You have to be able to laugh at yourself who said. “The more a person is able to laugh at himself, the happier he is.

Everyone can make fun of others, but to laugh at oneself is a more subtle science, it is far from being given to everyone. They say that self-irony is a skill available only to people with high intelligence. We found for you 20 people who are all right with their wit and sense of humor.

1. “Best friend took his wife away. Need money for a thank you card

2. Blow under the stomach

3. “Breasts are real, but the smile is fake”

4. Dedicated to all owls

5. The tattoo says: "Made in China" - "Made in China"

6. “The girl in the restaurant asked me: “Are you alone?” I happily answered: “Yes.” Then she took the second chair, standing in front of me, and left.

7. Age 6: “I want to be a doctor.”

At 16: "I want to be a nurse"

At 19: "I'll try my hand at accounting"

At 24: "Hey guys, welcome to my video channel"

8. When you are also a little star

9. “329 day without sex: I went to Starbucks only to hear someone scream my name.”

10. "I will never be as successful as this gosling."

The inscriptions on the plates: "Best young goose", "Vice-champion", "Best waterfowl", "Best novice".

11. Moose. Just Elk

12. “On my birthday, I went to the game of my favorite team to celebrate their victory. So-so idea was "

13. All girls are witches

14. “This is me taking a cool underwater selfie.”

15. “My drunk boyfriend just asked me: “Who is the most handsome man in the world?” I said: “You”. And he told me: “Lies, this is fucking Ryan Reynolds” ”

16. “When I get sad, I just look at this picture of me from the past.”

17. Pelmeni - Foreva

18. What do you know about the luxury life?

19. “I no longer open the front camera on my phone. How I look is none of my business now.”

20. Expectation and reality

Theater "Come on" is a subtle, ironic, touching and very funny clowning for children and adults. For the performancesDavai» need to go for good mood and intense emotions. Once having visited one of them, you are likely to return again. "Come on" is three artists, three clowns: Fedor Makarov, Lesha Gavrielov And Vitaly Azarin. The guys are based in Tel Aviv and travel around the world with tours. We talked with Lesha and Fedya about how the ability to laugh at yourself helps in life, what a clown and a doctor have in common, and where the artists go first when they come to Moscow on tour.

Many people are afraid to be funny. Your job is to get on stage and make people laugh at you. What is it like?

Lesha A: It's just a wonderful task. Because the more a person is able to laugh at himself, the happier he is. I take my job as a clown seriously. Sometimes, before a performance, some thoughts begin to creep in: the performance will begin right away, you must definitely be the best, do the best best performance, the funniest, the most amazing. And then I start laughing at myself: something you pouted like a fool, as if you now have to surprise everyone, as if you owe something to someone. If at such moments you manage to see yourself from the outside, see the absurdity of this seriousness and laugh at yourself, it seems to me that it helps a lot in life.

Can you learn to laugh at yourself? Or is it an innate quality?

Lesha: Hardly congenital. It comes with time, with wisdom. a wise man knows how to laugh at himself, but the unwise cannot ( laughs). This is the ability to move some distance away from your loved one, to look at yourself from the side, next to others - and look, as it were, from the side at the world, at the big globe on which you are a small grain of sand. Then it becomes funny, and all the problems go somewhere.

Fedya A: I think I have it from the family. My dad was a master at laughing at himself. I can say that I have such a gift from him - self-irony.

Okay, can you learn to be funny then?

Fedya: I worked in the theater with Slava Polunin for 15 years. Before that, I studied a little at all.

Lesha: I studied acting. In order to make people laugh, you need, firstly, to learn to laugh at yourself, secondly, internal content, thirdly, external skills - to have a good command of the body, to hear music, not to be afraid, to want to communicate with the public, to be interested in contact. First of all, internal openness is needed. Plus a lot of work. There are people who do everything, everything is funny. That way you can't learn. And that's great.

During your last Moscow tour, the whole family was on children's play"Solar Story" Adults and children laugh equally. How do you manage to be funny to both at the same time?

Lesha: If we ourselves are not funny, then probably no one will be funny. To be honest, I'm not in favor of doing performances only for children, because children are quite intelligent creatures and sometimes feel more than we understand with our minds. Therefore, by the way, a children's performance without words is much more natural. It seems to me that the universal language is the language from heart to heart.

