All kinds of portraits. What are the types of portraits? History of the genre and modernity

Synopsis of lesson No. 66 on G. Yudin's "Bukvarenka".

Topic: "Introduction to the letters b and b."

Goals: Develop logical thinking, speech, memory; using involuntary attention to repeat the learned sounds and letters. Introduce the letters b and b.

    Equipment: each child: individual board, chalk, cloth; "The Primer" by G. Yudin (p. 130-133, 194-195), notebook with letters and pictures, diary;

    for crews: wooden cubes with letters, a display of letters with pictures, "Aquarium" with letters.

Lesson progress:

    Game "Confusion".

We name letters and merges on the instructions of the teacher.

1 crew calls, 2 controls. Then vice versa.

    Acquaintance with b sign.

Two letters have come to us today that do not have a single sound. What are these letters?

Problematic situation.

(We discuss, listen to the reasoning of the children.)

"Letter R overturned-

Turned around with a soft sign. (V. Stepanov)

“A soft sign is a cunning sign.

Don't name him.

It doesn't pronounce

But the word is often asked.

Why at home corner

turned immediately intocoal?

No fire, just like that?

This is a letter SOFT SIGN

Indeed, the letter "b" sign is a dumb commander of consonant letters, as soon as he stands behind a consonant in a word, it immediately becomes SOFT.

Want to check it out? Please!


chalk - chalk


MOL - MOL (We explain the meaning of each word.)

But, after all, there were times when letters did not want to be friends with a soft sign ...

Here, listen to the fairy tale: "ABOUT THE SOFT SIGN."

(“Entertaining Alphabet Studies” pp. 368-369)

We work with a cash register and a magnetic board.

“Once upon a time there were letters in the ABC, different - vowels, consonants. They went to visit each other.

One day C went to visit Y.

Show, guys, on the syllabic rulers, what did you get. (SJ). The letter L went to visit E. Now what happened? (LE).

The letter D went to I. They sang: D.I. T to Y. It became ... TOY.

What were the consonants? SOFT.

The letters lived, did not grieve, because everyone was friends. And among them lived one letter, similar to the half Y, with which no one was friends. The letters didn't like that it didn't represent a sound.

What is this letter? - they were indignant.

She does not denote any sound, she cannot speak, she is constantly silent ...

No one was friends with this letter, did not talk. The life of the soft sign was bad, very lonely.

Once the letters began to form words. It was their favorite pastime. They encrypted their word with a riddle.

"Without a head, but in a hat,

One leg - and that one without a boot. (Children guess.)

A nail, the letters guessed. They began to form this word.

Children also make up the word "nail".

And the letters get "NAIL" ...

Something is not working out for us! - the letters are indignant. Sound [e]

in this word it is soft, but with us it is hard ...

AND says: "I will stand up and mark the softness." She quickly settled in at the end. What happened?

children read : "NAILS".

"I'd better get up," said the letterI.

Happened… "NAIL". " Again, not that ..., after all, you denote the sound [a] "- said the letters.

What to do? Guys, tell me. (Substitute the b sign.)

Come to us SOFT SIGN! - the letters called.

He gladly agreed to help the letters and quickly stood at the end.

What happened? "NAIL"- read the guys.

The letters cheered up, everyone wanted to invite the L sign to visit. Let's guess the riddles and see what words the letters got ...

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (ELK)

Sleeping or bathing

Everything does not unravel:

Day and night on legs

Red boots. (GOOSE)

Who is coming,

Who is leaving

Everyone leads her by the hand. (DOOR)

    Basketball game. (Competition.)

Whose crew will come up with more words with a soft sign?

    Fizkultminutka "The sea worries once,

The sea is worried two,

The sea is rough for three...

(options: swan fly, walrus swim, crustacean crawl ...)

    Riddles b sign:

You worked so well soft sign I decided to ask you my riddles. But the answers need to be printed on a magnetic board.

COMPETITION: whose crew will type the answer faster?

“He sleeps in a pit in the long winter,

But as soon as the sun begins to warm,

On the way for honey and raspberries goes ... (BEAR).

