Quiz on Russian literature. Quiz "in the literary living room"


Her poets compose

Dedicated to kings, heroes.

(Oh yeah)

I. Ageeva

dictionary compiler

For big and for children.

(V. Dahl)

I. Ageeva

My first the syllable grows in the oak forest,

Second- deep ditch

Add a letter or a preposition.

Then find third syllable:

Knows him very well

Who plays billiards.

And in in general- story is

Great poet.

(Oak + Ditch + C + Cue = "Dubrovsky".)

exclamation, affirmation,

Everything is the work of a poet.

(O + Yes = Oda.)

Who knows the parts of a motorcycle

That word will guess it.

And if the letter "D" is added,

You can put on stage.

(Rama - d frame.)

You probably know me

I am the hero of Pushkin's fairy tales.

But if you replace "L" with "N",

I will become a Siberian river.

(E l isei - E n isei.)

With the letter "I" - this is a storm, an eruption,

Flood, comet fall,

And without "I" - then the fruits of inspiration,

What poets give us lovingly.

(Poetry I- poetry.)

I. Ageeva

This word means

What all poets are looking for.

We change the order of letters -

We get the company.

(Rhyme - firm.)

I. Ageeva

First- that's the boy's name

well and second- read in a book.


I. Ageeva

On the church first glitters,

And a carved cross stands on it.

The state has second,

The people elect her.

A third in the book you will find

And read it in half an hour.


I. Ageeva


Rearrange the letters in the suggested words so that they turn out to be either literary terms, or the names of writers, or the names of book characters.

ILO T _ _(Unit of collected works.)


WHALE AND _ _(Rhythmic stress, strong place in the verse.)


CHALK L _ _(Polish science fiction writer.)

(Lem Stanislav.)

CURRENT TO _ _(The character of the novel "Master and Margarita.)


FEOD D _ _ _(English writer.)

(Defoe Daniel.)

TORBA B _ _ _ _(Russian children's poetess.)

(Barto A.L.)

BANK TO _ _ _(The addressee of the poem "Iremember wonderful moment..." A.S. Pushkin.)

(Kern A.P.)

FUGA G _ _ _(German writer- storyteller.)

(Gauf IN.)

OPERA P _ _ _(A writer's tool.)


NERVE IN _ _ _(French writer- fantastic.)

(Verne Jules.)

BOXING RING G _ _ _(Russian writer.)

(Green A.S.)

VEGA G _ _ _(The character of the play "Cherrygarden "A.P. Chekhov.)


MAKI A _ _ _(Russian children's writer and poet.)

(Akim Ya.L.)

OVAL A _ _ _(Pseudonym of N.V. Gogol.)


MONET H _ _ _(Captain from the book by J. Verne.)


ACCORDION B _ _ _(A play by V. Mayakovsky.)


REGIMENT TO _ _ _(A play by V. Mayakovsky.)


COURT TO _ _ _(Unloved groom Thumbelina.)


UKOS WITH _ _ _(The heroine of the fairy tale "Three fat man.)


FORCE L _ _ _(The heroine of many fables by I.A. Krylov.)


DARK M _ _ _(A novel by M. Gorky.)


EMIR M _ _ _(A cycle of poems by A. Blok.)


FOOT ABOUT _ _ _ _(Name of the Greatschemer and son of Taras Bulba.)


LOSHAK W _ _ _ _(The story of A. Gaidar.)


CHOICE ABOUT _ _ _ _(Novel by I. Goncharov.)


KID E _ _ _ _(Russian authorpoetic tale.)

(Ershov P.P.)

VALLEY D _ _ _ _ _(The hero of the tale by P. Bazhov.)


NONSENSE N _ _ _ _ _(Chilean poetnamed after Pablo, laureate Nobel Prize.)


ISLAND R _ _ _ _ _(The character of "War andworld "L. Tolstoy.)


STOPPER P _ _ _ _ _(One of the Musketeers.)


ALGEBRA B _ _ _ _ _ _(Accountant from the novel"The Golden Calf" by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.)


BELOVIK B _ _ _ _ _ _(Character"The Man in the Case" by A.P. Chekhov.)


GNESINA WITH _ _ _ _ _ _(Main characterpoems by S. Yesenin.)

(Snegina, Anna Snegina.)

SHOEMAKER B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Hero"Overcoat" Gogol.)


PRODUCT A _ _ _ _(Creator of the literary works.)

SOCRATES C _ _ _ _ _ (Linear particle of the product.)


ATLANT T _ _ _ _ _(Outstandingwriting skills.)


FIRM R _ _ _ _(The subject of the search for poets.)


NOT HERZ G _ _ _ _ _(Russian writer- revolutionary.)

(Herzen A.I.)

OS NO WITH _ _ _ _(kind of poem,beloved by Shakespeare.)


I'M ANGRY Z _ _ _(French writer named Emil.)


AY NERVES IN_ _ _ _ _ _(Russian brothers-writers, authors of famous detective stories.)


CANCER NEM TO _ _ _ _ _(The famous novelP. Merimee, a cycle of poems by A. Blok.)


BANK MAG G _ _ _ _ _ _ _(People's poet Dagestan.)

(Gamzatov Rasul.)

GEL US G _ _ _ _ _ _(Russian playwright.)

(Gelman A.I.)

COUPLE HERE P _ _ _ _ _ _(The character of the playOstrovsky "Dowry", who deceived

Larisa Dmitrievna.)

(Paratov Sergei Sergeevich.)

PA + WALL A _ _ _ _ _ _(Poetic meter.)


YES + NO D _ _ _ _(Italian poet, authorDivine Comedy.)

(Dante Alighieri.)

VOLT + RE IN _ _ _ _ _ _(Frenchwriter-philosopher)


MRAK + ZINA TO _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Russianwriter, historian)

(Karamzin N.M.)

FORON + ONE B _ _ _ _ _ _ (Former estate of the Pushkins.)


lip + wolf B _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Russian writer.)

(Bulgakov M.A.)

MAC + SHAR M _ _ _ _ _(Russian children's poet.)

(Marshak S.Ya.)

KIT + RICE TO _ _ _ _ _(Queen detectives.)

(Christie Agatha.)

ROLL + OWL N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Russian poet.)

(Nekrasov ON THE.)

BACK + NUT W _ _ _ _ _ _(Russian poet, translator.)

(Zakhoder B.V.)

CANCER + ELEPHANT TO _ _ _ _ _ _(In moderationplump character Astrid Lindgren.)


TURP + VIC R _ _ _ _ _ _(Reciprocala short statement by one of the characters in the play.)


OMON + GOL M _ _ _ _ _ _(Expandedone of the characters in the play.)



Not only a confusing and embarrassing situation, but also a cover made of cardboard, leather and other materials that encloses the book.


Not only the result of multiplication, but also the fruit of the work of a writer or poet.


Not only a geometric curve, but also a strong exaggeration to create an artistic image.


Not only mesh fabric for embroidery on the cells, but also the main story line works.


Not only a student's document on academic performance, but also a form of literary work.


Not only patience, fortitude and self-control, but also a quote.


Not only a detail in the form of a wheel with a groove around the circumference for a cable, but also a Russian poet.

(Block - Blok Alexander.)

Not only the name of golf courses covered with short grass, but also the pseudonym of a Russian writer.

(Green - Green Alexander. Real name - Grinevsky.)

Not only a series of even objects of the same size, superimposed one on top of the other, but also a rhythmic pattern that is minimally repeated in the verse.


Not only a difficult event, an experience that causes moral suffering, but also a kind of literary work.


Not only the dome of the church, but also a section of the book.


Not only a specialist in solving criminal offenses, but also a literary work depicting the disclosure of intricate crimes.


Not only metal frying utensils, but also Ukrainian poet, musician, philosopher and educator.

(Skovoroda - Skovoroda Grigory Savvich.)

Not only a marine invertebrate of the decapod crustaceans, but also a name Persian poet, the author of the world-famous philosophical quatrains.

(Omar - Omar Khayyam.)

Not only an armored military vehicle, but also folk poet Belarus.

