The most faithful sign of the zodiac. The most faithful man according to the sign of the zodiac: a horoscope from an astrologer

A wife should not make her own friends; Enough with her and her husband's friends, Plutarch argued. Since the time of Plutarch, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but what exactly is enough for a man (husband), philosophers have not figured out. Perhaps the degree of their (men's) fidelity will be determined by the signs of the Zodiac? ELLE has formed a rating of faithful husbands, but warns that exceptions are possible.

Scorpion. 3 out of 10

Not Gemini, but a dual nature. Scorpions have a soul and a body - like everyone else, however. But it is in men of this sign that the opposition of these two meanings reaches a peak. His soul has become attached to you, and the body asks for novelty. Scorpio is considered the most unfaithful sign, but, as always, there are exceptions. And the exception men are just gold.

Sagittarius. 3 out of 10

Everything is clear from the title. Sagittarius is a shooter, he needs a target. And every time a new one. “What is our life? Game" - the motto of Sagittarius, which applies to all areas of life. Faster, bigger, brighter, more interesting - representatives of this sign are in a hurry to try everything, not at all because of immorality, but because they cannot do otherwise. And, besides, Sagittarians are looking for the only one, but they cannot find it. If they do find it, they say “stop” to themselves and leave the race.

Cancer. 5 out of 10

At first magical, Cancer will gradually show its selfish essence. He only cares about his comfort and pleasure. Try to catch him on something, and he will make a scandal for you, sincerely wondering why you are unhappy, because he is fine. However, there are a lot of happy exceptions among Cancers, and men over 35 are especially faithful.

Twins. 6 out of 10

He actively takes on relationships, invests himself without a trace, then withdraws into himself, and if he realizes that he is too comfortable, he can make legs. Stability for a number of Gemini is like boredom. They need new goals, and it's not even about sex and not about women in principle - Gemini, by their nature, are constantly looking for change. If you can accept this and work with this trait, you will get a great husband.

Aquarius. 6 out of 10

Do you want a relationship with Aquarius? Show initiative. Do you want him to be faithful to you? First, keep your distance, and then try to be interesting to him. He will not control your life, but he will not let you follow his movements. And when it seems to you that others get more from him than you, take a closer look to see if there are any people around you beautiful women? How to be? Don't tie him and he will tie himself.

Aries. 7 out of 10

An insidious tempter, Aries will sincerely surround you with fantastic love, will also sincerely give himself entirely and no less honestly will run further. Well, or try to run away. If you can stop him, clap your hands - you have an almost perfect husband in front of you. Almost - because someday it former nature can make itself known again. It's up to you to decide what to do with it.

Scales. 8 out of 10

Libras prefer games in life. Surprises, flirting, unexpected trips and meetings, job changes and appearance It's about Libra. Where they don't like surprises is in relationships. If you admire him, he is yours forever. Only admiration must be sincere, otherwise write wasted - Libra feels false like no other. For all their lightness, representatives of this sign appreciate stability. And betrayal ... betrayal for them is a way out of their comfort zone. So you are required to provide them with this zone, and everything will be tip-top.

Virgo. 8 out of 10

Also a very practical sign. For poems in the moonlight and watching the dawn - it's you to someone else, please. The Virgo man will analyze everything that is connected with you, draw conclusions, slowly, and make a decision. No, you should not yawn from boredom, this man truly loves you, but he uses his intellect even in matters of the heart. Accordingly, he will not change you, simply because if he has already made a choice, why should he change this choice? Although ... we still lay the percentage of the assumption. For even Virgos are not machines, but men.

A lion. 8 out of 10

Leos love the world of things and specifics. They are reliable and do not really tolerate when a woman who is nearby turns out to be taller than them. In every sense - from the literal to the status in society and income level. If everything is in order with this, then you can be sure that the Lions will not let you down. And they will be faithful to you. Until you start earning more than them. Joke.

