Electric guitar tuning. Learning to tune a guitar using the YouTube tuner main page guitar tuning

Many guys and girls are burning with an unbridled desire to learn how to play the And, it must be said, they quickly grasp the basics of this art. Everything seems to be fine, if not for one "but" ... Any guitar (acoustic or electric) tends to get upset, but not because it is bored with you, but rather, on the contrary, because you play it a lot ! What to do in this case? Of course, tweak it! But what if a complete customization is required? After all, this is a separate lesson that not all beginner guitarists can do. Do not worry, in this article we will tell you, friends, how to tune a guitar at home.

As a consolation, I would like to note that the inability to independently tune the guitar does not at all mean the inability to own it. For example, the sound of a piano is much more difficult to adjust. Many experienced pianists still do not know how to tune their own instrument, and this does not prevent them from performing on stage and receiving universal recognition from the audience!

at home

A bit of theory

There are two proven ways to do this. In this article, we'll take a look at both. The most important thing in is to know and understand its simple mechanism. Know that the very first string, at the very bottom of the fifth fret, is nothing more than a note called "la" for the first octave. There is an opinion among amateur guitarists that the tuning of a six-string guitar will be considered correct only when this note sounds like a telephone dial tone. At the same time, the correctly tuned first, but already open (not clamped) string "mi" (for the first octave) corresponds to the sound of a piano or a tuning fork. If you have a hearing, then the instrument can be adjusted, sorry for the tautology, by ear. So, let's finally find out already, at home.

Method number 1: tune by ear

We note right away that there will be nothing to worry about if you do not quite accurately tune "la" and "mi" for the first octave. Adjust the first string as much as you can. In the future, you will get used to this sound. In addition, you will already know firsthand how to tune a guitar at home with the same sound on its first string. To do this, hold it at the fifth fret (make the string closed) and achieve the appropriate sound. You can use a tuning fork.

Remember that tuning the first (lower) closed string is the most important and crucial moment in the whole process, because it is from "la" and "mi" that everyone else "dances"! So, once the first step is taken, the rest becomes much easier. All other strings must also be clamped on the fifth fret, adjusting them already under the open previous one, achieving complete consonance (in unison) with it!


The only exception is the third string! The fact is that it needs to be clamped not on the fifth, but on the fourth fret. It turns out that in this case it should sound in unison with the already open second string on the fifth!

Method number 2: set up through a microphone

This method is much easier than the first one. You don't have to rely entirely on your ears here. All you need is to install the appropriate program on your computer, which allows you to find such software quite easily. To tune your guitar through a microphone, you need to do the following:

  • connect the microphone to the computer;
  • bring it closer to our six-string guitar;
  • launch a pre-installed or online tuner;
  • we begin to extract open sounds and look at what the program shows us, that is, we tune a certain string to the corresponding note.

Good day to all guitar lovers!

The topic of this article will be devoted primarily to amateurs of playing the guitar, and not to professionals, since we will talk about tuning this instrument. Professionals do not have such difficulties - that's why they are professionals.

But for lovers like you and me, they may arise. This is primarily due to tuning by ear without the use of any instruments. Although, even experts say that only those who have perfect hearing can learn to tune perfectly.

Anyway, you need to use either a tuning fork or a special tuner. A tuning fork is also a specific thing and requires a very good ear. Although the phrase “the bear stepped on the ear”, i.e., it means that there is no hearing at all, is not entirely correct. Hearing is available to everyone without exception. Only someone can hear everything well musical notes and can even catch all the subtleties and nuances of vocals from professional singers, but someone simply does not get into the notes.

But this is no reason to despair. Now it is not at all necessary to have a tuning fork at hand and, listening to the sound it makes, try to tune the guitar in the same way. There are many others and very simple ways. Here we will talk about all these methods.

But first, a little about string notation. Numbering, as you know, begins with the lowest string - this is the first, and ends with the highest - this is the sixth string. The first is always the thinnest, and the fourth, fifth and sixth are braided and the sixth is the thickest. It is also the bass string.

