How to make a personal amulet? Creation rules. How to make a charm from the evil eye, envy and damage with your own hands

A personal amulet is a universal way to protect against various troubles and troubles. A do-it-yourself magical item will not only protect you from ill-wishers, but will also attract happiness, prosperity and good luck.

Slavic ways to protect against negativity have not lost their popularity over time. Our ancestors knew how to protect themselves from otherworldly forces, negative influences and evil intentions of people. The amulet protects a person on a mental level, preventing enemies from harming the owner's energy. Various objects can act as a talisman, for example, stones. Creating your own talisman is a serious step. Our recommendations will help you find a reliable intercessor and faithful assistant on the path of life.

Why is it important to make a charm with your own hands

IN different situations the amulet manifests itself differently. For example, a found thing that served as a talisman to another person can completely destroy your energy.

In order for the amulet purchased in the store to work and become your assistant, you need to charge it with your energy and clean it. Usually the rite of purification is very complicated and takes more time than creating a talisman with your own hands. Sometimes people cannot clean the object of protection on their own and resort to the help of psychics.

The amulet, presented from a pure heart, will serve you faithfully. But, unfortunately, the donor may have his own ulterior motives, which are far from always harmless. Therefore, be careful and careful when receiving such serious gifts.

We make a charm with our own hands

Handmade work will increase the positive impact that will come from the amulet. Regardless of whether you are making a charm as a gift or for personal use, the manufacturing process should be approached only with good intentions and pure intentions. When you are creating a protective item, it absorbs your energy. Therefore, it is very important to focus on positive feelings in the process of work. Remember all the moments of happiness, joy, pleasure and put them in your amulet. Scissors and needles have no place when creating a talisman: such items can greatly prevent the fabric from absorbing positive energy.

A universal amulet against any negative interference is a doll. Such a magical item is quite simple to make with your own hands, and it does not require large material investments.

You will need a small piece of fabric for the base and a few ribbons for embellishment. It is advisable that you cut off with scissors in advance everything that may be required when creating a chrysalis. Previously, such pupae were stuffed with hay, because other materials were difficult to obtain. You can stuff your doll with cotton wool, sawdust, wool or synthetic winterizer.

Two small twigs should be placed at the base of the amulet doll. In the beginning, you will need to make a head at the end of one of the sticks. The second branch will serve as arms, so wrap it with ribbons and tie with thread in three places. Having made a cross out of sticks, firmly fasten everything with threads. Then you should wrap the frame with a cloth, making a dress for the doll. After you need to fill the figure with stuffing to give shape. You can decorate with additional things: a scarf, oblique, apron. But you can’t draw a face for such a doll - this can negatively affect your future fate. Such a charm should be kept at home and taken with you only if you have to leave for a long time.

A self-made amulet will serve you for a long time, and personal participation in its creation will endow the little thing with magical benefits. Even the famous participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Lilia Khegay keeps such protective items at home. May harmony, peace and understanding reign in your life. We wish you good mood, Good luck,and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.06.2017 04:02

Slavic amulets are considered one of the most powerful, as they are associated with ancient knowledge. Such a charm, made ...

To begin with, it is necessary to accurately determine the functions of the amulet. What will it be for? For protection from the evil eye, or maybe to attract good luck? Once the choice is made, you can think about what material ours should be from.

For the manufacture of an amulet designed to protect against, the evil eye, and simply negative emotions around us, two types of material are optimal - this is silver. By the way, many people wear protective amulets, unaware of it - these are silver and wooden jewelry. If you don’t like to wear silver rings or earrings, and wooden beads and bracelets are not for you, then you can make one that will not be noticeable, but this will not become less effective. A silver coin in a small breast pocket, or a piece of wood that you can always carry with you will be a good protection for your energy. Especially strong in this respect are such species as birch, cypress, oak, cherry and sandalwood.

How to make a charm in order to attract money to yourself? To do this, you need a coin, always yellow - “golden” in color, and preferably a new one. Money, long time in use (both metal and metal), it is quite risky to use. During their existence, banknotes and coins pass through millions of hands, being charged from them with a variety of energies. It’s good if we choose a coin for a talisman that has been with a lucky, lucky, wealthy person for a long time. What if it's the other way around? Therefore, it is advisable to choose a new coin for a talisman for money - you can even specially have it in a bank. No special conspiracies are required for such a talisman: you just need not to part with this talisman coin, do not show it to anyone else, periodically take it out, and, holding it, mentally (or out loud) wish that wealth, money, luck come to you. Such a charm has cumulative properties, that is, the more often you “talk” with it, the faster it will start working.

Important rule, which you need to remember for someone who wants to create their own: the main thing for any amulet is contact with its owner, as well as your mood and confidence.


  • protect how to do

From the moment Adam and Eve left Eden, people began to passionately need the protection of at least some powerful otherworldly forces. First amulet appeared after the most dangerous predator was killed on a hunt by ancient people, and its fangs were seized as combat trophies to protect against evil spirits. However, it is not enough to find a suitable amulet or talisman. It is important to properly energize it.


First of all, remember that the mystical rite must be taken seriously, otherwise there will be no magical effect. Include all four natures in the rite: air, fire, water and earth. To do this, choose a secluded place in the forest or on the shore of a reservoir (only natural). Make a fire, take off your shoes. Concentrate and turn to the forces of nature with a prayer or a song.

During the ritual, turn to the elements, ask them to endow the amulet with strength and certain qualities, and at the end, be sure to thank nature for its mercy and favor.

If you need to charge the shungite amulet with energy and strength, practice creating mental images.
Imagine yourself as a vessel filled with pure energy. This is easy to do - just mentally transport yourself to Pine forest where the bright sun breaks through ancient trees. The air is clean enough to make you dizzy. The sun stretches out its gentle hands and fills you with strength.

If you are a believer, read the prayer, it is advisable to repeat it seven times. Now bring your open palm to the charged amulet - you should feel its power.

When you feel tired, say goodbye to the amulet and thank him. However, do not remove the talisman from the windowsill, the first rays of the sun should touch it. In the morning, immediately take the amulet in your hands, not allowing anyone to take it before you. From this moment on, you are under the reliable protection of the amulet, even black magicians will not be able to break through it.

