How to bake cottage cheese cupcakes - quick and tasty step by step recipes with photos. The most delicious cottage cheese cake in the oven

Fragrant and unrealistically tender cottage cheese cake, the recipe of which is suitable for cooking in the oven, is a wonderful occasion not only to get together with the whole family, but also to invite friends for a cup of freshly brewed tea. This homemade cake is so soft and tender that it literally melts in your mouth.

Undoubtedly, each hostess has in stock her own proven recipe for cottage cheese cake, thanks to which the delicacy always turns out to be perfect. I managed to achieve this not the first time - I speak frankly and honestly.

At first, I decided to cook cottage cheese muffins (12 pieces) according to this recipe, but I failed - half of the dough leaked out of the molds onto a baking sheet during baking. Conclusion: you need to put the dough in molds or a large baking dish no more than half. The fact is that it grows three times! That is, from such a number of products, you can safely bake at least 18 fluffy cupcakes.

Nevertheless, the cottage cheese muffins turned out to be amazing in taste, but also not very attractive in appearance - without high hats. Therefore, do not repeat my mistake, but choose the size of the baking dish. And besides, preparing this delicate and fragrant cupcake is not difficult at all and does not take long.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The cottage cheese cake recipe, which we will cook in the oven, includes the following ingredients: cottage cheese, wheat flour, butter, chicken eggs, granulated sugar, a pinch of vanillin, baking soda. By the way, if you wish, you can add citrus zest, a little aromatic alcohol, raisins or other dried fruits to the dough.

Since we will prepare the dough for the cottage cheese cake very quickly, we immediately turn on the oven to warm up (180 degrees). We break two chicken eggs into a suitable dish and pour 200 grams of sugar with a pinch of vanillin. The amount of sugar can be reduced if desired (by 50 grams), but in the opinion of my family, the pastries turned out to be not cloying and well balanced anyway.

Once again, beat everything a little and put the cottage cheese. Choose any fat content that suits you best. The main thing is that the cottage cheese is not pasty.

The dough is thick, but not very dense. We do not interfere for a long time - until the flour is moistened.

Pour the cake batter into a suitable baking dish. Most importantly - do not fill it more than half the volume! It is very important. The photo shows that there is more dough - then I set aside 3 tablespoons and baked 3 muffins (they, by the way, miraculously rose and turned out with high hats).

We bake a cottage cheese cake at 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes. If your oven is browning too much, cover the top of the cake with foil. We check the cake for readiness with a wooden skewer or a toothpick - pierce the pastries in the highest place. If the splinter comes out dry, the cottage cheese cake is ready.

Prepare delicious cottage cheese muffins for the weekend, and you will definitely remain full and satisfied! We look at family recipes with photos and videos.

50 min

375 kcal

5/5 (5)

Classic variant

Kitchen appliances

Choose the necessary utensils for making any kind of cottage cheese muffins in the oven: curly molds (silicone or, in extreme cases, paper) or one round silicone mold for baking muffins, several capacitive bowls from 500 to 1000 ml, table and tea spoons, spicy a knife, a small and medium grater, a sieve, measuring utensils or kitchen scales, several cotton or linen towels and a metal whisk. Also, using a mixer or blender, you can make it easier for yourself to knead the dough, so try to prepare this equipment as well.

You will need

Instead of flour, you can make a curd cake with semolina: to do this, measure the same amount of semolina instead of flour. If the dough ends up being too runny, add one tablespoon of flour.

Did you know? For a classic raisin curd cake, you will need cottage cheese in packs of at least 9% fat, since loose cottage cheese does not hold its shape well and will affect the structure of your product. Raisins also need to be chosen carefully: it is better if it is a large fleshy variety.

Your delicate pastry is ready! Standard Recipe suggests sprinkling it with powdered sugar only and serving immediately, but I would recommend mixing the powder with lemon zest and decorating the products in this way. Also, no one will forbid you to make chocolate icing: to do this, just warm up some melted chocolate and add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it.

See step by step recipe

Classic cottage cheese cake - what could be more appropriate for tea drinking? Attention to the family step by step video recipe.