This figure shows the lettering of the strings. What do they mean? Letters these are the names of the notes.

  • The first string, in the figure E - the note "Mi"
  • The second string, in the figure H - the note "Si"
  • The third string, in the figure G - the note "Sol"
  • The fourth string, in the figure D - the note "D"
  • Fifth string, in figure A - note "La"
  • The sixth string, in the figure E - the note "Mi"

Although the note "Mi" on the first and sixth strings correspond, however, on the sixth string it sounds two octaves lower.

For the convenience of remembering the location of the notes on the strings, I will give the following picture.

And in order to know how the string sounds on each fret, one more picture showing the location of the notes. At first glance, it will seem that everything here is complicated, but constantly playing the guitar, you can remember everything.

The first thing to start with is memorizing the sound of open strings. We listen to the sound and pronounce the note that sounds at that time. When all this is remembered, it will be easier to tune the instrument itself.

Tuning a guitar by ear without a tuner

Let's start the analysis of tuning options using a tuning fork, as a more complex option - for this you need to memorize the sound of the strings.

What is a tuning fork?

A tuning fork is a device that plays a reference note. From this note, all other sounds on the tuned instrument are tuned.

There are such varieties of tuning forks as metal (mechanical), acoustic, wind and electronic.

The very first mechanical tuning fork was born. It was invented back in the 18th century and it looked like a metal fork.

With the help of it in those distant times they tuned orchestral instruments. In principle, it can be used to tune any instrument. When you hit it, the tuning fork gives out the note "La" of the first octave. The frequency of this sound is 440 Hz. If we take a guitar, then it will be the sound of the first string, but clamped at the 5th fret.

If you have such a tuning fork, tune the guitar with it as follows. We strike the tuning fork, listen to the sound, after which we clamp the first string at the fifth fret and, turning the peg left and right, we achieve the sound of the string in unison with the tuning fork. Set up, does it sound the same? Let's move on to the next step. Here a tuning fork is not needed, but hearing is needed. We proceed as follows:

  1. We pull the open first string and listen to its sound. This is the note "mi". Now we clamp the second string at the 5th fret and achieve its sound in unison with the open first string. Here we pull the first, then the second and listen. If we feel a difference in sound, then by rotating the peg we tighten the string to the desired sound.
  2. Done, move on to the third. When pressed at the 4th fret, it should sound like an open 2nd. As a result, we get the note "C".
  3. The fourth string clamped at the 5th fret should sound like an open third. This will be the note "sol".
  4. The fifth string clamped at the 5th fret, respectively, sounds in unison with the open fourth. This will be the note "D".
  5. And finally, the sixth string clamped at the 5th fret should sound in unison with the open fifth string. This will be the note "la".

By the way, as such a tuning fork, some use the beep of a landline telephone. It is close in sound to the first string, we listen and tune in the same way.

It seems nothing complicated, but here you have to rely on hearing. It is necessary to pull the string somewhere wrong and the whole system will be broken.

Therefore, for the convenience of tuning, although also by ear, a wind tuning fork was invented, in which (in the version for the guitar) there are all six sounds of open strings.

Here it is also quite simple: we blow into each hole corresponding to our string and tighten the string by rotating the pegs in unison with the blown sound. However, it can be configured as in the previous version. We extract the sound of the first open string, tune it, and then. As described above.

By the way, modifications of this type of tuning fork are completely different and may not necessarily be the same as in the figure.

An acoustic tuning fork is similar to a wind instrument and is intended for tuning wind instruments. It sets the tone in the range of the first octave.

What they have in common is that in any case, a fairly good ear is needed. As I said, if you can't distinguish even the slightest differences in tonal ranges, then tuning the guitar will be quite problematic.

It would seem what to do? Quit playing, or have a good musician friend who will tune the instrument for you. Even five or ten years ago, one would have to resort to such a method, but technology has stepped far ahead and electronic tuning forks or tuners have appeared. It is very easy to use and here, sorry for the comparison, you don’t need hearing at all to tune the guitar.

