E on the license plate. What do different car numbers mean: AMP, ECX, TFR, etc.

Does it exist in modern Russia the concept of "thieves" numbers?

Many car owners strive to buy a beautiful license plate for a car. The experience of motorists suggests that special, "thieves" numbers are a kind of message for traffic police officers, in which the special status of the car owner is encrypted. Time goes by, privileged series of license plates are supplemented with new abbreviations, but such a service as the sale of state car number plates on a car is in constant demand.

Each car owner has his own motives to buy a "thieves" number of a privileged series. For some redecorating rooms with beautiful the same numbers and the letters of the series is primarily a whim, a desire to decorate your (usually expensive) car in this way. Others see practical benefits in beautiful license plates, because not every traffic police officer dares to stop such a car. And in the general urban traffic flow, other road users try to avoid conflicts with the owners of "thieves" numbers. Who knows who can be driving a brand new Audi or an executive Mercedes with a beautiful number 777?

Almost all car owners know that you can get a beautiful number on your car only with some effort.

To do this, you must either have useful contacts in the relevant state power structures, or pay a tidy sum for the coveted number. Both of these are not available to everyone.

And now let's figure out what messages to traffic police officers can be hidden behind a certain abbreviation of the license plate of a car.

What do the numbers on the car mean?

First of all, let's answer right away - special series of car numbers really exist and can be a source of information for traffic police officers about the status of their owner. Most of the special series numbers belong to the Presidential Administration, the Government, the mayor's office, law enforcement agencies and other state authorities. Deputies, senators, Judges of the Supreme and Constitutional Court ride on special numbers. A logical question arises: where can “mere mortals” get such numbers from? The answer is simple: the numbers of many special series were partially released into free circulation, from where they got to representatives of the business elite and famous people(to athletes, show business stars, etc.) Schemes for reissuing "thieves" numbers can be very diverse, including the purchase of a car with a beautiful license plate. You can find out how to re-register a number for your car in the Registration section.

Let's decipher the special series of thieves' numbers

We give examples of some of these series and describe what the abbreviations of special series mean, which are most often the subject of interest of car owners:

· AAA– Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

· AMP97- the most prestigious part of the series of numbers *MP, which replaced the so-called "flag" numbers with a tricolor. It is installed on the vehicles of the Government, the Presidential Administration, the Federation Council, the FSB, etc.;

· AMP77, KMR77, PMP77, OMR77, BMP77, MMP77, TMP77(and others * MP77) - partly owned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies, various secret research institutes and other similar structures. Sometimes they are found in private cars, but not every "private trader" can get such a number for himself. For these series, there is no information in the databases about the owners of numbers, so there is an opinion that some of these numbers were given to car owners who go through witness protection programs;

· AKR177, WRC177, KKR177, EKR177- special series of license plates, assigned mainly to official vehicles of the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They replaced the blue service registration plates. They are little known to most motorists, but they are well known to the traffic police and work well on the road;

· ECX- belong to the FSO, FSB and cars of other departments with similar immunity;

· HKH77- belongs to the FSB of Russia, but some of the numbers turned out to be with private car owners;

· KOO77– most of the series numbers belong to the fleet of the Constitutional Court;

· EP177- partly owned by cars of the State Duma, the majority belongs to the United Russia party;

· AMO77, AMO99- Moscow Mayor's Office;

· AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, COO77- a special series of car numbers assigned to the Presidential Administration;

· AAA, BBB, EEE, KKK, MMM, NNN, OOO, RRR, CCC, TTT, UUU, XXX- not only beautiful, but often informative series of license plates. Separate series belong to cars of Spetssvyaz, FSB and other law enforcement agencies. So, the CCC series was issued to law enforcement agencies, often cars with numbers of this series can be found on the roads equipped with flashing beacons. The MMM77 series belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, such numbers can often be found on the cars of the leaders of this structure. As mentioned above, AAA special series numbers have a special status. Some of them belong to the Presidential Administration, some belong to the FSB. It is almost openly stated that license plates of the EEE, KKK, MMM, NNN, LLC, UUU, etc. series belong to private individuals who have “blat” in the traffic police, FSO and other similar structures. In general, all beautiful car numbers with an abbreviation of three identical letters are regarded on the road as privileged and indicating the special status of their owners.

