Cancer and Capricorn: compatibility of a man and a woman in love relationships, marriage and friendship. Are they suitable for each other in love?

The relationship of a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man is a relationship real woman and a real man. She is gentle, soft, changeable, he is a rock. The Capricorn man charms her with his seriousness, determination - she is not afraid with him, she feels safe, and this is the most important thing for representatives of the Cancer sign. He also gets an understanding and faithful companion, emotional and incomprehensible at times. They will look for an approach to each other for a long time, since they are not just not alike - they are complete opposites, but it's worth it. Romantic relationship Cancer women and Capricorn men are classic, exemplary. Of course, she is responsible for the emotional background: the Capricorn man is unable to track what is happening in her soul and even in himself. The Capricorn man, on the other hand, "shapes" their relationship, skillfully creating the conditions for their love to grow and strengthen.

The sexual life of a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man will be very eventful. They perfectly complement each other in the intimate sphere: she will set the mood, he will bring the matter to a victorious end. The Cancer woman will be able to pull those threads of the subconscious that the Capricorn man diligently hides: he does not really like to be controlled, he does not agree to obey anyone. But in sex, she will lead his emotions and desires. The Cancer woman will be able to make sure that the Capricorn man will be in seventh heaven with happiness, and few succeed. He will surround her with strength and affection, tenderness and severity - in a word, he will allow you to completely relax and surrender to the feeling.

Family and marriage

If they get married (and they will definitely get married), they will have perfect family. The Cancer woman will be able to do the housework and what she likes, while the Capricorn man will earn money to provide the family with everything necessary. Their roles will be distributed naturally, because she is a classic wife, and he is a 100% husband. Exactly at family relationships both will be able to realize themselves as fully as possible, because the signs of Cancer and Capricorn reflect the theme family happiness and professional success, which, by the way, become possible just when everything is in order at home.

They can also be friends. Both the Cancer woman and the Capricorn man are responsible for everyone “whom they have tamed”, so their friendship will be long and strong. A Cancer woman will always be able to understand her gloomy friend, she will support him emotionally, she will be gentle and affectionate. The Capricorn man, in turn, will protect his girlfriend from adversity real world will provide practical assistance when needed. They will be very important people for each other and, most likely, they will not endure and will start dating.

Work and business

It would be great if he was her leader. She could not dream of more: the Capricorn man gives the most clear and correct instructions, controls the process, so that the Cancer woman can achieve the desired result under his strict guidance. If he is her subordinate, the situation will be somewhat unnatural - however, the Cancer woman can always trust his mind, forgetting who is formally in charge here.

Friendship Compatibility: 53%
Family Compatibility: 65%
Compatibility in work: 70%

The union of Capricorn and Cancer has many contradictions. In this pair, the elements of Water and Earth are found, and this contributes to rapprochement, however, on a short time. The most important thing for such a couple find common interests or activities otherwise they just won't match.

Work Compatibility

In a work environment, the Capricorn man is always focused, focused on results and guided by solely by logic. Cancer, on the other hand, works according to mood, change the course of action and ways to achieve the ultimate goal.

Collaborate like this different people quite difficult, especially if they have a joint project. Such a tandem will bear fruit only if Capricorn is a strategist, and Cancer is a performer.

Family Compatibility

Although these men have common ground, they are unlikely to start a family. They have very different mindset and perception. Cancer is sensual and emotional, Capricorn is pragmatic and reserved.

Because of these differences, the understanding of the spouses will be absent. Such a marriage will hard work for both, they will have to adapt to a partner in almost everything.

Compatibility in love

mutual attraction common in this couple. They are drawn to each other from the first minutes of dating, but the attraction is most often physical in nature. Men Cancer and Capricorn will be ideal lovers, but this is where the whole idyll ends.

Due to its emotionality, Cancer will wait for spiritual affection from Capricorn, which, if it is, then not for the public. Capricorn is one of those who keeps everything in himself.

friendship compatibility

Friendly relations have little chance to existence. The Cancer man looks for understanding, compassion and empathy in a friend. A Capricorn man is someone who won't waste time talking and will never comfort when it's not worth it.

They have very different concepts of friendship, and this becomes an obstacle to relationships of this kind.