We attach such a “thing” to the guitar, pull the strings, and on the screen they show you the sound of the string with a graph. If the line is green. That string sounds right, if it's red, then you need to tune it. This will be discussed in more detail below. But, as you can see, hearing is not needed here at all. We are looking at the picture.

The whole problem is the presence of such a tuner. In principle, you can buy it inexpensively, but until you order it, until it arrives, you need to set it up urgently. And here to help - mobile app. A lot of them various options, but the most popular, which I also installed at home, is GuitarTuna.

This is a very easy-to-manage application, which, to that husband, has a number of additional functions. True, they are available in paid mode, but guitar tuning, chords and metronome are free features. I think this is enough to get started. How does such an application work? Everything is very simple. It works both in automatic mode and in manual mode.

Illuminated in automatic mode in green auto button. This means that the program itself recognizes the sound of the string and shows you how to tune it. But not everything is simple here, most often it turns out that you tune, say, the first string, and the program determines it differently, or the second, or even the sixth.

As a result, you will tune the guitar incorrectly. It is best to use manual mode. Opposite the pegs in the figure, the notes of each string are shown (highlighted by an arrow). You press any note of any string, in principle, the order is not important here, but you must start from the first.

After that, pull the string and what do we see on the screen? There is a strip in the middle, which is a guideline for the correct setting. When you pluck the corresponding string, you will see the note it makes and the words "too low" or "too high". According to these inscriptions, there is also a circle at the top of the screen.

If "too low", then it is on the left side, and if "too high", then on the right. Accordingly, you need to either loosen the string, or tighten it. Do until this circle is in the middle of the strip and a green checkmark appears in it, which means. You have tuned the string correctly.

Set up the rest of the strings in the same way. As soon as you “make a green tick” on all strings, the guitar will be tuned and will play. Everything is quite simple, fast and, most importantly, does not strain your hearing.

How to tune a six-string guitar for a beginner using a cherub wmt tuner

Although it was previously talked about a mobile application for tuning a guitar, it is still an analogue of an electronic tuning fork or tuner. On the one hand, the mobile application is good, you always have your phone at hand and you can tune the guitar at any time. But even at the same moment, they can call you, the battery is running out or something else.

For example, you have big concert and the guitar began to get out of tune, you won’t work with the phone in public. For this purpose, it is good to have a specialized tuner on hand, which is worn on a clothespin bracket. With it, you attach the tuner to the guitar and it can stay there permanently.

The meaning of its work is similar to the work of a tuner application. Almost everything is the same. We attach the tuner to the guitar and pull the first string. We look at the display screen and observe how far or close graphically the emitted sound will be to the norm.

Cherub wmt is one of the popular tuner models. He has many varieties. As more complex:

So it’s easier, on clothespins.

But the meaning of work is almost the same for everyone. The video below shows you how to tune your guitar with this clip-on tuner.

Tuning a guitar online via the Internet

Another way to tune your guitar is using the world wide web. If you don't need to tune your guitar often, if you "play" only at home for yourself and friends, then you don't have to bother buying tuners and installing applications. You have a computer and internet. Now there are a lot of online applications for tuning guitars. For example, this.

This is a YouTube video that can even be downloaded and adjusted offline. Well, or like this online tuner to tune the guitar on the site "Viktor Tsoi and the group" Kino ":


These, as you noticed by clicking on the links, are auditory tuners. That is, you also need to have good hearing to tune the guitar in unison with the sounds you hear. But if you need the same graphic tuner online? There is also one. Let's follow the link


Here we see the following picture:

As you can see, here again, we will be guided by the arrow. The only thing is that a microphone must be connected to the computer. And when starting the tuner, you need to allow access to the microphone.

For the rest. The guitar tuning procedure is the same as described above. We pull the string and look at the deviation of the arrow, correct it by turning the peg left and right until the string sounds right.