Fish. 8 out of 10

Feeling and sensual men. They gain momentum for a long time in relation to the woman they like, but then they invest without a trace. And singing under the window (if anyone else is interested in it at all), and flowers in huge buckets at the doorstep. All will be. Wherein living together it will be interesting to change Pisces - they will not just forget about romance, but they will definitely prefer sex to it. But sex with you. Pisces needs one woman, but one who will accept his softness.

Capricorn. 9 out of 10

A conservative is who the Capricorn man is. He works a lot for the good of the family, knows how to count money and manage it properly. Can you be at least part of the same? Then you will find a quiet, cozy family happiness without shocks and adultery. Why does Capricorn need trips to the left if he has everything arranged? That's right, no need. It's an extra expense, after all.

Calf. 9 out of 10

Restrained outwardly, Taurus is very emotional in fact. And very, very persistent. He will make every effort to win you over, and when he gets his own, he will not let go. Taurus is ready for anything for the sake of his beloved and sees in marriage not a necessity, not a coincidence, not worldly benefits and not “because it is necessary”, no, the institution of marriage in the eyes of Taurus is sacred. Taurus marry consciously and do not change their decisions. Needless to say, in the sense of fidelity, representatives of this sign (as usual, not all are exceptions, they happen) will give everyone a head start.

“Nothing is as burdensome as devotion,” said one of the characters in Agatha Christie's novels. Indeed, there are those for whom loyalty is a heavy burden. However, there are enough people in the world who are capable of devotion. InStyle has compiled a rating of the most faithful signs of the zodiac.

12th - Gemini

Well, what can I say. Gemini is a two-faced sign, which means that the integrity of nature is not the most common quality among them. This also applies to relationships. Gemini are always on the move, they are looking for impressions, they are greedy for acquaintances, news. This sign is plastic, it easily accepts the rules of the game, and in general the Gemini are born players. Including in relationships. Accordingly, they can easily play up to adultery. You need to understand that for many Gemini, in principle, the love of one person is not enough, so they are unlikely to calm down soon. Do you want him to be true? Change with him, be interested in the world around you also intensely.

11th place - Virgo

A very polar sign. Virgo is ready, willing and able to be faithful, she condemns adultery, as it is immoral. But in fact, the representative of this sign would gladly dive into the pool with his head, if it were not reproached for it. External decorum is very important for Virgo, she tries to control herself, but at some point she gets so bored with everything that she breaks down. Another question is that the breakdown will be fleeting, one-time and not serious. Virgo will never have a long-term affair on the side, as it is risky, tedious and also boring in the end.

10th - Libra

Libras are amorous, like teenagers. Each hobby is love to the grave and that one is the only one. And nothing that in six months they will not even remember the name of this one. The main thing is what is happening here and now, a whirlpool of passions that will overwhelm you and create a lot of problems. In addition, Libra does not know how to lie, and all these “stayed up to two in the morning at work” do not even want to refute - and it is so clear that this is a helpless lie. And representatives of this sign do not know how to say “no”, which is the biggest problem for those who are close to them.

9th place - Pisces

Pisces need communication. They are very interested in society, people around, and being with one person all the time is strange and tiring for them. The dirty trick is that they, however, agree to a serious relationship, and then start to spoil everything. It seems to them that this is normal - someone permanent is waiting for them at home, and outside the house there is a huge fascinating world, rich in impressions, interesting people filled with passion. How can you stay away, Pisces are perplexed, and boldly go to the left.

8th place - Aries

This sign is simple. Loves - does not change, fell out of love - went to the left. The truth is that Aries will change, and then report that love has withered. And this, you know, moral dissonance. And further. After 40 years, the likelihood of Aries cheating grows - not just at times, but noticeably. This is due to the need to prove to yourself that age is not a hindrance and charm / charisma in place, have not gone away. To prevent this from happening, praise Aries with all your might, let him understand that he really is hoo. It's only better to do it pure heart: fake compliments this sign feels from afar.