“They have a very strange look:

Dad has curls in a wave,

And my mother has a haircut.

What is she offended by?

Gets angry often

For all mother…. (LIONESS)."

    Physical education "captains".

    Acquaintance with the Kommersant sign.

But it turns out that the b sign has its brother. Also dumb. This is b.

How are they similar and how are they different?

A) “The soft sign lives carelessly,

He goes without a cap forever. (Show b sign.)

“A stubborn SOLID SIGN,

He only wears a cap!” (Showing b sign.) (A Shibaev)

What else does the Ъ sign look like? (Discussion.)

"Draw water with a ladle,

Let's eat soup, have a cup of tea! (G. Vieru)

"From the bucket for a reason

We drink water:

We need a ladle - a SOLID SIGN,

To not get wet." (V. Stepanov)

    How else are these signs different?

If the SOFT sign makes the consonant SOFT.

That HARD sign makes it HARD, stands between a consonant and a vowel, and orders them to SPELL SEPARATELY!

For example:

SEVEN (The soft sign made the consonant SOFT.)

REMOVING (A hard sign stands between a consonant and a vowel and requires them to sound SEPARATELY.)

    Hockey game.

Words with b and b signs are written on the board.

Crew representatives read these words in turn.

COMPETITION: whose crew will not make a mistake and correctly read the word, obeying the order of silent signs?


    Exploration game.

A) Search for the b sign in the story "The Primer" "FATHER AND MOTHER".

B) Search for the b sign in the story "The Primer" "HOW THE MOUSE WENT FOR CHEESE."

    Homework: Continue looking for these signs at home.

    Summary of the lesson.

    Summing up the competition crews.

    Displaying smiling suns.

Natalia Filimonova
Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in preparatory group"Introduction to the letter b"

Target: introduce children to the letter b and its purpose. Improve the sound - syllabic analysis of words. Practice typing words from dictation. Continue to learn to form possessive adjectives, improve coherent speech.

Material for the lesson:“Savannah” picture, animation pictures of the letter b, what the letter b looks like, magnetic letters, notebooks, signals for the sound analysis of words.

1. Org. moment: The game "From whom is the invitation?" The guys individual cards with the image of an animal and a cub. (I was invited by an elephant with a baby elephant, I was invited by a giraffe with a giraffe ....)

2. Fine motor skills: "Elephant, crocodile" (according to Tsvyntarny)

3. Animals from hot countries gathered to write a letter to wild animals to find out how they live in the forest. For a long time they argued to whom exactly to write? A hare is cowardly, a fox is cunning, a wolf is evil, a bear and a hedgehog sleep in winter, a squirrel is busy, it is always busy. We decided to write to the wise deer. Animals knew letters, but not all.

They took familiar letters and wrote the word DEER (speech therapist lays out on a magnetic board). The elephant said, “Not right. In the word deer, the sound H is soft, but ours is hard. The animals thought and decided to turn to the letters for help.

I know how to designate the softness of consonants, - said the letter I, fitting in at the end of the word. The animals began to read - DEER.

Again, it’s not right, - the monkey was indignant, - this is when there are a lot of deer!

I'll get better, - said the letter Y. They began to read - DEER. I tried to help the letter E, it turned out DEER. The animals got upset, and then an unfamiliar letter came out to them, which could not say anything, but only softened the consonants. They called the letter a soft sign. The animals called the letter b to themselves. The soft sign gladly agreed to help and quickly stood at the end of the word. DEER - read the elephant loudly. - It turned out! - the monkey jumped for joy. And all the animals went to compose a letter to the wise deer.

4. Let's take a closer look at this letter. Consideration of animated pictures depicting b. How many elements does a letter have? Design it.

5. What does the letter b look like?

Let's draw a soft sign

Gently, a drop like this:

A droplet will soften the letter -

The word is soft.

Squirrel tail bent

The stump rested.

She fluffed her tail, yes so -

Became like a soft sign.

Soft sign, soft sign

Ladle, ladle and ladle.