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The amulet bought in the store will begin to “work” for you no earlier than a couple of weeks after the energy ritual.

Helpful advice

Charging a charm or talisman is best on a full moon. It is advisable for women to do this on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, and for men on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, these are "men's" days.

A hand-made amulet for the home will serve not only as a talisman, but also as an interior decoration. Based on ancient Slavic traditions, you can perform both, and a small craft. In order to make a home amulet with your own hands, you will need various natural materials and some decorative elements.

You will need

  • - base for amulets
  • -artificial flowers and fruits
  • - nuts
  • - various decorative elements
  • -raffia
  • - glue gun
  • -raffia


Let's take a broom as a basis. You can make it yourself or buy a ready-made version. In order to make a charm for the home, we will use a whitewashing household brush. It needs to be untied, rinsed well in water, cut off the required amount and bandage the handle.

Amulet - the most ancient symbol happiness. He embodies the traditions of the people, their wisdom. This talisman must be passed down from one generation to another. Pass from mother to daughter, from father to son. Created amulets with their own hands are endowed with the strongest magic power. Made with all diligence, love, patience, necessary attention to many details, the talisman will certainly fulfill its destiny. He will bring happiness to the house and protect from unclean and bad things.

History of amulets

Since ancient times, people have tried to protect their homes and relatives from various misfortunes. For modern man the value of amulets has significantly weakened. Most likely, the reason lies in isolation from nature.

Ancient people believed in a variety of mythical creatures. It was with amulets that they protected themselves from evil, natural disasters, diseases and fierce malice. Distinguished women's amulets and men's. There were, of course, common ones.

Women's were made in the form of scallops, spoons, ladles. Today, such items flaunt exclusively as souvenirs. And earlier they were endowed with magical protective power and attracted happiness and prosperity to the house.

Men's amulets had the form of a knife or an ax of rather small sizes. They carried protection in labor and hunting.

Much later, protective embroidery appeared. She had her clothes embroidered. As a rule, these were the collar, sleeves and hem.

Creation rules

How to make a charm that will become the strongest defense? It has been known since ancient times that such a talisman must be made by hand. After all, the acquired thing is fraught with alien information. Only a hand-made amulet is able to accumulate the energy of the author, his thoughts and desires.

It is very important to follow the rules when making a security symbol:

  1. The amulet cannot be crafted for oneself.
  2. You can not create talismans to order. No one should ask or force you to do this. Only those amulets that were made from a pure heart, of good will, have the necessary magical power.
  3. One of the strongest defenses is a talisman created by a blood relative - father, mother, children, sister, brother. According to tradition, marital products do not belong to those. However, with a harmonious and happy union, mutual amulets are endowed with quite a lot of power.
  4. The material must be chosen very carefully. Sometimes a tree or stone that is good for you may not be completely suitable for the future owner.
  5. During the creation of a miracle protection, all thoughts should be directed to the person for whom the amulet is being made. It is constantly necessary to think about him, mentally reproduce his image, try to feel his energy, mood, feel his needs and character.

How to make a charm with your own hands? Follow all these rules. And then the received talisman will really protect its owner from various misfortunes and troubles.

Charm dolls

It has long been believed that the high welfare of the family is determined by the presence of protective talismans. The very first amulet doll was placed in the cradle of the baby. People were sure that the baby can be shown to strangers only when it is protected by a talisman from kryzhma. Sending grown children on the road, the mother, along with the blessing, always gave a protector doll. She was called the Plantain.

Making dolls-amulets with their own hands, the fabric was exclusively torn by hand. People believed that it was impossible to cut the sacred cut with scissors. The use of needles is also unacceptable. Therefore, amulets were made from folded pieces tied with threads. In place of the face was an Orthodox cross.

As a rule, the dolls of different regions were slightly different. For example, in Ukraine, along with pieces of fabric, corn leaves were woven. Sometimes the amulet was made exclusively from threads and pompons. Some regions are characterized by talismans made of straw or bast. The doll must be dressed up in traditional attire.

Modern mothers quite often make dolls-amulets with their own hands. It is believed that if a mother makes something for a child, then this will be the maximum protection for her child. In this case, you can make a doll or embroider a handkerchief, and sometimes even sew on a button with your own hands. Everything will be the talisman of the baby.

Embroidered amulet

Talismans may have different shape, the main thing is the desire to create maximum protection. The simplest and affordable way, allowing you to create amulets with your own hands - this is embroidery. For manufacturing, you need to stock up on fabric and thread.

There are certain symbols that carry exactly protection. These include a dog, a horse, a rooster, various flowers and birds that have woman's face. Such embroidery of amulets (the schemes of which are given below) is capable of carrying very strong protection. The completed pattern can be swept to the wrong side of the garment. This is one of the most excellent options for creating a talisman for a child. Inconspicuous embroidery will not interfere with the baby, while performing its function.

The value of materials

To create a talisman, both fabric and threads are very important. After all, they also have their own additional properties:

  1. Linen- helps a person to find harmony with himself. Embroidered symbols of trees, stars or birds reinforce this influence.
  2. Cotton- is considered the best amulet against any damage and evil eye.
  3. Wool- helps to protect very vulnerable people from evil forces. It is this material that has the strongest abilities. You need to wear such embroideries in the region of the heart, on the neck, in the region of the solar plexus. It is best to use the material exclusively for those silhouettes of animals that the future owner likes. You can embroider the sun.
  4. Silk- this material - best helper in career matters. People who have such embroidery will be lucky in their work.

Color Meaning

Having carefully examined the schemes of amulets, you can see that almost all of them are made in red colors. It is this color that is attributed to the strongest ability to protect against dark forces. When creating amulets, it is very important to consider color. After all, correctly selected tones, enhanced by ornament, perform not only protective function but also help a person in one or another area of ​​life.

  1. To protect the love sphere, a red-orange gamma is used. Patterns include a variety of cross and circle shapes.
  2. To protect the baby from adversity, the silhouette of a rooster or horse is embroidered using red and black threads.
  3. A grown-up child (schoolchild) will be protected by blue-violet tones. At the same time, they are able to save the child from mental overstrain.
  4. Success in any field of activity will be provided by amulets in blue or golden-green tones.
  5. To protect the womb from infertility, women, along with red, added the color of mother earth - black.
  6. From death and wounds, embroideries were made in blue and green, respectively. As a rule, wives created such charms with their own hands for their husbands in order to protect them from adversity.