(Tank - Tank Maxim.)

Not only a kind of story, but also the name of the Russian poetess Matveeva.

(Novella - Novella Nikolaevna Matveeva.)

Not only the axis in the moving parts of the mechanisms of electrical measuring instruments, but also the addressee of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "I remember a wonderful moment ...".

(Kern - Anna Petrovna Kern.)

Not only the name of the world's second cosmonaut, but also the surname of a Russian writer with the name of the world's first cosmonaut.

(German. German Titov and German Yuri Pavlovich.)

Not only a Russian measure of weight, but also the character of the Golden Calf.


Not only the Prime Minister of Great Britain - the “Iron Lady”, but also the young heroine of Mark Twain, to whom Tom Sawyer declared his love.

(Thatcher: Margaret and Becky.)

Not only a vivid performance, a spectacle, but also English writer, Nobel laureate 1925

(The show is The George Bernard Show.)

Not only an exhibition and presentation of new car models, but also a literary and artistic circle of selected people, gathering in a private house.


Not only a one-time grant awarded to a scientific institution, creative team or an individual performer of any work, but also the captain of the work of Jules Verne.


Not only the left or right side of the human body, but also the “housekeeper” of the Kid in the book by Astrid Lindgren.

(Bock - Miss Bock.)

Not only the book unit of the collected works of any author, but also the name of the young hero Mark Twain.


Not only a resident of Finland, but also young hero Mark Twain.

(Finn - Huck Finn.)

Not only a brand of a domestic car, but also the goddess of beauty, love, matrimony in Russian mythology.


Not only the hero of Alexandre Dumas, who became a fabulously rich count, but also the French monarchist, who killed A.S. Pushkin.

(Dantes. Edmond Dantes became the Count of Monte Cristo.)

Not only the bend of the seashore, but the character of M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom".


Not only the city of the "Golden Ring" of Russia, but also the character of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".


Literary and mathematical quiz

To which Russian poet do these mathematical lines belong: “We regard everyone as zeros, and ourselves as ones”?

(A.S. Pushkin.)

Which Pushkin's hero said:

"... I believed

I algebra harmony ... "

(Salieri in Mozart and Salieri.)

Whose lines are these?

“We love everything - and the heat of cold numbers,

And the gift of divine visions

Everything is clear to us - and the sharp Gallic meaning,

And the gloomy German genius ... "

(A. Blok "Scythians".)

Which poet sang the numbers?

“I worship you, I wish you, numbers!

Free, incorporeal, like shadows,

You hung like a rainbow binder

To thoughts from the top of inspiration!”

(V. Bryusov "Numbers".)

Victor Hugo once remarked that the human mind has three keys that allow people to know, think, dream. Two of them are a letter and a note. What is the third key?


Who did George Gordon Byron call the "parallelogram princess"?

(His wife, who bore him a daughter, Augusta-Ada Lovelace, who inherited her mathematical abilities from her mother and became the world's first programmer. True, the parents divorced when their daughter was not even a year old, so with their famous father Ada was not familiar.)

“I peer into you, oh numbers...” wrote Velimir Khlebnikov in his poem. What is it called?


Also in XI century, he considered all options for solving the cubic equation by geometric methods, although he urged others to consider more often beautiful women and a glass of wine. Who are we talking about?

(About Omar Khayyam, who studied astronomy, physics, and mathematics.)

What books did the professor of mathematics, logician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll, write?

("Alice in Wonderland", "Through the Looking Glass".)

What did Lewis Carroll invent as a mathematician?

(Methods for checking the divisibility of numbers by 17 and 19. Reception of memorizing a series of digits of an infinite fraction 3.14 ..., thanks to which he could write down the number pup to 71 decimal places. Anticipated some ideas of mathematical logic.)

What Russian measure of length gave the name to two collections of poems by Marina Tsvetaeva?

(Verst. Collections "Versts I”, “Versts II", 1921-1922)

Here is a line from French writer Alphonse Daudet: "Four thousand barefoot and waving Arabs ran after the camel like fools, sparkling with six hundred thousand teeth." Now calculate how many teeth each of the Arabs described by the writer has?

How many inhabitants were in the village of Florida, Missouri, in which he was born future writer Mark Twain, if in his autobiography a writer says: “I increased the population by exactly one percent. Not every historical figure can boast that he has done more for his native city”?

(100 people.)

In the story of I.S. Turgenev "Mumu" it is said that Gerasim was "twelve inches tall." One vershok is approximately equal to 4.4 cm. It turns out that Gerasim's height was about 53 cm, which contradicts the description of the powerful figure of the hero in the story. Was Turgenev bad at math?

(No. It’s just that in the time of Turgenev it was indicated by how many vershoks human growth exceeds 2 arshins. One arshin is 71 cm, so Gerasim’s real height is 195 cm.)

What number received the name of Scheherazade (Scheherazade) and what are its remarkable properties?

(1001 is the number of Scheherazade, it can be seen in the title of the immortal fairy tales “A Thousand and One Nights.” From the point of view of mathematics, the number 1001 has a number of interesting properties:

a) This is the smallest natural four-digit number that can be represented as the sum of cubes of two natural numbers: 1001 \u003d 10 3 +1 3;

b) The number 1001 consists of 77 ill-fated damn dozens (1001 = 77x13), of 91 elevens or of 143 sevens (remember that the number 7 was considered magic number);

c) On the properties of the number 1001, the method for determining the divisibility of a number by 7, by 11 and by 13 is based.)

Is it true that A.S. Pushkin was born in MDCCXCIX and died in MDCCCXXXVII year?

(Yes, the years of his life in the Arabic record are 1799-1837.)

What prose genre is the arithmetic mean of the short story and the novel?


How, remembering the year of birth of L.N. Tolstoy (1828), is it easy to remember the day and month of his birth?

(The number of the year in the century - 28 - coincides with the birthday, and the number of the century - 8 - coincides with the number of the month of birth. Hence full date the birth of the writer - August 28, 1828. Here's how mathematical observation can help you.)

The record holder among writers with a score of 27,000 is L.N. Tolstoy, and in second place - A.S. Pushkin with 24000. What nomination?

(According to the stock of words used.)

According to scientists, the heroes of Shakespeare's works pronounce this word 2259 times. What is this word?


"Mathematical" children's folklore- what's this?

(Counting, counting.)

What "literary value" of a work can be both positive and negative?

(Hero, character of a literary work.)

What line can be found in literary work?


What do they like to make "divisible" from an unkilled bear, according to a Russian proverb?

(Skin. Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear.)

What is the mathematical law known to everyone with lower grades, has become a popular proverb?

(The sum does not change from a change in the places of the terms. This is a commutative, or commutative law, a property of addition and multiplication, expressed by the formulas a + b = b + a, ab = ba.)

Who is taller: the fabulous shorty Russian Man-with-a-nail or Thumbelina?

(Thumbelina, because Thumbelina's height is 2.54 cm, which is larger than the size of a marigold.)

What is the total weight of Deniska Korablev and his friend Mishka, the characters in the stories of Viktor Dragunsky.

(24.5 + 25.5 = 50 kg, story “Exactly 25 kilos.)

How many man was hiding under the pseudonym of Kozma Prutkov?

(Four: A.K. Tolstoy and the three Zhemchuzhnikov brothers - Alexei, Vladimir and Alexander Mikhailovich ..)


The initials of which famous Russian poet (starting with the surname) add up to a sports and card term?

(P ushkin A lexandra WITH ergeevich - PASS.)

The initials of which Russian revolutionary poet and Soviet playwright (starting with a surname) form the abbreviation of the body that controls and supervises the observance of road safety?

(G erzen A lexander AND vanovich and G elman A lexander AND Saakovich - traffic police.)

The initials of which Russian classic writer (starting with the surname) add up to the name of the evergreen coniferous tree?

(T Urgenev AND wana WITH ergeevich - YEW.)

The initials of which Russian thinker and writer (starting with a surname) form the abbreviation of a self-governing scientific organization in Russia?

(R adishcheva A lexandra H ikolaevich - RAS - R Russian A Academy n auk.)

