What induced damage is dangerous for humans. Evil eye and black evil eye

Black magic: damage to an opponent or blood enemy

Life is full of unpredictable surprises and sometimes people who were dear to us yesterday become the most hated enemies. It happens with strangers too - a certain person pretty much ruins your business, interferes with happiness, or directly threatens family well-being. What to do when the very existence of a source of troubles unbalances? What to do if the person does not compromise and continues to destroy all the good around you? Even the most thoughtful and calm person involuntarily wish the enemy all kinds of hardships, and one who is not used to throwing words into the wind can even turn to otherworldly forces.

Damage to the enemy: how far can witchcraft go?

In the arsenal of black magic, there are many ways to harm a particular person. The most popular and effective of them is spoilage. An experienced sorcerer concentrates all negative energy and sends it to the victim of the rite. Achieving her goal, she acts slowly, but mercilessly. It all starts with sleep disturbances, tormenting nightmares and real visions drive you crazy. Further - health problems, their origin cannot be explained by medicine. A snowball of troubles at work and at home finishes off a person, most often the result is the most serious mental disorders and death.

There are a lot of varieties of spells, an experienced sorcerer for an order is able to impose damage on:

- Health - magic is subject to any disease from anxious apathy to oncology;
- Loneliness - a person will never meet a soul mate;
- Impotence - the so-called tie acts on the intimate side of life;
- Death - the ritual is capable of inciting suicide or incurring an incurable disease;
- Infertility - life without children is like the most serious trials for many, especially for women;
- Discord in the family - two once loving friend a friend's hearts will be torn to shreds by a series of tragedies and failures;
- Offspring - aimed at children and grandchildren who will suffer all their lives and pay for the sins of their parents;
- Money - the enemy will never know what wealth is, rather, on the contrary, he will be mired in debt.

Corruption: Magic can strike back

Magic has its own laws, and they say that any negative impact on a person's life will have to be paid in full. It does not really matter who is engaged in witchcraft: a professional or self-taught. The only difference is that a specialist knows how to avert trouble from himself, but a simple performer does not. Gross intervention in fate will certainly entail:

- Psychological problems - insomnia, irritability, aggression and even suicidal tendencies;
- The occurrence of diseases of the limbs up to paralysis, malfunctions of the heart and nervous system;
- Troubles in the family and professional plan;
- Violations of the reproductive function, or even worse - a curse on offspring.

But how is it? - you ask. After all, I wished misfortune to the enemy, and not to myself? It's simple, it's called "rollback". If the damage takes effect within 1-3 weeks, then the consequences of the ritual will take you by surprise: tomorrow or in 10 years.

Think about it, maybe there is a way to solve the situation by other means? Magic is subject to any metamorphosis. Contact a professional, and he will definitely select a more loyal method to help you fix the problem, or at least ward off trouble from your person.

If the warnings did not cause doubts in your soul, then carefully study the recommendations and find a ritual of inducing damage based on your goals.

Damage to the enemy and his entire family

Sometimes not one person, but a whole clan of relatives can cross the road. To conjure each of them is a rather lengthy process, so magicians invented the following method a long time ago. Please note that you must be completely sure that you are right, and the victims of the rite should be equally guilty of your sorrows and sufferings. If so, then start preparing.

For the ritual, you will need a ransom for the spirits. IN this case you will need a black rooster, killed with your own hands. The blood from the bird must be lowered, and the carcass taken to the nearest intersection. Just leave a gift there.

Do not pour out the liquid that has been glassed from the rooster. You need to put needles in it (pre-calcine them) according to the number of personalities that have annoyed you. The next morning, take out your sewing supplies and wrap them in black cloth. Go to the house of ill-wishers and throw, or better yet, bury the bundle under the threshold. While doing so, say:

“Not in the name of the father, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the holy spirit. Don't amen. Oh, you, brother demons, come here, to this threshold, send illness and anxiety here, set up your nets, weave, harm the slaves (names) through the threshold. From this hour, from this time, there will be no slaves (names) of life, health, peace. Neither day nor night. Not at midnight, not during the day. Word. Bess business. Key. Language. Lock!".

Leave the yard and don't look back.

Damage to death by Voodoo magic

Shamanic rituals of ancient Africans are still in demand due to their power. It is almost impossible to reverse their rites. This is mainly due to the fact that the energy message is transmitted through a specially made doll - Volta. If the performer of the ceremony keeps the figurine with him and does not show it to anyone, then the magic will finish its dark work - do not hesitate.

