Conspiracy for new earrings. What conspiracies exist for a thing

Money conspiracies have always been popular, people read conspiracies to attract money and wealth in order to avert poverty and live in wealth with prosperity. In the villages, people perform an easy ritual to attract money and wealth to their home. Do you want to live richly and always have money in your wallet? Read the money plot for money in your wallet and the whole year

  • Conspiracies that need to be read for money really work and quickly give the expected result, subject to accurate execution and faith in the power of white magic. Luck has always been not superfluous, so that it accompanies you need to read a conspiracy for good luck. Immediately after performing a ritual to attract good luck, a person becomes completely lucky, luck will be in literally accompany him to

  • If you read this plot, then the money will be found all year. In ancient times, thanks to a light ritual for money to attract wealth, people who knew signs and customs got rid of poverty by reducing lack of money in one day! Nowadays, everyone knows how important this day is in Orthodox world. White magic with rituals and reading Easter conspiracies on

  • If you are looking for real way how to quickly become a rich person with the help of magic and quickly get a lot of money perform this magic ritual with reading a strong conspiracy to call big money and wealth into your life. To conduct a ceremony to attract money, you need a bowl of natural clay, which should be placed on the floor near the door to your bedroom. Since the moment

  • A plot for money should be read on a tree with foliage, which you can easily fully embrace. Prepare a linen bag in which put ten white coins, ten yellow coins and one any paper bill. Sweep the edges of the linen bag with money yourself with red thread so that your money is not tempted devilry and did not jinx your monetary wealth.

  • To gain wealth and attract big money to yourself will help this strong conspiracy for wealth read on an egg from a "ripple hen" - brown egg with white spots. You will have to walk around to buy such an egg, although the most fortunate ones find such eggs very quickly and, having read the plot, quickly become rich and self-sufficient people, living all their lives in wealth and

  • Those who know the text of the prayer - the white conspiracy once a year can fulfill their most important desire. You need to read the text of the conspiracy to fulfill a wish on your birthday, you need to go to church in advance and buy twelve yellow candles there. On your birthday, put and light 12 candles around you and holding a glass of water in your hands, while the candles are burning, read the plot on

  • A plot from poverty allows you to quickly find money and get rid of lack of money in a very short time. IN hard times when there is not enough money to buy the necessities in the old days read this good white conspiracy from poverty, which very quickly restored wealth attracting and luring money from the most different sources(excess change in the store, finding money for

  • Vanga's conspiracy, which will be discussed, will help to attract good luck in business and luck for life. Strong conspiracy able to quickly become the luckiest person is done in a quiet deserted place sitting by stagnant water, a pond or lake. It is very important that the water on which the magical conspiracy of the lucky ones is read is not flowing. If you already know where there is such a place, early in the morning on

  • On the night of baptism, you need to read a strong money conspiracy for wealth so that the money in your wallet never ends. The ritual of the white magic of money performed on the night of January 19 at the Epiphany of the Lord will very quickly relieve the needy of poverty and make those people who live in prosperity even richer. In the old days, on the night of baptism, this conspiracy was read by all people who knew him - he acts

  • Special conspiracies for money is a very simple money ritual. At 7 pm, take a coin with the number 5 and spinning it on the table, say this conspiracy for money that attracts wealth. The rite with a coin to attract money, good luck and wealth is considered over after you sew the charmed coin into the lining of your wallet. After this conspiracy made

  • Any things store the energy of their owner. When you need to influence a person, you can take his thing and, having performed the rite of witchcraft, speak it to any action - useful or vice versa harmful. With the help of rituals on things, you can lure good luck, bewitch a loved one, perform a ritual to attract luck and success. The right ritual for clothing can even heal the sick.

    Magic has the same great potential in the ability to harm by bewitching someone's thing. They harm people, destroy families, easily damage health and luck, using a conspiracy on any personal items. Therefore, never give things that contain traces of your biofield. Any witchcraft can read your personal information code and do a lot of trouble for you.

