How to check if a child has a hearing. How to interpret hearing test results with this method

What determines the availability of talents and abilities?

Scientists have long wondered if there is a gene for genius. Why are some people more talented than others?

Someone picks up a brush and easily creates masterpieces, someone has a naturally beautiful voice, someone composes music and poetry, someone has been dancing brilliantly since childhood, someone wins the Olympics.

Why is this happening? Are these the parents' genes? Are these the stars under which a person is born? Is it a soul that comes into this world with certain abilities? Or is it the result of upbringing and training?

Of course, all these factors to a greater or lesser extent affect the development of the child.

But how to determine at an early age what abilities and talents a child has and what needs to be developed in the first place?

How to recognize the talent of a child?

There is a grading system musical ability child. If you happen to study in music school you may have taken the tests yourself.

Usually, on such tests, the child is asked to sing a familiar song, repeat the notes or melody played by the teacher, repeat the rhythmic pattern, and also observe the overall emotional reaction to different music.

But usually such testing is carried out not earlier than the child is 5-7 years old.

Are there ways to test the ability to music up to 3 years of age?

First, let's define what musical ability is?

Musical abilities are, on the one hand, a complex of physiological data: hearing, sense of rhythm, motor skills, attention, musical memory.

Physical abilities are necessary in order to master the technique of playing an instrument, including the most perfect instrument - the voice. But technical data is not enough to become a real musician who, with the help of music, penetrates the souls of listeners.

I think that you have noticed many times: sometimes you listen to a musician, and it seems that he plays or sings from a technical point of view accurately, but at the same time the performance does not touch, does not take for the soul.

And there are brilliant performers who are able to easily penetrate the hearts of listeners, causing real emotions, goosebumps and even tears.
Therefore, musical abilities should include not only physiological data (hearing, sense of rhythm, coordination, development and sensitivity of hands, lung capacity, motor skills, voice), but also musical fantasy And emotional perception musical works, the ability to revive the banal 12 notes and penetrate our souls.

“My child had a bear step on his ear”

Very often, the musical abilities of the baby's parents are associated with how much he or she hits the notes, saying plain language sings the correct melody. But this is one of the big misconceptions.

In fact, very often an adult or a child hears how to sing a melody, but cannot repeat it with his voice. This does not mean that there is no musical ear, but only that the path between the voice and inner hearing has not been established.

Children learn very quickly, and of course, the fact that a child “does not hit the notes” cannot be a reason for refusing music lessons.

Many cases are known when children who cannot sing cleanly at the beginning of classes subsequently show an absolute ear for music- the ability to determine the pitch of any note by ear.

And for adults, there are many techniques that allow you to change the situation and improve the intonational purity of singing.

Therefore, remember: singing cannot be the main indicator of the presence or absence of a child's musical abilities.

Important statistic: only 5% of people have no ear for music. Other people have hearing in different stages development, which means that the situation can be improved.

How to check if a very tiny baby has musical abilities?

What you should pay attention to

I can list several criteria that are worth paying attention to. Most likely a musically gifted child:

  1. shows a clear interest in music;
  2. loves musical toys;
  3. sings along to mom;
  4. reacts emotionally to the sound of your favorite music;
  5. starts dancing before he can even walk.

But here's the question: what is cause and effect, "egg and chicken"?

Does the kid react to music this way because he has musical abilities by nature? Or because a child has been involved in music since childhood, as many brilliant musicians?

Newborns are born with absolute pitch.

American scientists have made an interesting assumption that all newborns have absolute pitch. The ability to determine the pitch of a note helps children learn to speak.

Maybe you have noticed that from the first year of birth, a child not only repeats sounds after you, and then words, but very clearly copies the intonation with which you speak.

Studies have been conducted in which eight-month-old babies and adults were given complex musical phrases to listen to. After the phrase had been played a few times, small changes were made to it and allowed to be heard again. What was the surprise of scientists when they found: children reacted even to small changes that adults did not pay attention to.

It has also been proven that babies remember the tunes that their mother listened to or sang during pregnancy.

Unique musical abilities given from birth are lost as unnecessary ...

Interestingly, at the same time, the unique musical abilities given from birth are lost as unnecessary, if you do not continue to develop them in the first years of life. Adults also forget what they have learned foreign language if you don't speak it.

