How easy it is to draw a beautiful girl. How to draw a girl with a pencil step by step

Now we will look at how to draw a girl with a pencil in stages. The girl is 10 years old, she is a model. At first glance, it may seem very difficult, but do not be afraid, because we will apply two methods in one for drawing a girl, which will be very easy to navigate when drawing. This is a method of dividing the area into squares and simply drawing a circle separating the lines, the skeleton. You can use the two methods together, or you can use them separately, for example, just navigate through the squares without additional lines. Many artists, before drawing anything realistically, divide the sheet into squares. If you haven't tried it, be sure to try it.

Step 1. We draw a table, it consists of three vertical columns and seven horizontal ones, you can make the size of the square 3 * 3 cm, you can do more if the sheet of paper allows. Now draw a circle and guide lines that indicate the direction of the head. Who will only be guided only by squares, may not draw a circle.

Step 2. We draw the contour of the eyes, since we have a model for a girl, her eyes and lips are made up, so the shadows in the eyes merge with the eyelashes and we simply draw the contours. We draw the girl's chin, part of the ears, earrings on them, bang lines.

Step 3. We draw eyes, a nose and eyebrows at the girl. The girl's eyebrows are very light, so we first draw a contour, then paint over them with a pencil so that they are very light, lightly press on the pencil.

Step 4. We detail the nose, draw the lips of the girl.

Step 5. We draw hair at the girl.

Step 6. Those who draw in squares can skip this point, and the rest draw the skeleton of the girl's body as she sits.

Step 7. We draw a body and hands at the girl. First comes the full image of the girl along with the skeleton, then in the next two pictures, an enlarged version without the skeleton.

Step 8. Draw hair, fingernails and folds on the girl's dress.

Women and men have fundamental differences in body structure. But, in modern world some women look like men because of their clothes and hairstyles. However, no matter how hard a woman tries to look like a man, we can still recognize her. home distinguishing feature consists in the structure of the body of a woman - these are wide hips and narrower shoulders (for men, exactly the opposite indicators). At drawing a woman V full height it is worth starting from this basic rule, and the rest of the secrets of construction can be learned from this step-by-step lesson.

Materials and tools:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Simple pencil.
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. To get started, you need to with a simple pencil vertical center line. We leave serifs at the edges of the segment. They will determine the total body height that cannot be exceeded:

Photo 2. We divide the segment in half. Thus, the line is divided into two parts, along which we will later build the body. Next, divide the upper segment in half again, and measure another half from the resulting upper segment. The uppermost segment is the height of the woman's head:

Photo 3. Now you need to outline the location of the shoulders. The shoulder line will be under the head, namely under the second (top) serif. Let's retreat a little down from the head, leaving some room for the neck. Draw the line of the shoulders at an angle, because the woman will stand slightly leaning:

Photo 4. Next, we need to find out the place of the waist and knees. To do this, you need to divide the center line into three parts. To make it easy, the lower half center line divide in half, but the line of the knees will be slightly higher. We measure its height and transfer it to the center line three times, leaving serifs. The result should be three equal parts:

Photo 5. Now we outline the waist line. It will be located on the serif between the first and second half of the divided center line (there are 3 parts in total), and the hips are slightly lower and twice as wide as the waist. We draw the hips and waist at an angle, opposite to the shoulders:

Photo 6. We unite the shoulders and waist along the edges, and from the waist we draw a line to the hips. It is necessary to outline the length of the skirt - it will be equal to two distances from the waist to the hips:

Photo 7. From the shoulders we outline the location of the hands. The left arm will be bent at the elbow and is at waist level, and the right arm will be raised and laid aside:

Photo 8. Now let's draw the legs. Do not forget that the knees should be located at the level of the notch. The right leg will go a little behind the left:

Photo 9. Let's draw the head in the form of an oval, and on it we will "outline" the hair. Most of them will fall to the left side:

Photo 10. Let's draw the hands and give them a shape. left hand the girl will hold at the waist, and the right one is set aside:

Photo 12. With an eraser, we remove the extra lines that were previously needed for construction. Strengthen the contour of the woman's body:

Photo 13. Let's draw the features of the woman's face. We don’t put much emphasis on drawing the face, because our main task is to learn how to draw a woman in full growth, namely the body. You can study my separate lesson "how to draw a female portrait", where I work out the details of the girl's face in detail:

Photo 14. Set the tone for the hair. Near the bends we make the strokes of the pencil denser:

There is a genre in painting that seems like an impregnable fortress even to many artists. This is a portrait. Proportions, line thickness - only a small fraction of the parameters that cause concern. However, this wisdom can also be mastered if you strictly follow the rules for beginners, which describe how to draw, for example, a girl with a pencil in stages.

Income generating skill

Before talking about practical side questions, some facts. In the creative elite, a special niche is occupied by street artists. Many of them made a name for themselves, and at the same time a good bank account, painting portraits of women. This is how the famous mysterious Banksy began, whose works are bought for millions of dollars and decorate the homes of the richest people in the world. So, if you want to learn how to draw portraits of girls, don't shelve the dream: not only is it exciting in terms of aesthetics, but it can become real earnings. Moreover, there are no insurmountable difficulties for people who have at least basic knowledge of proportions.

