Semyon Slepakov - biography, information, personal life. Semyon Slepakov needed psychological help Semyon Slepakov - Appeal to the people

Creative activity Semyon Slepakov very multifaceted: he is a resident " comedy club", the author of the sketchcom "Our Russia", the producer and screenwriter of many TV shows. Also, the artist is known to the general public for his songs of sharply satirical content, which he himself composes and performs. inspiration for your creative projects Semyon draws from various situations that often happen to him or his friends. Slepakov hides his personal life from prying eyes, so he tells almost nothing about his wife. Friends of the couple note that the spouses are a very harmonious couple that complement each other.

Semyon was born in 1979 in Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory. In his family, all relatives were teachers: grandfather and father lectured students on economics, grandmother was a connoisseur of medicine, and mother was fluent in French. In childhood, the future comedian went to music school However, he did not like to play the piano. At the same time, his father often played him records with the songs of the Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Rolling Stones", as well as Vysotsky and Okudzhava, thanks to which the young man began to play the guitar and sing. Slepakov was very fond of watching KVN on TV, and soon he himself began to play in the school team. After leaving school, he entered the university, where he received two higher education and became a candidate of economic sciences.

In his student years, Semyon continued to play in the KVN team, which, under his leadership, ended up in the Major League by the end of his studies. His parents were sure that his son, after graduating from high school, would achieve something serious in the scientific field, however, he chose humor. In 2005, the KVN participant left for Moscow, where, together with Alexander Dulerain, he implemented the Our Russia project. As a producer, Slepakov is the creator of such well-known TV series as Univer, Interns, Sashatanya, Concerned, or Love of Evil, and others. The songs that the showman performs with a sad and unflappable look occupy one of the main places in his work. The audience warmly welcomed his songs such as "I can't drink", "Gazprom", "Every Friday I'm in the city", "Appeal to the people" and others.

The personal life of the artist has acquired new meaning when he met a girl named Karina. The meeting became fateful, and in the fall of 2012, the lovers played a wedding, which took place in Italy. Semyon's wife is a lawyer by profession. The girl loves home comfort and calm environment, so she does not seek to flicker at secular parties. In addition, the humorist himself does not want the name of his soulmate to be often mentioned in the press.

In the photo Semyon Slepakov with his wife Karina

Now Karina devotes a lot of time at home, trying to arrange family life as best as possible, she also strives to learn the art of cooking various dishes, attending master classes for this. The couple has not yet had children, however, they already dream of becoming parents. All free time Slepakov spends with his wife and family. He likes to read books and watch new movies. Zhenya does not like everything in Semyon's work, but she respects his beloved work, supporting him in all endeavors.

In 2013, a tragedy occurred in the showman's personal life: his cousin Alexander died. A 19-year-old youth was hit by a car whose driver fled the scene. Sasha studied at the Faculty of Philology and Journalism, and also played in KVN. He was only child at parents.

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Published on 05/17/2017
Many celebrities try not to advertise events in their personal lives, as they believe that at least something in it should remain truly personal and inviolable. So did Semyon Slepakov, marrying secretly from annoying sensation seekers.

Who is she - Semyon Slepakov's wife?

Known throughout the country and far beyond its borders, the comedian Semyon Slepakov, at the age of 33, decided to “settle down and get married.” The chosen one of the famous native of Pyatigorsk was a girl named Karina, who is a lawyer by profession. The girl has nothing to do with show business, although not so long ago there were rumors that the actress would become Semyon's wife. Actually, the name and occupation is all that is known about Slepakov's newly made wife. Nevertheless, good friend The Slepakov family says that this couple is simply incredibly in love. Young people began to experience such deep feelings almost at first sight. It immediately became clear to everyone around that Semyon and Karina were simply made for each other, no matter how trite it may sound. Despite her young age, Slepakov's wife preaches real right values ​​- she believes that the most important thing in life is family and future children. This position is very useful, because Semyon this moment is a fairly eminent producer, who has almost every minute scheduled. Now the screenwriter of numerous comedy shows finally think about more important things.

Semyon Slepakov decided to hold the celebration on the occasion of the wedding in Italy. Only the closest and dearest couples were invited to the holiday, fortunately, no paparazzi reached this significant event in Slepakov's life. Such secrecy may not be to someone's taste, but the young Slepakov family spent at least a few days away from the ostentatious hype and fame, which sometimes simply no one needs.

A real actor and showman in life, screenwriter of numerous shows, as well as producer of the famous TV series "Interns" finally found happiness. According to his friends, Karina is not just a fleeting passion, she is the second half of Semyon, whom he intends to protect and protect from all troubles. We also wish happiness to this couple, let no retellings of fame let them forget about the present, which is worth holding on to in life.

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The famous producer, author and performer of songs in the genre of comedy Semyon Slepakov until the age of 33 remained enviable groom. He did not indulge the audience with his intrigues or novels, giving rise to gossip. The image of a courageous performer with a great sense of humor fell in love with all viewers. His songs are representatives younger generation split into quotes. Semyon's wife, Karina Slepakova, in everything and always supports a successful husband.

