Guest performers are "fallow". Ukrainian stars earn money in Russia and sponsor ATO

Domestic and foreign show business today is one of the most discussed issues, along with sports topics and political intrigues. Public figures, movie stars and pop stars are always in front of a large audience and often create a lot of gossip around them. Show business news reveals all the secrets of the celebrity's personal life, their achievements and failures ... Celebrities, in their desire to emphasize an extraordinary image, are capable of the most insane acts. On the Internet, spicy photo shoots and video news of stars for "black" PR are often published. Famous personalities also not infrequently spread deliberately false information about yourself for extra attention from fans. On the leading all-Ukrainian portal, the site presents interesting news show business about your idols! From our reliable sources you will learn everything about show business in Russia: ratings and income popular artists, details about the concert activities of artists and reviews famous critics Moscow. Every day, we offer our users the latest news about Hollywood stars, interviews and official statements of popular people, as well as reviews of the latest films that have received world fame. If you want to be aware of all interesting facts, read the most truthful news of showbiz in Ukraine on the web resource site. We offer you glamorous celebrity news, details family life actors, producers, directors and musical performers. Read current articles on latest projects, award ceremonies and scandals involving stars on our information resource. See new photo reports from various cultural events taking place in our country and abroad.

Not a day goes by that some Russian artist or the whole team was not on the black list of those banned from entering Ukraine. In the conditions of unbridled competition, Ukrainian stars went into all serious trouble, changing shoes, as they say, in flight. More recently, a group "Screams of Vidoplyasov" almost carried on their hands in Russia, and today its leader Oleg Skripka proposes to create a ghetto for everyone who speaks Russian. “There is no money in the country,” one of the Ukrainian singers. “Therefore, there were no more opportunities to earn money. People don't go to concerts." Hiding behind "patriotic" slogans, Ukrainian show business, already small, began to shrink before our eyes in the struggle for a place in the sun. singer Tina Karol accused of frankly squeezing their more successful colleagues from the Ukrainian market through the hands of local radicals. Three sold-out concerts of the ex-participant " VIA Gra» Svetlana Loboda in different cities of Ukraine were thwarted by nationalists under the pretext that she was not patriotic enough, as she traveled to work in Russia. Ani Lorak And Taisiya Povaliy they were forced to move from Kyiv to Moscow altogether, since in their homeland they were finally hunted down for being “pro-Russian”.

It is surprising that the People's Artist of Ukraine Tina Karol, who is allegedly patronized by the oligarch, who is carrying out this "raider seizure" of the Ukrainian market, has Kolomoisky, Russian roots. She was born in the Magadan region and at birth was Tatyana Lieberman. Today, of all Ukrainian stars, only she can afford to give 4 concerts in a row in Kyiv, not particularly caring about whether tickets will be sold. When there are rich patrons, such trifles should not worry the star.

"Satisfied everyone"

You will not envy Ukrainian artists who do not have a pocket oligarch in their arsenal. They are forced to go to work in Russia, and at home, in a native Nenka, to participate in a pseudo-patriotic frenzy, so that, as a resident of Kiev puts it, Ivan Dorn, "no one stank." After all, those who "do not jump" are recorded as traitors and separatists. Ivan Dorn, by the way, was also born in Russia (in Chelyabinsk) and bore the surname Eremin, today a frequent guest in Russia, for which he gets a lot from Maidan activists. You have to maneuver. At the New Wave 2014 contest, which was held back in Jurmala, Ivan came out in a T-shirt with a trident, sang a song by the Ukrainian group Scriabin, shouting the phrase “Be gay!” ("Hey, let's be healthy!"). But, apparently, he did not convince the Ukrainian patriots. I had to "pay off". TV presenter Sergey Prytula wrote a post on the social network in which he explained to his compatriots why Dorn actually travels to Russia. The fees that Ivan earns in the “aggressor country”, he spends, among other things, on helping the fighters of the ATO zone, he simply does not brag about it. “For the money that Ivan Dorn gave me,” wrote Pritula (spelling saved. - Ed.), “In the fall I bought a jeep for the guys in the ATO, optics, helmets ... Big money and, importantly, in foreign currency. Everything was done “quietly”, because the schedule, when a person earns “there”, and helps “here”, satisfied everyone. Everyone except the “cheers-patriots”! Who, in friendly ranks, began to oppress Ivan in social networks ... "

What, the blogger-TV presenter asks, does a respected society want? For an artist to come on stage and shout something like “Farewell, unwashed Russia”? But if the artist gets rid of the tour, then the ATO will get rid of the sponsor. “Who will “close” the financial hole that is formed in his place? The one who sat on the couch in front of the monitor and poured buckets of criticism? .. ”When the information surfaced, Dorn had to get out. In an interview, he said that he gave money to help the victims in Mariupol, and the volunteer spent it on other purposes. Prytula, by the way, hinted that Ivan was not alone. And not one of them Vladimir Zelensky(acting in Russian comedies, a participant in the 95th Quarter show and donating his earned fees to the war against the DPR). There are many of those.

