How to calculate the balance sheet profit of a pharmacy. How much does it cost to open a pharmacy from scratch? Quantity Matters


Check out the range of pharmacies. Raise inventory balances, check drug release dates, interview pharmacists. Make a list of medicines that are sold infrequently - no more than once every two to three months. If possible, exclude these drugs from the assortment - they reduce your profit, slowing down the flow of funds.

The percentage of conversion, that is, the ratio of those who entered your pharmacy to total those who know about it can and should be raised. Use the technique of dividing your assortment into frontend and backend products. The first are medicines for which you set prices significantly lower than those of competitors. Put well-known medicines at discounted prices in prominent places. The costs will be covered by sales medicines in pharmacies related to backend products - they are not advertised, so their prices can be inflated.

Helpful advice

Never set prices like "9999" - such a number of nines only scares off the visitor. Replace the last two digits with zeros - "9900".

People are suspicious of unreasonable discounts. Therefore, it is better to time the promotions to some events: “holidays - there is no time to get sick”, “autumn is the time of reduced immunity”, etc.


  • Report from a seminar on pharmacological marketing

Telephone sales have become very developed and popular. This is a relatively inexpensive and effective form of selling goods. To bring skill in such a matter to perfection is not difficult.

Communication script.

The big advantage of selling by phone is that no one can see you. This does not mean that you need to sell in a bathrobe or T-shirt. You can just get cheat sheets. Write a communication script. Write down the various twists and turns in the development of the situation. And be always ready with even the most tricky answers to your question. Your voice should sound soft and convincing. If there is a problem with diction, then you should change jobs or seriously work on your pronunciation. The buyer, having raised the phone, should hear a self-confident seller.

Product knowledge.

If you don’t present something, then you will never sell such a thing. Learn everything you can and can't about the product. Learn the most frequently asked questions and their answers. The buyer should get the impression that he is not talking to a sales manager, but to the manufacturer of the goods. Let your knowledge pleasantly surprise you.

Smile and kindness.

The client on the other end of the phone does not see you, but he clearly hears your intonation. Good mood, positive attitude, goodwill and smile, do not miss anything during the presentation. Be kind and loving. Then you set the buyer to positive emotions, and most likely it will be located to buy.

Quantity matters.

The more calls you make during the day, the more likely you are to find the right client. Two percent of transactions are concluded after the first contact. If the client is not immediately ready and cannot decide, he will need to call back. After the second contact, another three percent of transactions are concluded. There are also clients who need to call five or fifteen times so that they are “ripe” for a deal. Get ready for rejection. Their number is also an indicator. But don't give up.

Listening skills.

IN effective sales on the phone - the ability to listen is an important skill. Why listen if you are selling and presenting, you probably thought so? If the client does not want to ask or clarify anything, then present your product to your health further. But if he has a question, then do not interrupt him in any case, even if this is not according to the script. Listen, let them talk, and only then answer. Ask leading questions, many clients like it. Even if the questions are not on the topic of your product - do not be embarrassed. Let the client know that you are ready to talk with him about anything, and then, in turn, the client will understand that he is important to you and will most likely buy your product.

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The franchise of a large pharmacy chain is unlikely to enrich someone who starts this business from scratch. But if you already have your own pharmacy, it may well come in handy.

Head of the franchising project "Rigly" Natalia Derzhaeva (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

From the second run

The history of the Rigla pharmacy network began in 2001, when a major distributor of pharmaceutical products, the Protek company, decided to develop its own retail. In 2005, the first franchised pharmacies were opened - the partnership mainly consisted in branding independent pharmacies in the colors of Rigla. This approach was considered unsuccessful - the franchise program did not develop. In 2013, Rigla restarted it: the company began to offer partners a complete package: not only the brand, but technologies, staff training, and so on.

The Russian pharmacy market is poorly consolidated - the five leading chains control only 13.2% retail sales Therefore, the development of the franchising program for Rigla is an opportunity to consolidate its position as a market leader quite cheaply, and for Protek as a whole, to increase the profitability of the business. According to the group's IFRS statements for 2014, retail accounted for only 15% of Protek's revenue (24.2 billion rubles), but 36% of gross profit. True, so far only 20 out of 1325 Rigla pharmacies are open under a franchise (mainly in the Moscow region). By the end of 2015, Rigla plans to increase this figure to 50.

