What can you do on maternity leave to earn money: options for earning money at home. Seven real ways to make money on maternity leave with your head or hands

Hello, friends! Perhaps, at the beginning of the article, I will share with you some news from my personal life. Today my husband and I were at a gardening exhibition and purchased two seedlings. We bought one cherry and a sweet cherry of some miracle variety. We have already planted on our beloved and now we will wait for the super-duper harvest.

Interestingly, among our readers there are amateur gardeners ?! Respond! Share, have you ever bought seedlings at exhibitions? We just visited a fair of this kind for the first time, usually we bought trees and shrubs from a local nursery. Now we hope that this is not wasted money. Then I will write to you what we got out of it.

By the way, I already had experience in planting unusual varieties. Last winter, I ordered a bag of flower seeds from the well-known Aliexpress trading platform. Sowed in the spring. And look what has grown.

Very beautiful flowers that delighted us literally all summer. And given that our summer turned out to be very hot (about 40 degrees), they steadfastly endured such weather and did not dry out. The photo was taken last weekend. Have you had to order seeds on Ali? I have already looked after purple roses and blue tomatoes for the next season.

Well, now let's get down to the topic of today's article, which, perhaps, will be of interest to absolutely everyone, but a certain circle of people will be most interested in - these are mothers on maternity leave. So, the topic of our post is how to make money sitting in maternity leave.

Probably, many people will now say that they say that mothers in such a position are paid anyway, why should they work, they need to spend more time with the child, and in general, it takes time, effort, etc.

Related article:

But I would argue with you. Nowadays, you can devote to work from 2 hours of free time and get good income. After all, you must admit that they pay not so much money in the decree, and, as you know, they are never superfluous. Especially if your work does not take much time and does not affect the baby in any way.

So, here are the reasons for working on maternity leave:

1. Fighting postpartum depression. The most important, in my opinion, is the reason that our mothers do not have postpartum depression. After all, it arises from the vicious circle of the house "diaper - sleep - food." If it is diluted with work, it will be much better. It is so?!

2. Socialization. For a year and a half, a woman with a child sees only her husband and children. If she communicates with other people, even on the Internet, it will be easier for her. News, emotions, etc. will appear.

3. Tired of monotony. Mom is tired of this life. No one should be judged for this. Remember yourself, when nothing new happens in your life for 1.5 - 3 years, you yourself become depressed. So here, the baby is sacred, but if the mother does not develop, then she will simply wither away.

Generally speaking, work is a necessary “potion” against postpartum depression, which can occur at any time.

Of course, I'm not saying that you need to start working immediately after discharge from the hospital. But when a certain schedule for childcare is already developed, there will certainly be a few free hours that can be spent on business.

How can you earn income

It is very difficult to work and have children, you say. I do not argue. Constant lack of sleep, emotional exhaustion is hard. But where do you get emotions if you don't get them anywhere? That's right, from third-party sources.

And when to work? At any convenient and free time. I'm not saying to work 8 hours a day! No, just as much as you can afford to feel comfortable and give the necessary time to the child.

I’ll tell you about the main ways that a mother can earn money on maternity leave:

Partnership programs

You already know a certain amount of information about caring for a baby, you have made friends on the forums who listen to your opinion, why not think about affiliate program? This is a type of income that is aimed at promoting a product or service on the Internet (I will talk about how to make money on this in more detail in one of our next articles). So don't forget!


- you do not have to spend a huge amount of time on this income: you just placed a link on your page, for example, to a textbook on child development and you get money from each transition of your friends and acquaintances or from each sale;

- no investment is needed, you just offer your services, or experience, or information and that's it;

– no need to create your own site, as you can use your pages in in social networks.


- you need to have at least a little popularity on the network;

- you should be confident in the product, because if you advise something bad once, they will not listen to you anymore.


This is writing articles and their subsequent sale. Write on a variety of topics ranging from politics to pregnancy as an option. If you are a psychologist or cosmetologist by training, then this topic will suit you. That is, you can choose depending on your education, hobbies, experience, etc.

The network now has enough services that allow you to earn money on articles. You can read more about making money online by writing articles in.


- time. It takes only 2 hours of free time to write a short article. Especially since you work at home and have time to finish it at a convenient time.

- a large selection of sites where you can place your texts for sale;

- write on a topic in which you understand and are an expert.


- basic knowledge of the requirements for writing high-quality articles is necessary;

- spelling, punctuation, style should be at a good level.


This is an exchange where you will find absolutely any job offer in different areas both long-term and one-time.


- a variety of offers for all categories. That is, as a copywriter you can consider the options associated with this type of activity. If you draw well, you can take orders for the development of logos or website design. It all depends on your skills and capabilities.

- You choose the offer yourself.


- you must be in time for a certain time, that is, it will be difficult if your baby is restless all day, and the article needs to be written in 3 hours.

Here's what it makes sense to do in order to develop, and also not get tired of the monotonous routine work at home.

