In the silver group, the composition changed again. Silver group - composition, photos, clips, listen to songs

Recently, 25-year-old Daria Shanina left the SEREBRO group due to health problems. The producer of the group Maxim Fadeev announced about the group. Well-known artists claimed the place of the vocalist, including the ex-soloist of Ranetok Nyuta Baidavletova, the ex-soloist of the Brilliant Natalya Asmolova, and also Katya Li, who previously performed in HI-FI groups and Factory. According to rumors, even several participants in the reality show Dom-2 came to the casting. However, they failed to get a contract. The band's producer Maxim Fadeev announced the name new vocalist group - it was 22-year-old Ekaterina Kishchuk.

Ekaterina Kishchuk is a two-time Russian hip-hop champion. The girl is from Tula, where she graduated music school by class" choral singing”and the dance school of MGUKI. According to Katya, in 2015 she lived in Bangkok for four months, where she worked as a model. She then went to China for five months to "sort herself out".

Ekaterina was chosen by the fans of the team - an online vote took place on VKontakte, as a result of which she scored 43.1%.


By the way, during the casting was not without scandals. Some of the candidates attracted attention in unusual ways. So, a 19-year-old Muscovite threatened to "kill herself" if Maxim Fadeev did not appreciate her talent.

“A lot of applications come to the office mail, many of which do not meet the casting conditions. We consult with psychologists on how to proceed in this case. We will try to provide Yuliya with psychological support. First of all, we will contact her parents and decide together what to do, ”said the representatives of the producer.

Maxim Fadeev organized a nationwide online casting for the famous Russian group Serebro. And twice! Further, the selection of potential candidates was followed in a special show on YouTube. But neither the fans nor Fadeev himself were satisfied with the results of the final groups.

The new line-up of 2019 of the Silver group first appeared at a concert in honor of Valentine's Day, organized by the MUZ-TV channel. True, not all spectators liked the performance - the girls sang to the soundtrack.

So, the final three included the participants of the project. From the casting, Maxim selected 18-year-old Elizaveta Kornilova and 22-year-old Marianna Kochurova. The third soloist was the 22-year-old singer Irina Titova.

Elizaveta Kornilova

The youngest member SEREBRO groups Elizaveta Kornilova is the daughter of performer and composer Igor Kornilov. Igor is a songwriter for Alla Pugacheva, Kristina Orbakaite, Tatyana Ovsienko, Vadim Kazachenko and other stars. Lisa participated in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest.

Marianna Kochurova

Marianna, along with Lisa, participated in the online casting and went to the very end in the YouTube project. The girl is directly related to music - Marianna is studying at GITIS.

Irina Titova

For Irina, this is the first singing project - before the girl worked as a manicurist.

History of the pop trio

For many years, the Silver group has been on the music scene, the composition of the participants over the years, including in January 2018, has changed more than once. The names and surnames of the Serebro group, the biography of Serebro are always in demand by fans. Singers, whether a new soloist or past best members in the Silver group, have always won the hearts of millions of fans of their music.

The article will consider both the new Silver group, without the singers who have already become iconic personalities, and former team members of the collective who have been in a pop trio for more than a decade of history.

New era for the trio

Today, the Serebro group has a line-up of three girls. One guarded the team - Olga Seryabkina, but she will leave the team until 2019, she came in 2007 when creating a pop trio. The second - Katya Kishchuk, came in 2016 through the voting of fans on the Internet, in which she confidently won. The third, newest soloist, Tatyana Morgunova, came at the beginning of 2018 and also by means of voting, but the process was more complicated.

In the new line-up, the girls have already managed to release fresh songs, excellent videos and, of course, constantly tour the cities of both Russia and the world. new song became - "Chico Loco", a video was also released for the track.

Lineup biography

Producer Maxim Fadeev began to create the Silver group in 2006, and in 2007 the girls already gave full-fledged performances. The first soloists were Elena Temnikova, the former and best participant, according to the majority. Olga Seryabrina, who to this day is a member of the pop trio. And Marina Lizorkina, who unexpectedly and controversially left the team. Together they sang from 2007 to 2009.