6. Typing letters and words(deer, day, shadow, dust) in notebooks.

7. Fizminutka: “A giraffe has spots” model T. Borovik.

8. Sound-syllabic analysis of the word deer

9. The animals wrote a letter to the deer and decided to include a photo. Everyone wanted to be in the foreground. Animals all the time transplanted, changed places. The parrot photographer did not know what to do. Finally, I took off the animals and that's what happened - the speech therapist puts up a picture. What do you see? (giraffe neck, monkey tail....)

10. Bottom line. Learning the quatrain.

Soft sign, soft sign.

Doesn't sound at all

But there is a simple rule

We can easily get it

If the sign to the consonant rises,

The letter will immediately become soft.

soft sign

Lives carelessly

He's not wearing a hat

Walks forever.

And stubborn

solid sign

He wears a cap

The only way.

brother - brothers

chair - chairs

tree - trees

sat down ate

drove off

ate ate

Merry Poems

"b" LetterR rolled over -

Turned around with a soft sign.

Soft sign, soft sign -

Ladle, ladle and ladle.

V. Stepanov

"b" From the bucket for a reason

We drink water:

We need a ladle - a solid sign,

To not get wet.

V. Stepanov

1. Decipher the words

f - 1 l - 3 1 2 3 4 5

f - 1.8 g - 5

o – 2, 4 p – 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. And gra "Who is attentive?".

1. According to the last sounds of wordstable, window, goose - Make up a new word. ________________________________

2. What is common in words:

linen, coat, monkey, gun, dust ?

3. What is common in the names of these items:

entrance, announcement, lifting (crane), edible, eat ?

2. The game "Who is more?".

1. Think of words in which one sound is indicated by two letters.



3. The game "Ladder".

1. Soft sign "b". 2. Solid sign "b".

___ ___ ___ b ___ b ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ b ___ ___ b ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ь ___ ___ ___ ъ ___ ___ ___

4. And gr a "Finish the word."

1. Book _________, tet __________, sl ___________, Jan __________, Feb __________, honey ____________.

5. Read carefully.


Spring has come. There was ice on the river. There were many people on the beach. Everyone watched the ice go. Suddenly everyone saw a dog on the same ice floe. She howled plaintively.
Vitya grabbed a long hook and hooked an ice floe. Vitya quietly pulled the ice floe to the shore. When the ice floe was near the shore, the dog jumped to the ground.

Answer the questions.

What season is it? What went on the river? Who came to the beach? Why did they come? What did everyone see? What was the dog doing? What did Vitya do? What did the dog do?

6. Read the story. And try to retell the content.


Mom called Anya, Sima and Yasha to eat. There was breakfast on the table: butter, cheese, honey, bread and tea. There were apples and pears. Mom brought another watermelon. Anya ate bread and butter. Sima ate bread with cheese. Yasha ate bread with honey. And then the children began to eat fruit.

W task: Write down sentences 1, 5, 6 and 7.

Write examples in the empty cells and solve them.

Task #1

Everything is lying around in the apartment:

Slippers - three, socks - four.

Fold them up and put them away.

(And wipe the dust on the shelves!)

To make mom happy

We need to put things together.

Task #2

Mishka had toys on the Christmas tree.

Four toys fell off the top of my head...

How many toys are left on the Christmas tree? -

The bear thought, sweeping up the pieces.

3 Solve examples

7 + ___ = 10 ___ + 4 = 10 2 + ___ = 10

5 = 10 1 + ___ = 10 ___ +6 = 10


9 – 3 = 5 + 2 = 4 – 3 =

6 + 4 = 8 – 4 = 1 + 7 =

Increase by 3 Decrease by 4 ˂ ˃

How much? Circle the correct number.

Aera yes, netchkartә dә -

Shundy bilge Nechkalek.

Kirәk sүzdә yazmy kalsan,

Bozylachak echtalek.

Kalinlik bilgese

Akiyat achkychy st.

Pinocchio Yugaltmas,

Karabas ala almas.

    Bu suzlardә "b" - kalynlyk bilgesen yaz! Put b in words, read and translate.

taүfik____ _____________ al____yapkych _____________________

Yah___ya _____________ mәg____нә ______________________

Nig___mat ____________ under ____ trains ______________________

Җәg___fәr _____________ kul____yaulyk ___________________

Sәg___di _______________ ash____yaulyk __________________

    Noktalar urynina "b" kuep, s ү zl ә rne d ө res itep ukygyz.