    You probably noticed that there are clothes that you put on, and the plan is fulfilled, or the necessary meeting goes smoothly and successfully. So this thing your energy. Having noticed such properties behind some wardrobe item, it is worth strengthening them, speaking for good luck in order to fully use the potential of luck.

    To speak for good luck, in addition to a piece of clothing, you will also need a church candle. She will create a portal of communication with the world of spirits. The ritual of strengthening something in magic is done on the rising Moon, so that it multiplies these qualities. The time for the ceremony is chosen arbitrarily, but always before sunset.

    Put on the table the thing you want to speak. Light a candle. Establish contact between the hand and the burning candle, you should feel the movement of your biofield in the flames. Taking her to left hand, read the words. The conspiracy is pronounced as many times as you feel the movement of energy from the hand to the candle.

    “I speak for good, I seal it at random! Let my clothes become my faithful assistant in business and a talisman from troubles. He will close the eyes of envious people, he will close the mouths of gossips. And I will be lucky and successful. Let it be so! Amen!"

    This item will become your amulet for luck in any business. When will it be necessary to business meeting, go somewhere on an important matter, negotiate with an impregnable person, put on your charmed clothes. When you are in it, everything will be easy for you to succeed.

    • Important! For these purposes, you can use not only clothes, anything from your own wardrobe will do: shoes, a hat or a scarf.
    • If you are left-handed, then it is permissible to change hands in the condition of witchcraft. Establish energy contact between the candle and your dominant hand, and hold the candle with your right hand.

    Magic offers various means to attract good luck. Among them are various conspiracies for things, both new and familiar.

    They usually give good result, because the charmed thing can always be with a person, attract to him positive energy and desired benefits.

    Conspiracy for personal items

    To attract good luck in your life, you can read the magic words on your thing. It can be any item of clothing. Above it, the text is pronounced 12 times:

    “Like a squirrel wore a fur coat - didn’t take it off, So you (name a thing) would bring me good luck, bring happiness. Let it be so!"

    These clothes are worn in all situations when good luck is needed, and it will definitely help its owner.

    Ritual on a pin

    Ritual on a pin

    The use of a pin to protect against the evil eye has already become commonplace. But this simple item can also be used to attract good luck, only it needs to be spoken in a special way. A new pin is being prepared for the ceremony. It is opened and stuck into a pre-prepared hillock on a white plate.

    Lace conspiracy

    To attract good luck, you can use a lace in the form of a pigtail, woven from ropes or threads of three colors. To make a lace, you will need red, green, blue parts.

    A standard pigtail is woven from them, its volume can be any, and the length must correspond to the circumference of the ankle. Then, over this lace, you need to read the words of a conspiracy for good luck. They wear a lace on the left leg. Words can be:

    “You, luck, come, look at me. Let luck burst into life, return to me forever.

    It is better to turn to this conspiracy on full moon nights, in which case the moon will give the object additional strength.

    Conspiracy for a coin

    You can get good luck and luck in money matters with the help of a special conspiracy for good luck. For the ritual, only a coin that has been in the house for a long time is suitable. Arbitrary words are spoken above her, in which one should express how much one wants to get good luck and be happy. This coin must be carried with you and use its ability to attract good luck.

    Ring conspiracy

    To attract good luck, a charmed ring is often used. For this, a ring and wool are prepared. The coat can be white or grey. And the ring can be chosen both gold and silver, with or without a stone.

    Conspiracy Ring

    For the ritual, they buy a wax candle, which they light by placing it in front of themselves. The candle is placed on the table with the right hand, it must also be lit with the right hand. Yarn is placed on the table, wrapping a ring in it. Wool should be between the candle and the person conducting the ritual. The ring should not peek out of the yarn. Then the following words are said over it:

    “The tit bird lived beyond the sea, the tit bird forked its nest. The tit bird found a ring in it, brought me (name). I dress up, dress up kind people come in handy. All doors will open to me, all secrets will open to me, everything will be according to my desire.