Professionals recommend starting the development of a portrait with a full-length image of a figure. To do this, on a sheet of paper at regular intervals, draw 9 horizontal lines and 3 vertical. And then carefully read the manual.


Geometry to the rescue

Another way to learn how to draw people is to use geometric shapes to build the skeleton.


Read also:

  • How to draw eyes? Realistic Eye Technique

How to convey all the subtleties of facial features?

The face in the portrait plays a key role, and any violation of proportions will make the image a caricature. So you have to carefully monitor the ratio of parts.


Japanese animated films have won a lot of fans around the world. It is not surprising that many would be happy to figure out the intricacies of how, for beginners, you can draw a real anime girl in stages with a simple pencil.


Hi all! Today we will tell you about how to draw a girl! This lesson will not be the first about girls on our site, but, apparently, our artists just liked doing a lesson dedicated to these beautiful creatures. Today, by the way, we have a girl drawn in a comic style on our agenda.

Older artists will surely remember the grotesquely luxurious wife of Roger, about whom a whole feature film was shot. By the way, this was the first film in which animated, drawn characters coexisted side by side with live actors. But, we digress. Let's start the lesson and find out!

Step 1

In our last lesson on how, you can read about all the features of proportions. female body. Now we will draw a stickman - a little man from sticks and circles, so they will come in handy for us. The main purpose of the stickman is to indicate the position of the character on , his posture and proportions.

So, about proportions. From super-duper important, we note that the height of a girl, like , is equal to the sum of the lengths of seven heads, only the girls are proportionally lower on average. feature female figure there is also approximately the same width of the shoulders and hips (in men, the shoulders are much wider). By the way, in men the shoulders are so wide that three head widths fit into their width, in women the ratio of shoulders and head width is completely different - this is very clearly shown on our stickman.

Of the features of the posture, we note the spine, which bends to one side, the head, which leans in the opposite direction, and the slightly sloping line of the hips.

Step 2

In this step, we have to give the stickman the necessary volume, but first we will mark out the face, because all the drawing lessons of people on our site are drawn and detailed in the direction from head to toe, from top to bottom.
So face. Let's mark it with a vertical line of facial symmetry, as well as several horizontal lines. The main and longest of the horizontal lines will be the eye line (it is slightly curved down due to the tilt of the head), below it will be the lines of the nose and mouth, and high above it will be the hair line.

Let's get to the body.
The torso of the girl has the shape of an hourglass, which expands from above and below (chest and hips, respectively) and narrows in the middle, at the waist. Pay attention to the slight turn of the body - it is indicated by external contours and also by the fact that the chest on the right side of us slightly covers the arm. Another point - the legs, connecting with the body, form obtuse angles from the inside.

The arms should be graceful and thin, the only extension is present at the beginning of the forearm, at the elbow, but it is also insignificant. The arms in this step can be conditionally divided into three parts - the shoulder, forearm and hands.
In general, the main recommendation for this stage is to try to make all the curves of the body as smooth and feminine as possible, there should not be rough, voluminous forms or sharp corners.

Step 3

We continue our drawing lesson. Let's outline the girl's hairline. Conventionally, we can divide it into two parts - the one in front of the face, closer to us, and the one behind the face, it is located in the back of the head.
Pay attention to how these two parts differ in size: the one in front of us is larger than not only the second, back part, but even the head itself a little. At the top right, we outline a couple of small ornamental balls located on the rim.
The second action in our step will be sketching out the lines of the upper part of our girl's clothes. In terms of the location of this piece of clothing, be guided by the previously outlined lines of the arms, torso and hips. By the way, clothing lines should be drawn from bottom to top.

Step 4

Using the markup of the face, draw one eye, eyebrow and plump lips. Pay special attention to the shape of the eyebrows, eyes and their location - it is with the help of these factors that the effect of a slight forward tilt is given.
Another point - the lower lip should be noticeably thicker than the upper. The lower lip is almost straight, while the lower lip curves considerably.

Step 5

Erase the extra guide lines from the previous steps from the face and draw in the eye, eyebrow, and lips. Pay attention to the eyelid, the position of the pupil and the eyelashes - all these details form the look.

Step 6

Let's draw a part of the bangs that hides the girl's eye. Do not forget to work on the lapel, which is located approximately in the middle. Hair should be drawn in the direction from the roots to the tips.

Step 7

The rest of the hairstyle should be drawn in the same direction - from the roots of the hair to the tips. Do not forget about the slightly twisted ends of the strands, the rim and decorations on it in three skulls. By the way, the same jewelry is on the earrings, the heroine of the Monster High series.

