What to do with Antonovka for the winter. Delicious preparations for the winter from apples

Hello, dear readers blog life handmade! So it became quite cold, the long-awaited autumn came. But, despite the sadness, there are also pleasant moments in this time. There is time to take a break from the summer bustle, put your thoughts in order and calculate the harvest. Summer was very generous with various fruits, berries, mushrooms, various materials for crafts. I recently wrote how beauty can be created from acorns and various trees and plants. Did the apple tree please you this year with its harvest? Do you know how to save all this goodness? Let's make apple blanks for the winter together!

Apple blanks for the winter at home

At home, you can do a lot to preserve the crop.

For example:

And that is not all!

There are a huge number of recipes, and you can choose any that you like.

Golden recipes for apple blanks - marshmallow and golden apples

Speaking of freezing.

If you freeze peeled and chopped apples and blackcurrant What do you do with it after you take it out of the freezer and thaw it?

You can extract this wealth into the light of day even in a year and make a very tasty marshmallow!

You need to add sugar, mix and put in a baking dish, preferably in silicone.

Put in an open oven and dry in this way for a long time, about 7 hours.

The result is quite thin sheets marshmallows, which can either be cut into pieces,

or roll into rolls.

Here's how you like it.

And then chew and drink delicious herbal tea! A healthy treat is ready!

The recipe is good just for gray rainy days, when it is already cold outside the window, but there is no heating in the house yet.

And you will make yummy and get warm from the oven!

Really golden apples are obtained in apple jam with orange.

There are such unusual recipes!

Apples will need about 2 kg.

Suitable for any summer variety:

  • antonovka
  • pear
  • White filling
  • melba

A couple of large oranges and a kilo of sugar.

Only the only thing, please note that enameled dishes are not suitable for cooking, jam will burn in it.

You need to find a stainless steel bowl.

The cooking steps are:

  1. Wash fruits.
  2. Peel and cut apples into cubes.
  3. Free the oranges from the pits and chop with a meat grinder.
  4. Mix apples, oranges and sugar.
  5. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, 50 minutes.

Apple slices will be golden and translucent.

Doesn't it look very appetizing?

Recipes to lick your fingers

I wrote a lot of useful things about.

And now, I can’t ignore the chokeberry in the article about apples.

The fact is that this berry contains quite a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for us.

But there is one thing!

Not everyone will eat chokeberry in its pure form.

To mask the tart taste of these berries, they are often mixed with something else.

For example, plum is well suited for this.

Or, in combination with chokeberry, you can make jam from pears or apples.

To make jam, apples and chokeberry are taken one by one.

And sugar is added to taste and based on the sweetness of the fruit.

If you add cinnamon, lemon zest and lemon balm to any apple jam, then you really will lick your fingers!

And for some reason, all grandmothers (and grandmothers already know a lot about jam!) Prepare this dessert in enameled saucepans, and stir with wooden spoons.

An unusual recipe for harvesting apples

But not very healthy, but amazingly delicious recipe. Applesauce with condensed milk.

You will need:

  1. Apples, preferably Antonovka - 3 kg;
  2. Sugar - half a glass;
  3. One can of condensed milk.

Peeled and core apples should be cut into cubes, mixed with sugar and condensed milk and simmered for a couple of hours.

It turns out a gentle sweet puree that children will definitely appreciate!

Blanks from apples for the winter for pies

The blank stored in a jar is good not only for pies, it can be used as an independent dessert, or, for example, wrapped in pancakes.

Here is the first simple and very practical way to harvest apples for pies for the winter and, by the way, without sterilization.

Recipe - five minutes

Any apple will do.

Fallen from the trees in the garden or bought in the market, the cheapest, no matter what variety, the main thing is ripe.

Cut into slices, add a little sugar (3 tablespoons per kilogram of apples), boil.

Store - in banks.

Sterilized Pie Filling Recipe

For the second method, using sterilization, sour apples are needed, for example, Antonovka.

Apples need to be peeled and grated, put them tightly in clean jars.

Only not to the very top, you need to leave a little space.

Excess juice can be drained into a separate container, boiled and rolled up separately - here you have the juice preparation at the same time.