Beautiful car numbers: a feasible dream and a bonus to karma

But not only a beautiful or significant series of car owners are attracted by "thieves" numbers on a car. Spectacular number - another "fetish", for which many are willing to pay a tidy sum. Favorites are combinations of the same numbers (especially cool if they match the region numbers) - 111 (three units), 222 (three deuces), 333 (three triplets) 444 (three fours), 555 (three fives) 666 (three sixes) 777 (three sevens) 888 (three eights) 999 (three nines) and the first serial numbers - 001 (it is clear that the owner claims leadership in everything, including on the road), 002 , 003 , 004 , 005 , 006 , 007 (specially for James Bond fans) 008 , 009 . The numbers of Moscow and the Moscow region with regions have the greatest value in Russia: 77 , 99 , 97 , 177 , 199 , 197 , 777 , 50 , 90 , 150 , 190 , 750 .

Beautiful, "thieves" numbers often have an aesthetic function and express the desire of the car owner to stand out in the stream of cars. On the other hand, the re-registration of thieves' numbers also has a purely practical function. All car owners and traffic police officers are well aware that it is not at all easy to get beautiful license plates. Wealthy businessmen and politicians have a special love for beautiful numbers. The preponderance of beautiful car numbers is practiced by pop stars or famous athletes. In any case (and every traffic police officer knows this from his own experience), a beautiful, “thieves” number is evidence that its owner has connections in government structures, a special social status or financial opportunities(and often all together). Accordingly, there are unspoken rules for dealing with such car owners on the road, putting them in a privileged position.

Full list of specials

A-AA - persons subject to state protection in accordance with federal law"On state protection"

V-AA - Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Deputy Heads of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation - Assistants to the President of the Russian Federation, Head of the Protocol of the President of the Russian Federation, Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts, in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, special representatives of the President of the Russian Federation, advisers to the President of the Russian Federation, head of the secretariat of the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, head of the referentry, senior assistant, assistants of the President of the Russian Federation, heads of departments of the President of the Russian Federation, head Chancellery of the President of the Russian Federation, Head of the Main Directorate special programs of the President of the Russian Federation, deputy heads of the secretariat of the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, assistants to the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, deputies, assistants to the secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, first deputy, deputy head of the protocol of the president of the Russian Federation, first deputy, deputy press secretary of the president of the Russian Federation, deputy heads of departments of the president of the Russian Federation, Heads of Offices of Deputy Heads of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation - Assistants to the President of the Russian Federation and Assistants to the President of the Russian Federation, Commissioner of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights, Deputies, Assistants to Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in Federal Districts, Chief Federal Inspectors in the Subjects of the Russian Federation of the Offices of Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in Federal Districts , Chief Executive Officer of the President of the Russian Federation, First Deputy, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the President of the Russian Federation, Heads of the Main Departments of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, President-Rector Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Supreme Mufti, Chairman of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia and the European CIS countries, Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European part of Russia, Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Chief Rabbi of Russia, Chairman of the Union of Rabbis of the Commonwealth of Independent States, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Secretary of State of the Union State, Chairman of the Executive Committee - Executive Secretary of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States - Chief of Staff for the Coordination of Military Cooperation of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States states, general secretary of the Collective Security Council of the States Parties to the Collective Security Treaty, the head of the Anti-Terrorist Center of the States Parties to the Commonwealth of Independent States, the head of the Special Objects Service under the President of the Russian Federation, other officials who provide operational support for the activities of the President of the Russian Federation (determined by the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, but not more than 10 officials).

A-AB - members of the Government of the Russian Federation, deputy heads of the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation, head of the secretariat of the chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, first deputies, deputy ministers of the Russian Federation, deputy heads of the secretariat of the chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - assistants to the chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, assistants, assistants to the chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, head of the secretariat of the deputy chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, head of the secretariat of the head of the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation, directors of departments of the Government of the Russian Federation, heads (directors) of federal services and federal agencies, director of the State Fiscal Service of Russia, first deputies, deputy directors, heads of services of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, FSB of Russia, FSO of Russia, deputy directors of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, deputy heads of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, heads of services of the Russian Ministry of Defense, commanders-in-chief of the Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy , commanders of the Strategic Missile Forces, Airborne, Space and Railway Troops of the Russian Federation, commander-in-chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, directors of departments of ministries supervised by the government of the Russian Federation, authorized representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation , Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund, Chairman of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board pension fund RF, CEO ITAR-TASS, Chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Chairman of the Bank of Russia, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia, Director General of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport, Rector of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Rector of the Academy National economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, General Director of the State Transport Company Rossiya, Chairman of the Board of the Open Joint Stock Company Gazprom, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Joint Stock Company UES of Russia, President of the Open Joint Stock Company Russian railways", General Director of Aeroflot - Russian Airlines Open Joint Stock Company, President of the Rosenergoatom Concern, other officials (determined by the head of the Government of the Russian Federation, but not more than 5 officials).