Figures "Rigly"

RUB 24.2 billion amounted to network sales in 2014

1325 pharmacies totaled the network in mid-2015

200 thousand rubles— lump-sum payment (excluding VAT)

1,5% - royalties

30 sq. m- the minimum area of ​​​​the pharmacy

RUB 1.6 million revenue is received by the pharmacy network "Rigla" on average per month

Source: company data, franchisee survey

Franchisor's view

According to Natalia Derzhaeva, head of the Rigla franchise project, many entrepreneurs are unaware of the complexities of the pharmaceutical business, so starting a franchise is a great way to avoid many mistakes. For 200 thousand rubles. (Rigla's lump-sum contribution, excluding VAT), the entrepreneur will have access to the company's well-established business processes and the opportunity to purchase medicines from Protek at discount prices. The franchise owner is ready to train the partner, help him recruit staff, provide software that allows him to control sales and stock balances (ePharma 2 - Pharmacy, a separate sublicense agreement is concluded), and consult him as necessary.

Before concluding a commercial concession agreement, an entrepreneur must select a premises for a pharmacy, says Derzhayeva. The recommended area is 30-60 sq. m, strictly the first floor. The requirements for the environment of the pharmacy are quite standard: there should be a residential complex, office buildings, a market, a transport stop nearby - something that will ensure a constant flow of customers. All new objects are discussed with the management of the parent company. At this meeting, the franchise manager talks about the future pharmacy: turnover and payback calculations, density competitive environment in the area, etc. "Rigla" itself calculates the financial model of the future pharmacy, and if it shows that the payback period of investments exceeds three and a half years, the premises are rejected.

For people interested in the pharmacy business, the topic of pharmacy profitability is interesting. How profitable is the pharmacy as a business unit.

Positive points

The pharmacy assortment, in its bulk, can be attributed to goods with a quick turnover. Only food is sold faster.

The next point is the purchase of goods. IN grocery store this figure is close to one hundred percent. That is, almost every person who enters the store buys something. In a pharmacy, usually 8 out of 10 people buy. If everything is in order with the assortment and there are no failures, then 9 out of 10. This is a very good indicator. For example, in household appliances stores, 25% is considered a good indicator, that is, out of 100 people, 25 make a purchase.

The markup in a pharmacy depends on the region and the competitive environment, as well as the location of the pharmacy (the markup is highest in shopping centers). But 30% can be taken as an average, it will be close to the truth. Given the speed of turnover of goods and the coefficient of purchase, this is a good indicator.

The goods are usually given with a delay. Moreover, it can be about a month, or even more. This means that you will need to invest less money. Only work with the assortment needs to be adjusted and monitor the turnover of the inventory. The software will help you with this.

That is, it turns out that profitable business, provided you find a good place under the pharmacy


They also ask: how much can a pharmacy give a net profit? There is no specific number here. If we proceed from the fact that the pharmacy is not unprofitable, then for a sleeping bag 80-100 thousand rubles a month is normal. In shopping centers 300 - 400 rubles will be good indicators. And so, there are pharmacies with a profit of more than 700 thousand. But this is in traffic malls.

For a newcomer to this market, a real option is a pharmacy in a residential area. With such profit indicators, just one pharmacy is not very interesting option if you are not the owner of the premises.

To have a more substantial income, you need, albeit a small, pharmacy network. Then you will be able to receive goods from suppliers at a lower price and have fewer employees, since in which case they can be transferred from another pharmacy.


There are certain difficulties in this business as opposed to a regular store.

To open a pharmacy, you need to obtain a license, and this delays the opening time. At high rate rent, the costs can be very substantial. For example, four or five months of licensing such a point in mall with a lease of 200 thousand, they can cost a million rubles of investment costs.

The next step is the staff. Need a manager higher education and a management certificate, otherwise you won't get a license. And most importantly, pharmacists or pharmacists will be needed for work. While simply finding a good seller is a real problem these days, the search is also narrowed down by the requirement to have a pharmaceutical education.

This is especially difficult in regions where there are no relevant educational institutions. I even know examples where they could not open a pharmacy due to lack of employees.

For these reasons, the average salary of such specialists is higher than that of ordinary sellers. And this is an additional burden on the business.

