The most faithful husbands according to the horoscope. Virgo - playful but loyal

Correct zodiac sign not every family is ready to remain faithful in marriage, perceiving the devotion of spouses as a limitation. Not only men think this way, but also women. But it turns out that there are people who value loyalty in relationships and are ready to be faithful and loving throughout their lives. Only able to respect and show a sense of love even in difficult circumstances.

Astrologer's advice: Observing the planets and stars above our head, it is possible to realize the correct solution to complex problems, even without special knowledge. Take advantage of this opportunity in difficult situations.

Everyone can be faithful

Most often, women suffer from adultery. It is they who become interested in which one is the most in the family.

What woman does not want to build a strong and long-term relationship in marriage? After all, each of them dreams of happy marriage which will be based on love and mutual understanding.

In fact, absolutely any sign of the zodiac can become true, but not everyone is given this easily and simply. Many people work on themselves and make incredible efforts to become worthy for their other half.

Astrologer's advice: Be sure to take into account that a personal horoscope from an astrologer gives a lot of data that cannot be obtained from general characteristics. .

Who is the leader in marital fidelity among men

To the most correct signs of the zodiac three leaders are Capricorn, Scorpio and Leo.

Capricorn always pragmatic and not adventurous. He will not waste his energy on temporary and useless connections on the side. Capricorn is a little reserved, prone to practicality and would rather immerse himself in work than break his devotion to a loved one.

Despite their sexuality and lust Scorpion is also faithful man married. He appreciates strong family relationships and it is unlikely that fleeting connections will attract him. Especially when you consider that Scorpio is distrustful and suspicious of others.

A lion - most and very different from other signs of the zodiac monogamy. This man has the right idea of ​​a happy marriage in which the woman has one husband and the man has one wife. Leo is a passionate sign of the zodiac, he is very well versed in love affairs, but, nevertheless, having affairs on the side is not his element. First of all, he appreciates spiritual intimacy, so he spends most of his time with his beloved wife.

Who is the leader in marital fidelity among women

Woman- a lion is a faithful wife and will never allow herself even flirting and coquetry, not to mention some love affairs. She will always be devoted to her loved one, because cheating on her husband is beneath her dignity. Lionesses are very beautiful and majestic women who you just want to admire.

Woman- Capricorn prefers stability in marital relations, therefore, is not ready for any changes. Still, betrayal can be called a turn to something new, but since Capricorns are not inclined to change, then love relationship on the side in their case are impossible.

Woman- Scorpion always knows what she wants in life, she is a devoted wife to her man. But if her husband is unfaithful to her, then she will feel it, so it’s better not to risk it.

Devotion - important quality for any person. Not all Signs of the Zodiac are devoted in love and friendship, ready to go to the end with a loved one, supporting him, no matter what.

Devotion is important not only in love, but also in family ties, in friendship, in work. There are signs of the Zodiac who are looking only for their own benefit, so you should not expect devotion from them. It is impossible to condemn these people, because no one knows their true goals, vices and weaknesses.


Aries are quite loyal. They do not leave friends in trouble, and this is typical of almost all representatives of this Zodiac Sign. Aries just express their feelings with devotion. Even if they don't feel like helping you, they will still help you. They live at a fairly fast pace, but will always find time to support you in something important. It is very strange that these people sacrifice their time for the sake of relatives and friends, but in fact there is nothing strange, because Aries just like to move. They can even break into another city at night, if only to find adventures in a well-known place.


Taurus are loyal, but not always, and often their motives become clear later, when they remind you of all their efforts. Their actions can tell about the character of Taurus, because these people can rarely control themselves. They are like an open book, so sometimes they themselves do not know when to be themselves, and when to play along a little. They help you, but then you have to work out this imaginary devotion by helping them in return. What is really good is that they will also take into account your desire to help them and be always there in the future, having fulfilled their “debt” with pleasure.


Geminis really want to look like they're loyal, but they're very bad at it. If they stay in their comfort zone, they are unlikely to step out of it to help you. The fact is that they are not petty, but they love very much when they feel good. They will forget everything you did for them, but you will have a chance to make them remember if you try. You just need to put pressure on them and say that they owe you. Their positive side is that they will not resent you for this. They take the return of debts of any nature seriously.


