Everything related to Oblomov's name. The names of literary characters in the novel "Oblomov

Integrated lesson of the Russian language and literature.

Proper names play an important role in the structure of the text and figurative system Goncharov's novel Oblomov. They not only determine the essential features of the characters' characters, but also reflect the main storylines of the work, their significance is one of the features of the writer's style.



Expressive possibilities and the role of proper names

in the text artwork(I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

Lesson objectives:

1. show the expressive possibilities of proper names in the text; their role in creating images of heroes literary work, the development of its main themes;

2.promote skill development research work with the text of a work of art, an explanatory dictionary;

3. improvement of spelling and punctuation skills.

During the classes:

We begin the work in the lesson with a syntactic warm-up:

“Many called him Ivan Ivanovich, others called him Ivan Vasilyich, others called him Ivan Mikhailovich. His last name was also called differently: some said that he was Ivanov, others called him Vasiliev or Andreev, others thought that he was Alekseev ... All this Alekseev, Vasiliev, Andreev, or whatever you want, is some kind of incomplete, faceless allusion to the human mass, dull echo, its indistinct reflection.

How many simple sentences in the 1st sentence? What are the main members of the sentence? What do parts 2 and 3 have in common?

Draw up a proposal.

How many rows of homogeneous members are in the 3rd sentence?

I.A. Goncharov belongs to those writers for whom the choice of the hero's name is fundamentally important. It is often one of keywords text and usually concentrates in itself symbolic meanings. In Goncharov's prose, proper names act as an important means of characterizing the characters, organize the literary text at its different levels, and serve as the key to the subtext of the work. These features of the writer's style can be seen in the example of the novel "Oblomov", which contains a number of riddles associated with the name of the characters.

The novel contrasts two groups of proper names:

1) widespread names and surnames with an erased internal form, which, by definition of the author himself, are only a “deaf echo” (we turn to text I);

2) "meaningful" names and surnames, the motivation of which is found in the text. The most transparent are the "speaking" names of officials.

What are they talking about?

Worn → the verb "wipe" in the meaning of "hush up the matter."

Vytyagushin → the verb "pull out" in the meaning of "rob".

Makhov → correlates with the idiom "give up everything".

Thus, these names of officials directly characterize their activities.

The same group includes the surname Tarantyev.

Find single-root words in Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary.

(Tarant - speak smartly, sharply, quickly, hastily, chatter).

Taranta (reg.) - a lively and sharp talker.

“His movements were bold and sweeping; he spoke loudly, briskly, and always angrily; if you listen at some distance, it is as if three empty carts are driving over a bridge.

Tarantiev's name - Mikhei - discovers literary connections and refers to one of the heroes " dead souls» Gogol.

To whom exactly, who bears the same name?(to Sobakevich)

There is also a connection with the folklore character, who was very reminiscent of the same Sobakevich.(Bear).

In the novel "Oblomov", proper names are combined into a rather coherent system: its periphery is made up of "speaking" names, which are given, as a rule, to minor characters, while in the center are the names of the main characters. These names have multiple meanings.

The surname of the protagonist of the novel, placed in the title, has repeatedly attracted the attention of researchers.

We will also try to conduct a small study, with which words the surname Oblomov corresponds and how its meaning is revealed.

(Students independently name some words: fragment, bummer, break off; the list of words is supplemented with the help of V. Dahl's dictionary).



man-a fragment, incomplete, incomplete man

Teacher's note:

There is another interpretation of the Oblomov-chip connection. V. Melnik connects the hero's surname with E. Baratynsky's poem “Prejudice! He is a fragment of the old truth ... ".


everything that is not whole, that is broken off

break off

force someone to behave in a certain way

Flash and break

round-round; combining the meanings of these words, we get: the circle, symbolizing isolation, lack of development, static, turns out to be torn (broken).


Folk - poetic metaphor: on the one hand, the image of a dream is associated with the world of Russian fairy tales with its inherent poetry; on the other hand, it is a “breaking dream”, disastrous for the hero.

If the students no longer offer other options, then the work continues with the help of the teacher. The task of students is to clarify the meaning of words and expressions.

Will Goncharov confirm our observations?

Let's turn to the text of the novel.

“... (he) was glad that he was lying, carefree, like a newborn baby ...;

... I am a flabby, dilapidated, worn caftan ...;

He felt sad and hurt for his underdevelopment, the halt in the growth of moral forces, for the heaviness that interferes with everything;

From the first minute, when I became conscious of myself, I felt that I was already going out ... He ... fell asleep, as strong as a stone, sleep.

Find words and expressions in sentences that correspond to our observations.

Thus, the text regularly emphasizes the early "extinguishment" of the forces of the spirit and the lack of integrity in the character of the hero.

The multiplicity of motivations for the name Oblomov is connected, as we see, with different meanings: it is, first of all, underincarnation, manifested in the “bummer” of a possible, but unrealized life path(“He didn’t advance a single step in any field”), lack of integrity, a circle that reflects the features of the hero’s biographical time and the repetition of “the same thing that happened to grandfathers and fathers.” The “sleepy kingdom” of Oblomovka can be graphically depicted as a circle “What is Oblomovka, if not forgotten by everyone, miraculously surviving “blissful corner” - a piece of Eden?” - writes Y. Lomits in the book "Goncharov".

The name and patronymic of the hero, united by repetition - Ilya Ilyich - are connected with the image of time through the novel. The passage of time in Pshenitsyna's house, as in Oblomovka, is compared with the slow gradualness with which the geological modifications of our planet take place: there the mountain is slowly crumbling, here for whole centuries the sea deposits silt or recedes from the coast and forms an increment of soil. This extended image extends to Oblomov's life in the last part of the novel:

But the mountain crumbled little by little, the sea receded from the shore or tide to him, and Oblomov gradually entered intoold normal own life".

