Management: Managing behavior in conflict situations, Coursework. Describe the main strategies of the manager's behavior in conflict situations

Course work

Topic: Managing behavior in conflict situations


1. Theoretical basis conflict management

1.1 Definition and characterization of conflict

1.2 Conflict as a process

1.3 Types of conflicts

2. Ways and methods of behavior in conflict situations

2.1 Characteristics of role conflicts

2.2 Styles and strategies of behavior in conflict

2.3 Conflict resolution methods

2.4 Behavior and actions of the leader in conflict situations


The causes of the conflict are not always amenable to logical reconstruction, because they may include an irrational component, and external manifestations often do not give an idea of ​​their true character. The reasons that underlie any conflict can be organizational, industrial and interpersonal.

Organizational conflicts arise due to a mismatch between formal organizational principles and the actual behavior of members of the organization. For example, an employee for some reason does not fulfill the requirements imposed on him by the organization (poorly performs his duties, violates labor discipline, etc.).

Organizational conflict can also arise as a result of poor quality job descriptions(when the requirements for the employee are contradictory, non-specific), ill-conceived distribution of job responsibilities.

Industrial conflicts, as a rule, arise as a result of a low level of labor organization and management. The reasons for this kind of conflict may be obsolete equipment, bad room for work, unreasonable production standards, lack of awareness of the manager on a particular issue and unskilled management decisions, low qualification of employees, etc.

"Interpersonal conflicts mainly occur due to a mismatch of values, norms of behavior, attitudes, personal hostility towards each other, etc. These conflicts can occur both in the presence and in the absence of objective organizational or intra-production reasons, and also be a consequence of organizational or industrial conflict. In this case, disagreements on a business basis turn into mutual personal hostility."

This kind of conflict can also manifest itself as a clash of personalities, when people with different personality traits, attitudes and values ​​are unable to get along with each other. Such people work together poorly, spend a lot of time developing this conflict and defeating the enemy.

Organizational and industrial conflicts are more often constructive in nature and cease as soon as the problem that caused the clash of the parties is resolved. Interpersonal conflict, as a rule, takes a more severe form of flow and is more protracted.

In management theory, there are also the following types of conflicts: intrapersonal, interpersonal, between an individual and a group, and intergroup.

“Intrapersonal conflict is a kind of conflict, which, as it were, does not correspond to the definition of conflict given above. But if an employee receives contradictory or mutually exclusive tasks, then he has an internal conflict.

There are other forms of intrapersonal conflict. For example, it may arise in a situation where the goal or the ways to achieve it conflict with values ​​or certain moral principles personality. In this case, the achievement of the goal, the satisfaction of a significant need is accompanied by negative experiences, remorse. In general, with an intrapersonal conflict, a person is characterized by mental stress, emotional dissatisfaction, a split personality (struggle of motives), etc. The experienced painful emotional state, irritability form the basis for an emotional explosion, the reason for which can be any trifle. Intrapersonal conflict is often a harbinger of interpersonal conflict.

Interpersonal conflict is the most common. The reasons for it are varied and may have an industrial or institutional framework or be purely psychological. In production, this is the struggle of managers for limited resources, labor force, work time, project approval, etc.

"The conflict between the individual and the group includes conflicts between the leader and the group, a member of the group and the group. Analyzing such a conflict, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the group as an adversary in the conflict."

Examples of situations in which this type of conflict arises may be the following: the leader comes to the unit from outside or takes the leadership of an already established team. In these cases, conflict can arise for various reasons:

a) if the team has reached high level development, and the newly appointed leader does not correspond to this level;

c) if the style and methods of management of the new leader differ sharply from the methods of work of the former leader.

Conflict can arise between an individual and a group if that individual takes a position that differs from that of the group. As you know, informal groups control the behavior of their members and require them to comply with the norms and rules adopted in the group, violation of these rules can lead to conflict,

"An intergroup conflict can have a very detrimental effect on the results of an organization's activities, cause great damage to a company, since representatives of structural divisions, departments, managers of different levels are involved in this conflict, creative groups etc. These opposing groups can be large in number and the organization can be paralyzed as a result of the conflict."

A striking example of intergroup conflict is the conflict between the trade union and the administration.

All conflicts have several causes, the main of which are the limited resources that must be shared, differences in goals, values, ideas, differences in the level of education, the behavior of organization members, etc.

