What is a project budget. Project financing includes four stages

The basis for the design is the terms of reference - a document that defines the tasks of studying the object and consists of three sections.

In section 1 "Purpose of work ..." should indicate:

the main purpose of the work, the location of the object (administrative and geographical), its boundaries and area in km 2.

Section 11 “Geodesic tasks…” specifies the geodetic tasks to be solved, indicates the main methods, stages and stages of work, volumes, experimental and methodological work, scale, work methodology and methods for interpreting the materials obtained.

The “Expected results…” section provides a list of the main reporting documentation and requirements for it: the scale of topographic maps and plans, the timing (beginning, completion) of the work, statements of processed results, statements of the accuracy of these data.

The geodetic task is signed by the chief geodesist of the party, approved by the head of the higher organization. The document is issued to the party before the start of the preparation of design estimates (DED). Fulfillment of the geodetic task of undertaking with the preparation of design and estimate documentation.

Particular attention to the preparation of work is paid to the provision of instruments, tools, materials for the entire range of planned work, and a detailed work schedule is drawn up for each detachment.

The calendar plan includes the annual scope of work, which includes design estimates, field, cameral, consultations, and examinations. If field work must continue for more than a year to complete the geodetic task, the calendar plan is approved only for the planned year. Depending on the content of the geodetic task, the following periods of its implementation can be distinguished.

1. Design and estimate period. For small design objects, it is advisable not to single them out on their own, but to include them as an integral part in the first stage together with field work. In accordance with the geodetic task, two deadlines are set: for the approval of design estimates and for the completion of field work.

2. Field period. Depending on the geodetic task, field work can be carried out in one or several stages. One stage provides if the work is performed on one site and in one period. If the work is planned at different (two or more) sites, and the deadlines for their completion are different, two or more stages should be distinguished.

3.Experimental-methodical and thematic work. They are planned in one or several stages, depending on the geodetic and organizational and technological content of the tasks to be solved.

4. Cameral period. It is provided, as a rule, as one stage. It includes operational analysis, processing and geodetic interpretation, consultations.

After the approval of the object calendar plan make technical projects. Design and estimate documentation (DED) consists of a project and an estimate. The project and execution of work must be carried out according to the schedule or calendar plan.

Table 6.1.1

Duration and terms of work

The project should be drawn up taking into account the complexity of subsoil protection and environment, safety requirements (TB) and industrial sanitation, set out in the current regulatory documents. In addition, safety measures specific to the designed work should be developed if they are not taken into account by the current standards. The estimated cost of these works is included in the overall estimate. The projects provide for the use of the most rational, progressive methods and technologies. The project should be extremely brief and contain only the information provided for by the instruction. The project, as a rule, does not include calculations, information and documents that do not affect the estimate cost of work, published materials are not cited. If necessary, make only appropriate references to them. The name of the project must correspond to the geodetic task and reflect the name of the object and the stage of work. The project is drawn up for the period necessary to complete the geodetic task. Depending on this period, projects are made for six months, a year, less often for a long period. Design and estimate documents are approved no later than one month before the start of field work. For small objects, the design phase is combined with field work. Objects with the beginning of field work in the first quarter are approved no later than December 31 of the previous year.

The project is checked and signed by the head of the organization responsible for its preparation, and approved by the customer. Prior to signing, the project is considered by the scientific and technical or technological council of the organization approving the project.

Annexes to the project are: documents coordination of the project with interested organizations; overview map of the work area; cartogram. After the approval of the object-by-object calendar plan, they draw up schemes for a planned-altitude justification; schemes for the transportation of goods and personnel; documents justifying the payment of various salary supplements; copies of contracts and design estimates for work performed by third parties.

The conditions for the production of work in the project are set out in the form of answers to the questions of the questionnaire ( type of work, scale, area, volume, relief and type of terrain, absolute marks, nature of soils, climate, hydrographic network, roads, terrain categories and difficulties, drinking and technical water supply, settlements, stations, availability of labor force, number and duration of field seasons).

Geological and geophysical knowledge reflect maps (schemes) of knowledge, geodetic provision of the area with the state network or substantiation points, accompanied by tables. The geodetic structure of the area illustrates geodetic or topographic maps (schemes) of the surface.

In the section "Methodology and scope of the designed work" the sequence and methodology of the work, the organization of radio communications are indicated.

When determining the terms of cameral work, the volume of physical observations is calculated, the complexity of processing on a computer and interpretation is estimated.

The list and content of reporting materials and separate documents are discussed when transferring objects for further work.

The project may justify the need for other types of work.

The section "Safety" provides a list of current instructions and directive documents, substantiates additional measures and indicates responsible persons.

The types and scope of work in the project are grouped into a single table.

The project is signed by the compilers indicating the position held.

After the approval of the project by the scientific and technical council, an estimate and financial calculation (estimate) is drawn up for the entire scope of geodetic work. When drawing up an addendum to the project, appropriate clarifications are made to the estimate. The updated estimate takes into account the work performed and paid for by the bank.