On music festival Cyclebilly in St. Petersburg on August 5 and 6 was supposed to perform Kyiv group"Hands in Trousers", whose leader Alexey Filippenkov does not hide his Nazi views. On his page on the Web, he reacted to tragic events in the Odessa House of Trade Unions on May 2, 2014: “I won’t tell you for the whole of Odessa, the whole of Odessa is very large, but both Moldovanka and Peresyp beat the Colorado potato beetle.” When there was a fuss in the press and it turned out that the group was also sponsoring punishers from the national battalions in the ATO zone, the tour of the people of Kiev in the city that had survived the blockade was canceled. And thank God. After all, there could be some, conditionally, “Zenith fans” who would not keep their hands in their trousers.

Ghetto for Russians

Leader of the Okean Elzy team Svyatoslav Vakarchuk openly supported European integration, speaking on the Euromaidan stage, and later collected 10 million hryvnias to help the punishers of the ATO. After that, the entry into Russia for the group, in fact, was closed. Sofia Rotaru also nearly fell victim to “retaliatory sanctions” when, on Ukraine’s Independence Day, a photo surfaced on the Web where the star and her family posed with the Ukrainian flag in their hands. The caption under the picture read: "Glory to Ukraine!" The singer's performances in Tomsk, Kemerovo and Khabarovsk were first canceled, but then they nevertheless took place. The artist had to make excuses, saying that she “didn’t mean anything like that”.

Most Ukrainian artists range from Vera Brezhneva, duet Potap And Nastya Kamensky to the group "Mushrooms" and smaller artists continue to earn money in Russia and abroad at Russian parties. The other day, a member of the board of directors of Neftetransservice Vadim Aminov and his wife Stella celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary in Portofino, Italy with a live performance Verka Serduchka, which back in 2007 said goodbye to us with the song "Russia, goodbye!". Russia, a kind soul, still displays openness and generosity and does not respond symmetrically. Is it right?

They are famous, loved by fans and successful - this is how they say about the stars of domestic show business, who are bathed in glory. Judge the degree of celebrity of one or another creative personality in our time, it is customary to judge by the level of her income and the number of fans who adore their "idol" and imitate him in every possible way. has already compiled ratings of Ukrainian artists in social networks such as Instagram and Facebook. It is the turn of the VKontakte online platform. There are no singers in the list who do not have official communities in this social network. The data was taken into account as of December 4, 2014.

1. Okean Elzy group

263,723 subscribers

Ukrainian rock band, which is well known not only in Ukraine, but all over the world. “Okean Elzy” is an expressive, selfless concert drive, a unique combination of true Slavic melody with powerful rock energy,” the band’s official website says. Recall that the group turned 20 this year, so Okean Elzy organized a grandiose concert tour.

2. Tina Karol

140 808 subscribers

An amazing singer with a strong voice who manages to do everything: record songs, shoot videos, travel to concerts in the cities of Ukraine, accept music awards, participate in the life of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, be a good mother to her son, record new albums and show the life of his family in the special film "The Power of Love and Voice".

3. Ivan Dorn

139 666 subscribers

new father and loving husband, former member group "Pair of Normals" (sang in a duet with Anna Dobrydneva). He first appeared on stage at the age of six at the festival " Golden autumn Slavutich. Now participates in the show "X-Factor" as a member of the jury.

4. "Valentin Strykalo"

121,934 subscribers

For the Ukrainian group "Valentin Strykalo" it all started with ironic video appeals to the stars of domestic show business and publishing them on the YouTube portal. The videos gained millions of views, and the popularity of the provincial guy "Valentina Strykalo from the village of Buriltsevo" was growing rapidly. Now the group is the continuation of a successful Internet meme.

5. Ani Lorak

105,630 subscribers

Carolina Kuek - People's Artist Ukraine. In 2008, she represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song Shady Lady and took second place. Winner of the Golden Gramophone, Singer of the Year, Golden Street Organ, Man of the Year, Song of the Year awards, as well as five golden discs.

6. Group "Boombox"

87 113 subscribers

The Boombox group recently released new song called "Come Out" and played European part tour "Boombox. 10 years". This funk, hip-hop and rock band performs mainly songs in Ukrainian, diluting them with English and Russian phrases.

7. Sergey Babkin

85 289 subscribers

Former member of 5'nizza. Now Wikipedia writes about him as musical artist, songwriter, actor and musician. In November of this year, shooting of the film began in Odessa, in which Sergei Babkin will play the role of famous director and screenwriter Alexander Dovzhenko.

8. Group "VIA Gra"

76,725 subscribers

The updated group of Konstantin Meladze "VIA Gra" consisting of Erica Herceg, Misha Romanova and Nastya Kozhevnikova has a large group of fans. Now the girls are very active creative activity. There is practically no time left for personal life.