Fedya: I would say that we do childish things without pretending to be children and without belittling ourselves. We are adults, we do not hide it. We send our message on several levels at once - both for children and for adults. And this is precisely the pleasure of our performances, that we play at the same time for everyone - for moms and dads, grandparents, for children. And in the course of the performance, you are always looking for an addressee. Who are you with now. You will like it, and you will probably find it understandable and interesting. That's pretty much how it happens.

You perform with your performances all over the world. Is it the same for the audience, or is it different everywhere?

Lesha A: Of course there is a difference. I really liked Mexico. We took there just an adult performance, and many viewers came to it with children. I don't know if it's a tradition there. The atmosphere was exactly the same as at the children's play. And we didn't feel stressed at all. Although the topic was a little more adult, both adults and children laughed equally.

What happens when the audience doesn't laugh?

Lesha: It happens, yes. It depends on where you play and on the audience. There may be some of our shortcomings. But there can also be a difference in mentality. For example, in India we played the same adult performance as in Mexico, and there were episodes when the audience usually absolutely laughs, and we know that everyone will be “pierced”, and there is silence. It’s not that they don’t understand humor, but what is satire for us, they perceive as drama. We laugh at the situation, we laugh at the hero who is in this difficult situation, and this is understandable for the European audience. This is such an irony, black humor, an offer to laugh at yourself. And the Indians really empathize with him at this moment. But other things will make them laugh. And sometimes it happens, at children's performances, rather, that the audience sits as if spellbound, and instead of laughing, is in deep amazement, stunned by what is happening on the stage. They are more surprised than funny, which is also very pleasant for us.

Fedya, you once said that the prerogative of a clown, like a child, is to tell the truth. How do you manage to tell the truth in such a way that people are not offended and that they still laugh with you at this truth?

Fedya: For example, in our play "Solar Story" two heroes always get involved in conflicts: I will do better than you, and I know you better. Any human conflicts move the plot. We quarrel, we do some stupid things, but then we realize how important it is for us to be with each other. We are very worried when we are alone, and rejoice when we meet again. Does this somehow answer the question?

Lesha: I worked a lot in hospital clowning. There I really felt the strength of the clown. If this truth is from the bottom of my heart, then everything is forgiven the clown. In general, everything is possible for a clown if he is real, if he tells this bitter, ugly truth from the bottom of his heart. In any case, the clown will say it funny, not moralizing: you are bad, you are behaving badly.

Fedya: Rather, he will say that we are all like that.

Lesha: Yes, the clown first of all laughs at himself. If the clown himself has felt what he is laughing at, then it turns out that he is laughing at himself as well.

Taking off costumes and makeup, you turn into serious adults, taking a break from your stage images? Or do you continue to "clown"?

Fedya: I'm resting, Lesha is clowning. You have to do a lot of organizational work. In order to enjoy the performance ourselves and give it to people, you have to do a lot of boring things: apply for grants, prepare proposals, write letters. It's such a boring adult activity, not funny at all.

Lesha: Are we fooling around in ordinary life? Yes, in different ways. Fedya sometimes clowns, I probably do it more often. We also have a third wonderful clown in our team, and so he clowning without stopping at all, even when he is serious - it's just a complete clowning. But after the performance, when all the problems are solved, the tasks are completed, we become cheerful and, probably, funny.

How did you know you wanted to be a clown? Usually they want to become a lawyer, a banker, a doctor.

Fedya: In my opinion, becoming a doctor is much more strange. To poke someone with needles... As a child, I dreamed of what I would become when I grew up. Among other options was clowning. Such is the childhood dream. My parents wrote down all sorts of statements for me. For example, one statement was about who I want to be, and there is a long list: a musketeer, a firefighter, an astronaut, a princess, a banker, an interpreter, even a conductor. And there was a dream about clowning. Now I'm a clown and I can be anyone. I have had the opportunity to conduct an orchestra several times already, I have a character of a grandmother, a samurai. I can change professions every day. Very beneficial. No need to be born again, you can just change clothes.

Lesha: A clown is, in a sense, a doctor too. It may sound trite, but a clown is a doctor for the soul. We also use scalpels and try to learn how to cut properly. Because it can be cut in such a way that there will be an injury. But you come to this with experience. Yes, the work of a clown turns out to be very responsible. By the way, I never thought that I would be a clown. At first, I went to study as an actor, and then at some point, in the midst of my studies, I realized that I didn’t want to talk on stage, I wanted to engage in clownery almost without words. And so it happened. And as a child, I also wanted to become a clown or an acrobat. Then I forgot about it.

