How Joseph Mengele died. Josef Mengele: Terrible torture of children and Nazi experiments on twins in Auschwitz

The first concentration camp in Germany was opened in 1933. The last worker was captured Soviet troops in 1945. Between these two dates - millions of tortured prisoners who died from overwork, strangled in gas chambers, shot by the SS. And those who died from "medical experiments". How many of these, the last, no one knows for sure. Hundreds of thousands. Inhuman experiments on people in Nazi concentration camps are also history, the history of medicine. Its blackest, but no less interesting page...

Josef Mengele, the most famous of the Nazi criminal doctors, was born in Bavaria in 1911. He studied philosophy at the University of Munich and medicine at Frankfurt. In 1934 he joined the SA and became a member of the National Socialist Party, in 1937 he joined the SS. He worked at the Institute of Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene. Dissertation topic: "Morphological studies of the structure of the lower jaw of representatives of four races."

After the outbreak of World War II, he served as a military doctor in the SS division "Viking" in France, Poland and Russia. In 1942 he received the Iron Cross for rescuing two tankers from a burning tank. After being wounded, SS Hauptsturmführer Mengele was declared unfit for military service and in 1943 was appointed chief physician of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The prisoners soon nicknamed him "the angel of death".

Dr. Mengele had to answer the question: how to increase the reproductive capacity of the German people so that it satisfies the needs of the planned large-scale settlement by Germans of the occupied regions of the countries of Eastern Europe. His focus was on the problem of twins, as well as the physiology and pathology of dwarfism. Monozygotic twins were subjected to experiments, mainly children, dwarfs and persons with congenital disabilities. They were searched for among those arriving at the camp.
Tens of thousands of people became victims of Mengele's monstrous experiments. What are some studies of the effects of physical and mental exhaustion on the human body! And the "study" of 3,000 infant twins, of which only 200 survived! The twins received blood transfusions and transplanted organs from each other. Sisters were forced to have children from brothers. Sex reassignment operations were carried out. Before starting the experiments, the kind doctor Mengele could stroke the child on the head, treat him with chocolate ...

The twins were given blood transfusions from one to the other and x-rayed. The second stage covered comparative analysis internal organs which was performed at the time of the autopsy. Such an analysis would be difficult to carry out under normal conditions due to the low probability of the simultaneous death of both twins. At the camp, twin comparisons were made hundreds of times. For this purpose, Dr. Mengele killed them with phenol injections. He once led an operation in which two gypsy boys were sewn together to create Siamese twins. The children's hands turned out to be heavily infected at the sites of resection of blood vessels. Mengele usually, without any anesthesia, cut off part of the liver or other vital organs from Jewish children and killed them with monstrous blows to the head if there was a need for a just-dead "guinea pig". He injected chloroform into the hearts of many children, he infected other of his experimental subjects with typhus. Mengele injected many women with pathogenic bacteria into the ovaries. Some twins with different color colorants were injected into the eye sockets and pupils to change the color of the eyes and explore the possibility of producing Aryan twins with blue eyes. In the end, the children were left with granular clots instead of eyes.

The Wehrmacht ordered a topic: to find out everything about the effects of cold on the body of a soldier (hypothermia). The experimental methodology was the most straightforward: a prisoner from a concentration camp is taken, covered with ice on all sides, "doctors" in SS uniform constantly measure body temperature ... When an experimental person dies, a new one is brought from the barracks. Conclusion: after cooling the body below 30 degrees, it is most likely impossible to save a person. The best way to warm up is a hot bath and "natural heat" female body".

In 1945, Josef Mengele carefully destroyed all the collected "data" and escaped from Auschwitz. Until 1949, Mengele worked quietly in his native Gunzburg at his father's firm. Then, according to new documents in the name of Helmut Gregor, he emigrated to Argentina. He received his passport quite legally, through... the Red Cross. In those years, this organization provided charity, issued passports and travel documents to tens of thousands of refugees from Germany. It is possible that Mengele's fake ID was simply not thoroughly verified. Moreover, the art of forging documents in the Third Reich reached unprecedented heights.
One way or another, Mengele ended up in South America. In the early 50s, when Interpol issued a warrant for his arrest (with the right to kill him upon arrest), Iozef moved to Paraguay. However, all this was, rather, a props, a game of catching the Nazis. All with the same passport in the name of Gregor, Josef Mengele repeatedly visited Europe, where his wife and son remained. The Swiss police watched his every move - and did nothing.

