Throws fluid out of the expansion tank. Squeezing the coolant out of the expansion tank

Throwing antifreeze out of expansion tank- this is one of the signs indicating the need to change the pipes of the cooling system on your VAZ 2109.

Reasons for release

The first step is to figure out why the coolant is thrown out of the expansion tank.

  1. Depreciation of CO elements. In particular, we are talking about branch pipes, connecting hoses. They are under constant pressure and temperature. Therefore, over time, their wear and tear is a completely natural phenomenon. As a result, antifreeze begins to throw out.
  2. Low quality components. If natural wear and tear is typical for used cars and COs that have been operating for quite a long time, then when using low-quality components, even on a completely new or updated cooling system, serious problems can arise. An example is simple burrs on the neck of an expansion tank. Because of them, the lid does not fit tightly enough, which leads to the appearance of a gap and the release of antifreeze.
  3. Expansion tank. Alas, the quality of the plastic from which expansion tanks for the VAZ 2109 are made today leaves much to be desired. Because of it, the plastic simply bursts under the influence of high pressure.
  4. Faulty engine. If the motor itself is not working correctly, the coolant may boil. This leads to breakdown of the thermostat, radiator, pump.

From this we can conclude that the quality of CO work directly depends on the technical condition of the car and the quality of the components used.

Signs of coolant release

It is important to understand that coolant can be thrown out not only through the expansion tank cap, but also inside the system. It is important to monitor the state of CO and timely identify signs of leakage.

Antifreeze evaporates very quickly, so it is not always possible to notice its traces.

  1. If the coolant is thrown out through the tank, puddles immediately form under the car.
  2. If the liquid enters the cabin due to a malfunction of the CO, this can be determined by smell. It has a sweetish tint.
  3. Antifreeze also often enters the engine system. Such a breakdown is determined by white smoke coming out through the exhaust pipe.
  4. The most unpleasant and dangerous situation is the release of antifreeze into the crankcase. If this happens, a white emulsion will appear on the surface of the oil filler cap.
  5. Periodically checking the space under the timing belt cover will determine if the pump has failed. If yes, then there you will find increased humidity.

Boiling signs

If there are problems with the engine, antifreeze may simply boil in CO. There is nothing good in this, therefore it is important to detect a malfunction in time. There are five main signs of boiling coolant:

  • The temperature gauge jumps up to 130 degrees;
  • White foam appears on the filling neck;
  • The engine stops working properly;
  • The coolant level in the expansion tank rises sharply;
  • From exhaust pipe pours white smoke.

In case of problems with CO, it is necessary first of all to check it for leaks. According to the recommendations, this should be done every 15 thousand kilometers. If a problem is found with hoses, nozzles, they are changed as a whole set, and not just those that have defects.

Replacing nozzles

The whole process of replacing nozzles is divided into two stages:

  • Dismantling;
  • Installation.

Let's start with demolition work.

  1. Open the expansion tank cap to let air into the system.
  2. Open the heater valve inside the passenger compartment by turning the knob all the way to the right.
  3. Remove the crankcase protection by unscrewing all the mounting bolts.
  4. Prepare a container where you will drain the old coolant. It must be made of plastic with a volume of at least 10 liters. Choose a clean container if you want to refill this antifreeze.
  5. Clean the surfaces near the drain plug on the cylinder block and radiator. This prevents dirt from getting into the coolant drain container.
  6. Substitute the container under the drain from the radiator, unscrew the plug and wait until the antifreeze comes out.
  7. Drain the cylinder block in the same way.
  8. Wait until all the coolant comes out, then tighten the plugs.
  9. Start work from the interior by unscrewing the dashboard fasteners and moving them to the side. Move the front seats as far back as possible. So you will provide yourself with more or less comfortable conditions.
  10. Unscrew the clamps from the coolant supply and return pipes from the stove tap. You will find it in the partition between the passenger compartment and the engine compartment.
  11. Remove rubber tubes. If it is difficult to remove them, you can pull them to the sides or cut them off with a knife. Still, they are being replaced. Due to the hot coolant, the rubber sticks to the metal fittings, which complicates their dismantling.
  12. Be careful and careful not to pull the tubes hard. Otherwise, you risk damaging the fitting connections. And this will entail much more expensive repairs.
  13. Use a flat screwdriver to remove the valve from the engine compartment.
  14. Using pliers or pliers, disconnect the holder from the stove tap drive rod.
  15. Clean the faucet, blow out its inside with compressed air.
  16. Sequentially remove all remaining pipes from the radiator and motor. Be sure to remember the sequence of their location so that there are no problems with reassembly.