7th place - Scorpio

The reputation of this sign is rather ambiguous. Here you have vindictiveness, and passion, and love of manipulation, and selfishness. But, as they say, we will not smear everyone with black paint. And there are spots in the sun, and Scorpios can be faithful to their partners. The external windiness of Scorpios hides the fact that they are real monogamists. And if you turn out to be the object of their love, you can relax - loyalty to you is guaranteed. In his arms, maybe Scorpio will not carry you and will not show feelings in public at all, but he will stick with his soul and heart, and will remain there forever. And this, as you understand, excludes adultery.

6th - Cancer

Cancerians cheat if they are very unhappy in their current relationship. Moreover, they go for it because of too strong love to the one who is being cheated on. Paradox? Not at all. They are driven to adultery by the indifference of the person most important to them, and they do this not out of revenge. They just want at least some spiritual (and physical) warmth. Partner can't warm them up? Then Cancer goes to the left. And, by the way, he does not reflect on this at all: he is sure that the blame for such an offense lies only with his beloved. In general, Cancers are very affectionate, they leave for a long time, it is difficult for them to tear off from the heart of the one who broke their heart.

5th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarius is important to be cool, it is important to be independent. Love, as he believes, can deprive him of this armor, so Sagittarius avoids real feelings. Hence - a high probability of treason. Thus, Sagittarius, as it were, says to himself: I am on my own, I do what I want, I am not attached to anyone. But when in the end that very real feeling overtakes him, Sagittarius will stretch his arms at the seams and become silk. No intrigues on the side and even glances around - he will only look at you.

4th place - Leo

Very sure sign. For all his narcissism, Leo is a very naive and reverent character, it is important for him to have a loved one. And no less important, of course, that this close person acted as an enthusiastic audience. If you admire, compliment, generous with praise, Leo will be yours to the end. And really, why change the audience if it already exists? It is also nice that the Lions are ready to compromise in relationships, they are reliable and quite responsible for themselves. Just - we repeat - do not forget to support Leo in everything possible. And you will be happy.

3rd place - Aquarius

Aquarius can be faithful, but he needs to understand and feel the need for this. And here one love in fact, oddly enough, is not enough. Simply put, Aquarius should be ripe for a serious, reliable relationship. And it is also important for a representative of this sign to trust a partner - not in the sense of sex, but in the sense of feelings. If Aquarius is sure that you truly love him, and at the same time he is ripe for a real romance, then that's it, he is yours.

2nd place - Capricorn

Capricorn is reliable, and this quality, as a rule, excludes infidelity. If Capricorn gives you a word that he will always love, then he will keep his word. It is important for representatives of this sign to exist in comfortable, calm conditions, they hate conflicts, they are afraid of a showdown like fire. Why risk what you have for a night of risky pleasure with who knows?

Yes, they are quite capable of getting carried away, but within reason. The hobby will be fleeting, harmless, almost imperceptible for the second half and will not leave wounds in the soul of Capricorn. But they must warn: if it is Capricorn who is betrayed, he will do exactly the same. And then do not expect mercy.

1st place - Taurus

Loyalty leader. Taurus needs permanent partner then his life will be fine. This need is both psychological and physiological. It is impossible for Taurus to even imagine that someone other than you will be next to him. Representatives of this sign remain faithful to the end, even if you make serious mistakes and stumble badly. True, if we are talking about treason on your part, not the fact that you will be forgiven. Taurus takes relationships extremely seriously, and considering such behavior as a betrayal, they may not come to terms with what happened.

He knows firsthand how painful betrayal can be - the last thing you want to do is go through this ordeal again. Forewarned is forearmed. Astrologers have revealed a pattern: based on personal characteristics of character, some signs of the zodiac deceive their soul mates much more often than others. Moreover, each of them has their own reasons for this. We give you a few "space clues" that will help you navigate - what can you expect when you meet someone new?