A-AS - Deputy Chairmen of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (served by official cars), members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (using personal cars), Head of the Office of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, First Deputy, Deputy Heads of the Office of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Head of the Secretariat of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

A-AO - First Deputy, Deputy Chairmen of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (served by official cars), Head of the Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Head of the Office - Manager of Affairs of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies Head of the Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Head of the Secretariat of the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Secretary General - Head of the Secretariat of the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of States - Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

A-AM - deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (using personal cars).

A-AK - Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, judge - secretary of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, head of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, first deputies and deputy chairmen of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Higher Qualification Board of Judges of the Russian Federation, Director General of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, First Deputy and Deputy Chairmen of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, Chairmen of federal arbitration courts of districts, Chairmen of arbitration courts of appeal, First Deputy, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Affairs of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation , chairman Accounts Chamber Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, auditors of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Head of Staff of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

A-AR - the highest official (head of the highest executive body of state power) of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, head of the legislative (representative) body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. [...]

Beautiful numbers

The eye-pleasing order of numbers on the license plate of the car is the lowest step in the hierarchy of the "marked". Their cost varies from 50 rubles to 600 $. Getting these numbers is easy. To do this, when registering a car, you need to approach any employee of the MREO and tearfully ask for your favorite combination of numbers. After a little thought, the traffic cop will appoint you the day, time and amount of money with which you need to come.

Numbers with three identical digits (for example, 555, 666) or starting and ending with two zeros (007, 100) are issued at prices ranging from $200 to $600. As for the privileges, they are minimal: in Moscow they may not be stopped once again at the post. In the regions, traffic police officers, on the contrary, will once again stop you to look at the "thieves". "Very beautiful numbers"will cost you from 700 to 1500 dollars. It is difficult to get numbers in *999**99 or *777**77 format. They work mainly for the prestige of the owner in the eyes of his environment. They rarely slow down in the capital and the region.

Olga is not only for the disabled

Until 1993, there was no fashion for a special series of numbers. "Cool" were the MOL, MOS, MKM and ISS series, hanging on cars of law enforcement agencies. These numbers were not for sale. They were donated by great friendship or for services rendered. Everything changed with the advent of new series numbers with three numbers and three letters. For example, the first car of the former head of the traffic police of Russia, Lieutenant General Vladimir Fedorov, was numbered o100 oo 77, although this series was originally intended for the FSB. The market reacted immediately to the appearance of numbers with "three olgas". They immediately reached their price maximum. For three years they were in demand, and they were not sold for less than six thousand greenbacks. In this regard, such machines were not slowed down by anyone, never and nowhere.

A brisk trade in FSB numbers led to the fact that the Chekists themselves had only 60 such numbers left. In the 98th year, they were immediately removed from the department, and at the same time the persecution began on the happy owners of the "three oles". Particularly "fierce" was the Special Purpose Battalion (BON), reporting directly to the head of the traffic police Fedorov. Such cars were delayed for several hours until the identity of the owner and passengers was fully clarified. Now the cost of such rooms "fell" to 4000-4500 thousand dollars.

O *** OO 97, which appeared last year, is even cheaper - about three thousand dollars. Their owners are mostly artists. For example, on the "Hummer" jeep of singer Alexander Malinin, the numbers 003 flaunt along with the "olgs". On the "Bentley" of the parodist Maxim Galkin, 070 hangs. The most interesting thing is that originally the plates with "olgs" were intended for disabled cars. Beautiful numbers also include: XXX, HNN, UUU, EEE. They belong to private owners and do not apply to traffic police officers.

Unlike the "three ol" series: A *** OO77, B *** OO77, M *** OO77 and C *** OO77 enjoy authority, as they belong to the garage of the Presidential Administration.