Biographical time turns out to be reversible, and in the house of Pshenitsyna, Ilya Ilyich again returns to the world of childhood - the world of Oblomovka: the end of life repeats its beginning, the circle is closed:

“The present and the past merged and mixed…”

What is the meaning of the hero's last name especially stands out in the finale of the novel?

Circle. But at the same time, the meanings associated with the verb to break (break off) turn out to be significant. In the “forgotten corner, alien to movement, struggle and life”, Oblomov stops time, overcomes it, but the newfound ideal of peace, in turn, breaks off the wings of his soul, plunges him into sleep.

Compare : “You had wings, but you untied them;

... it has a mind no less than others, only it is buried, crushed by all sorts of rubbish and fell asleep in idleness.

The name of the hero - Ilya - indicates not only "eternal repetition" (Ilya Ilyich), but also has folklore and mythological roots.

What associations arise in this regard?(Ilya Muromets, Ilya the prophet).

The name connects Oblomov with the world of his ancestors, brings his image closer to the image epic hero and a prophet. The name of Oblomov, it turns out, connects, it carries an indication of both long-term static (“immovable” peace) and the possibility of overcoming it, finding a saving fire, but this possibility remains unrealized in the fate of the hero. Confirm with the text of the novel:

“... in my life, after all (never) when (neither) any (neither) saving, (nor) destructive fire lit up ... Either I (did not) understand this life, or it (neither) where

(not) good, but I (neither) knew anything better, (didn’t) see, (nor) anyone (didn’t) point it out to me.

  1. Open brackets, insert missing letters, put punctuation marks.

Oblomov's antipode is Andrey Ivanovich Stolz.

Both their names and their surnames turn out to be contrasting. This opposition is of a special nature: it is not the proper names themselves that are opposite, but the meanings generated by them.

“Childishness”, “underincarnation”, “roundness” of Oblomov is opposed to the “masculinity” of Stolz (Andrey from the ancient Greek “courageous, brave”), and the meekness, gentleness, “natural gold” of the heart of Ilya Ilyich - pride (StOIZ - “proud”) active man and rationalist. Stolz's pride has different manifestations in the novel: from self-confidence and awareness of one's own willpower to saving the strength of the soul. The German surname of the hero, opposed to the Russian surname Oblomov, introduces the opposition of two worlds into the text of the novel: “his” (Russian, patriarchal) and “alien”.

A special place in the system of images of the novel is occupied by Olga Ilyinskaya (after marriage - Stolz).

How does her name emphasize the inner connection with Oblomov?

Ilyinskaya - a repetition of the name Oblomov in the structure of the heroine's surname. According to E. Krasnoshchekova, “in the ideal version, conceived by fate, Olga was destined for Ilya Ilyich. But the insurmountable circumstances parted them. The drama of human incarnation was revealed in a sad ending by the fate of a blessed meeting.

What is the reason, what does the change in the surname of Olga Ilyinskaya → Stolz indicate?

This change reflects both the development of the plot of the novel and the development of the character of the heroine.

Stable associations are evoked by readers and her very name. "Missionary" (according to the subtle remark of I. Annensky) Olga bears the name of the first Russian saint (Olga → German Helge - "under the protection of a deity"; "sacred", "prophetic"). As P.A. Florensky, the name Olga reveals a number of character traits of those who wear it: “Olga ... stands firmly on the ground. In her integrity, Olga is non-stop and straightforward in her own way ... Once, having directed her will to a certain goal, Olga will completely and without looking back to achieve this goal, sparing neither those around her nor herself.

At the end of the novel, Oblomov's son Andrey Ilyich appears, who is brought up in Stolz's house and bears his name. It is his future.

Comment on this association of names of heroes opposed to each other.

The combination of names serves as a sign of the characters and the philosophies they represent.

Lesson summary . So, we are convinced that proper names play an important role in the structure of the text and the figurative system of the novel. They not only determine the essential features of the characters' characters, but also reflect the main storylines of the work; their significance is one of the features of the writer's style.


Olga Ilyinskaya in the novel is opposed by Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

1. What can the name of the heroine tell about?

2. Find in the text of the novel there are portraits of Olga and Agafya Matveevna. Check contrasting details.

3. Wheat in Christian symbolism is a sign of rebirth. When and why does the transformation of Agafya Matveevna take place, the rebirth of her soul?

4. She realized that she lost and shone her life, that God put her soul into her life and took it out again, that the sun shone in her and faded forever ... Forever, really; but on the other hand, her life was forever comprehended: now she knew why she lived and that she did not live in vain.

Place punctuation marks, explain their setting.

Find keywords in the text that create images of light and radiance.

Materials for the lesson.

I. “Many called him Ivan Ivanych, others Ivan Vasilyevich, and others Ivan Mikhailovich. His last name was also called differently, some said that he was Ivanov, others called him Vasiliev or Andreev, others thought that he was Alekseev ... All this Alekseev Vasiliev Andreev, or whatever you want, there is some kind of incomplete faceless hint at the human mass, a deaf echo, its obscure reflection.

II. “(he) was glad that he was lying, carefree as a newborn baby ...;

... I am a flabby, dilapidated, worn caftan; He felt sad and hurt for his underdevelopment, the halt in the growth of moral forces, for the heaviness that interferes with everything;

And envy gnawed at him that others lived so fully and broadly, while for him it was as if a heavy stone had been thrown on the narrow and miserable path of his existence;

From the first minute, when I became conscious of myself, I felt that I was already going out”;

He ... fell asleep as strong as a stone sleep.

III. “In my life, after all (n-) when (n-) lit up (n-) some (n-) saving (n-) destructive fire ... Either I (n-) understood this life or it (n-) where (n -) it’s good, but better I (n-) what (n-) knew (n-) saw (n-) who (n-) pointed it out to me.