Another fact confirming this version: it is known that absolute pitch is preserved in countries where they speak tonal languages ​​such as Chinese. Tonal language is when the same sound stands for different letters depending on the pitch at which it is pronounced.

You don’t have to strive to determine if there are musical abilities, you just need to practice music with your baby from birth

If you want your baby to have a good ear for music, you don’t have to strive to determine his musical abilities. You just need to practice music with him from birth, so as not to lose what is given by nature.

And you can start with simple music games. We suggest downloading one of them - "Musical Hide and Seek". It is very simple and requires a minimum of preparation, while kids really like it!

It is also important to know that music lessons from birth are needed not only so that a new Mozart, Paganini or Maria Callas will grow up in the future.

Psychologists have proven that music lessons have a direct positive effect on general development child. >>>

Simple and affordable methods for testing hearing at home in infants and children early age

Why test your child's hearing

Even a slight decrease in a child's hearing can adversely affect the development of speech. Hearing loss can be either temporary or permanent. With severe hearing impairment, without special help, the baby will not be able to master speech, since he cannot hear the adult and himself and cannot imitate speech. There are times when a child loses his hearing when he has already learned to speak (for example, at 2, 5 - 3 years). In this case, the baby may also lose speech if the teacher does not provide him with special assistance in a timely manner to preserve the existing speech. Deaf teachers are involved in teaching children with hearing impairments.

Hearing may be reduced as a result of hereditary diseases, infectious diseases (mumps, measles, scarlet fever), ear infections, severe influenza, after treatment with antibiotics. A hearing test is done by an otolaryngologist (ENT) in a children's clinic.

A baby's hearing test should be done in the very first months of his life. Since from the date of the beginning of the detection of the problem and the timely pedagogical assistance depends on how well the child develops.

An initial hearing test can be done at home. In this article, you will learn simple and affordable methods for determining hearing in the youngest children, which can be used for home examination of a child's hearing. These methods can also be used by kindergarten teachers to find out the causes of a child's problems - to find out if the child hears them or if he has behavioral and speech problems because he does not hear well. If problems are found, then the child must be shown to the doctor - Laura.

Hearing development in an infant: what you need to know about the development of a child's hearing in the first year of life

In the first two or three weeks of life a hearing child flinches at loud noises.

In the first three months of life you can see how, in response to the sound, he develops auditory concentration (he opened his eyes wide, stopped moving, turned towards his mother). Such a fading of the child in response to the voice usually appears at the age of two to three weeks.

This is easiest to check when the baby is crying. If the child was screaming, and at this time you gave an unexpectedly long sound signal not far from the child (for example, you rang the bell), then he freezes, stops moving and falls silent.

At 1-3 months, a well-hearing child becomes animated in response to the mother's voice.

At one month, the baby turns in response to the sound of a voice behind him.

At three to six months the baby also, in response to the sound, opens his eyes wide, turns in the direction of the sound.

From 4 months the child may first look with his eyes in the direction of the sound, and then turn his head in this direction. In premature babies, this reaction appears later. For the first time, such a reaction is observed on the voice of the mother. Also, from 4 months, the baby turns his head towards the sounding toy.

Hearing baby at 3-6 months does not like sharp sounds, shudders from them (for example, if someone suddenly called the apartment), opens his eyes wide and freezes. May scream in response to a sharp sound or cry.

An indicator of good hearing development also is cooing and babbling. At the age of about 4-5 months and older, cooing in a healthy child gradually develops into babbling. In response to the appearance of a close adult, the baby babbles intensely. At the age of 8-10 months, babbling develops and new syllables and sounds constantly appear in it (if an adult talks to a child, supporting his babbling). In a hearing impaired child, babbling appears, but does not develop further, since he cannot imitate an adult.

From six months the child can find the sound source (voice, bell, musical toy) located to the right, left, behind him (if he does not see the sound source and is guided only by hearing). Premature or hearing-impaired babies do not do this and remain at the level of a 3-6 month old infant. That is, they react with a wide opening of their eyes, freeze, scream. But they can't find the source of the sound. They will learn this later.

This is very important: up to four - four and a half months, the development of a deaf or hard of hearing child is no different from the development of a hearing baby! All children - even deaf ones - walk! And then all the children - including deaf children - go from cooing to babbling. But from that moment on, the child with hearing loss begins to lag behind in development. And these differences are growing sharply every month.