Numbers A *** AA 77 are mostly owned by private owners. They are very popular with wealthy citizens. In addition to the representative function, they do not carry anything else. Well, maybe outside the Moscow Ring Road they are still afraid to stop such cars. But the metropolitan traffic police slow down, check, fine. The owners, who laid out a round sum, are then surprised for a long time. As soon as this series appeared, they launched a desa around the city: it seems that these are the numbers of the presidential administration, which means they are inviolable. Businessmen rushed to buy them.

Numbers A***AA99 cost about four thousand dollars. Some of the rooms are in commercial use, and the FSB also has them. Quoted above 77. The authority was raised by the former head of the Moscow traffic police, Nikolai Arkhipkin, who used such a series. But series 97 is at the mercy of very prominent figures. In particular, it hangs on the number 220 of Pugacheva's Mercedes (number 001), on the BMW X5 of the ex-soloist of the Lyceum Izolda Ishkhanishvili (number 011), on the Lexus Rx300 of the head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Viktor Kiryanov (010).

Series numbers A *** MO77 and 99 were, indeed, inviolable during the time of Yuri Mikhailovich's friendship with the Kremlin. By the way, the very first number A777MO99 was issued to Luzhkov's son. The lack of reverence on the part of the employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate forced Mikhail to switch to "flags". The cost of A *** MO rarely exceeds the amount of three thousand US dollars.

The MP (Russian Police) series costs between $5,000 and $10,000. But the money invested in itself works out in full. The policemen themselves had only a few numbers left. They belong to the top of the Ministry - Gryzlov (001), his deputies Chekalin (003), Nurgaliev and Vasiliev. They are also owned former head traffic police Fedorov. On the side, many large businessmen acquired them. For example, the head of "Rosspirtprom" Sergei Zivenko and Sergei Mikhailov (Mikhas). The latter is assigned the number A005MP77. Actor Karachentsev took a P777MR 77 for himself. Cars are stopped only for very serious violations.

In contrast to the MR, the numbers of the MO77 series, which once belonged to the metropolitan police and the city administration, are now at the mercy of individuals. They impress only young traffic police officers. The cost is 1000 dollars.

Series A *** MM77, M *** MM77 a couple of years ago belonged to the Khozu of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow. IN this moment are selling very well. The cost of those is about 7000 USD.

"I'm going as I want"

This is how the numbers of the E *** KX77 and 99 series, belonging to the FSO of Russia, are deciphered. Employees of the State traffic inspectorate always forgive them everything. Due to their status and lack of corruption in the department, it is very difficult to buy them. There are cases when numbers were given for services. The cost is about 70,000 dollars.

Things are a little easier with the X *** KX77 and 99 series. They belong to the FSB .. It is difficult and expensive to buy them (about 40,000 greens). The letter of receipt is signed by the top management of these services.

Series C *** SS77 ("three seeds") belongs to the Center for Special Communications, the Courier Service and the Ministry of Communications. In Moscow and the region, such cars do not slow down. Issue price from 4000 USD Series C *** SS99 belongs to the tax police, customs, GUIN and GOKHRAN. It costs less - about three thousand "green".

The K *** KK99 series was originally given to Feldsvyaz, FAPSI, but something went wrong, and it began to go left and right. But there are exceptions. For example, Yeltsin personally helped the famous musician Yuri Bashmet to get the number K765KK99 for his Bentley for outstanding services. Cost 2500 USD


The latest fashion is expensive foreign cars (Mercedes W220, ML, Gelendwagen, Audi A 8, Toyota LC100) in combat police coloring with beacons-beams and blue police numbers. The cost of such a service is from twenty to forty thousand dollars a year. It is provided by private security of the capital. Today, there are more than three hundred such cars in the city. What is most interesting, everything is legal. The entrepreneur writes a statement to the head of private security with a request to protect his property. On paper, he gives the guards his foreign car, in which he is going to transport his jewelry. And within an hour he has blue numbers. Moscow cars with "blue" do not stop throughout the Russian Federation.

Deputy leftist

And finally, the very pinnacle of "labeled power" is the deputy federal numbers. The fact is that, in accordance with the law, a people's choice, as well as a member of the Federation Council, has the right to put a set of numbers with flags on his personal car. But often it doesn't. He usually sells them. The number can be sold in the capital at a price of 20 to 30 thousand dollars (annual payment). These cars don't stop.

