Why did Kolomoisky close the "Evening Quarter" - Panopticon. Why did Kolomoisky actually close "95 quarter" What should have been aired

PrivatBank needs to be saved

Most of all, Kolomoisky's decision not to air " Evening quarter” loses, paradoxically, the President. And the Evening Quarter will win,” Vadim Denisenko writes in Delovaya Stolitsa. “Evening Quarter is one of the best and most successful political projects in the country. At one time he worked fruitfully for Tymoshenko, then for Khoroshkovsky, in Lately against Kolomoisky and against Poroshenko (let's remember the famous video with Zelensky).

Over the past 10 years, Kvartal has changed a number of TV channels, but, unlike Shuster, the negative attitude of a significant mass of people has not stuck to it. Why? Because their jokes have always been much more subtle than Schuster's political mimicry,” the author believes. Moreover, Denisenko claims, “few people know, but recently the relationship between Kvartal and Pluses has been quite complicated”: “But they were forced to ‘tolerate’ each other, because Kvartal kept high ratings of Pluses. (he was one of the "pillars" on which the rating was kept).

Also, this satirical show is bound by a contract and the fact that today there is hardly any channel that would be ready to pay so much and allow so much.

I am sure, writes the author of Delovaya Stolitsa, that in the near future we will find out that in the program, which was not released, there were some jokes about Korban, and this allegedly caused the project to be stopped. “However, another myth will be planted in the mass consciousness - Kolomoisky and Poroshenko agreed not to release the program. And in general about something agreed. That is why they released Korban, so the BPP will support Odarich in Cherkassy, ​​and so on.

And only an insignificant part of the politicians will understand that there are no such agreements and cannot be. They are enemies, not operettas, but real ones. “Kolomoisky played his traditional voluntarist game. Also, at one time, the “Newspaper in Kiev” was closed, Shuster was also closed.

Kolomoisky is a high-level player and he is well aware that two points of the plus rating can be sacrificed for a more promising greater benefit. Now he needs to buy time for the sake of preserving Privatbank. The first step towards this is two months of Korban's house arrest. The second step is to take the "Evening Quarter" off the air.

Kolomoisky is well aware that in the mass consciousness, it is he, Kolomoisky, who will be the victim of censorship. The opinion that Igor Valeryevich himself is imposing in the mass media will be embedded in the mass consciousness: he was forced to close the Kvartal. And at the same time, few people will think about the question, could Kolomoisky ask Kvartal to relax a little and “wet” the President less. The answer is very simple - of course he could and had every opportunity to make Kvartal listen to his opinion. But for some reason he went the most radical way, which will hit Poroshenko the hardest.

“The closure of Kvartal is not only a desire to gain time. This is an attempt to fix in the mass consciousness the idea that the main victim of the regime is Kolomoisky himself. In the upcoming war for Privat, this image is the most beneficial for Kolomoisky,” Vadim Denisenko sums up.


1. "Evening Quarter" is one of the best and most successful political projects in the country. At one time, Kvartal worked fruitfully for Tymoshenko, then for Khoroshkovsky and, more recently, for Kolomoisky and against Poroshenko (let's recall the famous video with Zelensky). "Kvartal" has changed a number of TV channels over these 10 years, but, unlike Shuster, the negative attitude of a large mass of people has not stuck to it. Why? Yes, because their jokes were always much more subtle than Schuster's political mimicry.

2. Few people know, but recently the relationship between "Quarter" and "pluses" has been quite complicated. But they were forced to "tolerate" each other, because "Kvartal" kept high ratings of pluses (it was one of the pillars on which the rating was kept), and "Kvartal" was bound by a contract and the fact that today there is hardly any a channel that would be ready to pay so much and allow so much.

3. I am sure that in the near future we will find out that there were some jokes about Korban in the program that was not released, and this, allegedly, was the reason for stopping the project. However, another myth will be planted in the mass consciousness - Kolomoisky and Poroshenko agreed not to release the program. And in general about something agreed. That is why they released Korban, so the BPP will support Odarich, and so on. And only a small part of the politicians will understand that there are no such agreements and cannot be. They are enemies, not operettas, but real.

4. Kolomoisky played his traditional voluntarist game. In the same way, "Newspaper in Kiev" was closed at one time, and Shuster was closed in the same way. Kolomoisky is a high-level player, and he is well aware that you can sacrifice two points in the “plus” rating for a larger, promising benefit. Now he needs to buy time for the sake of preserving Privatbank. The first step towards this is two months of Korban's house arrest. The second step is to take "Evening Quarter" off the air. Kolomoisky is well aware that in the mass consciousness, it is he, Kolomoisky, who will be the victim of censorship. In the mass consciousness, the idea will be embedded, which will be imposed by the media of Kolomoisky himself, that he was forced to close the "Quarter". And at the same time, few people will think about the question whether Kolomoisky could have asked Kvartal to relax a little and wet the President less. The answer is very simple - of course he could and had every opportunity to make Kvartal listen to his opinion. But for some reason he went the most radical way, which will hit Poroshenko the most.