The initials of which Russian writer with the title of count (starting with the name) add up to theatrical term, meaning part of the theatrical action?

(A lexey TO onstantinovich T tolstoy - ACT.)

The initials of which Russian poet of the Nekrasov school (starting with a surname) form an appeal to an adult man in Poland?

(P Leshcheeva A token H ikolaevich - PAN.)

The initials of which well-known Russian children's poetess (starting with her last name) add up to the name of a big dance evening?

(B arto A rot L lvovny - BALL.)

The initials of which Russian writer and poet (starting with the name) add up to the abbreviation of the sports title, from which a serious sports career begins.

(TO onstantin M ikhailovich WITH imonov - KMS, To candidate in m aster With port.)

What Russian writer's initials, starting with a pseudonym, form a frog word, and with a real surname, starting with a first name, into a brand of a domestic car?

(TO averin IN eniamin A leksandrovich - KVA, IN eniamin A leksandrovich W ilber - VAZ.)

What word can be formed from initials children's writer Marshak: THERE or THEN?

(SYM - WITH amuel I kovlevich M arshak.)

The initials of which Russian writer (starting with the surname), who gave children wonderful fairy tales, add up to the personal pronoun of the second person plural instrumental case?

(IN olkova A lexandra M elent'evich - TO YOU.)

The initials of which Russian writer (starting with the name) add up to a substance that gives shine.

(L ev A Bramovich TO assil - LAC.)

What great Russian science fiction writer's initials (starting with his last name) add up to the name of a small restaurant?

(B elyaeva A lexandra R omanovich - BAR.)

The initials of which Russian poet, author and performer of songs add up to an abbreviation of one of the types armed forces?

(IN ysotsky IN ladimira WITH emyonovich - air force.)

The initials of which Russian children's writer consist of three letters "N"?

(H wasp H ikolaia H ikolaevich.)

The initials of which Russian poetess consist of three letters "A"?

(A chmatovy A now A ndreevny.)

The initials of which Russian writer (starting with the surname) add up to a physical quantity numerically equal to the product of the mass of the body and the acceleration of free fall?

(IN eltistova E vgeniya WITH Erafimovich - WEIGHT.)

Which Russian writer's initials (beginning with his name) form a synonym for the agreement word "Yes"?

(A natolia G eorgievich A lexina - AHA.)

The initials of which of the Russian brothers-writers, authors of detective novels, add up (starting with the name) into a word from a poor dog dictionary?

(G georgia A leksandrovich IN ainer - gav. This is the younger brother of Arkady Aleksandrovich Vainer.)

The initials of which famous French writer, starting with the surname, add up in a positive answer, but starting with the name, in a place for sinners.

(D yuma A lexander - D A, A lexander D yuma - HELL.)

What famous French writer's initials (starting with his surname) form the abbreviation of our Baikal-Amur Mainline?

(B eyla A nri M ari - BAM. Worked under the pseudonym Stendhal.)


Dentist- is it a literary critic specializing in the work of Dante, or a dentist?


Pedantry Is it an imitation of Dante or extreme precision and accuracy?


Fiction - this is a description of the invention of A.G. Bella or mass literary production of an entertaining nature?


make-up artist- Is it a researcher of the Brothers Grimm or a theater worker?

(A theater worker who makes up artists.)

hobbit- Is it a person who has a hobby, or a fairy-tale character?

(fairy tale character John Tolkien.)

Critic- Is it a resident of the Greek island of Crete or a person engaged in the interpretation and evaluation of works of literature from the point of view of modernity?

(A person engaged in criticism. And a resident of the island of Crete is a Cretan.)

He is a critic, she is... Who?


Only two prepositions are needed prose to create all his works?

(Pro-for - prose.)

What is a natural disaster?

(This is when you were asked to learn a lot of poems at home.)

How old was A.S. Pushkin, when was he born?


Who is better to be: a bibliophile or a bibliomaniac?

(A bibliomaniac has a pathological love for collecting books, he already forgets about cultural value collection items. Better be a bibliophile.)

deep meaning Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox" is that only having lost cheese, the crow gained ... What?

(Free speech.)

Both Mazai and Pikhto - who are they?

(Each of them is a grandfather.)

What a very famous fairy tale... ruins children's teeth?

(“Golden Key” is toffee candy, excellent for pulling out fillings.)

Which fairy tale heroine Sh. Perro can eat not only the wolf, but all the kids?

(“Little Red Riding Hood”, because these are chocolates.)

Which fairy tale hero quenches the thirst of Russian children since Soviet times?

("Pinocchio" - soda.)

What American writer joker physicists dubbed "zero inductance"?

(O. Henry = 0 henry, and inductance is measured in henry.)

In "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy there is a phrase: "Pierre Bezukhov opened the letter." Where did Pierre get a computer and a printer at that time?

(Nowhere, of course. The word "opened" should be understood as "opened".)

Russian programmers have proven that Carlson is a computer glitch! What is their proof?

(Carlson appears only when the Kid's windows are open -windows.)

Which hero of Turgenev did not have a sound card?

(Gerasim has a mute janitor.)

What is the difference between "Spring Waters" and "Spring Waters"?

(“Spring Waters” is a poem by F.I. Tyutchev, and “Spring Waters” is a story by I.S. Turgenev.)

Why do mathematicians love epigrams And epitaphs?

(For the fact that they have their favorite number Pi - p: e pi gram, uh pi taffia.)

Name of what character A.A. Milne run out of all domestic addresses on the Internet?

(RU- kangaroo. This is how the symbols are read - . EN)

What is the name of the title character of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy is read the same way both from left to right and from right to left?

(Karenina Anna - Anna.)

To paraphrase famous expression, say: "Literature is our everything." Scientific, artistic, documentary literature introduces us to the events of the past and present, to the Russian word, to the thoughts and feelings of mankind.

The Year of Literature 2015 quiz contains 14 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz Maker: Iris Revue

1. What are the main objectives of the Year of Literature?
Answer: drawing attention to reading, solving the problems of the book industry, stimulating the interest of Russians in books.

2. Who is represented on the official logo of the Year of Literature?
Answer: A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, A.A. Akhmatova

3. What are the main types of literature?
Documentary prose
Memoir literature
Scientific and popular science literature
Reference literature
Educational literature

4. List three classic questions Russian literature:
"Who is guilty?" Herzen +
"What to do?" Chernyshevsky +
“What will I do for people?”, Danko, Gorky
“Who is living well in Rus'” Nekrasov +

5. What activities are planned for 2015 as part of the announced Year of Literature?
Answer: International Writers' Forum "Literary Eurasia", project " literary map Russia”, “Biblionoch – 2015”, pilot project “World Book Day”, competition “Literary Capital of Russia”.

6. Which of the heroes does not belong to the type " little man» in Russian literature?
Samson Vyrin (" Stationmaster» A.S. Pushkin)
Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin (The Overcoat by N.V. Gogol)
Pierre Bezukhov ("War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy) +

7. When did the phraseologism "muslin lady" first appear in Russian literature?
Answer: for the first time in literature, this phraseological unit appeared in the story of Nikolai Pomyalovsky "Petty Bourgeois Happiness" (1861)

8. Who can be included in the “heroes of their time” cohort?
Eugene Onegin +
Evgeny Bazarov +
Grigory Pechorin +

9. From which work of the phrase?

“And there is nothing to marvel at:
How can a tree be friends with fire?
Answer: from the fable of I.A. Krylov "Grove and fire"

“But they bring tea; girls decorously
As soon as they took the saucers,
Suddenly from behind the door in the long hall
The bassoon and flute resounded."
Answer:"Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin

"Who, serving the great purposes of the age,
He gives his whole life
To fight for the brother of man
Only he will survive."
Answer:"Zina" N.A. Nekrasov

10. Which of the types of Russian literature does NOT belong to the “Turgenev girls”?
Liza Kalitina +
Katya Odintsova +
Olga Dymova

11. joke question(phraseological units)
How do we speak?