The terrible experiments on people by Josef Mengele, the "Angel of Death of Auschwitz", did not end after his flight to South America. His dream came true. Came out into the light A new book Argentine historian Jorge Camaraza, Mengele: The Angel of Death in South America, argues that Josef Mengele's experiments did not end after his flight to South America after the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II. There is evidence that the "Angel of Death of Auschwitz" continued his terrible experiments in Brazil, in a small town that later received the nickname "Twin City".

Josef Mengele managed a lot in his life: to live happy childhood, get an excellent education at the university, do happy family, raise children, get to know the taste of war and front-line life, work out " scientific research", many of which were important for modern medicine, since vaccines against various diseases were developed, and many other useful experiments were done that would not have been possible in a democratic state (in fact, the crimes of Mengele, like many of his colleagues, made a huge contribution to medicine), finally, already on the run, Josef got a quiet rest on the sandy shores Latin America. Already on this well-deserved rest, Mengele was repeatedly forced to remember his past affairs - he repeatedly read articles in newspapers about his search, about a fee of 50,000 US dollars assigned for providing information about his whereabouts, about his atrocities with prisoners. Reading these articles, Josef Mengele could not hide his sarcastic sad smile, for which he was remembered by many of his victims - after all, he was in full view, swam on public beaches, conducted active correspondence, visited entertainment establishments. And he could not understand the accusations of committed atrocities - he always looked at his experimental subjects only as material for experiments. He did not see the difference between the experiments he did at school on beetles and those he did at Auschwitz.
In Brazil, he lived until February 7, 1979, when he suffered a stroke while swimming in the sea, as a result of which he drowned.

Now many are wondering if Josef Mengele was not a simple sadist who, in addition to scientific work It was a pleasure to watch people suffer. Those who worked with him said that Mengele, to the surprise of many colleagues, sometimes gave lethal injections to test subjects himself, beat them and threw capsules with lethal gas into the cells while watching the prisoners die.

On the territory of the Auschwitz concentration camp there is a large pond where the unclaimed ashes of the prisoners burned in the crematorium ovens were dumped. The rest of the ash was transported by wagons to Germany, where it was used as fertilizer for the soil. In the same wagons, new prisoners were carried for Auschwitz, who were personally greeted on arrival by a tall, smiling young man who was barely 32 years old. It was the new Auschwitz doctor Josef Mengele, after being wounded, declared unfit for service in the army. He appeared with his retinue in front of the newly arrived prisoners to select "material" for his monstrous experiments. The prisoners were stripped naked and lined up in a row, along which Mengele walked, now and then pointing at suitable people with his unchanging stack. He also decided who to immediately send to the gas chamber, and who else could work for the good of the Third Reich. Death is to the left, life is to the right. Sickly-looking people, old people, women with babies - Mengele, as a rule, sent them to the left with a careless movement of a stack squeezed in his hand.

Former prisoners, when they just arrived at the station to enter the concentration camp, Mengele was remembered as fit, well-groomed man with a kind smile, in a well-fitted and ironed dark green tunic and in a cap, which he wore slightly to one side; black boots polished to a perfect shine. One of the prisoners of Auschwitz Christina Zhivulskaya will write later: "He looked like a film actor - a sleek, pleasant face with regular features. Tall, slender ...". For his smile and pleasant, courteous manner, which did not fit in with his inhuman experiences, the prisoners nicknamed Mengele the "Angel of Death." He conducted his experiments on people in block No.

10. "No one ever got out of there alive," says former prisoner Igor Fedorovich Malitsky, who ended up in Auschwitz at the age of 16.

The young doctor began his work in Auschwitz by stopping the typhus epidemic, which he discovered in several gypsies. To prevent the disease from spreading to other prisoners, he sent the entire barracks (more than a thousand people) to the gas chamber. Later, typhus was found in the women's barracks, and this time the entire barracks - about 600 women - also went to their deaths. How else to deal with typhus in such conditions, Mengele could not think of.

Before the war, Josef Mengele studied medicine and even defended his thesis on "Racial Differences in the Structure of the Lower Jaw" in 1935, and later received his doctorate. Genetics was of particular interest to him, and in Auschwitz he showed the greatest degree of interest in twins. He set up experiments without resorting to anesthetics, and dissected live babies. He tried to stitch twins together, change their eye color with chemicals; he pulled out teeth, implanted them and built new ones. In parallel with this, the development of a substance capable of causing infertility was carried out; he castrated boys and sterilized women. According to some reports, he managed to sterilize a whole group of nuns using X-rays.