I.A. Goncharov belongs to those writers for whom the choice of the hero's name is fundamentally important, serving as one of the key words of the text and usually expressing symbolic meanings. In Goncharov's prose, proper names consistently act as an important characterological tool, are included in the system of comparisons and contrasts that organize the literary text at its different levels, serve as the key to the subtext of the work, highlight its mythological, folklore and other planes. These features of the writer's style are clearly manifested in the novel Oblomov.

In the text of the novel, two groups of proper names are contrasted: 1) widespread given names and surnames with an erased internal form, which, by definition of the author himself, are only a “deaf echo”, cf.: Many called him Ivan Ivanych, others - Ivan Vasilievich, others - Ivan Mikhailovich. His surname was also called differently: some said that he was Ivanov, others called Vasiliev or Andreev, others thought that he was Alekseev ... All this Alekseev, Vasiliev, Andreev, or whatever you want, there is some an incomplete, impersonal allusion to the human mass, dull echo, its unclear reflection, and 2) "meaningful" names and surnames, the motivation of which is revealed in the text: for example, the surname Makhov correlates with the phraseological unit “give up everything” and approaches the verb “wave”; surname worn out motivated by the verb "wipe" in the meaning of "hush up the matter", and the surname Vytyagushin- the verb "pull out" in the meaning of "rob". The "speaking" names of officials thus directly characterize their activities. This group includes the surname Tarantiev, which is motivated by the dialect verb “tarantit” (“talk smartly, briskly, quickly, hastily, chatter”; cf. obl. taranta -"brisk and sharp talker"). Such an interpretation of the surname of the "brisk and cunning", according to Goncharov, the hero is supported by a direct author's description: His movements were bold and sweeping; he spoke loudly, briskly, and always angrily; if you listen at some distance, it is as if three empty carts are driving over a bridge. Tarantiev's name - Mikhei - reveals undoubted intertextual connections and refers to the image of Sobakevich, as well as to folklore characters (primarily to the image of a bear) - it is no coincidence that a "fairy tale" is mentioned in the description of this character.

An intermediate group between "meaningful" and "insignificant" proper names in the text is made up of names and surnames with an erased internal form, which, however, evoke certain stable associations among readers of the novel: the surname Mukhoyarov, for example, is close to the word "mukhryga" ("rogue", "purge deceiver"); The surname of an omnivorous journalist who always strives to “make noise”, Penkin, firstly, is associated with the expression “to remove foam”, and secondly, with the phraseological unit “with foam at the mouth” and actualizes the image of foam with its inherent signs of superficiality and empty fermentation.

The names of the characters in the novel are combined in the text with the names of literary and mythological heroes: Achilles, Ilya Muromets, Cordelia, Galatea, Caleb and others. These "dot quotes" determine the multidimensionality of the images and situations of the novel and reflect the hierarchy of its structure, include it in a dialogue with other works of world literature.

In the novel "Oblomov" anthroponyms are combined into system: its periphery is made up of "meaningful" names, which are, as a rule, secondary characters, in the center of it, in the core - the names of the main characters, which are characterized by a plurality of meanings. These anthroponyms form intersecting rows of oppositions. Their meaning is determined by taking into account repetitions and oppositions in the structure of the text.

The surname of the protagonist of the novel, rendered in strong position text - title, repeatedly attracted the attention of researchers. At the same time, they expressed different points vision. V. Melnik, for example, connected the hero's surname with E. Baratynsky's poem “Prejudice! He chip ancient truth...”, noting the correlation of words Oblomov- chip. From the point of view of another researcher, P. Tiergen, the parallel “man - a fragment” serves to characterize the hero as an “incomplete”, “incomplete” person, “signals the dominant fragmentation and lack of integrity”. T.I. Ornatskaya connects words Oblomov, Oblomovka with folk poetic metaphor "dream-block". This metaphor is ambivalent: on the one hand, the “enchanted world” of Russian fairy tales with its inherent poetry is associated with the image of sleep, on the other hand, it is "shattered dream" disastrous for the hero, crushing him with a gravestone. From our point of view, for the interpretation of the surname Oblomov it is necessary to take into account, firstly, all possible generating words of this proper name, which acquires motivation in a literary text, secondly, the entire system of contexts containing the figurative characteristics of the hero, and thirdly, the intertextual (intertextual) connections of the work.

Word Oblomov characterized by a plurality of motivation, taking into account the ambiguity of a word in a literary text and revealing the plurality of meanings embodied by it. It can be motivated as a verb break off(both literally and figuratively - "to force someone to behave in a certain way, subordinating his will"), and nouns bummer("everything that is not whole, that is broken off") and chip; cf. interpretations given in the dictionary of V.I. Dahl and MAC:

Chip -"a thing broken off around" (V.I. Dal); chip - 1) a broken or broken piece of something; 2) transfer: the remnant of something that previously existed, disappeared (MAC).

It is also possible to link words bummer And Oblomov on the basis of the evaluative meaning inherent in the first word as dialectism, - "clumsy person."

The noted directions of motivation highlight such semantic components as "static", "lack of will", "connection with the past" and emphasize the destruction of integrity. In addition, it is possible to link the surname Oblomov with an adjective obly("round"): a proper name and this word are approaching on the basis of a clear sound similarity. In this case, the hero's surname is interpreted as a contaminated, hybrid formation that combines the semantics of the words obly And break: the circle, symbolizing the lack of development, static, immutable order, appears to be torn, partially “broken”.

In contexts containing a figurative characterization of the hero, images of sleep, stone, “extinction”, stunting, dilapidation and at the same time childishness are regularly repeated, cf.: [Oblomov]... rejoiced that he lies, carefree, How newborn baby; I'm flabby, dilapidated, worn out caftan; He was sad and hurt for his underdevelopment, stop in the growth of moral forces, for the heaviness that interferes with everything; From the first moment, when I became conscious of myself, I felt that go out; He... fell asleep soundly, like a stone, sleep; [He]fell asleep leaden, bleak sleep. IN Thus, the text regularly emphasizes the early “extinguishment” of the forces of the spirit and the lack of integrity in the character of the hero.