We tune the guitar like A. Rosenbaum

The performers of the author's song, or, as they are also called bards, are practically known to everyone here. One of the most popular such performers is Alexander Rosenbaum. Good songs, beautiful voice. But that's not all. He has a small original feature, which is that his guitar is tuned in open G.

This tuning is used by blues players and is similar to the tuning of a seven-string guitar. That is, by setting your six-string guitar so you play like seven-string guitar. There is another feature of the game of this system - the absence of barre.

What this tuning is like - open strings give a G major chord. Thus, the sound here is somewhat different:

  • 6 string - Re (D) - Large octave
  • 5 string - Sol (G) - Large octave
  • 4 string - Re (D) - Small octave
  • 3 string - Sol (G) - Small octave
  • 2 string - C (B) - Small octave
  • 1 string - Re (D) - First octave

What do they do with this setup. At the beginning, the guitar is tuned like a regular six-string (classical). Then the first and sixth are retuned in unison with the fourth, i.e., all three of these strings sound the same, and the fifth is retuned in unison with the third. As a result, the sound changes somewhat. Of course, this cannot be explained in words, look at the video how everything is done:

True, experts say that the chords in this tuning are somewhat different than in the usual classical one.

How to tune a guitar a semitone lower with an online tuner or an app?

Sometimes it becomes necessary to tune the guitar a semitone lower. This is more often connected with the fact that to fit your instrument to the possibilities of your own vocals, i.e. to your singing tonality. A tone and, accordingly, a semitone is a certain distance between notes.

So, for example, between the notes "do" and "re" there is one tone, but two semitones, which are associated with the presence of such accidentals as "flat" and "sharp".

We go up - we put a sharp, and down - a flat. One semitone is available only between the notes "si" and "do", and between "mi" and "fa".

As for the guitar, two adjacent frets of the same string are semitones.

Simply put, by tuning the guitar in a classical way, we give the following sound to the strings: Mi-si-sol-re-la-mi or in Latin E A D G B E. Lowering the system by half a tone lower, we “add” the flat sign b to each note. The result is: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb.

Because we're lowering the tuning by a semitone. The tuner microphone should be as close to the guitar as possible to avoid inaccuracies. On the tuner screen, we look at what notes it shows us. Everything should already be in flats here.

While tuning the first string, we look. What would be shown on the tuner screen is not just Mi, but E-flat. Accordingly, the second should be A-flat, the third string - D-flat. Then in order: G-flat, B-flat and the sixth - E-flat. By the way, you can check on sharps. Then it will look like this:

  • 1 - D-sharp,
  • 2 - C-sharp,
  • 3 - C-sharp,
  • 4 - F-sharp,
  • 5 - A sharp,
  • 6 - D sharp

To make it convenient to carry out such tuning, you need to purchase a capo.

In general, such a setting is best done with him. We place the capo on the first fret and tune the guitar with the tuner, as usual, to the standard fret. But after you remove the capo, the guitar will be in tune by exactly the required semitone.

That's basically it. Good luck with your guitar improvisations!

If it has already been decided to start playing the guitar, then the first thing to do when picking up an instrument is to tune the guitar. About how it is carried out 6 string guitar tuning and this article is about. Let's look at how to tune a guitar with and without a tuner. Never play the guitar out of tune - it completely spoils your hearing!

Standard guitar tuning

Guitar tuning assumes that each string should sound with a certain note. The set of notes of all the strings is called the tuning of the guitar. Tuning 6 string guitar can be done in different order, but we will focus on the most common - the classical tuning, which is often called the standard guitar tuning.

In short, any system is written as a sequence of notes of the sound of open strings from the first to the sixth. The standard scale is written like this:


What does it mean in Russian:

Mi Si Sol Re La Mi

As you can see, the first and sixth strings sound like a note Mi , but in the case of the sixth string it is Mi second octave (thick string), and the first string emits Mi fourth octave (thin). More about this will be a little later.

Tuner for tuning the guitar

In the age of technology, it would be strange if there were no guitar tuning gadget. But it does exist and there are a lot of options. Not only is it very convenient, but it is also very cheap.