Later Lizorkina was replaced by Anastasia Karpova, and these three existed for quite a long time from 2009 to 2013. But Karpova eventually got a ticket to leave the Silver, she was replaced by Daria Shashina and in this form the girls performed for only a year from 2013 to 2014, and then Lena Temnikova decided to leave, who was replaced by Polina Favorskaya.

The singers this time retained this composition from 2014 to 2016, when Shashina had to leave for health reasons. She was replaced by Ekaterina Kishchuk, and also for a short time the music played in this composition from 2016 until the end of December 2017, then Favorskaya decided to leave the band. The soloist of the Silver group Tanya Morgunova became a new member, who replaced her from the first days of 2018. In 2019, Olga Seryabkina will leave the trio, who will replace her is not yet known.

As a result, the Silver group is as follows:

  • Olya Seryabkina
  • Ekaterina Kishchuk
  • Tatyana Morgunova

History of musical success

During their successful years, the girls released three albums. The very first of the tracks from the 1st album - "Song # 1" blew up not only Russia, but also the world. At Eurovision 2007, the song broke into 3rd place. Other tracks from it also became very popular at the time. From the 2nd album, one can single out the track - “Mama Lyuba”, which in Russia only the lazy did not listen to. From the 3rd album, quite a few hits also came out; the same track - “I won’t give you up” won the girl’s hearts on for a long time, and still it is often played on music services.

The song "Love Between Us", released in 2017 and especially the video, was a resounding success, which proved that the change of composition does not greatly affect the success of the Silver group in creativity. Max Fadeev carefully selects replacements. And in 2018, a track was released and, of course, a video for it - Chico loco, which was watched by nearly 2 million people in just 2 weeks! And this proves that the new Silver group is a huge success.

We will continue to expect creative experiments and success from the girls. It can be seen that the development of the producer and the participants does not stand still and let it be so in the future. I am very pleased with their constantly changing style and concept in the approach of making clips. The approach to writing tracks is always honed to perfection to match modern trend musical styles.

Their approach also commands respect at concerts, where they sing exclusively live, which undoubtedly distinguishes the singers from general plan. Success accompanies the Serebro group, but does not turn their heads, because the bar of their work is high year after year, which is proved by their success in the radio charts and on TV.

At the age of 33, Olga Seryabkina posted a photo on Instagram where she was in the form of a mulatto, the fans were delighted, comparing the image with Tyra Banks, the image of J. Lo seemed closer to the truth.

Polina Favorskaya, before leaving and in honor of her 26th birthday, threw a noble party, where Katya Kishchuk, who was then in London, was absent and congratulated the ex-participant in a video appeal.

Dasha Shashina has not had her last name for some time now, she recently married Ivan Chebanov, who participated in the Voice show and, therefore, the girl is now Daria Chebanova.

In the film “The Best Day”, Olya Seryabkina played one of the key roles and in the photo with the film crew she overdid it with the neckline, exposing her breasts almost completely, and her nipples were very clearly visible, but her fans were no strangers to this.

In 2017, the girls held an excellent live show program on Instagram.

Over the years, the singer in the trio Olga Serebkina received more than one professional injury: she broke her teeth on a microphone, lost her voice at more than one concert, twisted her legs, which led to operations on the ligaments, often stretched her muscles and even finished her jaw dislocation.

In 2017, the soloists starred for magazine Maxim in the form of brides, and the photo session came out very "hot", and one of the participants was completely naked. Guess who..?)

In 2018, the girls almost died in a plane crash, then they flew to Montenegro, but everything worked out.

Olya Seryabkina was in trouble this winter, during a performance a fan attacked the singer, pulling her leg on stage, but the guards quickly twisted him.

In one of the periods of changing participants in the Silver group, Maxim Fadeev wanted to make a duet out of the pop trio, but changed his mind. He also refused to take any participants from Dom-2 into the team.

There was a lot of scandal in the departure of Elena Temnikova, but it was not clear who was right. There were interviews from both sides, where each accused the other, but still this is a thing of the past, and we will leave it there.

