The procedure for checking a new employee. What does "trial period passed" mean? How to pass a probationary period at work

Those who manage to find a suitable job usually experience how to successfully pass the probationary period? After all, when yours is selected from a huge number of resumes, from dozens of applicants, the choice is on you, you want to keep this achievement, go through a probationary period and keep your coveted job. To do this, you need to show yourself as positively as possible within a month, which is very difficult to do in a new team when you do not know its orders and characteristics of each of the employees.

What can be done to minimize errors? How to successfully pass the probationary period? Try to follow these rules:

1. Don't make your own rules

This rule applies not only to those who want to pass a probationary period at work. It is universal for all occasions. You don’t have to immediately tell everyone right from the door that you know exactly how to make life in a team better, how to do work correctly and generally live competently. Perhaps you, a person with a fresh look, will throw some shortcomings in the company's business processes, but this does not mean that you should immediately voice them. Remember that this system of work and relationships has been built here over the years. Perhaps this is the best solution for this company. Only with time will you be able to understand whether it makes sense to come up with optimization proposals or not. At the beginning, your task is to pass a trial period, and only then you can deal with recommendations.

2. Get to know the corporate culture

This recommendation is a consequence of the previous advice. Each company has its own rules of conduct, and some of them are difficult for a beginner to guess. But this does not mean that you will always be forgiven for not knowing these rules. Therefore, in order to successfully pass the probationary period, try to ask everything about the current corporate ethics. Act on the basis that this is now your company, it is important for you to know everything about it, even if you are just going through a probationary period at work.

3. Show friendliness and openness

To successfully pass the probationary period at work, it is important to understand that even at this stage, you and your colleagues represent the same team. This means that you should help each other. Do not try to immediately sharply outline your terms of reference for the position: this is part of my duties, but this is not. Usually, a mentor is assigned to a person who is on probation at work. As a rule, he is not paid extra for this, but he is asked for all your failures. Therefore, try not to be a burden to him, but on the contrary, offer your help in something.

4. Account for your actions to your employer

Perhaps the simplest rule that will allow you to successfully pass the trial period. But many often forget about it and install their programs on the working computer, disable the installed ones, etc., thinking little about the consequences.

What should be avoided in order to pass the probationary period?

Do not turn on music on your PC, even if you are wearing headphones. Music from the speakers may not be to the taste of either the boss or colleagues. And the employee, sitting in the headphones, just fences himself off from the world. There is no desire to approach him and include him in the general flow of work. And this is not at all what helps to pass the probationary period.
Do not discuss with new colleagues the previous place of work and boss.
Do not display eccentric behavior.
Avoid talking on the phone with friends and hanging out on social networks.
Do not be late and do not take time off from work for any reason.

How to successfully pass the probationary period?

Demonstrate the desire and desire to work. The boss must see the fire in your eyes, the desire to delve into the essence.
You must be absolutely loyal. That is, to accept unconditionally corporate values, to show respect for colleagues and superiors.
A prerequisite: in order to pass the probationary period, you must qualitatively fulfill your duties entrusted to you by the position. If necessary, be sure to show initiative, readiness for responsibility.
Usually, not only a good specialist is hired, but also good man. Therefore, if you want to pass a trial period, feel free to demonstrate your moral principles and life values. Their positive coloring will always play into your hands.

We all know that trial period is difficult and responsible time for a new employee. It shows how a person is suitable for this company, this team and work in general, as well as how such work, team and company correspond to his needs. If there are no problems in this relationship, the question is, how to successfully pass the probationary period, will not excite you at any stage. Everything will go by itself smoothly. But if you feel some discomfort, a suspicion that something is not right here and not the way you would like, do not torture yourself and do not put the company at risk. After all, she's not the only one. If you make due efforts, you can find the company of your dreams, where the problem of successfully passing probationary period will not occur at all.

The employer's favorite technique is a trial period, which is assigned for verification professional qualities potential employee. According to most citizens, the trial period means only one thing: an employee can be paid less and fired without noise and dust.

Is it so? We understand in our article.

The nuances of the trial period: what pitfalls have gone unnoticed?

The trial period is an opportunity for the employer and employee to get to know each other better over a certain period of time and decide on further long-term cooperation.

This means that the notorious probationary period is not only the prerogative of the employer, but also an opportunity for the employee to take a closer look at the company as a whole: working conditions, staff, fulfillment of salary promises, and so on.