Embroidered patterns

All amulets have very great power. When creating such a creation, you need to carefully select the pattern. After all, each of them carries a hidden text and is aimed at a certain area of ​​​​protection. Until you find out the meaning of the amulets that you decided to embroider, do not start work. Be sure to make sure your circuit carries positive energy. And only after that you can start embroidery.

Some meanings of the signs:

  1. Tree (herringbone) - the relationship in the world, symbolizes a long life.
  2. The cross is the aversion of evil, blocks the way to adversity, a sign of closeness.
  3. Flower - symbolizes purity and beauty. If the flower is red, then this is earthly love.
  4. Circles - feminine, motherhood, abundance, fertility.
  5. Stars are a sign of enlightenment and reason. Symbolizes heavenly fire. This applies to signs with triangular or even rays.
  6. Squares are the fertility of the fields, a sign of agriculture.
  7. The spiral is a sign of wisdom. If it is made in blue-violet tones - intimate knowledge. A red, white or black spiral is the most powerful protection against all possible dark entities.
  8. The triangle is the person. Talisman of communication.
  9. The wavy line is a symbol of the beginning of life, the ability to adapt to various circumstances. Their vertical arrangement brings the owner the desire for improvement, opening the way to secret knowledge.

We embroider a charm

Now it remains to put everything together - color, pattern, type of thread - and you can start embroidering. First, decide exactly what kind of trouble you want to protect against. native person. It is not at all difficult to embroider amulets with your own hands. The master class will tell you how to do it right.

Embroidering is much more convenient on the hoop. Stock up on this simple tool.

If you are faced with the cross technique for the first time, take a close look at the diagram. Such embroidery practically does not cause difficulties in work. The main thing - do not leave knots. Since they, from the point of view of magic, break off the energy connection of the owner with the drawing.

The size of the amulet does not matter. It can be hung on the wall. The talisman can be folded up and carried, for example, in a pocket. Sometimes it is placed under the pillow at night. Such amulets balance the psychological state, concentrating spiritual forces. If you decide to make a home amulet, you can embroider a tablecloth or even a towel.

Slavic amulets

Unfortunately, many ancient traditions have been lost over time. But our ancestors knew many ways how to make a charm with their own hands. Sometimes forgotten traditions are collected bit by bit, trying to restore amazing defense techniques.

One of the methods that have come down to us will make it possible to make Slavic amulets with their own hands for those who are not strong in embroidery or creating dolls.

To create such a talisman you will need:

  • flour- symbolized among the Slavs life, well-being - 2 parts;
  • water- the source of all living things, has always been considered a carrier of information - how much will enter;
  • salt- imperishability; the Slavs believed that it cleanses and protects from evil spirits - part 1.

Mix all ingredients until elastic. Be sure to be in the most elevated state, making a wish. Remember, the more love and kindness you put into your creation, the stronger the amulet will turn out in terms of its strength. What shape to give your magical talisman-protector, you decide.

For various occasions the Slavs had a variety of forms in store:

  1. Key and bear - will give you wealth and save your home.
  2. A wreath - will keep all thoughts pure and fertile.
  3. Horse - symbolizes help on the road and is a magnet of good luck.
  4. Bast shoes - keep the house and family from the evil eye.
  5. Spoon - save from poverty and hunger.
  6. Squirrel - will protect the family from contention.
  7. Stork, duck or chicken - amulets for newborns. Very often they help spouses who dream of a child.
  8. A pair of swans - strengthens family ties. Lonely helps to find the long-awaited half.
  9. Sunflower and corn have always been considered children's amulets.
  10. Butterfly - will help attract fans or keep your beloved man.
  11. Swallow is the best assistant in the development of creative abilities.
  12. Beaver - will give good luck in any work.

To attract happiness, peace and goodness to your home, it is best to make a charm in the form of a dove. And the most versatile talisman has always been a horseshoe.

After giving the form corresponding to your hopes, the amulet must be dried in the oven. At a temperature of 70 degrees, 2-3 hours are needed. You can leave the talisman just for a few days on the windowsill.

Be sure to color your creation. Use regular gouache. Top coat with a colorless varnish. All. Real magic happened in your hands.

Simple amulet

It is simply amazing, but excellent talismans can be made from the most ordinary paint brush. It is very easy to create such charms for the house with your own hands. You will need dried flowers, cereals and a variety of improvised materials.

The basis of the amulet is a painting herbal brush. It must be divided into several parts. By the way, from one brush you can get several beautiful talismans. Tie the upper part of the separated bundle with wire. Lower - spread with a fan. In this state, the future amulet should be put under pressure. In a day he will necessary form. To secure it as much as possible, both sides are impregnated with PVA glue and it is left to dry completely. The padded line of the sewing machine will give a great strength to the fan. Threads should be selected to match the grass.

The base is completely ready, now you can proceed to decorate the talisman. Remember that according to ancient traditions, there should be twelve items on such a talisman, which symbolize a variety of benefits. No more or less is allowed. Which items to place on your amulet, you can choose from the following list:

  • dried flowers bring beauty and comfort;
  • coins - successful activity in business, good luck in all matters;
  • the bag symbolizes wealth and prosperity in your home;
  • figurines of a woman and a man nearby bring the strength of marriage and love into the house;
  • salt dough (various figures) a sign of hospitality and hospitality at home;
  • house - a symbol of family, home comfort;
  • peas - these are peace and friendship;
  • pepper and garlic expel any evil spirits from the house;
  • corn ensures the health of children, keeps warm and trusting family relationships;
  • bay leaf denotes fame and success;
  • a small jug attracts health;
  • a piece of burlap is a symbol of abundance;
  • any cereal is a guarantor of peace in the family;
  • dry branches of immortelle will give the owners good health and longevity;
  • cones promise diligence;
  • poppy symbolizes the fulfillment of the most secret desires;
  • spikelets will provide prosperity in the house.

Knowing what the item used for the talisman will bring, you can pick up exactly those twelve things that will bring the long-awaited peace, happiness, and prosperity to the house. You can create such amulets with your own hands, the photo of which is given, for your home or for the family you want to help.