Biography and path to success

Music- this is the main creative profession Seeds. I can’t believe that the artist discovered his talent only in high school. Prior to this, he did not feel a strong craving for creativity.

The biography of the comedian deserves attention. He is like everyone prominent figures has its own history of success. The recognition of the public was preceded long work and the pursuit of glory.

The future famous comedian was born in a family of scientists. Semyon's parents are professors. His fate initially seemed far from creativity, but he still studied music. First musical instrument the piano became, but the child could not love this instrument enough to connect his future with it.

The next step in creativity was an acquaintance with the electric guitar, which aroused more interest in the guy than the piano. Semyon found support from his relatives in everything. It was his father who put the first Beatles records on him, instilling in the boy a wonderful musical taste.

WITH young years Semyon was carried away by the game of KVN teams. IN school years gathered his team, and then humor and music became his constant companions.

Semena's success story is an example of how passion and talent can become a life's work and bear fruit. It was the artist's passion that led him to success today and provided the main income.

With a group of friends, Semyon decides to move to Moscow. The team worked hard to stay afloat. After a while, Semyon became part of the Comedy Club team as an author and performer of his own numbers, and also wrote lyrics for the entire team. He is a sought-after and successful TV producer, his name is on everyone's lips. He released two song albums

Famous namesake - Polina Slepakova, and biography popular singer nothing to do with Simon. Nothing unites them despite the desire of fans to attribute kinship to them.

Many viewers are also sure that Elena Borshcheva, a participant in the Comedy Wumen project, is Slepakov's sister. But it's not. The artists are united by KVN past and love of humor.

Artist's personal life

The comedian's family life has been a mystery to his fans for many years. He did not go to social events, as his colleagues did, taking a beauty for company. The journalists did not take a single provocative picture.

The artist's fans are craving the details of his personal life, and now the veil has finally opened.

Since his youth, Semyon liked petite girls. And if usually a guy's sense of humor certainly leads to success among the fair sex, then not this time. According to the artist, his specific humor, intended mainly for male ears, usually scared the girls away. At the same time, jokes and jokes were directed at the objects of courtship themselves, which nullified the results.

WITH future wife journalists caught Slepakov at the birthday party of his colleague Mikhail Galustyan. At the same time, the artist did not make any attempts to hide his personal life from the cameras. However, the surprise of journalists and viewers knew no bounds when they found out that the girl in front of them was not in the status of a friend, but already in the status of a wife.

The wedding took place back in 2012, Karina Slepakova became the wife of the artist. The biography of the girl is little known. The celebration was celebrated in Italy, avoiding the attention of the press. The wife of the artist is far from secular life and television. Information about her is very difficult to find. With accuracy, we can only say that she works in the legal field and is not going to tie her life to public activities. Semyon supports his wife and in every possible way protects from the annoying attention of fans who love to spy on someone else's life.

Viewers will not stumble upon a girl's profile in social network, she does not make VKontakte posts and does not post numerous photos on Instagram. Finding her photo is problematic. Journalists took photos of them together with her husband during infrequent trips of the family to a cinema or restaurant. When the family appears in public, the artist does not allow the paparazzi to bother Karina. He accompanies her every minute, guarding her peace and good mood.

In his interviews, Semyon speaks positively, in a humorous way, about marriage. "Urgently in marriage!" - the comedian's phrase, which became winged for his entourage. The artist enjoys family comfort and quiet happiness, which he wishes for everyone.

The artist speaks of his wife as a person with a great sense of humor, able to make even the artist himself laugh at himself. Slepakov likes his wife's good-natured jokes about everyday issues.

In the family, the couple dissolves. The married comedian even began to pay a little less attention to his creative activity. According to acquaintances and friends of the couple, they still treat each other with the same kindness as many years ago, hold each other's hands and look forward to seeing each other after a working day at home. In one of the few interviews, Karina claims that her husband treats her like a queen, spoils her.

What is known about the comedian's wife

Karina Slepakova does not seek public life, preferring to remain in the shadow of a popular spouse. Only two things are known about her hobbies and leisure:

  1. Cooking gourmet food. One can speak about Karina's interest in cooking based on attending a master class by Andrei Garcia.
  2. An interest in electric guitars that they share with their spouse.

The wife of Semyon Slepakov does not appear in gossip columns and does not attract attention.

Constant public performances, comedy broadcasts, new comedy projects support the viewer's constant interest in Semyon Slepakov. Biography, the personal life of the artist is of increasing interest to the public.

Simon is now 38 years old. This is a wonderful artist, charismatic, charming and interesting. In his field, he has achieved significant heights and is always surrounded by attention, like any successful person.

Attention, only TODAY!