  • Clean all joints with metal brushes. Machine the circumference of each fitting. Act carefully, do not rush;
  • Wipe off any remaining dirt with a dry cloth. Even the smallest debris can clog the cooling system;
  • Finish the edges of the clamps with a small file. So you make them less sharp, and therefore the risk of damage to the rubber pipes is minimized;
  • Put the clamps on the pipes beforehand so that they remain in a free position for the time being;
  • If it is not possible to pull the nozzle onto the fitting, try lubricating its edges with soap. So he will more easily take over the pipe;
  • Tighten the fitting carefully and consistently. Make sure that the installation is done without distortion;
  • After installing the elements in place, check the fit. Sometimes the rubber is too elastic or the diameter of the nozzle is larger than it should be. Here it is better to immediately go to the store for a new set than to risk the cooling system;
  • After making sure that the pipes are seated securely, tighten the clamps;
  • Install all new tubes in their places, once again make sure that everything is done correctly, without distortions, the clamps are tightened properly;
  • Check if the coolant drain plugs are properly tightened;
  • Pour the previously drained or purchased new coolant into the expansion tank;
  • Wait about 10 minutes, then add some more liquid. During this time, antifreeze will pass through the system, fill the stove, radiator, cylinder block;
  • Screw on the tank cap and start the engine;
  • Monitor the temperature sensor readings. If they rise higher than they should, immediately turn off the engine;
  • Carefully open the cap of the expansion tank with antifreeze and press with a certain force on the upper pipe from the radiator;
  • This will allow excess air to escape from the system. Repeat the procedure several times;
  • Add coolant to the tank so that the antifreeze is at the required level. Start the engine again and check the behavior of the sensor. If all is well, you can safely continue to operate your VAZ 2109.

In many respects, the efficiency, reliability and duration of operation of the CO depends on the quality of the components used when replacing nozzles.

Issue price

If you decide to replace the nozzles on your own, you will have to spend money only on them. Current prices are as follows.

Plus, it’s far from a fact that they will do better for you there than you do with your own hands.

Description of the fault

1. When idling engine problems are not observed, with an increase in the frequency of rotation of the crankshaft and in motion, the coolant is pushed out through the expansion tank.

2. At any engine speed or in motion, coolant is poured into the tank (cooling almost never goes back).

Immediately after the engine starts, it pours a little, over time, at high speeds, it squeezes out of the tank and pours out. If the tightness of the cooling system is violated, problems arise with extrusion or leakage of the coolant.

Possible faults:

Perhaps the cover is faulty, although it is more correct to indicate the problem more broadly, that is, in general, a violation of the tightness of the expansion tank;

Burnout of the cylinder head gasket (hereinafter referred to as the cylinder head), and bubbles do not have to go, it can break through in different directions;

Perhaps there is no circulation in the system, as an option, a stuck air lock or a pump malfunction;

The thermostat may be faulty, causing the temperature to rise and the pressure to rise.

Thus, considering possible options malfunctions, we come to the conclusion that any part of the car, one way or another, involved in the cooling of the car, can become a problem. Diagnosis should begin with the establishment characteristic features. It is better, of course, to carry out diagnostics at a service station, otherwise they can easily slip 6 faulty caps from the expansion tank in our store. You will disassemble the entire engine because of this, but you will not solve the problem.

Features of the malfunction

The first feature is when Idling everything is fine, but when you increase the speed or in motion, the tank overflows. The first scenario of the development of the event is most often associated with violations of the tightness of the expansion tank cap and its pressure opening characteristics:

If the cooling system at idle runs stably and does not drive liquid into the expansion tank, then the expansion tank cap is to blame;

If the thermostat is defective, with an increase in speed, the liquid level will rise and overflow will begin;

The pump does not work, the pipes were torn, antifreeze was expelled.