Mengele's interest in twins was not accidental. The Third Reich set scientists the task of increasing the birth rate, as a result of which the artificial increase in the birth of twins and triplets became the main task of scientists. However, the offspring of the Aryan race had to have blond hair and blue eyes - hence Mengele's attempts to change the color of the children's eyes through

vom various chemicals. After the war, he was going to become a professor and for the sake of science he was ready for anything.

The twins were carefully measured by the assistants of the "Angel of Death" to fix common features and differences, and then the experiments of the doctor himself came into play. Children were amputated limbs and transplanted various organs, infected with typhus and transfused with blood. Mengele wanted to track how the identical organisms of the twins would react to the same intervention in them. Then the experimental subjects were killed, after which the doctor conducted a thorough analysis of the corpses, examining the internal organs.

He launched a rather violent activity, and therefore many mistakenly considered him the chief doctor of the concentration camp. In fact, Josef Mengele held the position of senior physician of the women's barracks, to which he was appointed by Eduard Wirths, the chief physician of Auschwitz, who later described Mengele as a responsible employee who sacrificed his personal time to devote his self-education, exploring the material that the concentration camp had.

Mengele and his colleagues believed that hungry children have very pure blood, which means that it can help the wounded a lot. German soldiers located in hospitals. This was recalled by another former prisoner of Auschwitz, Ivan Vasilievich Chuprin. The newly arrived very young children, the eldest of whom were 5-6 years old, were herded into block number 19, from which screams and crying could be heard for some time, but soon there was silence. The blood from the young prisoners was pumped out completely. And in the evening, prisoners returning from work saw piles of children's bodies, which were later burned in dug pits, the flames from which burst up several meters.

For Mengele work in k

The concentration camp was a kind of scientific mission, and the experiments that he put on the prisoners were, from his point of view, for the benefit of science. Many tales are told about Dr. "Death", and one of them is that the eyes of children "decorated" his office. In fact, as one of the doctors who worked with Mengele in Auschwitz recalled, he could stand for hours near a row of test tubes, examining the materials obtained under a microscope, or spend time at the anatomical table, opening the bodies, in an apron stained with blood. He considered himself a real scientist, whose goal was something more than eyes hanging all over the office.

The doctors who worked with Mengele noted that they hated their work, and in order to somehow relieve tension, they got completely drunk after a working day, which could not be said about Dr. Death himself. It seemed that his work did not tire him at all.

Now many are wondering if Josef Mengele was not a simple sadist who, in addition to scientific work, enjoyed watching the suffering of people. Those who worked with him said that Mengele, to the surprise of many colleagues, sometimes gave lethal injections to test subjects himself, beat them and threw capsules with lethal gas into the cells while watching the prisoners die.

After the war, Josef Mengele was declared a war criminal, but he managed to escape. He spent the rest of his life in Brazil, and February 7, 1979 was his last day - while swimming, he had a stroke and drowned. His grave was found only in 1985, and after the exhumation of the remains in 1992, they finally became convinced that it was Josef Mengele who had earned his reputation as one of the most terrible and dangerous Nazis in this grave.

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Josef Mengele, the most famous of the Nazi criminal doctors, was born in 1911 in Bavaria. He studied philosophy at the University of Munich and medicine at Frankfurt. In 1934 he joined the CA and became a member of the NSDAP, in 1937 he joined the SS. He worked at the Institute of Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene. The topic of the dissertation is “Morphological studies of the structure of the lower jaw of representatives of four races”.

During World War II he served as a military doctor in the SS division "Viking". In 1942 he received the Iron Cross for rescuing two tankers from a burning tank. After being wounded, SS Hauptsturmführer Mengele was declared unfit for military service and in 1943 was appointed chief physician of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Soon the prisoners called him "the angel of death."

//-- Sadistic scientist doctor --//

In addition to their main function - the destruction of representatives of "inferior races", prisoners of war, communists and simply dissatisfied, concentration camps in Nazi Germany also performed another function. With the arrival of Mengele, Auschwitz became a "major research center". Unfortunately, the range of "scientific" interests of Josef Mengele was unusually wide. He began with "works" to "increase the fertility of Aryan women." It is clear that non-Aryan women served as material for research. Then the fatherland set a new, directly opposite task: to find the cheapest and most effective methods of limiting the birth rate of "subhumans" - Jews, gypsies and Slavs. Having crippled tens of thousands of men and women, Mengele came to a “strictly scientific” conclusion: the most reliable way to avoid conception is castration.