The estimate sent to the bank is made up of basic expenses, overheads and planned savings. The estimated cost of the main expenses is determined according to the norms of the Directories of Enlarged Estimated Norms (SUSN).

The estimated cost of work not provided for by the SUSN is determined on the basis of

on the basis of budget and financial calculations as approved by associations of temporary standards; in their absence, it is allowed to use local norms for the consumption of materials approved in the prescribed manner, and in the absence of the latter, the relevant current standards of other ministries and departments.

Design estimates for the entire scope of geodetic works must be drawn up and approved in accordance with the established procedure within three months from the date of commencement of work. If the cost of work changes during the approval of the design and estimate documentation, then a recalculation is made for the work performed.

The estimated cost of geodetic works for a completed geodetic assignment or its stage, presented for payment, is approved by the NTS of associations or commissions for the acceptance of materials based on reports on the work performed.

The beginning of the field period is the day when the first data are received.

Calculation of the cost of geodetic works.

The calculation of the cost of the volume of geodetic work consists of the following types of work:

Reconnaissance of survey substantiation points is a survey of two trigopoints close to the beginning or end of the profile, which is estimated at several thousand tenge. The cost of reconnaissance of one trigopoint is 1308 t. tenge, and including VAT, is 12%; (1308х2)=2616 (t.tg.).

The cost of the planned-altitude reference, which is calculated in kilometers, is 11.338 thousand tenge. 11.338 x3.2=36281.6 (t.tg.)

The result is:

(2.616+36281.6)х0.12=4667.7 (t.tg.)

38897.6+4667.7 =43565.3 (t.tg.)

The calculation of the cost of splitting one profile into pickets is carried out as follows:

The cost of one profile mileage is 23.125 tons, including 12% VAT. geodetic works is:


23125+2775=25900 (t)

Taking into account the fact that the mileage of the profile on the area is 28.5 km, the volume will be:


The total cost of geodetic works on the profile is:

738150+43565.3 =781715.3 tenge.

Calculation of basic expenses. The main costs of geodetic work include the cost of fuel and lubricants, the cost of materials, depreciation, etc.

Table 5 - List of materials used

The total cost of all materials is:

Сm=10*500+1*264+5*3 750+45*600=51 014 (tenge)

Cm=51 014 (tenge)

Payroll preparation. The salary is shown in table 11. Based on the data in table 11, we have the amount of wages received by the party for one cycle of work:

Table 6 - Main performers of field work and salary

Σ3P=90,000+75,000+80,000+60,000=305,000 (tenge)

Σ3P=305 000 (tenge)

Calculation of the amount of depreciation. The cost of the equipment that the geodetic party is equipped with is shown in Table 12. It is 1,441,531 (tenge).

Table 7 - Name of devices

Because the depreciation rate is 3%, then the depreciation deductions are:

A basic f. = 1441531x0.03=43245.93 (tenge)

Calculation of fuel costs. Because the road from the location of the field party (base) to the profile is 35 km, then the path of the car is 70 km. But since the breakdown of the profile is carried out with the constant movement of the car, the total mileage of the car per day of work is 200 km. Work is carried out on a Gaz-66 car, where gasoline consumption is 35 liters per 100 km.

These are the costs of fuel and lubricants for one trip, and for the field cycle of work:

With gsm =3640х20=72 800 (tenge)

Determining the amount of overheads and planned savings. First of all, we determine the amount of direct costs, it is the amount:

ΣP3 \u003d Σ3P + S m + C gsm + A main.f. (9)

ΣP3=305,000+51,014+72,800+43,245.93=472,059.93 (tenge)

ΣP3=472,059.93 (tenge)

Definition of overhead costs. Overhead costs are 15% of the direct costs of geodetic work, i.e.

HP=472,059.93х15%/100=70808.9895 (tenge)

Definition of planned savings. Planned savings are 20% of the sum of direct costs and overheads, i.e.

PN=(472,059.93+70808.9895)*20%/100=108573.7839 (tenge)

The calculation of the estimated cost of work is determined by the formula:

C \u003d ΣP3 + NR + PN (10)

С=472 059.93+70808.9895+108573.7839=651442.7034 (tenge)

Balance sheet profit is the difference between the amount of work in monetary terms and the estimated cost.

P b \u003d 781715.3 -651442.7034 \u003d 130272.6 (tenge)

Net profit is 70% of book profit, i.e.

P h \u003d 130272.6 x70% / 100 \u003d 91190.8 (tenge)

When calculating profitability, i.e. the ratio of book profit to the estimated cost, the formula is applied:

P \u003d P b / C * 100% (11)

Р=130272.6 /651442.7034х100%=20%

Calculation of economic efficiency. The calculation of economic efficiency is calculated as follows: the introduction of the application of a new more modern technology, when carrying out topographic and geodetic works.

