Savva Fadeev and Olga Silver. Change "SEREBRO


The other day in Russia there were rumors that the soloist popular group SEREBRO romance with the 21-year-old son of Maxim Fadeev. The producer was extremely outraged by the spread of gossip and decided to clarify this situation.

Few people know that Maxim Fadeev has a son Savva. The heir of a well-known producer throughout the country is engaged in photography and has already arranged a photo session for his father's wards - the soloists of the SEREBRO group. And recently, rumors appeared on the Web and in the Russian press that he was allegedly dating 34-year-old Olga Seryabkina. Rumor has it that they were seen together in one of the supermarkets. According to eyewitnesses, Savva rolled the artist in a grocery cart.

Seryabkina and Fadeev relatives or not: Fadeev gave explanations

“Another article has been published that Olya Seryabkina and my son are a couple. Nothing, they are relatives? It's okay that they have a decent enough age difference - is he 21 years old? This does not bother anyone, ”said the indignant Maxim.

I would like to note that at the same time, Fadeev did not begin to explain in what kind of family relationship Seryabkina and his heir are. Fans advised the producer not to pay attention to gossip. Many were also surprised by his words that one of the soloists of the SEREBRO group is a relative of Savva.

"Never mind! You know that this is nonsense”, “Take care of your nerves”, “Relatives mean,” subscribers commented on the post.

Olga Seryabkina can rightly be considered one of the most closed artists Russian show business. “I know that I am interested in what is happening in my life. And I’m glad that we managed not to quarrel when parting, ”that, perhaps, is all that is known about the past relationship of the 33-year-old singer.

At one time, the soloist of the SEREBRO group, who has established herself as a rather liberated star, was credited with novels with Dmitry Nagiyev, Oleg Miami and Irakli Pirtskhalava. And now the Web is actively discussing information that Olga has a relationship with the son of producer Maxim Fadeev, 21-year-old Savva. Young people were met in one of the metropolitan supermarkets, and they behaved quite frankly: according to the source, the young man was rolling his girlfriend in a grocery cart.

// Photo: Instagram @anonimochkin

It is known that Savva Fadeev is fond of photography and has already carried out a professional photo session for the SEREBRO trio. For the young man, the shooting was a kind of debut. “And all this was photographed by Savva Fadeev! Love you!" - Olga Seryabkina admitted in the microblog.

Not only famous father inspires his son, but vice versa. About three years ago, the debut directorial work of Maxim Fadeev, titled “Savva. Heart of war. Fadeev spent about eight years creating a story about a brave boy. During this time, Fadeev's son, Savva, managed to turn from a young man - the prototype of the main character - into a real man. It was to him that his father dedicated this work.

By the way, Maxim Fadeev treats his wards in exactly the same way as he treats his own children. He always emphasizes that their relationship is a partnership. The producer does everything to make his musicians feel free. Fadeev does not offend the employees of his production center. For example, about a year ago famous politician Vitaly Milonov spoke unflatteringly about Seryabkina, making it clear that he considers her lung girl behavior. Olga's mentor did not remain silent.

“I have always watched this half-politician, half-freak with interest. He constantly gets into some kind of scandals, talks about gays, lashes out at women and behaves like a circus dog. Now I wrote about it and thought that it really looks like circus dog. The SEREBRO group has gained worldwide fame. And what did deputy Milonov do? What did he create in this life? He would have a pick in his hands and to work. As for his political actions, views, I believe that he is a political dung beetle who always runs around on various TV programs, ”said the producer.

The news that her soloist is leaving the SEREBRO group has stirred up the Internet. Our regular columnist believes that business is “to blame” for everything.

“A black day on their calendars was celebrated by fans of the SEREBRO group on their calendars: the team is leaving its sexiest part - Olya Seryabkina. To be honest, I was surprised that this happened just now. There is a huge gap between Olya and other participants. Seryabkina is an artist from the "A list": despite the fact that she is not a frequenter of secular parties, everyone knows her on the sidelines of show business, which cannot be said about other girls yet. Without such a locomotive as Olya, the sad fate of the new " VIA Gra».

“It is very difficult to talk now about what I feel,” Seryabkina writes in a blog. - On the one hand, I stay at home, in MALFA (Maxim Fadeev's production center) and will be able to fully engage in my solo project, make my own music. On the other hand, I am leaving the group that was and remains a part of me. But it is important for me to say: when I decided everything, I talked with Max. He understood me and said "go ahead".