Now that we have made the most common version of the cottage cheese cake, you can take on the second, no less famous.

Chocolate variant

Cooking time: 40 - 60 minutes.
Number of persons: 12 – 15.
Calories per 100 g: 450 - 550 kcal.

You will need

  • 270 g flour;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 10 g cocoa or ground chocolate;
  • 10 - 12 g baking powder;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 25 g vanilla sugar.

Not too fat and soft cottage cheese is best suited for a curd-chocolate cake, it is best to buy one in the market, and not in a store, in order to avoid acquiring stale components.

Cooking sequence

curd layer

Chocolate layer.

The dough should be semi-liquid and a shiny chocolate color. If you get too dense dough, add a little more butter and beat the mass at medium speed of the blender.


That's all! Now you know how to bake an amazing cottage cheese cake with chocolate and please your loved ones with delicate and tasty pastries without any problems with the preparations and the process. This type of cake just asks for decoration melted white chocolate and ground powder walnuts, however, you are free to choose what you like best and not even decorate the cupcake at all - it looks one hundred percent without it!

Pay attention to the video

Watch the details of making chocolate curd cake in the video below.

However, don't be distracted, we haven't tried yet another delicious version of the cottage cheese cake.

Variant with lemon

Cooking time: 40 - 55 minutes.
Number of persons: 10 – 15.
Calories per 100 g: 350 - 400 kcal.

You will need

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 50 g of softened raisins;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 1 medium lemon;
  • 5 g of soda.

For your lemon curd cake, choose lemons that can easily and quickly peel off the yellow upper layer- zest. Fruits with an excessively thick and fleshy skin and dense pulp are most likely not suitable for such a product.

Cooking sequence

Great! Our delicious Lemon Cheesecakes, made to the highest standards. simple recipe, completely ready - if it’s not difficult, post your reports with photos of finished products in the comments, I really want to see how they turned out for you! I ask because they came out just great for me the first time and never let me down later! As for decorations, it is best to sprinkle such cupcakes with powdered sugar or nut dust powder.

Watch the video recipe

Step-by-step preparation of delicious lemon cupcakes with cottage cheese - do not forget to watch the video.

It's time to move on to the most delicious fruit muffins, let's get back to the kitchen.

Banana variant

Ready! Let your delicious cupcakes cool a little and then dust them with powdered sugar or, even better, brush the surface of the products with a little condensed milk and strengthen the small decorations on top: I usually sprinkle curly (in the form of stars or hearts) confectionery powder. So your pastries will look very fun and festive, which your kids will love.

Don't skip the video

Make sure by watching the video that making delicious banana muffins with cottage cheese is very quick and easy.

I will not hide the fact that the preparation of such delicious cupcakes is possible without the use of oven: check out the recipes - cupcake in the microwave - as well as - Cupcake in a slow cooker - and a very simple - Cupcake recipe in a bread machine - these are ideal options for those who are always in a hurry and would like to reduce cooking time with modern technology. I also can’t help but tell you a wonderful recipe for cupcakes on other bases: in the first place is my favorite - Cupcake on kefir -, also very tasty - Cupcake on yogurt -. These are recipes that are really worth trying!

Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

Finally, I would like to ask you to leave comments and reports on the preparation of cottage cheese muffins, as well as your ideas for dough additives and decorations. Bon appetit!

In contact with

Cupcake is a sweet delicacy that won the hearts of many sweet tooth and not only. Recipes are very different. But today I want to tell you how to make a delicious cottage cheese cake.

Compared to other types of cakes, cottage cheese has a more pronounced taste and stays fresh longer.

The basis of this cake is curd cream. I also want to draw your attention to the fact that salt is not put in the dough for the cottage cheese cake, so as not to muffle the flavor of the cottage cheese.

If, nevertheless, salt is added to the dough, then the aroma of butter and eggs will be more pronounced. Therefore, the delicate aroma of curd cream will simply disappear.

The dough for cottage cheese cake is very easy to prepare.

But in order to somehow diversify the banal recipes for cottage cheese cake, I offer you several recipes improved by me with the addition of nuts, raisins, orange zest, etc.

