How to get a Sagittarius woman back after a breakup. How to make peace with a woman - Sagittarius

In order for a man to return a Sagittarius woman, he needs not only to understand himself and get to know his former partner but also put in a lot of effort. If she wants to return, she must be absolutely sure that she will not make a mistake. If, nevertheless, you decide and wish to reconcile with the Sagittarius woman, then you must definitely prepare explanations for why you did this last time.

Sagittarius women hate conflicts and quarrels, but nevertheless they will not allow anyone to encroach on their rights. But conflict still takes place if a woman feels humiliated or if someone tries to ignore her opinion and demonstrate personal superiority. She will not tolerate this. You should not lie next to such a woman, because she acutely feels lies, and easily determines malicious intent in a person’s actions, so you should not abuse such things next to Sagittarius.

Also, Sagittarius women of nature are fair, as a result, her decisions are always objective both in relation to her actions and those around her. If she herself is to blame, she will definitely apologize for her actions. It must be remembered that next to such a woman you must be sensual, she likes men with temperaments, lively and not embarrassing to express their emotions. They are condescending natures, but nevertheless, only promises from a man are not enough for her. She will give you a deadline in which you must prove your feelings, that you keep your promises and keep your word, otherwise you will have to leave.

How to Make Peace with a Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius women and girls really do not like to quarrel, but they will not allow anyone to encroach on their rights. A conflict can begin if they feel humiliated or perceive the actions of the other side as an attempt to ignore their point of view, to demonstrate personal superiority. A Sagittarius woman can also be seriously offended when a partner acts unworthily towards another person who is unable to independently respond in the same way, to fight back. This peaceful, cheerful, talkative creature can immediately turn into a persistent, stubborn, rather tough and aggressive person who will fiercely defend not only his own, but also other people's rights.

Sagittarians are endowed with the ability to subtly feel a lie, it will not be difficult for them to discern evil intent in someone's actions, so you should not abuse such things in relations with them.

Representatives of this sign of the Zodiac are distinguished by a special sense of justice, therefore the Sagittarius woman always makes a verdict as objectively as possible in relation to both other people's and her own actions. If she comes to the conclusion that she is to blame - in whole or in part - she herself, then an apology will surely follow: Sagittarius is not one of those who are ready to shift the burden of guilt and responsibility on anyone, but not on themselves. But if the partner is to blame, then he will have to pass a difficult exam. Will be required logical explanations this or that act, and the main thing in this matter is to be extremely sincere and honest, otherwise it will be even more difficult to return a Sagittarius woman in the future. Let all words come from the heart, even if they are not too personal for both.

Sagittarians are quite indulgent, especially the beautiful half of this zodiac sign, but they will not be full of promises alone. For themselves, they will certainly establish a certain probation, during which the culprit will have to show that his promises are being kept, and if they are broken, there will be no trace of the girlfriend's loyalty. And then again you will have to think about how to make peace with the Sagittarius woman, to return her location. But, if you respect your companion, take into account the fundamental needs of her nature, then you are guaranteed the company of a person whose optimism, luck and love of life make, at least a little, happier than that who is next to her.

Freedom is the habitat of the girl - Sagittarius. She is unbridled, wild, wayward, with a bold, assertive character. A sense of justice and innate courage and glibness provide the girl - Sagittarius with the qualities necessary to protect the offended, patronage of the weak, reasonable reasoning of controversial and conflict situations, and innate eloquence makes them successful workers in the field of justice, especially gifted lawyers. The territory of her freedom is clearly divided by boundaries, crossing which anyone will stumble upon resentment and rebellion, and whoever manages to suppress this rebellion will simultaneously suppress all the best in the girl of this zodiac sign, make her unhappy, aggressive and asocial.

Girl - Sagittarius is also distinguished by special kindness, sympathy, love for animals and disinterested concern for others - therefore she is always surrounded by a huge number of friends, grateful acquaintances, enthusiastic fans. Even an unfamiliar person will find support, protection and help in her.