"Go!" Is it that simple? It's no secret that Fadeev in the pop crowd is called Karabas-Barabas behind his back, who just like that, without signatures on the dotted lines of draconian contracts, will not let anyone go anywhere. It is worth remembering at least his scandalous parting with Lena Temnikova (by the way, the former best friend Seryabkina). Obviously, the story with Olga is completely different. He calls her “my rocket”, considers her a relative and is sure that she will always be there. It’s just that the SEREBRO soloist is no longer in latex outfits, but with a laptop behind desk: Olya is the author of most of the texts for the musicians of the HRC Fadeeva. In addition, Max is sure that her solo project MOLLY will break the world charts. The statement may be too bold. But I don't remember Fadeev being wrong.

Olga on the set of the show "Everything but the ordinary" (TV3) Photo: TV3

Women's groups in Russia always meet the same fate: an endless turnover of participants. Thanks to this phenomenon, the term “gold composition of VIA Gra” has spread in our country. It’s even interesting what foreigners will think when they hear this phrase? be me music producer I would never dare to create women's group. Such projects are a priori doomed to short-lived success, because beautiful and popular girls in our country very often find wealthy fans who are able to buy out their beloved's contract and leave the team without a member. Next, the girls are waiting for either a golden cage, or Solo career with the support of an influential man. You can find a lot of such examples in our show business: Vera Brezhneva, Albina Dzhanabaeva , Elena Temnikova and so on. Children are too important point, pregnancy can undermine tour schedule, and the child - generally deprive the desire to go on stage.

Well, another important point - fees. In the case of a group, the money has to be divided between the participants, and there is also a producer who usually takes the lion's share, a team of musicians, techies, administrators. From a business point of view, singling out Olya Seryabkina as a separate project is an opportunity to earn more! The main thing is that the SEREBRO group continues to excite the fantasies of men and arouse our jealousy.”

October 03, 2018

Olga Seryabkina prefers not to talk about her personal life, but she was recently spotted in a supermarket. The singer walked around the store with the son of producer Maxim Fadeev.


She is a member of the SEREBRO group, and also performs solo under the pseudonym Molly. Almost nothing is known about the personal life of the 34-year-old singer. She does not discuss her beloved with her fans, and once she even admitted that she did not want to start a family. All the thoughts of the girl are occupied with creativity. However, last year there were rumors that she was dating Oleg Miami. The artist even made it clear that this was true, but then broke up with the star of "House-2".

Personal dossier

Beautiful and spectacular Olga was often credited with novels with famous people. Now the Network is discussing her relationship with her son, 21-year-old Savva. They were seen together in the supermarket. They behaved at ease: according to some information, the young man rolled the singer in a grocery cart. The heir of the producer is fond of photography and previously arranged photo shoots for the SEREBRO group.

Olga and Savva in the supermarket / Photo: Instagram @anonimochkin

Fans have no doubt that Seryabkina romantic relationship with Savva. However, so far neither the singer nor the young man has officially declared themselves a couple. Note that Fadeev's son grew up his

Maxim Fadeev called information about his son's romance with the soloist Silver bands Olga Seryabkina is not true. Recall that a few days ago, Seryabkina was seen with 21-year-old Savva Fadeev in a supermarket. Observers noticed that young people are not indifferent to each other. Articles with high-profile headlines instantly appeared in the media that Seryabkina had an affair with a guy.

Olga and Savva had fun in the supermarket

The “proof” of this version for fans was also a post on Olga Seryabkina’s microblog, where she writes that she loves Savva Fadeev. The young man is professionally engaged in photography and previously arranged a professional photo shoot with Serebro soloists. Olga supported the guy and posted his photo on her profile.

“And all this was photographed by Savva Fadeev! Love you!" - the girl wrote, unwittingly fueling rumors about their relationship.

Maxim Fadeev did not stay away from this situation. After articles about Seryabkina's affair with his son appeared on the Web, he recorded a video in which he reproached the media for writing absurd things under loud headlines.

Fadeev denied rumors about the romance of his son and ward

The producer said that Olga Seryabkina and his son Savva are relatives. In addition, they have a pretty decent age difference - 11 years. The behavior of journalists greatly outraged him.

Olga was very surprised by the rumors about her

Olga Seryabkina was also surprised when she read the information about her romance with Fadeev Jr. She confirmed that Savva is her relative. And in the store they just had fun - the guy rolled Olga in a grocery cart.

Recall soloist of Serebro, despite its stage image, in life is very closed and does not like to talk about the personal. A few months ago, the girl told me that she was free. In rare breaks between concerts, she likes to reread Joseph Brodsky and write her own poems.