Learn all about zodiac signs compatibility

Cancer and Capricorn are two astrological opposites. But the difference in characters helps the representatives of these signs according to the horoscope to complement each other. Cancer in Capricorn can learn stamina, stubbornness and rationality. The latter in this pair becomes softer and more attentive. Cancer helps the partner to open the world of emotions, possessing tenderness and suppleness, which Capricorn lacks. In such an alliance, everyone will be able to realize himself, show characteristics unusual for him and become a support for the satellite. In this tandem, regardless of the gender of the partners, Cancer takes care of the emotional climate, and Capricorn takes on masculine responsibilities.

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      Cancer man and Capricorn woman

      The compatibility of these signs in love is perfect - 100%. In the entire zodiac grid, you cannot find a couple like them, in which completely different partners achieve harmony.

      • Capricorn gives Cancer a sense of constancy. It is important for her not to put pressure on her companion, to support him and in no case blame him for weakness. A man is impressed by the frugality and prudence of a woman. With his close lover, Cancer becomes frank. But his sensual nature will not endure neglect and disrespect. The Capricorn woman only needs to learn to listen so as not to hurt her sentimental partner.

        Cancer and Capricorn are called "zodiac parents" because the intentions of these signs are serious.

        Cancer is very touchy. He is equally acutely experiencing recent quarrels and old conflicts. His mood may worsen due to a disturbing memory. If the partner understands this, she becomes more careful in her statements. A man tends to endlessly idealize his past, while a woman takes a sober look at life.

        A man is looking for strength and stability in a relationship, and a woman is looking for warmth. Partners give each other a sense of security. Capricorn in this pair takes care of material well-being, and homebody Cancer creates home comfort. The economic man is ready to endlessly improve the family nest. Possible and classic version a family in which the husband, with the support of his wife, makes a career. With the help of a purposeful Capricorn woman, he can achieve a lot.

        To understand the sensitive and touchy Cancer, you need to have the talent of a psychologist. It will take considerable endurance to endure the partner's mood swings. Fortunately, the representative of the earth sign has a lot of it. She shows participation and helps the interlocutor to speak out.

        intimate life

        Attraction between them arises immediately. They understand each other's needs. The intensity of passions in a couple does not fade away. They love to both give and receive long caresses.

        Intimate relationships are perceived as something more than just sex. For them, making love is a manifestation of feelings. Cancer feels safe in the arms of a partner, and a woman opens up and does not hesitate to show emotions violently.

        Both partners are owners. They are jealous, but if the jealousy of Cancer is safe for others, then an angry Capricorn woman can sweep away everything in its path. However, partners may not worry about fidelity, because they are not inclined to adultery. They are enough for each other.


        If this couple is in love complete harmony, then they do not develop friendly relations. They have no points of contact. These zodiac signs do not understand each other's motives well. Cancer seeks sympathy and support in friendship, but Capricorn is not able to provide psychological help.

        A woman will help with advice, but she is not strong in heart-to-heart conversations. She is looking for a realist, similar to herself, with whom she can discuss business matters for friendship. Cancer, on the other hand, requires from relationships, first of all, trust and openness, a deep understanding of its inner world otherwise he will not be able to show his true nature.

        Business relationship

        Capricorn approaches work issues rationally, not including emotions. He calmly solves problems. Cancer is difficult to deal with feelings. He often worries, falls out of the working rhythm, which annoys his colleague.

        Tolerant relationships develop between the boss of Capricorn and the subordinate of Cancer. Much worse if it's the other way around. If a man of this water sign makes a career, he becomes tough and uncompromising. In Capricorn, he sees a competitor.

        Capricorn man and Cancer woman

        Compatibility in love relationships – 60 %.

        Although the percentage is lower than that of the Cancer man and Capricorn woman, they can be no less happy in marriage. At the meeting, the Cancer woman strikes Capricorn with her modesty. Since the man of this sign chooses a life partner with his mind, the girl has every chance to demonstrate her seriousness and thriftiness. A Cancer woman can invite her lover home to appreciate the comfort that she knows how to create.

        Cancers love the quiet family life. Together with a loved one, they create a traditional family in which spheres of influence are divided. The wife realizes herself in raising children and caring for her husband. Capricorn next to a tender wife becomes purposeful. At home, he can forget about business and enjoy family happiness.

        In this pair, no one is fighting for leadership, because Capricorn becomes the leader by default, and the Cancer spouse is ready to be led.

        A woman in this union knows how to delicately resolve any conflicts. If it is difficult for some other sign to endure the stubbornness of Capricorn, then Cancer considers this quality even a plus. After all, thanks to him, the partner achieves heights in his career and the respect of others. IN difficult moments the wife can always rely on him.