Cancers are one of the most devoted people, but only for a certain circle of people. For their family, they will do anything, demanding the same from you if you are part of this close circle. The energy of family relations for them is decisive in everything. If you are not their best friend, then the chances of feeling support from them is zero, no more. This is how they are arranged - you will not change this in any way and never. If you help them, it is not certain that they will help you.

a lion

Many experts attribute Leo to the selfish Zodiac Signs. This is true, but remember yourself - don't you love to do something just for the sake of your loved ones? Lions can be at least the kings of selfishness, but if you helped them at least once, then you will definitely see their devotion. Lions have some kind of internal switch that puts them on alert if you give them even a little help. Of course, the fuse will not last long, but the Lions will not leave the one who was with them in trouble Hard time, - do not doubt.


Virgos need to help others to protect themselves from envious people, because most of these people believe that with their help they can make a person stop treating them badly. On the other hand, there are Virgos who only help those who help them. This is already being done out of a sense of discretion, as Virgos hate to waste their time. Of course, they can show devotion to someone who did them no good, but this will greatly lower their mood and self-esteem.


AND positive emotions for Libra is mutual devotion. They really appreciate people who do something nice for them, so they themselves try to respond with kindness. Of course, in real world this happens quite rarely, but Libra knows how to wait, so they are always surrounded by love and good friends. Libras are rarely deceived and disappointed, but even in these rare cases, they remain optimistic. Representatives of this Sign are very devoted.


Scorpios always try to resolve conflicts with their devotion. They want to see the world in harmony, so they will not lose their desire to help a friend or close person. Scorpios find it difficult to make negative decisions. Of course, few people are pleased to throw people out of life, but it is doubly difficult for Scorpios to do this. They want to just have people in their lives who can do something specific for them. They are always ready to go forward.


There is no more benefit from Sagittarius than from things found and picked up on the street. You will never know what they are. Sagittarians can turn out to be both very devoted personalities, and the absolute opposite, sucking all the juice out of you and not doing anything in return. In general, these people are kind, but absolutely insatiable, striving to get more benefits in the shortest possible time. Be careful with Sagittarians until you get to know them better.


For Capricorns, their absolutely absent desire to meet halfway prevents them from becoming happier. Despite the belonging of this Zodiac Sign to the earth element, its representatives very poorly understand the importance of devotion. These people are petty and always on their own wave. It is impossible to remake them - they do not wish harm to anyone. They just perceive the surrounding reality in a very strange way. When they are reproached for something, they do not understand this, because they do not want to understand or are afraid to change themselves.


The secret of Aquarian energy is their desire to constantly improve themselves. They know the price of devotion, so many representatives of this Zodiac Sign can be the most devoted people in your environment. For the sake of friends, they are ready to take off in the rain, in the snow, in the hurricane. They do not care about the rules - they break them for the sake of friendship, because for them the meaning of life lies in communication, in common affairs with other people. What can I say, they can help you and just out of courtesy.


Pisces are not particularly eager to help someone, but if they have no choice or reason to refuse, they will help you. In principle, these people can be called quite devoted. The only thing that is required of you is to ask them normally and politely. They seem to cleanse karma by helping someone, so do not look for other reasons in their creative actions. Of course, you can threaten them, but then you yourself will remain in the cold. Fish, despite the outward harmlessness, can be very strong personalities who do not forgive insults.

Girls and boys who are looking for a mate or are already in a relationship often ask - which is the best sure sign zodiac for men and women. It's time to talk about this exciting topic. Who is faithful according to the horoscope and who is prone to treason?

First, we will analyze the signs of the zodiac in general, and then we will talk separately about men and women.

The horoscope of your man - will allow you to find out everything about a man by his date of birth: character, preferences in love and ways to win him.

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Cancers are the most family people in the zodiac. They love home comfort. And in order to gain strength and energy for business, Cancer simply needs to relax on his favorite sofa and soak in a hot bubble bath.

The ideal family for Cancer is big family with several children, where everyone gathers for dinner in the evenings, eat delicious homemade food and share the news.

Both men and women of this sign are prone to fidelity in marriage. For them, cheating is a betrayal. Someone may be trying to attract Cancer to an affair on the side. And Cancer may not refuse immediately. But as soon as it comes to intimacy, he will immediately remember his beloved family and children, and run away as fast as he can to his home. Then for a long time will remember this unpleasant event.

The most faithful wives according to the signs of the zodiac

It's time to talk separately about men and women. Consider the rating of the most faithful wives by zodiac sign.