If a hearing impairment was detected immediately and the baby was provided with medical assistance and an individual hearing aid was selected, and the exercises recommended by deaf teachers are carried out with him at home, then there will be no lag in the development of such a baby! His cooing smoothly turns into babbling, babbling develops like ordinary child. And the child learns speech naturally. The child hears speech, understands, begins to speak like “normal” peers who hear him. And by the age of three he is already talking with might and main, asking questions - in a word, he is an ordinary baby! What can not be said about deaf and hard of hearing children who were without help until the age of three and therefore at the age of three they are “dumb”, that is, they do not speak at all! Although they have excellent potential for mental and speech development.

Therefore, it is very important to help the baby in time. If it cannot be provided in your city, then you can always contact the regional center or clinic big city. Since exactly The timing of starting care for a hearing impaired child is the most important factor. It is much more difficult to start at the age of three to help a child master speech, when time has already been lost and he has not heard anything for three whole years!

And one more important point– in the case of hearing problems in a child, parents usually think first of all about the doctor. But in order to help a child become a full-fledged person, such a baby really needs, first of all, deaf teacher! It is the deaf teacher who will teach you how to develop your hearing-impaired baby, teach you learning exercises for him, advise you on how best to communicate with your baby at home, taking into account his characteristics, conduct classes and show you the games your child needs and teach you how to play them correctly at home. It is developing classes with a teacher of the deaf that is the key to the normal development of the child. Just an operation (they are now doing operations that help deaf children begin to hear) without remedial classes with a baby cannot fully help the child master speech. In the case of the commonwealth of the family and the teacher of the deaf with the doctor, it is possible to ensure that a child with hearing loss will fully speak and communicate and live a normal, full life.

Below in this article you will find:

Part 1 - a method for testing hearing in a child of the first year of life at home

Part 2 - a method for testing hearing in a child of the second - third year of life.

Part 1. How to check the hearing of an infant (baby in the first year of life) at home

At home, you can check the hearing of babies (even at the age of the first months of life) using pea sampling method. This method was proposed by the Institute of Early Intervention in St. Petersburg. The method can be used by teachers and parents of babies.

How to make materials for testing the hearing of a child of the first year of life.

Take four identical plastic jars from under the kinder surprise or old photographic film.

Jars need to be filled like this:

Jar number 1. We fill one third with unshelled peas.

Jar number 2. We fill one third with buckwheat - core.

Jar number 3. Fill one third with semolina.

Jar number 4. Remains empty.

Why this particular filler is used to test hearing and why it cannot be changed in this technique:

- pea shaking creates a sound with an intensity of 70-80 dB,

- shaking buckwheat creates a sound with an intensity of 50-60 dB,

- shaking the decoy creates a sound with an intensity of 30-40 dB.

If you use jars repeatedly to test a child's hearing and during the first year of life, then change fillers after three months. For example, if you conducted a pea test at the age of three months of your baby and want to repeat it at the age of six months, then change the fillers in the jars.

Method for testing the hearing of a child of the first year of life at home

A hearing test is carried out by the mother of the baby with another close adult. It is necessary to conduct a hearing test when the child feels well, well-fed, healthy. It is better to do this an hour before feeding or an hour after feeding.

You need to put the baby on the table or put it in the arms of a close, well-known adult (for example, a grandmother who often takes care of a child or a baby’s dad). This adult, your assistant, must be warned not to move when you make sounds.

Start talking softly to your child, drawing his attention to you.

Now take jar No. 3 (semolina) in your right hand, and jar No. 4 (empty) in your left hand. Shake the jars next to the baby's ears at a distance of 20-30 cm from his ears. The movements of your hands should be the same and symmetrical. Then swap jars in places - take in left hand jar No. 3 (semolina), and in the right - jar No. 4 (empty jar).

Watch your baby - does he react to the sound of a jar of semolina? Does he open his eyes wide, freezes, or vice versa, did the movements suddenly become much more active, blinking, looking for the source of the sound, turning his eyes or head towards the source of the sound?

If the child does not have any reactions to jar No. 3, then we take jar No. 2 (buckwheat) and start a hearing test with this jar.