The question of the causes of the conflict is one of the most important and complex, because often main reason secondary conflicts are layered, and it is not easy to sort out the problem.

You always need to look for genuine, deep causes and not confuse them with an external cause for conflict. Positive conflict resolution involves finding out what the parties to the conflict want and want.

The main types of intrapersonal conflict: motivational, moral, conflict of unfulfilled desire, role-playing, adaptation and conflict of inadequate self-esteem.

Of these, the most common form of role conflict is when one person is presented with conflicting demands about what the result of his work should be, or, for example, when production requirements are not consistent with personal needs and values.

Summing up, we can say that in communication with people and in business contacts, hidden or obvious conflicts may arise due to a misunderstanding of the true motives of behavior. In contacts with people it is necessary to show tolerance, restraint. Very often, the motives of behavior are not at all those that can be attributed. Arrogance and arrogance can hide timidity and shyness, vulnerability. Fear and anxiety can masquerade as anger and anger. A bad mood can be explained by fatigue. If a conflict has arisen in a team, you should not leave it. It is very important to be able not to translate a conflict situation into a conflict, since force is usually associated with emotional experiences. If the conflict situation has already escalated into a conflict, it is very important to work with emotional mood participants. The ability to resolve conflicts depends on the ability to transform the mutual representation of participants from enemies to partners. Inability to defuse a conflict situation, understand mistakes and miscalculations can cause constant tension. It must be remembered that the conflict must be skillfully managed before it becomes so strong that it acquires destructive properties. The main reason for the conflict is that people depend on each other, everyone needs sympathy and understanding, the disposition and support of the other, someone needs to share his beliefs. Conflict is a signal that something wrong has happened in communications between people or there are some significant disagreements. Many people do not have special conflict management skills, they need guidance and appropriate practice. In the order of the main recommendations regarding behavior in conflict conditions, one can point to such guidelines as:

The ability to distinguish the important from the secondary. It would seem that something is simpler, but life shows that it is quite difficult to do this. Virtually nothing but intuition can help a person. It is necessary to analyze conflict situations, the motives of one's behavior, if one tries to understand what is really a "life and death matter", and what is just one's own ambitions, and learn to discard the insignificant.

Inner calm. This is such a principle of attitude to life, which does not exclude the vigor and activity of a person. On the contrary, it allows you to become even more active, to react sensitively to the slightest shades of events and problems, without losing your composure even at critical moments. Inner peace is a kind of protection against all unpleasant life situations, it allows a person to choose an appropriate form of behavior;

Emotional maturity and stability - in fact, the possibility and readiness for worthy deeds in any life situations;

Knowledge of the measure of influence on events, which means the ability to stop oneself and not "pressure" or, conversely, accelerate the event in order to "own the situation" and be able to adequately respond to it;

The ability to approach a problem from different points of view, due to the fact that the same event can be assessed in different ways, depending on the position taken. If you consider the conflict from the position of your "I", there will be one assessment, and if you try to look at the same situation from the position of your opponent, perhaps everything will seem different. It is important to be able to evaluate, compare, connect different positions;

Readiness for any surprises, the absence (or containment) of a biased line of behavior allows you to quickly reorganize, respond promptly and adequately to a changing situation;

Perception of reality as it is, and not as a person would like to see it. This principle is closely related to the previous one, following it contributes to the preservation of mental stability even in cases where everything seems to be devoid of internal logic and meaning;

The desire to go beyond the problematic situation. As a rule, all "unsolvable" situations are ultimately solvable, there are no hopeless situations;

Observation, which is necessary not only for assessing others and their actions. Many unnecessary reactions, emotions and actions will disappear if you learn to observe yourself impartially. A person who can objectively evaluate his desires, motives, motives, as if from the outside, is much easier to control his behavior, especially in critical situations;

Foresight as the ability not only to understand the internal logic of events, but also to see the prospect of their development. Knowing "what will lead to what" protects against mistakes and wrong line of behavior, prevents the formation of a conflict situation;

The desire to understand others, their thoughts and actions. In some cases, this means reconciling with them, in others - correctly determining your line of behavior. Many misunderstandings in Everyday life happen only because not all people know how or do not take the trouble to consciously put themselves in the place of others. The ability to understand (even if not accepting) the opposite point of view helps to anticipate the behavior of people in a given situation;

The ability to extract experience from everything that happens, i.e. "learn from mistakes", and not only from your own. This skill - to consider the causes of past mistakes and failures - helps to avoid new ones.