To induce damage, you will need to buy 3 candles. You should not buy them in the church, because your goals are far from good, do not anger the spirits. Melt the wax in any convenient way and remove the wicks. From the resulting material, blind the volt. He will personify your offender, so pay attention to the details. The result will be faster if you get the nails or hair of the enemy - weave them into the figure. Instead of a face, you can attach a photo of the victim, so dark energy will definitely find its "owner".

From the three wicks, twist the rope, make a loop on it and wrap the doll's neck. Now carefully look at the finished product and concentrate your hatred on it as much as possible. Say:

“Heaven, do you hear? God, do you hear? I am sending (name) to execution. Let it happen! Wax from the fire melts. And you (name) will melt. As wax melts, so will your flesh melt! Let it be so!".

Then go around the altar (the table on which there are traces of your witchcraft) and say:

“One day - Monday, the second day - Tuesday, the third day - Wednesday, on Thursday you will be in trouble, on Friday - you suffer, on the shestak - you melt, in a week - pray, on Monday - goodbye! Seven signs of the Earth! The land that I give, take! Truly!"

To complete the ceremony, you need to go to the churchyard before sunset. Choose the grave where the namesake of your offender is buried, and stand at the head of the bed. Melt the wax in a tin can and pour it onto the graveyard ground. Leave and do not communicate with anyone on the way home, turning around is also not recommended.

How to damage a photo?

Far from always the performer of the rite has the opportunity to leave magical attribute at the threshold of the offender's house. Even more futile seems to be an idea to impose damage through the personal belongings of the enemy or with their use. The next option will suit you, even if the enemy is thousands of kilometers away.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

clear photo a sacrifice made no more than six months ago, without strangers and animals;
- A pinch of salt and ground pepper;
– Rusty nails or needles;
- A pot of water.

The liquid should be brought to a boil and thrown into it with the left hand - pepper, with the right hand - salt. Then put a picture there and watch how the image loses color, say.

Black damage is the strongest type of damage, the consequences of which can be very diverse. It is generally accepted among the people that black damage is damage to death. But it's not. Black damage is any damage that is applied to a person in order to bring him grief and misfortune.

Black damage requires special consciousness and attention. An incorrectly performed rite can affect the performer of damage.

Pin method

Applying black corruption with a pin is the oldest and most well-known method. It does not require any special skills and knowledge, but it is still worth being careful.

The method consists in throwing a pin into the house of the person to whom the damage is directed, or inserting a pin into things belonging to this person. Therefore, if you suddenly notice a pin at home or on your things, then break it into two parts and throw it into the fire. So you will remove black damage from yourself. The sooner you find the pin, the better.

Damage through photo

Application is another of the most common ways of this kind, such as black spoilage.

Our photographs are able to retain the energy that is associated with us, so by having a picture of a person, you can influence his fate. If you decide to apply black damage, then you need a picture that shows the offender.

On the night when full moon, fold the photo of the enemy, tie with black thread three times and tie in a knot. Next, set fire to the picture and make sure that the fire does not die out and the entire photo burns out.

To avoid this with your photos, do not give your personal pictures to unfamiliar people, even if they ask you for them for a while, promising that they will look at them and return them. Also, when guests are at home who are not close friends, make sure that your photo archive does not fall into their hands.

If you've got difficult situation, which requires any damage, you can contact me. it will be completely safe for you, only the victim who will be affected will suffer.

In this article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you why damage is dangerous for a person, how to detect it and independently destroy its effect. It is even difficult for a beginner to imagine how many ways in the rituals of black magic to harm someone who deserves it. Black witchcraft damage is better than a blade, better than poison, because it hits the enemy accurately and leaves no traces. That's just, like a blade and poison, this method of retribution must be mastered masterfully. What are the types of damage? Diverse. For revenge on the offender, beggarly damage, for illness, loneliness, for the quick death of the enemy.

What types of damage exist in real magic

Black damage can be sent to a person in different ways. Magic ritual is chosen based on the final result, and the capabilities of the magician. What a magician should feel, what to worry about, how a certain person should pay, the magician knows about it, and takes it to work so that everything happens according to his desire and will. In addition to those listed above, what are the damages that suggest knowledgeable people per person? Love spells, for example. These are truly terrible rituals, sophisticated revenge through love torments, which, like hellish fire, are directed at the victim.