The placement of the selected components is completely up to your imagination. Fix them with glue. Be sure to sprinkle the finished composition with hairspray. It is quite important to place the amulet with a panicle down. Remember, he must "sweep" dirty linen from the hut. Only then does he fully protect against dark forces. If your cherished desire is to attract money to the house, then the amulet is turned over and hung with a whisk up.

Instead of a conclusion

Do-it-yourself amulets are not just entertaining gizmos or toys. This is a deep mystical message that has come down to us from the thickness of centuries, from our ancestors. They already knew how to protect their homes and relatives. Modern world acquired cynicism and ruthlessness. At the same time, hope for goodness often glimmers in the souls of people, faith in miracles lives. No computer can replace this, no night club or a newfangled gadget. Of course, this is all very necessary. But every person feels the need for something magical, fabulous. It is the creation of amulets that makes it possible to touch miracles. Be happy! And may your amulets keep you and help in all matters.

Amulet - a kind of protection astral body. It can attract good luck or money, protect against misfortunes. Making a magic symbol with your own hands is not difficult. It is much more important that such a product will protect the house, car, child. Protects from the evil eye, damage, disease. There are amulets in the form of an ornament or embroidery, made of metal or wood. They are created with love, in a good mood.

While the amulet is being prepared, a person charges the craft with his energy, positive emotions. It is necessary to believe in the protective power, then they will fully manifest magical properties products.

First you need to determine the purpose of the future product. For what or for whom is it created? The amulet, unlike amulets and talismans, can protect the whole family. That is why magic items for houses and apartments are so often created. They bring with them love and prosperity, relieve quarrels and misfortunes.

A charm for spouses is necessary for a happy family life. He will protect from betrayal, jealousy. Will give peace and harmony. Such a magical symbol is often given as a wedding or anniversary gift. life together. It should be hidden from prying eyes, not shown to anyone.

A charm for a child will protect against diseases, support spiritual and physical development. Get rid of the attacks of peers, bad deeds.

A charm for love will attract new fans, make the aura attractive to the opposite sex.

The male amulet will protect on the road, in the war. Warn of danger. Get rid of diseases, troubles, evil people.

All magical actions are performed in complete solitude. Making crafts is a certain ritual. No one should see the process of creating an amulet, one should not be forced to make it. Everything should happen on a whim, with inspiration.

It is best to make a charm with your own hands at night, by candlelight. Or during the day, in bright sunlight. Be sure to put your whole soul into its creation. Charge with positive force and kindness. Usually, the amulet is made for relatives, less often for oneself.

At night, put the finished product under the pillow. So the amulet will gain full strength, saturated with the necessary energy. Before going to bed, you should think about who the magic symbol is being made for. Imagine how it will protect its owner.

The next day, give a charm with kind words. It should be worn closer to the body, under clothing. If the protective craft was intended for the house, it is better to hide it in a secluded place. Then the evil eye will not harm, will not knock down mental information from the product.

Product cleaning

The amulet is made of natural materials - wood, leather, metal. If fabrics and threads are used, they must be woolen, linen or cotton. Baking powders or food colorings are not added to dough crafts. But the finished product can be decorated, painted with paints.

All protective crafts accumulate negative energy over time. Natural materials are able not only to retain positive and negative waves for a long time, but also to return them back. Therefore, after conflicts, quarrels, illnesses, accidents, the product should be cleaned. To do this, use the power of the four elements - fire, water, earth, air.

Fire. Hold the amulet over a white candle. Best of all, if it is consecrated, church candle. It should only be used once - to clean the product.

Water. Rinse in running water or sprinkle the amulet with holy water.

Earth. Bury the amulet and leave it all night. If this is problematic, you can bury it in coarse salt. In the morning, take out the amulet, discard the salt.

Air. Highly understand the amulet on outstretched arms. Turn to each side of the world, exposing the product to the wind. Or light a candle and hold it over the smoke.

Herbal amulet

The simplest amulet is a sachet of herbs. Dried herbs can be prepared by yourself or bought at a pharmacy. It fits into a bag (it can be hung around the neck) or sewn into a small pillow (it is better to do it at home).

Protect from evil- clover, juniper, dill, rosemary, mountain ash, St. John's wort. Basil bring love and wealth. Carnation - luck, money and healing. Oak - longevity, fertility. Mint - wealth, healing, love. Garlic - protection, expulsion of evil forces. Sage - healing, welfare. Laurel - strength, healing, cleansing. Cuff - preservation of pregnancy.

You can decorate the sachet with decorative ribbons. Buttons are also a magical element. If you sew them on a bag or pillow of herbs, you get additional protection. The photo shows different ways to sew buttons and their meaning.

Making dolls

Products in the form of dolls are necessarily created for the growing moon, with good mood and good thoughts. During the manufacture of dolls, try to minimize the use of piercing, cutting objects. This may adversely affect the properties of the product.

Tie knots on threads and ribbons even number once. As a rule, amulets do not have a face drawn. This is done so that the misfortune with the doll (fell, torn, broken) does not affect the person.

In addition, do-it-yourself amulets in the form of dolls can be molded from wax, clay, salt dough. After that, as seen in the photo, they can be painted with paints or decorated with ribbons.

Women's days for making dolls - Wednesday, Friday. For men - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On Saturday and Sunday it is better not to engage in protective crafts.

If the doll is ready, light 4 candles, put the product in the center. To activate, read the plot:

How to make a charm doll

Doll "To health" is made of thick linen thread. Such a charm brings health to the house, healing. The ancient Slavs believed that flax takes away negative energy sickness on oneself, helps a person to get better.

The whole doll is palm length (15 cm). During its manufacture, read prayers, wish the person health.

Step 1. Prepare soft linen threads. For harnesses - red.

Step 2. Cut cardboard (or other suitable material) along the length of the doll. Make 3 windings without breaking the threads. Thick winding - for the body. Thinner - for hands. And the same as for the hands - for the braid.

Step 3. Cut on one side.

Step 4. For hands - weave a braid, tie at the end with a red thread. For a braid, tie a simple knot.

Step 5. Take a red thread (1 m), mark the neck. Do not cut the thread.

Step 6. Put the braid into the head. So that the strands do not get tangled, tie the top of the head with a thread.