Table 8 - Cost of equipment

TO basic technique include an electronic total station and a level, with a total cost of 1,154,650 tenge. The new technology includes an electronic total station worth 1,153,200.

The calculations use a single normative coefficient of economic efficiency of capital investments, equal to 0.15 = E n. The calculation of the annual economic effect from the use of new technologies that ensure the saving of production resources when performing geodetic work is carried out according to the formula:

E \u003d (Z 1 - Z 2) × A 2, (12)

Where E is the annual economic effect, tenge; Z 1 and Z 2 - the reduced costs of a unit of work produced, respectively, with the use of basic and new equipment, tenge; And 2 - the annual volume, made with the use of new technology in the billing year.

Z 1 \u003d C 1 + E n × K 1 (13)

Z 1 \u003d 1,154,650 + 0.15 × 340,000 \u003d 1,205,650 (tenge)

Z 2 \u003d C 2 + E n × K 2 (14)

Z 2 \u003d 1,153,200 + 0.15 × 330,000 \u003d 1,202,700 (tenge)

Thus, the annual economic effect is determined by:

E \u003d (1 205650 - 1 202 700) × 200 \u003d 590 000 (tenge

Technical and economic indicators

The name of indicators

Unit measurements

Scope of geodetic works

Full cost of geodetic works

Cost of 1 point

Salary fund



Economic efficiency

Drawing up estimates for design and survey work (PIR) can be attributed to one of the specific types of estimates. The cost of design work is calculated not according to collections of unit prices, which include TERs, FERs, and not even according to elemental prices (HESNs), i.e. in a sense, they stand apart from general construction, commissioning, repair and other works, estimates for which are developed on the basis of the listed collections. Estimated calculations for design and survey work, as a rule, are calculated according to reference books of basic prices (CBC) developed for each sector of the economy: gas, utilities, metallurgical, machine-building, etc. When calculating the cost of estimates for design and survey works according to CBC collections, estimators usually use the formula: (A + B * X) * K, in which the indicators A and B are the fixed standards indicated for each type of design work, the value X is the main quantitative indicator of the design (km, pieces and other units of dimension), K are the conversion factors of the base the cost of design work in the prices of the current period, taking into account possible adjustments. Consider a sample estimate for design and survey work, developed on the basis of a price guide for design work for utility and engineering networks and facilities with the transfer from the current prices of the 2nd quarter of 2013 in the Krasnodar Territory.

No. pp Types of work on enterprises, buildings or infrastructure facilities Part numbers, chapters or tables indicating percentages and indicators for sections of the CBC for design work Cost formula: PIR PIR cost, thousand rubles
1 2 3 4 5
1 Outdoor lighting of streets with a length of over 1000 to 3000 linear meters. SBC (collection) for the design of utility engineering networks and structures, ed. 2012 Table 2. Outdoor lighting on streets, driveways, squares, highways, parks, squares, boulevards, etc. A = 75.97 thousand rubles, B = 0.013 thousand rubles. Quantitative indicator for design work Х=1750 l.m. Coefficient (Ktc) of conversion to prices 2 sq. m. 2013 Kts = 3.6 (index for the II quarter of 2013 to 01/01/2001). Coefficient reflecting the share of working documentation in the total cost of design work Krd = 0.6 Availability of a tram contact network in accordance with paragraph 2.2.7 of the CBC for the design of engineering communications, the coefficient K = 1.05 is applied (A + B * X) * Ktz * Krd * K (75.97 + 0.013 * 1750) * 3.6 * 0.6 * 1.05 223.897
2 Cable lines with intervals over 500 m to 1000 m CBC for design work for utility networks, buildings and structures edition 2012 Table 17. Cable street and quarterly power networks A = 8.265 thousand rubles, B = 0.041 thousand rubles The main indicator for calculating the cost of design work X = 570 m. The coefficient of conversion to current prices 2 sq. m. 2013 Ctc = 3.6 - index for the II quarter of 2013 to the base 01/01/2001) Coefficient of the relative share of working documentation in the design cost Kd = 0.6 (A + B * X) * Kts * Krd (8.265 + 0.041 * 570) * 3.6 * 0.6 68.332

The calculation of the cost of design work in the example is carried out according to the CBC - the official publication of the Ministry of Regional Development, included in the register of generally accepted estimated standards. In addition to this there is whole line other industry compilations, which in one case or another can be used to draw up estimates for design and survey works. Among these collections are the SBC "Energy Facilities", which includes a methodology for determining the price of design work, a table of prices for the base year and specific costs for the development of design documentation (working documentation) by type of construction and installation work related to the power facility. A sample estimate compiled according to the collection "Energy Facilities":