        Problems in this couple arise because of the restraint of the husband. He is not able to openly show feelings, which is why he seems cold and rational. But knowing him better, it becomes clear that in his soul he is very loving and gentle. Cancer judges people by their feelings. Rational Capricorn is accustomed to focus on actions. Because of this, disagreements and misunderstandings arise.

        Capricorn is surprised by Cancer's mood swings. When she is offended, from feminine and charming girl turns into an alienated stranger. She is sensitive to criticism. Capricorn needs to learn to express dissatisfaction more gently. In this case, Cancer will amaze with openness and generosity. for the sake of true love she is ready to make sacrifices, because she has natural wisdom and tolerance.

Cancer friends? How do they make friends and with whom do they develop friendly relations? Let's deal with all these issues in order.

So, if at one of the parties you notice a guest who communicates with only a couple of friends at most all the time, while staying closer to the snacks and behaving quite quietly. Most likely, this person is a representative zodiac sign Cancer.

Cancer friends are cute, calm and even a little shy, they don't like mass events or noisy gatherings. As a rule, their circle of acquaintances is limited, and their few comrades are really people tested by time and circumstances.

Cancerians love to spend time with their friends, moreover, they often show maternal (paternal) care towards them, sometimes it seems that they are ready to literally strangle their friends in their arms.

However, given the sensitivity and emotional vulnerability inherent in Cancers, these people expect the same from their friends in return: sincerity, warmth and reliability. Cancer does not tolerate quarrels, it can be easily offended, and feeling unfairly hurt, such a person can hide in his “shell” and then not show his nose from there for a long time.

Otherwise, Cancers are wonderful friends, it is a pleasure to be friends with them. They are always glad to their guests and will visit you with pleasure. Comrades like them can be completely relied upon.

Cancer Compatibility in Friendship

Cancers tend to get along well with other water signs, Pisces and Scorpio. All of them are very emotional and well (intuitively) feel the mood of each other. It's a mutually cozy friendship: Cancer will be able to tame Scorpio and smooth things over. sharp corners in their relationship; Cancer and them are generally "one field of a berry", bosom friends.

Remarkably friendly Cancers with earth signs Zodiac - Virgo and Taurus. Virgos like the calm and gentle nature of their friend, who, in turn, is impressed by the Virgo's thoroughness and honesty in relations with a friend. Taurus and Cancer are a stable pair of friends (one could even say “do not spill water” about them, if Taurus were not annoyed at times by the variability of Cancer), who are accustomed to spending time with great pleasure and comfort (often at a well-laid table).

In the case of Gemini, one can hardly talk about strong friendship, rather just about good relations. Cancer is always pleased when their Gemini friend says everything for them in the company (introduces them to new people, easily introduces them to a new society, etc.).

Relationships with Leo will also develop well in friendship, who will take on the role of a protector and assistant for his friend Cancer. He, in turn, will be on the sidelines with pleasure to admire and take care of his royal comrade.

But the friendship between Cancer and Sagittarius is unlikely. Sagittarius is too rough and superficial for Cancer.

Also, Cancer and Aquarius have little in common. Their friendship simply has nothing to cling to.

Fiery Aries at some point may become too "much" for Cancer. Their friendship will end due to quarrels and misunderstandings. Aries will be in this pair of companions" eternal bully”, which Cancer will eventually get tired of reassuring.

Cancers do not get along very well with representatives of the sign of Libra. These people seem to Cancers to be too capricious and even outwardly they do not particularly impress them.

Friendship with Capricorns will not work either. They are too cold, heavy and reserved, which Cancers can never accept.

Cancer friends don't "happen" that often in our lives. But if you are lucky enough to have such a comrade, then you "risk" to carry this friendship through the years in the status of, indeed, real friends!

Compatibility in love relationships of such zodiac signs as Cancer and Capricorn is about 96%. This couple is able to conquer the whole world, fall in love with others and at the same time not cool down in relation to each other.

General characteristics of signs

Finely arranged souls of Cancers always strive to help everyone in the world, even if they have to do it to the detriment of themselves. Capricorns, of course, are also very good-natured, but in this union they “pull” the partner in every possible way from rash decisions.


Cancers are considered the most emotional representative of the zodiac ring. They are hypersensitive to various emotional upheavals and it is rather difficult to experience grief and joy. Each, even insignificant, event in their life is able to “knock down” Cancers.

Important! The impressionability of the representatives of this zodiac sign is due to the fact that the Moon patronizes them. It is she who gives Cancers a very developed intuition, vulnerability and an easily vulnerable nervous system.