Tie a knot on the head.

Step 7. On the head - braid the braid. Bandage hands-pigtails crosswise, designate the waist.

Step 8. Tie on the head - a bezel. At the waist - a belt. Doll "To health" - ready!

Charm bracelet

A charm in the form of a bracelet can be made of thread, beads, wood, natural stones. One of the simplest is a red woolen thread tied around the wrist. Seven knots on the bracelet will protect from evil forces and the evil eye. In the photo - a bracelet made of interlaced leather cords. They strengthen the human biofield, eliminate the negative.

Shambhala bracelets attract good luck, protect from misfortune. Beads for the product can be taken both wooden and glass. Weaving such bracelets on your own, as in the photo, is a whole art. Here, each knot has a certain meaning and spiritual content.

Wooden figurines are another important element of protection. Animals or fish in products have a certain meaning. They symbolize courage and courage, strength and wisdom. It is important to find a figurine that will appeal to you - then the amulet will take on special significance. So, in the photo - a swimming dolphin symbolizes freedom and joy.

How to make a Shambhala bracelet

To make a bracelet, the beads are connected with a cord using a "flat" knot. Beads can be made of wood, stone, metal, with or without rhinestones. It is important that there are no more than 9 pieces. This is connected with the legend of the mythical country of Shambhala, which was surrounded by 9 mountains.

The thickness of the cord should match the holes of the beads. To make the cord easily pass into the hole (especially silk), its end can be smeared with glue.


  • Beads (9 pieces, 1 cm in diameter), spacer beads with rhinestones (8 pieces);
  • Bead on the clasp with a large hole, 2 beads (diameter 7 mm) for "tails";
  • Cord (1.5 m), leather, waxed, silk or linen;
  • Glue "Moment";
  • Plastic tablet with clip;
  • Scissors.

Step 1. Measure the circumference of the arm, just above the wrist. Add the approximate length of the braided fastener. Add the length of the "tails" with which the bracelet is tightened on the arm. You will get a piece of cord about 50 cm. Attach it to the tablet with a clip, as shown in the photo.

Step 2. Cut the cord into 3 pieces. Two - 25 cm each. One - 50 cm. Weave 5 "flat" knots. The diagram shows that one knot is knitted from left to right and right to left.

You can replace cords 1 and 3 with one length (25 cm) folded in half.

Step 3. After 5 “flat” knots, string the main beads and spacer beads with rhinestones alternately onto the main cord. String one bead onto the string. Secure it by knitting one "flat" knot and one simple knot.

Fix the knot with glue, cut off the excess ends of the threads.

Step 5. Take the second piece of cord (25 cm). WITH reverse side weave the main cord 5 "flat" knots. Fix the last bead, cut off the excess ends.

Step 6. Pass the ends of the main cord through the clasp bead.

Step 7. Take an additional piece of cord (50 cm). Fold it in half and wrap around the ends of the bracelet. Now the “tails” are the main thread. Weave 5 “flat” knots to the clasp bead, braid the bead, weave another 5 “flat” knots. Fasten the thread, cut off the excess ends. Attach small beads to the ends of the "tails".

This strongest protective conspiracy you can’t kill, and even if your enemies don’t even try to harm you, it will be worse for them.

The spoken words are as follows:

Glory to the Father, glory to the Son, glory to the Holy Spirit.
Lord save me from all evil
From intrigues, notions, secret ideas,
Nets, stalkers, poisons, swords,
Conspiracies, excuses, cunning, insidious negotiations,
From enemy visitation, from imprisonment,
From bribery and the sword, from the word spoken in haste,
From an enemy meeting, from a false promise.
From the flooding water, from the drowning wave,
Save me from the beast, save me from the fire, Lord, save me.
From the violent wind, from the ice, save me, Lord, save me.
Save me from the evil sorcerer, Lord, save me.
From a terrible disease, from an early death in vain,
Save me from the inverted cross, Lord, save me.
Chur, my thought, chur, my flesh,
Chur, my living red blood,
Chur, my wild dashing thought.
My guardian angel, pray for my soul.
Everything that I said that, having forgotten, I did not say,
Word to word, come to me, the servant of God (name),
Save from all evil.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Far from everything and far from always in our life turns out the way we plan. Sometimes, trouble lies in wait for us a step away from our cherished goal. Or, for example, what seemed yesterday is destroyed strong family, a disease that has come from nowhere begins to progress ... It happens that troubles literally fall on your head from nowhere, or, on the contrary, they haunt a person or even a whole family for years and generations, not allowing you to get out of material or psychological problems.

In such cases, very often people talk about damage or the evil eye. At these words, we are usually enveloped in superstitious fear, which very often leads to despair, which, in turn, allows this bad magical effect to take over us.

However, not everything is as bad as it seems. After all, the magical effect is not a sentence, but simply a guide to action. Let's see how you can protect yourself and your closest people from the evil eye and damage or remove damage, if any, what prayers and conspiracies to use from damage and evil eye.

How to protect yourself:

From ancient times in Rus' they knew how to put up protection against damage and how to make it strong. Modern people often neglect, and sometimes do not know, simple preventive measures that can protect them from negative energy effects.

First of all, you need to get rid of or minimize communication with people who can bring the evil eye or damage to you. Take a look at your immediate surroundings. Maybe there are very aggressive, obsessive people in it who like to complain about fate and everyone around them easily provokes scandalous situations.

If it still seems to you that you have become the object of someone's negative influence, then show your will and stop any contact with such people. But if it is impossible for you to avoid a relationship with them, do not trust or empathize with them. Learn to be indifferent to people who can upset your energy balance. The easiest way to protect yourself when talking with potential carriers of damage and the evil eye is to keep a fig (fig) in your pocket.

And also arm yourself with elementary tricks, because protection from the evil eye and damage is for the benefit of your life and health. Row simple rules observed by our great-grandmothers.

Here are some of them:

If they begin to praise you, bite the tip of your tongue so that the praise does not turn into an evil eye.

Don't give the clothes you wear to anyone

Store photos separately dead people(damage to the photo is very dangerous)

Before eating, you need to cross the food and mouth to avoid spoilage for food and drink

Carry a small mirror in the left pocket of your outerwear, with the surface facing out, or you can place it on your desktop facing visitors.