The possibility of betrayal by Aries is 50/50. On the one hand, they do not throw words into the wind and always fulfill the promise. On the other hand, they easily take risks and adventures in order to tritely dispel boredom. If an energetic Aries is going to cheat, then most likely he lacks vivid emotions and dynamics in relationships. They are very active, and if the partner fails to maintain their rhythm, they easily continue to move forward without him. In addition, Aries are owners of a solid ego, which requires constant attention. Show him physical affection regularly and do your best to maintain the WOW effect in the relationship.


One of the most faithful companions in life. If such a man fell in love, then this is forever. They seriously believe in "love to the grave" and "marital vows." One gets the feeling that the beautiful princes from fairy tales, one and all - Taurus. The only reason they can cheat is if they suddenly seriously suspect that their partner is cheating on them. This will be a kind of revenge or an act of revenge, which they would never have decided under other circumstances. Show Taurus how much you care about him on a physical and emotional level, and you can be sure of his devotion.


Keep your eyes open - these partners are very fickle and prudent enough. Both qualities constantly lead them into temptation, which Gemini is unable to resist. Representatives of this sign often need "intellectual stimulation" - they should be interested in talking with you. In most cases, they realize their need for flirting through dating sites, social networks And Email, but rarely move from virtual space to reality. Regularly spur Gemini's interest sexually and mentally - you can be sure that he will not go anywhere from you.

Another zodiac sign with a fairly low level of confidence. The reasons for infidelity are captiousness and daydreaming. They themselves do not know what they want from life, but they require endless attention. Cancers are extremely insecure and, at times, cheating is a desperate way for them to increase their own self-esteem. Moreover, they manage to accuse an inattentive partner of these betrayals, but in no way admit their guilt. Let Cancer feel the most desirable, and he will not go anywhere from you.

At first glance, imposing and self-confident Lions are alpha males who are ready to change women like gloves. In reality, this is not at all the case. They are really "led" to the attractive bright appearance of the opposite sex, but at the same time, they will be infinitely faithful to their "queen". They are so principled that it seems that nothing can force them to commit treason. This quality makes Lions in love very reliable partners. With one caveat! Under no circumstances should you be better, richer, more successful or more talented than him. Otherwise, they will run to assert themselves in someone else's bed. Another lion's weakness is age, if they go for betrayal, then with a much younger passion.


Take a breath - you can definitely trust him. Such men are distinguished complex nature, the desire for loneliness, constant reflection and a rather measured life. They like it when they are loved not for merit, but just like that. Rest assured, if Virgo chose you as a companion, he came to this decision consciously, after weighing everything well. Another feature of this sign is that he is very squeamish, including in relation to casual sexual partners. Therefore, if he ever decides to take a fatal step and goes for treason, this will be far from a frivolous relationship.


After all, this is a balanced and fairly fair zodiac sign. Libra men love stability, take any obligations seriously, so they usually don’t cheat. On the other hand, flirting is not alien to them, so they can (even unintentionally) be drawn into a situation where this very flirting goes too far. If you can become not only a lover for your partner, but also a friend, this will benefit your relationship. Libra does not know how to hide his feelings, so if a betrayal happens, be sure that he himself will admit everything.


One of the most passionate, but completely unreliable lovers. This is exactly the case when they go for treason solely from physiological needs. Therefore one of better ways to bind Scorpio to yourself, no matter how trivial it may sound, - sex: frequent, varied, inventive ... An insatiable partner will be incredibly devoted and will linger in your bed for a long time.


Just like Aries and Leo, the fiery Sagittarius is constantly in need of action and adventure, including in the bedroom. If you share the adventurous spirit of a Sagittarius and don't limit his freedom too much, he can be a very loyal partner. He is ready to give you his attention, but, at the same time, he categorically does not believe in love, rarely attaches himself to someone with all his heart, and if he enters into an alliance, then with the amendment "the time has come." If a Sagittarius flirts too much, it can eventually lead to trouble in the end.