Step 8

We wrap around our left shoulder, chest and neck. Pay attention to the lines that indicate the collarbone - they are not very large and noticeable, but they must be marked. When drawing the shoulder and chest, use smooth lines - the contours of the body should be feminine and smoothly curved.

Step 9

Erase extra guide lines from both arms and torso. The torso and arms should be edged with dense, confident contours, and the lines of folds on the fabric should be lighter. Again, do not forget that the body should have graceful feminine curves, there should not be voluminous muscles or rough contours.

Step 10

We circle the lower part of the girl's body and legs. Pay attention to the hem and folds located on the linen. With a couple of lines, outline the visible contours of the abdominals.

If you just liked this girl, you can always get acquainted with the same one, or with the one that will be even more beautiful. When meeting, try to surprise a girl, for example, by drawing for her - this act is very effective and memorable.

And this drawing lesson was drawn and painted for you by the artists of the site Drawingforall. Don't forget to check out our VK page, we post there regularly. cool art and make reviews of fresh lessons. Stay with us and learn to draw even cooler, see you soon!

Today we will learn how to draw a girl step by step with a pencil.

The picture is not easy, beginners will need to make every effort. But, following this master class step by step, there should not be any problems with the image.

We will do the drawing with a pencil, which will allow us to correct any flaws without any problems. It is important, before you draw a girl in full growth, to remember the perspective and centerlines.

Stages of creating a drawing of a girl in full growth

For convenience, the master class is divided into understandable steps. Following the tips, you will get a great drawing.

Step 1 Construction lines

When drawing construction lines, you can rely on people standing nearby, or, as in our example, decor elements.

In classical art theory there is a rule of "seven heads". It means that the body is related to the head in a ratio of 7:1 and consists, with an ideal structure, of 7 dimensions of its head.

You need to know how to draw a person, a girl in our case. Consider the design features of the female body and its differences from the male:

the width of the hip joint;

the structure of the shoulder girdle and sternum;

graceful lines of arms and legs;

thin wrists and ankles;

arch of the back, especially in the lumbar region.

Today we are drawing a girl from the back. This affects the depth and direction of the curvature of the spine. Hands can be used as an additional supporting element.

With a pencil, easily and accurately, we begin to draw:

figure parameters;

head tilt;

body proportions.

We draw with light, fuzzy lines. So far, our picture is similar to a nursery rhyme: "stick, stick, cucumber - it turned out to be a little man."

Step 2. Create volume

Now we will endow our frame with volume. It is worth dividing this step into small steps:

on the places of the bends of the arms and legs, on the joints, draw circles. They will help create proportional limbs. Circles should not be large, as we depict an elegant and beautiful girl. If we go too far at this stage, we can get not a dancer, but a bodybuilder;

we outline the line of the neck and collarbones;

now, on the yet invisible supporting part, draw the outlines of the palm;

the outlines of the chest should only peek out a little just below the right shoulder;

the girl's legs are crossed. With smooth lines, outline the outlines of the muscles of the legs. We look at the girl from below, so we lengthen her legs a little;

the final stage of the second step is the feet.

Don't worry if it doesn't work the first time. The beauty of the pencil is that all mistakes can be carefully corrected.

Step 3 Railing - fulcrum

The easiest but most important step. We draw the railing on which she leans in the dance. All lines on the legs, hands and palms that the railing crosses must be removed.

Step 4. Draw a hairstyle

Now very important detail- hair. The model has her hair in a loose bun. Her hair was disheveled and fell around her neck. Drawing a hairstyle is a very painstaking task, but with due diligence, it can be done perfectly. To make it easier for you, below is an enlarged image of the model's hair. In the hair, we indicate the shape of the ear.

Step 5. Dressing the top of the model

The most hard part work behind. The girl's hair and body are ready. Now we critically evaluate the result. Where necessary we wipe or finish.

Drawing a T-shirt on thin straps, we direct the lines of the shoulders, the interscapular region and the spine. On the T-shirt, do not forget about the folds of the fabric. They will give a more realistic look.

Step 6. Draw visible lines

We direct with a clear line all visible parts of the body and railings. Here are the little things in order:

draw the wrist and hand of the right hand, draw a line of knuckles and fingers;

we direct the line of the left hand and the outline of the elbow;

make the shirt more embossed. We outline all the folds and bends of clothing.

Step 7: Draw the Bottom of the Clothes

The shorts on the girl are short and follow the shape of her body. Drawing them is not difficult. We apply folds on the clothes, which should be on the lower back, between the buttocks and on the sides of the thighs. We supplement the shorts with a belt, they should not fit snugly to the legs. Thus, we will show the structure of their material. We complete the line of the spine.

Step 8 Draw the Feet and Leggings

We create clear lines of the legs. Let's move on to training socks. Leggings are much bulkier than the lower leg and have large horizontal pleats.

Step 9 Finishing touches

Our work is coming to an end. Putting the finishing touches on. Create the texture of the gaiter material and the shape of the railing.

The final look of the drawing should be similar to the picture below.

You can learn in more detail how to draw a girl in full growth by watching the video master class.