Take a shower in the mornings and evenings, after visiting crowded places, hospitals, cemeteries, communicating with an unpleasant person.

If you find a cross, in no case do not keep it for yourself.

Throw all cracked crockery and broken mirrors out of the house.

Don't keep what you find purses, jewelry.

Don't let your imagination run wild. Don't think bad.

Beware of negative statements and black humor in relation to yourself. The thought is material.

A ritual that protects against envy and gossip

So that no one envies you, perform the following ritual.

For this ritual, you will need to go to church.

Buy 12 candles and place them in front of 12 icons: the Trinity, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, John the Baptist, Archangel Michael, Nicholas the Wonderworker. These icons are in any church.

Choose the remaining six icons yourself, which ones you like best.

Be sure to take the prosphora in the church.

Having defended the liturgy, return home, eat half of the prosphora, drink holy water, read the Our Father three times and a prayer for the acceptance of the prosphora.

A strong prayer against damage to the adoption of holy water and prosphora:

Now say a conspiracy to remove damage:

After that, take your photo, put it in the Bible, in the book of Psalms, on the page with the 90th psalm (“Living Helps”). On the same day, before going to bed, eat the second half of the prosphora and again drink holy water. In the morning, take out your photo and read the 90th psalm.

Conspiracy to protect the family

It is read a week in a row from the day of the new moon in front of an open window at midnight.

Conspiracies against damage to read once a month:

Talk about melt water. With spoken water, you should then wash your forehead, eyes, neck and hands. Strong conspiracy from damage like this:

How to secure your home:

Protecting your home from damage is not at all difficult. Once a week (preferably on Sunday) you need to light a church candle brought from mass, and go around your entire apartment with this burning candle strictly clockwise. Together with this, you need to read the following prayer:

After this ritual, all rooms of the apartment must be sprinkled with holy water.
Above the threshold on Mondays, read the following plot:

Protective conspiracies read on the threshold of the house:

Since it is not always easy to get into someone else's house, damage is often brought to the threshold of a house or apartment: you step over it - and that's it, the job is done. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to protect the threshold of your home.

On Friday afternoon, take 3 pinches of salt from a wooden salt shaker with your left hand and throw them into a basin or bucket of water.

With this water, wash the threshold 3 times, while saying:

Salted with salt, soaked with water, salt does not rot, and damage does not stick to my house. Turn away, roll back, turn back!Get out, I didn't call you. Amen.

Pour this water at a pedestrian intersection.

Take a broom and mark the threshold three times, each time saying:

I sweep away sorrows, illnesses, ailments, damage, lessons, superficial evil eye, bringing. Threshold metenny, God blessed.

Lining conspiracy:

The most common type of damage that can be brought to the house is lining.

If you find something on the threshold of your apartment - in no case do not bring it into the house and do not even touch this item with your hands or feet.

It is best to take paper or a broom with a scoop, collect everything and take it out into the street. And there everything that was found to be burned with prayers to Jesus Christ, "Our Father" and Life-Giving Cross Lord.

If you found something extraneous in the apartment itself - also do not take it into your own hands! Take paper, and immediately deal with these things - burn them with the words:

Fire to the sky, ash to the ground. I burn bad thoughts, I burn the enemy's misfortune. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Protection with amulets:

Charms from the evil eye and damage must be handmade. A particle of the energy of the person who made this amulet should remain in them. The best will be an amulet made by yourself, especially for you by a specialist or just a loved one. You can make an amulet yourself. Now we will consider several options for such amulets.

The simplest amulet is an ordinary safety pin. It must be discreetly attached to clothing, so that it touches the body. It is necessary to periodically check the condition of the pin. As soon as any part has darkened (this means that it has taken on negative energy), the pin must be changed, and the old pin must be buried in the ground.

To make it, you will need the help of a jeweler. It is not recommended to buy a ready-made product, since jewelry casting is currently carried out automatically. With this method, there is no need to talk about the energy of the manufacturer. In addition, the design of the product should belong to you.

Over received jewelry it is necessary to read protective prayers and a prayer for consecration. Protective prayers must be read for several days in a row. If you adhere to a religion other than Christianity, choose such rituals from the arsenal of your religion. In order for the amulet to be charged for protection specific person, he must wear it without removing it for at least a week.

Amulet "God's Eye" or a talisman against damage to the family:

Such a talisman against damage and the evil eye is found in different cultures. It can be made from woolen threads of different colors.

It is done like this:

We take two wooden sticks, put them in a cross and begin to wrap them with thread, fastening the sticks.

First we wind the threads of one color, then another and so on. In this case, the threads can be any color of your choice.

As a result, you will get a diamond-shaped amulet with an absolutely unique pattern.

Prayers are also read over such an amulet. This amulet is used to protect the home or individual family members, such as newborns, for which it is hung directly above the baby's bed.

If it didn't work out:

In the case when you already feel a negative magical effect on yourself, you need to urgently cleanse. Now we will consider examples of such rituals.

This ritual is performed in the evening. To carry it out, you will need a glass of water and 9 matches. We light the first match and, when it burns out to the end, we throw it into the water. After that, we do the same with the rest of the matches. While the matches are burning, it is necessary to sentence, looking at the fire:

After all the matches are in the glass, shake the water a little and wait about a minute. If none of the matches sank at all, there is no evil eye. If at least one match dropped a little or stood upright, then there is an evil eye. Now you need to take three small sips from a glass and wash your face with this water and pour the water into the toilet. Well, if problems and troubles often arise at work, then a conspiracy to work will help you.

Ritual of Corruption:

To perform the ritual from spoilage, you will need 8 eggs. This ritual is repeated for eight days. Before going to bed, you need to break the egg into a glass of water and put it at the head of the bed. In the morning, the egg must be poured into the toilet. If you have spoilage, then in the morning in a glass you will find an unsightly picture of protein filaments. If the egg does not change overnight, there is no spoilage. But, even if so, the ritual must be completed.