Astrology helps to reveal the secrets of the personality of any person. To do this, experts use natal chart which describes in detail every aspect of life. key value has an ascending sign. It is he who determines the manner of behavior and perception of the world. Information about the sign of the Zodiac even helps to understand how faithful the partner you have chosen will be in marriage.

The most faithful men according to the sign of the zodiac

The first place in the ranking of the most faithful men is Taurus. He can be described as a sensual and passionate partner. However, like any earth sign, he is guided by reason, not emotions. The Taurus woman will have to come to terms with his jealousy and desire to control everything. But in fact he is not a tyrant and despot. It is important to understand that his sense of ownership is closely related to the need for certainty. At the same time, Taurus himself gives his chosen one a sense of reliability and stability.

The second place among the most faithful signs of the zodiac is rightfully occupied by Leo. While searching, he does not spare the feelings of others and behaves like a selfish alpha male. But for a woman who is lucky enough to really interest him, the fiery man will open up from a completely different side. Having decided on a serious relationship, Leo becomes the backbone of the family. A typical representative of this sign - faithful husband and a wonderful father. The woman who will energize him will never know what betrayal and betrayal are.

The Virgo man himself is insecure and shy, which prevents him from playing the role of Casanova. Puritan views on marriage are also added to natural shyness. Maybe, family life with this earthly man will be boring and predictable, but this is offset by a large number positive qualities Virgin. A loving representative of this sign is very caring, devoted, kind. Responsibility, decency and fidelity mean a lot to him.

Fourth place is shared by Capricorn and Libra. Under certain circumstances, they remain faithful throughout their married life. Capricorn men are distinguished by a heavy contradictory character. However, despite the impressive list of shortcomings, they take relationships and starting a family seriously. Being jealous, Capricorn will not give the chosen one a reason to doubt his fidelity. The complete opposite of this earth sign- Scales. An airy man is often associated with inconstancy, windiness and endless flirting. But a spiritually developed representative of this sign can be loyal and very serious when it comes to marriage bonds.

How to calculate a cheater using astrology?

Of course, it is impossible to rank all representatives of one sign as faithful or unfaithful husbands. But astrologers believe that a potential cheater can be determined by the time of birth with a high probability.

Aries and Sagittarius differ in inconstancy in love. Fire men are often emotionally addicted. As soon as feelings for a partner weaken, they begin to look closely at other women. Gemini men are also notorious. They are frivolous, selfish, freedom-loving. Loyalty to the grave is definitely not about them. Even melancholy Pisces are prone to betrayal. Typical representatives of this sign are afraid of responsibility and are constantly in search of new emotions. Even despite the status of a married man, Pisces men can easily have several parallel relationships.

Few people want to endure infidelity in a relationship. Who are the most faithful signs of the zodiac?

5 most faithful signs of the zodiac

In the ranking of the best future wives and husbands, and maybe just partners in life path present as typical representatives suitable for general description signs, and controversial zodiac characters, to know the nuances of the nature of which is not given to everyone.

a lion

If Leo's flirting for the sake of self-affirmation does not count, then he is undoubtedly true

Representatives of this sign really know their worth. They rarely exchange for trifles, they are looking exclusively for serious relationship. This applies more to men, but women are not far behind. Short-term intrigues are definitely not Leo's choice. Therefore, if he is in a long relationship, then there can be no talk of treason. Lions are faithful to their partner, fully respecting him. This is especially true for legal relationships. An official marriage is not an empty phrase for Leo.

Only the lack of confidence that the relationship is really serious and that they have the person they want to see as a life partner can push them to betrayal. But even in this case, Leo, rather, first initiates a breakup, and then he will look for a new partner than start an affair on the side. In the process of searching, they often flirt with many, so it may seem that this zodiac sign is prone to cheating, but in reality this is far from the case.


Capricorn men are the most loyal of the zodiac signs.