I'm sure you and your family will love this delicacy.

How to Prepare the Ingredients for Cheesecake

So, to prepare a cottage cheese cake, the first step is to properly prepare the ingredients. It is worth paying attention to the quality of flour, and, of course, cottage cheese.

Flour should be taken only of the highest grade. In addition, it is recommended to sift through a full 3 times. Such an action will help the flour to be saturated with a large amount of oxygen, after which the baking will turn out not only tasty, but also magnificent.

As for cottage cheese, there are also some nuances. First, it must be fresh and not overheated.

And secondly, it must be crushed, that is, you need to pass it through a meat grinder or rub it through a sieve. By the way, cottage cheese can be prepared independently at home. But this is optional.

Recipe for a delicious classic cottage cheese cake

As mentioned above, a curd cake is being prepared in the oven, the recipes with photos of which we will consider in detail today. Let's start with a classic recipe.

To make the most delicious cottage cheese cake, you should purchase the following products in the store:

0.2 kg home cottage cheese; one stack. sah sand; 3 chickens eggs; one hundred grams of draining oil; two small lies. baking powder for dough; 0.2 kg millet. higher flour varieties; chips salt; whisper. vanillin; rast. lubricant oil. forms.

So, in order to bake delicious cupcakes in the oven, you should follow all the steps step by step and not miss any of the processes:

  1. In a deep container, I combine the eggs with granulated sugar and beat them a little by hand with a whisk. Then I add a pinch of salt.
  2. Butter must be melted in any way convenient for you, either in the microwave or on the stove. Then let it cool a little and pour it into the egg mass. Just make sure that the eggs do not curl, otherwise you will not be able to bake the cottage cheese cake. In principle, softened butter can also be added to the dough. But for this, you must first get it out of the refrigerator and put it in a warm place. After adding the oil, beat the resulting mass thoroughly with a whisk until smooth.
  3. Now we take cottage cheese. It must be ground through satiety or chopped in a blender. Then I add it to the egg-curd mass. I mix everything again.
  4. I take the flour of the highest grade and sift it several times through a fine sieve. Then I combine it with baking powder and vanilla. Then gradually add it to the dough and carefully stir the composition with a spoon. If the flour is not sifted, then the cottage cheese muffins will not be as lush as in the photo.
  5. The dough is ready. Now I carefully distribute it in forms and put the curd muffins to bake in the oven at 180 degrees.
  6. Cooking time - 30-40 minutes. But this is an approximate time. It all depends on the size of the molds. Therefore, the dough should be watched so that the cupcakes do not burn.

Our delicious cottage cheese cupcakes are ready. As you can see, this step-by-step cooking recipe is not complicated. And I am sure that every housewife will be able to bake such a delicacy for her family.

Original cottage cheese cake with raisins

I offer you another simple recipe for cooking with a photo of a cottage cheese cake, but with the addition of raisins.

We will need the following components in such proportions:

two stack. millet higher flour varieties; 0.25 kg of drain oil; 0.3 kg home cottage cheese; one stack. sah sand; 4 chicken eggs; one hundred grams of raisins; lemon; 3/4 tsp. l. soda; chips salt.

To prepare a cottage cheese cupcake, a recipe with a photo step by step which I will tell you, you should follow these steps:

  1. Pass cottage cheese through a meat grinder.
  2. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and prepare the zest.
  3. Pour boiling water over the raisins, and after 15 minutes drain the water and dry the raisins on a paper towel.
  4. Sift wheat flour through a sieve.
  5. In a bowl, combine the butter and sugar and beat these two ingredients until white.
  6. Then add eggs, zest, soda quenched with lemon juice, flour, raisins, cottage cheese and salt. Knead the dough thoroughly.
  7. Then we shift it into a large form, which must first be greased with oil and bake for 40 minutes in the oven.

Baking is ready. From above it can be sprinkled with powder or prepare fruit glaze. The recipe is quite simple and easy. But you will be satisfied with the result. Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese cake with zest

Cooking a cupcake with cottage cheese according to this recipe is a pleasure. In addition, you can cook as one large cupcake, or divide the dough into shapes and bake small curd cupcakes.