"Research" went on as usual. The Wehrmacht ordered a topic: to find out everything about the effects of cold (hypothermia) on the body of soldiers. The “method” of the experiments was the most straightforward: a concentration camp prisoner was taken, covered with ice on all sides, “doctors” in SS uniform constantly measured body temperature ... When the experimental person died, a new one was brought from the barracks. Conclusion: after cooling the body below 30 degrees, it is most likely impossible to save a person. The best way to warm up is a hot bath and "the natural warmth of the female body."

The Luftwaffe - the German Air Force - commissioned research on the topic: "The influence high altitude on the performance of the pilot. A pressure chamber was built in Auschwitz. Thousands of prisoners took terrible death: at ultra-low pressure, a person was simply torn apart. Conclusion: it is necessary to build aircraft with a pressurized cabin. But none of these aircraft in Germany took off until the very end of the war.

Josef Mengele, carried away by racial theory in his youth, on his own initiative conducted experiments with eye color. For some reason, he needed to prove in practice that the brown eyes of a Jew under no circumstances could become the blue eyes of a “true Aryan”. He gave hundreds of Jews injections of blue dye - extremely painful and often leading to blindness. Conclusion: it is impossible to turn a Jew into an Aryan.

Tens of thousands of people became victims of Mengele's monstrous experiments. What are some studies of the effects of physical and mental exhaustion on the human body! And the "study" of three thousand infant twins, of which only 200 survived! The twins received blood transfusions and transplanted organs from each other. A lot more was being done. Sisters were forced to have children from brothers. Sex reassignment operations were carried out ...

And before starting his experiments, the “good doctor Mengele” could pat the child on the head, treat him with chocolate ...

The concentration camp prisoners were deliberately infected with various diseases in order to test the effectiveness of new drugs on them. In 1998, one of the former prisoners of Auschwitz sued the German pharmaceutical company Bayer. The creators of aspirin were accused of using concentration camp prisoners during the war to test their sleeping pills.

Judging by the fact that shortly after the start of the “testing”, the concern additionally acquired another 150 prisoners of Auschwitz, no one could wake up after a new sleeping pill. By the way, other representatives of German business also cooperated with the concentration camp system. The largest chemical concern in Germany, IG Farbenindustry, made not only synthetic gasoline for tanks, but also Zyklon-B gas for the gas chambers of the same Auschwitz. After the war, the giant company was "unbundled". Some of the fragments of IG Farbenindustry are well known in our country. Including as drug manufacturers.

So what did Josef Mengele achieve? In medical terms, the Nazi fanatic failed in the same way as in moral, ethical, human ... Having unlimited opportunities for experiments at his disposal, he still did not achieve anything. It is impossible to consider as a scientific result the conclusion that if a person is not allowed to sleep and not fed, he will first go crazy and then die.

//-- Quiet "retirement" --//

In 1945, Josef Mengele carefully destroyed all the collected "data" and escaped from Auschwitz. Until 1949, he calmly worked in his native Gunzburg in his father's company. Then, with new documents in the name of Helmut Gregor, he emigrated to Argentina. He received his passport quite legally, through the Red Cross. In those years, this organization issued passports and travel documents to tens of thousands of refugees from Germany. Perhaps Mengele's fake ID was simply not carefully verified. Moreover, the art of forging documents reached unprecedented heights in the Third Reich.

One way or another, Mengele ended up in South America. In the early 50s, when Interpol issued a warrant for his arrest (with the right to kill him upon arrest), the Nazi criminal moved to Paraguay, where he disappeared from view. Checking all subsequent messages about him future fate showed that they are not true.

After the end of the war, many journalists were looking for at least some information that could put them on the trail of Josef Mengele ... The fact is that for forty years after the end of the Second World War, "fake" Mengele appeared in various places. So, in 1968, a former Brazilian policeman claimed that he allegedly managed to find traces of the "angel of death" on the border of Paraguay and Argentina. Shimon Wiesenthal announced in 1979 that Mengele was hiding in a secret Nazi colony in the Chilean Andes. In 1981, a message appeared in the American Life magazine: Mengele lives in the Bedford Hills area, located fifty kilometers north of New York. And in 1985, in Lisbon, a suicide left a note in which he admitted that it was he who was wanted. Nazi criminal Joseph Mengele.

//-- Where was it found --//

And only in 1985, it seems, it became known about the true whereabouts of Mengele. Or rather, his grave. One married couple from Austria, who lived in Brazil, said that Mengele was Wolfgang Gerhard, who had been their neighbor for several years. The couple claimed that he drowned six years ago, that he was then 67 years old, and indicated the location of his grave - the town of Embu.

