcast, the famous actor walked rather tartly on political activity Mary:

I am a friend of my mother, not Masha. And Masha is a great master of cooking porridge. Masha cooked well in the Duma, now Masha cooks porridge in Kyiv.

At the same time, Sadalsky reproached Maria for not even calling her parents. The actor advised the singer to contact mom and dad, to which she replied rather harshly:

Stas, can I do without your advice?

Sadalsky, in response, asked to address him as “you”, and the daughter of Lyudmila Maksakova added that she considered it impossible to communicate with her mother:

I am grateful to my mother for everything she has done for me. I still love her. But, unfortunately, there are actions that make our communication impossible. As Tolstoy said, I can forgive, I can’t hug - my hands are cut off. I think they will understand me here.

During the recording of the next program in the Let They Speak studio, which was dedicated to Eurovision, there was a teleconference.

To which Maria Maksakova was invited in Ukraine, she was asked questions to clarify her point of view on the events of the competition.

There were many media personalities and artists, among them the actor Stas Sadalsky, who is known for his scandalous reputation. He has been friends with Maria's mother for a long time. And for many, her appearance on the screen was a surprise.

Maksakova Jr. commented on her vision of the situation about why Samoilova was not allowed to compete.

By the way, Julia was also in the studio. Then Sadalsky was given the floor, he behaved incorrectly and began to speak out about the conflict between Maksakova Jr. and her mother.

He began to reproach her for the fact that Maria did not get in touch with her mother, who was very upset by this. And demand that Masha call her relatives.

Maksakova answered harshly and directly that she did not need his advice at all.

On the air of Channel One during Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk”, a discussion of the results of the Eurovision-2017 contest took place. Maria Maksakova, who now lives in Kyiv, also took part in the popular program. The singer did not come to Moscow, she communicated with the presenter and guests of the studio through a teleconference.

Maria Maksakova fully supported the decision of the SBU to exclude Russian representative Yulia Samoilova from participating in the competition. According to the widow of ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov, if Samoilova had not visited Crimea, she could have freely come to Kyiv:

This is a decision that is connected with the legislation of Ukraine. Here it is quite obvious that it was violated by Yulia, because she performed in the Crimea, and this was the reason for the ban on entry.

The conversation with Maria Maksakova went quite calmly, until Stanislav Sadalsky, an old friend of her mother, intervened in the conversation.

During yesterday's broadcast, the famous actor rather caustically walked through the political activities of Mary:

I am a friend of my mother, not Masha. And Masha is a great master of cooking porridge. Masha cooked well in the Duma, now Masha cooks porridge in Kyiv.

At the same time, Sadalsky reproached Maria for not even calling her parents. The actor advised the singer to contact mom and dad, to which she replied rather harshly:

Stas, can I do without your advice?

Sadalsky, in response, asked to address him as “you”, and the daughter of Lyudmila Maksakova added that she considered it impossible to communicate with her mother:

I am grateful to my mother for everything she has done for me. I still love her. But, unfortunately, there are actions that make our communication impossible. As Tolstoy said, I can forgive, I can’t hug - my hands are cut off. I think they will understand me here

Andrey Malakhov was able to persuade Maria Maksakova to take part in the show "Let them talk", but she was not well received there. In particular, he attacked the opera diva with reproaches close friend her mother Stanislav Sadalsky.

For the sake of Maksakova, who fled to Ukraine, a teleconference was organized in Malakhov's studio. The opera diva broadcast from Kyiv, where Eurovision 2017 took place. His star guests of the TV program and discussed.

The widow of the murdered ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov was at one of the semi-finals, so she answered questions with skill. True, not everyone liked her words about the representative of Russia at the competition, Yulia Samoilova. Maria was not surprised that the SBU banned the singer from entering the country, which caused a big scandal.

“This is a decision that is connected with the legislation of Ukraine. Here it is quite obvious that it was violated by Yulia, because she performed in the Crimea, and this was the reason for the ban on entry, - Maksakova said categorically. - If this circumstance had not been in her biography, then she would have come and performed here. There is no doubt."

For several days now there have been rumors that opera diva planned or, perhaps, will perform at Eurovision next year. It turns out there is no smoke without fire. “I was ready for any experiments and adventures, including Eurovision. In connection with the circumstances that occurred, this was ruled out, ”Maksakova reminded the audience about the murder of Voronenkov.

In the future, Maria, theoretically, may appear at the competition. Even though she hasn't been called yet. “It is a gigantic responsibility to represent the country at such international show. I have not heard such proposals yet, but if it were, I would take it seriously, ”the artist promised.