No. pp Types of construction work on buildings and infrastructure facilities Part numbers, tables indicating indicators and percentages for sections of the SBC "Energy Facilities" for design work The formula for calculating prices for design and survey work according to the formula a + b * x or as a percentage of the cost of construction and installation works Cost of design and survey work in basic prices, thousand rubles
1 2 3 4 5
1 VL from 0.4 to 20 kV with the cost of construction in the prices of the base year: up to 3 million rubles. SBC for the design of energy facilities. Table 11. Determination of base prices for design work in% of the cost of construction and installation work for the installation of power transmission lines (0.4-20 kV) For intensive old development, a correction factor is applied K = 1.2 (Note 4) K = 0.2 - distribution of the cost of R&D according to Table 14 of the SBC OE 75*2.4 *1.2*0.2 43.2

In these examples of budgeting for design work, the cost of construction of energy and other facilities was indicated in the initial data. Meanwhile, construction costs complex objects The SMP is not always known in advance or is controversial. In this case, instead of calculating the cost of building energy facilities, you can use aggregated indicators of their cost, taken from special collections. A sample calculation of estimates for design work using this methodology demonstrates the need to transfer the basic cost of work to the current one in two steps: first, the cost of construction and installation works is transferred from 2000 to 2001, and then the design is transferred to the current period.

Explanations for estimates.

When considering estimates for design and survey work, fragments of which are placed in the text, are compiled on the basis of prices from several collections, only some of which are available in the register of commonly used estimate standards. Collections not included in the register are practically not used in the preparation of estimates for design work in the FER, but are quite often used to develop estimates for design and survey work. alternative ways, which can more accurately take into account the specific conditions and features of the design and survey work.

Commercial buildings Trade MFC Administrative Industrial Warehouse MFC Residential development


Defective statement, estimate, photographic fixation of the object
Design cost calculation
The cost of design work for the main sections
from 10 999 m2, Vstr=31 892 m3
simple for examination
Settlement and explanatory note for the estimate0 0
Determining the scope of work from the specifications available in the project0 0
1. Columns, pilasters0 0
2. Walls0 0
3. Partitions0 0
4. Bearing elements of the coating0 0
5. Foundation0 0
6. Roof0 0
7. Floors0 0
8. Power supply system0 0
9. Water supply system0 0
10. Drainage system0 0
11. Heating ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks0 0
12. Communication networks0 0
13. Gas supply0 0
14. Drawing up estimates for repair and restoration work. TER, FER, MRR (on the instructions of the Customer)0 0

*Minimum order 42,250 rubles.
  • The estimate is a document for calculating the upcoming costs of the project. The estimate is signed according to the items of expenditure: the cost of building materials, wages, taxes, household expenses, and so on.
Drawing up estimates price from 12 250 rubles.

The cost of services depends on a number of factors, including great importance has the complexity of the work performed and their volume. Also, the total estimated cost, the form of the documentation being compiled is taken into account. Services are provided to verify previously compiled estimates, the process can be accelerated by the presence of a statement of the calculation of the volume of work or a defective statement.

Features of the provision of services

The complexity of the work is difficult to determine in advance, so the price for the preparation of estimates is formed during negotiations. An individual approach is taken to each client, each object has unique features, it is necessary to determine the need for certain structures, drawing up documents in additional to the main forms. The consultation is carried out by specialists who have extensive knowledge in this survey, significant experience in the field of design.

Preparation of budget documentation

Construction work cannot be started without an estimate; it is necessary to take into account all future expenses and income in advance. The preparation of estimate documentation implies the presence of certain initial data. For capital construction and reconstruction, project documentation is required, for repair work - a defective statement with a list of all necessary work.

Cost and terms of preparation

The price of the service can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the required operations and the total cost of future construction. The timing of the estimate is also individual, but in most cases it is a week from the date of submission of the initial data. All questions and points of contention are discussed during a preliminary consultation with the customer, the final cost may differ from the standard rates.


The estimated cost required for construction or repair is the basis for calculating the amount of capital investments. It is taken into account when financing construction, developing the price of construction products, in calculations for the implementation of design, construction and installation, repair work, as well as the cost of new equipment.

Estimates are made to determine the necessary financing of capital construction: new construction of facilities, major repairs, restoration of architectural monuments, as well as reconstruction and strengthening of construction projects.

Drawing up estimates is a prerequisite for the start of work at a construction site and the basis for determining their cost. Estimates are prepared for bidding (tender), for draft and working designs. Professional specialists are involved in the preparation of estimates - estimators who are well versed in the technology of work.

Estimated documentation is made up of local estimates (primary document), object, summary calculations and estimates for determining the cost of construction (reconstruction, repair). Also take into account the calculations of estimates for individual types of costs, summaries of costs and other calculations.

Local estimates are made for each type of costs and work on the facility, based on the volumes that have developed during the preparation of the working documentation. Local calculations are performed in cases where the scope of work and costs are finally established, in the process of conducting work.

Object estimates summarize the results of local calculations and estimates and are the basis for the formation of contractual prices for construction and repair. Object calculations bring together the data of local calculations and estimates.

Calculations of estimates for the costs of certain types determine the limit of funds for reimbursement of costs not taken into account by the standards of estimates.