You can rent out your premises, but you won’t be able to significantly increase the rates, since at a price higher than the market there will be problems finding tenants. If you have your own enterprise, then you do not need to bear the cost of rent, and as the business is promoted, the increase in profits will be more significant than with an increase in the rental rate.

Of the minuses, this business will need to be dealt with and controlled, and rent provides passive income.

The Russian drug market is growing by 20-25% annually. However, it is not easy for beginners to gain a foothold on it.

Own pharmacy business: we caught up with Europe

According to the center marketing research Pharmexpert, the volume of the Russian drug market in retail prices in 2004 was $6.3 billion. The results of 2005 have not yet been officially summed up, but the center's specialists believe that last year the volume of the Russian market rose to $7.9 billion.

The drug trade is most active in Moscow - the share of the capital in the structure of the all-Russian market is about 25%. This is due to the fact that in Moscow the pharmacy business began to develop earlier than in other cities. At the same time, over the past three years, the growth rate of the capital market has somewhat slowed down and now stands at 18% per year. For comparison: in large Russian cities this figure is 20-25% per year.

“There are already about 700 stationary private and 600 municipal pharmacies in Moscow and the Moscow region, not counting the numerous kiosks and pharmacy points,” says David Melik-Guseinov, head of the marketing research department of Pharmexpert CMI. – One pharmacy serves from 2.5 thousand to 6 thousand people, which is comparable to the corresponding indicators in developed Western countries.

In terms of the breadth of the assortment, universal Russian pharmacies can rather be called stores of various health products - they sell not only medicines, but also medical cosmetics, dietary supplements, hygiene products, goods for mothers and children.

Own pharmacy business: Everything is entangled in networks

Large pharmacy chains control 40% of the capital's market - more than 500 pharmacies operate under the brand of one or another network in Moscow. The companies 36.6, Rigla, Doctor Stoletov, OZ, Stary Lekar, Biotek, Farmir, ZEM Pharm and Samson-Pharma have the most pharmacies.

The Moscow Metro develops a network pharmacy kiosks Itek company. In the autumn of 2004, when the Moscow Government banned trading in the metro, making an exception only for newsstands and distributors theater tickets, out of 35 Itek drugstores, only 10 survived, and the network's sales fell by 60%. But in early 2005, city officials allowed Itek to have one kiosk in each subway lobby, and the chain is now being resurrected.

Another network, Narodnaya Apteka M, owns pharmacies on wheels.

“Mobile pharmacies have their regular customers,” notes David Melik-Guseinov, “however, in Lately Most people prefer to buy medicines in stationary pharmacies: the assortment of “auto shops” is very limited.

According to the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 31, 2004, 233 state-owned pharmaceutical companies with branches must merge into State Unitary Enterprise "Capital Pharmacies" in order to work under a single brand. Capital pharmacies will be supplied by the chain's own distribution subdivisions. According to Pharmexpert, the newly formed network will control about 25% of the Moscow retail market. It is possible that in the near future many unprofitable municipal pharmacies will be declared bankrupt and resold to commercial organizations.

State pharmacies in other regions are also united in networks: for example, in Nizhny Novgorod this is the Nizhny Novgorod Pharmacy Chain, in Krasnoyarsk - Provincial Pharmacies. And in Perm, the city state network "Perm Apteki" has already been bought by the Moscow network "36.6".

Own pharmacy business: Entrance ticket is expensive

“In order to enter the pharmacy market and gain a foothold on it, large investments are needed,” says David Melik-Guseinov. – To open one pharmacy in Moscow, you need from $40,000 to $85,000. This money is spent on renting premises for a period of 3 months, repairing it, purchasing furniture and equipment, and obtaining the necessary licenses and certificates. But in order for the pharmacy to generate income, it takes time, during which you have to spend money on the purchase of goods, remuneration of staff. So it may take up to $500,000 to gain a foothold in the market.

“At the same time, contrary to popular stereotypes, it is impossible to earn super profits in this business,” says Sergei Pankratov, Director for Development of the ZEM Pharm network. – Turnover of one medium pharmacy retail outlet is approximately $25-30 thousand per month, which is an order of magnitude less than in Western countries.

A private pharmacy selling over the counter during the autumn-winter period brings no more than $5,000 in profit per month. For chain pharmacies with an open form of trade, this figure is slightly higher - $ 6-7 thousand per month.