Seventh water on...
Kisele +

And Vaska listens yes ...
backs away
Eats +

Let's go back to our...
Sheep +

Questions on the history of Russian literature

12. Which of the Russian writers stood at the origins of the satirical trend in literature?
A.D. Kantemir +
M.V. Lomonosov

13. What direction dominated literature in the 18th century?
Classicism +

14. What work do we call the "Monument of Old Russian Literature"?
A word about Igor's regiment +
From the legends about Oleks Dovbush
Tales of Prometheus

About the life of the most famous writers of the world, about the main characters of novels and fairy tales, about interesting hobbies of poets and about the influence of their work on world society - this one will blow your mind: someone will be forced to rack their brains over the search for the right answers, and someone, perhaps, will cheer. But everyone will enjoy the competition in world literature!

Ready to answer the Literature Quiz for Years 10-11? Then go ahead!


1. In this novel, the young man retains his youth, and his portrait grows old. What is the name of the work?

2. Who was the cycle "Poems about a Beautiful Lady" by Alexander Blok dedicated to?

3. The main book of this English writer was repeatedly recognized as the "book of the twentieth century" and the best book on English language written in the twentieth century. But at the same time, many critics called the book "a mixture of Wagner and Winnie the Pooh." What is this book and who wrote it?

4. Based on the work of Honore de Balzac, please answer, how old is a woman of Balzac's age?

5. What is the name of Jules Verne's Mysterious Island?

6. What was the education of the writer who created the image of Sherlock Holmes?

7. About what heroine Alexander Pushkin wrote the following lines:

"When it happened somewhere
She should meet the black monk,
Or a quick hare between the fields
Crossed her path
Not knowing what to start with fear
full of sad forebodings,
Was she waiting for misfortune?

8. The English writer Chesterton believed that “no one but the English could create such nonsense; however, no one but them, having created it, would have tried to take it seriously. What famous literary work is it?

9. “Waking up one morning after a restless sleep, Gregor Samsa found that he had turned into a terrible insect in his bed ...” What work is this quote from?

10. Until the middle of the 17th century, Europeans considered the fable to be a "low genre." Which writer made society change its attitude towards fables?

11. What was the name of the dean of Notre Dame in Victor Hugo's novel?

12. What was the name of the lady of the heart of Don Quixote?

13. Which famous Ukrainian writer translated literary works from 14 foreign languages, was an avid connoisseur of Shakespeare's sonnets, and a great connoisseur of Byron's work?

14. An adaptation of which fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm is recognized as the highest grossing animated film "of all times and peoples"?

15. The surname of which writer is consonant with the name of a large European city?


2. Blok dedicated it to his wife, Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva.

3. The Lord of the Rings, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

4. Thirty. This expression became famous after the publication of Balzac's novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman.

5. Lincoln Island

6. Conan Doyle was a doctor.

7. These lines are about Tatyana Larina.

8. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

9. "Transformation" by Franz Kafka.

10. Jean de La Fontaine.

11. Quasimodo.

12. Dulcinea Toboso.

13. Ivan Franko.

14. Fairy tales "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", which collected $ 866.5 million at the worldwide box office.