5. Closing the "Quarter" is not only a desire to gain time. The closure of the quarter is an attempt to reinforce in the mass consciousness the opinion that the main victim of the regime is Kolomoisky himself. In the future war for Privat, this image is the most beneficial for Kolomoisky.

In which the showman compared the country to an actress from German porn films, it caused a flurry of indignation, behind which some political scientists saw banal persecution. In more detail about who and why the persecution of Zelensky and the Kvartal 95 studio could have been organized, the journalists of the section "" of the publication "Market Leader" learned.

Vladimir Zelensky's joke about Ukraine, made at a performance by the Kvartal 95 studio in Jurmala, in which the country was compared with an actress from German porn films, caused, as the Vesti edition notes, a rather violent reaction, including in. According to some, anyone can be vilified, but a joke about their native country, which was compared with an actress from a porn movie, is already beyond the bounds of what is permitted. According to others, there is nothing of the kind here, and things should be called by their proper names.

The "kvartalovtsy" themselves have already announced a campaign organized against them with the involvement of Internet bots, launched in the best traditions of dirty political technologies. Political scientists, in turn, also saw a planned campaign in the avalanche of angry publications on the Web. Many were really outraged by the joke - in their opinion, you can make fun of Ukrainian politicians as much as you like, but it is unacceptable to compare them with a "dirty girl". - these are not greedy oligarchs, and not cunning politicians - this is Batkivshchyna, from the word "father". Another reproach against Kvartal 95 came down to the fact that their joke about Ukraine sounded outside home country- they say, you can scold her only at home, and you don’t need to "take dirty linen out of the hut."

Those who hold the opposite opinion say that it is not necessary to live according to the principle "so that the neighbors do not find out." In their opinion, the wealthy are outraged by this joke, because "the truth hurts their eyes." You should be able to perceive humor - you need to correct your mistakes, and not create the appearance of work, the result of which is precisely the appearance of such jokes. The world already knows about Ukrainian problems and beggars.

Meanwhile concert hall took the scandalous reprise with loud laughter, and in the comments they wrote that it was with the help of satire that one could understand how another country lives. Vladimir Zelensky also commented on the situation - according to him, this joke has only one meaning: we need to stop taking loans, which our grandchildren will have to give back. He stressed that this reprise concerns the actions of the Ukrainian - it is not about the country itself and not about the people living here.

The accusations actively leveled against Zelensky and Kvartal 95 may have several purposes.

The well-known showman and humorist Sergei Sivokho said that he personally does not understand at all why the joke of Kvartal about Ukraine, begging today like a prostitute, caused such a violent negative reaction - is this not true? He also does not understand the outrage that the joke was not made at home, but abroad: modern means of communication have completely erased this one. Being tough for a satirist is completely normal.

The accusations that are now being very actively leveled against Vladimir Zelensky and the Kvartal 95 studio may have several goals - either to lower the current high showman, or to force the team off the air of the 1 + 1 channel. According to sources in the media circles, Zelensky has been targeted by Bankova since he began portraying Petro Poroshenko on stage. The presidential administration gave the command to monitor all the antics of Zelensky and attack at any opportunity, since Bankovaya is very jealous of the light in which the head of state is shown.

And just such a convenient opportunity presented itself - after the showing of the performance of "Quarter" in Jurmala. At the same time, political strategist Oleg Posternak believes that the meaning of this attack, in addition to hitting the showman's image, may also be a desire to prevent the growth of the rating of "non-systemic politicians", that is, leaders public opinion, which includes Volodymyr Zelensky.

Posternak recalled that quite aggressive attacks on folk heroes with some authority. On the other hand, Ukrainian society currently has signs of an authoritarian political consciousness, when people measure the behavior of various famous people from the world of sports, and so on, by the logic of their attitude to the topic of patriotism. Such black and white thinking only hurts.

It is worth noting that the head of the BPP faction in Verkhovna Rada, Igor Hryniv, admitted to journalists last summer that sociological companies controlled by the Presidential Administration measure the rating of non-politicians in order to better understand the mood of Ukrainian voters. Both the rating of Zelensky and the rating of the leader of the Okean Elzy group were measured. However, it is unlikely that the campaign that has begun now will be able to lower the rating of Vladimir Zelensky - according to political expert Nikolai Spiridonov, a new informational puff will eventually come out, and the reputational damage for the showman will be insignificant, since there is nothing to officially present in this case.