It should be noted that the water will boil so that it is not poured into jars.

After that - cover the jars with lids (which were previously boiled) and boil.

The sterilization process takes:

  • for 500 g cans - 25 min.,
  • for cans 1 liter - 35 min.

Now take out the cans and quickly roll up.

Turn over and cool in this position.

The best part is that this filling is made without sugar.

Sweetener can be added to taste.

Or don't add at all if you want to use this blank for charlotte.

The filling of apples for pies for the winter is ready.

Open the jar and bake delicious fragrant pies!!!

Recipes from apples for the winter without sterilization

We already wrote about one recipe a little higher.

Now I will tell you more.

If you do not want to boil jars for a tedious long time and roll up, there is one recipe for compote.

For him, apples of the "Chinese" variety are suitable.

This variety of small apples is characterized by a high content of malic, citric and tartaric acids, which allows them to be stored for quite a long time.

In addition, this is the only recipe that does not suggest peeling apples from the core and stalk - all this can be left.

I love these simple recipes! And you?

Apples just need to be washed well.

Take a large jar, pour boiling water over it and fill a third with apples, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid.

Do not roll up or clog, just cover.

Leave it like that for 10 minutes.

Drain the resulting syrup from the jar into a saucepan and add sugar there at the rate of 1.5 cups of sugar per 0.5 kg of apples.

Boil and pour back into the jar.

Close hermetically.

And long winter evenings We enjoy delicious compote!

Apple blanks for the winter without sugar

Many people know that sugar in large quantities is harmful to the body.

Some even remove it from their diet.

Therefore, sugar-free preparations are an excellent option for combining the taste and benefits of the product.

The simplest and fast way- bake the apples in the oven at 180˚ for 20 minutes, after cleaning them from the core and peel.

Then grind with a blender, and freeze the resulting mass in any convenient container.

Blanks from apples for the winter in a slow cooker

I don’t know about you, but I love this miracle pot and can hardly imagine how we managed on the farm without it.

And it takes up little space and the functionality is huge and the products cooked in it retain the maximum of their useful properties.

In general, if you don’t have it yet, consider purchasing it.

We even, and I don’t really understand why a bread machine is needed.

Let's go back to the recipe for making apple blanks in a slow cooker.

  1. Fruits must be thoroughly washed and allowed to dry.
  2. Peel them from the peel and bones and cut into slices.
  3. Sterilize the jars and fill them tightly with chopped apples.
  4. Pour boiling water into the jars, close the lids and leave for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Now pour this liquid into the bowl in the multicooker and turn on the “Porridge” program, boil.
  6. Pour the syrup back into the jars and screw on the lids.
  7. Turn the containers over and let cool.

This method of preparation allows you to store the workpiece for quite a long time without the use of sugar.

It turns out that there are such homemade ways to harvest apples!

And on long winter evenings, you can very sincerely drink tea with jam or charlotte, or a slow cooker!

If you know other recipes for making apples that are more delicious, or unusual, or easy, then be sure to write.

Sincerely, Margarita Mamaeva

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Apples are necessary and useful for everyone. An amazing combination of taste and aroma with vitamins, acids, pectin and fiber can improve the health and mood of every person. The fruits of most autumn and winter varieties are stored well and for a long time without losing their properties, however, apple preparations for the winter have always been relevant and varied. They have a special taste, help in creating family culinary traditions, and save time and effort in the future.


The main preparations from apples for the winter are desserts: jam, jam, marmalade. For them, cinnamon apples, anise, Pepin saffron, Simirenko, Renets and some others, even very ripe Antonovka, are best suited. It is important that apples are sweet, because sour fruits are easily boiled during cooking.

