How to make a pop art portrait in photoshop How to make art from photos in a graphic editor How to make cool art in Photoshop.

This Photoshop tutorial introduce you to a very famous destination V fine arts like pop art.

Next to pop art is the name Andy Warhol, who was an artist, photographer, filmmaker, and publisher.

It was he who, in the middle of the 20th century, created unique collage paintings from completely unexpected things - from images of cans to such glamorous collages with Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe.

This style became incredibly popular at the time, and countless imitations of the artist's work began to appear.

Because creating pop art pictures is very easy, especially if you own Photoshop.

The technique we want to tell you about is that first a black and white stencil is made based on the original drawing. And then parts of this drawing are painted in very bright colors in different variations.

Any portrait can be turned into a pop art drawing, but a photo with clear boundaries is especially suitable for this.

It is desirable that the person in the photo looks directly into the camera lens.

1. Below is the process of cutting out a boy from his native background and placing him on a new one. It is important for us that the boy and the background are placed on different layers.

To quickly remove a monochromatic background, use the tool - Magic wand, if the background is multi-colored, then take a tool - Pen

2. Most likely you have already noticed that pop art images are famous for their very high contrast.

The following steps will remove a lot small parts, so you don't have to be too careful as you work.

Place the bright background layer directly below the working layer (with the boy).

3. To make a high-contrast image, first make sure you are on the cutout boy layer and choose from the menu Image > Adjustment > Threshold.

Move the slider so that the image contains enough shadows so that all the main shapes and features are preserved.

4. Roughly highlight each part of the image that you will color in later.

Press Alt + Ctrl + J to copy each part to a separate layer. Name each new layer. Change the blending mode of each layer to Multiply and hit OK.

5. Activate each layer in turn in the layers palette.
For each, press Ctrl + click on the layer box and go to the menu Edit > Fill .

Click on the Use line, a window will appear where you can select the Color line. Thanks to this, a color palette will appear, where you can choose a bright saturated color to your taste to paint over any part of the image.

6. In the "Layer Style" window (Layer Style appears if you double-click on the layer) select the Color Overlay style (color fill) and change there blending mode (layer blending mode) to Color. Choose a bright color and click OK.

7. When you repeat these steps for each individual section of the image, you will see that in front of you real masterpiece in pop art style.

8. Save this file in Photoshop format (.psd) and make copies of the layers where you did the coloring. In your layers panel, each area is painted over in a certain color. Now it is very easy to change the color of the area using the Hue / Saturation function (Ctrl + U).

In the end, you can combine all the options into one large image.

Such a combination various options of the same image is very characteristic of the style of the 60s Pop Art.

Everyone knows that Adobe Photoshop allows you to create anything with photos and images. Most users resort to using Photoshop only when it becomes necessary to retouch, correct the skin and face. However, you can also create very interesting and unusual photo effects. There are many effects and it is impossible to tell about each. In this article, we will figure out how to make art from a photo in Photoshop. Let's get started. Go!

Interesting effects in action

For take an example photo of a famous actor

The first step is to choose a photo with which you will work. Next, create a duplicate layer. Note that it's always best to work on the duplicate, not on the actual image. Now go to the menu "Filter" (Filter) and in the list that appears, click "Blur" (Blur). Select "Smart blur". In the window that opens, you need to set the desired parameters. In the "Quality" section, select "High" (High), and in the "Mode" section - "Edge Only" (Only edges). Move the "Radius" and "Threshold" sliders to get the desired result. Choose values ​​close to 8 for "Radius" and 48 for "Threshold".

We set the parameters close to what is shown in the example

The next step is to invert the resulting image. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+I. Now you can disable the current layer. Above the layer original photo create a new one and fill it with white.

Next, create horizontal lines in a separate document. Use the key combination Shift+Ctrl+Alt by pressing the right arrow to copy the line. Copy them about 20 or more pieces. Unite all the lines together, and then turn them at an angle of 45 degrees.

The next step is to select a square of 100x100 pixels and cut out the fragment with lines so that as a result you get a square completely filled with lines.

Now you need to repeat the last two steps exactly, only with the lines slanted in the opposite direction.