I'll also ask about childhood. You have chosen a profession that you clearly like and in which you are successful. What role did your parents play in this?

Fedya: My parents have always been with both hands for everything I do, always supported. In my family, everyone has achieved something big in art ( Fedi's mom- Elena Makarova, famous art therapist, ceramist, author of books, sister Maria Makarova- artist.- Approx. ed.). Therefore, there was simply no option not to engage in art. “Sorry, I don’t want to do art, I’ll just sit quietly on the sidelines” - this wouldn’t have happened, they would definitely have let me down the stairs. Bury talent would not be allowed.

Lesha: It was different for me. My parents are both hydrometeorologists, the family was not particularly fond of art. But since childhood I loved Nikulin and Mironov. And at some point announced that I want to become an actor. My parents were about to take me down the stairs, but then my mother even found an interview with my future acting master. She gave me a newspaper with a phone number, I called him, and they took me to study.

Your stage images- Fedya the clown, Lesha the clown - are these invented characters or you yourself?

Lesha: This good question. A real clown, it seems to me, comes more from himself. Something changes depending on the circumstances, on the story: the mustache is bigger or smaller, the nose is put on, but no matter how much I tried to make clown images, I found new character, to play someone completely different, I couldn’t do anything. In the end, I always come to myself. A little extravagant, exaggerated, but that's me. Internally, I would like to be just like that.

That is, when you go on stage, you become yourself?

Lesha: Yes. On stage, I live in the present. In life, it doesn’t always work out that way - some problems, worries. We live in the past, the future and very rarely the present. And on the stage you forget about everything, there is only now. And this is a great happiness. This is why I love my job. On stage, everyone is looking at you, it exacerbates the sensations. This becomes a very important time. You can be yourself, and you still have at least a hundred witnesses. And they see what you really are.

Isn't it scary to be so naked in front of the public?

Lesha: Not at all scary. I think it's wonderful.

Fedya: We fools have nothing to hide.

Where do ideas for performances come from?

Lesha: Usually from life, from some experience. You walk down the street, you see: two people met, one said something, the other answered. Like that. I always watch people, I try to write down. Some situations sink into the soul, and then come out on stage at some point, sometimes several years later.


Lesha: Yes, I love to peep. I love simply. I remember when I was little, I lived in a five-story building, and I had binoculars through which I peeped into the windows of the house opposite. I do not hide my passion. Not in the sense of watching what people are doing when no one is watching. I can sit outside on a bench and watch. I am very interested in how you can express a person's thoughts without words. How less people shows his feelings, the more I want to look into him and understand what is happening inside him, what he is thinking about, what his story is, where he came from, where he is coming from, why he blinked now.

Fedya, Lesha, you were both born in Russia, now you live in Israel, you perform all over the world. Where is your home?

Fedya: My home now is Tel Aviv. But it is now. I am not strongly attached to him. This is the point of arrival. There were sometimes periods in life when a fantasy began: I will give my strength to some city, tame this city, these people, and this will be my city, and I will be for it, because I love it or will fall in love, and we will have a relationship, affection for each other. But so far this is not happening.

Lesha: Last year we decided to move to a new large building wanted to make our theater there. We have a studio in Tel Aviv where we play plays, but it's small, for 30 people. There were plans to take a larger building and make it the first clowning theater in Israel. I wanted this theater to become our home. But it hasn't worked out yet.

When you come to Russia, the first thing you do is where do you go, what do you do?

Lesha: To the theatre.

Fedya: To the supermarket. Real artists from the plane go to the supermarket. Because on tour, you know, the first thing you have to do is buy yourself some yogurt so you can wake up in the morning and drink it.

Do you miss anything in Russia that is not in Israel?

Lesha: I miss normal weather, snow, real winter, beautiful spring, nature. In Israel beautiful nature but very severe.

Fedya: Despite the great changes that have taken place in Russia for Lately, there remains a great respect for the theater. More than in the country where we live. It is a special pleasure for us to perform here, because both adults and children are much more meaningful, attentive, with greater understanding of what we are doing. What happens on the stage is much more important for people here, and this is a great joy for us.