Persistence and strength, launched in the direction of the goal of the girl - Sagittarius, make her successful in almost all industries and areas that are interesting for her to work. In search of something new and interesting, she learns and remembers a lot in a very short time. a short time, love of reading and natural curiosity greatly increase her intelligence, the Sagittarius girl gives the impression of a smart and rational girl. And the ability to instantly find the right words at the right time helps her get out of all sorts of situations with a win for herself. For these reasons, at work, such girls achieve great success in a short time. If their laziness, inattention and quick loss of interest in everything were replaced by diligence, attention to detail and responsibility, they would have no equal in their careers. But, unfortunately, often the desire to relax and unwind seems to the Sagittarius girl a more important occupation than to complete the promised work within the specified time frame. Work, in their understanding, must also know its place and not encroach on their freedom.

Men in the life of a Sagittarius girl have a special role to play. Her emancipated consciousness puts herself above all men, and if she is also good-looking and not devoid of male attention, then she begins to pamper herself. Several men at the same time - a normal phenomenon for an attractive girl - Sagittarius. Relationships are often selfish motives, because she prefers self-confident, wealthy men, most often adults, much older than her. Intuition and innate luck protect her from unsuccessful marriages, they, as a rule, choose good and loving men for themselves, treat the family very responsibly and cherish love in the house.

Conflicts with a girl - Sagittarius arise only if certain actions on your part somehow humiliated her, or there was an attempt to put pressure on her opinion, or force her to do something, any manifestation of violence towards her or anyone who does not she can give a worthy rebuff on her own - all this drives her crazy, she will never put up with this, and from a fragile girl in a second she can turn into an aggressively attacking she-wolf who, having not achieved her goal, will not retreat. She sees evil intent or a lie right away, you should not apply it to her.
If you had a misunderstanding and you want to make peace with a girl - Sagittarius, you need to prepare an explanation why you had to do this, what forced you to take such actions, while each sentence said will be discussed and condemned, an additional “verification” will be put for each answer. " question. If you manage to pass the exam, consider yourself reconciled. If not, repent, speak from the heart, without lies and masks, this is what the Sagittarius girl will appreciate the most. In any case, after the truce, corrective labor or a probationary period awaits you - this is their policy, the offender must be punished, not only in word, but also in deed. If the girl herself - Sagittarius bears at least part of the blame in a quarrel, you need to respect that it is not difficult for her to admit guilt and apologize for it.

“People meet, people fall in love, get married…”. However, often the development of relations does not correspond to the quote from famous song. Couples often quarrel and, unfortunately, break up. But sometimes, especially if the beloved girl became the initiator of the separation, this state of affairs does not suit her partner. And now a man is trying to find a way to return his beloved woman, if life without her has lost all meaning.

This, of course, is a very difficult task, requiring a huge investment of time and effort, but nothing is impossible. Using the tips and tricks below, you can return the woman you love, even if she does not want to communicate with a former partner.

In contact with

First of all, you should analyze your feelings and determine what drives the desire to return a woman after parting: love, resentment for wounded pride, or a desire to simply take revenge. And if the reason is still in feelings, use the following recommendations:

  1. Straight Talk. Involve your beloved in communication, because a lot connects you, and a simple conversation does not oblige you to anything. Invite her out for a walk or lunch together.
  2. Finding out the reason for the break. Try to find out what happened last straw for your relationship. Perhaps it was precisely such conversations that your beloved lady lacked. Answer all questions with the utmost honesty.
  3. Development of an action plan. Clearly think over the sequence of your actions, make a list of things that can make your beloved one happy, and work on it.
  4. Changing your behavior. If you are already thinking about how to return a woman, be prepared for cardinal changes in your character and lifestyle. You will have to change for real and forever, otherwise there is a risk of finally losing your beloved lady.
  5. Consolidation of the result. When the ice breaks, and yet it turns out to return the woman you love after parting, in no case stop there. Become better, taking into account all the wishes of the lady. A great helper in this is romance. Flowers, letters, candlelight dinner will not leave the woman you love indifferent. Make sure that when you return, your girlfriend stays by your side forever.