Semyon Slepakov went bachelor until the age of 33. There were no stormy novels, sexual scandals, and even just light intrigues behind him. Despite this, there were no rumors about the unconventional orientation of a two-meter unshaven man. Despite the fact that he is from the Comedy club. Such is his image, absolutely courageous.

third line star

Semyon Slepakov jokes about himself: “ I am a third line star. Here are the hotels of the first coastline, the second, and I - the third". Maybe this explains the veil of secrecy that has hung all these years over the artist's personal life. Just on social events Semyon never walked, and, consequently, he did not drag the girls behind him. They weren't photographed together!

The same popularity, in which the paparazzi guard a person at the door of the house in the bushes, Slepakov, in his own words, never had.

Semyon was not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex.

“Women like big men,” he jokes, “there’s something primal about it, the desire to own the biggest male.”

Semen, on the other hand, always liked petite women.

In his youth, as a student, Semyon wooed the girls with humor and playing the guitar.

Neither one nor the other worked. The repertoire of the group in which Semyon played was not girlish.

Kvenshchik joked mostly about the girls themselves, and, as it turned out, women don’t like it at all.

“I’ll catch a pretty girl in the corridor, and let’s make fun of her. Interest in the object, if it appeared, then immediately disappeared.

Therefore, when meeting women, Semyon does not joke about women. Sometimes, in an interview, the comedian reported that he had a girlfriend - but who she was, what she did, was categorically not covered. To the regret of the journalists that he has a girlfriend, the humorist laughed it off. " No, now, if I had a boyfriend, one would be sorry».

In a high tower

When the foreman bard, producer, screenwriter and candidate of economic sciences suddenly got married, this event did not get into the gossip column. At the same time, the artist himself did not hide his bride from anyone, and especially did not hide anything. “I brought my wife to Galustyan’s birthday party, and we were photographed there.”

Imagine the surprise of secular chroniclers when it turned out that a pretty brown-haired woman with bright blue eyes- the wife of the famous Semyon Slepakov. The young people played a wedding in 2012 in Italy, away from prying eyes and ears.

Semyon's chosen one, a girl named Karina, is far from show business. She is a lawyer by profession and nothing more is known about her.

Semyon protects his wife from excessive attention, and so far none of the journalists has been able to take a single interview.

During family outings, Semyon does not leave his soulmate for a single step, not allowing reporters to overshadow the mood with their importunity.

In an interview, Slepakov rarely, but he says that he is satisfied with the marriage and recommends to everyone “Urgently in marriage!”, he agitates men who have stayed too long in bachelors.

“I like this position. You come home, there you are honored and respected. I didn't have that before."

Miniature Karina has a great sense of humor, teases him about his appearance or everyday ineptness, and Semyon approves of this very much.

In addition, Slepakov himself admits that he began to engage in creativity less after his marriage: “I need to go home.”

Karina eschews secular life, goes out into the world mainly accompanied by her husband. One day journalists managed to catch her at the master class of the French culinary specialist Andrei Garcia, from which it can be assumed that the wife of Semyon Slepakov is interested in cooking and haute cuisine in particular.

Karina also shares her husband's desire to possess good guitars. “It’s hard to call it a collection,” Semyon says, “there are eight pieces.” His wife gave him two ancient instruments.

Semyon Slepakov's personal life closed to the press, so when he married a girl Karina two years ago, not a single journalist was present at this celebration. The wedding took place in Italy in a modest setting in the presence of only the closest relatives and friends. Semyon never wanted his wife to have anything to do with the world of show business, so he chose a girl working in a different field as a bride - Karina is a lawyer and far from social life and bohemia.

Despite the fact that Semyon Slepakov diligently hides his personal life, no one, and even more so public people, will not be able to completely protect her from prying eyes. For the birthday of his friend and colleague Mikhail Galustyan, Slepakov first came with his wife.

In the photo - Semyon Slepakov with his wife

Becoming a wife famous artist, Karina began to appear with him at various presentations and other similar events, but here are no interviews about family life it is impossible to get from the spouses - they diligently avoid journalists.

Semyon Slepakov's wife is much younger than him, but she takes such concepts as a husband, family, children seriously, and in relation, the artist can be said to be very lucky. For the sake of young Karina, Semyon broke up with the status hardened bachelor and decided to make his own nest.

According to the artist's friends, his wife is from an intelligent family, and they believe that Semyon was very lucky that he met such a girl. For a long time Semyon Slepakov's personal life was relegated to the background - he devoted all his time to his career, and his relationships with girls somehow didn’t work out - he was always reckless, made fun of them, and preferred communication with friends to novels. But the girls always liked this cheerful ringleader, and they tried to get to know him better, but serious relationship the modest Semyon Slepakov began only in his student years, when he studied at the Pyatigorsk Linguistic University, but even then he did not advertise his novels.

It should be noted that Semyon never suffered from a lack of female attention, but for a very long time he was looking for his only one. All his relationships with girls were short-lived - he quickly got bored with serious novels, but the meeting with Karina changed his outlook on life and put an end to bachelor freedom.
