The story of how Danila Kozlovsky met his wife, or the biography of an inveterate bachelor. The most enviable "Bachelors" in Russia Egor Creed, Danila Kozlovsky and others

Let's talk today about the most enviable Bachelors of Russia, who could easily take part in the show.

Arkady Abramovich

The son of the most popular oligarch Arkady Abramovich drew our attention and deserves our attention not only because of his impressive inheritance. 22-year-old Arkady, unlike many of his peers and friends, does not spend multi-million dollar fortune his father in the clubs, but helps him increase his income. Arkady is a partner of the Chelsea football club and the owner of the investment company ARA Capital Limited. The younger millionaire Abramovich is still single, although there are many rumors about his relationship with the daughter of restaurateur Arkady Novikov, then with the daughter of tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov.

Danila Kozlovsky

Perhaps the most secret bachelor in Russia is 29-year-old actor Danila Kozlovsky, famous for the drama "Duhless" and "Legend 17". Danila does not hide the fact that he often falls in love with his filming partners, but, according to him, this is part of the work process: without trembling in the heart, it is truly difficult to play love. He is credited with novels with the brightest actresses: Liza Boyarskaya, Yulia Snigir and Anna Chipovskaya. But Danila is not one of those who gossip at every step about his personal carefree life. He willingly talks about only one weakness - to the theater and cinema.

Ivan Makarevich

And right there we have the 27-year-old son of the famous rocker Andrei Makarevich, the head and leader of the Time Machine group, - the apple did not fall far from the apple tree. Vanya is so similar to his father that he played him in his youth in Garik Sukachev's romantic film "House of the Sun" based on the story by Ivan Okhlobystin "House rising sun". But this is where we see the difference from his father: he preferred a career in theater and cinema to music (although, of course, Ivan has his own group). Next year, Vanya can be seen in the comedy series It Doesn't Happen, and if you want to meet him personally, look for a guy in in social networks which he actively uses.

Maxim Averin

The 39-year-old actor "Capercaillie" Maxim Averin has two crazy dreams: the first role in a large-scale and serious theater project and the role of the father of the family. Maxim for his so long and rich life, even managed to take part in the show of Larisa Guzeeva "Let's get married"! However, immediately after the broadcast, the guy turned everything into a joke, but we know that there is a significant amount of truth in every joke ...

Evgeni Malkin

The youngest 28-year-old center forward of the Russian Hockey team is a handsome man, an athlete, an Olympian, a world champion, and most importantly, a very modest and good guy. Now the hockey player seems to be dating TV presenter Anna Kasterova, with whom he is trying to build love at a distance, but we all know that building love won’t work like that: 29-year-old Anna is building a career in Russia while her lover is chasing the puck in the NHL Pittsburgh Penguins.

Yegor Creed "bachelor"

And, however, the most promising personality, to whom there is every chance of becoming a bachelor in season 4, the 20-year-old protégé of rapper Timati conquered the airs with the obsessive hit “The Best”, which was replaced by “My Bride” as the main song on the radio. But, outside music studio Egor is not in a hurry to get married, but the groom from the musician is what you need. Egor Creed - heir CEO plant for processing nuts "Unitron". It's not just about the guy's family: Creed really knows and understands what girls want in our time. He began his take-off career in show business not with successful singles, but with high-profile novels: Creed managed to seduce Vika Daineko and Nyusha, which led to great curiosity in his person.

Kirill Nagiev

The 25-year-old son of Dmitry Nagiyev was born in St. Petersburg, but he came to Moscow to build a career, where he turned from an acting heir into an ordinary poor student. The guy never used the possibilities of his last name, sometimes remaining in situations of extreme lack of money. But what Kirill always had more than enough, unlike finances, was female attention, so the competition for the heart of the heir is great.

Pavel Tabakov

The youngest member of our small list is the 19-year-old son of actor Oleg Tabakov and actress Marina Zudina, who made his film debut last year in Anna Melikyan's film Star. Paul admits to us that while communication with the opposite sex is not easy for him, but this can be written off due to his age. Even the surname does not help to fight embarrassment: “The main thing is the name, not the surname, but as Pavel I have not done too much yet,” Tabakov himself argues.

Boris Yeltsin Jr.

If you intend to win the heart of the grandson of the first president of Russia, you need to hurry: Yeltsin Jr., although single, is dating model Tamara. At the age of 30, Boris traded noisy parties for business and became a co-owner kindergarten and the owner of Wide View Development, which plans to build ski resort in the Dmitrovsky region.

Popular Ukrainian singer Vitaly Kozlovsky found his one and only. He spotted his life partner on the project "The Bachelor 5" ..