Apple jam

Traditionally, for jam, apples are peeled and cut into slices no thicker than 2 cm. However, unpeeled apples can also be boiled either entirely without a core (it is removed with a special tube), or cut into quarters. Apple jam as a preparation for the winter can be prepared in different ways.
jam recipe . Peel and cut 1 kg of apples, dipping the slices in acidified or salted water so that they do not darken. Then rinse lightly, put in a colander, dip in hot water for blanching for 5-10 minutes. Remove and plunge into cold water. From 3 glasses of hot water from blanching and 800 g of sugar, prepare a syrup and put apples into it. Stand 3 - 4 hours. Boil for 5 minutes and stand for another 8 hours. At the beginning of the second aging, add freshly brewed syrup from 0.5 kg of sugar and a glass of water. Repeat cooking 1-2 more times for 5-7 minutes. To keep the syrup liquid, at the very end, pour citric acid on the tip of a knife and mix. Cool and pour into jars.
jam recipe. Blanch apples, peeled and chopped, (1 kg) and boil syrup from this water in proportion: 5 cups of sugar and 2 cups of water. Pour apples over them, stand for 4 hours and cook for 5 - 7 minutes 3 - 4 times until cooked. If some of the slices are cooked before the rest, take them out and put them in a jar. For a strong flavor, you can put vanilla or citrus zest at the end.
Excellent preparation for the winter - paradise apple jam . In 1 kg of apples, cut the branches in half, remove the remnants of the sepals, wash and chop. Dip for 5 minutes in boiling water, cool, and make syrup from this water: for 800 ml 1.3 - 1.5 kg of sugar. Immediately pour apples over them, stand for several hours and cook jam in several stages.


For apple blanks in the form of jams, there are no strict requirements for the variety and degree of ripeness. The final taste is regulated by the amount of sugar and the volume of water. But it is better to take apples with sweet and sour or even sour taste.
apple jam . Peel and cut 1 kg of apples into small pieces, pour a glass of sugar and pour 1.5 - 2 glasses of water, cook over low heat. When the apples begin to boil, add 2 cups of sugar and cook until tender, about 40 minutes. You can immediately mix all the ingredients, bring to a boil and cook in one or more steps, but the apples must be boiled soft, for this to happen for sure, they are rubbed on a coarse grater.

We recommend reading: WHAT TO COOK FROM APPLES

"Five Minute" from apples

For this harvest of apples for the winter, there are exact proportions - 1 kg of fruit and 200 g of sugar, but you can do it by eye. Apples should be taken of the same variety, then they will be ready at the same time. In a 5-liter saucepan, put peeled and randomly chopped ripe and juicy apples. Pour 1 - 3 cups of sugar with a slide, mix, close and leave overnight to make juice. Then bring to a boil, cook for 10 - 15 minutes, transfer to hot sterile jars, roll up.

Apple blanks in the form of jam or five minutes have a wide range of uses, they can be used as a filling for pies or charlotte, and the basis of sweet and sour sauces.

Dessert apple blanks are most often made with sugar, but there is a puree recipe that can be prepared both sweet and natural.

Apple puree

Peel and cut apples, add 2 cups of boiling water per 3 kg, cook for 10-20 minutes, so that they are completely boiled. Quickly wipe the hot mass through a colander, but it is better through a sieve, warm it up again for a couple of minutes, spread it over hot dry liter jars, pasteurize in a water bath at 70 ° C for 30 minutes or sterilize for 15 - 20 minutes at a boil, roll up, turn over. So that the puree does not darken, put ascorbic acid, it slows down oxidation and lengthens the shelf life.

If there are a lot of apples, at the same time there is a carrion or unripe and substandard apples of different varieties, it is worth making real jam or exquisite marmalade as a blank for the winter from apples.

apple jam

Ready unsweetened puree weigh, put in a bowl for jam, heat to a boil. Boil for 5 - 10 minutes over medium heat, to thicken a little, add 800 g of sugar per 1 kg of puree. After the sugar dissolves, increase the heat for an intense boil, stirring all the time. Drop on a plate, the finished jam does not spread when cooled. You can check readiness by temperature. If the thermometer reads 106 ° C - the boiling point of jam, you're done. Arrange in hot dry jars, refrigerate for 1 - 2 days, when a film appears on the surface, close with parchment and tie, or roll up like regular jam.