For the test you will need:

three chicken eggs; half stack. sah sand; 0.2 kg of drain oil; 0.3 kg of chopped cottage cheese; one stack. millet higher flour varieties; 150 gr. starch; one tables. lies. lemon juice; 1 small lies. orange peel; 50 gr. sah-oh powder; loose. for the test.

So, to prepare the dough, we do the following actions:

  1. I beat the eggs with granulated sugar until white.
  2. Then I add zest, baking powder, lemon juice with cottage cheese to the mass.
  3. Using a mixer at low speed, beat the combined ingredients in a bowl.
  4. Then I add flour, starch and oil. I mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Next, I take the forms for baking. You can make one large cottage cheese cake, or make small cupcakes. It all depends on your preferences.
  6. Bake cottage cheese muffins in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
  7. After the time has elapsed, we take out the finished cake and sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

This recipe is suitable for those who love pastries with sourness. After all, the zest and lemon juice will give the dough a citrus aroma and a sweet-sour taste. Therefore, cottage cheese muffins will be with some kind of surprise.

Recipe for curd-based cupcakes with cherry filling

As you can see, cupcake recipes are quite simple to prepare and do not take much time to cook. I would like to offer you another interesting recipe- cottage cheese muffins with cherry filling.

In principle, it is better to bake one large cupcake so that the filling is evenly distributed.

To prepare a cupcake, you should take the following products:

4 chicken eggs; 80 g drain oil; 3/4 stack. sah sand; 0.5 kg of sweet cheese mass or homemade. cottage cheese; 0.5 kg of semolina; half a bag of baking powder; zest from 1 lemon; 500 grams of fresh or frozen pitted cherries; 0.25 kg low-fat sour cream.

Cooking cupcakes with cottage cheese is very simple. The main thing is to follow my instructions:

  1. Proteins are separated from the yolks.
  2. Rub the yolks with butter and half of the granulated sugar. As soon as the mass becomes lush, immediately add semolina, cottage cheese, baking powder and lemon zest.
  3. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and gently fold into the mixture.
  4. Bake the dough at a moderate temperature until a golden crust appears.
  5. While the cake is baking in the oven, prepare the cherries. They must be pitted. In a separate bowl, combine cherries, sour cream and the remaining granulated sugar.
  6. When the dough is ready, pour the cherry-sour cream mixture over it and send it back to the oven, only you need to turn it off. It is enough to hold the cake for 7-10 minutes in a warm oven.

So simple and unusual recipe curd cake. Cherry lovers will definitely like it!

Recipe for fluffy cupcakes with cottage cheese and banana filling

Nothing tastes better than cottage cheese and banana. This perfect option baking. And I suggest you bake a cottage cheese cake with a banana. The recipe is very interesting, and most importantly, the cupcakes turn out very tasty.

For the test we need:

4 chicken eggs; 3/4 packs of drain oil; one stack. sah sand; 0.25 kg house. cottage cheese; 0.3 kg millet. higher flour varieties; one banana; one hundred grams of pitted raisins; 1 pack vanilla; loose.

Cooking steps:

  1. In a deep bowl, combine butter, sugar and vanilla and beat with a mixer. Then we introduce into the mass the eggs one by one and the cottage cheese, beat again.
  2. Add raisins and mix thoroughly.
  3. Combine the flour with the baking powder and add small portions to the dough.
  4. Banana mode on mugs.
  5. Pour the batter into the pan and place the banana slices on top. We send the cake to the oven for 40 minutes. Sprinkle the top of the cake with powdered sugar.
  • After cooking, cottage cheese muffins can be eaten immediately.
  • But it is better to leave them for a day, after wrapping them in foil. Thus, the whole cake will be saturated with curd aroma and taste.
  • So you can't go wrong if you make a cupcake a couple of days before the guests arrive.

I hope you liked my recipes and will help you learn how to cook cottage cheese muffins at home on your own. Good mood to all and, of course, bon appetit!