But I want to note another type of earnings, which, in my opinion, is the most interesting and profitable.


It seems to me that this earnings will be more attractive for you.

I'll explain why:

1. Such interesting events are happening in your life right now. First steps, word, etc. You can share all this not only with your relatives, but also with the world, that is, with your readers. Tell about it! Read happy comments!

2. Help other mothers in similar situations, share experiences. Tell, for example, how you potty trained your baby, learned to walk, and coped with the first cold. Recall how you lacked experience and knowledge on any subject, especially if you have a first child.

3. Find yourself new friends, like-minded people. Communicate on a topic that interests you, discuss issues of concern.

4. Make money blogging different ways. You can read more about this interesting topic.

In general, you can combine your motherly qualities with professional ones and make a blog not only about how to raise a child, but also create additional headings on a particular topic of interest to you.

If you are afraid of such thoughts as “I don’t know how to make a website, I don’t know how to write articles, how to promote a blog, etc.”, then this is not a problem. Read our blog and we will all learn how to do it with you. Step by step, you will create your project and start earning.

In my opinion, a part-time job will enable mothers to get rid of problems with depression, as well as give impetus to personal development and additional income, including.

The World Wide Web is now developing very strongly, and who, if not you, should become a full member of it.

Keep it up and you will succeed!

There will be questions - write!

Ekaterina Kalmykova

How to make money while on maternity leave: 3 ways to make money on the Internet + 5 tips on how to recognize scammers + 3 suitable ways to work from home while on maternity leave.

Some time after giving birth, when a woman got used to the new rhythm of life, she even begins to have free time.

And since having a child requires not only attention, but also significant expenses, in addition to free time, there is often a need for additional income.

Guided by the desire to bring money to the family, the girls leave household chores to the governess in order to return to workplace left before the birth of the little girl.

But in case there is no desire or opportunity to leave the comfort of home, there are many ways to do so.

Why do women need to work on maternity leave?

What goals motivate women to look for a way to earn money from home when they are on maternity leave?

    Obviously, extra income will never be superfluous.

    Even if there is no great need for it.

    This will provide an opportunity to earn and save for pleasant little things for yourself and loved ones.

    Any woman needs care, especially if she is a young mother on maternity leave.

    Despite the fact that being at home and caring for a child is also a job, and its importance exceeds many others, any person has a desire to be useful in some other way.

    An additional occupation, especially a profitable one, can satisfy him.

Dose of motivation: It often happens that after graduation there is an opportunity to return to the previous place of work.

But the need to do this is no longer necessary, because a woman on maternity leave has taken up another business that brings much more pleasure and profit. If you do the right thing, it can grow into something more meaningful than just a temporary job.

Although such cases are indeed not uncommon, and there is even such a term as “business mom”, earning money at home on maternity leave does not always bring a lot of money.

Therefore, you should not put on rose-colored glasses and implement ideas that require large start-up costs.

And where to look for a way to earn without infusion large sums on your marks? Of course, on the Internet!

How to make money while on maternity leave using the Internet?

Let's be honest: sometimes you may need start-up capital to make money on the Internet in order to move forward and start earning.

However, it cannot be called a significant contribution. Usually these are small expenses for consumables or some small equipment. For such investments, you do not have to take a loan or look for investors.

It is enough to set aside a small amount every month, and you can easily raise enough money to start on maternity leave.

Earnings on the Internet are based on three "pillars": intellectual work + mediation + production.

We will analyze several options for how you can make money on the Internet on maternity leave + lists of specific sites where to look for work.

How to make money while on maternity leave if you know how to write interestingly?

One of the ways to make money while on maternity leave is copywriting.

If you decipher this word in a simple way - this is writing articles on various topics. There are a lot of speculations around this income. Some make a significant profit, others give up the business, disappointed with a meager income.

The fact is that copywriting is far from being such a simple task as many people think. Before writing an article, you need to delve into the topic and understand all its main nuances.

Writing good text takes a lot of time, especially if the topic has not been so well studied before the time of writing.

Of course, you must write correctly. In addition, a copywriter is also a bit of a psychologist, a bit of a marketer.

To achieve a good income on maternity leave, you must constantly improve your ability to write “strong” texts.

However, this option does not require any investments and is one of the most reliable.

Consider 5 important tips on Internet security, if you want to earn, not lose:

    One of the main tips on how not to be deceived is to check those with whom you are dealing.

    Let it seem to you that this is a manifestation of distrust.

    But, in fact, there is no reason to trust a stranger.

  1. Since we are talking about ways to make money on the Internet, you can ask for a link to reviews or look for forums discussing this employer on your own.
  2. It is very important how payments will be made.

    Usually, many services use the WebMoney payment method.

    It is convenient because it was originally created for money transactions on the Internet.

    The golden rule of making money on the Internet: when it comes to what you need to pay in order to earn money, this is a scam.

    You should pay, not YOU.