About salary promises

Job advertisements are full of salary announcements that are set for a trial period. Usually this amount is much less than the declared salary. Is it legal?

According to article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, during the probation period, the provisions of labor legislation apply to the employee. In accordance with Article 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, any kind of discrimination is prohibited when establishing and changing the conditions of remuneration. It is also illegal to pay an employee a wage in a smaller amount during the probationary period than is provided for. staffing by his position.

So any promises "after the trial period you will receive more" is out of the question. Require to follow the law. Of course, you may be denied a job because employers are not used to following the rules. In this case, go to court without a twinge of conscience.

The trial period must be included in the employment contract (fixed-term or concluded for an indefinite period).

Who is not eligible for a trial period?

  • persons under the age of 18;
  • young workers who graduated from vocational schools;
  • young specialists after graduating from higher educational institutions;
  • temporary and seasonal workers who conclude a contract for a period not exceeding 2 months;
  • persons transferred to the reserve from military or alternative service;
  • disabled persons sent to work on the decision of the medical and social expertise;
  • workers transferred to another employer or to another locality;
  • persons hired on a competitive basis or on the basis of a special selection.

Read this list carefully and consider if you belong to one of these categories, and if so, then you can not be afraid to fail the trial period - you simply will not have it.

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Legal literacy, or how not to fall for the bait of the employer

Suppose you have found a vacancy that fully satisfies your needs, but at the interview the employer offers to go through a 4-month trial period without official registration. What to do in such situations?

First, do not be afraid to object and emphasize the illegitimacy of his actions. Secondly, get acquainted with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in which it is written in black and white:

  • the trial period cannot exceed 3 months (less - please);
  • the exact period of the probationary period must be specified in the employment contract when hiring;
  • the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee if he does not comply with labor discipline;
  • the employee also has the right to terminate the employment contract with the employer if he is not satisfied with the working conditions;
  • each party must give notice decision not less than 3 days;
  • upon dismissal, both parties must reasonably state the claims that arose in the course of work;
  • the employer does not have the right to extend the probationary period agreed in advance;
  • the period of absence from the workplace due to vacation or sick leave does not count towards the probationary period.

This, of course, is not an exhaustive list of the rights and obligations of the employer and the applicant, however, knowing even such points will greatly facilitate your working life.

How to pass the probationary period?

No matter what anyone says, but there are certain rules on how to behave during a trial period if you want to prove yourself. a good worker and count on long-term cooperation.

If you have not passed the probationary period, then do not despair: failures build character. Draw the right conclusions, understand where your weak sides and - forward to self-improvement!

Don't be late

Iron rule: you are a beginner and must show yourself as the most disciplined worker. Even if no one keeps track of your arrival and departure times, this is not a reason to abuse official conditions. Have you noticed that the rest of the employees do not strive for punctuality, and the boss comes to work by lunchtime? It doesn't concern you in any way.

Take your time

If you have a sea of ​​​​ideas in your head and a million thoughts about improving and structuring your work, do not rush to express them. Otherwise, you will show that you do not agree with the policy of the company and you are not satisfied with the order of things. Even if you act with the best of intentions, wait with innovation, you may be misunderstood. And no one likes upstarts.

Leave on time

There is an opinion that bosses love workaholics. So, the authorities love those who cope with their official duties on time. Don't think that late-night "get-togethers" at work will add weight to your qualifications. On the contrary, it will raise a legitimate question from the authorities about your professional suitability.

Do not meddle with your charter in someone else's monastery

It takes time and a certain style of behavior to join a new team. Maintain the public and unspoken rules of the team and do not neglect the company if you are called. If something does not suit you, do not conflict, but gently and delicately explain to new comrades that you do not support their point of view. No need to climb on the rampage and tear your shirt, trying to prove something.

Don't abuse "weekends"

Everyone has force majeure situations. And if the old people can afford to take a day or two off, then it is not appropriate for a newcomer to try to settle their personal affairs at the expense of working time. No one is saying that you should leave a burst pipe or stove with a gas leak unattended. But such situations should be the exception, not the rule.

Rest, but do not forget about work

Long smoke breaks and tea parties will not lead to good. In the first days in a new place, try to reduce your trips to the store, breaks for a cup of tea and a cigarette: you still have no one to chat with, so work and earn a reputation.

By following these simple recommendations, you can easily get used to a new place and prove yourself a conscientious worker. And if you combine work and study, then you cannot do without the help of a professional student service that will help in any situation.