Summary calculations of prices for the construction, repair or reconstruction of buildings and structures determine the estimated limit of funds needed for the full completion of construction work, serve as the basis for the start of financing construction or reconstruction. The estimated summary calculation combines the results of all object estimates and calculations without amounts for costs for individual types and for limited costs.

Design and estimate documentation

Design and estimate documentation - a list of documents containing design solutions construction of an object with a detailed description of the necessary work.

The list and content of design and estimate documentation for facilities under construction depends on the standards, instructions determined by the project and the list of developed estimates.

The fundamental norms are established by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, which specifies all aspects of creating design estimates for the construction of objects under construction, repaired or reconstructed. The created project consists of two obligatory parts: text and graphic.

Design and estimate documentation is a list of documents required by contractors throughout the entire construction cycle. It is necessary during the reconstruction, carrying out works on overhaul, where the initial stage is the development, the coordination and the final stage of the examination.

Documents are developed during the design of: buildings, structures and structures The fundamental document between the customer and the contractor (contractor) is a construction contract, which specifies in detail the scope of work performed and additional features indicating the list of works. The final contract contains references to separate documents, which stipulate the procedure for carrying out work, the responsibility of the parties for violation of the clauses of the contract.

It is especially worth considering that the contractor is obliged to carry out construction strictly observing the norms of the current legislation.

The design estimate serves as the basis for determining the size Money required for construction or repair work.

Proper budgeting allows you to plan your budget. When performing estimates for design work, it is necessary to study the main provisions of the collection used.

Estimates for design work are made using the collection of CBC (base prices).

Until now, CBC collections serve as the basis for calculating the cost of design work. The ability to combine coefficients helps to evaluate almost all types of design work used and divide the cost of producing documentation: design and work.

Drawing up estimates for electrical work

Any type of work should begin with planning finances and time for their implementation, and electrical work is no exception.

This is necessary so that the customer understands exactly what work will take place and how much they cost, and the contractor knows the exact deadlines for which he needs to meet, and sees the list of materials that will be provided to him. If the views of the customer and the contractor do not coincide, then they can come to a common decision even at the stage of the project and the preparation of estimates for electrical work, that is, before the work itself begins.

Estimates should be drawn up by experienced professionals with some knowledge in electrical installation. Only such people will be able to competently and accurately compose an understandable document, justify its points and take into account many seemingly insignificant features that can significantly affect the final amount.

When drawing up estimates for electrical work, the estimator must be present at the facility itself in order to know exactly all the conditions in which the work will take place and make adjustments to the document. The final version of the estimate is signed by representatives of the customer and the contractor, agreeing with all the prescribed conditions and prices. After that, the work will go strictly according to the plan, for avoiding which fines and penalties are possible.

At the same time, all materials used and options for their replacement must be clearly spelled out in the estimate. The contractor is not allowed to take any replacement, and the customer should not demand to use only cheap materials in order to save money. Despite the fact that when drawing up estimates for electrical work, the estimator tries to minimize financial costs, first of all, he proceeds from safety considerations during further use.

Budgeting is a complex task that needs to be solved individually. Its outcome depends on many inconspicuous details that only an experienced professional pays attention to. You should not try to save on this phase of construction, so as not to lose much more after.

Preparation of budgets for the project

It is very important for any customers of the project to receive the most complete and detailed report on all subsequent expenditures of both finances and time.

The Contractor, on the other hand, needs to adhere to a clear work plan in order to understand when they are expected to deliver results, and to stick to the schedule. In addition, it is better for the latter to always remember what materials they can use so as not to displease the customer.

In order for the parties to come to a final decision, it is necessary to draw up estimates for the project. This is the final document that will draw the final line under all the negotiations. The estimate indicates the amount of work performed, their cost, the necessary materials, as well as the total amount of workers' salaries and the amount for unforeseen expenses. These include expenses related to someone's health.

Thanks to a well-compiled estimate, the customer will be able to easily follow the work on the site, its progress and honesty in execution, even without really understanding construction. Also, the estimate helps to plan in advance some amounts of money until the very end of construction. After that, the customer can start looking for investors or sponsors by advertising the product.

Project budgeting cannot be left to just anyone. This is an important component of any project and must be completed on time and with skillful hands. After a complete check of the estimate, the document is signed by representatives of the performers and the customer, as well as the estimator himself.

Individual budgeting allows you to easily plan the construction from start to finish. You only need to know what exactly you are paying money for at the moment, what has already been created, and what is in the pipeline.

Preparation of estimates according to drawings

Estimated documentation is one of the key documents in the design of any building.

This document includes all the costs associated with the construction, it is on its basis that the further search for funding, cost allocation, planning and analysis takes place. Drawing up estimates according to the drawings should be carried out by a qualified estimator who knows how to “read the drawings”. This knowledge will help him create the most complete and clear picture of future costs that will satisfy the customer.