Apple puree marmalade . For mashed potatoes, take sweet summer berries, pour juice of sour berries and make mashed potatoes, weigh it. Pour into a low saucepan, preferably steel, pour 600 g of sugar per kg of puree and cook, stirring all the time with a wooden or plastic spatula, until the apple mass leaves the bottom. Pour the mass onto a coated dish or baking sheet, smooth with a knife. Sprinkle with ground nuts or chopped candied fruit. When the marmalade is slightly dry, roll up and cut into pieces.
Baked apple marmalade . Bake apples in the oven, immediately quickly rub through a sieve and remove the skin and seeds, weigh. Put 500 g of sugar on 1 kg of the finished apple mass, stir and cook until the marmalade is ready (if you draw a spatula along the bottom, a groove will remain). Pour in a thin layer, cool, sprinkle with sugar and cut.


For canned compotes, not quite ripe autumn or winter varieties with dense sour or sweet and sour pulp are taken. In one jar it is better to put apples of only one variety, even, without flaws. Usually, the fruits are not peeled, but only quickly cut into large slices of the same size, the core is removed and, so as not to darken, they are dipped into the solution. citric acid, 3 g per liter, or salt, 20 g per liter, no longer than half an hour.

Apple compote . Put the prepared apples in a colander or a special basket, blanch for 5-7 minutes to force out the air and prevent browning. Immediately transfer to chilled water for 2 minutes, drain, drain and arrange in jars, shaking them for tight styling. Pour boiling syrup, 700 ml of water and 300 g of sugar, sterilize and roll up. For harvesting apples for the winter, a more popular option is when apples are poured with syrup, kept for 5-7 minutes, drained, boiled and poured again, immediately rolled up without sterilization and wrapped in a blanket for slow cooling.

Quick apple compote . Wash thoroughly, cut quickly and immediately place in jars, just below the shoulders. Pour sugar at the rate of 2/3 cup per liter jar, pour boiling water, sterilize and roll up. The syrup turns out to be quite sweet, but in winter it can be diluted with water or fruit drink.

To give decorativeness to apple blanks in the form of compote, berries with intense color are added to them - black currant, cherry or dark pitted plum, and red currants or gooseberries can be flavorings. The amount of sugar does not need to be changed.


The versatility of the apple is such that it can be the main ingredient, the soloist, not only in sweet desserts, but also in snacks and condiments. The number of recipes for apple snacks is quite large.

Seasoning from apples . Peel and cut 5 kg of sour, slightly unripe apples, boil in a saucepan with a small amount of water, wipe through a sieve. Transfer the puree to a low saucepan. Grind 300 g of garlic and 100 - 300 g of parsley, coriander, dill and celery, total 800 g. Peel and chop very finely 500 g of sweet pepper. Put everything in mashed potatoes, salt and sugar to taste, approximately 2 - 3 tbsp. l. Boil for 10 - 15 minutes, put the hot seasoning into hot and dry jars, sterilize and twist.

Apple seasoning with horseradish . 4 kg of apples, a glass of garlic cloves and 400 g of horseradish, peeled, chopped, chopped with a meat grinder, flavored with 3 tbsp. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Mix everything very well, arrange in clean jars, refrigerate.
Seasoning from apples and lingonberries. Bake 1 kg of apples and mash. Dip 1 kg of berries in boiling water for a couple of minutes, drain and put in mashed potatoes. Flavor 1 - 2 tbsp. l. sugar, put 4 cloves and a piece of cinnamon. If the mass is very thick, pour a glass of water. Cook for 25 - 30 minutes, stirring, arrange in small jars, sterilize for 20 minutes and roll up.


Peeing is an ancient method of harvesting apples. The easiest option is to soak with cabbage in a barrel, when apples and cabbage with carrots are laid in layers, the brine is made according to the recipe sauerkraut. But you can cook them separately. To do this, you need to choose plucked (not carrion) apples without defects of autumn or winter varieties and let them lie down after picking for 2-3 weeks so that they “reach” and part of the starch turns into sugars.

Harvesting pickled apples . Wash the apples and put in dense layers in a large enamel pan with the legs up. Put currant, mint, cherry, raspberry leaves at the bottom of the pan and between the layers of fruits, but preferably rye or wheat straw. Upper layer close with leaves, then with boiled canvas, then put a wooden circle and oppression. For brine: 15 g of malt or 20 g of rye flour are stirred in water so that there are no lumps, brew with boiling water up to a liter, boil, stand, add 50 g of sugar and 15 g of salt. Pour the apples and leave at 10-15°C for 10-12 days, make sure that the apples are completely drowned in the liquid, top up if necessary. Then rearrange in a cold place, store until the next harvest.