Interviewed by Yulia Kovalenko

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about the author

First I became a mother, then a mother who reads books to children, and now from a mother who reads, I turned into a mother who writes. It turned out that in addition to my childhood favorites "Mowgli", "Winnie the Pooh", "The Kid and Carlson", there are still a lot of children's books that I had not even heard of. I'm not talking about the new books that are being published now. It is absolutely impossible not to share the treasures that we constantly find with children, so I keep my blog about children's books, and also talk about them on the pages of Internet resources, the main readers of which are parents. I believe that every child in childhood should have a lot of interesting, kind, beautiful books.

At all times, films and stories about heroes who gracefully overcome many obstacles and find a way out of the most hopeless situations are wildly popular. One of important qualities each of them has the ability not to lose their enthusiasm and laugh at themselves in any circumstances. And it is this character trait that often turns out to be the very key to the happy ending of what is happening to them. Of course, we don't all save the world every day or figure out how to get off a deserted island. But it would be useful for many to learn to treat their lives and themselves with humor more easily, because the ability to find something comic in a situation is a rare skill, having which you can safely look troubles in the face and suffer much less from these very troubles. Let's try to figure out how to master the art of laughing at yourself.

Allow yourself to be wrong

In an awkward situation, it can often be hard to just relax and be yourself. Since childhood, we have been stormed from all sides by images of how to behave, what to do, what impression to make, and so on. Some women literally go crazy trying to achieve universal recognition, ideal weight, sophistication of manners, and cannot forgive themselves for the slightest deviation from the intended course. And then sometimes the internal tension reaches such strength that one, probably meaningless in fact, but seemingly disapproving look becomes the cause of real depression.

But let's not talk about sad things, because you can always change something. Think about what is so important and disturbing to you that it paralyzes all your natural manifestations. Find your inner bully who knows for sure that life is unpredictable and therefore beautiful, and any mistake or deviation from the ideal picture can be the beginning of something new and beautiful. So give yourself the right to make mistakes and free up some space for creativity and space for stepping forward.

accept yourself

Very often at the reception of a psychologist are successful and beautiful women who, in an endless race for achievement - from running a household to designing complex mechanisms - forget about the one person for whom they do it all. And that person is themselves. By some absurd accident, growing up, they forgot how beautiful they are in every little thing, including those shortcomings that can be found in themselves. But flaws are just part of the whole, and they have many useful functions: they provide opportunities for development and change, they are our unique essence, they can be our highlight. The only question is from which side to look at yourself and all your external and internal contents.

Try to create a portrait of your personality, remember what always bothered or didn’t really like and just accept everything that you find, love with all your heart. Accustom yourself to gradually reduce the degree of significance of everything that happens, reminding yourself that it is more difficult and more interesting to find a reason to rejoice than to be sad and doubtful. Add a little spontaneity and pampering to your everyday life by doing at least ten minutes something valuable and pleasant only for yourself.

Get creative

Creativity is a recipe for almost all occasions. Try, for example, putting on different looks while doing your usual routine. For example, wash the dishes to a Viennese waltz, imagining yourself as a beautiful princess. Challenge yourself to find fifteen new ways to make a tea bag or reasons to make daily meetings a little more fun in your own mind in a week. All these and other simple steps gradually help you learn to relate to life easier and more fun, and the buttons of humor and creativity begin to turn on by themselves, supporting you in the most unpleasant situations.

Remember childhood

In each of us lives a little restless girl. When this baby was still a baby according to passport data, she knew how to live easily and really have fun. She had no problem imagining a castle where the coffee table had been, to show her feelings. And certainly she was not afraid to be funny and clumsy. We, sometimes overly serious adults, sometimes lack the childish spontaneity and the ability to use our imagination to good use. Of course, an adult aunt looks a little ridiculous, who behaves like a four-year-old child and expresses her thoughts accordingly. Contact with the inner child is rather a second wind for those skills that were with us from the very beginning - spontaneity, creativity, lightness and joy.

Fear of seeming ridiculous, worries for any reason - this is a reflection of our relationship with ourselves. Complexes, problems with self-esteem are the main reasons for laughing at yourself or finding advantages in difficult situation becomes extremely difficult. Take your time, try to gradually recognize and accept yourself, start cultivating self-irony for a start in your own thoughts. Having made a mistake, do not rush to scold yourself, but look at the situation as a comical movie with a ridiculous plot. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, and no matter how you learn to laugh at yourself and be more happy, but in these difficult times this skill will not hurt at all. Start small, like smiling, words of praise and foolish antics to your reflection in the mirror in the morning - and after what time new colors will definitely appear in your life, and emergency situations will not seem so scary and terrible.