A little childish and naive perception of the world sometimes plays with them bad joke- they can not adequately assess the problems and troubles.

By nature, Cancerians are dreamers. They are used to assessing society with undisguised youthful maximalism, which is sometimes a very wrong decision. But it also happens that it is precisely such a “hovering in the clouds” state that allows the representatives of this sign to look at the world from a non-trivial angle and see more than the surrounding people notice.

Pretty romantic nature. All their love experiences can hide from the public for years and rarely take the first steps in a relationship. But if feelings are already revealed, Cancers are ready to “turn mountains” for the sake of their soulmate. Men gladly give gifts to their beloved, and Cancer women become wonderful housewives and exemplary wives.

They are very worried about the bad attitude towards themselves from others. Cancers want to please everyone and always, so when they notice hostility towards them, they get very upset. Instead of not paying attention to such trifles, they are trying in every possible way to convince ill-wishers of their "wonderfulness".

Interesting to know! It is very easy to offend representatives of this sign - just say an inappropriate joke, look askance in their direction, or reproach them for imperfection.

Even a trifling phrase Cancers are perceived as “a stone in their garden” and can immediately withdraw into themselves. Having hurt their pride once, it will be quite problematic to establish relations again.

One of the main abilities of this zodiac sign is the exaggeration of problems. They are able to "inflate out of molehills" with jet speed. When entering into an argument with Cancers, one should be prepared for the fact that even from one unsuccessfully thrown word, they can easily make a global tragedy.

By nature, Cancer is enough secretive people. They rarely open their soul wide open, and if they do, it is only for those closest to them. It is impossible to find out what is on Cancer's mind - they carefully hide their desires, fears and emotions behind seven locks. But if the representative of this sign has already taken a risk and told the most intimate secrets, then intimacy with him has certainly come. Despite such superficiality, Cancers are quite sociable.

In the article "" you can learn more about how representatives of this sign show their feelings.

Among their acquaintances one can meet very interesting personalities— from creative designers to quiet writers. They get along well with representatives of almost all signs, as they know how to adapt to the interlocutor and rarely come into conflict.

Most often they are homebodies and do not attend noisy parties. Cancers do not like to leave their comfort zone and rarely go out. They prefer a quiet cozy evening at home or at the movies, frantic fun on the beach or in a club. It is extremely rare that they can afford to "break away", although after such holidays they do not feel emotional satisfaction.

They are very thrifty and do not like to throw money down the drain. They prefer to save money and spend it exclusively on useful things, rarely allow themselves financial liberties. Cancer men can seem somewhat greedy, as they don't often pamper their soulmate with cute presents.

Advice! It is alien to them to make meaningless purchases, so when entering into a relationship with this zodiac sign, you should be prepared to receive instead teddy bear a neck massager, a pot or a set of towels.


Practical and stubborn people who are used to going to their goals no matter what. Capricorns do everything very carefully - their every step is carefully thought out, they carefully "step over" all the obstacles in their path. Many mistakenly believe that the representatives of this sign are used to "go ahead", but this is a false opinion.

In life, they are used to reaching heights exclusively by hard work, they do not recognize "handouts" from parents or friends. Capricorns are very collected and consistent in their actions. This is what allows them to rationally allocate time and quickly achieve the desired goal. In addition, representatives of this sign are often called workaholics.

Interesting to know! Without hesitation, they agree to any additional work, even to the detriment of their own rest.

By nature, they are very quiet and modest, rarely seek power and do not crave to get a managerial position. But thanks to their perseverance and diligence, they often become good bosses who are able to establish effective work in a team. Subordinates respect Capricorns and listen to their opinion. But despite this, many of them think that the boss is not doing his job well enough.

Representatives of this sign are quite static - they do not like global changes in life, they are afraid of moving and changing the situation. Such events can bring a calm Capricorn to a stressful state and even piss them off a little. If, during such changes in life, something does not go according to plan, “earthly” people can completely lose control of themselves.

Regarding life, Capricorns are very scrupulous. They protect their home from prying eyes like the apple of their eye. Women of this sign are usually the best housewives - they cook culinary masterpieces, their house is always clean and comfortable. But Capricorn men try to avoid everyday problems - they are removed from household chores and completely take on the role of "earner".

Important! Capricorn men believe that a woman should do household chores, and a man should fully provide for his family.

