The Quatro soloists met at the end of the earth. Quatro soloists met at the edge of the earth Quatro group Leonid Ovrutsky instagram

Then Leonid Ovrutsky, Anton Sergeev, Denis Vertunov and Anton Boglevsky were expected to win the Five Star competition in Sochi, and then endless tours and performances. Today they are permanent participants of the City Days, official receptions of the President of Russia, and governor's balls. Producer projects "Quatro" Eternal city– Eternal Music”, “Grandchildren to Veterans” and the classic show “Non Boring Opera” are supported at the state level. And after the traditional March concert in the Kremlin, I found out that the band members are celebrating their anniversary - 25 years on stage (the guys started singing from the first grade)! And then others opened incredible facts from the life of the four.

in the program of the annual charity concert before Bolshoi Theater"Quatro" necessarily adds a special number - the performance of the Boys' Choir from the Academy choral art. The graduates of this educational institution themselves, Leonid, Anton, Denis and Anton, recall how they fled to the rehearsals of Viktor Sergeevich Popov, the founder of the Bolshoi children's choir. The competition for the team was huge - 15 people per place. With special pleasure, the guys performed such hits in the BDH as “The Dog Is Missing” and “A Coward Doesn't Play Hockey”.

The first listener of the vociferous four (the group did not yet have a name) was the janitor, who, taking pity on young talents, at night opened them for rehearsals children's class. The guys did not plan to unite in a quartet. Each pursued his own career: opera art, symphony conducting, motorsport, one of the participants wanted to go to the monastery. But the dream of a professional stage took over. And years later, Quatro entered the most prestigious venues in the country and the world. Even the audience at the Royal Albert Hall in London applauded them.

Having learned that their pupils were going to perform not only the classics, but also pop hits, the teachers first obstructed them, but when they saw how seriously the boys take their work, they changed their attitude.

Once, in their senior year, the four almost got expelled. Leonid Ovrutsky says: “We were invited to France for a famous music Festival in the city of Colmar. We knew how much Vladimir Spivakov did for the prestige of this festival, so upon arrival we decided to start rehearsing right on the central square. There are many restaurants, street musicians, the atmosphere for creativity is the most inviting. After several songs, a dense crowd of tourists surrounded us, coins fell on the asphalt, but suddenly we notice that our director, although he shouts “Bravo!” along with everyone else, gives us strange signs. It turned out that Vladimir Spivakov was sitting and having lunch ten meters away, and in the company of our rector Viktor Popov. On stiff legs, we approached, said hello, but it did not help. Viktor Sergeevich said that we are a disgrace educational institution And we don't get diplomas. Only in Moscow did he change his anger to mercy, and we were restored.”

At the beginning of their career, in order to be noticed, they tried to take part in all competitions. In "The Secret of Success" Valery Meladze invited the members of the group to be backing vocalists, and after the qualifying round " new wave The jury members gave them a standing ovation. Further, however, the quartet did not go through, the judges explained that if the guys were allowed to reach the final, they would have no one to compete with.

When Anton Sergeyev had a daughter, she became the first child in Quatro (today in their kindergarten"Already three), - the guys, in joy, were in such a hurry from the concert to the hospital that they crashed into each other along the way. The first tour took place in Italy, where they arrived with suitcases full of canned food. There was no talk of a fee then, but the guys were able to record a start-up album with the per diem allowance.

Leonid Ovrutsky - soloist of the Moscow vocal group"QUATRO", in which four graduates of the Academy of Choral Art named after. A. V. Sveshnikova. It was formed in 2003 and rose to prominence in 2008 when it won first place in the Five Stars competition. A year later, the young team participated in qualifying round candidates for "Eurovision -2009" and entered the top three. The producer and composer of "QUATRO" is Leonid. He enjoys the great interest of fans who would very much like to know if Leonid Ovrutsky has a wife.

All four of them graduated from the Academy with honors and organized their group in such a way that their voices fill the full range of sounds and allow them to sing a work of almost any complexity. Leonid Ovrutsky has a baritone, Anton Sergeev and Anton Boglevsky have a tenor, Denis Vertunov has a bass. In the performance of this unique group, both classics, and romances, and modern hits, and an author's song are equally good at hearing - the impossible does not exist for them.