In the same year, 1985, the remains of the deceased were exhumed. At each stage of this event, three independent teams of forensic experts participated in it, and live television broadcast from the cemetery was received in almost all countries of the world. In the coffin were only the decayed bones of the deceased. However, everyone was looking forward to the results of their identification. For millions of people wanted to know whether these remains really belong to the cruel misanthrope and executioner wanted for many years.

The chances of scientists to establish the identity of the deceased were regarded as quite high. The fact is that they had at their disposal an extensive archive of data on Mengele: since the war, the SS file contained information about his height, weight, skull geometry, and the condition of his teeth. The photographs clearly showed a characteristic gap between the front upper teeth.

Specialists who investigated the burial in Emba had to be very careful when making conclusions. The desire to find Josef Mengele was so great that there had already been cases of his erroneous identification, including falsified ones. Many such deceptions are described in the book Witness From the Grave by Christopher Joyce and Eric Stover, presenting readers with a compelling story. professional career Clyde Snow, chief investigator of the Embu remains.

//-- How he was identified --//

The bones found in the grave were subjected to a thorough and comprehensive examination, which was carried out by three independent groups of experts - from Germany, the USA and from the Shimon Wiesenthal Center, located in Austria.

At the end of the exhumation, scientists examined the grave for the second time in search of possibly fallen dental fillings and bone fragments. Then all parts of the skeleton were taken to Sao Paulo, to the Institute of Forensic Medicine. Here further research continued.

The results obtained, compared with data on the identity of Mengele from the SS file, gave the experts reason to almost certainly consider the examined remains to be those of a wanted war criminal. However, they needed absolute certainty, they needed an argument convincingly confirming such a conclusion. And then Richard Helmer, a West German forensic anthropologist, joined the work of experts. Thanks to his participation, it was possible to brilliantly complete the final stage of the entire operation.

Helmer was able to recreate the appearance of a deceased person from his skull. It was difficult and painstaking work. First of all, it was necessary to mark points on the skull that were to serve as starting points for restoration. appearance faces, and accurately determine the distance between them. After that, the researcher created a computer "image" of the skull.

Further, based on his professional knowledge of the thickness and distribution of soft tissues, muscles and skin on the face, he received a new computer image that already clearly reproduced the features of the restored face. The last - and most crucial - moment of the whole procedure came when the face, recreated by methods computer graphics, aligned with the face in Mengele's photograph. Both images are exactly the same. So it was finally proved that a person, long years hiding in Brazil under the names of Helmut Gregor and Wolfgang Gerhard and drowned in 1979 at the age of 67, was indeed the "angel of death" of the Auschwitz concentration camp, the cruel Nazi executioner Dr. Josef Mengele

Joseph Mengele. Doctor from Auschwitz.

Josef Mengele

Congenital deformity saved an entire family from death in the gas chamber

At midnight on May 19, 1944, another train of Jews arrived at the Auschwitz concentration camp. The SS guards habitually drove people into groups, the shepherd dogs burst into hoarse barking. And suddenly seven midgets appear at the door of the car: five women dressed as if at a ball and two men in elegant suits. Not at all embarrassed by the situation, they look around with interest, and one of them begins to distribute business cards to the stunned guards: let them know what strange place the world-famous Lilliput Troupe has arrived!

Having found out that all these kids are brothers and sisters, the SS officer ordered his subordinates to urgently wake up the doctor. Josef Mengele. Everyone knew that he "collects" his own cabinet of curiosities and simply adores all sorts of deviations from the norm. And then there are seven Lilliputian relatives at once. Mengele, after hearing what was the matter, immediately jumped out of bed.

Music connected them

The dwarfs did not yet know that the "doctor" they expected preferred to treat with radical methods. Say, when a typhus epidemic broke out in one of the women's barracks, he simply sent 498 of its inhabitants to the gas chambers. And they didn’t know about the monstrous experiments on living people either. Therefore, when Herr Mengele began to ask questions, they gladly told the story of their family.

Shimshon Ovitz from the Romanian town of Roswell was a midget, which did not prevent him from marrying women of normal height twice. Seven of his children were born small, three were ordinary. The head of the family died when the youngest, Perla, was not even two years old. The second wife of Shimshon - Batya-Berta was left alone with ten offspring in her arms. It occurred to her that children should learn music, and she did not lose. All quickly mastered various tools, created family ensemble and started touring. Troupe Ovitsev was a great success and, accordingly, a good income. They could even afford a car, a rarity in those days. But in 1940, part of Romania came under the control of Nazi Hungary, and restrictions on Jews came into force. In particular, they were forbidden to speak in front of representatives of other nationalities. The team temporarily stopped playing concerts, and during the downtime, the Ovits were able to fix fake documents for themselves in order to start performing again. But in 1944, the secret became clear, and the whole family - 12 people aged from 15 months to 58 years old - was sent to Auschwitz.