Plurality of surname motivation Oblomov associated, as we see, with different meanings that are realized in the noted contexts: this is, first of all, underincarnation, manifested in the “bummer” of a possible, but unrealized life path (He did not move a single step in any field), lack of integrity, finally, a circle that reflects the features of the biographical time of the hero and the repetition of "the same thing that happened to grandfathers and fathers" (see Oblomovka's description). The “sleepy kingdom” of Oblomovka can be graphically depicted as vicious circle. “What is Oblomovka, if not forgotten by everyone, miraculously surviving “blissful corner” - a piece of Eden?”

Oblomov’s connection with cyclic time, the main model of which is the circle, his belonging to the world of “sluggish life and lack of movement”, where “life ... stretches as an uninterrupted monotonous fabric”, are emphasized by a repetition that combines the name and patronymic of the hero, - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. The name and patronymic reflect the image of the time through the novel. The “extinction” of the hero makes the main rhythm of his existence the periodicity of repetitions, while the biographical time turns out to be reversible, and in the house of Pshenitsyna Ilya Ilyich Oblomov again returns to the world of childhood - the world of Oblomovka: the end of life repeats its beginning (as in the circle symbol), cf .:

And he sees a large dark drawing-room lit by a tallow candle in parental home sitting behind round table the dead mother and her guests... The present and the past merged and mixed up.

He dreams that he has reached that promised land, where rivers of honey and milk flow, where they eat unearned bread, walk in gold and silver...

At the end of the novel, as we can see, the meaning of "cool" stands out in the hero's surname, at the same time, the meanings associated with the verb break (break off): in a “forgotten corner”, alien to movement, struggle and life, Oblomov stops time, overcomes it, however, the acquired “ideal” of peace “breaks off the wings” of his soul, plunges him into sleep, cf .: You had wings, but you untied them; Buried, he is crushed[mind] all sorts of rubbish and fell asleep in idleness. The individual existence of the hero, who “broken off” the course of linear time and returned to cyclic time, turns out to be a “coffin”, a “grave” of the personality, see the author’s metaphors and comparisons: ... He quietly and gradually fits into a simple and wide coffin ... of his existence, made with his own hands, like the elders of the desert, who, turning away from life, dig for themselves grave.

At the same time, the name of the hero - Ilya - indicates not only "eternal repetition". It reveals the folklore and mythological plan of the novel. This name, connecting Oblomov with the world of his ancestors, brings his image closer to the image of the epic hero Ilya Muromets, whose exploits, after miraculous healing, replaced the hero’s infirmity and his thirty-year “sitting” in the hut, as well as with the image of Elijah the prophet. Oblomov's name turns out to be ambivalent: it carries an indication of both long-term static (“immovable” peace) and the possibility of overcoming it, finding a saving “fire”. This possibility remains unrealized in the fate of the hero: After all, no fire, either saving or destructive, has ever ignited in my life ... Elijah did not understand this life, or it is no good, but I did not know anything better ...

Oblomov's antipode - Andrey Ivanovich Stolz. Contrasting are in the text and their names and surnames. This opposition, however, is of a special nature: it is not the proper names themselves that enter into opposition, but the meanings generated by them, and the meanings directly expressed by the name and surname of Stolz are compared with the meanings that are only associatively associated with the image of Oblomov. “Childhood”, “underincarnation”, “roundness” of Oblomov is contrasted with the “masculinity” of Stolz (Andrey - in translation from other Greek - “courageous, brave” - “husband, man”); meekness, gentleness, "natural gold" of the protagonist's heart is compared with pride (from him. stolz-"proud") active person and] rationalist.

Stolz's pride has different manifestations in the novel: from "self-confidence" and awareness of one's own willpower to "saving the strength of the soul" and some "arrogance". The hero's German surname, which is opposed to the Russian surname Oblomov, introduces into the text of the novel the opposition of two worlds: "one's own" (Russian, patriarchal) and "alien". Simultaneously for art space The novel turns out to be significant and the comparison of two toponyms - the names of the villages of Oblomov and Stolz: Oblomovka And Top left."The Fragment of Eden", Oblomovka, associated with the image of a circle and, accordingly, the dominance of statics, is opposed in the text by Verkhlevo. In this title, possible motivating words are guessed: top as a vertical sign and top-heavy("mobile", i.e., breaking the immobility, the monotony of a closed existence).

A special place in the system of images of the novel is occupied by Olga Ilyinskaya (after marriage - Stolz). Her internal connection with 06-Lomov is emphasized by the repetition of his name in the structure of the heroine's surname. “In the ideal version, conceived by fate, Olga was intended for Ilya Ilyich (“I know you were sent to me by God”). But the insurmountable circumstances parted them. The drama of human incarnation was revealed in a sad ending by the fate of a blessed meeting. The change in Olga's surname (Ilyinskaya → Stolz) reflects both the development of the plot of the novel and the development of the character of the heroine. Interestingly, in the text field of this character, words with the seme "pride" are regularly repeated, and it is in this field (compared to the characteristics of other heroes) that they dominate, cf .: Olga walked with her head tilted slightly forward, so gracefully, nobly resting on a thin, proud neck She looked at him calmly pride;...in front of him[Oblomov]... offended goddess of pride and anger; ...and him[to Stolz] for a long time, almost all his life, he had to ... considerable care to maintain at the same height his dignity as a man in the eyes of selfish, proud Olga...