Literary quiz “On the pages of your favorite books” among students in grade 6 Objectives: to increase students' interest in literature and literary creativity. Tasks: 1. determine the level of literary knowledge and skills of students; 2. to promote the formation of creative reading skills; 3. develop imagination and Creative skills students. Participants: 6th grade students Number of teams: 2 teams of 5 people each led by a captain. Each of the teams chooses in advance the name, motto and prepares the emblem of the Jury: 3 jury members are invited Host (Music is playing1) Good afternoon, dear participants and guests of our quiz! Good afternoon dear fans! We are starting a literary quiz "On the roads of children's works." Today, the participants of the quiz will show us not only their knowledge of literature, but also their stage and acting skills! And fans and just spectators will have the opportunity to participate in an exciting literary journey, help your comrades and remember famous writers and their creativity. Our program includes 1 WARM-UP 2 contest: “Humorina” 3 contest: “In the country of versification” 4 contest: “Collect a proverb” 5 contest: Homework 6 “Know the work and its author” 7 contest: “Find the words” 8 contest: “ Burime” 9 Get to know the writer 10 competition (captains’ competition): “Patters” Let’s get acquainted with the honorary jury, which included: ……………………………………………….. So, the performance commands! (Music 2) Host. The well-known philologist, scientist and linguist Vladimir Dal said: “Just as rubles are made up of kopecks, so knowledge is made up of grains of what is read.” These words will be the motto of our literary quiz today. 1. Warm up. (In 1 minute, the team must correctly answer as many questions as possible. If the team does not know the answer to the question, then says “Next!”, And the next question is read.) The jury takes into account the number of correct answers. The clock starts ticking (3) Questions for the first team. 1. What is the name of the Lyceum where Pushkin studied? (Tsarskoselsky) 2 Author of The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe? (Defoe) 3 How did Pushkin and Lermontov die? (At a duel) 4 An outstanding Russian scientist and encyclopedist, after whom Moscow University is named? (M.V. Lomonosov) 5Author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? (Mark Twain) 6 The author of the fairy tale "Sinyushkin well"? (Bazhov) 7 From which work are these lines: A golden cloud spent the night On the chest of a giant cliff, In the morning it rushed off on its way early, Playing merrily across the azure ...? (M. Yu. Lermontov. "Cliff") 8 What is the name of a conversation between two people in work of art? (Dialogue) 9 The author of the story " Quiet morning"? (Kazakov) 10 What is an allegory? (Allegorical image of an object, phenomenon in order to most clearly show its essential features) 11 Name the genre poetic work, which is usually based on historical event, a legend with a sharp tense plot (Ballad) 12 Small epic work narrating about one or more events in a person's life. (Story) 13 Author of the work "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"? (Pushkin) 14 From what work are these lines: And you, friends, no matter how you sit down, You are not good at musicians. (Krylov. "Quartet") 15 Naina and Chernomor are the heroes of which work of A. S. Pushkin? (“Ruslan and Lyudmila”) 16 In what work of the detective genre did the beetle play the main role? (Golden beetle. E.Po) 17 From which work are these lines: But just now dusk fell to the ground, An ax rattled on the elastic roots, And pets of centuries fell without life! Their clothes were torn off by small children, Their bodies were then chopped up, And they slowly burned them with fire until morning. (Lermontov. Three palm trees.) Questions for the second team. 1 The name of Pushkin's nanny? (Arina Rodionovna) 2 What season did the Russian poet Pushkin like the most? (Autumn) 3 What was the name of Tom Sawyer's friend? (Huckleberry Finn) 4 Author of Vasyutkino Lake? (Astafiev) 5 The author of the lines: I'm sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon A young eagle fed by captivity ... (A. Pushkin) 6 The author of the ballad "The Cup"? (V. A. Zhukovsky) 7 From which work are these lines: Under him a stream is lighter than azure, Above him is a golden ray of sun ... And he, rebellious, asks for storms, As if there is peace in storms! (M. Yu. Lermontov. "Sail") 8 The author of the work "Song of prophetic Oleg"? (A.S. Pushkin) 9 What is a hyperbole? (Excessive exaggeration of the properties of the depicted object) 10 Name the types of literature. (Epos, lyrics, drama) 11 Speech of one person in a work? (Monologue) 12 False name under which the author publishes his works? (Pseudonym) 13 A picture of nature in a work of art. (Landscape) 14 The author of the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden"? (Ostrovsky) 15 From which work are these lines: When there is no agreement among the comrades, Their business will not go smoothly, And nothing will come out of it, only flour. (I. A. Krylov. "Swan, Pike and Cancer") 16 The heroine of what work has a double, with whom she visited the country of mirrors? (Gubarev. "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors") 17 Who wrote the work about Scarlet Sails ? (Green) Who is cheerful is always young! Laughter sounds (4) 2 COMPETITION. “Humorina” Card No. 1 Card No. 2 1. Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale married an amphibian? 1. Name the heroine of the Russian folk tale who was a frog. 2. Which of the fairy-tale heroes ate himself and fed the hostess thanks to ingenuity? 3. Name the heroine of Andersen's fairy tale, who gave her shoes to the river. 4. Name the fairy tale of the Russian writer, where the hero fights with the Head. 5. In which Russian folk tale did the brother disobey his sister, once violated sanitary and hygienic rules and paid dearly for it? 2. In what Russian folk tale are the problems of housing or, in a clever language, the problems of housing and communal services solved? 3. Name the heroine of Andersen's fairy tale, who could freeze with her kiss. 4. In what fairy tale of the Russian classic does the hero have strength in his beard? 5. Which fairy-tale hero sowed money, thinking that a money tree would grow and all that would be left was to harvest? 3 COMPETITION. “In the country of versification” (each team receives poems) Guys, I have poems in my hands, but there was some kind of confusion in them. Listen! (read the verse). Let's try to correctly punctuate! riddles for the audience. Task number 1 ... Kissel is boiled from rubber there, tires are made of clay, bricks are made from milk, cottage cheese is made from sand, glass is melted from concrete, dams are built from cardboard, covers are made from cast iron, steel is cooked from linen, shirts are cut from plastic, dishes are made from Meat cutlets are cooked from soot, wax is made from yarn, threads are spun from cloth, suits are sewn from oatmeal, jelly is boiled there. Task No. 2 In the river there is a fish mooing on a hillock a cow in a kennel a dog barks on a fence a titmouse sings in the corridor children play on the wall a picture hangs on the window patterns of frost in the stove firewood is burning in the hands of a girl an elegant doll in a cage a handmade goldfinch sings napkins there on the table there are skates for the winter they are preparing there glasses are for grandmother the notebooks are always kept in order. 4 competition. “Collect a proverb” Music sounds (5) Match parts of proverbs from columns 1 and 2. While the teams are working on proverbs, you can prepare for your homework! Task 1 Who digs a hole for another, 2 You like to ride, 3 A husband does not dung a cart, 1 he talks about it. 2 you need to sharpen your mind. 3 and contact with a beetle - in manure 4 Who eats soon, 5 Go hunting 6 Who gets up early, 7 Love is not a potato to be. 4 from that and you will type. 5 wolf howl. 6 eyes out. 7 my enemy. 8 Whoever hurts, 9 That’s why she’s a pike, 10 Don’t talk bad about yourself, 11 To teach others, 12 Who will remember the old, 13 Don’t rush with your tongue, 14 Be with a bee in the honey, 15 They meet by clothes, 16 The word is silver, 17 With whom you will behave, 18 My tongue 19 Live with wolves 20 Do not give habits, 8 he himself falls into it. 9 so that there is no looking back. 10 according to the mind see off. 11 love to carry sleds. 12God gives to him. 13silence is golden. 14that the wife uses a pot. 15others will take care of it. 16 hurry up. 17 and it works quickly. 18 you won't throw it out the window. 19 dogs to feed. 20 so that the crucian does not doze off. 1 Who digs a hole for another, 2 Likes to ride, 3 Husband doesn’t dung with carts, 4 Who eats soon, 5 Go hunting 6 Who gets up early, 7 Love is not a potato 8 Who hurts, 9 That’s why she and a pike, 10 Don’t talk about it’s bad for yourself, 11 To teach others, 12 Whoever remembers the old, 13 Don’t rush with your tongue, Answers 8 he himself falls into it. 11 love to carry sleds. 14that the wife uses a pot. 17 and it works quickly. 19 dogs to feed. 12God gives to him. 18 you won't throw it out the window. 1 is talking about that. 20 so that the crucian does not doze off. 15others will take care of it. 2 you need to sharpen your mind. 6 eyes out. 16 hurry up. 14 Meet with a bee in honey 3 and contact a beetle - be in manure, 15 They meet by clothes, 16 The word is silver, 17 With whom you will lead, 18 My tongue 19 Live with wolves 20 Do not give habits, turn out to be. 10 according to the mind see off. 13silence is golden. 4 from that and you will type. 7 my enemy. 5 wolf howl. 9 so that there is no looking back. 5 competition. Homework. 6 competition. “Know the work and its author” There are 6 cards in front of you, on which there is an excerpt from the work. Think about what story this passage is taken from. Name the author of this work. Tell me what happens next. Excerpt No. 1 Excerpt No. 2 And he began like this: “Friends! Why all this noise? I, your old matchmaker and godfather, Came to put up with you, not at all for the sake of a quarrel; Let's forget the past, set a common mood! (I. A. Krylov “The wolf in the kennel) “Who, whether a noble knight or a simple man in arms, Will jump from a height into that abyss? I throw my golden goblet there: Whoever finds in the darkness of the depths My goblet and returns harmlessly with it, To him it will be a victorious reward. (V. A. Zhukovsky “Cup”) Excerpt No. 4 “The boy looked in the mirror and almost fell. Petya Zubov saw that he had turned into a tall, thin, pale old man. He grew a gray broad beard and mustache. Wrinkles covered the face with a net ”(Schwartz “The Tale of Lost Time”) Excerpt No. 3 Remember now my word: Glory to the Warrior; Your name is glorified by victory; Your shield is on the gates of Tsaregrad; And the waves and the land are submissive to you; The enemy is jealous of such a wondrous fate. (A. S. Pushkin “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg”) Excerpt No. 5 “It was towards evening. He walked quietly and looked at the water. Suddenly it seemed to him that something was floundering in the mud near the shore. He bent down and saw...” (IS Turgenev “Mumu”) Excerpt No. 6 “At first no one noticed this. The boy looked with that dull and indefinite look with which all newborn children look up to a certain age. Days passed after days, the life of a new person was already considered weeks. His eyes cleared, a cloudy veil came off them, the pupil was determined. But the child did not turn his head for the light beam that penetrated the room along with the cheerful chirping of birds ”(V. G. Korolenko“ The Blind Musician ”) 7th competition. “Find the Words” The names of five ungulates are hidden in this story. Some are at the end of one word and the beginning of the next. Others are between words with a preposition. The third is somewhere else. And so that the audience does not get bored, I prepared questions from the works for them too! Let's reveal the most erudite in the literary field. Skiing Once we went skiing. At first it was fast and easy. Then the difficulties began. When we were going down the hill, Kolka Bannikov fell and broke his new ski. And all of us, so that Kolka would not be offended, decided to return. He walked back on one ski. We got home in the evening, because Kolka kept falling into a snowdrift. And before that we had time for lunch. Such a sad adventure happened to us that day. 8 competition. “Burime” BURIME is a poem with predetermined, unusual rhymes. The form of burime arose in the first half of the 17th century in France, the following incident served as an occasion. A certain poet Dulos declared that he had lost a manuscript with 300 sonnets. Such a number of works caused doubt among the public. Then Dulot admitted that he did not write 300 sonnets, but only prepared rhymes for them, and his friends decided to write sonnets to ready-made rhymes. This is how the form of burime arose as a poetic game. Try and play Burim! Music 6. Task: Sang - watched Circle - pie Cabbage - delicious Another - dried apricots Hide and seek - horses Gone - lay down. Without fire - I have In the afternoon in it In the evening - a spark With grass - alive. Example: We sang songs today, We watched a lot of cartoons. Then they sat in a circle, To cook a pie. Cabbage pie, very very tasty. We decided to make another one. True, with dried apricots. Then they played hide-and-seek, They galloped like horses. We came home after dark, went to bed very quickly. 9 COMPETITION. “Recognize the writer by photo” Think about whose photo is in front of you on the screen. Name the writer and his works. 10 competition (competition of captains). “Patters” 1. There is a pop on a shock, a cap on the priest, a shock under the priest, a pop under the cap. 2. Prokop came - dill was boiling, Prokop left - dill was boiling. Just as dill boiled under Prokop, so dill boils without Prokop. Presenter (Music 1) How beautiful is the world of the book! How amazing literary world! How many discoveries we make by reading the lines of talented writers! So I would like to wish all our participants, spectators and guests to be closer to the world of literature! So, let's sum up our quiz! Word of the Jury! Goodbye, Dear friends , see you soon! For Spectators! Excerpt #1 “What a street! What a town! The pavement is paved with mother-of-pearl; the sky is motley, tortoiseshell, a golden sun walks across the sky; you beckon it, it will descend from the sky, go around your hand and rise again.” (V. F. Odoevsky “Town in a Snuffbox”) Excerpt No. 2 “They are approaching; at the gate Of the pillars a crystal vault; All those pillars are slyly curled into golden snakes; On the tops there are three stars, Around the tower there are gardens; On silver branches there, In gilded cages Birds of paradise live, Songs of the kings sing. But the tower with the towers Like a city with villages; And on the tower of stars - an Orthodox Russian cross ”(P. P. Ershov“ Konyokgorbunok ”) Excerpt No. 3 “On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees - the hut is full of people, big and small. A girl is sitting by the stove, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinned that rarely anyone will let her into the hut. The girl is stroking this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut. (P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”) Excerpt No. 4 “The old man wanted to argue, But it is unprofitable to quarrel with someone else; The king hit him with a staff on the forehead; he fell face down, And the spirit out. - The whole capital shuddered ... ”(A.S. Pushkin“ The Tale of the Golden Cockerel ”) Excerpt No. 5 “Lives in a priest's house, Sleeps on straw, Eats for four, Works for seven; Until daylight everything dances with him, The horse harnesses, plows the strip, He floods the oven, prepares everything, buys, He bakes an egg, and peels himself. (A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”) Riddles They waited for their mother with milk, And they let the wolf into the house ... Who were these Little children? As a child, everyone laughed at him, They tried to push him away: After all, no one knew that he was born a White Swan. She bought a samovar, And a mosquito saved her. She was an artist Beautiful, like a star, From the evil Carabas Escaped forever. Gobbling up rolls, A guy rode on the stove. Ride through the village And married the princess. This tablecloth is famous That it feeds everyone to the full, That by itself it is Full of delicious foods. The sweet apple scent lured that bird into the orchard. Feathers glow with fire, And it's light around, like in the daytime. Like Baba, Yaga does not have one leg at all, But there is a wonderful flying apparatus. Which? He is a robber, he is a villain, He frightened people with his whistle. Both the hare and the wolf All run to him for treatment. I went to visit my grandmother, I brought pies to her. Gray Wolf followed her, Deceived and swallowed. He was born in Italy, He was proud of his family. He is not just a bow boy, He is a reliable, faithful friend. Over my simple question Do not spend a lot of effort. Who made a boy with a long nose out of logs? My question is not at all difficult, It is about the Emerald City. Who was the glorious ruler there? Who was the wizard there? My dress is colorful, My cap is sharp, My jokes and laughter Amuse everyone. She is the most important of all in a riddle, Although she lived in the cellar: She helped Grandfather and Grandma to pull the turnip out of the garden. Here is a very simple, short question: Who put the wooden nose into the ink? The red girl is sad: She doesn't like spring, It's hard for her in the sun! Tears shed, poor thing! The nose is round, with a snout, It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground, The tail is small with a crochet, Instead of shoes - hooves. Three of them - and how friendly the Brothers are. Guess without a clue Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? Near the forest, at the edge, Three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, Three beds, three pillows. Guess without a clue Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? The swamp is her home. The Waterman visits her. The fat man lives on the roof, He flies above all. Evening would soon come, And the long-awaited hour has come, So that I can go to a fabulous ball in a gilded carriage. She was a girlfriend of gnomes And, of course, you are familiar. With whom does Frost play hide and seek, In a white fur coat, in a white hat? Everyone knows his daughter, And her name is ... The young man's arrow hit the swamp, Well, where is the bride? Want to marry! And here is the bride, eyes on top of her head. The bride's name is ... An accordion in her hands, On the top of her cap, And Cheburashka sits importantly next to him. The rarest beast and hides in ambush, No one can catch it. He has heads in front and behind, Only Aibolit will help us guess him. And well, think and dare, After all, this beast - ... ANSWER He comes to everyone in the dead of night, And he opens his magic umbrella: A multi-colored umbrella - a dream caresses the eyes, A black umbrella - there are no dreams in sight. Obedient children - a multi-colored umbrella, And naughty - black relies. He is a gnomewizard, he is known to many, Well, tell me what the gnome is called. ANSWER From the ballroom of the king The girl ran home, She lost her crystal shoe On the steps. The carriage again became a pumpkin ... Who, tell me, is this girl? ANSWER Answer the question: Who carried Masha in the basket, Who sat on a stump And wanted to eat a pie? You know the story, don't you? Who was it? … ANSWER Mom gave birth to a daughter From a beautiful flower. Good, little one! The little girl was about an inch tall. If you read a fairy tale, you know what your daughter's name was. ANSWER Who liked to play and sing? Two mice Cool and ... ANSWER Grandfather and woman lived together, They made a daughter out of a snowball, But the hot heat of the fire Turned the girl into steam. Grandfather and grandmother are sad. What was their daughter's name? ANSWER What kind of fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter, a Mouse, another dog Bug Helped grandfather and woman, Collected root crops? ANSWER They are always together everywhere, Animals - "non-spoiled": He and his furry friend, Joker, bear Winnie the Pooh. And if it's not a secret, Quickly give me an answer: Who is this cute fat man? Mamyryushka's son - ... ANSWER She taught Pinocchio to write, And she helped to look for the golden key. That girl is a doll with big eyes, Like the azure sky, with hair, On a pretty face - a neat little nose. What is her name? Answer the question. ANSWER Quickly remember the tale: The character in it is the boy Kai, the Snow Queen froze her heart, But the tender girl did not leave the boy. She walked in the cold, snowstorms, Forgetting about food, bed. She went to help a friend. What is the name of his girlfriend? ANSWER This fairy-tale hero With a ponytail, mustachioed, He has a feather in his hat, All striped himself, He walks on two legs, In bright red boots. ANSWER This hero has a friend - Piglet, He carried an empty pot as a gift to the Donkey, Climbed into the hollow for honey, Chased the bees and flies. The name of the bear cub, Of course, is ... ANSWER He likes to eat a sandwich Not like everyone else, on the contrary, He is in a vest, like a sailor. Call the cat, tell me how? ANSWER He lives in Prostokvashino, he carries out his service there. The post office is by the river. The postman in her is an uncle ... ANSWER His father was seized by Lemon, He threw his father into the dungeon ... Radish - the boy's friend, Did not leave that friend in trouble And helped the hero's father to free himself from the dungeon. And everyone knows without a doubt, the Hero of these adventures. ANSWER On a snow sleigh the Queen flew through the winter sky. Touched the kid, casually. He became cold, unkind ... ANSWER