    After reading the plot, you must sit quietly and wait until the candle burns out completely. As soon as it goes out, the ring is taken out and put on the finger. And the wool is placed inside the pillowcase of the pillow on which you sleep. The ring will attract you good luck, and the wool will attract symbolic dreams.

    The next ritual on the ring is different in that in this case the ring will need to be worn constantly, so the jewelry should be comfortable. Before the conspiracy, the ring is cleansed with the power of fire church candles. As soon as midnight comes, well water is brought. A bucket with a ring lowered into it is placed on the windowsill, but the window should be open. Only a cloudless night is suitable for the ritual, as the light of the stars should be reflected in the bucket. Looking at the water, they say the following words:

    “I will go out, the servant of God (name), at night - not during the day. A door is not a window, a road is not a path, in a field is not a swamp. I will take with me a silver little thing for the servant of God (name). Silver thing, midnight water, take care of your mistress, call good luck to her. Drive away sadness and sadness, (name) attract luck. As said, so be it. Amen".

    Conspiracy for water

    Water is endowed with a special energy, which is why it is so often used in magical deeds. In order to attract good luck, you can read the magic words over the water and drink it. These actions are performed at sunrise. Words are spoken 3 times.

    “Voditsa-voditsa, you give me a drink, you let me wash. So give me, Voditsa, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness. I close it with a key, wash it with water, according to my word, let everything come true. Amen".

    You can take a little water, about a glass. The charmed water is drunk slowly, thoughtfully. Representing the benefits that should come after this ritual.

    In order for all conspiracies to work for certain things, you must be completely confident in their strength. Only in this way can you get the desired luck.

    The information embedded in the object constantly affects the person and changes him gradually in the direction that the magician has chosen.

    Speak a gift

    If you want to bewitch your loved one, you need to buy a new thing on the growing moon and speak it for love longing. Just buy something that he will definitely use or wear.

    Bring the purchase home, and read a plot on it:

    "You take a thing from me,
    You give me your peace.
    In broad daylight and dark night
    You won't be without me (your name)
    Rest and urine.

    love strap

    How to remain faithful to a loved one and not worry about possible betrayals? This will help us a love strap.

    Buy a belt for your loved one on the growing moon and say a love plot:

    “Strap-belt, beloved friend!
    Serve the faithful service, tie my dear to me!

    Discreetly write the word "Mine" on the back of the belt. Be sure that while the darling wears this belt, the love ritual works!

    Sweater for husband

    To preserve the love and fidelity of your spouse, use the magic of weaving. Buy woolen yarn on the growing moon and ask your husband to hold it in his hands while you wind it into a ball.

    Then weave some of your hair into the yarn and knit a sweater out of it. As you knit, think about his love and loyalty. You can read any love plot.

    Be sure that this sweater will save your spouse from cheating!

    To attract good luck

    If you need to bring good luck into your life, read the conspiracy on your personal thing 12 times, and it will bring you success:

    “As a squirrel wore a fur coat, did not take it down,
    So would you (name a thing)
    I was lucky, brought happiness.
    Let it be so!"

    Carry this item always with you or at the moment when you need to attract good luck.

    magic pin

    • 3 tablespoons of salt;

    • 3 spoons of sugar;

    • 3 tablespoons of rice;

    • white saucer;

    • pin.

    A pin can not only save from the evil eye, but also attract good luck! To do this, take a new pin and open it. On a white saucer without drawings, pour three tablespoons with a slide of salt, pour three tablespoons of sugar on top of the salt and complete your steps by pouring three tablespoons of raw rice on top of the salt and sugar.

    Now stick a pin into this pile and leave everything until the morning. In the morning, pin a pin to your clothes, and bury the contents of the plate in the ground. Good luck is guaranteed to you. A month later, the ritual for good luck with a pin can be repeated.

    magic lace

    You can talk about success and good luck with threads of three colors: red, blue and green. Weave a regular pigtail out of them and connect the ends to make a bracelet.