Remember! Relationships should bring joy and satisfaction to both partners, only this will guarantee their duration and joint happiness.

If she doesn't want to talk

Things don't always work out the best way. Sometimes it is not possible to bring your beloved girl into contact and directly find out the reasons for her discontent. Often, she completely ignores all attempts to speak frankly.

You can invite your beloved to a cafe and try to solve the problem there.

So is it still possible to return the beloved woman if she does not want to communicate? The answer is yes. But in this case, other leverage on the beloved will be required:

  1. Through friends. Talk to close friends of your girlfriend, tell them that you have analyzed your mistakes and are already actively working to eliminate them. Do it in such a way that the interlocutor sees the changes in better side and believed in the sincerity of your intentions. Be sure to compliment the lady, make a good impression. Soon enough, your loved one will know about this conversation.
  2. Through another girl. It may sound absurd, but often, in order to return ex girlfriend should start a new relationship. She will not be able to close her eyes to the appearance of a rival and will definitely pay attention to you again.
  3. By silent demonstration. Do not shout at every corner how much you have changed, do not beat your chest and do not try to prove anything to anyone. Actions should speak for you.

Important! Periodically appear in the field of view of the woman you love. And she will certainly notice all the changes for the better herself and draw the appropriate conclusions.

So, the desire to return the beloved is considered and unshakable. It is necessary to understand that there are two options for the outcome of this struggle: the woman will either return to you or not. There is no third. Therefore, you should gather all your will into a fist and go towards your goal, listening to the advice of experts on the human soul.

Here are some of them:

  1. You should not rush to your girlfriend with pleas for a second chance. Do not humiliate yourself and do not show your weak sides. Think ahead of all your actions and deeds.
  2. Give your loved one the opportunity to calm down and stop being angry for a few days. But do not delay, otherwise it will seem that you have lost interest in it.
  3. Be her friend. Accompany your beloved woman for a walk, to the cinema, help with repairs. It is important to do all this absolutely free of charge, without demanding gratitude in the form of a kiss or sex.
  4. Get a woman no matter what. After all, they love strong, self-confident, reliable men. Make every day of her life a little holiday.
  5. Take your relationship to the next level. Beloved girl has long dreamed of living together or offering a hand of the heart, and you all did not dare to take this step? Believe me, now is the right time!

Important! The girl will have to learn to trust you again. Help her in this by all available means.

Prayer for help

To say a prayer in order to return a beloved woman, it is necessary from pure heart and with the utmost sincerity. Only boundless love and genuine feelings make it effective.

You can turn to many saints with a prayer for help, but the prayer of the Holy Matrona is considered the most effective:

"Holy Mother! I am praying to you! Please save my love, turn the slave (name) back! Ask the Lord for blessings! I beg you with words from the heart! With a bow, Matronushka, to you, amen!

These words should be pronounced by heart, without adding unnecessary phrases and without changing their places. The place of this ceremony can be both a house and a church. However, wherever you are, it is important to stand in front of the icon and pick up a lit candle.

Even if the beloved who left you was official wife, it is important to realize that first of all she is a woman. Therefore, you should not put pressure on her by having children or jointly acquired property. Influence her feelings, get close to the very heart.

Do not overdo it by talking about your anguish and experiences. A crying man will not cause any other feelings than compassion and irritation.

It is recommended to approach the issue of resuming relations with your beloved woman, taking into account the sign of the zodiac under which your chosen one was born. After all, as you know, they will all react differently to your methods to return love. So, let's look at everyone in order.


It is not so difficult to return an Aries woman after a breakup, because they are full of romanticism and sentimentality. Start the relationship from the very beginning, returning to the candy-bouquet period. Awaken the dormant feelings of your loved one with flowers, gifts or romantic letters. A marriage proposal will help return the Aries woman.