If there is no reaction to a jar of buckwheat, then we take a jar of peas (jar No. 1) and check the child's hearing with it.

Why is this particular sequence of using jars needed when testing a baby's hearing and it cannot be changed. The fact is that the child quickly stops responding to the sounds that he hears. Therefore, we start the hearing examination with the “quietest” jar and only lastly take the “loudest” jar. If the child clearly reacts to a jar of semolina, then other jars may not be presented.

To more accurately assess the results of a hearing test, two important nuances need to be taken into account:

- It can take up to three to five seconds from the sound to the child's reaction to it. A new sound can only be given when the reaction to the previous sound has completely subsided.

- It is advisable to gently lay the baby's head on the back of the head each time before a new sound (if he turned his head in the direction of the previous sound).

How to interpret the results of a pea test hearing test:

Up to 4 months baby reacts to jars of buckwheat and peas, and does not react to the sound of a jar of semolina. This is fine!

- With normal hearing, a child older than 4 months has obvious indicative reactions to the sound of all three jars (semolina, buckwheat, peas). He turns his head or eyes towards the source of the sound.

For hearing loss a child under 4 months or does not react at all to the sound of jars of peas and buckwheat, or either reacts or does not react.

- After 4 months with hearing loss, the child cannot determine the source of the sound. Or does not respond to the sound of even one of the jars.

Reactions of the child of the first year of life to the sound he hears

Below is a list of the most informative for us, of course, reflex reactions of babies to sounds (if there are such reactions or one of these reactions to a sound in the “pea test”, then the baby hears this sound):

- blinking eyelids

- trembling of the whole body,

- freezing (freezing) of the child,

- movement of arms and legs, spreading arms and legs to the sides,

- turning the head to the source of the sound or, conversely, to it (in the case of a sharp sound),

- furrowing eyebrows, squinting eyes,

- sucking movements

- change in the rhythm of breathing,

- Wide eye opening.

Note: If every time the child turns his head in the same direction, regardless of which hand the sounding jar is in, then this may be a sign of one-sided hearing loss. This baby needs an audiological examination.

Is it possible to conduct a pea test with a child after a year? No. After a year, a child will no longer react so much to the noise of a jar, so the test will not be informative.

Exercises for the development of hearing and auditory concentration for children of the first year of life by months are given in the section of the site

Part 2. How to check the hearing of a child from one to three years old (at an early age)

A young child can respond to sounds in the same way as an adult and perceives and understands whispers well from a distance of six meters.

If a child in one and a half - two years practically does not speak or speaks very poorly, then first of all, specialists check the baby's hearing. Since hearing impairment is a very common cause of speech problems in a child.

At home, we can test the hearing of a young child with a specially constructed conversation with him. The technique was developed at the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education.

The first way to test hearing in a child 1-2 years old

Put in front of the child well-known toys, the names of which he knows well. Remove everything unnecessary from the table with these toys so that nothing interferes and does not distract your baby. Ask “give the doll”, “show the ball”, “where is the dog? Where is the dog's tail? “Where is the doll’s mouth, eyes, nose”, etc.

First, ask requests and questions to the baby, standing next to the baby and speaking in a clear whisper. Then move back to a distance of 6 meters. Ask in a clear whisper first. If the child does not hear, then louder (conversational voice volume).

If the baby could not fulfill your request, then go up to him and repeat it at a short distance from the baby in a conversational voice. Then again move away and repeat the same request in a whisper (This is done in order to make sure that the baby understands the content of the request).

How to interpret hearing test results with this method:

A normally hearing baby will fulfill your requests given to him in a whisper from a distance of six meters. If he does not hear your whisper, but fulfills requests only when you speak in a conversational volume voice from a distance of six meters, then it is better to double-check the baby's hearing with specialists.

Young children are very spontaneous and mobile and do not yet know how to control their behavior. That's why it is not always possible to check their hearing by this method. Some babies simply do not want to listen and show pictures and there is a false impression that the child has poor hearing. But in fact, perhaps he simply did not want to complete the tasks - he was not interested. What to do? The second way to test hearing in young children will help us.

How to check the hearing of a child aged 1-2 years: the second way

You will need an assistant to test your child's hearing. It can be dad, grandmother, grandfather, older sister or brother of the baby - that is, a person close to him, very well known.