Often our attention on the road is caught by “beautiful” car plate numbers. They are usually called thieves, because getting this can hardly be called a happy accident. Coinciding or mirror letters and numbers, as well as combinations endowed with special meaning. Everyone probably dealt with a kind of decoding of such “thieves” numbers, but in fact, many of them have a very specific background and can give a certain signal to traffic police officers and other road users. It is impossible to give an unambiguous decoding to all license plates, so the list contains the most common of them.


EKH77 - numbers allocated for cars of the Federal Security Service (FSO) of the Russian Federation. A common version of the decoding of such a set of letters is the story once presented in the Autopilot magazine. According to her, wanting to add a new one to the AAA series already assigned to the FSO, the head of the service, Yuri Krapivin, turned to Boris Yeltsin, who was then president of the Russian Federation. Together they chose EKH as an abbreviation for Yeltsin+Krapivin=Good. The official decoding is considered to be "a single Kremlin economy." There is another option that has taken root among the people - "I eat as I want." Now this series can be seen infrequently.

EKH 99, EKH 97, EKH 177, SKA77 - Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

XKX77 - partly FSB autonomer, partly sold out.

SAS77 - not found now, once belonged to the FSB.

AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, COO77 - are typical for cars that are assigned to the Office of the President.

KOO77 - Constitutional Court, private traders.

AMP97 - the series was formed as a result of the struggle with a large number of special signals. These badge numbers were issued to vehicles that, regardless of ownership, retained the right to use blue lights (with the exception of the AAAFL). So, part of the series belongs to the FSB, part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and part to other structures, for example, the presidential administration.

AKP177, WKR177, EKR177, KKR177 were also issued to those who fell under the abolition of the use of blue car flashers. Of the last two episodes, probably something went to private traders.

EP177 - about 300 numbers served as a replacement for the "flag" of the State Duma. Popular decoding - "United Russia is coming."

OOO77, 99, 97, 177, 199 - now mostly private traders and merchants.

CCC77 - the series distinguishes the cars of the Courier Service, the Special Communications Center, the Ministry of Communications and structures "close" to them, and can also be used on personal vehicles. The popularly known decoding of such thieves numbers is “three Seeds”.

CCC99 - predominantly private traders.

CCC97 - GVCs and private.

MMM77, 99 - now - private traders, before the appearance of blue car numbers - the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

AAA77, 99, 97, 177, 199 - now with a high probability of private traders.

XXX99 - private traders, FSB.

KKK99 - private traders.

ННН99 - may be with tax police, STC, private traders.

Other identical letters are just "beautiful" license plates. Decryption can be done by yourself.

AMM77 - a series for personal auto and service authorities of the traffic police in the capital, previously intended for vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

*MM77 - used by the Moscow police before blue license plates appeared.

AMP77 - previously only cars of the Central Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and now private cars of the leadership and ordinary citizens.

KMP77 - simple thieves numbers.

MMP77 - private traders, a little FSB.

PMP77 - the series corresponds to the cars of the Ministry of Justice.

TMP77 - vehicles of the Department for Ensuring Law Enforcement in closed territories and sensitive facilities, including cosmonauts and private traders, that are not available in the base.

AMO77 - Moscow administration, private traders. Initially, these license plates had one more feature: there was no tricolor, and the letters rus were voluminous.

AMO99, 97 - thieves private traders, including those directly related to the Moscow administration.

NAA99, TAA99, CAA99, XAA99 - "closed" in the databases of the series (POPIZ - upon written request).

EPE177 - deputies of the Federal Assembly, private traders (popular decoding - "United Russia Is Going").

SKO199 - Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

The same letters and numbers 177 are thieves, extremely common near the building of the State traffic inspectorate on Sadovaya-Samotechnaya.

Any "round" numbers, especially the first tens with two zeros at the beginning (001-009) or at the end (100, 200, ..., 900), with three identical numbers (111, 222, ..., 999), the most prestigious thieves combinations - 77777 or 99999, which have all the same digits, including the region code.


AAA54 - the first hundred numbers belong to the presidential envoy, then - thieves.

ННН54 - cars of the city hall of Novosibirsk, the administration of the Novosibirsk region and the regional council. Among the townspeople, a popular decoding is "Do not touch the Novosibirsk Administration." Interestingly, the armored cars of one of the commercial banks also use NNN numbers, but Kemerovo ones.

ASK54 - FSB in the Novosibirsk region, after the 200th - thieves.

ANO54 - old series for the administration of the Novosibirsk region (used before the introduction of "NNN").