  3. Another sign of "divorce" is too much pain simple circuit from which you can earn.

For example: “all you have to do is to throw money away, and then they will work on their own”

One of the most clear examples cheating, if we are talking not about the deposit or PAMM accounts.

How you can earn money while sitting at home on maternity leave: 3 suitable ways

The Internet is not the only way to make money on maternity leave without leaving the child at home. You can choose one of the appropriate options for how to transfer work to your home.

1) Eyelash extensions on maternity leave at home.

This occupation requires certain skills and a small contribution.

The main thing that is required from the materials is:

  • eyelash extensions themselves;
  • glue from biomaterials (this is very important, since the quality of the extension depends on what they are glued to);
  • tools (tweezers, combing brushes, etc.);
  • cosmetic lamp (since it requires additional light).

Profit in this business depends directly on the search for customers. You can look for them among the same acquaintances, and they will already advise you to friends.

2) Make money on gel nail polish.

To do this, in addition to the coating itself, you need to be able to do a manicure.

In the field, you will need to constantly develop, take courses, because. on this moment the niche is crowded with beginners, but there are not so many pro-masters.

This activity will require additional materials:

  • the base is standard nail care kits;
  • you will also need a lamp for curing varnish and a set of varnishes themselves;
  • since we are also talking about manicure, you need to purchase special containers with ultraviolet lamps that will disinfect tools for work.

3) Work in a call center remotely on maternity leave.

One of the most interesting options. In fact, this is the same work in a call center, but you can do it from home. Finding an employer who offers this is difficult, but possible.

The only negative is that there are likely problems with receiving a call. A young mother at this very moment can be busy with a child. Some employers allow you to redirect calls or simply call back at a more convenient time.

Even though all these options are not so new, they are the most suitable. They are the most used among young mothers, which indicates their maximum convenience and profitability.

As young mums on maternity leave are looking for an opportunity to make money without investing, there is little chance of being deceived when looking for a way to make money. However, be wary various organizations that require investment without offering any guarantees.

What is the best job for new moms?

The answer is in the video below:

Often under the pretext of how to make money while on maternity leave, the girls found a business that brings more profit than their previous job, especially if they worked for government agencies.

Therefore, sometimes it is worth taking this more seriously than a simple temporary part-time job and start own business. In this case, it is no longer necessary to build on more convenient methods of earning money on maternity leave, but on real skills and opportunities.

Which is now in its seventh month? The most difficult six months are left behind, the baby began to entertain himself, a clear sleep and wakefulness regimen developed, and did you have some free time? The monotony, more than a modest allowance for child care, the desire to do something lead to thoughts: vacation?", "What to do so as not to degrade?". After asking friends, acquaintances, sitting on the forums of young mothers, you can compile a list of opportunities to improve financial position during parental leave.

Vacation options include:

1. In my opinion, the best solution is to continue professional activity(if possible): prepare projects, drawings, business plans for the house and send them to e-mail employer or customer, keep accounting records (an accountant can communicate with management via Skype, work in 1C at home, submit reports to the tax office via the Internet). Pros: stable income, the ability to maintain and improve your skills, no need to learn a new profession.

2. Turn your hobby into a source If you are good at sewing, knitting, cross stitching, photo manipulation in Photoshop, bead weaving, you can take your hobby to a new level - take orders and sell your creations. and potential buyers are easy to find through social networks, word of mouth of acquaintances, friends, relatives. This option is good because at the same time you enjoy your favorite business, earn money and are not far from the baby, you can break away from work at any time.

3. Dispatcher on the phone - taking orders, consulting customers about services and goods. Plus this option- the possibility of combining with other types of earnings.

4. If the child has grown up and feels comfortable in the company of other children, and you yourself feel that you can cope with one or more children, you understand all the responsibility for other people's children - open kindergarten at home. Against the backdrop of long queues for municipal nurseries and the high cost of private kindergartens, this option is in great demand.

5. Another area where you can earn money without leaving home and without leaving your child is copywriting and rewriting. In other words, write articles to order. True, at first it is unlikely that you will be able to earn a lot of money on articles, but if you have a desire, you enjoy working with text, and most importantly, you can write competently and interestingly, you will be able to search for customers directly in the future, without copyright exchanges, and raise their rates.

6. Site moderation - for those mothers who often sit on social networks and love to communicate. The tasks of the moderator are to ensure order on the forums, to participate in the discussion of topics. Income - about two thousand a month.

7. Another option on how to make money on maternity leave is to promote pages and groups on social networks.

8. Placement of ads on portals at first glance seems complicated, but each time one ad takes less and less time (2-3 minutes). They pay 3-5 rubles for an ad.

How to earn money on maternity leave? More options: tutoring, translation of texts, term papers, abstracts, typing, layout, proofreading, network marketing, dog walking, photography, selling meals, web design, writing reviews, home beauty salon and so on. As you can see, there would be a desire, but there are opportunities, especially in our time of accessible Internet, mobile communications and diapers. Since almost all mothers want to earn money on maternity leave, I hope that my selection will be useful to them.