Mom takes the baby in her arms and sits down with him at a large "adult" table. There should be toys on the table (pyramid, liners, cubes, buckets, and so on). Toys should be interesting to the child but still well known. That is, he should be carried away by them, but not to such an extent that he does not notice anything around. new toy it is undesirable to take it for a hearing examination, since the baby can be so carried away by it that it simply does not pay attention to sounds (remember yourself, when you are very passionate about something, you also do not always hear what is being said around you).

The baby, sitting on your arms, plays on the table with toys. Your assistant stands behind the baby at a distance of 6 meters from him and whispers the baby by name. If the child does not respond, then reduce this distance. Again, the assistant calls the baby in a whisper. If there is no reaction even now, let him call the child with a voice of conversational volume.

After that, the mother and the baby continue to play with toys, and the mother’s assistant moves either to the left of the baby at a distance of 6 meters, then to the right of the baby at a distance of 6 meters (we alternate these positions in a random sequence). And beeps from the quietest to the loudest.

List of beeps for hearing test:

- musical hurdy-gurdy toy(high frequency sound)

- a musical toy - a pipe (mid-frequency sound),

- drum (low frequency sound),

- unusual sounds (the rustling of a plastic bag, the sound of buckwheat, peas).

Tips for doing a hearing test for young children with this method:

— Intervals between sound signals do at least thirty seconds.

- The reaction of the child to the signal is considered to be: turning the eyes or head towards the source of the sound.

- When the child turns to the sound, a bright picture or toy is shown as a reward.

- If the child does not respond to the sound, then the assistant reduces the distance to the child and slowly approaches the baby until he clearly responds to the sound. Then you will need to double-check the reaction to this sound from an initial distance of six meters.

We play and test the hearing of a young child.

The same technique can be carried out as a game with a child. Here's how it's done. First, we play those toys that will participate in the baby's hearing test:

- Sharmanka. We demonstrate to the child how the hurdy-gurdy plays and how the doll dances to the sounds of the hurdy-gurdy. And when the hurdy-gurdy stops, the doll hides behind a screen (a large box can be a screen). We call the doll with the child, and she again dances to the hurdy-gurdy.

- Dudka. To the sound of a pipe, a car drives, and when the pipe stops, the car drives into the garage and stops. Invite the child to blow - call the car and show how the car began to drive again to this sound. And how she stopped when the pipe fell silent.

- Drum (quiet thud). By the sound of the drum, a toy bunny jumps. When the drum stops, the bunny hides. Play with a child with a bunny in the same way as playing with a doll and a hurdy-gurdy.

After that, invite the baby to listen to who will be called now. From a distance of 6 meters behind the child, your assistant plays the barrel organ. The child will turn to this sound, and your assistant will show him the doll in response. We also try the sound of a drum and the sound of a pipe. Will the baby react? If yes, then we show him the car / bunny.

Then we give the child a doll (lyala), a dog (av-av) and a bird (pipipi) in the hands of the child. Playing with toys and again Let's guess who's calling. Your assistant takes these three toys and stands at a distance of 6 meters from the child, now to the left, then to the right of him. He speaks in a clear whisper: “Aw-aw.” If the child turned to the sound, then they show him a dog. The other two onomatopoeias are also shown.

In order for the baby to react to sounds, it is better to first let him play with these toys, try their sounds, get used to them. And only then do a hearing test.

Interpretation of the results of the hearing test in the second way.

With normal hearing, the child reacts to sounds that are given from a distance of six meters. He can also show toys he knows well, the name of which was whispered to him from a distance of six meters.

If the child reacts only to 1-2 sounds from the entire list from a distance of six meters, then it is better to check the child's hearing with a specialist.

I wish you and your children health and joyful development! I hope that this article will be useful to you and I will be glad to receive your comments.

Until we meet again on the "Native Path".

More about early childhood development on our website:

How to choose a nesting doll according to the age of the child, how to play, poems for games with nesting dolls.

From paper, cardboard, fabric. How to do and how to deal with a child according to the book.


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Click on or on the course cover below for free subscription

Find out online how to check for hearing loss at home. Here you will find comments and advice from experts on how to find out if there is a rumor for music, how to understand if there is a rumor.