    Any conspiracy can be read on this magic cord: love, for good luck, for attracting a loved one, for success in business. This bracelet should be worn on the left ankle.

    It does not have to be massive, a thin pigtail will suffice.

    good luck charm

    On the new moon, take any object that you associate with good luck and luck, and put it in the moonlight.

    Read the plot:

    “The moon was born, gave birth to strength.
    This (item name) endowed with its power.
    Like the moon and the earth will never part,
    So this (item name) will remain with luck.

    by the most effective method attracting permanent good luck has long been a conspiracy to your thing. With it, you will stop experiencing problems with money, and your life will be filled with happiness.

    Nowadays, life is very expensive. However, someone can afford a lot, and some live on a tiny salary, while others have long been mired in debt and loans. We are all equal, everyone has a chance to get success and material well-being. Must try on personal experience famous saying“Happiness is not in money” and stop counting every penny. White conspiracies for money can help you with this, which will program your energy for well-being.

    To speak any of your things, it is not necessary to resort to the services of magicians, psychics, hereditary witches. You can do this on your own without any help. As experience shows, people with supernatural power do not undertake such rituals. They do not waste their resources on such small tasks that ordinary people can do.

    Basic rules of conspiracies: how to read correctly

    The first thing you should do is think about the consequences. Even white magic is sometimes dangerous. You need to know for sure why and for what you are conspiring, and only after that proceed to action.

    The second rule says that you can not read the plot out of curiosity. In such situations, words charged with success are of no use: you even risk losing your luck on long years. Therefore, a conspiracy should be carried out only when necessary.

    Fourthly, the magical text should not be read to pregnant women: there is a risk of calling misfortune and misfortune on the child. It is better to postpone this and postpone the ritual.

    The fifth rule indicates that you cannot read conspiracies when you want. For each of them there is a certain date and time. Be attentive and specify all the nuances.

    Sixthly, if you are afraid to read the plot yourself or cannot, then the person who will take it upon himself should be well thanked by you. This is necessary so that the conspiracy will certainly empower you, and not the person who read the charged words.

    Before performing the ritual, it is advisable not to drink alcohol for three days. You need to try to eat healthy food and not enter into disputes and scandals with loved ones. Your energy should be pure and positive.

    AND last rule says that everything you have done should not be made public. Never tell strangers about magical rituals. No one should know what you were talking about a thing, and even more so about what you got in the end.

    We speak our thing for good luck and financial well-being

    The power of a conspiracy can attract not only money, but also good luck. After the ritual, you will come across necessary people, favorable circumstances, you will be able to make profitable deals or find a well-paid job. You can talk about any thing that you see fit. However, it is worth remembering that for maximum effect, you should carry this item with you every day. Usually they talk about pins, rings, coins, small souvenirs, lace, rope. You can choose whatever you like.

    To carry out the ritual, you will need three candles: brown, green and white. The colors are very symbolic, so try to find just such candles. Green means the money you want to attract, white represents spiritual purity, drives away black forces, and brown symbolizes the ritual that you will perform.

    For the plot to be successful, you should choose an even date on the growing moon, but remember that at this moment you must be alone. No one except you should participate in the ritual. Find the brightest place in the house and sit comfortably: it is desirable that you have a table in front of you on which you put candles. Make a triangle out of them, in the center of which place the thing you want to speak. Light candles with the right hand with the words: “The flame of fire will help me win, attract good luck in all my deeds. And the power that is stored in money, let it pass to me. Mind me". After the spoken words, hold your gaze on each candle and your object for about half a minute. Then combine all the candles into one to make a common flame, and wait until the wax falls on your item. After that, you can leave the candles to burn out, and keep the thing with you.

    Other money conspiracies can help attract material well-being. However, remember: in order for the ritual to work and good luck to visit you, do not refuse to help people in need. Don't forget about good deeds when you get rich. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

    20.04.2017 03:40

    The full moon is the best time for many changes. Attract happiness, love and strengthen your feelings...