Note that the news about the relationship between Ramina and Vitalik Kozlovsky excited the entire Internet! The couple came to the studio of the program “How to get married. Life after the project "to open the curtain of personal life.

Despite all the evidence, the couple was in no hurry to advertise the relationship.

Vitaly Kozlovsky said that he met Ramina through Playboy magazine. The singer saw a spectacular beauty on the cover of the publication, and immediately offered her a role in a new video.

“I didn’t even suspect that Vitalik was doing well with orientation,” Ramina said.

“We just sniffed,” Vitaly described the relationship with the girl.

The singer admitted that he is ready for life together with Ramina, but revealed her one flaw: his half does not know how to cook.

Ramina has already managed to meet the singer's dad, but she hasn't had to meet her mother yet, since she lives in Italy. After thinking for a long time, Ramina admitted the most important thing: the couple will have a wedding soon.

Previously, we reported that the participants broke away from the soul in Georgia. The couple just slept for a few days, and then spent a vacation in the groom's homeland.

Fans of Russian films are interested in the personal lives of many handsome actors. But in a special account for the Russians - Danila Kozlovsky. The actor broke up with his wife many years ago and since then has not tied the knot anymore. What is happening with him on the personal front and how it affects professional achievements artist?

early years

Kozlovsky was born in 1985. His father is the founder of the first High School of Advertising in Russian Federation, and also proudly bears the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.

In his youth, Danila received a comprehensive education, attended music school saxophone and alto classes. At about 11 years old, Kozlovsky, along with his two brothers, was assigned to study in the cadet corps so that the boys would not roam the streets and grow up as worthy people. Of all the Kozlovskys, Danya turned out to be the most enduring - soon his brothers flew out of school, and he graduated educational institution only in 2002

As a teenager, Kozlovsky took part in the filming of the television series " simple truths"and immediately decided on future profession. After release from cadet corps Danila became a student at SPbGATI. Without waiting for the issuance of a diploma, the young artist began to actively act in films, and then was hired by the St. Petersburg Theater of Europe.

Success in cinema

Actor Danila Kozlovsky did not work for long on the sidelines: already in 2005, the director invited him to leading role in his drama "Garpastum", where the aspiring artist had a chance to work with Chulpan Khamatova and Gosha Kutsenko.

The war film "We are from the Future" gave a big impetus to the development of Kozlovsky's career: he slowly but surely began to win the place of the main character among modern male actors.

General insanity for Danila occurred after the premiere of the film "Duhless" by Roman Prygunov in 2012. Then immediately followed high-profile premiere"Legends No. 17", after which Kozlovsky tried his hand at Hollywood. This was nonsense. Russian artist, who lives in the Russian Federation, was entrusted with the main role in the Hollywood fantasy "Vampire Academy".

Now the audience is looking forward to any film with the participation of Kozlovsky. Promising trailers look historical picture"Viking", where Danila plays Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, as well as the disaster film "Crew". All these premieres are scheduled for 2016. And yet, fans of the actor's work are more concerned about his victories on a completely different front.

How Danila Kozlovsky met his wife: the story of the first marriage

In fact, the actor is very secretive, he practically does not tell anything about himself. And just this silence allows journalists to fantasize about his personal life.

That is why many dubious articles are written about the fact that Danila Kozlovsky and his wife tied the knot, only to annoy supposedly young people met in their student years, but then Lisa preferred another gentleman, planned a quick wedding - that's Kozlovsky and decided to get ahead of her.

And got married future star screen on his colleague in the MDT theater - Ursula Magdalena Malka. The actress had Polish roots and was 5 years older than Kozlovsky. Danila Kozlovsky divorced his wife a few months after the marriage. Again, no one knows the real reasons for the breakup. The actor himself claims that these were the circumstances.

Danila Kozlovsky: personal life. Relations with Yulia Snigir

In 2011, Kozlovsky starred in the historical film Rasputin. There he met Yulia Snigir.

The girl began her career in 2006 with the film "Vaccine". Then she appeared in Andrey Konchalovsky's "Gloss" and Bondarchuk's fantastic action movie " inhabited island". However, the media started talking about Snigir only after she broke through to Hollywood with a fight and got a role in Die Hard 5. Rumor has it that it was Yulia who helped Kozlovsky get a role in the Vampire Academy.

Danila Kozlovsky, whose personal life haunts journalists, met with Yulia Snigir until 2014, until they broke up. In parallel, the actor was credited with an affair with Anna Chipovskaya. And then the magazines had a new reason to discuss Danila's love affairs.

Actor's new hobby

Danila Kozlovsky, whose novels are always born and develop secretly from everyone, in 2015 appeared at the premiere of one of the films with a New York girl. Since they hugged very intimately, no one had any doubts that they had developed romantic relationship.