To ө n___yak

With ә gat___

With ө m___ya



To ә gas____

d ө n___ya


T ө n____yak


M ә r___yam

WITH ә goyt____

    Learn poems.

M yay!

Song, song, sand,

Sory sinen tөskәen.

Yomshak blue yonnaryn,

Gyly sinen tunnaryn.

Robert Minnullin

I h

Yaz kile! Yaz kile!

Syerchyklar kil,

Gөrlәshep, sairashyp,

Җyrchy koshlar kilә. Bari Rakhmat

Learn poems. Memorize Tatar words.

We are with you

Our teacher says:

"The head is otherwise - BASH."

This is a trifle to learn:


Zilya looks in the mirror,

A FACE, of course BIT.

Brush your teeth while you eat!

UB, remember, there will be TESH.

If you suddenly catch the flu,

That will help the DOCTOR - TABIB.

How can I manage without a friend?

My best FRIEND is DUS.

BOY, play with us!

Let's call him MALAY.

The GIRL read the book.

Goes to KYZ BALA school.

A collection of tasks for children of seven years before preparing for school: a solid sign, vocabulary dictation, speech development, the formation of knowledge about environment, development of memory, solving problems in mathematics.

Learning to read. Acquaintance with "Kommersant"

Target: acquaintance with b.

Material: worksheet. Card with b.

- Guys in Russian there is another letter that does not have a sound - this is Ъ.

The teacher shows a card with a letter.

- What does Ъ look like? How is it different from b?
- Circle the letter with your finger.
- Listen to the words in which there is b: ate, drove up, drove around.
- And now listen to the story about Kommersant and the soft sign.

IN fabulous city"Alfavitsk" lived 32 funny letters. They were busy writing books. Once the letter A gathered all the inhabitants and said:

Sisters! There are letters among us that are not equal to us. They are not sounds and do not do the work that we do. I'm talking about soft and hard signs. I propose to exclude them from our team. Let them go to all four sides.

How so? What are we to do now? the soft sign whispered uncertainly and sadly.

You will still regret it! threatened a firm sign. “Come on, brother, we can do without them.

And they went wherever their eyes look. The thin, soft sign walked timidly and uncertainly, stumbling all the time. And the fat, unwieldy, hard sign put on his hat and, whistling a merry song, walked briskly along the path with his friend. On their way they met a dark forest. There they found an abandoned woodcutter's hut and began to live in clover.

At this time, the letters continued to go about their business. They released another book. But, not a single reader touched it, because everything in it was meaningless. Words without hard and soft signs have lost their meaning.

Hard times have come in the life of letters.

It's impossible to exist like that! - exclaimed the letter Y. - We must leave pride and return our friends.

She was supported by the letter D:

We need to get on the road!

The letter A commanded:

Hike tomorrow!

Early in the morning they set off on the road. The journey was long and tiring. A lake appeared before them. Having built a boat, the letters began to swim across the reservoir. Suddenly the bow of the boat hit something hard. Letter A wanted to shout:

Attention! We're running aground!

But instead it turned out:

We're landing on chalk!

All the letters obediently got out of the water and smeared themselves with chalk, which covered the shore, although they did not understand why this was necessary. Dirty, dissatisfied and hungry, they wandered on.

The letter A realized that it was necessary to feed the team and thought:

"Now I command everyone to stop, eat and rest."

The letters sat, but it did not add strength to them. Night fell, the travelers began to freeze and pitched a tent.

Fire up the coal! - commanded the letter A.

But everyone heard only "fire up the corner" and obediently set fire to the edges of the tent. A strong fire started and the letters had to extinguish it.

At last the forest and the lumberjack's hut appeared. When the weary letters entered there, they saw that the soft and hard signs were happy to drink tea with sugar in a bite, talk peacefully and nothing disturbed them. The environment is clean, warm and cozy.