What work-from-home jobs are popular for moms on maternity leave in 2018? How to go on maternity leave for a pregnant mother and find a reliable part-time job? How can a woman find the remote job of her dreams?

Hello, dear readers! Alina Berezhnova, one of the authors of the HiterBober.ru business magazine, is with you. I myself was on maternity leave a certain time ago, and now I was on it again and I know that working part-time in this situation will not hurt anyone.

Many people need additional income and do not know who to turn to for advice related to a part-time job.

This is especially true for young mothers and women on maternity leave. Soon I am going to go on maternity leave again and now I am learning to earn money online from my husband Alexander without leaving home. He is already doing it successfully.

For myself, I realized a long time ago that making money on maternity leave is real. Income for yourself can be organized as a regular part-time job, and especially enterprising girls can even do it without leaving home.

If you really need additional income and you don’t know where to start, then rest assured that after reading this article, you will immediately understand what you should do.

1. What types of earnings for women with children exist

Maternity leave is a kind of stepping stone in a woman's life.

Your social status has changed (you have become a mother), your perception of the world and your sense of self have changed, your priorities and habits have changed.

The time of the decree is the right time to change life plans and break habitual patterns.

Far from always, one salary of a husband is enough for a decent life for mother and child. It’s great if relatives are involved in your fate, but the situation is not always so favorable.

The birth of a child increases the financial costs of a young family at times: in these circumstances Homework for mothers on maternity leave - an opportunity to radically improve their financial situation.

All options for part-time work and full-fledged work for mothers on maternity leave are conditionally divided into several categories:

  • earnings related to skills, hobbies, talents;
  • work requiring professional skills;
  • activities that require the presence of certain conditions (landline telephone, computer with unlimited Internet, apartment, free premises).

Ideally, work for women on maternity leave should not distract mothers from their main activity - caring for the baby. But even in such conditions, there are options that allow not only to regularly replenish the family budget, but also to maintain oneself in a state of physical and intellectual activity.

If you don’t have special talents and skills, you can devote time to learning a new specialty, developing in yourself hitherto unidentified talents.

For example, from a call center operator of a large telecommunications company, I will soon be retrained as an Internet marketer and manager for working with remote clients and partners of an Internet site.

I know cases when young mothers on maternity leave discovered in themselves hitherto dormant artistic ability and later became professional illustrators, designers, photographers or authors of successful children's literature. Even I myself somehow wanted to become an author-composer of poems for children's cards.

The list of the most popular and relevant part-time options for women usually includes:

  • copywriting (writing texts);
  • organization of a beauty salon at home;
  • opening a private kindergarten;
  • providing babysitting services;
  • site administration;
  • remote work as a designer, artist, illustrators (if you have the appropriate skills);
  • distance learning (any professional knowledge is in demand);
  • preparation and sale of home cooking;
  • earnings on surveys;
  • tutoring;
  • mediation - sale of goods and services through electronic free bulletin boards on the Internet;
  • production of handicrafts and their further sale.

This is just an indicative list of all possible works and part-time work at home for young mothers. If the desire to work is present, it remains only to realize it in the most effective way. You can find offers and vacancies on specialized Internet resources, in social network communities.

Competent advertising of your skills and abilities is half the success. Feel free to tell your friends and acquaintances about your desire to work - perhaps they will find successful and profitable options for you. If you sell specific services and goods, you can provide them at a significant discount at the first stage.

Any business requires diligence and patience: you should not expect instant results, especially if the services you offer have an artistic or creative bias.

Do not fall into despair if your product / service (offer) does not sell out immediately: perhaps the point is not in its quality, but in the lack of competent marketing (sales and positioning of your offer).

2. Pros and cons of working on maternity leave

Like any business, such work has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the brightest of them below.

pros (+) home and remote work for mothers during maternity leave

  • independent planning of your working time (at any time you can arrange a break or a day off);
  • lack of superiors (the relationship between the customer and the client is always an equal and mutually beneficial partnership);
  • no need to adapt to the team;
  • there is no need to spend time and money on travel and going to a cafe for lunch;
  • no spending on office clothes and other accessories (business style attributes);
  • you are not in danger of being fired.

It happens that remote work on the Internet for mothers on maternity leave or home-based activities are so successful and comfortable for women that there is no need to look for a “normal” job after leaving vacation.

Minuses (-) work at home for mothers on maternity leave

  • double load: even the most calm and healthy child requires constant attention and emotional participation of the mother - some women quickly tire of such a life;
  • without proper planning and organization of the workflow, life turns into chaos (productive time management will be discussed in detail below);
  • the refrigerator is always there - it is more difficult to control a stable weight;
  • high probability of encountering fraud on the Internet.

Unpleasant situations can be avoided if you study more information before starting work.

The next section of the article is devoted to a topic that is very relevant for mothers looking for a part-time job on maternity leave - online fraud.