GOU No. 182

Krasnogvardeisky district

Literary quiz

"In the world of Russian literature"

(for students in grades 10-11)

Prepared by:

Adamovich Victoria Vladimirovna

Saint Petersburg

year 2014


The development is primarily aimed at class teachers and organizers of schoolchildren's leisure, teachers of the Russian language and literature.This literary quiz is based on the basic knowledge of schoolchildren in the subject "Russian literature of grades 9-11", but a game form of testing this knowledge is offered, not traditional forms of tasks.
A similar game can be played in the second half school year(3-4 quarter), when a certain path in the subject has been passed by the students.The quiz can be timed to such significant dates, How:
International Mother Language Day (February 21) World Writer's Day (March 3) Book Week for Children and Youth (March 24-30) World Culture Day (April 15)
And also a quiz can be held at the Olympiad week in literature.
Goal of the work. Any game form helps to increase interest in the subject. IN this case to the subject of literature.Conducting such quizzes is especially important, because. children's interest in reading books is gradually declining, books are replaced by television and the Internet.
Quiz task: With the help of a quiz, you can well and unobtrusively check the degree of knowledge of the children in the subject, awaken the spirit of competition, unite the class, since teams of the same class or parallel classes and even teams of all 10th and 11th grades can participate in the quiz.

To create a quiz, I used various sources, but, unfortunately, my memory retained only one of them.This book by O.N. Kozak " Literary quizzes", Soyuz publishing house, St. Petersburg, 1998 . And some competitions have no sources other than observation and experience.