In doing so, you should always remember: Do not expand the conflict zone; Offer positive solutions; Do not use categorical forms; Reduce the number of claims; Sacrifice the secondary; Avoid insults.

1) Ashirov D.A. Organizational behavior: - M.: Prospekt, 2006. - 360 p.

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3) Bukhalkov M.I., Personnel management at the enterprise. - M.: Exam, 2005. - 320 p.

4) Vershigora E.E. Management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003. - 364 p.

5) Vesnin V.R. Management. - M .: Prospect, 2007. - 512 p.

6) Galenko V.P., Rakhmanov A.I., Strakhova O.A., Management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 229 p.

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10) Kaznachevskaya G.B., I.N. Chuev, O.V. Matrosova. Management. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2007. - 378 p.

11) Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management of the organization, - M.: INFRA-M, 2007. - 638 p.

12) Krasovsky Yu.D. organizational behavior. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2004. - 511 p.

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14) Razdorozhny A.A. Organization (enterprise) management. - M.: Exam, 2006. - 637 p.

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There are several effective ways conflict management. They can be divided into two categories: structural and interpersonal. A simple difference in characters should not be considered the cause of conflicts, although, of course, it can cause a conflict in any particular case.

"Conflict management is a conscious activity in relation to it, carried out at all stages of its emergence, development and end of the conflict. It is important not to block the development of the contradiction, but to strive to resolve it in non-conflict ways. Conflict management includes their prevention and constructive completion."

The manager must start by analyzing the actual causes and then use the appropriate methodology. In order to avoid conflicts with employees and between employees, it is necessary:

When communicating with subordinates, use a calm tone and politeness combined with firmness, avoid rudeness in dealing with employees, because rudeness cannot achieve the desired effect, on the contrary, the manager most often gets a negative result, since the subordinate instead of work gets hung up on resentment and feelings;

Scolding an employee for poor-quality work only face to face, since behind-the-scenes conversation saves him from shame, and in return, the manager can count on gratitude and assurances that this will not happen again; otherwise, the employee, instead of correcting the mistake, will spend time worrying about the shame experienced;

Praise the employee for high-quality work with the whole team, since it is always pleasant for a person when his manager notices his efforts, and even more so when he does this with all employees; otherwise, he will begin to believe that no one needs his success, and in the future he will not try to work efficiently;

Do not allow familiarity in relations with subordinates, observance of subordination is necessary, otherwise it will become impossible to demand anything from your subordinates;

Be objective in relation to all employees, which means that the manager must promote or demote, fine and dismiss employees fairly, treating all employees equally (the criterion for promotion can only be stable successful work one or another employee, and for punishment - consistently bad), it is unacceptable to have favorites and unloved employees, since a well-working employee with an "uncomfortable" character is better than a poorly working sycophant;

Acting as an arbitrator, rather than a lawyer for one of the parties, is best to listen to both parties objectively, and then make an objective decision;

To be out of the conflict, not to participate in squabbles and squabbles, not to spread gossip, because being out of the conflict, it is easier to eliminate it in time;

Resolutely suppress squabbles, gossip and snitching, for which you can fine the employee caught in this for the first time and strictly warn him about the inadmissibility of such behavior, and if this does not help, then this employee must be fired so as not to create precedents; the same should be done with those who are accustomed to "speak out" on any occasion, thereby preventing others from working;

If reconciliation between two employees is not possible, it is necessary to oblige them to communicate on business, since the work should not suffer because of someone's emotions.

Managers should spend their working time resolving conflicts. Since managers inevitably work in conditions of intergroup conflicts, they are forced to settle them. Failure to do so can lead to disastrous consequences. Conflicts can cause alienation among employees, reduce performance and even lead to resignations.

The leader must remember that conflicts can be resolved through the official bodies of a third party. The third party may be a larger organization that simply orders an end to conflict behavior under threat of dismissal (as in the case of the government's prohibition of strikes and lockouts in labor disputes that threaten the national interest), or it may be mediators.