Concerts of "QUATRO" captivate listeners and especially women. All the fair sex from 12 to 80 years old instantly fall in love with these young men. Such popularity can not only flatter, but also annoy. Only known for sure Family status Anton Sergeev: he has a little daughter, and of course, a wife. There are rumors that Anton Boglevsky is also not free, but his girlfriend or wife is not openly discussed. Denis and Leonid do not advertise their hobbies.

Once Ovrutsky let slip that falling in love helps him both sing and live, and when asked what kind of girls he likes, he jokingly recalled the case of two sexy-dressed beauties who almost disrupted their concert with their seductive appearance. Declared by online magazine "Marie Claire" one of the most eligible suitors of 2016, Leonid has a very clear idea of ​​​​who could become his girlfriend: "I know for sure that we will find each other and immediately understand it."

The future wife of Leonid Ovrutsky, according to his ideas, should be wise and able, without encroaching on his freedom, to free them from the routine and chaos of everyday life. Become not its faceless shadow, but its continuation, having its own personality and opinion. No matter how his beloved looks, the main thing that he will focus on in their union is the spiritual and moral fusion of two people who are ready to understand and take care of their soul mate. This is how, approximately, the minimum program looks like for lovers in love and those who want to try their luck.

Pictures from the tour and everyday life of Leonid Ovrutsky on Instagram invariably collect likes, but subscribers are especially looking forward to new videos. Expressive episodes of concerts, home tests on the piano, charity performances - his soft baritone always resonates with listeners.


The full name of the musician is Leonid Igorevich Ovrutsky, and on Instagram, followers often refer to him by his first name and patronymic, despite the young age of the performer (he was born in 1982). Leonid's family is inextricably linked with music, and this determined his future. From the age of six he began to study music, professional education received at the Moscow Academy of Choral Art.

While studying at the academy, he founded the Kvatro team with three more students. It was not possible to form a permanent line-up immediately - vocalists with a low singing voice did not stay in the group, there was even an attempt to replace the voice musical instrument double bass. It was assumed that the instrument would perform only a harmonic function, but the idea was not successful. In 2003, Denis Vertunov joined the band, and the musicians consider this date the official moment of the band's birth.

In 2008, the victory in the contest “Five Stars. Intervision ”brings the team wide fame.

It is no coincidence that Leonid Ovrutsky's Instagram page has the prefix "quatro" @kvatromusic - he is a producer, composer and leader of this group. He makes costumes concert programs and tour schedules. And although Leonid sometimes writes music, he himself positions himself as a "person of the performing arts", it is important for him to find his work, to find the right interpretation.

Their discography includes six studio albums, the seventh is being prepared for release.

News on Instagram

It is not difficult to follow the Kvatro tour: Leonid Ovrutsky uploads photos from concerts on Instagram, shares videos new program, often asks subscribers what they would like to hear in his performance.

On September 9, in honor of the birthday of the city of the capital, he presented on his Instagram page new song"You are my Moscow." Poems were written by Nikolai Zinoviev, Ovrutsky became the author of the music. The composition gathered warm comments from the followers, and the musicians promised to include the song in the new concert program.

You must be born in a musical family creative person, this rule can be attributed to the hero of our article. Leonid Ovrutsky is an iconic figure modern stage, his strong voice, like thunder, spreads from the stage and wins the hearts of the listeners. Classical music combines intellect and spirituality, and when music sounds from the lips of a beautiful young man, then an unprecedented effect is achieved. His voice enlivens and adds passion to classical works.

Childhood and youth

Leonid Ovrutsky is the golden voice of Russia, a baritone, and currently a member of popular group Quattro. In addition, he is considered the organizer of major events. Any step he takes cultural sphere can be compared to art. Height - 183 centimeters, and weight - 72 kilograms. The biography of a young man did not develop as smoothly as it seems.

In Leningrad 1982 in life young musician Two miraculous events happened to Igor Ovrutsky, he successfully graduated from the Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory, and he also had a healthy son. Leonid was born in the family of a musician and a pianist student on August 8, 1982. Father Igor and mother Elena were very happy about the addition to their family, at that time they lived in Moscow.