1. "Evening Quarter" is one of the best and most successful political projects in the country. At one time, Kvartal worked fruitfully for Tymoshenko, then for Khoroshkovsky, and more recently for Kolomoisky and against Poroshenko (let's recall the famous video with Zelensky). Over these 10 years, Kvartal has changed a number of TV channels, but unlike Shuster, the negative attitude of a large mass of people has not stuck to it. Why? Yes, because their jokes were always much more subtle than Schuster's political mimicry.

2. Few people know that the relationship between "Quarter" and "1 + 1" has been quite complicated lately. But they were forced to “tolerate” each other, because “Kvartal” kept high ratings of “pluses” (it was one of the pillars on which the rating was kept), and “Kvartal” was bound by a contract and the fact that today there is hardly any - a channel that would be ready to pay so much and allow so much.

3. I am sure that in the near future we will find out that there were some jokes about Korban in the program that was not released, and this allegedly caused the project to stop. However, another myth will be planted in the mass consciousness - Kolomoisky and Poroshenko agreed not to release the program. And in general about something agreed. That is why they released Korban, so the BPP will support Odarich, and so on. And only a small part of the politicians will understand that there are no such agreements and cannot be. They are enemies, not operettas, but real ones.

4. Kolomoisky played his traditional voluntarist game. In the same way, "Newspaper in Kiev" was closed at one time, and Shuster was closed in the same way. Kolomoisky is a high-level player and he is well aware that you can sacrifice two points of the plus rating for a larger, more promising benefit. Now he needs to buy time to save PrivatBank. The first step towards this is two months of Korban's house arrest. The second step is to take "Evening Quarter" off the air. Kolomoisky is well aware that in the mass consciousness, it is he, Kolomoisky, who will be the victim of censorship. In the mass consciousness, the idea will be embedded, which will be imposed by the media of Kolomoisky himself, that he was forced to close the "Quarter". And at the same time, few people will think about the question whether Kolomoisky could have asked Kvartal to relax a bit and wet the president less. The answer is very simple - of course he could and had every opportunity to make Kvartal listen to his opinion. But for some reason he went the most radical way, which will hit Poroshenko the hardest.

5. Closing the "Quarter" is not only a desire to gain time. The closure of Kvartal is an attempt to reinforce in the mass consciousness the opinion that the main victim of the regime is Kolomoisky himself. In the upcoming war for Privat, this image is the most beneficial for Kolomoisky.

November 7 at 21:15 on the air of the TV channel "1 + 1" was supposed to be the show "Evening Quarter". But for unknown reasons, it was cancelled. This is stated in statement of the studio "Quarter 95".

Instead of a new program on the TV channel now, in which Denis Manzhosov is also involved, the head of the press service of the Kvartal 95 Studio told KP in Ukraine, noting that no additional comments from any of the actors of the "quarter" team should be expected yet worth it - Everything that they wanted to voice in this moment, is on official page Studios "Quarter 95" on Facebook.

Statement of the studio "Quarter 95"

A few hours before the broadcast, the 1 + 1 TV channel notified the studio management that new issue The project was removed from the program grid without explaining the reasons for this decision. For its part, the studio "Quarter 95" fulfilled its obligations and did everything possible to make "Evening Quarter" appear on the air. All necessary materials were transferred to the channel in advance, the message says.

In the "Quarter" noted that in the ten years of the project's existence - this is the first case of cancellation of the television version of the concert.

Over the years of the project’s existence, four presidents have changed in the country, two Maidans have passed, an anti-terrorist operation has begun in the east of the country, and not once during this time have any circumstances affected the fate of the television project, the press service of the project said.

According to the studio, the decision to cancel the Evening Kvartal concert violates the terms of cooperation between the Kvartal 95 studio and the 1 + 1 channel, is unacceptable and violates the principles of freedom of speech, restricting the rights of viewers to access television content.

We are surprised by the recent announcement and the concerns of our longtime partners, Kvartal 95 Studios. There was a technical error during the programming of the current week. We would like to assure our viewers and admirers of Studio Kvartal 95 that there is no reason to worry, on November 16, a new comedy series produced by the Studio - "Servant of the People" will be aired, and in December new episodes of "Evening Kvartal" will be shown.

Now on the air "1 + 1" they show the old issue of "Evening Quarter", in which Sergey Lazarev and Ani Lorak took part.

Photo: screenshot

What should have been aired

the 25th of October. The filming was attended by Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst. The day before the premiere, "Quarter 95" presented its announcement. At the end of the video, the words “Will this be shown on TV?” sound.