The repetition of words with the seme "pride" brings together the characteristics of Olga and Stolz, see, for example: He ... suffered without timid humility, but more with vexation, with pride;[Stoltz] was chastely proud;[He] was inwardly proud... whenever he happened to notice a curvature in his path. At the same time, Olga's "pride" is opposed to Oblomov's "meekness", "gentleness", his "pigeon tenderness". It is significant that the word pride appears in Oblomov's descriptions only once, and in connection with the love awakened in the hero for Olga, and serves as a kind of reflex of her text field: Pride played in him, life shone, its magical distance ...

Thus, Olga both correlates and contrasts different worlds heroes of the novel. Stable associations are evoked in the readers of the novel by her very name. "Missionary" (according to I. Annensky's subtle remark) Olga bears the name of the first Russian saint (Olga → German Helge - presumably "under the protection of a deity", "prophetic"). As P.A. Florensky, the name Olga ... reveals a number of character traits of those who wear it: “Olga ... stands firmly on the ground. In her wholeness, Olga is without residue and straightforward in her own way... Once she has set her will towards a certain goal, Olga will completely and without looking back to achieve this goal, sparing neither the environment and those around her, nor herself ... ".

Olga Ilyinskaya in the novel is opposed by Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna. The portraits of the heroines are already contrasting; compare:

The lips are thin and for the most part compressed: a sign of a thought constantly directed at something. The same presence of a speaking thought shone in the vigilant, always cheerful, nothing missing look of dark, gray-blue eyes. Eyebrows gave a special beauty to the eyes ... one line was higher than the other, from this a small fold lay above the eyebrow, in which something seemed to say, as if a thought was resting there (portrait of Ilinskaya).

She had almost no eyebrows at all, and in their place were two slightly swollen, glossy stripes, with sparse blond hair. Her eyes were grayishly simple-hearted, as was her whole expression.... She listened dully and stupidly thought (portrait of Pshenitsyna).

different character there are also intertextual connections that bring the heroines closer to the literary or mythological characters mentioned in the work: Olga - Cordelia, "Pygmalion"; Agafya Matveevna - Militrisa Kirbityevna. If Olga's characteristics are dominated by words thought And proud (pride) then in the descriptions of Agafya Matveevna the words are regularly repeated innocence, kindness, shyness, finally, Love.

The heroines are also opposed by figurative means. The comparisons used for the figurative characterization of Agafya Matveevna are emphatically everyday (often reduced) in nature, cf .: - I don’t know how to thank you, ”said Oblomov, looking at her with the same pleasure with which in the morning looked at the hot cheesecake; - Here, God willing, we will live until Easter, so we will kiss,- she said, not surprised, not obeying, not shy, but standing straight and motionless, like a horse on which a yoke is put on.

The surname of the heroine at her first perception - Pshenitsyn - also, first of all, it reveals the everyday, natural, earthly principle; in her name Agafya - actualized in the context of the whole its inner form "good" (from other Greek "good", "kind"). Name Agafya also evokes associations with the ancient Greek word agape, denoting a special kind of active and selfless love. At the same time, in this name, apparently, “responded and mythological motif(Agathius is a saint who protects people from the eruption of Etna, that is, fire, hell). In the text of the novel, this motif of "protection from the flame" is reflected in a detailed author's comparison: Agafya Matveevna does not make any prodding, no demands. And he has[Oblomov] no self-loving desires, urges, aspirations for exploits are born ...; It is as if an invisible hand has planted him, like a precious plant, in the shade from the heat, under the roof from the rain, and takes care of him, cherishes.

Thus, in the name of the heroine, a number of meanings significant for the interpretation of the text are actualized: she is kind hostess(it is this word that is regularly repeated in her nomination series), selflessly loving woman, the protector from the burning flame of the hero, whose life is “extinguishment”. It is no coincidence that the patronymic of the heroine (Matveevna): firstly, it repeats the patronymic of the mother I.A. Goncharova, secondly, the etymology of the name Matvey (Matthew) - "God's gift" - again highlights the mythological subtext of the novel: Agafya Matveevna was sent to Oblomov, anti-Faust with his "timid, lazy soul", as a gift, as the embodiment of his dream of peace , about the continuation of "Oblomov's existence", about "serene silence": Oblomov himself was a complete and natural reflection and expression of that peace, contentment and serene silence. Peering, pondering his way of life and living in it more and more, he finally decided that he had nowhere else to go, nothing to look for, that the ideal of his life had come true. It is Agafya Matveevna, who became Oblomova in the finale of the novel, compared in the text either with an active, “well-arranged” machine, or with a pendulum, determines the possibility ideally quiet side of human existence. In her new surname the image of the circle through the text is updated again.

At the same time, the characteristics of Agafya Matveevna in the novel are not static. The text emphasizes the connection of his plot situations with the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea. This intertextual connection is manifested in the interpretation and development of the three images of the novel. Oblomov is initially compared with Galatea, while Olga is assigned the role of Pygmalion: ... But this is some kind of Galatea, with whom she herself had to be Pygmalion. Wed: He will live, act, bless life and hers. To bring a person back to life - how much glory to the doctor when he saves a hopelessly ill person! And to save a morally perishing mind, soul? .. However, in these respects, “extinguishment”, “extinction” becomes the lot of 06-Lomov. The role of Pygmalion passes to Stolz, reviving “pride? Olga and dreaming of creating a "new woman", dressed in its color and shining in its colours. Not Galatea, but Pygmalion turns out to be in the novel Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who awakened the soul in Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna. At the end of the novel, it is in her descriptions that the key lexical units of the text appear, creating images of light and radiance: She realized that she had lost and shone her life, that God put her soul into her and took it out again; that the sun shone in it and faded forever ... Forever, really; but on the other hand, her life was forever comprehended: now she knew why she had lived and that she had not lived in vain. At the end of the novel, the previously opposed characteristics of Olga and Agafya Matveevna converge: in the descriptions of both heroines, such a detail as the thought in the face (look) is emphasized. Wed: Here she is[Agafya Matveevna], in a dark dress, in a black woolen scarf around her neck... with a concentrated expression, with hidden inner meaning in her eyes. This thought sat invisibly on her face...