My video recipe

I suggest you bake - cottage cheese cake: the most delicious recipe in the oven, it always turns out with a bang, moderately moist, fluffy and soft. It rises well and doesn't fall off. To put an interesting taste, put: raisins, dried apricots, fresh berries or spices. This time I decided not to add anything, children just love to pour jam.

The cottage cheese cake recipe itself is very simple, you can see the whole process on step by step photos. The main thing is not to deviate from the proportions and you will succeed. I decided to cook in a large iron form, but you can bake them in portioned silicone molds, only the baking time will be much less.

Did you know that cottage cheese pastries are much tastier than regular ones? Therefore, if you don’t know where to put it, feel free to bake sweets, your family will definitely appreciate it! Well, if you only have kefir at hand, then cook like this

How to make cottage cheese cake

  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Butter (margarine) - 70 g.
  • Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Large eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Bite slaked soda - 1 tsp

Making dough

Put cottage cheese, sugar and pre-melted butter in a deep bowl or saucepan. Blend with an immersion blender into a smooth creamy mixture. If your cottage cheese is dry, then add 0.5 cups of milk or water.

Here we have such a homogeneous mass, there should be no granularity.

We beat the eggs, beat with a blender.

Then we add flour, all at once and take a teaspoon of soda without a slide and extinguish it with vinegar, immediately pour it onto the flour. Mix with a blender or whisk.

We should get such a thick dough, it will be hard to fall off a spoon.

Bake in the oven

We take a baking dish and cover it with baking paper greased with vegetable oil. Pour in the batter and smooth with a spoon. We bake in a preheated oven for 50 minutes at a temperature of 180C degrees. We check for readiness no earlier than 40 minutes, when the dough rises well. I needed to bake for 50 minutes and after that I left it to reach in the turned off oven for another 10 minutes.

We take out the pastries from the oven and let them cool for about 30 minutes. It is hard for children to wait for this moment.


This is the most delicious cottage cheese cake we have! You can pour your favorite jam, chocolate or condensed milk. Decorate with mint leaves. Bon appetit!

  • I used homemade and fat cottage cheese. I think you can use non-fat, because butter will be added to the dough. If it is too grainy and dry, then you can add milk or water.
  • If you do not have a blender, use a masher, and then rub well with a spoon.
  • The cupcake will turn out very fragrant if you add to it: lemon, orange or cinnamon zest.

So, cook your family cottage cheese cake in the oven according to the most delicious recipe.

Cottage cheese is a representative of tasty and healthy fermented milk products: by eating daily the minimum part of the curd mass in any form, the human body is provided with a daily dose of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal life. cottage cheese cake one of those dishes that has a great variety in production. If not everyone likes ordinary cottage cheese, for example, children are often capricious when cottage cheese is added to their diet because of its beneficial qualities, then the original dessert prepared by skillful hands in the form of a cupcake, the kids eat with pleasure. By the way: the ingredient does not lose its unique qualities after various treatments in the process of preparing your favorite dessert.

Cottage cheese cake with raisins is one of the most delicious desserts.

Cottage cheese cake with raisins one of classic options dessert. There are many people who do not like cottage cheese for individual reasons, such as the specific smell of the product. In the preparation methods proposed below, it is practically not felt in taste and smell. What is required for the plan:

  • 100 gr. previously prepared raisins;
  • 30 gr. brandy;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. ripper spoons;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of salt;
  • 250 gr. grated curd.
  • Pre-washed and dried raisins are transferred to porcelain dishes, it can be a deep cup, or a bowl, fill it with brandy and set aside for a while while other processes are performed.

    The butter is melted and added to the flour, just like the ripper, sugar and salt, mix everything thoroughly, achieving the absence of lumps. Adding cottage cheese and eggs to the resulting mass (preferably one at a time), mix until you get a homogeneous, resembling appearance sour cream consistency.