Quiz progress.

    students in grades 10-11 (it is possible for the whole class to participate as a single team, or you can determine the composition of the team, for example, 6 people from the class, you can invite the guys to come up with a team name, motto, emblem); jury of the quiz - language teachers, representatives from classes; the host of the quiz is a teacher of literature.
Rules of the game: The guys of the whole class (or team) take part in the game, all members of the class (team) have the right to answer questions, except for those competitions where the participants are negotiated additionally.
There are 9 contests in the game (the number and composition of the contests may vary depending on the time allotted for the game).The game takes 1.5 - 2 hours.
Props for the game:
    jury protocols; portraits of writers and poets; cards with titles of works; cards with names and surnames of writers (for portraits); scissors and glue stick according to the number of teams; newspaper (any) identical copies according to the number of teams; sheets of paper A-4 format by number of teams cards 1,2,3 (by number of teams)
The number of contests may vary depending on the time selected for the game.

1 competition "Warm-up"

2 participants are invited from each class (team), substitutions are possible during the competition. For the participants, the plates 1,2,3 are the numbers of the answer options. A question is asked to all participants of the competition, and answers are given, the task of the participants is to raise a card with the number of the correct answer.

Competition questions:

Which of the Russian poets, admiring the comedy “Woe from Wit”, wrote to Griboedov: “I don’t talk about poetry, half should become a proverb”?
    Nekrasov Zhukovsky Pushkin
To which of the characters in the play "Woe from Wit" these words belong:A) “Bah! All familiar faces. "To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov." "Terrible age! Don't know what to start! Everyone managed beyond their years"
    Chatsky Molchalin Famusov
B) " happy hours not watching!" "The hero is not my novel." "What a genius for others, but for me a plague."
    Sophia Countess, Khryumina's granddaughter Repetilov.
Who gave Pushkin his portrait with the inscription: “To the winner - the student from the defeated teacher on that highly solemn day on which he finished his poem Ruslan and Lyudmila, 1820, March 26, Good Friday”?
1. Zhukovsky 2. Derzhavin 3. Delvig

Which composer wrote operas based on the plots of Pushkin's works "Eugene Onegin", " Queen of Spades"," Mazepa "?

    Chaikovsky Mussorgsky Borodin
Where is the grave of A.S. Pushkin?
    Svyatogorsky monastery in the Pskov region Novodevichy Convent in Saratov on Red Square in Moscow
Name the author of the monument to Pushkin in St. Petersburg?
    Tseritelli Anikushin Shubin
Where these lines come from: At Lukomorye oak green, Golden Chain on Oak Vol. And day and night the cat is a scientist Everything goes round and round...
    "Ruslan and Ludmila" "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" "The Tale of the Sleeping Princess..."
Where do these lines come from: Old man! I heard many times What do you get me from saved death, Why? .. Gloomy and lonely, Stormy torn leaf I grew up in dark walls The soul of a child, the fate of a monk ...
    "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" "Mtsyri" "Daemon"
Where was Lermontov exiled for writing the poem "The Death of a Poet"?
    Transcaucasia Siberia south to Odessa.

In which theater was Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" staged for the first time?

    Alexandria Theater in St. Petersburg BDT im. Tovstonogov, Petersburg Moscow Art Theater in Moscow
Which character does this portrait belong to? Dead Souls”): “He was of medium height. A very well-built fellow with full ruddy cheeks, teeth as white as snow, and sideburns as black as pitch?
    Chichikov Sobakevich Nozdrev

2 competition "Portraits"

Portraits of writers and poets are exhibited on the stage, one person from a class (team) is invited to participate in the competition. Exercise: A) lay out cards with the names of writers to the corresponding portraitsB) lay out cards with the titles of works to the portraits of the authors
The task is performed by each participant in turn.For an error - 1 point is removed from the maximum number of points.
4 card options (each participant has a card of his own color):
L.N. Tolstoy:"War and Peace""Sunday" "Anna Karenina" "After the Ball" M.Yu. Lermontov:"Hero of our time""Mtsyri" "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov...""Sail" A.S. Pushkin:"Ruslan and Ludmila" "Eugene Onegin""Dubrovsky" "Young lady-peasant"A.P. Chekhov:"Thick and thin" « Horse surname» "The Seagull" "Three Sisters" N.A. Nekrasov:“Who is living well in Rus'?” "Jack Frost" "Grandfather Mazai and hares" "At the front door"F.M. Dostoevsky:"Crime and Punishment" "The Brothers Karamazov""Demons" "Humiliated and Insulted"A.N. Ostrovsky:"Snow Maiden""Storm" "Dowry" "Plum"

3 competition "Captains"

Participate in the competition one person from the class (team), which are combined in pairs. For example, the captain of the 10 "a" team with the captain of the 10 "b" class team, the captain of the 11 "a" team with the captain of the 11 "b" class.Task for the first couple: take turns inventing affectionate words (epithets) for each otherTask for the second couple: take turns remembering proverbs and sayings
Before the competition, a task is given for the 5th competition "Compose a story"

4 competition "Marathon"

The whole class (team) participates in the competition.This competition can also be a competition for fans, who will add points to the team in this way.
Task: the chain recalls lines from poems, poems, fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. It is impossible to repeat, whoever stops is out of the game. They play until only one team remains in the game.

5 competition "Compose a story"

Exit competition.

Two people from each class participate. They go to the next room (classroom, recreation, etc.) with the task of making up a story from newspaper headlines.With them they receive the same issue of the newspaper, scissors, glue stick, Blank sheet paper A-4.
Participants read their stories. Evaluated: wit, coherence of the text, subject matter, etc.

6 competition "Afisha"

Either the whole team or one person from the class participates.The facilitator reads the poster of a dramatic work that is studied at school, and reads FROM THE END. Reads until one of the participants raises their hand (ready to answer). If the answer is incorrect, reading the poster continues until the answer is found by one of the participants. Otherwise, the reading of the poster ends with the title of the work.See the posters in APPENDIX 2.

7 competition "Musical"

The whole team (class) participates. Exercise:
    On whose verses are romances and songs written?
Music excerpts sound. works, and the participants of the show jumping write down the answers on the cards. After the end of the recording, the cards are handed over to the jury. A. M. Yu. Lermontov "I go out alone on the road" B. S.A. Yesenin “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry ...” V. V. S. Vysotsky “A lot of obscurity in a strange country ..” (excerpt “Alice in Wonderland”
Musical excerpts may be different at the choice of the teacher.
    Music from k / f. What works were filmed (title and author)
A. k / f "Cruel Romance" based on Ostrovsky's play "Dowry"B. film based on the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers"

8 competition "What did the great answer?"

A statement is read to each team in turn - a question, you need to come up with or remember that one of the greats answered this question.See APPENDIX 3 for questions.

This competition can be replaced by another:

"Literature and Cinema".

The whole class (team) participates.The host reads TV announcements on k / films by classical works. But at the same time, all the names of the heroes are replaced with pronouns (he, she, they, etc.)Team task- find out which hero in question, what kind of movie is this, what work of what author is it based on. For each correctly guessed film - 1 point.See TV announcements in APPENDIX 2.


(For the evaluation criteria for each competition, see the APPENDIX "Jury minutes")

Annex 1.

TV announcements.