Through such damage, people die, so that other mortal damage in the cemetery is inferior to love spells in its strength. Love spell is not quite the same as love spell. In love spells, energy is directed towards positive, towards creating feelings, affection, sexual desire with a touch of tenderness, and so on. But, love spell induced on a person is a completely different matter. There is not a drop of positive here.

So, the question does not arise, is there damage through a love spell of the victim?

It does not just exist, this type of love damage is often used as part of witchcraft to punish treason, revenge for an insult, or the complete destruction of a person.

If you were not lucky enough to become a victim of such an impact, you were at the reception of a magician, and you were told that there is damage, do not hesitate, but immediately get rid of the negative. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will immediately make a reservation, at the reception of a real magician, believe me, real damage is not so often caused. Energy negativity on a person, the evil eye - yes, many can have it, targeted damage is not common.

Any damage and curses are removed if they are diagnosed in time.

Even strong impacts with the settlement of malicious entities can be removed if you act quickly and correctly. Listen to yourself, your inner voice, intuition and your body. During a magical attack, the body will definitely give you a signal, and not one.

Do not ignore these signals, pay attention to yourself. If there are such signs, there is a feeling that there is damage, go to the magician, make a diagnosis.

A sensations of damage are related to the aspect that was most affected through the directed magical strike. If powerful damage is done with money, there will be disruptions in work, monetary losses, and then serious problems associated with the financial sector.

If black damage is induced on diseases or death, then it will manifest itself in sudden undiagnosed diseases, in addition, a person cursed to death becomes an object of attraction for accidents, one of which, for example, a car accident, can become fatal. The first signs of love spoilage are nagging pains or itching in the groin area, constant thoughts take a specific lustful direction, etc. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, I repeat, it is not necessary to consider only the presence of one sign of damage induced on a person, you need to look at the totality of symptoms, and if they are present, apply for a detailed diagnosis to a real sorcerer.

Do they do damage to the family and what is it expressed in

There is a special category of energy negativity - birth damage and curses. Why is damage to the family, the so-called rodovuha, dangerous for a person? The broken fate of all family members, numerous diseases that suddenly manifested themselves in people, closed life paths, the early ridiculous death of relatives - that's what dangerous birth damage induced on the life of the whole family, that's what lies behind this term.

No, not everyone believes in the existence of rituals for inflicting severe damage on a person.

Many people, only personally faced with the problem of black witchcraft, begin to think that the world is not at all as simple as they would like or conveniently think. And finally, the question is: are there any damage that can be sent to a certain person, the power of which can change a person’s life, reshape his fate? There are. Still how they are. If you have or are experiencing signs of damage(I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, have repeatedly spoken about the signs and symptoms that suggest the presence of negativity in my articles. And the diagnosis on Tarot or Runes confirms the suspicions, which means they have caused damage and you need to remove it until it is completely absorbed into you, you need to take action for its liquidation.

Does the damage go away on its own?

A common and frequently asked question. No, it doesn't. Well, perhaps, made independently by a person who does not know much about practical magic and, in fact, do not have witchcraft power. The real damage done to the death of a person will not go anywhere, but will only grow stronger. The magical negative must be removed either on your own or by contacting a real magician, but the main thing is to remove the damage to the end, without leaving not a drop of its poisonous effect, or over time it will make itself felt again.
In order to speak clearly about how is damage done, you need to choose a ritual and disassemble it into its components. So, consider this, not too popular, but impressive in its effectiveness magical rite like damage to disease through swamp water.

What is dangerous damage to the health of a certain person

About what kind of evil eye and damage exist (the evil eye is a kind of energy damage), I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, explained. Now let's go directly to an independent rite of inflicting damage on your enemy. If it is made for human health, then the lamp is internal, and they make independent damage through swamp water.

Only a strong magician can destroy the old damage done to serious illnesses.

Himself, if there is not enough experience, you can only mess up, aggravate the matter even more. So, there is only one way out - having discovered damage, look for a strong magician who can save the victim, tear off the veil of witchcraft. So, how a sorcerer can do damage through swamp water. Here is the way.

It is necessary to start conjuring on the fourth day, from the beginning of the waning of the moon. On the fourth day, take water from the swamp, and on the fifth day, take it from the grave. A vessel with swamp water spends the night in the cemetery for 1 night.