РРР54 МОР54 - "Morozov" numbers, such a decoding is associated with their introduction by the former head of the UGIBDD, Peter Morozov.

НСО54 - thieves "Yakovlevskaya" series, got its name thanks to former boss UGIBDD Vitaly Yakovlev.

MPO54 - When it was forbidden to use the letter D in the license plate series, the old MVD54 was replaced. With the advent of the head of the UGIBDD, S.V. Shtelmakh was again replaced. The following decoding dominated among the people: "The cops Disappointed, It's a shame."

OOM54 - special series of the head of the UGIBDD S. V. Shtelmakh.

MVU54 - numbers of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the NSO.

VVV54 - a series of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Novosibirsk region.

UVU54 - used by the police department and traffic police.

UVO54 - Department of private security at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the NSO.

Other series of numbers with flashing lights

VMR - government, private individuals, banks.

EEE - private individuals who have blat in the traffic police. It doesn’t even need to be deciphered, judging by the letters, the owners are satisfied.

KKH - FSB, FSO, etc.

KMM - firefighters and thieves.

OMR - the government, banks, selected private traders.

SMM - police and part of the connection (SMM is usually deciphered as social media marketing, well, maybe one of them really works there).

SSS - FSO, FSB, government, private individuals who have blat in the traffic police.

UMR - the government and private traders by pull.

UUU - exclusively thieves.

Deciphering thieves' license plates will help you understand a little better what is happening on the road. Take advantage of the opportunity to re-register a car with the preservation of numbers, if you do not want to part with your license plate when changing cars.

State car numbers contain a lot of information about the vehicle and its owner. Essentially pierce the GRZ using modern technologies, presents no great difficulty.

But we are only talking about signs belonging to ordinary people. Difficult ones prefer to put thieves' numbers on cars. Why and for what - we understand!

Most registration car signs in the Russian Federation are standard and are determined by GOSTs. They are deciphered quite simply, and this information is available to everyone. A series of car numbers consists of 3 letters and 3 numbers, on the right side of the sign is the flag of the Russian Federation, an alphabetic code, as well as the code of the region where the car was registered.

Drivers, when registering their car, rarely think about how many letters are used in the license plate, and why. For GRZ, 12 Cyrillic letters are used, having same spelling in the Latin alphabet: A, B, E, K, M, H, O, R, C, T, U and X.

Signs are now being made of aluminum, which has replaced Soviet-style steel state signs. Also, a reflective film is used for production, which allows you to clearly see the sign in the dark.

At the beginning of the 90s, the codes of the regions were not encrypted as they are now: each region was assigned its own serial number from 1 to 89, but with an increase in the number of transport, there were not enough signs. In this regard, in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, additional codes began to be introduced at the GRP, and subsequently switched to three-digit numbers. So, Moscow uses codes 77, 99, 97, 177, 199, 197, 777, 799.

If you see a car with the code 50, 90, 190, this means that the car is registered in the Moscow region. Each vehicle is registered in the general database of the traffic police and, knowing the codes of the regions, you can decipher the state number of the car, understand where this or that driver came from.

Be careful with these.

Since 2015, thanks to the introduction of the ability to save license plates, transit numbers have practically gone out of circulation. They are used exclusively for cars that are exported abroad.

But everything is different in a series of transport numbers belonging to various government agencies and organizations. Also, such license plates are also used by individuals who have blat in the traffic police, as well as blue state signs of cars that have fallen into the bases of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. How they are deciphered, what the XP series means and much more, read on.

Who better not to butt on the road

In Russia there is such a bitter joke: "Before the law, everyone is equal, but some are more equal." Likewise on the road. Cars of deputies, officials of all ranks, internal services, other federal structures, as well as the Presidential Administration - they all have a number of advantages, and therefore on the road too.

We offer you a table of how to decipher state numbers cars of the highest ranks of power, what letters on them will tell you to stay away from these vehicles.