Managers must be aware that, since the causes of conflicts are different, the way they are resolved also varies depending on the circumstances. The choice of an appropriate way to resolve the conflict depends on many factors, including the reasons for its occurrence and the nature of the relationship between managers and conflicting groups. Conflict minimization measures include: temporary pauses and reflection before acting; confidence-building measures; efforts to understand the motives behind the conflict; listening to all stakeholders; maintaining a position of equal exchange; delicate training of all participants in the techniques of working with conflicts; willingness to admit mistakes; maintaining the equal status of all participants in the conflict.

There are no hard and fast recommendations here. Everything depends on the nature of this or that conflict, the conditions of its course. There are several solutions in conflicts, as well as the results of these decisions, and all of them can be correct. It does not matter which of them will be developed, the main thing is that it satisfies the opposing sides to the greatest extent. At the same time, it should be remembered that intervention in a conflict, even with the best intentions, certainly requires a high level of professionalism, otherwise you can only complicate it.

Conflict can also reduce the possibility of groupthink and submissiveness syndrome, where subordinates do not express ideas that they believe are contrary to the ideas of their leaders.

Any leader is interested in the fact that the conflict that has arisen in his organization or unit is suppressed as quickly as possible, since its consequences can bring considerable moral or material damage. Therefore, he must carry out all possible actions for this. First of all, it is necessary to recognize the existence of a conflict, accepting the situation as it is, and try to show opponents that conflict is a common life phenomenon, although not always desirable, and that it can and should be overcome, or at least look for ways to this. This process can take place both without its direct participation by the forces of the parties themselves, and with active intervention and management.

Conflictologists have developed and continue to develop ways to prevent, prevent conflicts and methods for their "painless" resolution. Ideally, it is believed that the manager should not eliminate the conflict, but manage it and use it effectively.

The conflict can be resolved as a result three types actions: unilateral carried out by each of the participants at their own peril and risk; mutually agreed, resulting in a compromise; joint, or integrative. They can be based on the concurrence of the opinions of the participants, the superiority of one of them or the intervention of a third force.

As a result, three models of participants' behavior are formed. One of them - destructive; another - conformal associated with unilateral or mutual concessions and the third - constructive, involving a joint search for a solution that is beneficial to all parties.

The first step in conflict management is to understand its sources. The manager should find out: this is a simple dispute about resources, a misunderstanding on some problem, different approaches to the value system of people, or is it a conflict that arose as a result of mutual intolerance, psychological incompatibility. After determining the causes of the conflict, it should minimize the number of participants. It has been established that what fewer faces participates in the conflict, the less effort will be required to resolve it.

In the process of conflict analysis, if the manager himself is not able to understand the nature and source of the problem being solved, then he can involve competent persons for this. The opinion of experts is often more convincing than the opinion of the immediate supervisor. This is due to the fact that each of the conflicting parties may suspect that the manager-arbiter, under certain conditions and for subjective reasons, may take the side of his opponent. In this case, the conflict does not “fade out”, but intensifies, since the “offended” side needs to fight against the manager.

There are three perspectives on conflict:

1) the manager believes that the conflict is not needed and only harms the organization. Since conflict is always bad, it is up to the manager to eliminate it in any way;

2) Conflict is an undesirable but common by-product of an organization. In this case, it is believed that the manager must eliminate the conflict, wherever it arises;

3) conflict is not only inevitable, but also necessary and potentially useful. For example, it can be a labor dispute, as a result of which truth is born. No matter how the organization grows and manages, conflicts will always arise, and this is quite normal.

Depending on the point of view on the conflict, which the manager adheres to, the procedure for overcoming it will depend. In this regard, there are two large groups of conflict management methods: pedagogical and administrative.

Of particular difficulty for the manager is to find ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts. In this sense, there are several possible behavioral strategies and corresponding options for the manager's actions aimed at eliminating the conflict.

The behavior of a manager in a conflict situation has two independent dimensions:

1) assertiveness, perseverance - characterize the behavior of the individual, aimed at realizing their own interests, achieving their own, often mercantile goals;

2) cooperativeness - characterizes behavior aimed at taking into account the interests of other persons in order to meet the satisfaction of his needs.

End of work -

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1. "Practical management" manual on personnel work 2. V.R. Vesnin, M.: JURIST, 1998 3. "Management" V.E. Grebtsova, Rostov-on-Don: PHOENIX, 2000 4. "Os