    The rest of the brandy is drained from the raisins and poured out to dry on a clean towel, after which they are also added to the mixture. I process the prepared forms with oil, and the dough is packaged in them in portions. Cottage cheese muffins in silicone molds are easily removed after baking, but other types of molds can be used: steel, covered with a special layer of anti-burn, with holes. After heating the oven to 170 degrees, the dough is placed for baking. It will take from 35 to 45 minutes of time, after which it is checked and removed. A well-baked dessert has a crispy crust.

    cottage cheese cake

    Cottage cheese cake with raisins

    Chocolate curd cake

    Curd cupcake with cherry

    Chocolate cupcake with curd filling

    Cottage cheese cake with semolina - a healthy dessert

    Cottage cheese cake with semolina is somewhat similar to a classic casserole, both in preparation and in appearance. This type of dessert is a great addition to tea and as a treat for children: it is healthy, nutritious and tasty. You will need the following ingredients:

    In the bowl where the batch will be made, chicken eggs are beaten, for this it is best to use a mixer, adding sour cream, cottage cheese, sugar, and then semolina. When mixing, you need to pay attention to the presence of lumps in the mass. The required amount of soda is pre-quenched with sour cream and added. The mixture will thicken better if left in the kitchen at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.

    Relief molds are the most suitable option for baking, they are greased and baked for about 50 minutes (temperature 250 gr.). The rosiness of the surface will tell you that the dessert is ready to be taken out of the oven.

    Chocolate cake just melts in your mouth

    Chocolate - cottage cheese cake is surprising in that, like other desserts made from cottage cheese like it, it for a long time retains its airiness and does not go stale, moreover, wrapped in foil after it is baked, the next day it is even tastier and more tender. The dessert got its chocolate taste because of the pleasant taste qualities that cocoa is endowed with, but to make the dish perfectly tasty, more ingredients will be required. It is not a shame to treat the children with such a dessert, and to provide a treat at a party.

    The butter is melted and set aside. Separately, eggs are beaten with sugar to the state of a soufflé, cottage cheese is added, oil is poured in. All this is thoroughly beaten until smooth, while adding cocoa, flour and a ripper. Curd muffins in silicone molds are well removed, they are baked for half an hour, at 170 degrees. After being taken out, the dessert cools down and moves to a place where it will await its fate.

    Simple cottage cheese cake - as easy as shelling pears

    For housewives who do not like to overwork, but who love sweet dishes for dessert, a simple cottage cheese cake is the very thing that can be prepared without unnecessary labor and products. All you need is:

    Separately, you will need powdered sugar (200 gr.) And fruit juice or syrup (5 tablespoons). This will be needed to whip the glaze, which will cover the surface of the treat. To know how to cook a cottage cheese cake in a special way, you need to try it initially on simple desserts, for example, like the dish described below.

    The cottage cheese should be very soft, so it can be made using a conventional meat grinder, grinding into a medium grid. Lemon juice is squeezed out in the usual way, and raisins are prepared: they must be thoroughly rinsed with hot water and dried with a clean piece of cloth. Flour needs to be sifted and this is actually, this is the end of the preparation.

    Oil and sugar are knocked down to the state of an air mass, eggs are added alternately, and the rest of the products, the soda must first be extinguished. It is not advisable to mix everything at once, but gradually adding the ingredients in turn.

    The dough must be well kneaded, excluding flour and sugar lumps, and then place the curd muffins in a mold, pre-oiled. Cottage cheese muffins are baked in the oven for about 40 minutes with a moderate baking temperature, and during this time the icing is whipped from juice and powdered sugar. A little later, the cupcakes are again placed in the oven to dry the glaze.

    Curd cake with cherries - a fabulous dessert

    Curd cake with cherries is easy to make, it is not only a tasty treat, it is also satisfying, kids and adults are delighted with it. Requires a minimum of products.

    Beat butter and sugar until soufflé, add eggs, constantly mixing the mass. Then, in turn, add the remaining ingredients, achieving uniformity of the dough mass. The preparation of cottage cheese muffins with cherries is completed by placing molds in the oven, heated to 180 degrees and baking for about 50 minutes in time. Readiness is checked with a wooden match, or a toothpick: if small crumbs do not remain on the surface, then the dessert can be considered ready.

    And with any, very tasty, for a change they can be changed periodically.