Pickled apples are another type of apple preparation for the winter. Cut ripe apples without defects into 2-4 parts, remove the core. Peel off the rough skin, thin can be left. Blanch at 85°C for 5-7 minutes, pour over with cold water, arrange in jars as tightly as possible, add cloves, allspice, a piece of cinnamon. Pour marinade at the rate of 1 liter of water from blanching, 4 cups of sugar, 160 g of 9% vinegar. Sterilize and roll up.

Obviously, these recipes for harvesting apples for the winter are not exhausted. You can make wine or juice, and use the "waste" to make mashed potatoes or pie fillings, which are frozen in plastic containers. Significantly speeds up and simplifies the multicooker process. Any apple blanks will help preserve everything that nature has given us for health, benefits, savings, pleasure, and for holiday memories of summer!

There are a huge number of varieties of apples in the world, but one of the most beloved is, of course, Antonovka. Their delicate and delicate aroma cannot be confused with anything else. The main advantage of these apples is the preservation of all taste and smell while various types blanks. That is why housewives are so fond of preparing compotes from them for the winter, fermenting them and, of course, making jam. We have selected for you a lot of simple and very delicious recipes blanks for the winter from antonovka.

canned apples

For this blank, we need glass containers with a volume of 3 liters. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. After that, you can start preparing raw materials. We sort the apples, wash them. Qualitatively remove the core, and then cut into equal slices.

We transfer the resulting pieces into jars up to the very neck, after which we prepare a sweet syrup. One jar will require a glass of granulated sugar and 1.5 water. Pour hot syrup over apples. As soon as the containers have cooled, they must be boiled, and then sealed. Turn upside down. Cover with a thick cloth or blanket and let stand for a day. After that, we transfer to the basement or other cool place for storage.

Jam slices from Antonovka

Antonovka jam is no less tasty.

In order to prepare it, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • apples - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • purified water - 1 l;
  • salt - a couple of large spoons.


We wash the apples. We take off the skin. Thanks to this, the jam will turn out more tender. Also be sure to cut out the core. After that, cut the fruit into small slices. The fruits prepared in this way are placed in salt water for half an hour. This technique will help preserve the beautiful color of the fruit. Thanks to this pre-treatment, the apples will not darken. After such a manipulation, the apples should be thoroughly washed under running water.

Then you need to take a container in which the dessert will be cooked. Fruits are spread evenly in layers. Each of them is sprinkled with sugar. The mass is left to infuse until the fruits produce juice. Once this has happened, you can put the apples on the fire. As soon as the dessert boils, it must be turned off and left to infuse for 6 hours, after which the manipulations are repeated 3 more times. After that, the jam is ready and it can be closed for the winter.

Classic jam from Antonovka

If the household loves sweet pies and pies, you can make jam from Antonovka. It will make a great baking topping.

For classic recipe we need the following ingredients:

  • water - 300 ml;
  • antonovka - 4 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.


My apples, remove the middle and cut the fruit so that we get 8 equal slices. The resulting slices are transferred to a separate container and filled with water. We put the mass on a small fire and bring to a soft consistency. On average, this will take about half an hour. Cool the resulting composition, and then grind through a sieve or colander.

In order for the apple mass to acquire a thick state, it is necessary to introduce sugar, and then put the mass on fire and cook until the required density. The longer the jam cooks, the thicker it will be. On average, it will take us about 1.5 hours.

Pour the cooled jam into pre-prepared jars, and then cork with lids. Tasty, fragrant, healthy jam from Antonovka for the winter is ready. It can be used as delicious toppings for pancakes, pies, pies. You can also just serve it with tea.

When it comes to preparing apples for the winter, you can talk for hours, because there are a lot of recipes for various apple goodies that will be a great addition to a winter diet that is scarce in fresh fruits and vegetables. Consider a few delicious and simple variations on the theme of “apple preparations for the winter”.

Jams and preserves from apples for the winter

The classic option is to make jam - a delicious delicacy for all the sweet tooth.