Labor Code indicates that the employer has the right to assign a job test to the applicant. This is necessary to check the professional qualities of the future employee. This does not mean that the employer is required to establish a probationary period.
indicate that a probationary period can be established for an employee only by agreement of the parties. However, in practice this is not the case. The employer confronts the job seeker with the fact that there is a probationary period, and wage at this time is set slightly lower than after it.

When hiring, even if there is a probationary period, the employer concludes an employment contract with the employee. The contract must indicate that the employee is accepted "with a probationary period lasting ....". The salary that the employer is going to pay to the employee on probation must also be stipulated in the contract. If the employment contract does not contain a condition about assigning a test to the applicant when hiring, this means that the employee has been hired for a vacant position without a probationary period.

Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the duration of the probationary period cannot exceed 3 months. If the head of the organization, his deputy, Chief Accountant or his deputy, then the probation period is extended to 6 months. If a fixed-term employment contract is concluded with an applicant for a vacant position for a period of 2 to 6 months, then the trial period cannot exceed 2 weeks. If the employee was sick or was actually absent from the workplace for other reasons, these periods are deducted from the probationary period.

  • persons who occupy a vacant position as a result of a competition;
  • pregnant women;
  • women who have a child under the age of 3;
  • underage workers;
  • persons holding elective office;
  • persons occupying a vacant position as a result of a transfer from another employer;
  • applicants who conclude an employment contract for a period of less than 2 months;
  • to other persons, if it is provided for by a local regulatory act or a collective agreement.

The employee must understand that if there is a test, then there must be its results. They can be both positive and negative.

If the employee has passed the test, then it is not necessary to conclude a new employment contract with him. He continues to work on the conditions specified in the employment contract concluded upon admission. If the results of the test, according to the employer, are negative, then he can terminate the employment contract with the employee even before the end of the probationary period.
To do this, he must writing notify the employee of the impending dismissal 3 days in advance. The notice of dismissal must also detail the reasons. The employer must justify his decision about the negative results of passing the test.
If the employee does not agree with the results of the test, then he must also notify the employer. If he considers his dismissal illegal, he has the right to apply to the labor inspectorate or to the court. The opinion of the trade union this case not taken into account. The employee also has the right to terminate the employment contract with the employer if, during the test, he decides that this work doesn't work for him for a number of reasons. To do this, he must notify the employer in writing 3 days in advance.

Probationary period under the labor code

According to established practice, a probationary period is a certain period of time during which the employer checks the compliance of the employee being hired with the position for which he is registered.
Establishing the period necessary for testing is the right of the employer, but not his obligation. Therefore, if he believes that this applicant is suitable for a vacant position, he can hire him without passing the test.

The employer has the right to apply a trial period to a particular applicant for a vacant position, regardless of the organizational and legal form of the enterprise and the goals of economic activity.

The appointment of a probationary period is regulated by Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But that doesn't mean he's working on subsidized or special conditions. Absolutely all the norms of the current labor legislation, as well as other regulations containing the norms of labor law, apply to it. That is, he has everything. labor rights and must do everything labor obligations, and may also be held liable for violation of the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
A probationary period may be established only by agreement of the parties. That is, if one party (as a rule, this is a future employee) did not know about the establishment of the test or was not properly notified, this is considered gross violation norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Therefore, the employer must notify his future employee that he intends to set a certain period for checking his professional suitability. The duration of the term must be announced. The applicant is not required to agree! But he can offer the future employer another term. When the parties come to a mutual agreement, they sign an employment contract, which indicates the duration of the test for a particular applicant.

The length of the trial period is not essential condition employment contract, that is, without this clause, the contract will be valid. In addition, if during the course of the employment relationship the parties came to an agreement that the test period should be changed, then they can sign an additional agreement and write down this provision in it.
On the basis of a signed employment contract or an additional agreement, an order is issued, which also reflects the duration of the probationary period. If there are no such conditions, then the employee is considered accepted without a probationary period.

Working conditions during the probationary period should not be worse than after its completion. This right to the employee is guaranteed by Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, a real employment contract is immediately concluded with the employee, and not for the duration of the test. The employer cannot conclude a fixed-term contract on such a basis as during the probationary period, since this is not a basis for concluding fixed-term contract. This is a violation of the current legislation.