4 chose

With a joke, a smile and sincere laughter, life is generally easier. And if a person knows how to laugh not only at others, but also at himself, this seriously helps him to survive troubles, hardships and his own mistakes. Let's see if it is really useful to be able to laugh at yourself and whether it can be learned.

Who are you laughing at?

Some readers may object - why laugh at ourselves when there are enough "well-wishers" who will do it for us? In fact, self-irony is a wonderful defense mechanism. He protects us...

Can this be learned?

There is this saying: "To laugh at yourself, you have to outgrow yourself." Let's think about what it means and how to learn to laugh at yourself.

The pathological fear of looking ridiculous is a consequence of complexes and problems with self-esteem. It seems to us that jokes and laughter humiliate us in the eyes of others. Actually, it is not. If you demonstrate the ability to laugh at yourself, it will show you as a mature and harmoniously developed person. And those who are afraid of any word addressed to them, only expose their own complexes.

I have always been interested in watching girls for whom laughing at themselves is a form of coquetry. "This could only happen to me!"- they say smugly, telling some curious situation from their lives. They are so sure of themselves that even their shortcomings and mistakes are considered charming traits, and they talk about them with pride.

So in order to learn to laugh at yourself, it's a good idea to start with self-esteem.

I offer a few more tips:

  • Try to see the situation from the outside. There is such psychological reception: imagine that you are looking at this situation from the window of a neighboring house.
  • You don't have to laugh at yourself right away. Start cultivating self-irony in your own thoughts. Having made some kind of mistake, do not rush to scold yourself, but laugh at your own mistake. Over time, you will get used to this way of thinking.
  • Watch the children, take an example from them. They are not afraid to look stupid or funny, they play the fool with pleasure, portray something and are not at all shy about it. Maybe a little childish spontaneity will not hurt you?
  • Develop your imagination. Many annoying situations start to look funny if you use fantasy. For example, the flea market in the subway before entering the escalator reminds me of a flock of penguins that walk slowly, practically marking time in one place, but certainly swaying from side to side.
  • Smile at your reflection in the mirror every morning. Build your own faces. And with such a frivolous mood, leave the house.
  • Recognize your shortcomings, accept them. Perfect people do not exist, and

Can you laugh at yourself? And treat with irony own life? Or always-always serious-serious? In general, laughter, humor, irony are sometimes simply necessary things in our life, and it is very important to be able to laugh, and, first of all, to be able to laugh not at someone, at something (there is a witty joke, funny comedy), but laugh at yourself. If there were more laughter and irony (especially self-irony) in the world, there would be less wars, hatred, fanaticism (in particular religious) and so on.

It seems that laughing at yourself is so simple and easy, but ironically, simple and seemingly obvious things are the most difficult to understand, it’s not easy to be truly simple. It's also not easy, at least for many people, to laugh at yourself, because people tend to take their lives very seriously and over importantly. A sense of self-importance (or pride, that is) is what prevents us from laughing at ourselves and makes us extremely serious and stupid at the same time. I wonder how God still hasn't died of laughter watching us humans. Watching the bullshit that we get into like it's global problems world order.

History knows many examples when, in fact, through empty and petty things, people were even ready to kill each other. And all this: numerous religious wars, all kinds of strife, disputes, misunderstandings and insults, first of all, occur because of the inability of people to laugh at themselves, and in particular at their views, beliefs (which many consider to be “the only true” and “the only correct "). People take very seriously both their views and beliefs (especially in relation to religion and politics) and themselves in this world (and some even believe that it is the center of the whole world). As a result, they get offended and angry.

And yet, sometimes our life is full of various problems and simply dramatic situations, it’s not better to laugh instead of getting upset when fate touches us with its not very attractive side. No, not to laugh at the problems without which our life is inevitable (although you can also laugh at them), but to laugh at yourself and your stupidity. Indeed, what are any of our petty problems in the eyes of the universe? Grain of sand.

After all, we do not know how to laugh at ourselves through our pride and the thought that we are smart and know something in this life. And only a real sage (such as the famous Socrates) happily laughs merrily at himself and his “stupidity”, because he knows perfectly well that he knows nothing! And all the serious and arrogant "turkeys" do not even know this.