  • There are hundreds of jam recipes. The basic recipe for the simplest jam - peeled and pitted apples are covered with sugar and boiled to the desired consistency.
  • For jam, the following proportions are used: per kilogram of apples - 180-200 grams of sugar.
  • In addition to apples, you can add, for example, lemons, walnuts and other goodies to the jam for taste and increase the usefulness.
  • Jam is cooked in the same way. The only thing is that the jam needs to be boiled down to a completely homogeneous consistency.

As a rule, at least twice as much sugar is used for jam (for sour apples - 1: 1) than for jam. To make the jam faster homogeneous, you can initially beat the apples with sugar with a blender.

Jam and marmalade from apples for the winter

Jam is prepared as follows:

  • Pour the peeled, sliced ​​apples with water so that the water does not cover the tops of the apples, and cook over low heat until they begin to fall apart (usually up to 10 minutes, depending on the variety and ripeness of the fruit).
  • Throw the apples in a colander.
  • Add sugar to the pulp (at the rate of 500 g per 1 kg of apples) and cook, stirring occasionally.
  • We continue to boil until it thickens.
  • Roll into sterilized jars.

It is best to use a thick bottomed saucepan to make jam. Then the likelihood of burning is minimal.

Marmalade is prepared in much the same way. The only thing when we cook apples in water is to put apple waste (peel and seeds) collected in a bag into the water, as they are a source of pectin, which contributes to a better hardening of marmalade.

To prepare marmalade, apples thrown into a colander are rubbed (through a sieve or in a blender) and then boiled.

Soaked apples for the winter

The taste, loved since childhood, is soaked apples. Small, white, with sourness - an overeating that delights the household on winter evenings.

The recipe for such a “grandmother's” delicacy:

  • At the bottom of the jar lay out the leaves of cherries and black currants.
  • Lay the apples in rows, shifting each row with leaves.
  • Fill with brine (for 5 liters of water - 200 grams of sugar, a tablespoon with a mountain of salt).
  • We cover with gauze, leave to ferment for several days.
  • When the foam settles, close the jars with nylon lids, take them out to the basement (to the cold).

After two months, apples can be eaten.

To prepare pickled apples, you need whole apples with tails. Choose green apples. An excellent option is Antonovka or Snezhny Kalvil.

Dried fruits from apples for the winter

Plus drying - any apples are suitable for it, up to hit, damaged by worms, small and nondescript.

Drying is prepared as follows: wash and peel apples, cut into oblong slices and dry. For drying, electric dryers are sold today. Working with them is a pleasure. We put apple slices in rows in special containers, turn on the dryer and it does all the work for you.

If there is no special dryer, you can dry the apples simply in the sun, for example, on a windowsill or in a conventional oven.

So that dried fruits do not acquire a reddish tint, but remain light in color, apple slices prepared for drying are moistened in a weak saline solution, which requires a liter of water and an incomplete teaspoon of salt.

Juices and compotes from apples for the winter

Having a juicer, making juice is a matter of minutes. Bring the squeezed juice to a boil, add sugar if necessary (the proportions depend on the sweetness of the apples) and roll it into sterilized jars.

A simple recipe for a delicious compote:

  • We lay out prepared apples (cut or whole) on a third of the jar.
  • Pour boiling water for 5-8 minutes.
  • Drain the water, add sugar to taste and bring to a boil.
  • Pour the apples with the resulting syrup.
  • Roll up.

Very soon, blanks from apples for the winter, for pies, jam, jams and marmalade will go. The berry season has departed, the moving of fruits from branches to houses, to balconies, to banks, cellars begins. It is good when there is an opportunity to store fresh apples for a long time. You go down to the basement in winter, and there is an apple smell, your head is spinning, you will definitely grab a few juicy, ripe ones and then you inhale the aroma of the sun and summer for a long time, pressing it to your cheek ruddy fruit. Store-bought ones don’t smell like that and don’t splash juice, they are tasteless, some kind of cotton. Therefore, we try to preserve this summer miracle, our homemade antonovka, white pours and peppins, in all sorts of accessible and sometimes inaccessible ways.