The estimated cost should consist of several parts: direct costs (the cost of materials, wages to builders), overhead costs (these are the costs of organizing and maintaining the construction site) and estimated profit (taxes, the cost of creating infrastructure). All this must be taken into account when drawing up estimates according to the drawings. The document should be handled by specially trained professionals who are directly related to construction work. After their assessment, the estimate is signed by the representative of the customer and the contractor or his representative.

Some estimators prefer to deal only with the drawings themselves, without stopping by construction sites. Others, on the contrary, are more likely to visit the facility itself in order to see with their own eyes the scope of work and the cost of the materials used. Undoubtedly, both points are important, as they allow you to take into account absolutely all the nuances, but you need to remember that without good drawing parsing skills, it will be quite difficult to make a correct estimate. The ability to "read blueprints" is far from all that a professional should be able to do. Without data on the materials used, the amount of work carried out and many other factors, drawing up an estimate according to the drawings will be incomplete and unnecessarily superficial.

Drawing up an estimate is an extremely difficult, rather complicated and purely individual matter, because it is necessary to take into account all sorts of nuances and subtleties, from the cost of materials to the subsequent costs of maintaining the building.

The cost of drawing up budget documentation

The cost of manufacturing estimates is determined based on the volume and complexity of the work. The cost of performing estimates on average is up to 1.5% of the total cost.

Estimating is possible in the form of a single order or a long-term estimate service. The price of one-time orders is determined from the average sum of the total price of the estimate and the quantity, estimated period.

To determine the cost of services for the production of estimate documentation, the labor intensity of the work of a specialist estimator is taken into account. This definition includes the need to visit the facility, the amount of documentation provided, as well as the estimated time frame for the performance of estimates.

Make an estimate

Before drawing up the estimate, the regulatory framework is determined, based on which the estimate will be implemented.

The standards are approved by the state, adjusted for each region. In particular, this is due to the difference in costs due to the geographical location of the object, the climate on the ground, etc. The preliminary cost of construction is calculated at the pre-project stage.

When compiling such an estimate, they specifically use aggregated indicators, or they refer to indicators of a similar object. More accurate calculations occur during the preparation of the project. The drawings are the basis for the development of a consolidated estimate. A complete estimate can be made by making local and object calculations for each type of cost. The cost is considered by types of work, grouped by the elements of the object. In addition, each type of work is calculated separately and adjusted if necessary. A separate element in the preparation of estimates is overhead costs. Labor remuneration, commissioning work, payment for the maintenance of personnel at the facility are just some of the elements. Estimates are compiled on the basis of state or sectoral current regulations.

prices for budgeting - design, survey, construction, repair and finishing works

Prices and discounts

*Minimum order 5000 rubles without VAT.

The project estimate is essential for the success of any project, since already at the initial stage it allows you to assess its prospects, as well as determine the main strategies and directions for its implementation. Not surprisingly, good project budgeting is often the key to project success.

The project estimate is a document where all the costs of work, materials and other expenses are calculated and set out in detail, i.e. for the implementation of a specific design. This document must eventually be approved by the customer, but up to this point, the preparation of estimates for design work goes through several stages:

  • preparatory;
  • pre-project;
  • design;
  • final.

Drawing up project estimates at the preparatory stage consists in determining those norms, standards, coefficients, etc., which will be used in this process. True, even earlier it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the customer, in which the so-called terms of reference will be given to the specialists of the estimate business, i.e. everything that needs to be done is described. In addition, at the preparatory stage, it is important to obtain from the customer all the information necessary for the estimate. It is very important for the design that this information is not only as complete as possible, but also reliable. Inaccurate information obtained at this stage can have an extremely negative impact in the future and distort the entire estimate in the end. Therefore, at this stage, as well as at subsequent ones, one should be guided by the principle of “trust - but verify”, and, if possible, use alternative sources of information, as well as carry out actions aimed at verifying it, for example, additional survey work, etc. . By the way, since the cost of these works and other similar events is also included in the estimate, all this must be agreed with the customer.

The essence of the pre-project stage is the preparation of an integrated estimate for the entire range of works, which includes survey work, design work, assessment work, etc. The consolidated estimate involves the use of the largest and most generalized indicators without detailing them, so this estimate is quite approximate. To make it as realistic as possible, indicators of similar projects already implemented earlier can be used. The main purpose of a cost estimate is to give the customer a general idea of ​​their future costs for the project, and to understand whether it is worth it to carry out the project. Therefore, there are cases when things do not go beyond the consolidated estimate. If the customer is satisfied with the amount of expenses that is shown in the consolidated estimate, then you can proceed to the next - the actual design stage.