1. The hero, testing his invention - a time machine, ended up in the 16th century, in the chambers of Ivan the Terrible ... ( Comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession" based on the play by Mikhail Bulgakov "Ivan Vasilyevich","Mosfilm" 1973)
2. The Countess ... fell in love with the manager of the estate ..., a humble person. The height of the position and female pride did not allow her to reveal her feelings. But the pangs of jealousy were even worse…( Comedy based on the play by Lope de Vega "Dog in the Manger""Lenfilm" 1977).
3. The Duke ... took a young man as his faithful servant, to whom he entrusted the most intimate - his love for the beauty ... ( Comedy by W. Shakespeare "Twelfth Night", "Lenfilm 1955)
4. A sailor ..., having returned from a voyage, is preparing for a wedding with ..., but on the day of the engagement he suddenly became a prisoner of a gloomy prison ... He knew that he had a rival, but did not imagine the full strength of his deceit. ( The film "The Prisoner of If Castle" based on the novel by A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo", Odessa Film Studio 1988, movie The Count of Monte Cristo France-Italy, 1955)
5. A ruined widow managed to find a home for her two older daughters, leaving only one ... a beauty, but without a dowry. It would seem that she has something to count on, but you can’t command her heart, and it trembles when meeting with the shipowner ... ( "Dowry" based on the play by A. Ostrovsky,"Rot Front" 1936)
6. A merry vagabond ... once he was lucky - he entered the service of two masters at once. How could the swindler know that his owners are familiar, in love and looking for each other ... (Musical comedy "Truffaldino from Bergamo" by play Goldoni "Servant of two masters" Lenfilm, 1977)
7.18 century. An Italian hypnotist and adventurer, who was running away from the St. Petersburg police, got stuck in an estate near Smolensk - the carriage broke down ... ( Comedy "Formula of Love" according to the story A.N. Tolstoy "Count Cagliostro", Mosfilm 1984) 8. Due to the mistake of a clerk who wrote others instead of some words in the royal decree, a non-existent personality arose. But the paper has already gone on high tables ... ( Comedy based on the story by Yuri Tynyanov "Lieutenant Kizhe", Belgoskino, 1934)
9. Three clever friends served the king - to the envy of the cardinal. One day, a fourth desperate daredevil appeared among them - the devil himself, by definition, the beauty of the queen's maid of honor ... (Adventure film "D * Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" based on the novel A. Dumas "Three Musketeers", Odessa film studio 1979)
10. Frightened by the rumor about the arrival of the auditor, the officials began to court the official who was staying at the hotel, mistaking him for an important person ... (comedy "Incognito from Petersburg" by comedy N.V. Gogol "Inspector", Mosfilm, 1977)
11. “It’s easy to get rich, you just need a little cunning and quickness” - this is how one official thought, going to the Russian outback for an unusual purchase ... (Comedy based on N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”, Mosfilm 1984)
12. For several centuries, the legend of a huge dog with burning eyes frightened the heirs of an old family who lived in a secluded estate ... (Detective according to the story Conan Doyle "The Hound of the Baskervilles" Canada 2000)
13. Medieval England. The king secretly returned to the country ... and his squire, slandered by the henchmen of the insidious prince ... ( "The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe" based on the novel Walter Scott "Ivanhoe" Mosfilm 1983)

1757. There was a war between England and France for possession of the North American colonies. Fate brought Uncas, the son of an Indian chief, and the white hunter Nathaniel, nicknamed Hawkeye, with Cora and Alice, the daughters of an English colonel ... ("The Last of the Mohicans" based on the novel Fenimore Cooper, USA, 1992)
15. He is a mischievous and resourceful boy who is bored listening to sermons in the church, painting the fence, but it’s nice to take a walk into the cave with a pretty girlfriend ... (Children's film " The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" based on the novel by Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", Odessa film studio, 1981)

Annex 2


A.N. Ostrovsky.


Drama in four acts.


Harita Ignatievna Ogudalova, a middle-aged widow, dressed elegantly, but boldly and beyond her years. Larisa Dmirtievna, her daughter, a maiden; dressed richly but modestly. Moky Parmenych Knurov, of the big businessmen of recent times, old man, with a huge fortune. Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov, a very young man, one of the representatives of a wealthy trading firm; European in costume. Julius Kapitonych Karandyshev, a young man, a poor official. Sergei Sergeevich Paratov, a brilliant gentleman, one of the shipowners, in his thirties. Robinson. Gavrilo, club bartender and owner of a coffee shop on the boulevard. Ivan, a servant in a coffee shop.

A.N. Ostrovsky


Drama in five acts


Savel Prokofievich Wild, merchant, significant person in the city. Boris Grigorievich, his nephew, a young man, decently educated. Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha), wealthy merchant, widow. Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov, her son. Katerina, his wife. Varvara, Tikhon's sister. Kuligin, tradesman, self-taught watchmaker, looking for a perpetuum mobile. Vanya Kudryash, a young man, Dikogo's clerk. Shapkin, tradesman. Feklusha, wanderer. Glasha, the girl in Kabanova's house. The lady with two lackeys, old woman 70 years old, half crazy. City dwellers of both sexes.


Woe from Wit


Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, Sofya Pavlovna, his daughter. Lizanka, a maid. Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin, Famusov's secretary, who lives in his house. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.Colonel Skalozub, Sergei Sergeevich.Natalya Dmitrievna, young lady. ) Gorichi Platon Mikhailovich, her husband. Prince Tugoukhovsky and Princess, his wife, with six daughters. Countess grandmother) Khryumina. Countess granddaughter Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.Old Khlestova, Famusov's sister-in-law. G.N.G. D. Repetilov Petrushka and several talking servants. Many guests of all sorts and their lackeys at the departure.Waiters Famusova.

William Shakespeare




Claudius, King of Denmark. Hamlet, son of the deceased and nephew of the reigning king. Fortinbras, Prince of Norway. Polonius, close nobleman. Horatio, friend of Hamlet. Laertes, son of Polonius. Waltimand Cornelius Rosencrantz Guildenstern Osric First nobleman Second nobleman Priest. Marcellus, officer Bernardo, officer Francisco, soldier Reinaldo, servant Polonius. Actors. Two gravediggers. Captain. English ambassadors. Gertrude, Queen of Denmark, mother of Hamlet. Ophelia, daughter of Polonius. Ghost of Hamlet's father. Nobles, ladies, officers, soldiers, sailors, messengers and other servants.

N.V. Gogol




Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, mayor Anna Andreevna, his wife Maria Antonovna, his daughter Luka Lukich Khlopov, superintendent of schools Amos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, judge Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, trustee of charitable institutions Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, postmaster Petr Ivanovich Dobchinsky city ​​landowners Petr Ivanovich Bobchinsky
Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov, Petersburg official Osip, his servant Christian Ivanovich Gibner, county doctor Fedor Andreevich LyulyukovIVAN Lazarevich Rastakovskiy retired officials, Stepan Ivanovich Korobkin honorary people in the city Stepan Ilyich Ukhovertov, private bailiff Svistunov Buttons police Derzhimorda Abdulin, merchant Favronya Petrovna Poshlepkina, locksmith Non-commissioned officer's wife Mishka, servant of the mayor Servant of the tavernGuests and guests, merchants, petty bourgeois, petitioners.

The list of plays can be expanded, for example, you can add posters of such dramatic works that are studied at school:Gorky "At the bottom", Chekhov " The Cherry Orchard”, Ostrovsky “Our people - we will settle down” and others.

Appendix 3

What did the great one say?

1. Alexandre Dumas, the father, somehow returned home from a festive dinner, his son asked him: “Well, how was it there, fun, interesting?”Very much,” Dumas answered him, “but if I weren’t there, I would die of boredom.”)
2. A masquerade ball was held in honor of Walter Scott in London. Each participant was required to come dressed as one of the many characters in his novels. Charles Dickens arrived at the masquerade, he did not have time to get a costume. The organizer of the masquerade was very surprised: - Which of the characters do you portray?(- I portray the hero that is in every work of Walter Scott - his faithful reader!)
3. English science fiction writer HG Wells began his literary career without special success. He and a friend started a magazine that only had four subscribers.Once friends saw a funeral procession through the window. Excited, Wells said to his friend:(- If only it was not our subscriber.)
4. Once Mark Twain received an anonymous letter that contained only one word: "Pig". The next day he wrote in his newspaper:(- Usually I receive letters without a signature. Yesterday, for the first time, I received a signature without a letter.”)
5. Once Sergei Yesenin said to Mayakovsky:- Your poems seem to be made of cast iron - well, what can be made of cast iron?(- They will make monuments to us from cast iron, - Mayakovsky answered)
6. Once Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin was asked:What is the difference between man and cattle?(- Huge, - answered the satirist. - After all, a beast can never be a man, and a man, especially rich and swaggering, very often becomes a beast.)