3. How to avoid scammers, trying to get extra income without investment and deception

Online scams are many and varied.

Tempting offers to have high incomes, while doing almost nothing, are faced by everyone who is looking for vacancies for part-time jobs at home. And women, and especially mothers, are at risk here.

Some offers from scammers look very plausible: even experienced users often fall for the bait of enterprising "combiners".

Even such harmless announcements as “assembling ballpoint pens at home”, “typing” or “gluing envelopes with guaranteed payment” turn out to be just a way to take money from the population.

How to distinguish scammers from honest employers? The answer is simple - the first always demand from the client preliminary investments.

The offer to transfer money is usually cleverly disguised as insurance premiums, payment for materials to start work, purchase of equipment. As a rule, after the transfer of money to the specified account, successful (for scammers) cooperation ends.

At the same time, it is practically impossible to prove legally the guilt of criminals: after all, you yourself and voluntarily transfer money to an unknown uncle (or aunt) in your pocket.

Digital technologies work for scammers: the fact of extortion and fraudulent receipt of money is difficult to document.

If the “employer” requires primary material investments (it doesn’t matter how he calls them), refuse such an offer immediately!

You should also not transfer your personal data to unknown people - passport number, bank details and other confidential information.

Fraudsters' offers are often disguised as vacancies marked "without any investment" and the like. And they really do not require up to a certain stage.

You may even be asked to send a resume, after which your candidacy will be "selected among other applicants."

Sometimes a cooperation agreement, a multi-page list of company rules and official duties employee.

But everything ends prosaically: under various pretexts (neutralization of the employer's losses, insurance premium, verification of the employee's intentions, payment for materials), it is proposed to transfer your money to a certain account.

Other scams that remote job seekers often face include:

  • work in "network marketing" (in fact, it turns out to be a pyramid scheme);
  • "business" offers related to transactions with your bank accounts;
  • participation in high-yield projects with quick returns;
  • processing letters (audio, photo) at home;
  • suggestions for growing flowers (mushrooms) using highly efficient hydroponics.

It is impossible to list all the methods of deception on the network within the framework of this text. Mom on maternity leave must adhere to the main rule - no initial investments and money transfers to someone else's electronic account!

4. Work for moms on maternity leave - an overview of the TOP 10 popular vacancies and ways of 2018

Below we will consider the most popular jobs for moms on maternity leave in 2018.

Method 1. Joint purchases on the Internet with further resale of purchased goods

Work from home via the Internet – up-to-date and effective method additional income.

Generation our mothers (1960-1990s) such opportunities were simply not available. At modern women there are much more chances to show their commercial talents.

So, the easiest way to do business online is to buy goods in online stores in small wholesale lots and sell them at retail. There are online stores where clothes can be purchased at a very low price.

The price difference between wholesale and retail can be 100% or more. One of my acquaintances, her name is Anya, did just that, although she was not a mother on maternity leave, but her business flourished under this scheme, and she was only 16 years old at that time.

Having wide circle acquaintances, clothes can be distributed among girlfriends. Even with a very decent markup, they will get the goods cheaper than in boutiques or well-known fashion stores.

You can also sell the purchased goods via the Internet - on Avito, Ayu.ru and other sites.

But even the sale of products through Avito requires a spectacular presentation of goods and a professional approach of the seller. By the way, it has already been described on our website earlier.

Method 2. Provision of professional services (beauty, health, home economics)

If you know how to cut, do styling, makeup or manicure well, why not get paid for your skills?

The next step is the dissemination of information: through the network, ads in the media, with the help of word of mouth.

You can do massages at home, read Tarot cards, teach yoga, wushu, meditation and aerobics, or professionally engage in housekeeping, helping others - provided, of course, that you have a desire and predisposition for these areas of activity.

Method 3. Organization of a kindergarten at home

To organize a full-fledged private kindergarten, you need the appropriate permissions, but no one will forbid being a home-based nanny.

Not all mothers have the opportunity to send their children to a regular kindergarten, but there is no one to leave them at home when they need to leave urgently. For such situations, a home kindergarten is created. Moms bring their children to you, and you spend time with them in company with your own child.

It turns out something like a group of short-term babysitting, where the kids come as needed.

IN major cities there are whole entertainment centers at home, who perform the functions of short-term supervision and care.

Method 4. Making handmade products and selling them through electronic bulletin boards, shops, and your environment

Knitting, needlework, making original pottery, jewelry, toys, souvenirs - all this is in stable demand. If you make really exclusive and useful things, they can be sold at quite decent prices.

The sale can be organized through the Internet, a page on the social network, through your friends. Many mothers make soap at home, weave beaded bracelets, knit rugs and blankets.

Sometimes you even manage to find a company that is ready to sell your hand-made products.

This idea is already being implemented by Anna Belan, the girl earns money by making handicrafts and teaches this to children and adults. On our website with Anya there is an interview about.