Go back to the main document and make a duplicate of the layer, then place it above the white layer. Open the menu "Image" (Image), click "Adjustments" (Correction) in the pop-up window. Then select "Threshold" (Isohelion). In the corresponding box, set the level value. It should be close to 118. In principle, you can stop at this step, but let's go ahead and use the made blanks with lines.

Image correction in isohelion

Go to the layer style and tick the checkbox "Pattern Overlay" (Overlap pattern). In the "Blend Mode" section, set it to "Lighteen". Next, select the striped pattern you created earlier.

The main effect is achieved precisely by the combination of slanted lines

Now we need to convert the layer to a Smart Object. Right-click on the layer and select "Convert to smart Object" (Group into a new smart object). Install "Multiply" (Multiplication) in the layer blending mode.

Create a new duplicate of the original layer by moving it to the top. Apply isohelia to it, overlay layer and convert to smart object similarly to the previous steps, only now set the isohelia level value to 100 instead of 118, and when overlaying the layer, use a reverse stripe pattern. Turn on the layer that was turned off at the very beginning. Ready.

After that you can add any texture. Apply it to the resulting image by overlaying, selecting the "Multiply" mode. Adjust the transparency level and your art is ready.

Now let's look at how to make pop art in Photoshop. This is quite a popular effect, which is often used by social media users.

Original photo for pop art

By choosing desired photo, duplicate the layer. Open the "Filter" menu, then go to "Artistic" (Imitation) and select "Cutout" (application). In the options window, move the "Number of Levels", "Edge Simplicity", "Edge Fidelity" sliders to get the desired result.

Move the sliders as you wish

The next step is to create another duplicate of the layer, but the one you applied the filter to. Go to the Filter Gallery, you can do this through the "Filter" menu. Then open the "Sketch" section. There you will find "Halftone Pattern" (Halftone pattern), that's what you need. On the right, in the settings block, set “Dot” (Points) in the “Pattern Type” item and move the sliders to get the desired look.

Dot size and contrast may vary

Next, set "Overlay" (Overlap) in the overlay mode. At this stage, you can stop if the resulting photo suits you. Also, you can select the original layer, duplicate it and put it above all others, and then adjust the transparency value based on your own preferences. Ready.

Simple manipulations - the new pop art is ready

Now you know how to draw art in Photoshop. These skills will allow you to make your photos more original and interesting. Write in the comments if this article was useful for you and share your success in creating art with other users.

Hello everyone, in this manual I will tell you how to make such art

What is needed:
1) Adobe Photoshop cs6, you can download
2) Straight arms
3) Photo with which we will work
Let's start:
Step one: photo selection. The photo must be at least 800x600 resolution so that it can be processed with high quality. I will use this photo

Step two: create a new transparent layer Shift+Ctrl+N
Step three: Let's start outlining the face. Choose a regular brush: size 1, hardness 100%, color black.
We put a point in the place from which we will begin to trace.

Hold down SHIFT and set the second point, a straight line will be drawn between these points, so make sure that the line runs along the contour of the place that we circle. It should turn out like this:

Step four: start filling.
Select the FILL tool, select the desired part of the photo, press ALT, an eyedropper appears, then fill the selected area. You should get it like this:

It's up to you to decide whether to outline background objects or not, I did not do this.
Step five: Here comes the most difficult choice, how you will draw the face, if you want to be as close as possible to the real photo, then go back to step 3 and outline the lips and nose.
Or you can make parts of the face with simple lines, I will do this. It should turn out like this: (I changed the skin color, because I didn’t like it).

Now the choice is yours, you can leave the black lines, or you can paint over them, and emphasize the chin more dark color skin.
Our art is ready, save the picture, brag to your friends.
I didn't try hard because I was tired.
I hope this article was helpful ;D

Pop art is the stylization of images for certain colors. To take your photos in this style it is not necessary to be a Photoshop guru, as special online services make it possible to produce pop art styling in just a couple of clicks, which in most photos it turns out to be very high quality.

Here you do not need to make special efforts to achieve the desired effect. In most cases, it's enough just to upload an image, select the pop art style you're interested in, perhaps adjust a couple of settings, and you can download the converted image. However, if you want to apply some other style that is not in the editors, or significantly modify the style built into the editor, then you will not be able to do this due to the limited functionality of the service.