Saved by the devil

The musical abilities of Dr. Mengele's family members were of little interest. But the union of the dwarf with ordinary woman and the ratio of normal offspring and children with disabilities is incredible! Therefore, he ordered not to touch the Ovits. Confidently lying to the monster about his close relationship with unusual family, their neighbor Simon Shlomovitz saved his - ten people. All of them were settled separately from other prisoners. They were allowed to walk in their own clothes and not shave their heads. Sometimes they were even fed not with gruel, but with more or less decent food.

“Perhaps we have cheered him up and he wants us to put on a show here too,” the Ovits thought. Therefore, when they were called to the doctor, the women dressed up and put on makeup (they were allowed to keep their makeup). However, in the laboratory, they simply took blood from everyone. A week later again. And then more and more. Such volumes were pumped out of the poor Lilliputians that they fainted. But as soon as they came to their senses, the execution was repeated.

They made careless punctures, and blood splattered in all directions. We often felt sick. When we returned to the barracks, we fell on the bunk. But they did not have time to restore strength, as we were called for a new cycle, - she recalled Perla Ovitz.

They checked the functioning of the internal organs of family members, looked for typhus, syphilis and other diseases, pulled out their healthy teeth and pulled out their eyelashes. Psychiatrists asked endless questions, supposedly testing intelligence. But the most terrible torture was injections into the ears: boiling water, followed by ice water, and so on in a circle. The most annoying thing is that Josef Mengele himself did not understand how to use the results of his monstrous experiments and what they could tell him about the mystery of this family. But at the same time, he enthusiastically asked the wife of the eldest of Abraham's dwarfs, Dora (she was of normal height) about the smallest details of their sex life.

However, at least they were still alive. But another hunchback dwarf who appeared in the camp was much less fortunate. The savage doctor decided that the skeletons of little freaks should be put in Berlin Museum, ordered to throw the unfortunate man into the cauldron and boil him until the meat separated from the bones.

And ordinary twins were the fanatic's favorite "stuff". He transfused blood and transplanted their organs to each other, tried to change eye color with chemicals, infected with viruses. I wanted to understand how twins are made, and to make sure that german women gave birth to two or three racially pure children at a time

So the Ovitz were even grateful to their "savior." And they always tried to appear before him neat and cheerful. The women even flirted with Josef, and he brought their children toys of the kids destroyed in the camp. The youngest of the family, named after his grandfather Shimshon, even once called Mengele dad. He gently corrected the one and a half year old boy: "No, I'm not dad, I'm just Uncle Josef."

With the youngest of the midgets - Perla, who was then 23, it seems that something happened that many years later will be called "Stockholm syndrome".

Dr. Mengele looked like a movie star, only more handsome, she said. - Everyone could fall in love with him. But none of those who saw him could imagine what kind of pretty face the monster is hiding. We knew that he was merciless and capable of the worst forms of sadism. That when he was angry, he fell into hysterics. But, being in a bad mood, he immediately calmed down as soon as he crossed the threshold of our barracks. Seeing him in a good mood, everyone in the camp said, “Probably visited the kids.”

Visual material

One evening the doctor looked in on the dwarfs, holding a small bundle in his hands. He told his charges that they were going to have a special trip the next day. Noticing how the Lilliputians turned pale, he reassured them with a smile. And he left a bag in which there were lipstick, blush, nail polish, eye shadow, a bottle of cologne. The women were delighted.

The next day, at dawn, all the Lilliputians were put into a truck and taken to a building located in the SS residential camp. They even fed us a hearty dinner served on china plates and silver cutlery.

Then the troupe was brought to the stage. The hall was full - entirely the leadership. The sheep drew themselves up, but then Mengele barked: “Take off your clothes!” They had no choice but to obey. Trying to cover up intimate parts, Lilliputians hunched over. "Straighten up!" the tormentor shouted at them. And then he began to give a lecture called "Examples of work with anthropological and hereditary biology in concentration camps", the essence of which was that the Jewish people were degenerating, turning into a nation of freaks. Lilliputians, as well as possible, suited as visual aid. So the SS officers were happy to feel the Ovits at the end of the speech.