Series Decryption
ECX99, ECX97 Vehicles belong to the Federal Security Service.
HKH77 Partially owned by the FSB, the rest were sold to individuals.
AMP97 Cars that previously had flag numbers other than AAA FL. They belong to the Government of the Russian Federation, the Presidential Administration, including private GRZ of the first persons and their attendants.
AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, COO77, CCC77, Vehicles of motor transport or courier service, the Ministry of Communications - their vehicles are equipped with beacons. There are no advantages on the road.
KOO77 Partly from the employees of the Constitutional Court, partly from private individuals.
AKP177, WKP177, EKR177, KKP177, MP77, VMP77, KMP77, MMP77, OMP77, TMP77, AMM77 Former blue numbers, partially sold to citizens who have connections with the State traffic inspectorate.
PMP77 A series of vehicles belonging to the Ministry of Justice, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the prosecutor's office and other departments with immunity.
AMO77 Moscow City Hall employees
NAA99, TAA99, CAA99, XAA99 Company car series, access to information only upon written request.
AMM99 Partly at the deputies of the Moscow City Council.
CCC99 The cars belong to the tax police, customs and security agencies.
EP177 TS of party deputies "United Russia". Unofficially stands for "United Russia Goes".

It is noteworthy that many of these thieves' numbers are used by private individuals, including cars with AMP series numbers that have immunity on the road.


It is very important for any driver to know who is next to you on the road, and no matter how sad it may be, it is better not to run into people from the highest echelons of power.

Car registration plates with similar series are not issued to everyone, but only to people of a certain level. When you get into an accident with such a car, you should be very careful, because the owner may have a cronyism in the traffic police, and you may be charged with guilt when you have not violated anything.

Take care of yourself and be careful!

The rules for operating a car require the owner to legally register the vehicle with the traffic police and receive plates with state numbers. Any driving of a car that does not have or does not read license plates entails administrative liability. Alphanumeric designations on car plates, at times, attract attention with the peculiarity of the combination, making you wonder what the letters on the numbers of Russian cars mean.

The meaning of license plates on a car

The registration number allows you to identify the vehicle and establish its belonging to one or another owner. From the car number, if desired, you can find out the owner, region of registration and status.

It's no secret that when getting brand new numbers, motorists would like the combination to be easy to remember and aesthetically pleasing. A beautiful combination, at times, becomes a serious goal for some drivers, since the owner of the car believes that such a number contributes to an increase in the status of a person, speaks of his well-being and weight in society.

Attention is paid not only to the numbers in the combination, but also to the letters accompanying the three-digit number. Each person has his own preferences and tastes, allowing you to remember state signs based on numbers or letters.

IMPORTANT! The standard state sign attached to the car contains three letters of the Russian alphabet and Arabic numerals.

Until recently, according to the numbers placed after the three-digit number, it was possible to judge the region of the predominant use of the car, or, at least, the region of registration of property rights in the traffic police database. After the introduction of changes in the legislation, changing the number when transferring ownership is not required, which allowed motorists from the regions to purchase cars with metropolitan numbers and vice versa. Thus, on the basis last day in combination, it is impossible to judge where a particular car came from.

The letter combination is of no less interest, since its combination, at times, is quite eloquent - many townspeople meet cars on the streets with numbers that contain the letters "HAM" or "THEFF", other variations are more or less harmonious. Even combinations in which there are doubts about their correctness are in the zone of increased interest of real “hunters” for interesting numbers.

For ordinary citizens and representatives of the law, the information on the car plate, first of all, allows you to identify the owner or identify the vehicle if it was involved in any offenses.

Requirements for state numbers

The rules for operating a vehicle strictly fix the requirements for signs placed in front and behind the car body:

  1. Number readability. If it is impossible to read at least one character, it will be difficult to find out the name of the owner, as well as issue a fine. Many unscrupulous motorists, anticipating in advance the possibility of being prosecuted for an offense, cover up, close, make it impossible to read the license plate, hoping thereby to avoid punishment.
  2. The place of installation of the plate is also strictly defined. This is the front and rear of the body, on a specially designated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bumper and a special substrate. The SDA clearly describes the installation procedure and the period allotted for attaching the plate to the machine. If the accommodation performance is in violation, the driver will also be fined.
  3. The operation of a machine with inverted numbers is also prohibited.

The combination on the plate is conventionally divided into the following parts:

  • the left contains one letter;
  • followed by a three-digit number;
  • close the two remaining digits.

However, this is not full information marked on the plate. In addition to a unique number, as a rule, the number of the region, represented in the regions by a two-digit number, and in megacities - by a number of 2-3 characters, traditionally matters.

Intending to get a number, the three letters of which can be added to any desired word, many will be disappointed. Not all letters are used when assigning state signs.