In the morning, immediately after waking up, pour water from the tap into a cup and whisper softly into this water:

Then wash your face with this water. If the above rituals seem not enough to you, or for some reason you do not want to use them, a prayer from the evil eye and damage to the child will help you. The official position of the Russian Orthodox Church about the evil eye and damage somewhat ambiguous. On the one hand, it is argued that the evil eye and corruption are just superstitions that should not have a place in the soul of believers, but at the same time, priests advise prayers that help people get rid of problems caused by corruption and evil eye. Removing damage by prayers is one of the most effective ways of cleansing.

Islam has its own traditions of removing corruption and the evil eye. Muslim prayers from corruption and the evil eye are excerpts from the Koran: Al-Ikhlas, Al-Fatihu, An-Nas and Al-Falyak, Throne Ayah. Damage from Muslims can be removed with the same sura as Ya-Sin. She is considered the most powerful prayer from this kind of witchcraft (damage, evil eye, curses) and is used when reprimanding.

What to do next:

After the treatment of corruption with prayers is completed, you need to go to church to confess and take communion, both to the former patient and to the one who removed this effect. If for some reason you cannot go to church, before starting to remove the magical effect, read a cleansing prayer to Jesus Christ, and after all the manipulations, another prayer to Jesus Christ that will not allow dark forces take over your mind again:

Now protection from damage to death and the future is set. These are just some of the tips that can help you Everyday life. But our culture has a richer arsenal of means, because protection from damage to the evil eye is ancient art. Read specialized literature, contact specialists. Attract to yourself only luck, money and health. Nobody will do this for you.

Signs of damage may or may not be obvious:

Suddenly, on the threshold of the apartment, you saw scattered earth, salt, grain, and in the doorway you found needles, nails, strange objects that did not belong to you appeared in the house - this should alert you. Such finds indicate some kind of ritual action directed towards your family.

You can judge the invisible negative energy impact only by your condition. You always need to be vigilant and remember that, unfortunately, not all the people around you wish you well.

The main signs of the evil eye are manifested as follows:

  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness or vice versa insomnia
  • Sudden depression
  • Drops in blood pressure
  • Apathy for everything
  • inner restlessness
  • Frequent quarrels with people around the person
  • Loss of goals, aspirations, interest in life; frequent sighs
  • Strengthening bad habits
  • Discomfort in the solar plexus.

How to feel the magical influence with the help of a cross?

By itself, the pectoral cross is not an amulet from damage and the evil eye, but with its help you can very clearly feel that this effect is taking place. As soon as a negative magical effect has been imposed on a person, the pectoral cross begins to signal this.

This may manifest itself as follows:

  1. The cross may darken
  2. He may suddenly begin to constantly cling to clothes.
  3. May suddenly begin to interfere with walking or sleeping
  4. It can even strangle its owner a little.

If you feel someone’s negative impact on yourself, which clearly affected your life and health, do not neglect the folk methods of protection known to you or contact specialists, because protection from damage and the evil eye is very important for every person.

See also the video - Professor Alexei Ilyich Osipov's opinion on damage and its nature

Wprotective conspiracies - amulets

When reading protective plots, apply visualization.

Imagine that you are completely protected, you are in a transparent sphere.

See your loved ones protected. This will increase the power of the conspiracy.

Safe words in any dangerous situation

This conspiracy is read to oneself in moments of danger.

This is a very strong amulet.

It works simultaneously as protection, help and punishment for those who harm you.

The Mother of God is behind, the Lord is ahead.

Mother of God in front, the Lord God behind.

What will be to them, will be to me - ohnor help me. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from all dangers.

The Lord gave me the way, and the evil spirit gave me anxiety.

The Lord will conquer evil and free from evil. God is holy and God is strong. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman from trouble.

Read this amulet regularly to protect yourself from all sorts of misfortunes.

Heavenly Savior, be ahead

Guardian angel, stay behind

Queen of Heaven, be above your head,

Save me whole from evil people and sudden death.

God save us. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Protective amulet of salvation.

Strong conspiracy from enemies.

This conspiracy is used in cases where a person has an enemy from whom the worst can be expected, up to death.

Be known, servant of God (name), with a life-giving cross at the right hand and one, in front, behind. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me. May the whole army of enemies flee from my cross. The power of the cross will flash like lightning, scorch and blind the enemies. Near me is Christ and all the power of heaven: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, archangels and angels. The Lord's forces and terrible, seraphim, holy guardian angels, devoted to me to save my soul and body from holy baptism. The angels of God pray for me the Savior Christ, to save me from enemies, to bless this amulet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You can say this conspiracy on wax, stick a drop of this wax on a pectoral cross and wear it as usual.

♦ ♦ ♦

Protective shield against treachery and deceit.

This amulet will well protect against deception when signing various contracts, obligations, loans and documents.

Great Martyr of Christ, Saint George,

You are the Lord's indestructible warrior.

For centuries, your sword was, is and will be invincible.

Strengthen me with your holy army, with your might.

Shame my enemies, shield me with your shield,

From the devil's cunning and deception of the defense.

And who wants to bypass your border,

That from the hand of your saint does not leave.

Now and forever and forever and ever.Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Prayer-amulet "Seven Crosses" for the whole family.

I lay the first cross from the Holy Spirit,

The second cross from the Lord God,

The third cross from Jesus Christ the son of God,

The fourth cross from the guardian angel of the slaveGod's (name),

Fifth cross from the Mother of the Blessed Virgin,

Sixth cross from west to rollout,

The seventh cross from earth to heaven.

Seven crosses will close the house with seven locks.

The first castle - from the dashing misfortune of any,

The second - from poverty, poverty,

The third - from the tears of combustible,

Fourth - from theft,

Fifth - from spending,

The sixth - from illness-weakness,

And the seventh is the strongest, closes six,

Locks for a century, guards my house. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Protected from danger.

This amulet will protect you from real danger, from attack, even when you are threatened with a weapon.

Holy Sovereign Spas and holy Sovereign Archangel Michael, close,

Lord, from the evil of man and adversary for every hour and for every time, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Protective sphere.

Visualize how a silvery sphere surrounds you, reflecting all the bad.

Say 3 times:

Inside of me is the Power of the Cross!

Around me - God's Grace!

♦ ♦ ♦


When tying shoelaces, fastening buttons, putting on a ring, say:

I lock myself with this lock from an evil deed, from a black eye, from bad words. So that you don’t have access or semi-access to me either on the road, or on the road, or at work, or at rest, either at night or during the day. These words are my key and lock, now and forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Amulet "Shield family"

To set up a talisman, you need to take a lock of hair from each family member.