    Cottage cheese cake according to GOST, recipe

    Cottage cheese cake according to GOST is one of the classic options for this type of dessert recipe. What is required for this.

    You can use fillers in the form of raisins, lemon or orange zest, but this is not included in the GOST composition of the recipe. If somewhere in the weight of one of the ingredients a couple - three grams does not match, then the taste of the cake will not suffer from this trifle: the treat will be light, tasty and fragrant.

    Start beating butter and sugar until creamy. Next, cottage cheese, eggs, flour are added, and only then the ripper. Fillers in the form of raisins, zest and others are added last, carefully prepared (washed, dried). Packaged muffins with cottage cheese in molds are placed at a temperature of 170 degrees for 50 minutes in the oven. The delicate golden color of the pastry indicates that it can be taken out.

    Cupcakes with cottage cheese filling - an unusual taste

    Cupcakes with cottage cheese filling are baked a little differently than the dishes described above. As an option, you can use a recipe that uses curd mass and pitted cherries as a filler. The similarity of this dessert with small cheesecakes is admired by many: tasty and unusual. What will be required as ingredients for the test.

    Required to make the filling.

    • cottage cheese (150 gr.);
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of cream, you can sour cream;
    • two eggs;
    • a bag of vanilla sugar;
    • ¼ cup powdered sugar;
    • cherry fruits or jam, where the slices are well preserved (1/2 cup);
    • if the cottage cheese is liquid, you can use 1-2 tablespoons of semolina.

    Sifted flour is mixed with ripper and sugar. Oil is heated separately and then cooled. Eggs are beaten until smooth and all together: soufflé, flour, butter and ripper are mixed to a dough state, as in the preparation of cheesecakes.

    The filling is also prepared in a similar way: everything is carefully and thoroughly mixed. According to the baking technique, cupcakes are reminiscent of recipes for making pies and cheesecakes: the dough is divided into portions, stretched a little in shape, lifting the sides in places and putting the filling on top, decorate with a cherry. Such yummy is baked quickly - only 20-25 minutes, until the edges of the sides are browned. Do not take out the cupcakes right away - they will crumble, you need to let them cool completely.

    Diet cottage cheese muffins can be cooked for dinner

    What to do for those who strictly monitor their figure, control their weight, or for a number of reasons cannot afford ingredients with an increased number of calories. It is for such cases that the most right decision there will be diet curd muffins prepared from products that do not affect health and weight gain.

    Since the low calorie content of products is taken into account in the first place, you need to pay attention to the percentage of fat content in cottage cheese and other participants in the recipe. Well-known chefs shared a classic diet treat prepared at home, this will require:

    Milk needs to be warmed up a little and start mixing all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass resembling dough. It is advisable to leave the mixture for 15-25 minutes until the bran is completely swollen. The cake can be divided into several equal portions or baked as one. You need to heat the oven to 170 degrees and place the forms with the dough there. Sometimes fragments of dried fruits are added to the dough, they do not contribute to the growth of body weight and at the same time add taste. Diet muffins are baked for about 20 minutes.

    Cottage cheese cake in the microwave is very similar in baking, as in a conventional oven. In general, as in previous recipes, nothing complicated: you need cottage cheese 100 gr., 100 gr. sugar, 2 eggs, you can add 200 gr. semolina, honey and sour cream (both ingredients will require 2 tablespoons each), vanilla, salt. You can add a little coconut flakes, this will give a special taste and smell.

    The cooking procedure begins with the traditional grinding of sugar with eggs until a fluffy soufflé is obtained, after which all the ingredients are added along the way. To make the cottage cheese softer, you can grind it with a meat grinder, or mix it with a blender. The whole mass will resemble thick sour cream: it must be poured into molds.

    The microwave oven must be set to maximum power (approximately 900 W) and bake for up to 10 minutes. Since the manufacturers household appliances microwave ovens are made differently, baking time may vary, it all depends on the power of the appliance. And one more nuance: the molds in which you need to bake cupcakes should be either silicone or made of special refractory glass, but in no case should metal objects be used, this will lead to damage to the microwave oven.