Ladies born under this sign are quite stubborn and prosaic. To return the Taurus woman, it is necessary to exclude all romanticism. Such a lady will definitely appreciate the pressure and determination, your actions are important to her, not empty words.


Before you return the Gemini woman, you need to remember the duality of their nature. The mood and opinion of these ladies is changing with great speed. But an important aspect of their life is constant contact with the people around them. Therefore, become a more sociable person and learn to listen to your beloved.

Features of the character of a woman born under the sign of Gemini


Representatives of this sign are distinguished by vulnerability and dreaminess. It will be quite problematic to return a Cancer woman after a breakup if you have offended her greatly. In this case, cancer closes in its shell from the whole world. How to get a Cancer woman back? You should surround your beloved lady with warmth, care and love so that she can trust you again.

a lion

Praise and thousands of compliments are the main weakness of women born under this sign. Even if it's outright flattery. A win-win return the Leo woman - to perform a desperate feat in her honor under the enthusiastic and envious glances of others.


Virgo women are cold and calculating. She is not interested in romantic nonsense in the form of letters, poems or candlelight dinners. Then how to return the Virgo woman? Give her a simple, practical gift: high-quality dishes or small household appliances.

Features of the character of a woman born under the sign of Virgo


Returning a Libra woman after a breakup is not an easy task, because this lady questions everything, carefully sorts out and weighs all the pros and cons. Show your loved one your willingness to achieve it to the end. It is necessary to show maximum perseverance and patience in order to return the Libra woman to her arms.


The probability of returning a Sagittarius woman increases significantly if you have similar life principles, beliefs and attitudes. She needs to have a like-minded person nearby.

Before you return a Sagittarius woman after a breakup, you should consider that you will have to accept your beloved as she is. This lady does not admit her mistakes and does not give in to pressure. You will have to really try and radically change yourself and your actions in order to return the Sagittarius woman as soon as possible.


Unfortunately, there is no universal method on how to return a Scorpio woman. Basically it depends on the reasons for the break. If nothing serious has happened, then it will be possible to return the love of a Scorpio woman after parting in a short period of time. In case of betrayal, betrayal or deceit, your beloved one may even begin to take revenge.

It is necessary to act with the utmost care, without humiliating one's dignity. Only deliberate and balanced actions can help return a Scorpio woman after a breakup.

Features of the character of a woman born under the sign of Scorpio


Getting a Capricorn woman back after a breakup is not an easy task. After all, if a beloved girl initiated a breakup, then this decision was considered by her for more than one day and is not subject to discussion.

So is it still possible to return the Capricorn woman? The psychologist's advice boils down to the fact that one should show one's love for this lady by practical actions. It is alien to the manifestation of emotions and feelings. To be there at the right time and provide strong shoulder- perhaps the only reliable way to return the Capricorn woman.


The representative of this sign needs love and attention. To return the Aquarius woman after a breakup, ordinary banal love will not be enough. This creative nature we need a bright and talented man.

Before you return the Aquarius woman, you will have to get closer to her ideal. To do without requests, criticism and restrictions of freedom, to be support and support, to envelop her with tenderness and care. This is the only way to really return the beloved woman of Aquarius.


The girls of this sign are only superficially carefree, cold and prudent, but in reality they are quite vulnerable and impressionable. It is possible to return a Pisces woman if you reach out to her soul and make every effort so that her beloved can trust you again.

Useful video

How to return your beloved after a breakup if she does not want to communicate and renew the relationship? Psychologist's advice about this problem:


  1. With patience and perseverance, you can restore even the most hopeless, at first glance, relationships. Advice from psychologists and individual approach to each woman according to the sign of the zodiac will help you achieve this.
  2. Bold decisive actions and deeds will tell the lady about the seriousness of your intentions better than empty words and promises.
  3. Admit your mistakes, change your behavior and fight for your chosen one to the last, because without love life loses all meaning!