The second feature is when the liquid transfer does not depend on the engine operating mode, and the intensity of the overflow depends only on the speed. The second option indicates larger problems and is more difficult to diagnose:

If the cylinder head gasket is broken, it will start to drive both at idle and on a cold engine, at first a little, with the engine warming up, the extrusion will be greater, it may be enough to look at the exhaust pipe when high revs, will go steam;

If water drips from the exhaust, you can try water on your tongue, sweet - antifreeze, bitter - this is antifreeze, no taste, then just condensate. To search for reasons, you should first be sure that the cylinder head bolts are tightened according to the instructions and the tightening torque is in accordance with the standards, you should not just tighten them yourself, you can easily strip the threads. The very causes of gasket burnout in most cases are engine overheating:

Use of low-quality antifreeze;

Faulty thermostat or pump;

The presence of air in the system;

Increased scale deposits in the radiator;

Due to a malfunction of the exhaust pipe, for example, its deformation, which led to the backpressure of the exhaust gases.

The causes of engine overheating and, as a result, due to thermal heating of gasket burnout, are most often a malfunction of the thermostat. One way or another, if the thermostat is working, then when the engine is warm, the upper pipe will be warm, the lower pipe will also be warm, but cooler than the upper one. If the thermostat fails, the upper pipe will be cold, and the lower pipe will be hot, since the coolant, expanding, will go into the radiator under pressure through the lower pipe. In the case of a radiator malfunction, determine it throughput and cooling capacity is much more difficult. The reasons for poor cooling of the liquid in the radiator may be the presence of deposits inside it or clogging of the outer cells.

What to do when a malfunction occurs

The principle of operation of cooling systems on different brands of a car is the same, but design solutions may differ from each other. If problems arise in the operation of the cooling system, in order to avoid more serious breakdowns, it is recommended to contact the service center and entrust the elimination of problems to qualified specialists. They will efficiently, quickly and competently solve your problems and eliminate the technical malfunctions of the car.

We all know that the expansion tank is located under the hood and looks like a plastic container with hoses connected. The simple appearance of this barrel does not make you think about it, well, there is a tank, what can happen to it? In fact, there is a coolant level sensor in the barrel. But the most important detail this is the cover of the expansion tank, it has a built-in check valve, which is responsible for normal pressure in the tank. In domestic cars, the normal engine operating temperature is 95 0 C, which is almost the boiling point of water, therefore, in order for the coolant not to boil, its boiling temperature must be much higher. Another important factor is the maintenance of pressure in the system, since it directly affects the increase in the boiling point of antifreeze.

Now let's look at how this cap works. Antifreeze has a higher coefficient of expansion than water. But since we need to maintain a constant pressure of about 1 kgf / cm 2 in the system, when heated, the antifreeze expands and thereby increases the pressure, then the bypass valve on the cover is activated through which excess air exits, stabilizing the pressure in the entire system. If, due to inexperience, you accidentally poured antifreeze a little more than the max mark, when heated, it can exit through the valve in the lid. When the liquid cools and decreases in volume, air begins to flow through the valve into the system. But there are a number of other reasons that you can talk about for hours.

If you do not pay attention to the valve on the cover, it can rust and crumble over time, thereby depressurizing will occur, forming air locks in the system and the release of antifreeze from the expansion tank. Risk of engine overheating. The maintenance of the valve is very simple, you should remove the cover and clean it with a needle from dirt and rust, if there is nothing, then press the valve until you hear a tightening and whistling sound.

It can be difficult to immediately notice a leak, it is clear that the level of antifreeze is slowly falling, but the engine temperature is normal. Then you feel the unpleasant smell of burnt antifreeze. In this case, most likely it is a cracked pipe, the crack is very hard to notice, but when the pressure in the system rises, it leaks. Then you have to go to the service station to replace the pipe.

The option is when the lid lowers the antifreeze, the engine overheats, the stove does not work well. Then, most likely, you need to flush the cooling system. The actions of flushing the cooling system are described in the article "Antifreeze and antifreeze". Do not forget, it is best to rinse with plain water without various additives.