Method 5. Writing and editing texts for publishers and Internet sites

Thousands of people are involved in writing texts. There are dozens of exchanges for freelancers involved in copywriting and rewriting on the Internet. You can write articles for money on any topics close to you - at least on the topic of caring for a baby: such texts on specialized sites are in constant demand.

Prerequisites: high literacy and the ability to harmoniously put words into sentences.

For one text you can get 100 - 1,000 rubles (depending on volume). If writing is easy for you, you can engage in copywriting (professional writing of texts) on an ongoing basis, getting pleasure from work and a good income, which, even if you are busy 3-4 hours a month, can be up to $ 500 and more.

Method 6. Retouching and processing photos

For retouching and processing photos at home, you just need the ability to use a graphic editor, it is best suited Photoshop program(Photoshop) and free time.

You can start small - 1 hour a day, then, if it works out, move on to a tighter work schedule. You can learn the basic skills of Photoshop in a week: in addition, there are a lot of forums on the Internet around the clock that will help you comprehend all the nuances of this craft.

Method 7. Administration of sites and groups in social networks, producing

The task of the administrator (moderator) in publics or groups of social networks is to monitor compliance with the rules of the community and monitor the functioning of the site.

Another option is to promote your own group and place paid advertising, but this will already take a lot of time, which will need to be invested for days on end without receiving payment.

If you are ready for this, then this is a good option to start your business on the Internet.

Thanks to the knowledge gained in the free course, my husband Alexander increased the income of this HeatherBober project and is now launching another business related to Internet marketing.

Therefore, if you decide to make money on VKontakte or another social network from 50 000 rubles per month or engage in Internet marketing in any other form right from home, get new knowledge and they will bring you money.

Method 8. Completion of term papers and theses

If you have an education and relevant knowledge, you can write essays, term papers and diploma projects for students.

The competition in this niche is quite high, but the demand is quite stable. The disadvantage of this work is its seasonality: usually term papers and diplomas are required only during sessions.

Method 9: Providing educational and counseling services for students and adults

Tutoring is a lucrative occupation, especially in modern conditions when you can advise and teach without leaving your home. At the same time, classes do not take much time, and the audience is potentially unlimited. The greatest demand is for teaching languages ​​at home.

If you already have pedagogical skills and a base of potential clients, then you can earn the first money literally tomorrow by selling your consultations or teaching people to people who need it.

Method 10. Making and selling home cooking

Moms who love to cook can bake original cakes, pastries, cupcakes and other goodies at home.

Not all people know how to cook and not everyone has time for it. Exclusive cakes for children, men and women will give you the opportunity to develop your culinary talents for the benefit of the wallet.

If you have a baby, then most likely your age from 20 to 40 years is the most best age to get married and have children.

Accordingly, among your acquaintances there will also probably be those who are going to get married, and if you already have good experience in cooking goodies, then you can offer your services to such a couple of young people in baking a wedding cake or preparing original designer dishes for a future wedding banquet.

5. Tips for moms to choose the best way to earn money

Some mothers are looking for work at home out of necessity (there is absolutely not enough money, and the cost of maintaining a baby is growing), others just want to escape from the cycle of monotonous chores and worries, others do not want to lose their professional skills.

With all the desire to earn, remember

But do not spend too much energy on a part-time job, otherwise they will not be left for full-fledged child care!

The easiest way to work is until the baby is one year old - at this age, the crumbs only need regular breastfeeding, affection and timely change of diapers.

Older children need increased attention, educational games and additional nutrition.

There are many options for part-time work for mothers on maternity leave, but the choice is complicated by some restrictions:

  • cramped living conditions;
  • the need to pay much attention to the child;
  • lack of a specific daily routine.

In such a situation, the presence of understanding on the part of the husband and close relatives is of decisive importance.

If parents are ready to help in difficult times, then homework is twice as easy to do.

With the presence of assistants, you can spend about 4 hours on additional earnings: the main time of work will fall on daytime sleep baby.

A few tips for those who have not yet decided on the choice of working from home, but really want to try:

  1. Remember what you always wanted to do in your free time (weave African braids, bake cakes). Perhaps it's time to learn a new craft or learn how to get paid for your skills.
  2. Find assistants in advance - those who are ready to regularly look after the child if necessary.
  3. Be sure to plan your day.
  4. Before responding to a job offer, study the information about the employer. When entering into an agreement, feel free to ask questions and define a list of your responsibilities in advance.
  5. Do not deprive yourself of daily small pleasures, but do not get too carried away by going to the kitchen for another portion of the "stimulating" treat.
  6. If you intend to work remotely, get an Internet wallet or bank account (if not available).

Do not forget about rest: meet (at least periodically) with friends, do yoga (fitness, meditation) and monitor your own well-being.

A child needs a cheerful, rested and friendly mother. And do not blame your loved ones for the fact that you have to work: life circumstances do not always turn out as we plan.

Dear friends, I hope this information helps you!