During the teleconference, the host of “Let them talk” asked Maria if she was going to visit Russia. Maksakova answered Malakhov that for the foreseeable future she plans to stay in Kyiv because of her late husband.

“I don’t have any obstacles to return. The thing is, I still love my husband. It so happened that his grave is here. For this reason, including, I am not yet ready for such a step, ”the opera diva explained.

The Russians did not release the fugitive in peace. Famous actor Stanislav Sadalsky literally attacked Maksakova, emotionally reproaching her for forgetting her mother. The actor asked the performer to call the parent.

“I am a friend of my mother, not Masha. And Masha is a great master of cooking porridge. Masha cooked well in the Duma, now Masha cooks porridge in Kyiv, ”the artist ironically. Listening to him, Maksakova rapidly grew gloomy. “At one time, there was such a video on television: “Dima, call your mother.” I just want to tell Masha: "Call mom and dad." You just don’t need to build such eyes! Sadalsky was indignant.

“Stas, can I do without your advice?” Maria flared up instantly. “I am with you against you, and you are with me against you, please,” Sadalsky replied tartly to Maksakova. After a verbal skirmish, the singer categorically refused to put up with her mother, who allegedly insulted Voronenkov immediately after his murder.

“I am grateful to my mother for everything she has done for me. I still love her. But, unfortunately, there are actions that make our communication impossible. As Tolstoy said, I can forgive, I can’t hug - my hands are cut off. I think they will understand me here, ”Maria remained at her opinion.

Today, artists and experts have gathered in the studio of the program “Let them talk” to discuss the Eurovision Song Contest, which ended last weekend, in which the singer from Russia, Yulia Samoilova, could not take part. The guests of the popular talk show expressed their opinion about the winner of the large-scale musical project, and also supported a young performer who was deprived of the right to fulfill her dream.

A lot of noise was also made by the appearance at the competition of Maria Maksakova, who on that day for the first time changed her mourning attire to evening and went out to support the representative of Ukraine. The former State Duma deputy was harshly condemned by the public, who discussed this appearance in public for a long time. Leading "Let them talk" Andrey Malakhov contacted opera diva, who recently lost her husband, to clarify what she thinks about the completed competition, which she could not ignore.

The teleconference organized by the program gave the guests of the studio an opportunity to learn Maksakova's point of view and ask her questions. In a conversation with the presenter, Maria stressed that recent talk about her possible participation in Eurovision has nothing to do with reality. According to the artist, she previously announced her intention to represent Ukraine at the main song contest in Europe, however tragic events that happened in her life, forced to abandon this venture. The widow of the ex-deputy Voronenkov stressed that she was ready for any adventures while her husband was nearby.

Then the floor was given to Stanislav Sadalsky, who came to the program. Many people are well aware that the actor has a long-term friendship with the mother of Maria Maksakova, Lyudmila Vasilievna. Seeing on the screen opera singer, the artist could not restrain himself and decided to speak out on the topic of the recent conflict between mother and daughter.

“I am a friend of my mother, not Masha. Masha is a great master of cooking porridge. She cooked porridge well in the Duma, now Masha cooks porridge in Kyiv ... You know, at one time on television there was such a video “Dima, call mom.” I want Masha to say simply: "Call your mother." You just don’t need to build such eyes, ”Sadalsky turned to Masakova.

"Can I do without your advice?" Maria hastened to answer. “I am with you on you, and you are with me on you, please,” the actor reacted no less sharply. The conversation between a man and a woman turned into a real public quarrel, which was difficult for everyone present to end.

One of the guests of the studio hastened to stand up for Maria, explaining her unwillingness to communicate with her own mother as an insult due to the fact that Lyudmila Vasilievna, through negligence, uttered rather insulting words about her deceased son-in-law in a conversation with reporters. Sadalsky at the same time stated that she could not say anything of the kind, and therefore Maksakova considers the accusations to be groundless.

“Such a tenacious woman like my mother would have sued these journalists long ago if it were not true,” Maria explained her position.

Maksakova also noted that she was saddened by the fact that relations with her parent had become very tense. However, she is still unable to forgive her. According to Maria, the honor and memory of her husband are much more important for her than the scandals into which they are trying to drag her.

“I am grateful to my mother for everything she has done for me, and I still love her. But, unfortunately, there are steps and actions that make it simply impossible for me to communicate with her. This does not cancel my love, ”said the star.