It was another test for the family, but nevertheless Mengele saved them from death. Another camp doctor, jealous of Josef's position, sent the brothers Avraham and Mika behind his back to the gas chamber. But Mengele managed to pull them out. Therefore, the Ovitsy even took offense at the doctor, who did not take them with him when he was transferred from Auschwitz to the Gross-Rosen camp. And not in vain. The Lilliputians left without the support of the devil were going to be sent to the gas chamber. But they are lucky again. Their execution was scheduled for January 27, 1945, but on that day they entered Auschwitz soviet soldiers. A few months later, the miraculously surviving Ovits returned to their looted and destroyed house. Later they moved to Belgian Antwerp. And after the formation of Israel, they moved to Haifa. They lived long life: the elder sister Rozika died at 98 years old, the youngest - Perla left at 80. She did not feel malice towards her torturer.

If the judges had asked me if he should be hanged, I would have answered that he should be released, she said. - I was saved by the grace of the devil - God will pay tribute to Mengele.


Prisoner of Auschwitz, Czech Dina Gottlibova, on the orders of Dr. Mengele, made drawings of the heads, auricles, noses, mouths, arms and legs of his experimental subjects, including Ovitsev. She recalled that Josef called the dwarfs the names of the seven dwarfs from the fairy tale. Ironically, Dina married an artist after the war Arthur Babbitt who drew characters for Disney's Snow White.

Bear in mind

* Josef MENGELE(1911 - 1979) - SS Hauptsturmführer, awarded the Iron Cross 1st class for rescuing two tankmen from a burning tank.

* The topic of his doctoral dissertation was "Racial differences in the structure of the lower jaw."

* In Auschwitz, dissected live babies, castrated boys and men without anesthesia, subjected women to electric shocks high voltage, to find out their endurance, sterilized a group of Polish nuns using X-rays.

* Received the nickname Angel of Death.

* Until 1949, he hid in Bavaria, from there he fled to Argentina. When he was tracked down by agents of the Israeli secret service Mossad - Mengele was the most wanted Nazi criminal after Adolf Eichmann, moved to Paraguay and later to Brazil.

* While swimming in the state of São Paulo, the ghoul suffered a stroke and drowned.

Josef Mengele (born March 16, 1911 - death February 7, 1979) - the most famous of the Nazi criminal doctors. The chief physician of Auschwitz, who conducted medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners. The first education is a philosopher, in the 1920s he was imbued with the racial ideology of Alfred Rosenberg. In the concentration camp, he selected healthy Jews to work in industrial enterprises, and sent others to the gas chambers. On prisoners who were especially unlucky, the fanatic doctor conducted experiments in order to find the best way to breed the “right breed” of people. Tens of thousands of prisoners became victims of the monstrous experiments of the killer doctor. After the war, the Nazi managed to escape.

Origin. Life before Auschwitz

Originally from Gunzburg, a small old town on the banks of the Danube, in Bavaria. His father was the owner of a factory for the production of agricultural machinery - "Karl Mengele and Sons", which employed many residents of the town. He studied philosophy at the University of Munich and medicine at Frankfurt. 1934 - joined the CA and became a member of the NSDAP. 1937 - joined the SS. He worked at the Institute of Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene.

During the Second World War, he served as a military doctor in the SS division "Viking". 1942 - was awarded the Iron Cross for rescuing two tankers from a burning tank. After the injury of SS Hauptsturmführer Mengele, he was declared unfit for military service and in 1943 he was appointed chief physician of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Soon the prisoners called him "the angel of death."

Chief physician of the Auschwitz concentration camp

In addition to their main function - the destruction of representatives of "inferior races", prisoners of war, communists and simply dissatisfied, concentration camps in Nazi Germany also performed another function. With the appointment of Mengele as head doctor of the concentration camp, Auschwitz became a "major research center." Unfortunately, the range of "scientific" interests of Josef Mengele was very wide.

Josef Mengele - experiments

Josef Mengele injected harmful drugs into the veins and hearts of prisoners to determine the degree of suffering that could be achieved and to see how quickly they could lead to death.

People were specially infected with various diseases to test the effectiveness of new drugs.

He was engaged in the study of female endurance. Why did they pass a high voltage current through them. Or, here famous case when the "angel of death" sterilized a whole group of Polish Catholic nuns. Do you know how? With the help of x-rays. I must say that for a sadist, all the prisoners of the concentration camp were "subhuman."