6. 7 rules for organizing time for women on maternity leave working at home

Even with relatively adult children, women have enough household chores, and what can we say about crumbs up to 3 years old, who need constant supervision. How to find time for everyday activities, and for caring for the baby, and for extra work? It will be much easier to do this if you apply a scientific approach.

Time management is just a science that will help you organize your time properly.

As an introductory course, we offer to learn the 7 main rules for organizing time for working at home moms.

Rule 1. Determine the right time to work

First, decide what time will be the most suitable for work. There are two best options: when the baby is sleeping or when mom comes to visit you. The first option is relevant when the baby has a more or less measured sleep pattern. In the second case, you need to secure a promise that such assistance will be regular.

Rule 2. We draw up an action plan

Without a clear plan of action for the coming day, which is better to draw up the day before, it will not work to be organized.

Even with a phenomenal memory, you can miss important points, twirling in momentary fuss. The plan should include in the first place all the items related to caring for the baby: feeding, walking, visiting clinics.

Learn how to use a sling* - this invention allows you to do dozens of household chores without losing sight of your child.

A sling is a special fabric design for carrying a child on itself during an early age.

And only after the necessary points can you add work-related actions to the plan. Time can be saved if you prepare the workplace in advance and call customers.

Rule 3. We develop a convenient schedule

On initial stage mothers working on maternity leave are better off engaging in activities that allow flexible hours without being tied to a specific date. You should start with small amounts of work.

As skills and craftsmanship improve, the number of orders can be gradually increased.

Rule 4

It’s great if you can schedule a part-time job for a certain time of the day - this allows you to tune in to a businesslike mood and adds efficiency.

You can come up with a pleasant ritual that promotes immersion in working condition: for example, drink a portion of hot chocolate. It mobilizes, uplifts and improves psychological tone.

Rule 5

The workflow can be interrupted at any moment. The mechanism for a quick transition from a business to a “home” status should be thought out in advance.

For example, if a child wakes up earlier than it is provided by the regime, consider what to do with him in order to have time to turn things off without compromising the production process.

Rule 6. We systematize important contacts

All contacts necessary for work should be systematized, and not stored in a chaotic form.

It is worth having a separate file on the computer and duplicating it in the diary.

You can use special mobile applications. This will save time and help out in case of any kind of emergency situations, for example, when it is not you who needs to contact customers, but assistants.

Rule 7

Moms on maternity leave need proper sleep.

If you do not adhere to this rule, you will not be able to be in working condition. Fatigue reduces attention and is fraught with all kinds of mistakes and “punctures”. In addition, there is a danger of overlooking the baby.

Another general rule

All started household and work affairs should be brought to completion, and only then take on others, otherwise the list of "tails" will grow.

7. Conclusion - video with expert Olga Sobyanina about what mom can do on maternity leave

Additional work for women on maternity leave is not only a way to improve the financial situation, but also an opportunity to give life a clear structure, which is the best method of dealing with all sorts of psychological and emotional crises that often occur in new mothers.

In any case, now there are many ways to earn extra money for both women and men.

Watch a video about what mom can do on maternity leave from expert Olga Sobyanina:

Work on the Internet at home without investments - TOP 10 vacancies + a story of our own experience as remote workers and employers

You have been preparing for the appearance of the long-awaited baby for a long time, and now the joyful moment has come. Caps, diapers, vests, bottles, mixtures - and now the family budget is already bursting at the seams. The young mother begins to get nervous, because she wants to dress up herself, and not to forget her husband, and think about the baby. If earlier it was believed that it was impossible to work on maternity leave, today everything has changed. Many young mothers successfully combine part-time work at home and caring for a baby. How exactly to do this successfully, let's figure it out.

We work and earn on maternity leave: myth or reality?
Many young mothers, thinking about how to make money on maternity leave, do not always show particular activity in this matter. Most mothers cite lack of time, lack of opportunities and other difficulties. One saying is good here: “If there is a desire, there will always be opportunities!”.

Some mothers prefer to send their babies to kindergarten early in order to get to work as soon as possible. However, further sick leave, which will lie in an even joint on the boss’s table, will not bring anything good. In this case, it is preferable to wait until the end of the decree, when your baby is independent and strong, and go to work already fully. However, even on maternity leave, a young mother will be able to work perfectly and earn quite real money.

Mom's fears about working from home
What are young mothers afraid of? First, lack of time. After all, the older the baby becomes, the more it requires care and attention. But, you can work when the baby is sleeping. Proper and competent organization of her time will help a young mother not only do all the household chores, but also have time to work.

Helpful advice! Time management is a science, especially popular in Lately. Still, after all, such a limited resource as time, you need to learn how to use it correctly even for mothers on maternity leave.

Write down your daily routine on paper. What time do you and your baby get up? What do you do all day: breakfast, lunch, games, cleaning, cooking. Surely there is a free minute to work. After all, very often mothers, tired of everyday worries and troubles, sit on social networks or view news on websites while the baby sleeps. However, even the time spent on the Internet can be used to your advantage and your wallet.