Pharmacies cannot earn more because prices for many medicines are regulated by the state. For example, in Moscow it is impossible to “wind up” more than 23% of the wholesale price - this is the maximum trade markup. The average retail markup in Russia is 25-30%. Therefore, prices in pharmacies - both network and independent - are in the same range.

Own pharmacy business: Is it possible to survive alone?

Despite all these circumstances, new companies are constantly entering the pharmacy market. What strategy is better to choose for a business to be successful?

Opening your own universal pharmacy with a wide range of medicines and related products is not very promising, since it is very difficult to compete with network pharmacies, most of which operate in the same “universal” format. It is easier to become a member of any pharmacy chain. Major players are experiencing serious difficulties in finding premises for new pharmacies and therefore are happy to accept an investor who has the money and acceptable premises into their ranks. Some pharmacy chains - in particular, "Rigla", "OZ", "Old Doctor" - offer partners cooperation in franchising.

“In our company, all management, including the franchisee business, is centralized,” says Alexei Skrypnikov, executive director of Vitim and Co., which owns the Stary Lekar network. For franchisees, this has its advantages. Firstly, it is easier for him to go through the stage of establishing a new business. And secondly, the return on investment is reduced. We take care of our partners at all stages of opening a pharmacy. But they, for their part, must comply with the corporate standards of our network.

Another option for doing business under the "network roof" is to join the non-profit associations SoyuzPharma or Farmir, organized by powerful pharmaceutical distribution structures - the Protek Implementation Center and SIA International. The algorithm of the investor's actions in this case is somewhat different: first, he must open a pharmacy on his own, and then he can become a member of the association and work under its brand. Having done this, individual private pharmacies do not lose their legal independence, they can form an assortment and set prices at their own discretion. They are guaranteed the supply of pharmaceutical products through the founders of the associations, but if they wish, they can choose another supplier.

“Being a member of the network is beneficial,” says David Melik-Guseinov. - After all, drug manufacturers do not work directly with pharmacies - all deliveries are made only through distributors. The chains provide their pharmacies with the services of an authorized distributor, from which medicines are purchased at reduced prices.

In addition, network pharmacies have a wider range of non-drug products, which is very popular with customers; many of them are equipped with information and consultation corners and ATMs. And in some pharmacies, customers can even pay for the services of mobile operators.

Own pharmacy business: Pharmacies are not for everyone

If it is important for an investor to maintain his independence, he can search the pharmaceutical market for relatively free niches and open a specialized outlet. Many do just that, setting up a trade in rare or expensive medicines - homeopathic medicines, goods for diabetics, children, etc.

“Such a strategy allows us to succeed in the market,” testifies David Melik-Guseinov. - For example, the Samson-Pharma pharmacy chain in Moscow has only 6 pharmacies. But its annual turnover is greater than, for example, that of the regional network Kurgan Pharmacy, which has 225 pharmacies. The secret is that Samson-Pharma has chosen a narrow niche: it sells expensive drugs for cancer patients.

Social private pharmacies that have recently appeared on the pharmaceutical market also prefer narrow specialization. For example, the Protek company is now opening a network of pharmacies at polyclinics in the Moscow region and the North-Western region of the country. They will work under the state program of additional drug provision (DLO) and supply patients with medicines on preferential prescriptions. A 25% retail mark-up is set for drugs, which is paid by the state. It is shared between a distributor and a pharmacy.

So far, commercial pharmacies practically do not participate in DLO programs. But as the government program develops, this may change, and its implementation will require the active participation of pharmacies from the private sector. Already in 2006, the DLO program will become the most stable market for medicines for the companies included in it: it is planned to spend about $1 billion from the federal budget this year on the implementation of DLO.

Own pharmacy business: Open trade is in fashion

“As a rule, sales volumes in pharmacies with an open form of trade are 20-30% higher than in sales through the counter,” says Anton Parkansky, Executive Director of the 36.6 pharmacy chain, which was the first in Russia to offer medicines in open access . – In addition, with an open display in a pharmacy, more goods can be placed, and this form of trade is more convenient for customers.

