Did Derzhavin leave the time machine. The history of the rock group "Time Machine"

He stated that the replacement of the keyboardist of the Time Machine group Andrei Derzhavin with another musician "has nothing to do with politics."

In response to a question about Derzhavin not going on tour in Ukraine because of his support for the transfer of Crimea to Russia, Makarevich said that it was "well, by God, all nonsense."

“Derzhavin is not going to Ukraine for completely different reasons,” Makarevich stressed. The musician also added that Derzhavin’s attitude to Ukraine “doesn’t care at all” and is private matter keyboardist for Time Machine.

According to , in the "Time Machine" there are "some kind of personal inner things", and he considers it premature to discuss these topics. Earlier, Makarevich refused to comment on the information about the replacement of the keyboard player.

In 2015, rumors that Makarevich had expelled Derzhavin from the “for Russian Crimea” group had already become a topic for discussion by the Ukrainian media in 2015. Then the musicians also refused to comment on this information, declaring its inconsistency.

Some time later, the manager of the "Time Machine" said that the disagreements in the group were caused by a letter in support of the Russian and his policies in the Crimea and Ukraine. and the director of the group signed the letter, and another member of the "Time Machine" supported the "territorial integrity of Ukraine."

On November 9, the leader of the Time Machine group, Andrey Makarevich, expressed regret over Kyiv's desire to break off diplomatic relations with Moscow.

“Personally, I would be very sorry if this happens. Although all this is called a children's proverb: “For what they fought, they ran into it,” Andrei Makarevich said.

At the end of September, Makarevich called the ban on books in Ukraine stupid.

“Banning any books is stupidity. ban good writer- this is double stupidity, ”said Makarevich.

The Ukrainian authorities banned the sale of the book "History of the Russian State" in the country.

On September 21, Makarevich criticized the monument to the designer of small arms Mikhail u, installed in Moscow.

"OK then. Monument to Kalashnikov. Let us have something to be proud of, ”a member of the Time Machine group wrote on Facebook.

According to Makarevich, if you count how many people on the planet were killed with weapons developed by Kalashnikov, you get millions. The musician noted that Kalashnikov did not catch the war with the Nazis, and wondered where the designer defended "the borders of our Motherland."

"OK. Let Kalashnikov. But why such a mediocre, ugly sculpture? Makarevich said.

According to the musician, even in Soviet times"this idol" would not have passed the artistic council.

“Well, why are we disfiguring our city like that, disgracing ourselves in front of the whole world?” - Asked then the leader of the "Time Machine" Andrei Makarevich.

"Time Machine" - Soviet and Russian rock band. Founded by Andrey Makarevich and Sergey Kavagoe in 1969. The genre of the group's work includes elements classic rock, rock and roll, blues and bard song.

In early 2014, Makarevich was one of the first to speak out against the possible entry of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine during the Crimean crisis, and participated in the pro-Ukrainian Peace March. He advised Russian activists of Donbass to emigrate to Russia.

Deputy Yevgeny proposed to deprive Makarevich of all titles and Russian state awards for performance in Ukraine. “Andrey Makarevich has been collaborating with the Nazis for a long time. He made this choice a long time ago, even when he went over to the side of the enemies Russian Federation”, Fedorov said.

A number of Makarevich's concerts throughout Russia were canceled due to his political position on the issue of Donbass and Crimea.

In this regard, Andrei Makarevich again wrote an open letter to Vladimir Putin, asking the president to stop the "coven", discrediting his name in the media. The appeal was published on August 25, 2014 on the website of the MK newspaper.

The press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation commented on the letter to the head of state as follows: “One cannot agree with everything here. What he interprets as bullying can also be called a reaction public opinion. It is hardly worth appealing to the president here.”

Group concerts canceled after "calls from above"

Manager of "Time Machine" Anton Chernin said in an interview with the Ukrainian edition that the group is going through a real split. Ukraine has become a bone of contention: some musicians support President Putin, others support the current Kyiv authorities. Some media took this information as news about the breakup of the group. However, Chernin hastened to reassure the fans.

"Andrey Derzhavin and group director Vladimir Sapunov signed a letter in support of the operation in Crimea and support the Putin side. And Alexander Kutikov (who shares the position of Makarevich and supports Ukraine) now has problems, his concerts in Russia are canceled or those who previously invited him simply stopped calling ", - Anton Chernin, the manager of "Machine", told the Ukrainian newspaper "Vesti".

The other day it became known that the group lost all the concerts in Russia, with the exception of the only show in Moscow that has not yet been canceled. "The group did not cancel their performances, the distributors refused them after calls from above, and there are no new invitations," Chernin said.