To independently induce severe damage to human health, you need to:

  • ladle with lid
  • bottle with tight stopper
  • penny at the mercy of the dead
  • boiler
  • river water
  • shirt (t-shirt, clothes) of the one who needs to be cursed
  • Aspen stake

Scooping water from a swamp with a bucket, you need to read the words of a magical conspiracy on illness:

“Black water, a swamp, cursed three times with an oath, cursed by the demon himself, but not by a baptism, but a dead man is consecrated, you have been let into the death of the people by your master, but you were born on mother earth with a black teardrop, subsoil fermentation, to know not to see, but you blaspheme the body on ( name) create. The distance is swampy, the strength of the swamp. Taco is commanded. Amen".

Then pour the water into a bottle, and leave it on the nominal grave. You need to dig some water at the feet of the dead, and read strong conspiracy, such that feelings of damage in the victim will be very unpleasant, creepy:

“Not on the head, but in the legs, and then the dead, and then the living (name) from these legs, but right into the mind, the mind, the little head. Take everything from the dead with water, let gloom into the living (name) through the water. Amen".

From above, throw a penny with a ransom to honor the dead. Let the water stand there for the night. Swamp water in itself is nasty, has bad energy, and during the night it is also disastrous, death will be typed. The power of powerful damage to the living man will go fast. If the sorcerer is literate, then he will put protection on his work, so that it is more difficult to detect damage to a person. In the evening, when the sun goes down, you need to go to the cemetery, and pick up that bottle from the grave. Having dug, it is necessary to say:

“I take (name) for the health of the disease. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

If you don't know very well how to detect the evil eye, although the methods there are simple, you will hardly be able to cope with this damage on your own. And in witchcraft, time is of the essence. If powerful damage to health is done through cemetery water, you can’t hesitate, you need to get rid of it. So, having taken the swamp water from the cemetery, you need to go to a secluded place where you will not be disturbed. Make a fire from pre-prepared firewood. Put a cauldron on fire, pour river water into it, when it boils, throw the shirt of a strong enemy into it.

If there is no shirt, any thing he wears will do. Biological material is good for this business, hair, for example, or blood. Wait a little, let the water boil properly, and then pour swamp water on your enemy's thing.

As it is signs of spoilage, so there are signs that a person is spoiled. But, these signs will appear, as the damage falls on the victim, and begins to unwind. And before that, you need to do everything without errors. In order to damage the health of the offender, pour the swamp water into the cauldron, and read a strong conspiracy 7 times (the water should boil at the same time):

“I conjure, I promise seven witnesses, seven black-haired fields, seven fast rivers, seven dead pools, seven mountains plagued by baldness. Yes, I call seven swamps, black minions. You swamp water with the power of disastrous, attach the power of sorrow. Yes, your marsh water of a dashing share is a craftswoman, strength is hidden in that water, bitter strength. Whom that force touches with a touch, he will be driven from the living to the dead, his mind will be clouded, he will be driven away by the mind. He doesn’t help, he doesn’t strive, he doesn’t succeed, so I send from the swamp to the dead. I shift it, but I put the black force directly into (name), let the black force (name) deprive of health, the swamp does not let go day and night, from day to night, from night to day it throws, itching in a whisper, caressing with cold, that water will exhaust the swamp (name) will roll down the cheek with a black tear, drive the living from the house to the grave, but he will confuse the roads, he will confuse the living with the dead. He will forget (the name) of his relatives, he will confuse his sister and mother, he will tell his father and brother, he will throw away all his friends with words, he will put clothes from a scabbard on his head, a shoe with a mitten, a mitten with a knife, eat food, add some shit, sweeten with earth, eat grass with a bitter aftertaste. Publican (name) with a black face, wander around the white-light world, take the holy fool (name), and swamp water three times cursed by nine ancient words, cursed by seven deep pools, a dead man's grave, a black prayer. All the same, I conjure, I deprive (name) of good health. To drink marsh water (name), so it is said, but not by me, but by the dead in the grave it is said. All words cannot be sorted out, thought cannot be counted. And if someone prays in spite of the outbreak, the deceased hurt him in the grave. Amen".

After damage is detected, after magical cleanings, diagnostics are also carried out, with the help of which the magician finds out whether all the negative was removed, or part remained, and repeated cleanings are required. Will there be symptoms confirming that damage comes out of a person? Of course. All signs of removing the induced damage will come down to one thing - to improve the patient's condition.