Place them on a piece of white canvas. Light a candle bought in the temple on a big holiday and, dripping wax on your hair, read:

Now I am creating a faithful and reliable stronghold for my family,

That is not a house, not a wall, but protective words.

Who will go against the servants of God (names) with evil and envy,

He will find his last shelter in the graveyard from the protective shield.

Like this candle from a holy day is now in my hand,

It is so true that all our enemies are deprived of power by God.

Whoever touches us with evil and envy, it will return a hundredfold.

Now and forever, so that there is no person who would go against us,

Otherwise, to find a grave for yourself.

For now and forever these words are a faithful shield and a wall.

I speak, I pronounce, I affirm with a word, I speak.

The word is strong, the deed is true. Amen

Then wrap the fabric and tie it with a string and hide it in the house away from prying eyes.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against curses:

If someone curses you, then immediately read the special defensive plot so that nothing bad comes to you.

There is a Cross on the mountain, mMother Mary was sleeping on a high rock.

She saw the suffering of Jesus Christ in a dream,

How they nailed his feet,his hands crucified him,

A crown of thorns was put on his forehead,His hot ditch was shed.

Angels from high heaven flew, pod His blood cups were substituted.

Who will put a hand to this prayer,

He will never endure torment anywhere.

The Lord will save him, take him under His hands,

It will save you from trouble, protect you from all evil.

Will not allow death,curses of enemies will not let.

Angels will cover him with wings,holy water will wash away any curses.

Who knows these wordsreads them three times a day,

He will not burn in fire, he will not drown in water,the apple will not shed its blood.

The Lord was, the Lord is, the Lord always will be!

The Lord will never forget me, the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - amulet:

If they start cursing you during a quarrel or if someone looks at you badly, mentally say:

There is a circle around me, it was not I who drew it, but my Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy is a talisman against a bad person.

Say it before meeting a bad person.

You can write this plot on paper and carry it with you.

It needs to be rewritten once a month.

The lamb is afraid of the wolf

The wolf is afraid of the lynx

And you are a servant of God (name)

Fear me, servant of God (name).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Salvation Conspiracy:

Read up to the sun.

I will go, blessed, from the hut through the doors to the canopy,

From the canopy to the yard, from the yard to the gate,

Under the red sun, under the open field.

In an open field stands the holy church of God,

And the royal doors themselves dissolve,

The servant of God (name) himself speaks from sorcerers,

From witches, from witches, from witches.

Who thinks bad luck of me

That, consider, there is a forest in the forest, sand in the sea, and stars in the sky,

Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from trouble:

They read once aloud, once in a whisper, and once to themselves.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I stand at the cross. The cross is a church beauty.

The cross is praise for the martyrs, and help for those who suffer.

I will come closer to the cross, I will bow to it lower.

Protect and defend from enemies and enemies,

From their tongues, from their batogs, from their fire and sword, from their blasphemy.

Lord, send a blessing

So that I stand unshakable and indestructible, like the Holy Cross. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman for lovers.

Buy a small clay pot without bargaining and without change.

Put a photo of you and your lover there, strands of hair each, and two new consecrated silver crosses.

Sprinkle with holy water, close the lid and drip it around the perimeter with wax from a burning candle.

At the same time, read the plot:

I create a security guard, I erect a talisman on the servants of God (names)

As strong as Alatyr stone is, so are my words strong,

As the stone Alatyr is flammable, so are my deeds mighty.

How destinies (names) are connected, blessed by the Lord,

So that will happen and the union will not interfere with anything.

Who decides to interfere with them, who decides to take witchcraft,

To that two meters of grave depth, yes a funeral cross.

I enclose with a cross, I fasten candles with fire, I cover with holy water.

Amen, amen, amen over amens amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from energy vampires:

Mother of God, Mother of God, You are the Mother of God, don't let anyone take away my happiness, my share. Cover me with a shroud. God in heaven, God on earth, God in me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against all enemies and witchcraft:

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us!

I pray, servant of God (name), icon, cross, true Christ,

Lord God, King of Heaven.

The Lord God heard, sent his angel to me, God's servant (name).Amen.

An angel descends from heaven, dresses in golden bows,

At a distance of bows, at a distance of arrows.

They shoot through the gray clouds, they shoot the enemy from me,

The enemy of any - blood and dear.

Whoever approaches me with witchcraft will fall under the fire of the arrows of an angel.

The arrow will fly, the enemy of another and blood will win.

Be, my words, all in full.

Which word was silent, she said through the mouth of an angel.

Be, my words, stronger than a damask knife.

Century by century from now to the century. Key, lock, tongue.Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to protect the house from adversity.

Power of the sky, give me protection.Power of the sky, give my children protection.

Lie down, amulet, on my threshold, nand my trace from vain tears and from all sorts of troubles.

From enemies I know and from those I don't know

From lies, from water, from fire, from wounds, from the word and from the sword,

From the youngest and from the oldest, from the first and from the last.

As strength is from heaven, so is help from God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman from enemies:

If you have enemies ready to interfere with you.

Jesus descended from God's Heaven

He took the golden cross with him.

I washed myself with dawns, wiped myself with the sun,

Crossed with a golden cross

And closed with locks.

Let these castles be in the sea.

Who will drink this sea and drive away the sands,

The enemy will not come to that.

Jesus Christ, You are the Son of God

Save, save from all evil at all times. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against witchcraft:

Yarilo, red sun, put a fiery wall around me, protective, not pierced by any sorcery. Protect your son (daughter) (name) from any witchcraft now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman from enemies:

Remember me, O God, for health, and remember my enemies for peace.

Guide me, Lord, among the enemies by the most invisible path.

My worries are on the angels, the angels of care are on the archangels.

You, archangels, stand behind my back and cover me with an invisible veil.

There is care from all this world, from all this white light so that my enemies do not see me,

As I pass by, they did not notice how the blind do not notice anything, white day and night do not distinguish.

I will pass - they will stand as a pillar, from under their hands I will leave with a smoke.

And just as smoke cannot be collected by the wind, so it is impossible to detain me.

Lips, teeth, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.