They understood the letters that they treated their comrades unfairly, asked their forgiveness, realizing that it was impossible to live without hard and soft signs. The brothers didn't hold a grudge against them, fed them, gave them tea. In the morning everyone set off on their return journey.

Since then, every inhabitant of the city "Alfavitsk" had his own task. Vowels and consonants denoted sounds, and soft and hard signs indicated their softness or hardness.

Learning to read "Kommersant"

Target: the formation of knowledge of the image of the letter.

Material: worksheet.

Color b.

Circle and write b.

What does b look like?

Learning to read. Reading words with b

Target: the formation of reading skills.

Material: worksheet. Sound Cubes.

The teacher writes two words on the blackboard - SAT and EAT. The teacher offers to lay out the word scheme SEL. As a result of this work, children see which word the proposed scheme on the board refers to. The teacher tells the children that another way to separate sounds in words is to use the letter b. The guys are working on the similarities and differences between the words sat down and ate and conclude that in the word ate, we clearly hear the merging of two sounds [Y] [E] and so that they do not merge with the sound [With] write b.

Then the teacher draws attention to the task in the worksheet.

- Read the words.
- Underline b.
- Then the teacher asks the children to complete the next task in the worksheet.
- Divide words into syllables. Write the number of syllables in the squares.

Dictation. Offer

Target: the formation of writing skills, the development of coding ability.

Material: worksheet.

Write a sentence under dictation:


Put stress on the words.

The development of speech. Conversation on the topic "Classes and tools"

Target: the development of speech, active and passive vocabulary, the formation of ideas about the work of adults, about the tools used in the profession.

materials: ball.

- Each work must be carried out with the help of special tools. Blin cooked using pots, pans, dishes, stoves. The mouse was chopping wood with what? (Axes, saws). Right. Let me name some activity, and you are the tools that are needed for this.
  • Janitor - What does he want? - (broom, rag, bucket, mop).
  • Hairdresser - What does he need? (Scissors, comb, water, hair dryer, razor).
  • Tailor - needle, thread, thimble, sewing machine.
  • Singer - stage, microphone, piano.
  • Student - books, notebooks, pen, pencil.
  • Mushroom picker - basket, knife, boots, raincoat.
  • Fisherman - fishing rod, bucket.
  • Mathematics. We measure cereals with different standards

    Target: to teach children to measure the same amount of cereal with yardsticks of different sizes, to understand the dependence of the result obtained on the size of the yardstick. Development of the mental action of analysis-synthesis, comparison.

    materials: two basins (one is empty, the other contains 3 "pots" of rice), a plastic "pot", a plastic cup, lacing beads. Numbers from 1 to 9. Greater than, less than, equal to signs.

    Follow the completeness of the measurements!

    - What is the name of the cereal in the bowl?
    How do you know how much rice is in a bowl? What needs to be done for this?
    How can rice be measured? (All objects in which it can be poured).

    The teacher offers to measure rice with a saucepan - this will be a measure. Reminds you that every time we measure out a full cup, we need to set up some object (for example, put a bead) in order not to lose count.

    How many pots of rice were in the bowl? (Three).

    Find and put this number in front of you.

    - And now let's measure the same rice with a glass.
    How many cups of rice did you get? Find a number. Put next.
    How many pots of rice did you get? How many cups?
    - Put a sign between the numbers and read the entry. (For example, "three is greater than five" and "five is greater than three").
    - Why did you get different answers with the same amount of rice? What can be the conclusion?
    - That's right, the larger the measure, the smaller the number obtained and vice versa: the smaller the measure, the greater the number obtained.
    - What were the saucepan and glass for us now? (Measures).

    Graphic dictation

    Target: development of fine motor skills of the hand, the formation of visual-motor coordination.

    materials: worksheet.

    The teacher gives the children worksheets and asks them to put the pencil on the dot.

    The teacher dictates:

    One cell to the right. Two cells up. One cell to the right. Two cells down. One cell to the right. Two cells up. One cell to the right. Two cells down. One cell to the right. Two cells up.

    Continue the pattern yourself.

    Mathematics. Problem solving. Apples

    Target: development of thinking operations.

    Material: worksheet.

    Write and solve a problem. Write down the solution.