On open shelving trading floor not only over-the-counter drugs are exhibited, but also hygiene products, medical cosmetics, and related products. And prescription drugs are obtained through the counter, from the hands of a pharmacist. With a skillful selection of goods and compliance with the laws of merchandising, a self-service pharmacy is able to increase its turnover by another 12-20%.

Not surprisingly, many pharmacies are gradually switching to open form trade.

– The first pharmacies of the Stariy Lekar network appeared more than six years ago. At that time, trading through the counter was more common, - says Alexei Skrypnikov, Executive Director of Vitim and Co. – However, this year we plan to open self-service pharmacies under our brand.

The choice of the form of trade depends on the number of consumers passing by the pharmacy every day. If there are 10-15 thousand people, then you can open a self-service pharmacy. With a lower intensity of human flow, trading through the counter is better.

“It is impossible to act by trial and error in the pharmacy business,” says David Melik-Guseinov. – Before choosing a form of trade, you need to assess the number of potential buyers, find out what the turnover of your neighbors-competitors is, what medical institutions are located nearby, how you can cooperate with them and what doctors you should make friends with so that they can refer patients to your pharmacy.

It is most profitable to open pharmacies in "sleeping" areas. High rents in the city center “eat up” a very significant share of the profits of pharmacies located there.

Own pharmacy business: To the doctor ... to the pharmacy

“The number of medicines sold is decreasing, but at the same time the volume of the market in terms of money is growing,” says David Melik-Guseinov. – This means that consumers are starting to buy more expensive drugs.

The share of domestically produced drugs in the Russian market in physical terms is approximately 65%, but in monetary terms they account for only 30% - as incomes grow and under the influence of advertising, Russians begin to buy more and more expensive imported drugs.

The growing demand for expensive drugs is incomprehensibly combined with the traditional inattention of Russians to their health and the habit of self-medication. Having fallen ill, our compatriots most often go not to a doctor, but immediately to a pharmacy, to pharmacists and pharmacists, hoping to get advice on treatment from them. According to surveys, a non-prescription pharmacy customer consults a pharmacist about treatment in 50% of cases. And more than 40% of pharmacy visitors would like to consult a doctor directly at the pharmacy. Therefore, the organization of a consultation center in a pharmacy can become an important competitive advantage.

Own pharmacy business: Regions: everything is just beginning

In Moscow, the possibilities for the extensive development of pharmacy chains are almost exhausted. Therefore, major market players - "36.6", "O3", "Rigla" - began to expand into the regions.

- By 2008 we intend to occupy 10-15% of the Russian pharmacy market and ensure the presence of our network in all cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people, - says Anton Parkansky. – By 2008, the 36.6 network plans to reach $1 billion in annual sales.

According to Pharmexpert experts, by 2008 chains will control about 60% of the Russian pharmacy market.

– I think that already this year we will have two or three national chains that will be present in all federal districts Russia and practically in all subjects of the Federation, - David Melik-Guseinov is sure.

“At the same time, efficient individual non-network pharmacies will remain,” says Sergey Pankratov, ZEM Pharm Network Development Director. – Some of these pharmacies will survive due to their good location, others will compete with chains due to high level individual customer service or a very narrow specialization.

Interestingly, while major players are trying to develop regional markets, provincial pharmacy chains are coming to Moscow. For example, the St. Petersburg company Pervaya Pomosh, which owns 70 pharmacies in the northern capital, opened several of its pharmacies in Moscow last year. Earlier, in 2004, the St. Petersburg retailer Natur Product acquired the Narodnaya Apteka chain in Moscow. Works in the capital and several pharmacies of the Samara network "Imploziya".

However, Moscow, as a rule, meets competitors from other cities unkindly. Having opened one or two pharmacies in the capital, many regional companies then close or sell them without receiving the expected profit.

Probing Moscow and Russian markets and representatives of foreign pharmaceutical chains. In 2005, no less than five major international players in the global pharmaceutical market researched various segments of the commodity distribution networks of the Russian retail drug market.



Rates of growth

    On average - 18% per year.

Market saturation

    There are about 1,300 private and state stationary pharmacies in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Average monthly profit

    Pharmacy points - $ 2-3 thousand.

    Private over-the-counter pharmacies – $4,000-5,000

    Network pharmacies - $ 6-7 thousand.

Ideal Pharmacy*

*At the request of potential investors.

Sat #01-02 (42-43)