For the period of 2017, Olga Seryabkina stated in an interview that she was not going to give birth in the near future. She plans to develop herself and reach new heights in her career as a singer.

Very interesting fact about Olga Seryabkina - she suffers from pediophobia (afraid of dolls).

On April 13, 2016, the name of the new member of the Serebro group became known. Winner specially organized competition became 22 years old Katya Kishchuk. The completion of the casting in favor of Daria was announced by the producer of the group Maxim Fadeev.

After leaving the group Serebro soloists Daria Shashina, an urgent casting was announced. Casting was carried out directly on the network. In place of the soloist in popular group Approximately 60 thousand participants applied. Of these, 10 applicants were selected. Everyone could take part in the voting. As a result, 50 thousand people cast their votes, of which 27 thousand were cast specifically for Kateryna Kishchuk. “This is a clear victory, one hundred percent. And it is very important for us that the audience chose together with us, ”the producer of the group commented on this event.

Little is known about the new member of the group. The girl is from Tula. It has musical education class "choral singing". She graduated from the dance school of MGUKI. Knows well English language. Katya Kishchuk is also a two-time Russian hip-hop champion! Maxim Fadeev himself, according to his confession, was pleased with the results of the vote. In the very near future Olga Seryabkina, Polina Favorskaya and Katya Kishchuk will start recording a new single called Chocolate.

Daria Shashina, now former soloist group Silver, left the team at the end of March. The reason for leaving was the congenital dysplasia of the knee joints discovered in the singer. This disease eliminates the ability to dance, stand in high heels and experience heavy stress on the legs. For this reason, she had to leave the group, but Maxim Fadeev said that if Daria Shashina decides to return, he will gladly accept the singer back.

Katya Kishchuk at the casting video

The new soloist of the Silver group Katya Kishchuk photo

As a result of voting on the Vkontakte social network, 22-year-old Katya Kishchuk won by a wide margin. New soloist SEREBRO team comes from Tula. She graduated from a music school there in the class of "choral singing" and a dance school at MGUKI, in addition, the girl is a two-time Russian hip-hop champion.

According to Katya, in 2015 she lived in Bangkok for four months, where she worked as a model for local clothing brands. She then went to China for five months to "sort herself out."

Recall that after the announcement of the departure from the group of Daria Shashina due to illness, Maxim Fadeev, together with the LifeNews TV channel, announced an urgent online casting. The girls sent their video presentations through the LifeCorr application, after which Fadeev selected 10 finalists. And the winner was chosen by Vkontakte users.

According to Fadeev, he received tens of thousands of videos from those who wanted to join the group. On the air of LifeNews, he admitted that he was preparing to create a new musical project. Therefore, those who did not pass the selection can get a new chance.

- I can immediately reassure some of the participants, we are going to make a new female group with four participants. So don’t worry those who didn’t win,” said the producer.

- This is a clear victory, one hundred percent. And it is very important for us that the audience chose with us, - said the producer.

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For the past 10 years, the Silver group has been pleasing fans with new, bright, non-standard tracks, which inexplicably become hits. Despite participating in Lately personnel reshuffles of "silver girls", the quality of their sounding does not worsen at all.

In 2006 famous singer, composer and producer opened a casting to create a new youth project. He chose the name easy and memorable - "Silver". After the completion of the selection, he took a risk, without prior advertising and the release of his debut track, to send unknown girls to conquer the top of the Eurovision international song contest.

In 2007, the first performance of Fadeev's wards took place on the Eurovision stage. The group "Silver" skillfully, with drive, performed the song "Song # 1", which took an honorable third place. This date is considered to be the official birthday of the project.

Members of the SEREBRO group on our website

The first composition of the project

Returning to their homeland, the girls instantly became popular. The first team included:,. Many fans have known the first participant since the time of the reality show "Star Factory", where Lena confidently reached the final. Since childhood, the girl was fond of music, so she saw her future only in show business. After graduating from school, the future singer wanted to enter theater university, but plans changed after the successfully passed casting in the "Star Factory".

Temnikova reached the final, losing first place. In the future, the ex-manufacturer toured the cities of Russia with other project participants. Later, Fadeev invited the girl to become a member of a new project, to which she, without hesitation, gave a positive answer.