    Formation of knowledge about the surrounding world. Furniture

    Target: the formation of mental actions of generalization, classification, analysis-synthesis.

    Say in one word:

  • The table at which they dine is called...
  • The table for newspapers and magazines is called...
  • The table at which they write is called...
  • The wardrobe is called...
  • The computer desk is called...
  • The book shelf is called...
  • The bookcase is called...
  • Say the opposite:

  • The closet is tall and the nightstand...
  • The closet is big and the shelf...
  • The sofa is soft and the stool...
  • The chair is upholstered and the table...
  • Mathematics. Examples

    Target: the formation of the ability to solve examples.

    Material: worksheet.

    The teacher draws attention to the next task on the worksheet.

    Solve examples.

    Ball game "Orientation in space"

    Target: formation of orientation in space.

    I will throw the ball and name the objects in this room. And you should use the words "left", "right", "in front", "behind" in your answer.

    For example, "table where?" (ahead of me).

    Memory development. Who is sitting on the ladder?

    Target: working out the concepts "above, below", "between", "above", "under", ordinal count within five, memory development.

    materials: handouts 1 and 2, cards with learned numbers, felt-tip pen or plasticine (5 balls different colors every baby).

    Children receive the 1st handout.

    - List everyone who is sitting on the stairs. (Boy, girl, cat, dog, cockerel).
    - How many friends are sitting on the stairs? (Five).
    - Show the card with this number. (Raise card "5").
    - Who sits on the first, bottom step? (Girl).
    Who is sitting on the top step? (Cockerel).
    - What is the top step in the account? (Fifth).
    - Who is sitting on the third step? (Dog).
    What step is the cat on? (On the second).
    - Show the card with this number. (Two).
    - Who sits between the girl and the dog? (Cat).
    - Who sits between the cockerel and the cat? (Boy and dog).
    - Who flies over the stairs? (Three dragonflies).
    - Which dragonflies are more: blue or green? (There are more green dragonflies than blue ones, two more than one).
    - What grows under the stairs? (Dandelions).
    - Raise the card with the number equal to the number of dandelions. (Raise "5").
    - And now once again carefully look at the sheet and remember who is sitting on which step. Ready? Give me your sheets.

    Instead, children receive a 2nd handout.

    - Take a felt-tip pen and connect the lines of the boy, the girl and their whole company with the steps on which they were sitting.
    (You can also do this work with the help of plasticine. For this, children receive 5 small pieces of plasticine of different colors. The first piece is taken, for example, red.
    - Divide a piece of plasticine in half, roll two balls out of it. Attach the first ball to the girl, and the second ball to the step on which she was sitting.
    - Now take plasticine of blue color, divide it into two parts, roll up two blue balls. Attach one ball to the boy, and the second to the step on which he was sitting.
    - Take the green plasticine. (Work by analogy).

    When the children have identified all the characters on certain steps, the adult gives them the 1st sheet, and the children check themselves.

    Preparing the hand for writing. Eyelets

    Target: development of grapho-motor functions.

    Material: worksheet.

    Circle the loops.

    The teacher asks homework children.

    The purpose of the lesson: we study a solid sign, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing, the basics of an elementary graphic skill.

    • to introduce the preschooler to the letter b, the correct pronunciation of the sound;
    • to teach how to write the printed letter b in the cells;
    • to form an interest in learning with poems and riddles.

    Name what is shown in the pictures below:

    eat cake Crane edible mushrooms Bulletin board

    • Consider a new letter. This is a solid sign.
    • Repeat the words: ate, ate, drove in, drove up, drove around.
    • All these words are written with a solid sign.

    Read the words:
    ate-la, entered-hal, ob-hal, drove-hal, ate

    In Russian there are words in which sounds are pronounced separately. To make it visible when reading, a solid sign is written after the consonant letter.

    1. Once again consider the letter of the solid sign.
    2. What letter does it look like?
    3. What is the difference between hard and soft signs?

    Task: block letter b for preschoolers

    Consider the letter a solid sign. We sewed the letter b in the air and once in a notebook neatly in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

    In cases where a child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a spelling pattern at the beginning of the line.
    If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points, which the child will connect with lines, or write the letters in their entirety, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy at this stage of training should not be required.