The transformation of Agafya Matveevna actualizes another meaning of her surname, which, like the name of Oblomov, is ambivalent. "Wheat" in Christian symbolism is a sign of rebirth. The spirit of Oblomov himself could not be resurrected, but the soul of Agafya Matveevna was reborn, who became the mother of the son of Ilya Ilyich: “Agafya ... turns out to be directly involved in the continuation of the Oblomov family (the immortality of the hero himself).”

Andrey Oblomov, brought up in the house of Stolz and bearing his name, in the finale of the novel is connected with the plan of the future: the union of the names of two heroes opposed to each other serves as a sign of a possible synthesis of the best principles of both characters and the “philosophies” they represent. Thus, the proper name also acts as a sign highlighting the prospective plan in a literary text: Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is replaced by Andrey Ilyich Oblomov.

So, proper names play an important role in the structure of the text and the figurative system of the considered novel. They not only determine the essential features of the characters' characters, but also reflect the main storylines of the work, establish connections between different images and situations. Proper names are associated with the spatio-temporal organization of the text. They "reveal" hidden meanings important for the interpretation of the text; serve as a key to its subtext, actualize the intertextual connections of the novel and highlight its different plans (mythological, philosophical, everyday life, etc.), emphasizing their interaction.


Hero of the novel I.A. Goncharova"Oblomov".

The novel was written in the period from 1848 to 1859. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a landowner, hereditary, educated person of 32–33 years old. In his youth he was official, but, having served only 2 years and being burdened by the service, he resigned and began to live on the income from the estate.
The surname of the hero of the novel is formed from the words bummer, break off, which, indeed, corresponds to his character: Oblomov cannot withstand the difficulties of life and solve the problems that arise. He is broken by life, passive and lazy. But at the same time, it's cute, sincere, soulful person, trusting himself and endearing to people.
Oblomov's entire previous life was full of failures: in childhood he considered teaching as a punishment, and his head was filled with chaotic useless knowledge; the service was not successful: he did not see the point in it and was afraid of the bosses; did not experience love, because it required, in his opinion, a lot of trouble; control estate also failed, and his participation in the household was limited to dreams on the couch about the reorganization of life. Oblomov gradually ceases all communication with society and even with people close to him - his childhood friend Stolz, his servant Zakhar, his beloved girl Olga.
The symbol of Oblomov's laziness is his dressing gown, in which Ilya Ilyich basically spends his life. No matter how good, even personal happiness, Oblomov’s life beckons, he again and again and, finally, finally returns to his dressing gown on his sofa, where he dwells in dreams, half-asleep and sleep.
Goncharov's novel has been staged many times and filmed several times. Latest film adaptation - director N.S. Mikhalkov 1988 The role of Oblomov in the film was played by a popular artist Oleg Tabakov.
Surname Oblomov for Russians became a household name for a lazy, weak-willed person, indifferent to life. From the "speaking" surname the word is formed Oblomovism denoting apathy, lack of will, a state of inactivity and laziness.
I.A. Goncharov. Lithography. 1847 Illustration for the novel. Artist N.V. Shcheglov. 1973:

Frame from the film N.S. Mikhalkov “Several days from the life of I.I. Oblomov. Olga - E. Nightingale, Oblomov - O. Tabakov:

Russia. Large linguo-cultural dictionary. - M.: State Institute Russian language them. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .


See what "OBLOMOV" is in other dictionaries:

    bummers- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    OBLOMOV- the hero of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" (1848 1859). Literary sources images of O. Gogol's Podkolesin and old-world landowners, Tentetnikov, Manilov. Literary predecessors O. in the works of Goncharov: Tyazhalenko (“Dashing Pain”), Yegor ... literary heroes

    Oblomov- This term has other meanings, see Vasya Oblomov. Oblomov Genre: social psychological novel

    bummers- (inosk.) lazy, apathetic Oblomov apathy, the heavy sleepiness of Russian nature and the lack of an internal upsurge in it Russian laziness; indifference to public affairs and lack of energy; mental immobility and indecision. Wed… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Oblomov- single hero. rum. I. A. Goncharova (1859), professing the rejection of activity, inactivity, peace of mind as Ch. life principle. After the article by N. A. Dobrolyubov What is Oblomovism? the concepts of Oblomov and Oblomovism acquired a generalizing ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Oblomov- Oblomov (foreigner) is lazy, apathetic. Oblomov's apathy, the heavy sleepiness of Russian nature and its lack of inner uplift. Explanatory Russian laziness; indifference to public issues and lack of energy; mental immobility and... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Oblomov- m. 1. literary character. 2. It is used as a symbol of a person characterized by sluggish indifference to public interests, unwillingness to make any decisions or perform any actions, who believes that others should do this ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Oblomov- Region of ohms, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Oblomov- (2 m) (lit. character; type of inactive person) ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    bummers- A; m. About a lazy, apathetic, inactive person; sybarite. ◁ Oblomovsky, oh, oh. Oh laziness, boredom. Character traits of the Oblomov type. According to Oblomov, adv. To languish in idleness according to Oblomov. ● By the name of Oblomov hero novel of the same name… … encyclopedic Dictionary

The role of proper names in the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

The purpose of the lesson:

Prove that for I. A. Goncharov in his novel "Oblomov" the choice of the name and surname of the hero is fundamentally important, that they, as a rule, are one of the key words of the text and usually concentrate symbolic meanings;

Improve your analysis skills artistic text;

Contribute to the formation of an active life position students.

Equipment: portrait of I. A. Goncharov, clean posters and diagrams.

During the classes:

Teacher: In many studies on artistic speech, the huge expressive possibilities and the constructive role of proper names in the text are constantly noted. Proper names also participate in the creation of images of the heroes of a literary work, the deployment of its main themes and motives, the formation of artistic time and space, contribute to the disclosure of the ideological and aesthetic content of the text, often revealing its hidden meanings.