In addition to the music school and clinic, many people still want to know how to check if there is a hearing. Nowadays, you can easily solve the problem with the help of the Internet. Today, there are many sites that offer a quick hearing test. Most of these online resources are free. There is nothing difficult in passing an online test for musical ear, even if the site is in a foreign language.

Basically, all Internet resources offer to listen to two musical fragments. Then you need to make a choice about whether one melody is similar to another. Such actions will need to be repeated thirty times. The user is then asked to self-evaluate the results of the test. After that, the program issues its assessment in percentage terms. Each site offers many different tests for determining musical ear, and the user can choose the appropriate one from them.

If a person doubts the result, then you can always use other Internet resources, and then compare their scores. As a result, it will be possible to objectively get an idea of ​​the presence of an ear for music.

How to know if there is a rumor when there is no access to the network? To do this, you can pass easy tests yourself at home.

How to understand if there is a rumor?

In order to understand whether there is a penchant for music at home, you can pass a few simple tests. First you need to purchase a disc with karaoke. After a little practice on it, you can try to get at least into the rhythm, and then into the musical intonation. If it turns out well, then not everything is lost and there is a rumor. Before singing at home, you should try to do exercises for the vocal cords.

After training with karaoke, you can ask the household to rate musical talent. If you don’t like singing, then they usually immediately say that the bear stepped on your ear. In order for this label not to stick for life, you still need to seek help from a professional vocalist who will tell you in more detail how to understand if there is a rumor.

Every person (except the deaf and dumb) can recognize sounds, the sonority of the voice. But this is not enough to find out if there is a rumor. game on any musical instrument will help you deal with this task more accurately. During the verification process, you will need to find out what sounds are being played. If a person easily recognizes and reproduces sound, then he has perfect hearing. Sometimes people recognize a particular note only when they can compare it with others. It's just that their hearing is poorly developed and therefore they just need to train it.

Music teachers, passing the verdict "the bear stepped on the ear", put an end to the singing and musical career many people. But is an ear for music really the lot of the elite, or are they not telling us something? Find out the answer here, and take the music data test at the same time.

Lack of musical ear - myth or reality?

Scientists conducted an experiment to study the presence of ear for music in dogs. Playing one of the notes on the piano, they gave the dog food. After a while, the dog developed a reflex, and, having heard the right sound, it ran to a bowl of food. The animal did not respond to other notes. But if even our smaller four-legged brothers have an ear for music, then why are there so many people in the world who do not have it?

Lack of ear for music is a myth that we have been led to believe. Scientists say: everyone has the ability to hear notes and reproduce them, just not everyone has it equally well developed. Therefore, musical ear happens:

  • absolute - such a person is able to determine the height of notes without comparison with the standard. Such unique people are born one in ten thousand. Usually violinists and parodists who imitate sounds have this gift;

  • internal - allowing, looking at the notes, to correctly reproduce them with a voice. This is taught in solfeggio lessons at music schools and conservatories;
  • relative - endowing its owner with the ability to accurately determine the intervals between sounds and their duration. This is usually the case with trumpeters.

The sense of rhythm is also part of the musical ear. It is best developed in drummers.

To determine the level of development of musical ear, they usually turn to a specialist. He offers several tasks:

  • repeat the melody. A musical phrase is played on the instrument, which the subject must reproduce with his voice, beating the beat with claps;

  • tap out the rhythm. With the help of a pencil, a rhythmic pattern is set, which must be repeated. You will have to complete several such tasks, and each time the rhythm will become more complicated;
  • reproduce intonation. The tester sings a melody, and the one who is being checked must repeat it, preserving all the intonations of the performer.

You may be offered another task: guess the note. Standing with your back to a musical instrument, you must name which sound of the octave the teacher played.

Let's say right away: this method of determining the level of musical abilities is the most accurate. Although at home you can also try to check whether you have a developed ear for music or not. The site “All for Children” will help you with this, where in the section “ Music tests» you will find a task that is far from childish, after completing which you will get an objective assessment of your musical data, and also learn how to quickly learn notes on the guitar, it turns out that this is not at all difficult.

Music is the universal language of mankind. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Test your ability to recognize musical sound you can also use the tasks that are offered in this video:

Ways to develop an ear for music

Why are some people born with perfect pitch while others are far from perfect? Our brain is to blame. A small part of the right hemisphere is responsible for the development of musical ear. There is white matter that controls the transmission of information, including sound.