One of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Its representatives can choose a life partner for a long time, while being alone, and not changing partners. But if Capricorn falls in love, then this happens once and for all. The most faithful are men born under this sign. Women are also faithful, but they are less pragmatic and more emotional, which can sometimes negatively affect the situation. If Capricorn has already entered into marriage, then nothing will force him to embark on the slippery path of treason. The representative of the sign will throw all his strength into equipping the family nest and earning money. He will definitely not be up to change in this process.

It is unlikely that something can push Capricorn to betray. Representatives of this sign attach great importance family values. Even under the influence of alcohol, Capricorns remain calm and reasonable. Therefore, random drunken affairs are also excluded. Capricorn is able to change only if he is completely disappointed in his partner. Sometimes it happens as revenge, but it's more about women. Capricorn men almost never cheat.


Virgos are truly devoted to the family and try to do everything possible for it, and even more!

Virgo is a sign of the zodiac that is characterized by a romantic approach to relationships. These are peculiar big children, in whose heads a fabulous idea of ​​\u200b\u200blove is ripening. So they wait for their ship with scarlet sails to create relationships based on real feelings. Naturally, when this happens, then there can be no talk of any betrayals. This is especially true for women. Representatives of the sign are as romantic and sublime as possible, the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbreaking fidelity to a loved one is disgusting to them. As far as men are concerned, the issue is debatable. If the Virgo man is not too confident in his partner, then he can easily flirt with other women and even start an affair. But if the representative of the sign has already entered into marriage, then he will definitely remain faithful.

Virgos are usually pushed to cheat by the realization that there is not a very worthy partner next to them.. Disappointed in their ideas about him, the representatives of the sign may begin to search for a new life partner. I must say that many Virgos are actively looking for love, for this they can use all available tools. Often, representatives of the sign actively communicate simultaneously with a bunch of people, without stopping the choice on someone specific. Is this considered a kind of lack of fidelity? It is up to the one who chose Virgo for the relationship.


Taurus will not change if he is confident in his choice

Taurus are very sensual and pleasant people. They like to be in a relationship, to have an understanding partner nearby. This is especially true for women, young ladies born under this sign are perhaps the most faithful. Taurus love home comfort, they do a lot to ensure that life is established in the family nest. Most often, they try to quickly get married in order to legitimize the relationship and bind a partner. Of course, cheating is out of the question. Tauruses devote a lot of time to their family and partner, pay attention, try to please with pleasant little things. They don’t even think about intrigues on the side if everything suits them in a relationship.

Taurus is usually driven to betrayal by a lack of understanding with a partner. Usually, representatives of the sign are not ready to leave immediately, they try to maintain relationships for a long time, especially when it comes to official marriage. But if the partner does not go forward in any way, then Taurus can change. Usually this happens spontaneously, without any clear plan of action. Just a suitable person is tucked under the arm, and Taurus loses his head. However, then the representatives of the sign usually regret what they have done. Cancer is the most family sign of the zodiac. From childhood, he dreams of a strong and friendly family, and therefore loyalty is at the top of principles. Entering into long relationship and even more so in marriage, Cancers believe that partners cannot change each other in any way. Representatives of the sign are soft and kind, do a lot for their chosen one, surround him with care and affection. They are very fond of quality sex and try to get it from a life partner to the maximum. Cancer women are more faithful than men.

The coldness of a partner can push Cancer to betray. If the representative of the sign is trying for the family, and sees no return in return, then he may try to get attention on the side. Also, cheating in Cancers often occurs due to physical dissatisfaction, which is more true for men than women.

Of course, not only the sign of the zodiac allows you to judge the intentions of your soul mate, you need to take into account a whole range of data: a specific date of birth, the decade in which the sign was born, data Eastern horoscope, natal chart ... Sometimes it happens that, for example, the most incorrect sign of the zodiac Sagittarius gets along with the most true Cancer! Find out more details about your partner so that you don’t regret “wasted money” later. best years life."