Secondly, mothers are afraid of remote earnings as such. It is believed that if you work from home, then you will definitely be deceived and not paid. Naturally, the option of deception is not excluded, however, by being careful and prudent, you can avoid unpleasant situations.

Thirdly, young mothers are afraid that they will not be able to do anything to earn an extra penny in the family budget.

All the fears of young mothers are in vain! You can and should earn on maternity leave!

Ways to make money on maternity leave
There are three most realistic options for earning:

  • work on the Internet;
  • work in the main profession;
  • hobby work.
Let us consider in more detail the essence of each of the listed types of earnings for young mothers on maternity leave, highlight the advantages, and try to find the disadvantages of each method.
  1. Work on the Internet- this is a real storehouse for all those who want to earn extra money without leaving home. Possible options making money online:
    • Writing articles to order(copywriting, rewriting). To date, a huge number of exchanges have appeared on the Internet, where customers are looking for their performers to write texts various topics. The principle of working on exchanges is very simple: you register, pass, if necessary, a test task and get to work. Each exchange has several levels of employee professionalism. As a rule, the level and, accordingly, wages depend on the quality and quantity of completed orders. The level of risk in this type of earnings is minimal. Each exchange freezes the customer's funds in advance, which are intended to pay for this article. If the work is done in good faith, the money will be transferred to your account. Ease of use is maximum. A young mother can work and earn real money. Without leaving home.
    • Administration of groups in social networks. As a rule, young mothers spend rare moments of rest from their own child on social networks. So why not put that time to good use? You can become the administrator of a group offering, for example, children's products. Such work involves answering all the questions of the group members, conducting interesting topics, active communication. For work of this kind, you can get from 2000 rubles a month. Risk level: medium. The risk in such work is much higher than when writing articles on stock exchanges. Perhaps you work for a month as a group administrator, and then an unscrupulous employer refuses to pay you. However, this is quite rare, and if your work suits the owner of the group, you will be able to combine business with pleasure: actively communicate with the same young mothers and get paid for it. Convenience in such work is maximum. Sitting with a cup of hot tea in front of the computer, talking with the same “maternity” mothers, and even getting paid for it is a real pleasure!
    • Master classes, photos. If you are an excellent cook or know how to make a wonderful birdhouse from improvised means, go for it. Do step by step photos what you know, accompany it with text that is accessible to the reader, and go for it! Customers can be found on the same copywriting exchanges. Risk level: medium. You risk not finding customers. Convenience: maximum.
  2. Profession work. There are many professions that allow you to work and earn money, even while on maternity leave. For example, before the decree you worked as an economist. Your education and professional experience will help you not get bored while sitting at home with your child. You can write term papers, abstracts, control reports, reports to order. This kind of work can be found on social networks, as well as on copywriting and freelance exchanges.
    With the profession of an accountant, you can easily manage a couple of small firms. Having a technical education, you can carry out drawings, projects, estimates. If you have graphic design skills, you can create unusual postcards and calendars on your computer. You can also work remotely, coming up with various advertising options for billboards, street signs, and so on.
    If you have a medical degree, then this is a great opportunity to earn money while on maternity leave. You can massage both children and adults, as well as give injections. The main thing at the same time is the presence of work experience and a small client base.
    If you don't have special education, and before the decree you have not had time to really work anywhere - do not despair. You can find a job that does not require special skills. For example, your neighbor needs to walk her dog while she is at work. Take on this responsibility. You will be able to walk with a stroller and a dog, while receiving an extra penny for your work in the family budget.
    Also quite popular professions are a personal computer operator, a dispatcher at home. You can find a hobby anywhere. For example, your sandbox friend's mom is about to go to work and invites you to sit with her child 3-4 hours a day. If your kids get along with each other, then why not agree to this type of income? So, you put an extra penny in the family budget, and your little one will have fun playing with his new friend.
  3. Hobby based work. An interesting hobby is a great opportunity to earn money while on maternity leave. Think about what you can do best? Sew Stuffed Toys to make jewelry out of polymer clay, weave bracelets and beaded necklaces, grow violets? On all this you can earn. You can sell your works at numerous creative exhibitions and master classes, which are now organized in almost any city, as well as on social networks.
    Risk level: minimal. You will receive payment for your work when the goods are directly handed over to the buyer. If there are no people willing to purchase your tailor-made Teddy bear or beads made of beads, you can easily present your product to a friend or mother for her birthday.
    Comfort: average. You will have to purchase materials from which you will make your products. And no one will promise you that all your work will be sold out.
Working on maternity leave is absolutely real. And it doesn’t matter what kind of activity you are interested in: copywriting, embroidery, beading, work as a dispatcher or PC operator, one thing is important - work will help you not get bored on maternity leave and gain additional professional skills. In addition, this is a great opportunity to replenish the family budget. Whoever seeks will always find, therefore, on maternity leave, you can find a job to your liking!