Method 1: Popartstudio

This service gives a large selection of different styles from different eras from the 50s to the late 70s. In addition to using pre-built templates, you can edit them using settings to suit your needs. All features and styles are completely free and available to unregistered users.

However, to download the finished photo in good quality, without the service watermark, you will have to register and pay a monthly subscription costing 9.5 euros. Additionally, the service is fully translated into Russian, but in some places its quality leaves much to be desired.

The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. On home page you can view all available styles and change the language if needed. To change the language of the site, in the top bar, find English(default) and click on it. From the context menu, select "Russian".
  2. After setting the language, you can start choosing a template. It is worth remembering that settings will be built depending on the selected layout.
  3. Once the selection is made, you will be redirected to the settings page. Initially, you need to upload a photo with which you plan to work. To do this, click in the field "File" By "Choose File".
  4. Will open "Conductor", where you need to specify the path to the image.
  5. After uploading the image on the site, you need to click on the button "Download", which is opposite the field "File". This is necessary so that the photo that is always in the editor by default changes to yours.
  6. Initially, pay attention to the top panel in the editor. Here you can flip and/or rotate the image by a certain degree. To do this, click on the first four icons on the left.
  7. If you are not satisfied with the default advanced settings, but do not want to mess with them, then use the button "Random Values", which is represented as a game die.
  8. To return all default values, pay attention to the arrow icon in the top bar.
  9. You can also customize colors, contrast, transparency and text (the last two provided that they are provided by your template). To change colors, look at the colored squares at the bottom of the left toolbar. Click on one of them with the left mouse button, after which the color selection palette will open.
  10. In the palette, the control is implemented a little inconveniently. You initially need to click on the desired color, after which it will appear in the lower left window of the palette. If he appeared there, then click on the icon with an arrow, which is located to the right. As soon as desired color will stand in the lower right window of the palette, click on the apply icon (looks like a white checkmark on a green background).
  11. Additionally, you can "play" with the contrast and opacity parameters, if any, in the template.
  12. To see the changes you have made, click on the button "Update".
  13. If everything suits you, then save your work. Unfortunately, the normal function "Save" is not on the site, so hover over the finished image, click on the right mouse button and select from the drop-down menu "Save image as...".

Method 2: PhotoFunia

This service has a very poor, but completely free functionality for creating pop art, besides, you won’t be forced to pay for downloading the finished result without a watermark. The site is entirely in Russian.

small step-by-step instruction has the following form:

Method 3: Photo-kako

This is a Chinese site, which is quite well translated into Russian, but it has obvious problems with design and usability - the interface elements are inconveniently located and run into each other, and there is no design at all. Fortunately, there is a very large list of settings here, which will allow you to create high-quality pop art.

The instruction looks like this:

It is possible to make pop art using Internet resources, but at the same time, you may encounter limitations in the form of small functionality, an inconvenient interface, and watermarks on the finished image.

Modern graphic editors are capable of a lot. So, with their help, you can change the photo by removing unnecessary elements or adding new ones. Or you can turn a seemingly ordinary picture into original art, and in this article we will talk about just that.

Most modern graphic editors support the ability to work with levels (layers), which allows you to turn the image into black and white, and then give certain areas the desired color. And this is just one of options creating art. More details below.

Method 1: Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most convenient and most popular graphic editors. It provides practically endless possibilities to work with images. There are also tools for creating pop art photography in his arsenal, which we will use to solve our today's task.

  1. After installing the program, you need to open the photo you need. To do this, go to the submenu "File" and press the button "Open", after which you need to select the desired photo in the window that appears.
  2. The first step is to get rid of the background. To do this, create a duplicate layer by dragging the main background onto the icon "Create New Layer", and fill the main one with white using the tool "Pouring".
  3. Next, add a layer mask. To do this, select the desired layer and click on the icon "Add vector mask".
  4. Now we erase the background with a tool "Eraser" and apply the layer mask by right-clicking on the mask.
  5. After the image is prepared, it is necessary to apply the correction, but before that we create a duplicate of the finished layer. To do this, drag it to the icon "Create New Layer". Make the new layer invisible by clicking on the small eye button next to it. Next, select the visible layer and go to "Image" - "Correction" - "Threshold". In the window that appears, set the most appropriate black and white ratio for the image.
  6. We remove the invisibility from the copy, and set the opacity to 60% .