How does damage come out after removing it from a person?

The negative can resist, especially if there are strong locks, or the damage done to a person is very old, taking deep roots. So, with the resistance of the negative, a person feels this as a deterioration in well-being, loss of energy, a desire to lie down and not move, drowsiness. Just by these signs, if they appear especially brightly, you can understand that old damage is coming out, this is a classic. Soon everything changes, it comes new period. A person feels how his shoulders are freed from a heavy burden. This weakens and the magical negativity disappears, the person goes free.

But how long can this last (fatigue, loss of strength, etc.) after removing the damage, how long does it come out? No, this period is short. In contrast to the time it takes to get rid of the consequences of damage, to treat a person who has suffered from black magic, to improve his life and social ties. A magician can help here too. But I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will notice, and the person himself will have to work hard.


A fairly common black damage that absolutely anyone can induce by simply throwing or sticking a pin into any object in the house. This damage is removed very simply: you just need to break the pin and throw it into the fire. But the whole point is that finding a tossed pin is extremely difficult. This can only be done if your house is in perfect order, and every thing, including pins, has its place. Then a pin lying on the floor, or not where it should be, will immediately attract your attention.


This black damage is often used by envious women, wanting to recapture the groom from the bride. This damage is done to food or drink, which is served to the groom at the wedding. Therefore, earlier in the Pechora villages, knowledgeable people very strictly ensured that separate food was prepared for the bride and groom, and only trusted people. None of the outsiders were allowed to the dishes of the newlyweds. Unfortunately, in our time it is almost impossible to do this, and anyone can spoil the groom's food. How to find out that a “net” is thrown over your spouse. It's pretty simple. If before the wedding he showed you attention, care and love, and immediately after the wedding he seemed to have been replaced, you should know that one of your rivals has spoiled him. Damage is removed in the same way as it was done - that is, with the help of food and drink. Prepare a three-course meal. When you cook each dish, repeat the conspiracy-prayer from black corruption all the time:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord God, give me Thy Holy Spirit. Amen. I will go, young, early, I will wash my face white, I will go to God's church, I will begin to pray to the true Christ, our God. God of miracles, even the great and wonderful made, ancient Israel by Moses, freeing the bitter work of Pharaoh, by Your hand instructing this right hand, and keeping it unharmed to the promised land; and first of all, with these birds to satiety, nourishing numerous people in the desert is very dry, then raining manna like water from a spring of ever-flowing; even a stone that is not insects, the springs of waters are arranged, and all are satisfied by the shedding of water for the thirsty; and now nourish us with your usual love of mankind and goodness, give us what we need, show us your great and wonderful, and nourish us to satiety with the blessing of your goodness; everything is possible for You, but nothing is impossible for You. Hey, Lord our God, having nourished people with small loaves in the wilderness with darkness, nourish us now with Your inexpressible goodness, and do not despise the prayers of us sinful and unworthy servants of Yours, may the Most Holy be glorified your name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

gypsy evil eye

Gypsies often spoil people, especially those who treated them badly. Gypsies are a magical people, the ability to charm is in their blood. Even a little gypsy girl can bring severe damage. Gypsies treat people well, whom they consider to be kind, fair, honest. Maria Semyonovna has several gypsy acquaintances whom she helped and who helped her. “They regard me as their own,” she said. “But they are in no hurry to recognize strangers. They are cowardly people, and therefore dangerous. Understand yourself: they are driven everywhere, from generation to generation. So we got used to seeing the enemy in everyone. And they treat their enemies cruelly. Therefore, if a gypsy sticks to you on the street or in the market, give her ten rubles, or better not pay attention. If you fall for the hook, and she will lure you out of all the money, or a watch, or a ring, do not curse the gypsy. It won't be worse." The gypsy evil eye can be inherited. This evil eye is especially dangerous for children: it is not for nothing that they scare children with gypsies. What to do if a gypsy jinxed you? In this case, you can pay off. Give any begging gypsy enough money to thank you properly. (Gypsies are as generous with thanks as they are with curses.) After that, the evil eye will disappear by itself.