At the design stage, a basic estimate is drawn up. It is at this stage that all accurate and detailed calculations are carried out for each type of work, while focusing on design drawings. In this case, it is worth considering all possible complexities and nuances. To do this, work should begin with the preparation of local estimates for each individual type of work. The local estimate is called so because it contains the calculation of the costs for a certain type of work in any local section of the project. We can say that this is the estimate of the lowest level. In local estimates, everything should be carefully calculated and as detailed as possible, since they will serve as the basis for object estimates, which will contain information on the cost of all work carried out at each individual facility, for example, on the construction of a workshop, equipment of utility rooms, etc. We can say that this is an estimate of the average level. In turn, object estimates will become constituent parts summary estimate, which will include object estimates and local ones (as part of object estimates). Thus, the summary estimate, which is a kind of complex of smaller estimates, is an estimate of the upper level.

At the final stage, the estimate is verified, taking into account all the nuances and, possibly, changed circumstances, prices, features of the work, the project itself, etc. Here it is advisable to involve specialists who are not involved in the preparation of the estimate, since it is easier to notice various shortcomings and shortcomings from the outside. After the estimate is verified, it is agreed with the customer and certified by him. By the way, he can also involve his specialists to check the estimate.

The preparation of project estimates must meet certain requirements.

Requirements for the preparation of project estimates

  • the project estimate should not contradict the legislation of Russia, as well as regional, municipal, industry and other regulations, standards, rules and regulations;
  • in the project estimate there should be no contradictions with the main project contract;
  • the project estimate should be drawn up in such a way as to ensure the most favorable treatment for the fulfillment of obligations assumed by the parties to the contract and project participants;
  • the amount of the estimate should not be underestimated, because in this case the customer will receive false information that will mislead him about the total amount of his expenses for the project, which means that he will not be able to accurately compare it with his financial capabilities. This state of affairs can lead to extremely negative consequences. An underestimation of the estimated amount of expenses may also lead to the fact that the contractor refuses to perform these works, since he considers that he will not be able to receive an acceptable profit for him in such a situation;
  • the amount of the estimate should not be overestimated, as this may lead to a refusal to implement the project on the part of the customer, who may consider that the costs of the project exceed his financial capabilities, or this project cannot be beneficial for him in this situation. If the overestimated estimate does not affect the customer's decision to implement the project, then this will still negatively affect him, since he will incur additional costs. It is beneficial to overestimate only contractors and suppliers who can receive unjust enrichment;
  • the final version of the estimate must be agreed with and certified by all interested parties.

Thus, the project estimate is a very important document that will allow the customer (owner) of the project, contractors, suppliers and other participants to assess its feasibility and profitability for themselves. In the case when one of the project participants is dissatisfied with certain indicators of the estimate, it is possible, by agreement with the other parties, to change some of its parameters in one direction or another so that it suits everyone. At the same time, it is important that the estimate be as accurate, detailed and balanced as possible, only then will it be able to satisfy all stakeholders of the project. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up such an estimate, taking into account all the nuances that can be found on


Budgeting for project The actual work consists of several stages: all types of work, the necessary materials and their quantity, the cost of building and finishing materials, the calculation of the cost of all types of work, and the adjustment of the estimate.

Design and estimate documentation includes: local estimates for certain types works for each task and structure, for general site works; object estimates - summary estimates for each object, in which enlarged and generalized indicators should be given; summary, which defines the construction, taking into account those costs that cannot be taken into account in accordance with the estimated standards - surcharges, compensation for the withdrawal of land for development.

When drawing up an estimate, do not forget to take into account all types of work, including those that will be entrusted to third-party specialists. Calculate the cost of work and the cost of work in this case at the average cost so that the adjusted estimate does not double.

Before drawing up an estimate, be sure to inspect the object and the place of construction work. In this case, it will be easier for you to take into account all the additional ones, for example, to strengthen the foundation or roof. Consider shipping costs and put in estimate funds that will be spent on the removal of construction waste. Reflect in the estimate the factor of the seasonal rise in the cost of construction work and materials.

Try to take into account all materials and work when drawing up an estimate, the more accurate your calculation is, the higher your customer will appreciate professional quality. Remember to set aside some for contingencies, usually 10%. This backlog will help ensure the continuity of construction and the fulfillment by the builders of all their obligations.

If the cost to the customer project but it seems too large, tell him what it is possible to use, what materials can be replaced without compromising the quality, strength and durability of the object.

Estimates in construction are compiled in stages for specific types of costs and work. At the same time, the calculations are of a generalizing nature with the calculation of the total cost of the project. Not being absolute, the estimate during the construction process can be refined and detailed.


Before making estimates in, the regulatory framework, based on which the estimate will be carried out. It can be both state standards and individual ones. For the correct preparation of estimates, it is necessary to find out for which area it will be carried out. This applies to the difference in costs due to climate, geographical location. It is necessary to determine the applied coefficients for the uniform rates of the local estimate.

At the pre-design stage, preliminary construction is necessary. When drawing up such an estimate, due to the lack of a project, extremely aggregated indicators are used, such as, for example, hectares, cubic and square meters. It is also possible to use indicators of similar objects.