  • 1 Apple blanks for the winter, the best recipes
    • 1.1 Apple jam
    • 1.2 Apples in syrup
    • 1.3 Apple jam
    • 1.4 Pickled apples
    • 1.5 Soaked apples
    • 1.6 Homemade apple juice for the winter
    • 1.7 Homemade apple marshmallow

Apple blanks for the winter, the best recipes

Apple jam

Apple jam boiled in slices.


Apples 1 kg;

Sugar 1 kg.

Preparation: My apples, cut in half and cut out the core. Then we cut them into slices, as for drying. We put in a pan in layers, a layer of apple slices, a layer of sugar and so on. We cover the pan with a lid and leave to stand for a day so that the apples release their juice. Then we pour everything into a bowl for cooking, we do it carefully so that the slices do not break. Turn on the burner and bring the apples to a boil.

Let it simmer on low heat for no more than 5 minutes. Then leave to cool completely. We put the cooled apples on the stove again and repeat the whole process, only it is necessary to boil for 10 minutes. Let the jam cool down again. For the third time, bring to a boil and boil for as long as necessary. 5 minutes is enough to make the jam an amber-light color. 30 minutes to get a thick and dark jam.

Immediately lay out the jam in sterile jars and store at home.

Quick jam "Apple spas"


Apples 3 kg;

Sugar 2 kg;

Lemon 12 pieces.

Preparation: Wash the apples, cut out the middle and cut into 8 pieces. Pour in sugar and let it brew at a temperature of +18 degrees. Stir a few times to distribute the sugar evenly. After a day, put on fire, add lemon juice and boil for 7 to 10 minutes. The jam is ready, it remains to decompose into jars and lower it into the cellar.

Dessert apple jam.


Apples 1.5 kg;

Sugar 0.8 kg

Water 14 cups;

Cinnamon 1 stick.

Preparation: Wash the apples, peel and cut out the middle. Cut into small pieces, you can cubes. Pour out the water at the bottom of the pan and pour the chopped apples, put the cinnamon there and pour 600 grams of sugar. We put on a strong fire. So cook for 5 minutes, stirring all the time, until the syrup appears. Then reduce the heat and cook for another three minutes.

Remove the jam from the heat and wait until it cools down. Then again put on a slow temperature, add the remaining sugar and cook until tender. After spreading the jam in jars.

apples in syrup

Antonovka in sugar syrup.


Antonovka 3 pcs;

Sugar 150 gr;

Water 150 ml.

Preparation: We prepare sugar syrup, for this we pour sugar into a saucepan and pour water, put on fire. While the syrup boils, wash the apples and cut into 6 or 8 pieces. We lower the slices into the boiled syrup and cover with a lid. We cook 10 minutes. We shift the hot apples into a sterile jar and pour the syrup on top. You can store it at home in a closet or in the refrigerator.

Jam from apples

Easy recipe for apple jam.


Sweet apples 2 kg;

Sugar 1.5 kg.

Preparation: Wash apples, peel the skin and cores and cut into small pieces. We fill the pieces with two glasses of sugar and leave overnight to get the juice.

We put the pan with apples on the stove over medium heat, pour out the remaining sugar and let it boil. Then reduce the heat and cook for 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir so that the jam does not burn. Then we remove the jam from the fire, cover with a lid and send it to the oven for three hours. Sometimes you need to look under the lid and watch the jam.

A classic recipe for apple jam, a blank for pies.


Sour apples 2.5 kg;

Sugar 1.5 kg.

Preparation: Apples are peeled and seeds are cut, cut into slices and laid out on a baking sheet, put it in the oven, heated to 170 degrees, until they become soft. We take out the softened apple slices, crush them with a fork and rub through a sieve.

Put the mashed puree into a saucepan, add sugar and cook over high heat until tender, stirring constantly. When the jam darkens and lags behind the walls of the pan, then it is ready. We lay it out cooled in sterile jars.

Quick apple jam.


Sweet apples 1 kg;

Water 1 glass;

Sugar 400 gr.

Preparation: Peel the apples and take out the middle, cut into pieces, put in a saucepan. We put the pan on the fire, pour water and simmer for 20 minutes.