Unlike the enthusiastic Cancers, Capricorns are completely down to earth and prudent. They do not like to dream about something unrealistic in vain, but prefer to spend free time with maximum benefit. Rarely give vent to feelings and show others their emotions. Many consider Capricorns to be quite dry and emotionless. But in fact, behind such a “steel shell” lies a rather vulnerable soul.

The first declaration of love to the representatives of this sign is very difficult. They are driven by the fear of disappointment - the worst thing for Capricorns is to become rejected. Therefore, they decide for a long time on the first step, take it very carefully and without pressure.

Advice! If you see that the Capricorn man is not indifferent to you, help him. Start a conversation about feelings on your own, and your chosen one will definitely support the conversation.

With children, representatives of this sign are quite strict, they try to educate them according to all the rules. They rarely pamper their kids, instill in them a sense of justice from childhood. When the child grows up a little, the Capricorn parent easily lets him go “free swimming” - they do not control every step of their child, as they completely trust him.

love compatibility

Romantic relationships between Cancer and Capricorn are considered quite common. Such a union is usually filled with vivid emotions, but at the same time it is quite balanced and calm. For such a couple, relationships will develop gradually, flowing from temporary friendship into strong bonds of marriage.

He is a Cancer, she is a Capricorn

A couple in which both halves rarely make concessions. They can argue for hours on a banal topic, but at the same time they will not allow a grandiose scandal to arise. Even the stubbornness of Cancer and Capricorn does not make such an alliance less strong. Lovers are accustomed to seeing reliable life partners in their second halves, so all quarrels pass without much fuse. For this couple, the most important thing is the ability to find a compromise that would satisfy the desires and needs of both partners.

The Cancer man will try in every possible way to surprise his beloved, he will try to surround her with attention and care. He will be very attentive to all her problems, he will try to solve any difficulties without the participation of the second half. By nature, Cancer men are strong and reliable partners, so a Capricorn woman will feel protected next to him.

Interesting to know! In such a pair, she will be able to relax and become more “soft”. The Capricorn woman is used to achieving everything on her own, but the strong rear that her partner will provide will help to discover femininity and lightness in herself.

He is more often in charge of the family budget in this pair. Due to their nature and scrupulousness, Cancers do not trust financial affairs to the weaker sex. In their opinion, rash purchases are characteristic of women, and this alignment is clearly not suitable for a thrifty man. Global acquisitions are always carefully planned, and the same goes for day-to-day spending.

Sometimes it seems to the Cancer man that he is too soft in this pair. Indeed, the stubborn and persistent lady Capricorn does everything confidently and in stages. Such organization can scare the windy and light representative of the stronger sex.

Advice! On the other hand, Cancers are attracted to such women - they are able to inspire them with confidence and a sense of constancy.

Cancers are quite conservative and have well-established views on marriage and family. In pairs with representatives of this zodiac sign, the percentage of divorces is minimal, as they are trying in every possible way to maintain the union even with strong quarrels. Capricorn women are also in awe of family relationships, so they rarely initiate a break.

She is a Cancer, he is a Capricorn

Both signs of the Zodiac value comfort, coziness and home very much. Cancers and Capricorns are very similar in this - they do not tend to noisy parties, going to bars and restaurants. It is very important for a Cancer woman to understand that they are waiting for her at home. They do not like to be alone with their own thoughts and avoid loneliness in every possible way.

The Capricorn man is ready to patronize his beloved, to bring everything necessary into her life. A certain vulnerability and sincerity of Cancers are very appealing to strong and self-sufficient men. Next to such a fragile lady, they feel their importance and are ready for even greater achievements.

Important! Inspiring Capricorn to new exploits is quite simple - just praise and admire him.

The main household problem in this pair may be the issue of children. Cancer women are the keepers of the hearth and do not understand how to do without children's laughter in the house. Capricorns "ripen" in this regard much later, they are sure that they should think about offspring only after both partners have built successful career. So to speak, first plant a tree, build a house, and only then talk about the "heir".

In addition, the frivolity of the Cancer woman can also strain the serious Capricorn a little. But if it is in moderation, such a spouse with her spontaneity will help her husband relax after a hard day and forget about all the troubles.

Another positive point in this pair is the same attitude towards money. If financial conflicts for most couples occur due to the rash spending of one of the partners, then in this union this is simply impossible. Cancers and Capricorns are equally frugal and even sometimes greedy. They can easily accumulate a large sum money for something grandiose, while the lack of funds in Everyday life will not frighten representatives of these signs.