    Tale about the letter b

    The Tale of Hard and Soft Signs

    One day, a Solid Sign was walking along the road with a firm gait.

    “Will you make up some fairy tale for me?” The exclamation mark stopped him.
    — I'll give it to the Exclamation Mark. Today is my birthday.
    - Not! - firmly answered the Solid Sign.
    - Don't you compose? The question mark was sad.
    - No, and only no! said the Solid Sign even more firmly.
    - But why? The question mark was surprised.
    - Don't want! I won't! I do not wish! - The Solid Sign stands on its own very firmly.

    The Question Mark looked questioningly at the road. The Soft Sign walked along the road in soft slippers.

    “Will you make up some fairy tale for me?” The question mark turned to him.
    "I don't feel like it, to be honest," Soft Sign said softly.
    "But I'll try... so be it."

    And in the evening, the Question Mark ran to the Soft Sign for a fairy tale.

    "It's a pity... I'm very sorry," the Soft Sign mumbled, "but, really, I can't compose fairy tales." And he cried.
    "But why didn't you tell me right away?" Question Mark got angry.
    “You were so kind,” Soft Sign whispered, “and I couldn’t refuse you right away. I don't like to refuse. And he cried even harder.

    Question Mark upset:

    Sorry, but I can't comfort you. I am late. For a birthday.

    He ran along the road and thought: “What will I say if Exclamation mark asks where is the gift???
    But the Exclamation Mark didn't ask anything. He exclaimed:

    - Hooray! Finally! My friend, the Question Mark, has arrived! How glad I am!

    (E. Moshkovskaya)

    Proverbs and sayings for the letter b

    I want to eat a fish, but I don’t want to climb into the water.

    Funny poems about the letter b for children

    And early in the morning on an empty stomach
    We went to the letter "solid sign".
    But couldn't find any
    Not a solid sign
    Not a soft sign.
    We thought for a long time on the way,
    Where can we find these signs?
    And after reflection in print
    We decided to send this announcement:
    "It's not the dog that's gone,
    And two characters.
    It's tricky to find them nearby.
    But perhaps, however,
    One word will be found,
    Where will both signs be?
    In one of the morning papers
    We read the answer a day later
    From schoolboy Petrov
    From the city of Tambov.
    Ilya Petrov replied:
    "Both a hard sign and a soft sign
    You will find it in an instant.
    You will find them
    When you read
    Your own announcement!
    We read the ad
    And both signs were found in it.
    And we wrote to Tambov:
    “Thank you, Ilya Petrov!”
    (S. Marshak)

    The wolf is terribly angry -
    He can't eat the food.
    Hedgehog, although it is edible,
    Inconvenient for eating:
    Shrinking, put out the needles -
    Killed the bad wolf.
    (V. Lunin)

    Soft sign and hard sign
    They talked like this:
    - How many cakes will I eat?
    - The soft sign answered:
    - Seven.
    (A. Shibaev)

    What happened to the soft sign?
    There was a soft sign high...
    The letters said strictly:
    - Hey, bend over a bit! -
    And so he bent, an eccentric,
    What turned into...
    Solid sign.
    (A. Shibaev)

    The bird looks in surprise
    For a forest ad.
    She will never find
    This word has a strong sign.
    (G. Satir)

    The rise is for those who are dexterous, brave,
    He's restless just right.
    Couldn't climb the hill
    Storm the big mountain.
    (Y. Akim)

    Go around the whole planet
    There is no animal with a firm sign.
    Maybe somewhere on Venus
    Are the animals prowling with a firm sign?
    (E. Grigoryeva. I. Gamazkova)

    Banquet announced!
    Give all the leftovers to the buffet!
    I explain: in the circus there are those
    Who wants to eat them!
    (V. Berestov)

    Lesson summary:

    1. The pronunciation of new words increases lexicon preschooler, develops speech and memory.
    2. Cellular exercises develop fine motor skills hands
    3. Riddles develop in children ingenuity, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
    4. Poems affect not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn several lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain, and the overall learning ability increases.