The same situation applies to wages. It should not be less than that received by other employees in a similar position and with the same work experience as the new employee. That is, the employer does not have the right to prescribe in the employment contract one amount of remuneration for the duration of the test, and after - a different amount.

But employers have found a way out of this situation without violating the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. They set low salaries for all employees, regardless of position, qualifications and work experience. And then monthly bonuses are paid to their employees, taking into account these facts. Therefore, an employee on probation, as a rule, receives less than other employees.
Possibility of dismissal on probation simplified scheme, regardless of who is the initiator - the employee or the employer. If one of the parties came to the conclusion that these labor relations are impossible, then the employment contract is terminated without the participation of the trade union organization and the payment of severance pay.

Who is not on probation?

The law establishes a certain circle of persons to whom a probationary period cannot be applied as a measure of testing professionalism. The circle of such employees is defined in Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These include:

  • applicants who are accepted for a vacant position based on the results of the competition;
  • pregnant women, with a relevant certificate, and persons who have a child under the age of 1.5 years;
  • underage applicants;
  • applicants who are graduates of universities and who get a job for the first time within 1 year after graduation educational institution;
  • applicants who are deliberately elected to this position;
  • employees with whom an employment contract is concluded due to a transfer from another employer, if there is an appropriate agreement between these employers;
  • applicants who conclude an employment contract for a period not exceeding 2 months;
  • applicants of other categories, which are prescribed in other, more “narrow” regulations.

In relation to these employees, the employer does not have the right to apply tests when applying for a job.

Exceeding the probation period

The maximum duration of the probationary period, according to the current legislation, is 3 months. That is, the employer does not have the right to check the professionalism of his employee for more than this period.
But there are several categories of workers for whom the probationary period should not exceed the time limit strictly established by law. Therefore, the employer must first determine whether his new employee belongs to this category or not, and only then establish tests for him for a certain period.

A probationary period of not more than 6 months is established for:

  • the head of the enterprise, as well as for his deputy;
  • head of a branch, representative office, structural unit;
  • chief accountant and his deputy.

The trial period cannot exceed more than 2 weeks for applicants:

  • concluding an employment contract for a period of 2 months to six months;
  • working for seasonal work Oh.

Tests for a period of 3 to 6 months are established:

  • for civil servants who are hired for the first time;
  • for persons who are transferred to the public service for the first time.

In more "narrow" regulations governing the activities of various categories of workers, other terms for the test may be established. Therefore, if the employer, in order to conduct his activities, is guided by such regulations, then he must take this into account when hiring new employees.

If the trial period is prescribed in the employment contract and does not exceed the duration established by law, then it can be changed. The manager has the right to shorten the probationary period for his employee without good reason, and he has no right to increase it.
However, there are such periods in work that are not included in the period for the employee to pass the test, that is, they actually increase the probationary period for a particular employee. These are periods of time such as:

  • the period of illness, that is, the employee can justify his absence with a certificate of incapacity for work;
  • administrative leave, that is, leave when the employee does not retain his salary;
  • study leave, i.e. absence from the workplace due to training;
  • the presence of an employee in public works or the performance of public duties by him;
  • the absence of an employee at his workplace for other valid reasons.

In fact, these periods extend the probationary period of a particular employee, although there are no changes in the employment contract.

The probationary period applies to a fixed-term employment contract.

It is possible to conclude with an employee both a fixed-term employment contract and a contract determined by the validity period. Such a moment is reached by agreement of the parties. The duration of the employment relationship must be specified in the employment contract. A probationary period can also be applied to such an employee, but with some nuances.

A fixed-term employment contract can only be drawn up in certain cases. These are cases like:

  • for a period not exceeding 5 years;
  • an employee is hired to perform a certain amount of work, when the exact date of completion of such work cannot be determined. It should be stated in the employment contract;
  • temporary absence of another employee. A common case is an employee's decree;
  • performance of seasonal work. For example, harvesting or sowing.

In other cases, the employment contract is concluded for an indefinite period.

With a fixed-term employment contract, the duration of the test is also established by agreement of the parties, as with an open-ended contract. The general conditions for the appointment of the test apply. The period for checking a new employee cannot also exceed 3 months. But if a new employee is registered for a period of 2 months to six months, then the employer cannot set a verification period of more than 2 weeks. This situation occurs when an employee, for example, is hired to perform seasonal work.
If the employee is hired for a period that does not exceed 2 months, then the employer does not have the right to set a period for the test. If the employer insists on this, then he violates the basic labor rights of this employee.