At the design stage, the estimate, having an enlarged view, requires more accurate calculations. Based on the design drawings, it is necessary to develop a consolidated estimate of the entire construction. And to draw up a complete estimate, it is required to draw up local and object calculations for certain types of costs. The estimate should also include survey and design costs. Calculations are carried out separately by types of work, while they are grouped according to the structural elements of the object. In case of clarification of the nature and methods of work, the estimated cost must be adjusted.

Overhead costs are a separate section in the estimate. Payment in the local estimate for each contractor separately. In addition to the main cost items, others can be calculated. This may be commissioning, the maintenance of operational personnel and more. It is necessary to develop and draw up estimates in construction on the basis of existing state, sectoral, territorial regulations.

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  • how to make a construction budget

Estimates for design work are of great importance in construction. They are usually drawn up for any types of costs and work in stages. They are often general in nature, including calculations of the total cost of the project. So, how to make estimate for design work?


Before proceeding with the estimates for the design work, it is necessary to define the regulatory framework. It is from this base that the estimate will be made. As such a base, both established standards and individual ones can serve. For the most accurate budgeting, it will be necessary to establish which area the project is designed for. It is very important. After all, the difference in costs in different climatic zones, geographical areas is quite significant. Therefore, it is simply necessary, first of all, to determine the coefficients used in a particular estimate for a local estimate calculation at uniform prices.

Preliminary is necessary at the pre-project stage. When drawing up a preliminary estimate, the most aggregated indicators should be used. To them, for example, hectares, square and cubic meters. In addition, it is permissible to use indicators of similar construction projects.

At the design stage, more accurate calculations are needed. After all, there are already design drawings. On their basis, it is necessary to carry out a full estimated calculation of construction. For such an estimate, it is necessary to draw up object and local calculations for each individual type of cost. In general estimate all design and survey costs must be included in advance. Calculations should be carried out for all types of work separately. In addition, they must be grouped according to the structural elements of the object. The estimated cost during the development of the project can be repeatedly adjusted, in case of clarification of the methods and nature of the work.


  • budgeting for project work

Local estimate - the primary estimate document. They are made up for certain types of work and costs for each construction object: buildings, structures, general site works. The basis for calculating the local estimate is the scope of work and the necessary materials, which are determined during the development of working documentation and drawings.


Break the costs that are taken into account in the local into four groups: construction, installation work, cost and equipment, other costs. According to the working documentation, determine the upcoming scope of work, the range and quantity necessary tool, inventory, equipment and furniture. Select the estimated standards in force for the current period and take into account the market value of equipment, furniture, inventory and free prices and tariffs for building and finishing materials.

Determine the type of work for which the estimate will be drawn up: special, internal plumbing, finishing work, internal electrical work, vertical planning, purchase of tools and equipment, etc. If the object is complex and large, the construction of which is divided into launch complexes, several local schemes can be made for the same type of work.

In each local estimate, group the data into sections for individual elements of the structure, type of work and devices in accordance with the technological sequence of work. In addition to construction work, the sections reflect work on laying communications, gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning, work, instrumentation and automation, purchase and installation of process equipment. It is allowed to divide the object into underground and ground parts.

In the local estimate, take into account costs, overheads and estimated profit. Include direct costs wages workers, the cost of operating equipment, the cost with a line-by-line interpretation. Accrue overheads and estimated profit at the end, after the total amount. For the calculation of overhead costs, use the overhead rates provided for by the guidance documents in force for the current period.

Estimate - the totality of all costs for materials and work. The complexity of finishing works from other types of work does not differ much. But such work the most painstaking in monetary calculations. Before you start decorating the premises, draw up estimate finishing work, so that unplanned costs do not arise.


Take budgeting seriously. Assess your financial capabilities, because. the market is in abundance of various types and qualities of materials - these can be expensive high-quality materials, they can be lower in price, but the quality will remain at the same level, i.e. analysis of the market of goods and their selection will save you from miscalculation in the estimate.

To compose estimate, you will need in which you plan to carry out finishing work. Next, examine the condition of the premises, determine the necessary materials and work. In order to select materials, taking into account their specifications, you need knowledge of the technique of performing work, the ability to determine the amount of work. It is also necessary to take into account the costs of delivery of finishing materials, possible used technological equipment, tools to the place of work. And do not forget to take into account the percentage of depreciation of equipment and tools.

Important point- preparatory stage of finishing works (primer, putty, etc.). These materials must be of good quality, as will affect the finish, in the end. If the object of work is small and uncomplicated, estimate can be compiled independently and issued in the form of a spreadsheet document, which indicates work and materials by categories, their volumes, price per unit from price lists, cost of work and materials.

The total amount in the estimate is the sum of all the work and materials for the document. And this will be the amount of money that you have to spend on finishing work. Also, the cost of all work depends on who will carry out the finishing work. work- or it will be a qualified team of finishers or novice finishers who are just starting to develop in this business, the cost of whose services will be much lower than that of professionals. But at the same time, one should not forget about the risk of obtaining poor quality of the work performed, which will lead to an increase in the cost of the estimate due to possible alterations.