Astrologers say that love relationships between representatives of these signs most often develop successfully. Their values ​​and outlook on life completely coincide, so that disagreements, if they arise, do not gain strength.

According to the theory, there is a master-servant tendency in the Capricorn-Cancer pair.

Relationships at work

Cancers and Capricorns are somewhat similar in their stubbornness. But the former can sometimes take liberties at work, while the latter are extremely unacceptable to loafers. Therefore, such colleagues may sometimes quarrel among themselves, but finding a compromise will be able to achieve maximum results and productivity.

He is a Cancer, she is a Capricorn

The Capricorn woman will become the most responsible employee in any team, she can be entrusted with complex tasks and not worry that she will not cope with them. Representatives of this sign easily overcome all obstacles in their path and achieve their goals by any means. But despite this, Capricorn women are very "clean" - they will not "go over their heads", but will achieve the desired result in an honest way.

Cancer men in the team are very impressed by such employees - they themselves always “fight” for justice, so they will not refuse such support. In tandem, such a couple can move mountains - the creativity of Cancers, combined with the sharp mind and perseverance of Capricorns, can bear fruit in any business.

In addition, if a man in a couple takes a leadership position, he can easily direct all efforts in the right direction.

Interesting to know! In turn, the Capricorn woman will partially listen to the advice of her boss, but in any case she will try to bring something new into her work.

If the Capricorn woman leads the process, things can go a little worse. Freedom-loving Cancers will try to "go against the system", putting their own Ego in the first place. Such a tandem will not be able to succeed until the wise boss Capricorn finds an approach to such an obstinate employee.

She is a Cancer, he is a Capricorn

The frivolous and windy girl of Cancer is very important to always keep under control. At work, she may start to give out absolutely inappropriate and even slightly wild ideas. To Capricorn, such behavior may seem absolutely unacceptable, since he himself is more balanced and rational.

Working in the same team with a Cancer woman can be torture for many signs. They are very changeable and fickle in their judgments.

Interesting to know! But it is precisely such a "flaw" that attracts Capricorns to them - the men of this sign find some kind of "vent" in such colleagues and strive for long-term cooperation with them.

But if such a lady gets a leadership position, the Capricorn man will simply go crazy. She will not be able to logically formulate tasks for her subordinate, which is why she will not be able to achieve the required result in the future. Of course, the boss Cancer will blame the unfortunate Capricorn for everything, who has already done 200% more than was required of him.

In the event that the reins of government fall into the hands of a representative of the stronger sex, the success of the company is more likely. He easily organizes the work and puts all the requirements on the shelves for unorganized Cancers.


Among comrades, the union of Cancers and Capricorns is also often found, as well as among happy married couples. They are very devoted to each other and will never go to meanness. In addition, both signs are able to experience strong feeling attachment to friends, which further strengthens such relationships.

He is a Cancer, she is a Capricorn

Between a Capricorn woman and a Cancer man, friendship is quite common, they easily find mutual language and can support any conversation. Both are very educated and well-read, so they like to chat not only on everyday topics, but also discuss something more interesting.

A Capricorn woman often treats such a friend with mild condescension. She turns a blind eye to his frequent rash decisions and only shakes her head doomedly at Cancer's every crazy idea.

Important! Despite the difference in personalities, these signs get along well with each other.

But such an idyll does not always last long. It is worth starting some kind of dispute, as both begin to pull the rightness to themselves. Unfortunately, representatives of these signs absolutely do not know how to concede and lose. Therefore, not finding an approach to a friend, one of the signs can interrupt friendly relations.

She is a Cancer, he is a Capricorn

A woman in such friendly alliance will play a very important role - it will become a kind of "buffer" in case of quarrels and disagreements. Due to her femininity and softness, she will be able to “smooth the corners”, and Capricorn, in turn, will fairly assess the conflict.

Despite their stubbornness, men of this sign can sometimes give in to a lady, attributing everything to the fact that "she's a girl." But such nobility will last only as long as it is convenient for Capricorn. At some point, he will understand that friendship between a man and a woman simply cannot exist and will break this connection.

Interesting to know! According to statistics, the strongest marriage bonds between Cancers and Capricorns begin with friendships.

But the fact that the charming young lady Cancer will be able to win the heart of the stubborn Capricorn is not unlikely, and such friendship will make an excellent romantic union. But in this case, the girl will have to take the initiative into her own hands and try to establish deeper relationships on her own, since it will be very difficult for the representative of the stronger sex to cross this line.