Seal of loneliness

The seal of loneliness is awarded to both men and women, but most often - men. They say about such people: unlucky. Indeed, from the outside, everything looks like bad luck. You have probably come across such cases. A man can be good-looking, and everything works out for him at work, and he has many friends, and his character is wonderful. But with the opposite sex he is not lucky catastrophically. It's not that he can't build a relationship at all. Just as it comes to the wedding, everything immediately collapses, and not through his fault. If this happens several times in a row, be sure: the “seal of loneliness” is put on it. This damage is not dangerous either to life or to health. Many people live like this until their death, believing that such is their fate. But in fact, this is not fate, but damage.

Induce her, as a rule, in his youth. This is done so that a person cannot start a family with anyone other than the one who caused the damage. But you can't tell your heart! Therefore, women very rarely achieve their goal with the help of this damage. Most often they get tired of waiting and marry someone else. But the damage is not removed, because they are pleased to feel their power over another person, especially over a man. "Seal of loneliness" can be removed in two ways. First, as already mentioned, this can be done by the one who sent it. But the trouble is that few people admit to witchcraft. The second way is casting. With the help of casting, by the way, you can find out that a person has a “seal of loneliness”: in this case, the wax is poured in the form of a printed impression, on which there is the number “1”. After casting, you need to burn the wax on fire, and, burning, read the following plot:

Water pours, fire rages, wax melts, trouble pours out. Burn wax, burn, my misfortune, burn my loneliness. Go to hell, don't get anyone. Lord, forgive me a sinner, as I forgive my enemies and adversaries. Release my sins as I release them. I burn someone else's sin, I burn my misfortune. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When the wax burns out, you need to go to church, light a candle to Saints Adrian and Natalia, and read this prayer:

O sacred couple, the holy martyrs of Christ Adrian and Natalia, blessed spouses and good sufferers! Hear us praying to you with tears, and send down on us all that is useful to our souls and our bodies, and pray to Christ God, have mercy on us and do with us according to His mercy, that we not perish in our sins. Hey, holy martyrs! Receive the voice of our prayer, and deliver us with your prayers from gladness, destruction, coward, flood, fire, hail, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from sudden death and from all troubles, sorrows and illnesses, but strengthen with your prayers and intercession let us glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. All glory, honor and worship is due to Him, with His Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Not every church has an icon of Adrian and Natalia. In this case, a candle can be placed in front of the icon of Jesus Christ, saying to yourself: "Saints Adrian and Natalia, pray to God for me." If you are a wealthy person, then order an icon of Saints Adrian and Natalia with your money, and donate it to the church. These saints patronize family and marriage, and will definitely help you find your soul mate.

The negative impact on a person, which is carried out with the help of a special rite, is called spoilage. Even the name itself already speaks of something bad and scares many people. And this is not surprising. After all, the negative program embedded in the ritual has a two-way effect: it blocks the beneficial energy and replaces it with a negative one. And the strongest impact and, of course, the most dangerous is black damage to death. This rite involves a fatal outcome for the person to whom the ritual is directed.

Black envy and hate are the same strong feelings like love. And, if a person in love, in order to achieve a goal and bind a lover, makes a love spell, then hatred or envy can push a person to perform such a rite as damage to death or loneliness.

Depending on the area in which troubles should begin to occur in a person, black impact can be of several types:

Black damage to death

The most terrible and powerful impact. Ends with a fatal outcome for the victim. However, it is dangerous not only for the “spoiled”, but also for the person who makes the ritual. The performance of such a ceremony can lie like a black seal on the performer.
negative impact on health.
If a person does not wish death to another, but only big health problems, then this ritual is done. Although it is believed that such exposure can also lead to death.

Runic corruption

This type of magical influence can destroy any of the spheres of human life. The right combination of runes will worsen health, make the house cursed, or lead a person to death. Runic corruption can also be used as a rite of passage for loneliness.

Damage to relationships

This rite allows you to destroy even the most strong families. Often such an impact is made by a mistress with a single goal - to achieve a man and take him away from the family. Black damage to a rival is most often done by a wife whose husband another woman wants to take away.
damage to loneliness.
Such a ritual is usually done out of revenge on a lover or beloved who has left.

Damage to business

Such an impact is on business competitors or on more successful partners whose successes can harm a person in the field of work.
ritual for good luck.
As a rule, such a ritual is done out of envy in order to destroy a happy combination of circumstances for a certain person.

Damage to money

It can be done as damage to business, or simply for failures in the financial sector. Losses, thefts and other economic troubles will become constant companions in a person's life.