The ability to correctly reproduce notes largely depends on the amount of this substance. It is impossible to increase its volume, but it is quite possible to speed up the processes taking place there. To do this, there are exercises for the development of musical ear. We present the most effective of them.


Play all seven notes on the instrument in order and hum them. Then do the same without the tool. When the result satisfies you, the order of the notes should be reversed. The exercise is boring and monotonous, but effective.


Playing two notes on the instrument (do-re, do-mi, do-fa, etc.), then try to repeat them with your voice. Then do the same exercise, but already moving from the "top" of the octave. And then try to do the same, but without the piano.


This exercise is used by educators. kindergarten but it's great for adults too. Play with any player (phone player will do) a few musical phrases from any song, and then repeat them yourself. Did not work out? Make several attempts until you are satisfied with the result. Then move on to the next song section.


Turn on any music and dance - this is how you develop a rhythmic ear for music. Reading poetry to music also contributes well to this.

Melody selection

Try to find a familiar melody on the instrument. It will not turn out right away, but when it comes out, you, firstly, will believe with your strength, and secondly, you will make a big breakthrough in learning.

Take it, tell your friends!

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By itself, the concept of "musical ear" should be considered as the ability to quickly capture, identify, remember and reproduce the sounds heard. In order to artificially develop an ear for music, it will be necessary to use systematic methods with which you can achieve the maximum result.

With a correct and high-quality test of musical ear, it is possible to identify potential abilities that can be further developed in both children and adults.

When is the best time to test for musical hearing?

By and large - at any time, at any age. Some experts have an opinion that we acquire an ear for music at the genetic level, although this is only half true. To achieve musical heights and become a professional musician, you do not need any special talents. After all, having even some “rudiments” of musical abilities available, one can hope to receive a high result in the future with regular classes. Such activities can be compared with sports training. You do it - you get results.

How does a musical ear test work?

Such a check must be carried out by a professional music teacher, or a specialist musician with a pedagogical education. A music school teacher is the best option. The verification takes place in several stages. After that, some conclusions can be drawn. Each teacher knows about the excitement of a person at the exam and must take this fact into account when checking those who want to study music. After all, his answer can become a kind of “sentence” for the “subject”. He may not cope with the tasks, even because of the usual excitement or shyness. Hearing is tested according to three main criteria:

  • Having a sense of rhythm
  • Pure voice intonation (singing sounds);
  • musical memory.

Rhythmic hearing test

The sense of rhythm is usually tested in this way: the teacher knocks on the table or claps a certain rhythm (most often these are familiar rhythms from songs), after which he offers to repeat it to the subject. With the exact repetition of the rhythm, we can talk about the presence of a sense of rhythm (rhythmic hearing).

Further, rhythmic patterns become a little more complicated. It is during the complication of simple rhythms that the presence of a sense of rhythm is revealed. After all, it is the sense of rhythm, while checking the presence of an ear for music, that is the main and accurate criterion for the subsequent assessment.

Purity of intonation

This is not the most important criterion for assessing musical ability, but a very important procedure. All candidates for the title of "listener" pass it. For such a test, the teacher sings or plays a familiar melody, and the subject repeats it. Thus, the purity of the voice and a possible perspective for vocal lessons are revealed. The timbre beauty of the voice is tested only in adults.

If the child is not very strong, clear voice, but his sense of rhythmic hearing is normal, he will be able to freely engage in training on a musical instrument. Do not confuse with checking vocal data, this is completely different. Only musical ear matters here. And most importantly, if the subject does not sing at all or sings "dirty" - this does not mean at all that he also has no hearing.

Guessing musical sounds

The most interesting. The testee turns his back to the piano, and the teacher presses any key. After that, the subject must find it, based on their feelings and musical memory. Basically, notes are pressed in the middle of the keyboard (middle register), but when good results the teacher can press both sufficiently low and sufficiently high sounds on the keyboard. A potential "hearer" will definitely be able to find these sounds.

In such a simple way, you can check a person for a musical ear. Such a test is passed by everyone, without exception, who wants to study at a music school. So knowing this, you will be able to practice on your own at home, after which you can safely go to the music school for a test!