This is a small clothespin that clings to the headstock, i.e. the place where the guitar has pegs. The clothespin contains a sensor that detects sound vibrations. going about t strings. Due to this, the tuner does not pick up external noise.

What are these strange letters on the screen, we will consider, but for now I want to please you. The cost of this miracle on Aliexpress only 3$. In music stores, such tuners are sold many times more expensive. I recommend buying just in case. Useful, I use it myself. Buy better at this store .

Tuner for tuning a guitar on a phone

Today there is more than one online service to tune your guitar. There are also enough programs for PC, for example, the same GuitarPro allows you to do this. But it is much more convenient to install the application on your smartphone and not depend on the Internet and/or computer.

Applications for tuning the guitar for the smartphone darkness. But the most complete and advanced among them all was and remains to this day the gStrings guitar tuner. I've been using them for 5 years now.

You can download it from Google Play Store A.

After all the changes made by the developers, the application has become as adapted to the living conditions as possible. You just need to take your phone out of your pocket, open the application and start pulling the strings, and not necessarily the guitar ones. The app is omnivorous and great for both guitar tuning and bass guitar tuning, violin and any other instrument. Even the drums once pulled up on it.

At the top of the tuner screen are consecutive notes. In the center is the note to be tuned, and the arrow indicates what to do with this note. If the arrow is to the left of the center of the screen, then the note is understretched. If to the right, then it is overdrawn.

A tuned note is considered if the arrow points to the center, i.e. on the note itself, while changing its color, in this case from gray to white. Today, all tuners have a similar intuitive interface.

As already shown above, notes are indicated by the first letters of the English alphabet. The letters go like in English alphabet, in order, but starting with the note A:

  • Before - C
  • Re - D
  • Mi-E
  • Fa - F
  • Salt G
  • La - A
  • C-B

When talking about standard tuning, octaves were mentioned. The octave to which the note belongs is indicated in the program by a number next to the note. Under the note is indicated its frequency in Hertz (Hz). The center of the screen shows the frequency of the sound in this moment. For standard tuning, this is:

  • 1 stringE 4329.63Hz
  • 2 stringB3246.94Hz
  • 3 stringG3196.00Hz
  • 4 stringD3146.83Hz
  • 5 stringA2110.00Hz
  • 6 stringE 282.41Hz

Do not confuse! and then in best case break the string, at worst - harm the guitar.

Tuning 6 string guitar by notes

Today, with a smartphone or two in everyone's pocket, this guitar tuning option can be considered obsolete, but don't write it off. One way or another, everyone who plans to continue playing the guitar should know it. You never know, suddenly the battery sits on the smartphone)

The method is based on the fact that each next string is tuned according to the previous one by ear, by resonance. As we already know, the open first string gives a note Mi. If you hold down the second string at the fifth fret, then we will also get the same note Mi and a resonance will arise between them, i.e. they will begin to amplify each other's sound.

So, in order to tune the second string, you need it to sound the same as the open first string at the fifth fret. Therefore, we clamp the second string at the fifth fret, pull the first string, and then the second, and try to determine whether the second string sounds higher or lower.

At the same time, in order to make it easier to determine whether the second string is understretched or overstretched, you can move from the fifth fret to other frets and look for which fret the resonance will occur. If it occurs at higher frets (6,7,8….), then the second string should be tightened even more. If the resonance occurs if you clamp the second string at lower frets (1-4), then the second string is overstretched.

Beats and tuning of the guitar

When you come close to the desired note and the difference between the notes is very close, then there are so-called beats. Beating is the result of a small difference between two close frequencies that are trying to resonate, but because of the small difference, the sound is either amplified or attenuated. Graphically it looks like this:

When tuning an acoustic guitar, the beats are not only audible, but also clearly felt by the body when touching the soundboard (body) of the guitar. This is especially noticeable on the upper bass strings, due to their thickness and lower sounding frequency.

The closer the sounds of two notes (the second string at the fifth fret and the open first) correspond to each other, the faster the beats will occur. And when the notes match, the beats will stop altogether. It just needs to be felt and then it will be possible to adjust without hesitation.