Signs of the fire element are characterized by excessive temper, emotionality, the search for something new and interesting. Moreover, at first glance, this is all superficial and not much studied. It's not like that, it's just a first impression. Archers will not jump from one object of study to another (this is not air signs hovering over problems and troubles). Therefore, choosing certain people for themselves, they rarely expand the circle of close acquaintances. If you are in this number, then rejoice!

For you will not best friend than a Sagittarius woman! He will always support, tell you if necessary, and will give you money on credit, and sometimes free of charge. Appreciate such cooperation and do not spray on trifles.

Offending a representative of a fire sign is quite easy - with an incorrect word, look or remark. Of course, they quickly move away, but you will have to make an effort and figure out how to make peace with a Sagittarius woman. In fact, if you communicate well with a person, then you already know his reaction to some of your actions, so you should not provoke "fiery" women. It will come out more expensive.

If the conflict cannot be avoided, you have fallen under the hot hand of a negative Sagittarius (which is extremely rare, but still happens sometimes), then hold on. For starters, you should immediately hide somewhere far away. If you can't, then stick with it. After listening to a portion of bad words, after which the woman will very quickly move away and forget, it is best for you to stand silently. After your fiery girlfriend calms down, comes to her senses, tunes in to a conversation with you, you can start.

You can forget about the negative in the opposite direction. IN this case, to argue, to be nervous, to shout hurtful words is useless. Make yourself a blood enemy. Refer to horoscopes, read about compatibility, consider the possibilities of a relationship with this zodiac sign.

Sagittarius needs, firstly, only sincere emotions. Secondly, original actions. You can not even count on the words of forgiveness, only actions will help. Be sure to associate these actions with the activities of the Sagittarius woman. She will definitely appreciate such attention.

It is best to give her time to calm down after a quarrel, to tune in to a conversation with you. And maybe even come up with conversations the next day. Then, for sure, you will be forgiven a lot, simply because they no longer remember what they said.

Sagittarians are very freedom-loving, tend to constantly get new interesting love experiences.

In case of failure, they can easily resume relations, but categorically without realizing their guilt, and only if the partner wants to resurrect passion, not paying attention to past mistakes. Due to overly developed self-esteem, Sagittarians are not inclined to admit mistakes and consider themselves guilty. If you want to win back Sagittarius' love, you'll have to embrace him with open arms, no complaints, demonstrating that you've allowed him to use your freedom to verify your feelings and compare the advantages and disadvantages of a relationship.

How to get a Sagittarius woman back?

Most often, the cause of a breakup or betrayal is the search for new, more vivid sensations. Such a woman wants to be admired, carried in her arms, obeyed her desires and whims.

If you want to return the Sagittarius woman, you will have to go through a difficult stage of rapprochement, during which you will not insist on anything and force her to make a decision in favor of your relationship. In no case should you discuss past mistakes and, moreover, seek her repentance.

A Sagittarius woman can only reconnect if she feels that you sincerely allow her to do what she wants, and the choice is hers alone. Such a companion will always strive to be with a man over whom she has power, who obeys her, fulfilling all the requirements, and does not oblige to anything. Having tried sex without commitment, you can get closer to her feelings, without limiting or placing any conditions.

How to return a Sagittarius man?

Such men do not want a woman to dominate, therefore, in no case should you be persistent, put pressure on pity, or any obligations.

To return the love of a Sagittarius man, you do not need to make scandals, sort things out and seek repentance. Try to give him complete freedom of choice, do not touch on the topic of resuming relationships, but simply, knowing his secrets and preferences, gradually charm and create new relationships.

If Sagittarius has had a negative experience after a breakup, he will never admit his guilt and will not be the first to reconcile because of pride. It’s better for you to establish an open relationship, focusing on the fact that he is the best man, you want closeness with him, you really can’t keep your passion. With the help of this approach, Sagittarius will soon make a decision for himself about future fate your relationship.