IMPORTANT! From the Russian alphabet, only those letters are selected for use that are similar to the Latin alphabet in sound and spelling. The list of 12 letters included the following: A, B, E, K, M, H, O, R, C, T, U, X. C

All Russian cars have plates that also indicate that the car belongs to the Russian state, i.e. abbreviation in the form of "RUS" and a flag.

How the numbers differ

In addition to the standard design, there are other variations using "colored" numbers. Their presence on a plate with state signs can mean:

  • the presence of any privilege from the owner;
  • registration of the vehicle to the state body.

Below is information on how the machine belongs to any structure, based on the color used on the plate:

  1. The red color of the signs means that the vehicle is owned by a foreign trade mission or diplomatic service. Letters on the number will allow you to more accurately determine to whom the remedy is registered: “D” - diplomatic mission, “CD” - ambassador, consul, “T” - trade mission. To find out which state this or that structure belongs to, the number in front of the letter designation will allow.
  2. If used Blue colour on the plate, then the car belongs to law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police service.
  3. Black plates can be found on vehicles used by the armed forces. In addition to vehicles of military units, there are similar plates on vehicles belonging to the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Security Service, and the Ministry of Defense. The structure of the number resembles the usual signs of state registration, however, instead of the code with the region at the place of initial registration, indicate the designations of military districts or military departments.
  4. The most popular are white plates installed when registering a car in the traffic police database. If the letter T is indicated in addition to the main number, this means that the vehicle is being transported for operation abroad.

There are many other differences that allow you to identify cars that belong to authorities and senior government officials. Among various kinds special characters, you can note the combinations that are considered thieves:

  • the EKX97 series, owned by the FSO and other equivalent agencies with immunity;
  • the XKX77 series often means belonging to the FSB structure or being owned by a wealthy person, since some part of this series was sold to persons who wanted to have a status number;
  • AOO77, MOO77, BOO77, COO77 series is used on machines belonging to the Office of the President.

There are many numbers, the mere possession of which will mean that a person is moving in a car high level close to power. Popularly referred to as "thieves" numbers may have the following series:

  • *KR177, where instead of an asterisk there is one of the letters A, E, K, B, they mean belonging to persons of special importance (in addition, earlier the owners of such cars were also given plates with a blue background);
  • the EP177 series can be found on vehicles owned by State Duma deputies;
  • the transition to the blue identification color of the plates made it possible to release some of the numbers that previously belonged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (these are the *MP77 series, where instead of an asterisk there is one of the following letters: A, K, B, O, M, T, U). The vast majority of the numbers already belong to private individuals, however, some cars still retain the plates in this series;
  • employees of the prosecutor's office move on official vehicles with a series of PMP77;
  • the Moscow mayor's office has cars with the AMO77 series.

Since, in certain circumstances, individuals have the opportunity to purchase numbers that imply a special status and the possibility of immunity, many try to acquire them not only to demonstrate their position in society, but also to make it easier to move around in the face of frequent bans, restrictions on movement around the city. Since many services with special numbers have immunity, it is easier for owners of cars with similar signs to resolve issues with the traffic police inspector.

The “thieves” signs include the NAA99, SAA99, TAA99 and XAA99 series, however, such a series was distributed not only among representatives of the FSB or research institutes, but also among ordinary citizens who were not among the privileged employees. You can guess that installing a plate with a similar alphanumeric combination must have cost the car owner quite a lot.

On the video about car numbers

Beautiful numbers

In addition to the status series, among motorists, state signs are in high demand, on which there are 777, with two zeros, or mirror combinations such as 101, 303, etc. Of the letter preferences, numbers are of interest where all three letters are the same - for example, TTT, XXX, etc.

Features of acquiring a beautiful number

It’s almost impossible to get a status or beautiful number just like that. The minimum prices for them start from 3 thousand rubles. However, in individual cases prices reach several hundred thousand rubles. You can find advertisements for the sale of beautiful numbers on specialized Internet resources, which provide information about the number and the conditions for making a purchase (through the purchase of another car with these numbers, or through the sale of your own with the further assignment of beautiful numbers by the new owner and the final “sale” of the vehicle back to the buyer ).

The acquisition procedure is quite complicated and requires maximum attention, since it will require you to conduct sales transactions for a car with this number. An alternative option is to have good connections in the relevant structures in order to get a status plate.

Some motorists receive easy-to-remember numbers that match in number or letter designation with some specific events in their lives, personal information, etc. However, in most cases, getting a “successful” combination is a matter of chance.