Next, the teacher formulates the objectives of the lesson. It is noted that in the process of preparing the lesson, all students of the class received the task: to work with the names and surnames of the novel, using the explanatory dictionaries of V. I. Dahl, MAS and " Dictionary» ed. Ozhegov. In parallel with this, creative groups worked on a more detailed study of proper names.

So, how many names did you find in the text? Do these names have the same meaning?

The floor is given to the creative group dealing with this issue.

Teacher: Do you agree with the conclusions of our researchers?

How many names are in the novel? Do they play any role in the text?

The floor is given to the second creative group dealing with this issue.

Teacher: Do you agree with her research?

I specifically asked not to touch the first 4 names of the main characters, knowing what the class did great job in their study and search for the lexical meanings of those words from which, in their opinion, these surnames are formed. Of course, the first in this row is the name of the protagonist. Lexical meanings what words did you look up in dictionaries to explain this surname?

Answer: Chip, bummer, break off, bummer.

Teacher: Which of these words would you put first?

Answer: Fragment. Meaning is the remnant of something that previously existed, disappeared.

Students explain that this is a symbol of the past.

Teacher: What does the past symbolize in the novel?

Answer: Fragmentation.

The answer is supported by citations.

Teacher: What imprint did the former world leave on Oblomov?

The students talk about the upbringing received by Oblomov in Oblomovka and how he grew up thanks to this upbringing.

On a large poster entitled "Oblomov", the first entry appears:

Oblomov - a resident of Oblomovka - a fragment of the past world that left its mark on the hero (education, future life).

Teacher: Is Oblomov the only piece of the past?

Answer: No, still Zakhar.

Students provide evidence: an indication of the connection between Zakhar and the surname Oblomov, pay attention to the meaning of his name. He carefully preserves the memory of the past and cherishes it as a shrine. (All evidence is supported by citations.)

Teacher: Some students in your class found a connection between the surname "Oblomov" and the aging adjective "obly" - round. So we formed the third creative group. Let's give her the floor.

After the speech creative team another entry appears on the poster: a circle is a symbol of isolation, lack of development, invariability of order (images of sleep, stone, extinction), to go out - the extinction of strength, spirit; the circle is the biographical time of the hero, attempts to break out of which did not lead to anything.

Teacher: Why did it become possible for Oblomov to return to cyclic time?

What brought him such a return?

Why? After all, he seemed to have found what was ideal for him?

Are there clues in the text that Oblomov will remain the same?

Answer: The combination of the name and surname Ilya Ilyich - a sluggish life, lack of monotony.

Teacher: Lexical meanings of what words did you write out? Prove that they are related to the hero's last name.

Answer: Break off - break off the edges, the ends of something, a break - a place where something has broken off, broken off.

Pupils remember the phrase about broken wings. Another entry appears on the poster: he broke off his wings - dreams, best aspirations.

Teacher: Let's pay attention to the other characters in the novel. Who is the antipode of Oblomov?

Answer: Stolz.

Students, proving the answer, compare the sound writing of the names and surnames of the characters, their character traits. It is noted that the opposition is also based on proper names. Stolz - translated from him. "pride". Ilya's name old name- unearthly, dreamy, Andrey - courageous, man, brave, by the name of the estates: Oblomovka - a fragment of the past, Verkhlevo - top-heavy - mobile - a violation of monotony, statics. Everything is supported by quotes. The conclusions are written on the second poster, entitled "Oblomov - Stolz".

Teacher: What united these different people?

Students support their answers with text.

Teacher: Are there any other antipodes in the text of the novel?

Answer: Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

The conclusions are written on the third poster, entitled "Ilyinskaya" - "Pshenitsyna".

Teacher: What does the name "Ilyinskaya" mean?

Students note the sound writing and say that Olga is more suitable for Oblomov, note the commonality of their interests.

Teacher: Why didn't Olga stay with Oblomov?

Are there clues in the text that she will not be with Oblomov?

Answer: Repeated emphasis on such a quality of her character as pride. This is a hint that she will be with Stolz.

Students compare the heroines in appearance (eyebrows - elbows), by names, note the similarity of the name Agafya with the name of St. Agathia - the protector of people from fire.

Teacher: Maybe the mention of the saint was done in vain?

The students talk about the fire motif in the novel. Olga is the fire of feelings and actions (Oblomov's words, her impulses), Agafya is associated with fire as the keeper of the hearth. Oblomov's life is fading. She, like the saint, protects him from fire.

Answer: She was sent to the hero by God as the embodiment of his dream.

The teacher draws attention to the poster and asks if it is finished.

Answer: At the end of the novel, Agafya Matveevna changes and becomes closer to Olga Ilyinskaya. Olga dreamed of reviving Oblomov, but as a result, Agafya Matveevna was revived. No wonder her surname comes from the word "wheat", and wheat was christian symbol revival.

Teacher: Does the novel combine the two antipodes of Oblomov - Stolz?

The students talk about Oblomov's son Andrei, who took his father's surname and patronymic from his father, and his name and upbringing from Stolz. They find two meanings in this: either he will take the best from both heroes, or Oblomovism is immortal.

At the end of the lesson, students make written conclusions.

Roman Goncharov "Oblomov" is landmark work literature of the 19th century, affecting both acute social and many philosophical problems while remaining relevant and interesting to the modern reader. Ideological meaning The novel "Oblomov" is based on the opposition of an active, new social and personal principle with an outdated, passive and degrading one. In the work, the author reveals these principles at several existential levels, therefore, in order to fully understand the meaning of the work, detailed consideration each of them.