    Now we go back to "Image" - "Correction" - "Threshold" and add shadows.

  7. Next, you need to merge the layers by selecting them and pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E. Then paint over the background in the color of the shadow (we select at our discretion). And after that we merge the background and the remaining layer. You can also erase unnecessary parts of the image with an eraser or add black to the parts of the image you need.
  8. Now let's color the image. To do this, you need to open the gradient map, which is in the drop-down list of the button for creating a new adjustment layer.

    By clicking on the color strip, open the window and select the three-color set there. After that, for each square, we select our own color.

  9. That's it, your pop art portrait is ready, you can save it in any convenient format by pressing a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+S.
  10. As you can see, the procedure is not too laborious. Also on our website there is an alternative instruction for turning a photo into pop art, available at the link below.

Method 2: Paint.NET

The free Paint.NET editor is easier to learn than Photoshop, but less rich in features. However, with this tool, you can also make art from a photo.

  1. Open the editor and use the items "Menu""File" to upload the desired photo.
  2. Paint.NET does not support working with masks, so the required fragment of the picture will need to be freed from the background yourself. For example, for a portrait, the image of a person should be selected using the tool "Lasso" and use the tool "Crop" from the toolbar.

    Fragments of the photo that are not captured by the tool can be removed "Eraser".
  3. Use the menu "Layer", in which select the item "Duplicate Layer".
  4. Select the created copy, open the menu again "Layer" and choose "Layer Properties".

    Set blend mode as "Multiplication" with an opacity value 135 .

    Use the menu again "Layer", but this time click on the option "Merge with next layer".
  5. Use the menu "Effects", select options "Artistic""Oil Painting".

    Parameter "Brush Size" put in position "3", A "Roughness of strokes" set to about 140 . Please note that in some cases it may be necessary to select a suitable value by eye.
  6. Next select menu "Correction", paragraph "Posterization".

    Review the result - if it does not satisfy you, uncheck the option "Synchronization" and manually select the appropriate color combination.
  7. Set an arbitrary color as the background - select the desired color on the RGB wheel in the box "Palette", then use the tool "Pouring".
  8. At the end of the work, merge the layers again (the last step of step 4) and save the image through the menu "File".

Paint.NET, although not the most functional of the available graphic editors, is completely free and easy to learn. Some of the missing features can be returned using third-party plugins.

Method 3: GIMP

The free analogue of Photoshop - GIMP - is also able to solve today's problem.

  1. Open an image using the menu "File""Open".
  2. After uploading the image, use the tool "Free selection" to select the desired part of the picture. In GIMP, this tool is more convenient than in Paint.NET, so the procedure will go much faster. To activate selection in GIMP 2.10 and later, additionally press the key Enter when you select the required fragment.
  3. After selecting a part, use the menu items in sequence "Edit""Copy" And "Edit""Insert".
  4. A new floating layer will appear in the Layers dialog box. Right click on it and select "To a new layer".

    Repeat the operation, and this time select "Layer to Image Size".
  5. Make the background layer invisible, left click on the eye icon.
  6. The next step is similar to that in Adobe Photoshop - you need to adjust the color threshold. In GIMP, the desired option is in the menu "Color" and are named accordingly.

    Move the slider to keep as much detail as possible, then click "OK".
  7. Create a new layer using the menu items for this "Layer""Create Layer".
  8. Switch to the black and white layer, then use the menu "Isolation", in which select the option "Highlight by color". Move the cursor over any dark area and click the left mouse button.
  9. Return to the previously created transparent layer, then click on the color picker icon foreground located below the tool box.

    Select your preferred color using the palette, then hover over the position "Current", hold down paintwork and drag the color onto the image to fill it automatically.
  10. Repeat steps 8-9, but this time select and fill in the white area of ​​the drawing.
  11. Use the tool "Selection of adjacent areas" to select a background and fill it with a color that contrasts with the colors in the main image.
  12. Use the menu "File" to save the result.

GIMP may not be the most user-friendly graphics editor out there, but the vast possibilities of this program are undeniable.


In such a tricky but effective way, we managed to make pop art portraits using three different graphic editors. Which of the considered methods to choose is up to you.