In fact, Olga comes from Vladivostok, but, thanks to the prevailing modeling career, moved to America many years ago. Now, judging by the rumors, the couple lives in the same apartment in St. Petersburg. Perhaps this time Kozlovsky will still get married and will be able to know all the joys family life in full. At least that's what it's all about.

On the Bachelor page on the VKontakte social network, fans of the project were invited to express their assumptions and name the candidate for the main role in romantic show. The number of comments on the page has long exceeded 2,000. Fans are animatedly discussing future candidates and last news from their personal lives.

The most popular bachelor - Danila Kozlovsky

Fans rightfully consider actor Danila Kozlovsky to be one of the most enviable suitors of the country. And he is not really married now, but is he free? popular actor, the star of "Duhless" and "Legend No. 17" and just a handsome man celebrated his thirtieth birthday in May. Danila managed to play not only in Russian cinema, but also in Hollywood's Vampire Academy. And in 2014, he appeared next to Keira Knightley, starring in an advertisement for a new fragrance from Chanel.

The sex symbol of Russian cinema, indeed, is not yet bound by marriage, although some time ago there were rumors about Kozlovsky's romance with his colleague, actress Olga Zueva. Danila has always been secretive, so when on Valentine's Day he was seen in Bolshoi Theater in Olga's company, no one could say whether young people were bound by friendly or romantic relationships. The very couple of questions from the press left unanswered. However, at the premiere of Duhless 2, Kozlovsky and Zueva reappeared together.

Once Danila Kozlovsky had an affair with Elizaveta Boyarskaya, but, according to rumors, they were against their relationship. famous father Lisa, Mikhail Boyarsky. In 2008, Danila married Polish actress Ursula Magdalena Malka, but their marriage lasted only about three years. For some time, Kozlovsky met with Yulia Snigir, however, these relations were also severed. How serious the feelings of Danila Kozlovsky and Olga Zueva are still unknown. So the fact remains - the actor, indeed, could become one of the most sought-after "Bachelors" in the history of the project.

Popular artists have almost everything free time goes to work. Their schedules are packed for the next few years, and weekends are so rare that they don't even notice. The question remains: when to establish a personal life? Not everyone gets the answer.

Yes, and the media annually publish lists of star bachelors, which thousands of fans dream of. We decided to keep up and present you our top Russian unmarried men.

Alexey Vorobyov, 29 years old About his personal life popular singer and actor Alexei Vorobyov, not so much is known. His fans remember that the artist met with a member of the "Star Factory" Victoria Daineko, and also often visited social events in the company of Anna Chipovskaya. Alexei also participated in the show "The Bachelor", where he tried to find his true love. Despite all the efforts of the girls, in the final the artist chose to be left alone. Since then, his heart has been free.

Milos Bikovic, 29 years old Until a few years ago, no one had even heard of the Serbian actor Milos Bikovic. Everyone started talking about him after he played one of the main roles in the series Hotel Eleon. There he appeared in the image of a womanizer, which many attribute to him in life. Perhaps this was the case before. However, in Lately he is increasingly seen in the company of the Interns star Aglaya Tarasova, who has already managed to break the heart of Ilya Glinnikov. Despite the many joint photos and even several interviews, the couple has not officially formalized their relationship yet, so the fans of the Serbian handsome man still have a chance to interest Milos.

Danila Kozlovsky, 32 years old One of the most popular Russian actors Danila Kozlovsky is also still single. At the same time, the artist already has one failed marriage with a girl of Polish origin Ursula Magdalena Malka, who is 6 years older than the star. Also on the Web, disputes about whether the star had an affair with Elizaveta Boyarskaya still do not subside. Now the actors are friends and do not comment on such rumors. Recently, Danila has been constantly seen with actress and model Olga Zueva. Judging by the actor’s Instagram, they spend a lot of time together, but he still hasn’t called his beloved to marry.

Vladimir Yaglych, 34 Many people know Vladimir Yaglych only as ex-husband famous actress Svetlana Khodchenkova. The artist did not have a relationship with a movie star, and now his heart is free. He works hard, and every year several films with his participation are released. However, the fans do not stop hoping for a meeting with Vladimir, waiting for him at restaurants and hotels. Maybe one of them will be able to win his love?

Dmitry Nagiyev, 50 years old Well, of course, we could not fail to mention the most important bachelor of the domestic show business - Dmitry Nagiyev. The actor and TV presenter was married only once, but this marriage ended in divorce after 18 years of marriage. Since then, nothing is known about the personal life of the star. Fans are sure that his heart is free and in every possible way they are trying to conquer him. While some men are in search of their love, some have already found it. Some even managed to formalize the marriage this fall.