9. Group "Time and glass"

73,073 subscribers

Wards of Potap. About the Positive and Nadezhda Dorofeeva, he says this: “The quick-tempered and restless Nadia, the charming and romantic Positive have a lot in common. They are sincerely in love with music, they write songs themselves and cannot imagine their life without concerts and filming. They work 24 hours a day - the guys are so ready to give all the best to achieve their goal.

10. Vera Brezhneva

68 850 subscribers

Former member of the VIA Gra group. Recognized as one of the most sexy women Ukraine. Solo career Vera Brezhneva began in May 2008, when a video for the song "I don't play" was released. The famous beauty is produced by Konstantin Meladze.

11. Group Quest Pistols

61 387 subscribers

Non-format and precedent project for Ukraine. The group's official website gives the following description" "Quest Pistols Show is a massive performance that combines digital innovation, the new sound of Quest Pistols in the format of contemporary dance music and choreography best dancers peace."

12. Group Kazaky

55 724 subscribers

These guys are in the dance-pop genre. They sing and dance in high heels. Constantly collect a full house, wherever they perform, although people have mixed opinions about this group. Nevertheless Kazaky is expected in many cities of Eastern Europe.

13. Pur group: Pur

55 451 subscribers

Pleasant to the ear compositions and even notes of relaxation are present in the work of Pur: Pur. The guys from Kharkov Nata Smirina, Evgeny Zhebko, Grigory Oleinik, Ivan Senyuk began to gain popularity in 2008. Now considered a fairly successful indie pop group.

14. The Hardkiss

54 343 subscribers

The Ukrainian English-speaking group was formed not so long ago - in 2011. Vocalist Yulia Sanina, being a journalist, meets Valeriy Bebko, the broadcast producer on the Ukrainian MTV, and begins to collaborate with him. Julia and Valery write songs that later become a repertoire bands The hardkiss.

43 943 subscribers

Beautiful and lonely Svetlana Loboda is an ex-member of the VIA Gra group. Like many of her colleagues in the trio, she embarked on a solo "swimming". In 2009, she became a participant from Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest. She performed with the song Be My Valentine and took 12th place with 76 points. In 2010, he officially renames his project to LOBODA.

16. Duet "Potap and Nastya"

43 879 subscribers

The Potap and Nastya group was formed in 2006. Resounding success the duet had the song “Not a Couple”, after which Alexey Potapenko and Nastya Kamensky reach the heights of the musical Olympus in Ukraine. Potap is producing other new artists, and Nastya often appears on the pages of glossy magazines.

17. Anna Sedokova

42 803 subscribers

Pop singer, TV presenter and actress Anna Sedokova is from Kyiv. She was a member of the "golden" composition of the group "VIA Gra". She married twice - for the ex-captain of Dynamo Kyiv Valentin Belkevich and businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. Has two children - Monika and Alina. In 2014, it became known that Anna Sedokova was dating dancer Sergei Gumanyuk.

18. Group Sunsay

36,785 subscribers

The Ukrainian fusion funk band SunSay is a project of the former leader and vocalist of the 5 "nizza band Andriy Sun Zaporozhets. Initially, the musicians performed songs from the third (unreleased) album of the 5" nizza group, but later the guys reached a new level. The debut album SunSay intertwined several musical styles- from reggae to funk.

19. Aida Nikolaychuk

35,342 subscribers

From a housewife - yes to a singer. It is known about Aida Nikolaychuk from Odessa that she became the winner of the second season of the X-Factor show. After winning a musical project, he goes under the wing of the record company Sony Music. At the end of May 2013, Aida Nikolaychuk presented her first single.

20. NIKITA Group

30 960 subscribers

Outrageous trio of producer Yuri Nikitin, created in 2008. Since 2012, Daria Astafieva, Anastasia Kumeiko and Yulia Brichkovskaya have been singing as part of the group. The team gained popularity thanks to provocative songs and video clips, as well as erotic photo shoots in which its members took part.

21. Group "not Angels"

24 620 subscribers

Another musical project Yuri Nikitin. This time a duet of permanent soloists - Slava (Olga Kuznetsova) and Vika (Ekaterina Smeyukha). In 2006, the Neangely group released their first album, Number One.

22. Group "Druha Rika"

23 807 subscribers

Initially musical group, which consisted of school friends, was called Second River. Especially for participation in the competition "Chervona Ruta", the guys renamed themselves "Drugu Rika". In 2000, the debut album "Ya є" was released, video clips for the songs "Let me in" and "There, de ti".

23. Group TIK

21,765 subscribers

There are four graduates of the Vinnitsa State University in the TIK group Pedagogical University. In 2005, they decided that music was not the most important thing in their lives. last place and founded the group. The TIK band is unlike any other Ukrainian group- violates musical style patterns and plays in the style of folk-rock, punk-rock, folk-punk, ska.