Olga Seryabkina from childhood was fond of dancing, which was easy for her. The girl possessed plasticity and grace, which allowed her to receive the CMS category at the age of 17. Olga has higher education, she is a translator by profession, but she did not work in her profile.

In 2002, Seryabkina became a backing vocalist for ex-manufacturer Irakli Pirtskhalava. During one of the performances, she met Temnikova, who introduced her to Max Fadeev. The producer approved her candidacy for participation in the Silver group. But for a long time the difficult nature prevented Olga from establishing relationships with colleagues and teachers.

Then the passions in the team subsided, the girls became friends. Seryabkina became not only the soloist of the project, but also the author of some songs. She also writes lyrics for many domestic performers.

Marina Lizorkina got into the Silver group through Internet casting. WITH early childhood the girl attended a music school, then studied at pop faculty Institute contemporary art. Before her participation in the project, Marina sang in Ukrainian group"Formula". So Lizorkina became the third soloist of the "silver".

Beginning of the triumphal procession

After a successful performance in Helsinki, the "silver" began to actively record tracks. Following the single “Song # 1”, no less popular works were released: “Breathe”, “Whatsyourproblem?”. In 2007, the group, gaining popularity, got into the Debut of the Year nomination according to the MTV Russia Music Awards and ZDAwords.

At the beginning of 2008, a lyric was presented, emotional composition"Opium". It is worth noting that Max Fadeev himself became the director and producer of the video work. An English version of this track was later recorded. In December of the same year, the song “Tell me not to be silent” appeared on the radio broadcasts of domestic stations, which became the full leader of dozens of best singles countries.

At the next ceremony of the Russian version of MTV, the Silver band was recognized as " best group". In April 2009, the presentation of the debut disc "OpiumROZ" took place, which included all famous compositions team. The performance of the “silver girls”, which took place on Poklonnaya Hill, visited by more than 70,000 people, which was a clear confirmation of the popularity of girls.

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First changes

In the summer of 2009, the Silver project was left by Marina Lizorkina, who decided to devote herself to painting. She took her place, who has been fond of choreography and dancing since childhood. For some time, the girl was a member of the StreetJazz dance studio.

In the updated composition of the “silver girls”, they immediately recorded another hit “Sweet” or “LikeMaryVarner”, the author of which is Seryabkina. This track instantly hit the rating top charts, and the number of downloads, in the first few days after the release, was in the millions. The group received the third Golden Gramophone in 2009.

IN next year the team "Silver" got into five nominations international festival"OEVideoMusicAwards". The girl won in the category "Best International Video" for the work "Not Time". At the end of July 2011, the radio station Europa plus aired the release of the main hit of the group - "MamaLover". A little later, a Russian-language version of the track "Mama Lyuba" was recorded.

For the first week of rotation new clip viewed over 1,000,000 times on YouTube. In many European countries this composition took the lead on TV and radio charts. In May 2012, the Silvers went on a tour of Europe, within the framework of which they visited such countries as: Italy, France, Spain.

The premiere of the single "GUN" took place on the channel of the Mexican music label EGO. For 7 days of its rotation, the number of views exceeded the million mark. The Italians especially appreciated the work Russian group, making the track "GUN" platinum. The unofficial clip "SexyAss" fell in love with the Japanese. With a leading label in Japan, Fadeev signed a lucrative contract.

The second mega hit of the "Silver" project was the composition "Mimi", breaking all possible YouTube views records. Within a few months, their number exceeded 15 million. In September 2013, Anastasia Karpova made a statement at one of the concerts, announcing her departure from the band and the beginning of a solo career.

In November 2018, Olga Seryabkina on her Instagram said that the composition of the Silver group would completely change in 2019, Maxim Fadeev spent for the selection of the soloists of the group. As a result of selection in new composition the group included Irina Titova, Elizaveta Kornilova and Marianna Kochurova.

Fans criticized the new members of the group in many ways, but now they are at the very start of their career, perhaps with time the situation will change and they will feel the love of the audience.

Photo of the group at different times