Even those who managed to survive after his terrible experiments were then killed. This geek in a white coat was sorry for the painkillers, which was, of course, necessary for the "great German army." And he carried out all his experiments on living people, including amputations and even dissection (!) Of prisoners, without anesthesia.

Experiments: increasing and limiting the birth rate

He began with "works" to "increase the fertility of Aryan women." Of course, non-Aryan women served as material for research. Then a new, directly opposite task was set: the search for the cheapest and effective methods restrictions on the birth rate of "subhumans" - Jews, Gypsies and Slavs. After tens of thousands of men and women were maimed, Josef Mengele made a "strictly scientific" conclusion: the most reliable way to avoid conception is castration.

Experience: Exposing Soldiers to Cold

"Research" took its course. The Wehrmacht ordered a topic: to find out everything about the effects of cold (hypothermia) on the body of soldiers. The “method” of the experiments was the most straightforward: they took a prisoner, covered them with ice on all sides, “SS doctors” constantly measured body temperature ... After the experimental person died, a new one was brought from the barracks. Conclusion: after cooling the body below 30 °, it is most likely impossible to save a person. The best means for warming is - a hot bath and "the natural warmth of the female body."

Experiments: The effect of high altitude on the pilot

The Luftwaffe - the Nazi air force - commissioned a study on the topic: "The effect of high altitude on the performance of the pilot." A pressure chamber was built in Auschwitz. Thousands of prisoners took terrible death: at ultra-low pressure, a person was simply torn apart. Conclusion: you should build aircraft with a pressurized cabin. But none of this kind of aircraft in Nazi Germany took off until the very end of the war.

Eye color experiment

The savage doctor, in his youth, carried away by racial theory, on his own initiative began to conduct experiments with the color of the eyes. For some reason, he wanted to prove in practice that the brown eyes of a Jew would under no circumstances become the blue eyes of a “true Aryan”. He injected hundreds of Jews with blue dye - extremely painful and often leading to blindness. Conclusions: it is impossible to turn a Jew into an Aryan.

Experiences with twins

And what are the "study" of 3,000 young twins, of which only 200 people could survive! The twins received blood transfusions and transplanted organs from each other. They did a lot more. Sisters were forced to have children from brothers. Performed forced gender reassignment surgery...

Before starting his experiments, the “good doctor Mengele” could stroke the child on the head, treat him with a chocolate bar ... We can best judge the character of Dr. Mengele and his human, or rather, devilish, appearance by the following case.

Of the group of twins that were under study, one child died a "natural" death, and during his autopsy some kind of anomaly was found in the organs of the chest. Then "greedy for scientific experiments» Josef Mengele immediately decided to establish whether it was possible to find such an anomaly in a surviving twin. He immediately got into the car, drove to the concentration camp, gave the child a chocolate bar and then, promising to drive the car, put him in the car. But the "driving by car" ended in the courtyard of the Birkenau crematorium. Josef Mengele, together with the child, got out of the car, let the child go a few steps forward, pulled out a revolver and almost point-blank shot the unfortunate victim in the back of the head. Then he immediately ordered to take him to the anatomical clinic and there he proceeded to open the still warm corpse to make sure that the same organ anomalies appear in the twins! ..

So the savage doctor decided to create Siamese twins by sewing gypsy twins together. The children suffered terrible torment, blood poisoning began.

After the war

After the defeat of the Nazis, the "angel of death", realizing that he was awaiting execution, tried with all his might to hide from persecution. In 1945, he was detained in the form of a private near Nuremberg, but then he was released because they could not identify him. After that, the doctor-fiend for 35 years was hiding in Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. During all this time, the Israeli intelligence MOSSAD was looking for him and several times was close to capturing him.

They failed to arrest the sadist. His grave was found in Brazil in 1985. 1992 - the body was exhumed and it was proved that it belongs to Josef Mengele. Now the remains of the killer doctor are in the Medical University of São Paulo.

Subsequent events

1998 - A former prisoner of Auschwitz sued the German pharmaceutical company Bayer. The creators of aspirin were accused of using concentration camp prisoners during the war to test their sleeping pills. Judging by the fact that shortly after the start of the “testing”, the concern additionally acquired another 150 prisoners of Auschwitz, no one woke up after taking the new sleeping pill.

It should be noted that other representatives of German business also cooperated with the concentration camp system. The largest German chemical concern, IG Farbenindustry, made not only synthetic gasoline for tanks, but also Zyklon-B gas for the gas chambers of the same Auschwitz. Some of the fragments of IG Farbenindustry are well known in the world today. Including as drug manufacturers.