The most common types of negative impact on a person are considered above. However, in this case, a strong black love spell can also be considered a ritual of dark magic according to possible consequences. Rites for loss of beauty, madness, drunkenness or miscarriage are done less often. As a kind of negative impact, runic damage can be considered separately.

Damage to health deterioration

Runic corruption can be induced on a person who is very far away, affecting his well-being and causing an exacerbation of chronic diseases. For the ceremony, you will need 3 runes: Halagaz, Evaz and Laguz. In addition, we need a photo of the victim and a needle.

Write the names of three runes on the picture and focus on the picture, imagining the person is sick. For the ceremony to work, we pass the needle through the picture in the very center and repeat the names of the runes three times.

After the ritual is completed, the photograph is removed to a place inaccessible to outsiders, and after nine days it is burned. Black runic corruption refers to very strong influences, the influence of which is difficult to prevent. Therefore, before performing such a ritual or love spell using runes, evaluate the situation and weigh the pros and cons.

Damage to death

Damage to death is considered the most dangerous ritual, the implementation of which is tantamount to killing a person. Be very responsible when making a decision, because it will affect two lives: both yours and the person on whom the ceremony is being performed.

Any rites have an influence, whether it be a love spell or damage to loneliness, but a ritual for health or death is considered the most unpredictable.

If for you damage to death is the only way out of this situation, then pay close attention to the execution process.

On a Friday night, head to the cemetery and look for an abandoned grave that no one cares for and no nameplate. A small aspen stake is driven into the center of the grave with the words:

“Friday-Friday, all the affairs of the unfortunate conductor.
This is her plan, but the nameless one.
I drive a stake on a blighter, I drive death with a stake.
Through a nameless suicide bomber, through an aspen stake
I’m catching up on the slave (name of the enemy).
Everything is done.

Black damage to death is read three times. After reading, you need to leave the stake in the grave for a week, and the next Friday with the same peg, repeat the ceremony. The ritual must be repeated three Fridays in a row, after which the stake must be driven into the ground near the enemy's house. Damage to death on the enemy is a strong and dangerous type of magic, the consequences of which can also affect the performer of the ritual.

Damage to relationships

If damage to business is done to worsen things in the work area, then damage to relationships is done to destroy interpersonal ties between people. The most frequent rite is on the needle. To complete it, you will need one new needle, on which the plot is read:

“I read strong words on the needle, I speak it.
The discord between the slaves (names of people) will be strong.
I entrust their lives to the dark forces,
So that they do not have peace and rest.
Let it be so.

The plot is read nine times. After reading, the needle must be driven into the doorframe, where people live whose relationships need to be destroyed. Such a rite is usually done to quarrel lovers: damage to a rival jealous wife or damage to the relationship by an abandoned mistress.

The effectiveness of the needle ritual is very high, which is evidence of the popularity of this ritual. However, remember black damage to relationships, like any other type of dark magic, it can be dangerous for all participants in the ritual. Also consider the next point - neither the rite on the needle, nor other damage to loneliness or discord guarantees love from a man. It will be possible to achieve reciprocal feelings only by using a love spell. The right combination of black rite for relationships and used love spell guarantee the required result.

Black damage to the hair can be done in various directions: for problems in business, for loneliness, and so on. In addition, any love spell can be done using the genetic material of the victim, damage to death is also done.

Damage to the hair involves the use of several hairs for the ceremony and one candle. Late in the evening, sit down at the table, light a candle, and take the victim's hair. Hold for a couple of minutes while introducing the person. After that, set fire to the hair from the candle with the words:

“Love, lapel now does not work on you.
You will be alone forever and ever, and loneliness is an eternal companion.
As your hairs burn out, so my words will gain strength.
Do not remove the conspiracy to anyone now.

The ashes from the hair are thrown away, after which the damage to loneliness is considered completed. If this rite is done out of revenge on an unfaithful lover, then it is often better to first try to build relationships using love magic. A love spell can help solve your problem without using spoilage.

A negative impact on a person is black magic, which can affect both the loneliness of a person and bring him to death. Different types of magical rites of this type act on different spheres.

Quite often, damage to the hair or a needle is used, the runic damage used requires some knowledge in the use of runes. However, it must be remembered that by harming another person, you are committing a sin and the seal of misfortune can also fall on you.