A common failure is the failure of the thermostat, its task is to prevent the antifreeze from getting into the radiator until the engine warms up to 95 0 C. While the thermostat is closed, the antifreeze moves in a small circle. How to identify the cause of a thermostat malfunction? Stop the engine, carefully, so as not to burn yourself, check the clamps on the radiator (upper and lower). If they are both warm, then the problem is not in it. If one clamp is warm and the other is cold, it's most likely the thermostat. Another option is when the engine warms up for a long time, in a traffic jam the engine temperature is normal, and overheats on the highway. In this case, it is worth sinning on the thermostat.

The pump is the so-called pump that circulates the coolant in the system. Problems with it arise when using different coolants or adding different additives to the coolant. It corrodes and thereby clogs the system with rust. In this case, service station workers recommend filling in carboxylate coolant; when using it, plaque settles much less than when using silicate coolant.

In some cars, expansion tanks are made in such a way that at a low level of coolant, antifreeze flows from the two upper pipes and hits directly into the cap of the expansion tank, antifreeze pours out through the valve.

The most unpleasant breakdown is when it is very difficult to determine, in such cases there are special liquids that will glow in the dark and indicate a breakdown or leak.

The coolant in the VAZ-2114 car system can not only perform its tasks properly and heat the interior, but also create numerous problems. Her nature is like that.

Video with an analysis of the reasons why antifreeze presses into the expansion tank

Why is antifreeze flowing?

Any antifreeze has a very high coefficient fluidity, therefore, even in those cooling systems where water was filled and there were no drips, they can easily appear with antifreeze. And it is difficult to detect these streaks, since antifreeze tends to evaporate quickly.

But there is another fairly common problem - on the VAZ-2114 throws antifreeze out of the expansion tank.

The design of the cooling tank - looking for a leak on the VAZ-2114

We will not consider such situations when there is a crack in the tank the size of a finger, and antifreeze flows out “impudently”.

Everything is clear here, it would be strange if it did not follow. Much more surprising are situations when liquid is squeezed out of a tank of a practically new car. It is worth remembering here that cooling system on the VAZ-2114, like others modern cars- sealed, and it is arranged in such a way that it practically cannot boil the liquid.


First, let's deal with the design of the expansion tank.

An expansion tank is needed so that when the volume of liquid increases when heated, it does not create excess pressure in the system, at the same time, so that when the liquid cools, air plugs in the system in no case form.

The tank compensates for the lack of liquid during cooling and accepts its excess when heated. This is a plastic sealed vessel, nothing more.

But it must be airtight, then the liquid will not flow out of it, no matter how you overheat it. Weakness VAZ expansion tank - cover with safety valve . It is from there that antifreeze flows most often.

Diagnostics of the condition of the coolant reservoir

At the same time, it is necessary to carefully examine the tank itself, if possible, check its tightness outside the cooling system and make sure that it has no mechanical damage. After that, it is necessary to check the tightness of the hose connection. We pay special attention to the quality of the thread on the neck and on the lid.

Installing two clamps will help reduce leakage and get to the parking lot and repair

There should be no burrs, the casting should be clean and without burrs.

Why does antifreeze squeeze out?

Obvious traces of antifreeze leakage

At first glance, even a used tank looks very personal. But this is only from the first. If under the car after we turned off the engine, an oil puddle regularly appears, it may be in the tank itself. The easiest way, but the new one may not be of very high quality.

Another problem that many have encountered is the quality of the lid and the simplest valve that is built into it.

In this not tricky way, you can check the cap of the expansion tank

Under normal conditions, the valve provides complete sealing of the system, but if, there may not be so many reasons:

Dismantling and cleaning the cap of the expansion tank

Signs of an antifreeze leak

The most obvious signs of an antifreeze leak from the expansion tank are clear - a picturesque puddle appears under the car after a trip, and for the next trip it is necessary to add fluid again to a normal level. Nevertheless, antifreeze can leave through a leaky plug while driving, evaporating instantly, but there may be another reason with other signs:

After finding and repairing the leak, inspect the reservoir for foreign deposits. If they are present, then it will be required.


However, in any case, even with a partial malfunction of the cooling system tank, it is better not to regret a couple of hundred and buy a new tank, having previously chosen a quality one. Good roads to all and a stable temperature!