At the same time, he specified that Makarevich's tour of four cities of Ukraine in early March would be solo. "The initiative comes from the inviting party. For some reason, only Andrei Vadimovich is invited to Ukraine personally, but not the group," the manager said.

According to him, Kutikov is now engaged in a solo project and producing other artists, including Makarevich's solo projects. Derzhavin performs in retro hodgepodges with his "Stalker" from the old program. In addition, he writes a lot of music for films. What the drummer Valery Efremov does, Chernin does not know.

However, the fact that the group does not work in the studio and does not tour does not mean that it has broken up. "Everything is in order with The Time Machine, and the difference in the positions of the musicians in Crimea does not prevent them from working together," Chernin wrote in Facebook.

Makarevich's problems began after on August 12 last year he spoke in the Ukrainian city of Svyatogorsk in front of the children of refugees from Donetsk and Luhansk at the invitation of the Volunteer Fund of Ukraine. According to some reports, he also visited Slavyansk, which by that time had been abandoned by the militias and occupied by Ukrainian security forces. After that, some Russian public figures and politicians said that the actions of the rocker are anti-Russian, accusing him of "singing in front of the punishers."

Later, the musician in an open letter turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin, hosted in Lately in the state media, who dubbed the musician "a friend of the junta" and "an accomplice of the Nazis."

It is worth noting that earlier the musician said that he did not share the absolute jubilation about the entry of Crimea into the Russian Federation. "I believe that the annexation of Crimea - big mistake, because the disadvantages that our country has received and will continue to receive are incommensurable with the advantages that they are now trying to draw to us," Makarevich said in one of his interviews. There must certainly be pride in one's country, but one must "work with mass honestly," the musician says, and not "with an ax, at the same time setting everyone up against internal enemies, which are very quickly found and created."

According to the leader of the group "Dancing Minus" Vyacheslav Petkun,. “For the fact that he sat with Putin at a Paul McCartney concert, for going to the Kremlin with other cultural figures, for having Smaki, orders, grants, and so on. The state believed that it had bought his loyalty "And Makarevich believed that his loyalty was not bought, but his creative merits were appreciated. This is the conflict. It is clear that not only Andrei Makarevich will fly in, I think it will come to everyone," he said in an interview with MK.

The departure of two people from the group at once is associated with politics: there was information in the press that Makarevich fired Derzhavin because of his position on Crimea. The musician, unlike the permanent leader of the group, supported the reunification of the republic with Russia in 2014.


Andrey Derzhavin has not yet commented on his departure from The Time Machine. But Vladimir Sapunov confirmed that he ceased to be a director on November 2. “I was simply told: “Vladimir Borisovich, we are no longer working with you,” Sapunov said in an interview with AiF.

Makarevich himself does not comment on the actual breakup of the group, he only said that the absence of Andrei Derzhavin in its composition on the upcoming tour of Ukraine is not connected with politics.

Recall that disagreements on the Crimean issue in the illustrious team arose in 2014. Andrei Makarevich and bass player Alexander Kutikov were on the side of Kyiv, Andrei Derzhavin and Vladimir Sapunov signed a letter in support of the return of Crimea to Russia.

The Time Machine group was created by Andrey Makarevich in 1969, in different years they played and sang famous musicians. Evgeny Margulis left the team twice - in 1979 and in 2012 after returning in 1990. Petr Podgorodetsky left the group in 1999, Andrey Derzhavin was invited to take his place.

Famous Russian musician Yuri Loza, in a comment to FAN, said that he did not believe in Derzhavin's departure from Time Machine. "Who was kicked out? Andryukha? It's cool, it seems to me. Because they worked together for so many years - and kicked out on such grounds ... It seems to me that this news is fake," Loza said.

Earlier, Ukrainian journalist Ayder Muzhdabaev reported on social networks that Makarevich made the decision to fire Derzhavin before touring Ukraine. Muzhdabaev noted that Derzhavin was kicked out of the group not for the duration of the tour, but forever.

Andrei Makarevich last years hit in politics, sometimes he makes ridiculous and provocative statements. In September, the leader of the Time Machine, in his usual manner, criticized the monument to gunsmith Mikhail Kalashnikov. He called the sculpture mediocre and ugly, saying that it would not have received approval even in Soviet times.

In 2016, Makarevich gave an interview that touched millions of Russians. The musician said that most of the world's population are idiots, and the inhabitants of Russia themselves have not gotten rid of their slavish character. And on April 3, 2017, the day the terrorist attack occurred in the St. Petersburg metro, Makarevich decided not to cancel his concert at the Shostakovich City Philharmonic.

Group "Time Machine" year of creation - 1968. (Moscow city)

Brief biography :

It was organized in one of the Moscow schools. Founder of all famous Andrew Makarevich. He performed a year earlier in the vocal-guitar quartet "The Kids" at school parties.