The public meaning of the novel

In the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov first introduced the concept of "Oblomovism" as a generalized name for outdated patriarchal-landlord foundations, personal degradation, and life stagnation of a whole social layer of Russian philistinism, unwilling to accept new social trends and norms. This phenomenon the author considered the main character of the novel, Oblomov, whose childhood was spent in distant Oblomovka, where everyone lived quietly, lazily, taking little interest in anything and almost not caring about anything, as an example. The hero's native village becomes the embodiment of the ideals of the Russian old bourgeois society - a kind of hedonistic idyll, a "preserved paradise" where one does not need to study, work or develop.

Portraying Oblomov as " extra person”, Goncharov, unlike Griboyedov and Pushkin, in whom characters of this type were ahead of society, introduces into the narrative a hero who lags behind society, living in the distant past. An active, active, educated environment oppresses Oblomov - the ideals of Stolz with his work for the sake of work are alien to him, even his beloved Olga is ahead of Ilya Ilyich, approaching everything from a practical side. Stolz, Olga, Tarantiev, Mukhoyarov, and other acquaintances of Oblomov are representatives of a new, "urban" type of personality. They are more practitioners than theoreticians, they do not dream, but do, create something new - someone works honestly, someone deceives.

Goncharov condemns "Oblomovism" with its attraction to the past, laziness, apathy and the complete spiritual withering away of the individual, when a person essentially becomes a "plant" lying on the couch around the clock. However, Goncharov also portrays the images of modern, new people as ambiguous - they do not peace of mind and the inner poetry that Oblomov had (remember that Stolz only found this peace while relaxing with a friend, and already married Olga is sad for something distant and is afraid to dream, justifying herself to her husband).

At the end of the work, Goncharov does not make a definite conclusion who is right - the practitioner Stolz or the dreamer Oblomov. However, the reader understands that it was precisely because of the “Oblomovism”, as a phenomenon of a sharply negative and long-obsolete itself, that Ilya Ilyich “disappeared”. That is why the social meaning of Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is the need for constant development and movement - both in continuous construction and creation of the surrounding world, and work on the development of one's own personality.

The meaning of the title of the work

The meaning of the title of the novel "Oblomov" is closely related to the main theme of the work - it was named after the name of the protagonist Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, and is also associated with what is described in the novel social phenomenon"Oblomovism". The etymology of the name is interpreted by researchers in different ways. Thus, the most common version is that the word “oblomov” comes from the words “fragment”, “break off”, “break”, denoting the state of mental and social breakdown of the landlord nobility, when it turned out to be in a borderline state between the desire to preserve old traditions and foundations and the need to change according to the requirements of the era, from a person-creator to become a person-practitioner.

In addition, there is a version about the connection of the title with the Old Slavonic root "oblo" - "round", which corresponds to the description of the hero - his "round" appearance and his quiet, calm character "without sharp corners". However, regardless of the interpretation of the title of the work, it points to the central storyline novel - the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

The meaning of Oblomovka in the novel

From the plot of the novel Oblomov, the reader from the very beginning will learn many facts about Oblomovka, about what a wonderful place it is, how easy and good it was for the hero there, and how important it is for Oblomov to return there. However, throughout the story, the events do not take us to the village, which makes it truly a mythical, fabulous place. Picturesque nature, gently sloping hills, a calm river, a hut on the edge of a ravine, which the visitor needs to ask to stand "back to the forest, and front to it" in order to enter inside - even in the newspapers there was never a mention of Oblomovka. No passions excited the inhabitants of Oblomovka - they were completely cut off from the world, they spent their life, arranged on constant rituals, in boredom and calm.

Oblomov's childhood passed in love, his parents constantly spoiled Ilya, indulging all his desires. However, the stories of the nanny who read to him about mythical heroes and fairy-tale heroes made a special impression on Oblomov, closely linking his native village with folklore. For Ilya Ilyich, Oblomovka is a distant dream, an ideal comparable, perhaps, to the beautiful ladies of medieval knights who sang of wives, whom they sometimes never saw. In addition, the village is also a way to escape from reality, a kind of semi-invented place where the hero can forget about reality and be himself - lazy, apathetic, completely calm and renounced from the outside world.

The meaning of Oblomov's life in the novel

Oblomov's whole life is connected only with that distant, quiet and harmonious Oblomovka, however, the mythical estate exists only in the hero's memories and dreams - pictures from the past never come to him in a cheerful state, his native village appears before him as a kind of distant vision, unattainable in its own way like any mythical city. Ilya Ilyich opposes in every possible way the real perception of his native Oblomovka - he still does not plan the future estate, he takes a long time to answer the elder’s letter, and in a dream he does not seem to notice the inconvenience of the house - a crooked gate, a sagging roof, a staggering porch, a neglected garden. Yes, and he really doesn’t want to go there - Oblomov is afraid that when he sees a dilapidated, devastated Oblomovka that has nothing to do with his dreams and memories, he will lose his last illusions, which he grasps with all his might and for which he lives.

The only thing that Oblomov causes complete happiness is dreams and illusions. He is afraid real life, afraid of marriage, which he dreamed of many times, afraid to break himself and become different. Wrapped up in an old dressing gown and continuing to lie on the bed, he “preserves” himself in a state of “Oblomovism” – in general, the dressing gown in the work is, as it were, part of that mythical world that returns the hero to a state of laziness at extinction.

The meaning of the hero's life in Oblomov's novel comes down to gradual dying - both moral and mental, and physical, for the sake of holding on to his own illusions. The hero does not want to say goodbye to the past so much that he is ready to sacrifice a full life, the opportunity to feel every moment and know every feeling for the sake of mythical ideals and dreams.


In the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov portrayed tragic story the extinction of a person for whom the illusory past has become more important than the multifaceted and beautiful present - friendship, love, social well-being. The meaning of the work indicates that it is important not to stop in place, indulging yourself with illusions, but to always strive forward, expanding the boundaries of your own “comfort zone”.

Artwork test