  • In the first place of this list are the young ladies Taurus. They are very seductive and charming. They love to flirt and have romance. But having married, the Taurus girl calms down and spends a lot of energy on household chores. She is a wonderful hostess, in whose house it is always cozy, and the interior is tastefully decorated.
  • In second place in the ranking are Capricorns. These women are idealists. They strive to create a healthy atmosphere in the home. Children are strict but fair. They know how to support their husband and inspire career achievements for the benefit of the family. They remain faithful in marriage.
  • In third place - Sagittarius. Having walked up to the wedding, the Sagittarius girl settles down and becomes a faithful, devoted wife. Sagittarius has many friends and communication, other men may try to seduce her, but she will not succumb to their persuasion, because she appreciates family ties.

The most faithful husbands according to the signs of the zodiac

Okay, we've got the women figured out. Well, now the rating of the most faithful zodiac signs among men.

  • The first place is rightfully occupied by Capricorn. This man is so attached to the family that he does not allow the thought of betrayal. He works hard to provide a comfortable life for his wife and children. And when he comes home in the evening, he needs family comfort and care that helps relieve stress.
  • Second place goes to Virgo. Men of this zodiac sign are good husbands and practical owners. Maybe the Virgo guy will not be as bright and enthusiastic as Aries or Sagittarius, but he really appreciates and respects his chosen one. And he can easily nail a shelf in the garage or paint a wall.
  • Well, the honorable third place remains with the Lions. It was not in vain that they chose the best of the best as their wife. So what, now look for someone else? What nonsense! Leo is proud of the achievements of his family, but even more - the beauty and charm of the chosen one. He will be fascinated by his wife long years unless, of course, she behaves like a queen.

These are the most faithful signs of the zodiac. However, fidelity depends not only on the horoscope. The inner qualities of a person and his level of development also have a great influence. Therefore, even the correct rating signs can sometimes turn out to be unreliable. And those who are called potential traitors - remain faithful all their lives.

With the help of the rating of the signs of the Zodiac, you can find out which sign is the smartest, which is the most faithful, and which is the most dangerous. Based on statistical data and compiled ratings, certain conclusions can be drawn regarding the various characteristics that representatives of all constellations possess.

The smartest zodiac signs

In terms of leadership skills, Sagittarius, alas, give way to the most stupid sign of the Zodiac, Aries, which, according to the rating, has the lowest IQ level. As for the leadership qualities and skills inherent in Aries, they are not always interconnected with the mind. As a rule, they are directly proportional to intuition and the sixth sense, which cannot be developed with the help of logic alone.

Windy zodiac signs

Gemini and Scorpio are the leaders of this rating. The fickle signs include Pisces, who are so smart that almost no one suspects their intrigue on the side. Virgos are also windy, but only until they meet true love.

The most faithful zodiac signs

The most faithful include representatives of the constellations Capricorn, Leo and Scorpio. According to the compiled rating of the signs of the Zodiac, these are the most faithful companions of life. They will not start love affairs if there is a loved one nearby. However, unfortunately, for some representatives of the remaining signs, physical intimacy means more than spiritual. Therefore, before making a choice and stopping at a particular chosen one, astrologers recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rating of husbands by the sign of the Zodiac.

Best Husbands

Rating of ideal wives

Both among men and among women there is a rating of wives compiled by astrologers according to the sign of the Zodiac.

The most jealous signs of the zodiac

Such a quality as jealousy is inherent in every person, however, there are such zodiac signs that cannot cope with this trait of their character. These are Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn. Representatives of the Libra sign are also very jealous, but they, as a rule, keep all emotions in themselves.

The most dangerous sign

The worst sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio. It is the representatives of this zodiac constellation that are the most quick-tempered and dangerous people. Even Pushkin argued that Scorpio combines such qualities as genius and villainy. However, among the Scorpios there are smart people, however, they tend to use their intelligence for reasonable purposes on rare occasions. Scorpios have a rich inner and emotional world.


After reviewing the ratings presented in this article, we can conclude who is the most faithful sign of the Zodiac, and who is the most windy. However, do not forget that each person cannot fully meet the above characteristics. The date of birth and, accordingly, the sign of the Zodiac is, of course, an important indicator, but the above information should not be taken too seriously.

A wife should not make her own friends; Enough with her and her husband's friends, Plutarch argued. Since the time of Plutarch, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but what exactly is enough for a man (husband), philosophers have not figured out. Perhaps the degree of their (men's) fidelity will be determined by the signs of the Zodiac? ELLE has formed a rating of faithful husbands, but warns that exceptions are possible.

Scorpion. 3 out of 10

Not Gemini, but a dual nature. Scorpions have a soul and a body - like everyone else, however. But it is in men of this sign that the opposition of these two meanings reaches a peak. His soul has become attached to you, and the body asks for novelty. Scorpio is considered the most unfaithful sign, but, as always, there are exceptions. And the exception men are just gold.