By analogy for the rest of the strings. The third string should sound the same as the second open string when pressed at the fourth fret. To tune the 4th, 5th and 6th strings, you should hold them at the fifth fret and compare their sound with the sound of the previous string.

It turns out that all strings except the third one are tuned according to the resonance between them at the fifth fret and the previous string, and the third string is similar, but clamped at the fourth fret.

Sheet music for guitar tuning

This way you can tune the guitar in reverse order or starting from any string, but there is one thing in this method. weakness. Initially, one of the strings must be tuned from the outside. For these purposes, a tuning fork was invented. A standard tuning fork produces a note A with a frequency of 440 Hz. Those. this is the first string at the fifth fret.

Especially for you, a 20-second file with a note A (440Hz) was created in the Audacity audio editor, which is emitted by a standard tuning fork. Well, at the same time, 20 seconds of the sound of the first string.

Download or listen online sheet music for guitar tuning:

You can create the sound of any note yourself in the Audacity program. How to do this, read the article:

Another instrument can also serve as a reference, such as a piano or a second guitar. But it is better to memorize some melody for yourself, preferably involving all the strings separately, by playing which you could accurately determine whether the instrument is out of tune, and which strings should be tuned.

For me personally, the intro to Viktor Tsoi's song "Aluminum Cucumbers" serves as such a melody. If you develop auditory memory and remember the sound of notes, then you can tune the guitar without any problems without a tuning fork, and even more so without tuners. It just takes practice and regular play.

And finally, a video showing another option for tuning the guitar:

The article was written exclusively for the site

In this article, we will look at how to tune a six-string guitar to standard tuning:

  • First string - E (E)
  • Second string - C (H)
  • Third string - Sol (G)
  • Fourth string - Re (D)
  • Fifth string - La (A)
  • Sixth string - Mi (E)

Try our online guitar tuning service, where you can tune your guitar without a microphone and without connecting the guitar itself to your computer. This service is very popular among visitors to our site.

For fine tuning, it is better to use a tuner, software or hardware - it doesn’t matter. A hardware tuner is a small device that detects the vibration frequency of a sound and indicates the note that corresponds to it, as well as the deviation of the sound from the note. Software tuner - in fact, the same thing, only the sound is analyzed computer program. To use the software tuner, you must connect your guitar to your computer, and if you have acoustic guitar- use a microphone. There are also programs that do not analyze the sound (which means that you do not need to connect the guitar to the computer), but simply reproduce the sound of the desired frequency for each string. We will look at guitar tuning programs in another article.

Guitar tuning begins with tuning the first (thinnest string).

The first string, pressed at the fifth fret (the note A) should make a sound with a vibration frequency of 440 hertz. To obtain a sample of such a sound, you can use a tuning fork or other musical instrument (the main thing is that it be tuned) and tune the string by ear.

If none of the above was at hand, then you can resort to the help of MGTS. Horn in handset has a vibration frequency of 400-425 hertz, and the first string clamped on the fourth fret is 415 hertz, which means that the first string on the fourth fret should sound about the same as a telephone dial tone. Of course, this is just an approximate setting.

Over time, you will probably remember how the note A should sound and be able to tune the guitar without applying a sound sample.

So, compare the sound of the note la and the sound of a string clamped at the fifth fret. When the string is tuned correctly, the sound should seem to merge (this is the unison). If the sounds are clearly different from each other, then try holding the first string at the fourth or sixth fret. If you hold down the string at the fourth fret and the sounds become more similar, then this means that the string is tuned higher, and you need to loosen the string. If the result is the same with the string clamped at the sixth fret, the string needs to be pulled. Achieve maximum similarity of sounds.

The second string is tuned relative to the first: clamped at the fifth fret, it should sound in unison with the open first string.

The third string is tuned a little differently. Clamped on the fourth fret, it should sound the same as the second open.