WITH Greek the name Leonid is translated as "like a lion", he was born under the sign of this impressive predator. It was not for nothing that a piece of the proud king of beasts was born in the soul of a young man. From the very early years those around noticed the increased curiosity and talent of the future musician. At the moment, Leonid says that the increased interest was expressed in the acquaintance of the language with iron in the cold.

The musical family did not think long about which way to let their baby go and with young years began to teach him to love notes. From the age of 6, he began to actively learn the basics of playing the piano, sing in a choir and practice vocals. A year later, the boy was admitted to the Sveshnikov Academy of Music (now Popov). During his studies, he showed himself to be an interested and successful student. At the age of nine, he first went to conquer big stage on tour, he was accompanied by his parents, and the list of cities included foreign countries. Thus began constant rehearsals and the development of skills, and life on the road tightly entered the life of a young talent.

Parents did not doubt the skills of their beloved son and tried to share their life experience. As a result, Leonid went through the entire Choir Academy with primary school before higher education and received a diploma with honors in the direction of classical vocal and conducting.

At one point in the life of a young man, a choice stood at the crossroads of fate. In the 10th grade, when he was 16 years old, he seriously thought about his further career. Leonid decided to give up music, the guy believed that classical singing will not bring sufficient earnings and is not very popular. He did not want to depend on his parents' wallet all his life. He wanted to enter the Russian State Plekhanov University in the direction economic activity and began to prepare for the entrance exams. But in preparation, he encountered difficulties, for himself, Leonid concluded that mathematics did not suit him. You need to do what you can, otherwise the time spent and the work of teachers would be useless. From that moment on, the young man decided to turn his classical repertoire into a modern and Fashionable style, breathe a spark into him and choose a path in which he is the absolute leader.

Leonid not only child in the family, he has a sister who actively studied languages ​​and linguistics. She is currently the head of big company France and lives in Paris.

In childhood, Leonid had a serious stage fright. When he was a boy, it was difficult for him to sing in front of an audience. The horror was so strong that standing in front of the audience the guy could not make a sound. The situation was similar in exams. The teachers were forced to put triples so that he would not be expelled. Lenya was seriously afraid that this curse would accompany him all his life. But Full time job contributed to the fight against fears. The musician shared a secret with us - the main thing is to perform in front of the public every day and preferably at least an hour. It was this victory that made him firmer and stronger.

Personal life of Leonid Ovrutsky

At the current time, Leonid is a bachelor and has not married, according to his Instagram posts, he likes this life. He never suffered from lack of attention, he is always surrounded by a large number of women. Does not belong to serious relationship. As he put it in an interview, the main thing in his life is music and women, only these two factors inspire him.

Most recently, in 2017, he was seen on the set of the Starfon program. Here he tried to find a bride for himself, but the attempt did not lead to a good ending. According to the singer, his girlfriend should be developed, smart and self-sufficient. There were no women with such criteria on the project. He is sure that in time he will find his only one. Prefers brunettes more than blondes, but is primarily versed in inner world chosen ones.

In his free time from creativity, he prefers active sports, holidays at sea or in complete silence, from the bustle of the tour. He enjoys skiing, surfing and boxing. Favorite season is autumn, and the country is Thailand.

Participation in "QUATRO"

Leonid Ovrutsky, two Anton and Denis decided to create their own separate project. They often stayed to rehearse after lessons at the music academy, which eventually rallied the guys so much that by the age of 20 they became best friends and co-workers.

In 2003, the Quatro music group was born. Leonid himself supervised its work directly, was its founder and was engaged in organizational activities. The repertoire of the young team included works by the classics Grieg, Bach, Chopin in the "A cappella" style, as well as soulful romances, poems and Soviet hits, songs.

They first received top marks in 2008 at vocal competition"5 Star Intervision" based on the First TV channel. According to the jury, they took first place, despite the fact that the competition was held among light music styles. The next day, the guys woke up famous, and a new degree of their popularity began. Tours are launched in Russia and in European countries.

In addition, Leonid maintains his YouTube channel and sings songs in a new style famous musicians. A prime example serves as a cover for the song "My Love" from Igor Talkov. This is a kind of tribute to the great artists.