According to the law, the probationary period for ordinary employees cannot last more than three months, and for the heads of departments, chief accountants, the probationary period cannot last more than six months. The employer cannot extend the probationary period on its own initiative. The check can only be extended if you took sick leave or vacation during the probationary period.

During the probationary period, the employer will look at you, and you will evaluate the new place. If your boss decides that you are not doing a good job, you can be fired without severance pay, with three days' notice before you leave. If you understand that new job you are not satisfied, you also do not have to notify the employer in advance. Three days after you announce your decision to leave, you must be released without being forced to work for two weeks, as with a normal dismissal.

For the probationary period, you are assigned a salary, which, by the way, cannot be lower than that specified in the job description. Sometimes dishonest employers use a trial period to save money. An employee is hired for a low salary, promised that the salary will be increased after passing the test, and after three months the employee is told that he will not be hired. Therefore, if you are taken for a trial period without a contract or are paid several times less than promised in the future, it is better to immediately refuse a dubious offer.

Rules of Survival

When accepting an employee, reputable firms, as a rule, stipulate the scope of his duties. It is good if you are given a description of what you must complete during the trial period. In this case, you will be able to plan your time and objectively assess how you fit the place you occupy. But even if no written instructions were given to you, there are a few guidelines that will help you pass the test.

Do not be shy. No one expects that from the first day you will thoroughly understand all the intricacies. Therefore, do not be afraid to contact colleagues and superiors if you do not know something. Of course, you can figure everything out on your own, but this takes time and reduces your productivity.

Maintain discipline. Even if you work brilliantly and manage to do all the work well before the end of the working day, you should not leave early or take long lunch breaks. However, staying in the office until late to show your superiors your zeal is also not worth it. The employer may decide that you just don't have enough time to get things done during the day.

Make friends with colleagues. To do this is not so difficult. Sometimes it is enough not to break the unspoken rules that exist in the team. Take a closer look at how your colleagues behave and try to copy their behavior. If everyone is dressed in formal business suits, don't show up to work in a light T-shirt; if tea gatherings are accepted in the department, buy cookies for everyone; if the situation can hardly be called sincere, do not pester colleagues with extraneous conversations.

Don't be afraid to take the initiative but don't impose your opinion too actively. Perhaps you have not yet figured out some important little things, so what seems right to you is obviously doomed to failure. However, it happens that a new employee is really able to assess the work of the company with a fresh look and significantly improve it, thanks to his previous experience. But in any case, before starting to work in a new way, it is worth consulting with superiors and colleagues.

On a note

Your employer may not give you a probationary period if:

  • you are under 18;
  • you are pregnant or have a child under one and a half years old;
  • if you apply for a job for the first time within a year after graduating from a state-accredited university or college;
  • came to work as a result of a transfer from one company to another;
  • received a place by competition or as a result of elections;
  • you have entered into an employment contract for a period of up to two months.

Personal opinion

Anna Khokhlova:

I was not openly told about the probationary period, but I myself have a certain criterion that I take into account when I come to work somewhere: it is important to understand whether I can organically fit into this project or team, how comfortable it will be for me to work there.

You will learn about registration of IP in a fixed-term and permanent employment contract.

If the company has existed for more than a year, then a specific algorithm for checking new employees during the trial period is usually developed. For this, the management is developing a special provision.

The Labor Code establishes some categories of workers for whom it is forbidden to introduce a test period:

  • pregnant women;
  • young people under the age of 18;
  • specialists who are drawn up in the order of translation, received by competition and some others.

What is the regulation on the procedure for passing the IS?

This document describes in great detail general provisions on the procedure for passing the verification period and the procedure itself is specifically signed.

  1. The tasks and goals, the criteria by which the subject will be evaluated are indicated.
  2. The terms and reasons for which it is possible to reduce them are determined (its duration cannot exceed 3 months - Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  3. A curator is appointed, an individual plan is drawn up for the period of aptitude testing.
  4. The procedure and deadline for reporting on the results of the test is prescribed.


The trial period always starts from the very first working day.. It is impossible to install it if a person has already worked at the enterprise for some time (at least a few days).

How to get?

To complete this trial period well, nothing special needs to be done, it is only required to conscientiously and efficiently fulfill all the tasks that management sets. First of all, you should carefully study your job description, their duties, do not hesitate to ask advice from experienced colleagues.