Songs were often sung English language. (Because of the desire to be like gr. "").

In the initial composition time machines» entered:

vocals, guitar - A. Makarevich;
guitar - Alexander Ivanov;
bass guitar - Pavel Rubin;
piano - Igor Mazaev;
drums - Yuri Borzov.

In connection with the need to improve the professional sound, changes were soon made in the team: Rubin, Ivanov and Mazaev were replaced by:
Alexander Kutikov (vocals, bass) and Sergey Kavagoe (keyboards). And a little later in 1970
Yu.Borzov was replaced by Maxim Kapitanovsky - a drummer (already known in Moscow). But after 2 years he leaves. And not finding a worthy replacement for him, the group breaks up.

For about a year, the fate of the MV team was intertwined with the Best Years group.
survived Time of Troubles, autumn 1973 Time Machine group makes itself felt again, performing on dance floors and southern resorts of the country, constantly changing the composition.
In 1975 Kutikov left the group.

By the beginning of 1975, the composition of the MV had stabilized: Makarevich, Kawagoe - sat down at the drums and Evgeny Margulis (bass, vocals). They performed music of different directions: blues, country, rock and roll.

In March 1976, the MV team performed very successfully at the Tallinn Days of Popular Music and later gave several concerts in Leningrad, after which they became mega-popular.
They even managed to light up in the film "Afonya", in which their hit "You or Me" from the album "Sunny Island" sounded. The composition of the MV was periodically updated.

In 1978, their first magnetic album "Birthday" was released.

Summer 1979 Internal disagreements lead to the repeated disintegration of the MV team. But in the fall of the same year, Makarevich enters the stage with a new line-up: A. Kutikov (bass, vocals), who returned; Peter Podgorodetsky (keyboards, vocals); Valeny Efremov (drums) And with a new repertoire in March 1980, they became the laureate of the All-Union Rock Festival Spring Rhythms. (Tbilisi-80).

The group received the recognition of many people, but in the spring of 1982, MV renews its ranks again. (Already thanks to countless artistic councils)
Makarevich himself starred in little-known films (together with the group). And in 1986, when the cultural policy of the country changed, the MV again begins to gain momentum and achieve creative success.
The most recognizable songs over all these years have become: "For those who are at sea", "Turn", "Blue Bird", "Our House", "Puppets".

In the 90s, 7 albums were released.
The most famous hits of that time and.
In 1993, MV celebrates its 25th anniversary with a concert on Red Square.
In January 1999 - the group conducts the XXX Years of the Time Machine tour.

In 2000 - MV toured with. And since the same year, she has been a regular participant in the Wings rock festival.
In 2007, MV play 2 free concerts, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. And in 2008 - a free concert in Ryazan.

Andrei Makarevich will celebrate his 55th birthday with the release of the collection of songs "55", which was prepared by his friend and colleague in the Time Machine group Alexander Kutikov.

The Soviet and Russian rock group from among the pioneers of rock music of the USSR "Time Machine" was founded by Andrei Makarevich in 1969.

Back in 1968, Andrei Makarevich in the Moscow special school No. 19, where he studied, created an ensemble with his classmates. The ensemble included two guitarists (Andrey Makarevich himself and Mikhail Yashin) and two vocalists (Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova). The ensemble performed Anglo-American folk songs. Then Yuri Borzov and Igor Mazaev came to the class in which Makarevich studied. They also became part of the ensemble.

Soon, on the basis of the ensemble, a group was formed, called "The Kids". It included Andrei Makarevich, Igor Mazaev, Yuri Borzov, Alexander Ivanov and Pavel Ruben. Another member of the group was Borzov's childhood friend Sergei Kavagoe, at whose insistence girls were excluded from The Kids. In 1969, the group began to be called "Time Machines", in 1973 the name of the group was changed to a single number - "Time Machine".

In 1971, Alexander Kutikov appeared in the group, under whose influence the group's repertoire was replenished with the songs "Seller of Happiness", "Soldier", etc.

At the same time, the first concert "Time Machine" took place on the stage of the Energetik House of Culture - the cradle of Moscow rock.

In the first years of the group's existence, the team was amateur, and its composition was unstable. In 1972, Igor Mazaev was drafted into the army, and soon Yuri Borzov, the drummer of "Machine", left. Kutikov brought Max Kapitanovsky to the group, but soon he was drafted into the army. Sergey Kavagoe became the drummer. Later, Igor Saulsky joined the line-up, who left the group several times and returned again.

In the spring of 1973, Kutikov left the Time Machine for the Leap Summer group. A year later he returned, and until the summer of 1975 the group played as part of Makarevich - Kutikov - Kavagoe - Alexey Romanov. In 1975, Romanov left the group, and Kutikov went to the Tula State Philharmonic.