Sagittarius. 3 out of 10

Everything is clear from the title. Sagittarius is a shooter, he needs a target. And every time a new one. “What is our life? Game" - the motto of Sagittarius, which applies to all areas of life. Faster, bigger, brighter, more interesting - representatives of this sign are in a hurry to try everything, not at all because of immorality, but because they cannot do otherwise. And, besides, Sagittarians are looking for the only one, but they cannot find it. If they do find it, they say “stop” to themselves and leave the race.

Cancer. 5 out of 10

At first magical, Cancer will gradually show its selfish essence. He only cares about his comfort and pleasure. Try to catch him on something, and he will make a scandal for you, sincerely wondering why you are unhappy, because he is fine. However, there are a lot of happy exceptions among Cancers, and men over 35 are especially faithful.

Twins. 6 out of 10

He actively takes on relationships, invests himself without a trace, then withdraws into himself, and if he realizes that he is too comfortable, he can make legs. Stability for a number of Gemini is like boredom. They need new goals, and it's not even about sex and not about women in principle - Gemini, by their nature, are constantly looking for change. If you can accept this and work with this trait, you will get a great husband.

Aquarius. 6 out of 10

Do you want a relationship with Aquarius? Show initiative. Do you want him to be faithful to you? First, keep your distance, and then try to be interesting to him. He will not control your life, but he will not let you follow his movements. And when it seems to you that others get more from him than you, take a closer look to see if there are any people around you beautiful women? How to be? Don't tie him and he will tie himself.

Aries. 7 out of 10

An insidious tempter, Aries will sincerely surround you with fantastic love, will also sincerely give himself entirely and no less honestly will run further. Well, or try to run away. If you can stop him, clap your hands - you have an almost perfect husband in front of you. Almost - because someday it former nature can make itself known again. It's up to you to decide what to do with it.

Scales. 8 out of 10

Libras prefer games in life. Surprises, flirting, unexpected trips and meetings, job changes and appearance It's about Libra. Where they don't like surprises is in relationships. If you admire him, he is yours forever. Only admiration must be sincere, otherwise write wasted - Libra feels false like no other. For all their lightness, representatives of this sign appreciate stability. And betrayal ... betrayal for them is a way out of their comfort zone. So you are required to provide them with this zone, and everything will be tip-top.

Virgo. 8 out of 10

Also a very practical sign. For poems in the moonlight and watching the dawn - it's you to someone else, please. The Virgo man will analyze everything that is connected with you, draw conclusions, slowly, and make a decision. No, you should not yawn from boredom, this man truly loves you, but he uses his intellect even in matters of the heart. Accordingly, he will not change you, simply because if he has already made a choice, why should he change this choice? Although ... we still lay the percentage of the assumption. For even Virgos are not machines, but men.

A lion. 8 out of 10

Leos love the world of things and specifics. They are reliable and do not really tolerate when a woman who is nearby turns out to be taller than them. In every sense - from the literal to the status in society and income level. If everything is in order with this, then you can be sure that the Lions will not let you down. And they will be faithful to you. Until you start earning more than them. Joke.

Fish. 8 out of 10

Feeling and sensual men. They gain momentum for a long time in relation to the woman they like, but then they invest without a trace. And singing under the window (if anyone else is interested in it at all), and flowers in huge buckets at the doorstep. All will be. Wherein living together it will be interesting to change Pisces - they will not just forget about romance, but they will definitely prefer sex to it. But sex with you. Pisces needs one woman, but one who will accept his softness.

Capricorn. 9 out of 10

A conservative is who the Capricorn man is. He works a lot for the good of the family, knows how to count money and manage it properly. Can you be at least part of the same? Then you will find a quiet, cozy family happiness without shocks and adultery. Why does Capricorn need trips to the left if he has everything arranged? That's right, no need. It's an extra expense, after all.

Calf. 9 out of 10

Restrained outwardly, Taurus is very emotional in fact. And very, very persistent. He will make every effort to win you over, and when he gets his own, he will not let go. Taurus is ready for anything for the sake of his beloved and sees in marriage not a necessity, not a coincidence, not worldly benefits and not “because it is necessary”, no, the institution of marriage in the eyes of Taurus is sacred. Taurus marry consciously and do not change their decisions. Needless to say, in the sense of fidelity, representatives of this sign (as usual, not all are exceptions, they happen) will give everyone a head start.