Now you need to check how the guitar is tuned, because when tuning the guitar, an error can accumulate when the strings sounded similar, but not in unison. The sixth and first open strings should sound in unison with the fourth, clamped at the second fret and the third at the ninth. Fifth, clamped on the second fret - in unison with the open second and fourth on the ninth. Fifth on the tenth fret - as the third open.

With fine tuning, if you extract the sound from the second string, clamped at the fifth fret, then the open first string will also begin to oscillate - a resonance will appear. In this way, you can check the tuning of all guitar strings and, if necessary, tune the guitar.

Hold any chord and hit the strings - a properly tuned guitar sounds beautiful, even and seamless.

Guitar tuning:

Chord fingerings:

  • History of the bass guitar and low-frequency instruments in general
  • Roman Vitalievich ("Marusya-Rusak"): from beginner to master
  • Choosing metal strings for acoustic guitar

Today we will talk about how to properly tune a six-string guitar for a beginner and show it to you with a video example. Most often, the situation is such that a person spends a lot of strength, nerves and energy in order to learn how to play some kind of chords and play some simple melodies. And as soon as everything starts to turn out and the person calms down, there is a problem with tuning a six-string guitar. This is not the worst option yet. A very large number of pianists die without being able to tune the piano. There are many ways to properly tune your guitar. various ways for a newbie. Let's consider some of them.

String Tuning Methods

As you know, on the fifth fret, the first string is "la" of the first octave. In frequency, this sound resembles the sound of a beep in a telephone receiver. A phone beep makes 400 vibrations per second, while "la" makes 440 vibrations per second. This fact I haven't tested it myself, but I've heard about it many times.

"Mi" of the first octave is the open first string of the guitar. It is usually configured according to any configured musical instrument, for example, a piano or a tuning fork, in extreme cases, it can also be tuned by ear. If you can’t tune “la” and “mi” by ear, then it’s okay. The first string can be tuned just the way you like it. Over time, you will get used to this sound, which suits you the most, and in the future you will tune the entire guitar in the same way on the first string of a six-string guitar.

After you have tuned the first string of the guitar, located at the fifth fret, the rest must also be clamped at the fifth fret, and at the same time tune to the open previous one. The third string is an exception and must be played at the fourth fret. That is, if you clamp the second string on the fifth fret, then it should sound in unison with the first open one. If you clamp the third string located on the fourth fret, it should sound in unison with the second open. And so is everyone else.

The second method is a test

This method is very inaccurate, unless, of course, you have perfect pitch. Accordingly, after you have correctly tuned the guitar, you can arrange a test. The third string, located at the ninth fret, also sounds the same as the first open one. The fourth string of a six-string guitar, located at the ninth fret, as well as the second open. The fifth string, located at the tenth fret, sounds the same as the third open one. The sixth string in the guitar, located at the tenth fret, sounds the same as the fourth open. And the first and sixth open ones sound the same as "mi", only with a difference of two octaves.

Extraordinary way to set up

The guitar can be tuned with harmonics. An easy way to tune a six-string guitar for a beginner. A harmonic is a sound with a double frequency, which can be obtained as follows: lightly pressing the string with your finger or fingernail in the fretboard (that is, the place of division into frets), pull it. In this case, the sound should be rattling.

When checking with harmonics, the first string on the seventh fret should be the same as the second string on the fifth. The third string, located at the seventh fret, should be the same as the fourth, located at the fifth fret. The fourth string, located at the seventh fret, should be the same as the fifth at the fifth. The fifth string, located at the seventh fret, should be the same as the sixth at the fifth. That is, simply put, the sound with the first string slightly clamped on the nut between the seventh and eighth frets should be the same as the sound of the string located between the fifth and sixth frets.

The fourth way is visual

If it is difficult to tune the guitar correctly by ear, then you can try to tune it by eye. It happens this way: when two strings are tuned in unison, when you pull one string, the second one starts to vibrate. We hope we helped you and now you know how to properly tune a six-string guitar for a beginner with your own hands.

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How to tune a six-string guitar online by video