At the same time, Evgeny Margulis appeared in the group, and a little later the violinist Nikolai Larin. For a year and a half, at least 15 musicians passed through the group, among whom were drummers Yuri Fokin and Mikhail Sokolov, guitarists Alex "White" Belov, Alexander Mikoyan and Igor Degtyaryuk, violinist Igor Saulsky and many others.

At the beginning of their concert activity, the group performed cover versions songs The Beatles and their songs in English, written in imitation.

The group gained wide popularity and official recognition in 1976 after performing at the Tallinn Youth Songs 76 festival in Estonia, where it won the first prize.

In 1977, musicians playing wind instruments appeared in the group - Evgeny Legusov and Sergey Velitsky.

In 1978, the group recorded their debut album "It was so long ago ..." and an audio fairy tale " A little prince Based on the fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

In the summer of 1979, "Time Machine" broke up: Kavagoe and Margulis, having gathered old friends, formed the Resurrection group, and Makarevich in the fall of that year brought new composition MV: Alexander Kutikov - bass, vocals; Valery Efremov - drums, Peter Podgorodetsky - keyboards, vocals. They prepared a new repertoire, went to work at the Moscow regional theater comedies, and in March 1980 they became the main sensation and laureate of the All-Union Rock Festival "Spring Rhythms-80" in Tbilisi.

"Time Machine" gained all-Union fame, they began to invite her to television (the program " Music ring"), radio, the songs "Turn", "Candle", "Three Windows", written back in the 1970s, became popular.

The touring and concert association Rosconcert signed an agreement with the group, and in the early 1980s the rock group actively toured the cities of the USSR.

In the spring of 1982, a campaign was launched against the group, inspired by the article "Bluebird Stew" in " Komsomolskaya Pravda"The first album on Melodiya was never released, the MV program was corrected and revised several times by countless artistic councils. Pyotr Podgorodetsky left the Time Machine, joining the troupe of Joseph Kobzon. Podgorodetsky's place was taken by Alexander Zaitsev.

In 1986, with a change in the entire cultural policy countries, the group was able to work normally. New programs "Rivers and Bridges" and "In the Circle of the World" were prepared, which served as the basis for the records of the same name. A retrospective disc "10 years later" was also released, on which Makarevich tried to restore the sound and repertoire of the group in the mid-1970s.

In 1987 "Time Machine" made the first tour abroad.

In the summer of 1989, Alexander Zaitsev left the MV; Evgeny Margulis and Petr Podgorodetsky returned to the group. The MV repertoire again included songs from the "classical" repertoire of past years.

Alexander Kutikov, who created the recording company Sintez records, becomes the producer of the group, thanks to which the double album "It was so long ago ..." was released. In the 1990s, seven albums of the group were released, the most popular of which were Freelance Commander of the Earth, Breaking Away, Cardboard Wings of Love, and Hours and Signs. Among the most famous songs of this period - "One day the world will bend under us", the clip for which was broadcast on Russian TV channels.

In 1999, "Time Machine" celebrated its 30th anniversary. The group was awarded the Order of Honor "for merits in the development musical art"; in December 1999, a triumphal concert of MV took place at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the band. The day after the concert, changes took place in the group: keyboardist Pyotr Podgorodetsky was fired, and Andrei Derzhavin took his place.

In 2004, "Time Machine" celebrated its 35th anniversary. On May 30, the group's concert took place on Red Square. In the autumn of the same year, the Anthology "Time Machine" was released, which included 19 albums of the group for 35 years and a DVD collection of 22 clips, was released on November 25, 2004 new album"Mechanically".

In 2005, the groups "Time Machine" and "Resurrection" prepared and showed the program "50 for two", in 2006 the two legendary Moscow groups returned to joint concerts and presented in the State Kremlin Palace new program"Handmade music".

In 2007, the band's last album, Time Machine, was released, recorded at London's Abbey Road Studios.

Dedicated to the "Time Machine" group documentaries"Rock cult", "Rock and Fortune", "Six letters about a beat". The group itself took part in the soundtracks for many films, and in some the members of the group even starred themselves: "Soul" (1981), "Speed" (1983), "Start over" (1986), "Dancer" (2004), "Day elections" (2007), "Loser" (2007).

IN modern composition groups include: Andrey Makarevich - author, vocals, guitars, Alexander Kutikov - author of music, producer, bass guitar, vocals (1971‑1974, since 1979), Evgeny Margulis - author, guitars, bass guitar (1975‑1979, since 1989), Valery Efremov - drums, percussion (since 1979), Andrey Derzhavin - author, keyboards, vocals (since 1999).