You need to listen to competent criticism, adequately respond to it and correct your shortcomings and mistakes. For each employee, a specific individual plan is drawn up for this period., in which control tasks are indicated.

Work plan

  1. What it is?

    This is such a document containing several thematic sections, each of which includes the following questions:

    • A specific task for an employee (professional).
    • The timing of its execution (the exact number of hours or days).
    • Actual result.
    • Expected Result.
    • Curator's comments.
  2. Who makes up?

    Usually, an experienced human resources officer or direct supervisor is involved in drawing up such a plan.

  3. What is it needed for?

    The plan is drawn up in order to understand whether this employee is able to effectively and competently perform his duties, and in order to avoid possible conflict situations in the future.

Sample assignment for a trial period rough plan) can be downloaded below:


It is allowed to set tasks only those that correspond to the job responsibilities of the subject. It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of an objective assessment of the results of their implementation.

Employee onboarding

Adaptation in any team is not an easy process, because new person joins the established team. Of course, he needs help, not to be left without support, and for the duration of the trial period, appoint a curator to help him.

Who is watching the newcomer during this period?

To participate monitoring and control of the correct execution of tasks may be involved:

  1. immediate supervisor of the tested worker;
  2. mentor;
  3. curator;
  4. observer.

The creation of commissions is also allowed, but this practice is usually suitable only for large enterprises.

What are they looking at?

During this period, observe:

  • the ability to quickly master various skills and learning;
  • quality of performance of official duties;
  • desire and ability to quickly correct mistakes;
  • observance of labor discipline and internal regulations;
  • how a person copes with unexpected problems and stress;
  • sociability, the ability to communicate.

End of test

Certification at the end of this time period is perhaps the most perfect option its completion. That is, a new employee undergoes exactly the same check (fitness for the position) as everyone else, according to the attestation regulation developed in the organization.

When does it end?

This period is considered completed when the time period established for IP ends (it is indicated in the employment contract).


The results at the end of this test can be either positive or negative.. Well, of course, a negative result is much less common, because usually in the first 3-4 weeks it becomes clear whether a person is coping with the tasks or not. Therefore, most often with an unsuitable employee, who by no means “pulls”, they part earlier.

Attention! In the event that during the testing process the employee understands that this place is not suitable for him, in order not to waste time in vain, he must notify the employer (in writing) in 3 days and.


The most important document is the progress report., which is prepared after the end of the test. It just reflects the ability of the employee to perform their duties.

  1. Who writes?

    A report is usually compiled by a curator assigned to the subject.

  2. How to compose it?

    It is not difficult to write a report, it should clearly correspond to the specific test plan developed earlier. It should be written in detail, for each task set in the plan - how it was completed, what mistakes were made, how they were corrected. It is convenient to use a score scale in such a report, it will look more objective.

  3. In what period?

    The report must be ready no later than 2 weeks before the end of the verification period.


Characteristics of the employee after the test period is his immediate supervisor. It reflects not only his business qualities, but also the ability to work in a team, mobility, social adaptation, the level of culture and stress tolerance. Further, this characteristic is attached to the report (according to the test results).

Conclusion about passing

The conclusion is already the final document, it is prepared on the basis of the two previous ones (report and characteristics). This document analyzes and summarizes all the results labor activity during the specified period.

An example of a probation report can be downloaded below:

This conclusion is most often prepared by a specialist in the personnel department or one of the experienced qualified colleagues of the new employee.

Actions of the employer after the expiration of the IP

At the end of the probationary period, after all the necessary documentation has been prepared, the employer studies it and then decides whether such an employee is needed or not suitable. Accordingly, this decision depends further developments, occurs either, or the person becomes an equal member of the team.

How is an employee registered after the test?

It often happens that the probationary period has already ended, and the employee continues to work, which means (according to Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) that the test has been successfully passed. That is, it turns out that the employer may not notify the person about this. But it’s better to do it anyway in order to set up your employee for successful activities in the future.

If at the end of the test period an unsatisfactory mark is obtained, then a person must be warned 3 days before the date of dismissal (Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), in writing and against signature.

The trial period ended ahead of schedule (was shortened).


Practice often shows that a trial period is still needed.. It is not so easy to find a qualified, smart, suitable employee for a particular job. After all, a person at an interview can be of interest, make a very good impression, but how can he cope with specific official duties– this can only be understood in practice.