Pages in social networks

Leonid is a modern user of Internet resources and his account can be found on platforms such as:

  • In contact with -

They appeared in my playlist relatively recently and quite by accident. It so happened that I don’t watch the TV programs in which they performed. She was not interested in concerts in my city. Somehow I heard from friends, but did not attach any importance.

It took me for corporate affairs to find two songs from war films. One is more cheerful, the other is more colorful. I settled on the hits "Smuglyanka" and "My Shore". I climbed in to look for what is generally there, except for the classic performance. Found "Smuglyanka" in their performance, I decided to quickly listen. Surprised. Somehow I didn’t imagine at all that this song could be performed well in this way - acapella. That is, there seems to be a bass guitar accompaniment, but, as it turned out, it was not played, but sung. Unfortunately, I did not find a video from the concert in good quality. But it's not the video that matters, it's the sound.

Later it turned out that this was not their only experiment. What is it like a proprietary chip. It was just great to listen to "There is only a moment", where only the piano sounds from real instruments. The rest is sung.

I popped in to see who they were. Only two albums were found in the Apple databases: " Soviet hits", where "My Shore" was found, and "Masterpieces of Russian Romance". I googled it. And again I was surprised. It turned out that the comrades are not old, but have been together for a long time. And for many years they somehow passed by not only with all these hits and romances (this is quite acceptable), but also with real classical arias... Yes, and what they just didn’t sing, and with whom they just didn’t sing.

The group worked on the same stage with Placido Domingo, Dmitri Hvorostovsky and Alessandro Safina. In London, in one of the most prestigious world halls, the Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences, a joint performance with Iosif Kobzon took place. In Russia, the soloists of the group were accepted by all the largest Russian concert venues.

Interview of Dmitry Hvorostovsky about the group "Quattro" and the famous Adagio Albioni in their joint performance Live recordings are again in poor sound quality. So like this:

The history of the group began in 2003, during which time the guys managed to win the hearts of the European public by performing compositions based on the works of Russian composers such as Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Borodin. At home, the group became famous in Sochi at the Five Stars Intervision competition in 2008, according to the results of which the guys took first place. And the team won nationwide recognition in the qualifying round of Eurovision 2009, entering the top three leaders of the national selection. Nalich went then.

This is how it works in our country: Bilan is a national star, and Quatro is inferior to Nalich.

What can you say? I think it's good that they didn't go to Eurovision. I don’t understand at all what professional vocalists of this level needed at this mossy competition? This is Bilan's level. This is how it works in our country: Bilan is a national star, and Quatro is inferior to Nalich. I have nothing against Nalich with all his "merry baburi", on the contrary, BUT... In terms of vocals, he is not even slightly competitive. This says a lot about the general level of culture and education in the country. By the way, just for reference - three of the quartet are younger than Peter Nalich and Dima Bilan.

Four voices, like four seasons. The sonorous tenor of Anton Sergeev is a sunny summer, the bewitching baritone of Leonid Ovrutsky is a velvety autumn, the deep bass of Denis Vertunov is an epic winter, the graceful tenor of Anton Boglevsky is a romantic spring.

Leonid Igorevich Ovrutsky (baritone) was born on August 08, 1982 in Moscow. Group leader. First on the left.

Anton Vladimirovich Sergeev (tenor) was born on November 02, 1983 in the city of Norilsk. Third from the left.

Denis Ivanovich Vertunov (bass) was born on July 05, 1977 in Moscow. First on the right.

Anton Nikolaevich Boglevsky (tenor) was born on October 08, 1983 in Moscow. Blond.

All four graduated from the Moscow Academy of Choral Art in the class choral conducting and classical vocals. All four - with honors.

Mario, I have not forgotten your wishes. Muslim Magomayev and the Quatro group:

Especially for Alexandra, a beautiful Romance to the verses of one of his favorite poets:

I always thought it was a female song. The guys were surprised. It turned out that it can be performed by men. At the evening dedicated to Innokenty Smoktunovsky.

For all the ladies Bells: lyrical performance famous song Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky.

For the founder of the blog, a very original performance of the same Song about the distant Motherland:

But I liked the guys too. And their pianist is also curly)

PySy. This is my first music post. Please do not judge strictly. I thought long and hard about who to write about. I decided to focus on the main inhabitants of this blog. I hope you enjoyed it.)