When the apples are well softened, rub them into a puree. We put on a gentle fire and fall asleep sugar. Cook constantly stirring the jam so that it does not burn. Each variety of apples takes its own time to thicken. When the jam is ready, let it cool and put it in jars.

pickled apples

Spicy Pickled Apples


Apples 1 kg;

Sugar 0.6 kg;

Apple cider vinegar 3 cups;

Cinnamon 2 sticks;

Ginger 1 tbsp. spoon;

Carnation 5 heads;

Preparation: We select the smallest, strongest and ripe apples, wash them well. Pour apple cider vinegar into the pan and pour out the sugar, put everything on the stove and heat until the sugar dissolves, put the apples in the same place.

Add all the spices to the pot and put on average temperature, cook until the apples are soft, you can check with a toothpick. After that, put the apples in sterile jars and pour the marinade up to the neck. Immediately roll up the lids and let cool. You can store pickled apples in the cellar or basement, in a month they will be ready.

Recipe for delicious pickled apples.


Wine vinegar 350 ml;

Water 300 ml;

Maple syrup 170 ml;

Spices cinnamon, star anise, cloves to taste;

Apples 1.5 kg.

Preparation: Pour vinegar and water into the pan, put the spices, pour the syrup and let it simmer for about 5 minutes. Cut the apples into circles, about a centimeter thick and put them in the marinade. We leave to cook until the apples become soft, then immediately put them in jars and pour the marinade to the top.

Video recipe for apple blanks

soaked apples

Soaked apples with honey.


Cherry, mint and currant leaves

Water 10 liters

Salt 150 gr

Rye flour 200 gr.

Preparation: At the bottom of the tub or pan, lay out a layer of currant leaves, then 2 layers of apples, a layer of cherry leaves, 2 layers of apples, a layer of mint and a layer of apples on top. We put currant and mint leaves, twigs and cherry leaves on top and cover with a wooden circle, put a load on top.

We heat the water a little and dissolve all the ingredients in it, let it cool and pour it under oppression. It must be constantly under water. In a month and a half, the apples will be ready. you need to keep them in a cool room.

Recipe for pickled apples with cabbage.


Apples medium 3 kg

Cabbage 2 fork

Carrot 3 pcs.

Salt 3 tbsp. spoons

Sugar 2 tbsp. spoons

Preparation: Finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, mix everything and add sugar and salt. Rub the chopped vegetables with your hands until the juice stands out. Put a thin layer of cabbage on the bottom of the container, then apples. Shift in such a way that the entire space is filled. The top layer should be from cabbage.

Tamp everything well and pour cabbage juice on top, cover with cabbage leaves and put oppression. Let the container stand at room temperature for two weeks, then it must be lowered into the cellar.

Homemade apple juice for the winter

Instant Apple Juice.


Sugar at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter jar.

Preparation: Wash apples, sort, cut off spoiled ones, cut out the middle and cut into pieces. Pass through a juicer and pour into a saucepan. We put the pan on a slow fire and heat it so that the foam rises, remove it with a slotted spoon. (on this foam you can make dough for delicious shortcakes).

We distinguish juice in jars, on the bottom of which we pour sugar, if liter cans, then one tablespoon, if two-liter, then two. We cover with sterile lids and lower them up to the shoulders into a pot of boiling water. We sterilize for 10 and 20 minutes, respectively.

Apple-carrot juice.


Apples 10 kg

Carrot 2.5 kg

Preparation: Peel apples and carrots and cut into pieces. Pass through a juicer. So that the foam does not get into the juice, we filter it through gauze folded four times. Now the juice should be allowed to boil for 10 minutes and immediately rolled up hot in sterile jars.

Homemade apple marshmallow

Pastila from apples with bananas.


Apples 300 gr

Bananas 1 pc.

Preparation: Wash apples and cut out the middle, no need to remove the peel. Peel the banana and cut into pieces. Blend everything in a blender until smooth.

We spread the resulting puree on the trays of the electric dryer greased with vegetable oil and turn it on for 12 hours. We take out the pallets, remove the finished marshmallow and roll it into tubes.

And finally, a video on how to dry apples in the oven.
