So, on January 1, 2015, the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" came into force. In its development, a number of regulatory documents were adopted.
The last document is Guidelines on the organization of verification of compliance with the requirements for vehicles in operation in the event of changes in their design” was adopted on November 20, 2015.
In 2016, an order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is being prepared for publication, establishing the procedure for providing a public service for issuing a permit to make changes to the design of the vehicle and issuing a certificate of compliance of the vehicle with the changes made to its design with safety requirements.
What has fundamentally changed.
1. The installation of HBO has become a change in the design of the vehicle, which will require additional cash (10,000 -18,000 rubles) and time (a month or two) costs from the car owner.
2. Making changes to the design will require compliance with a red tape and a multi-stage procedure (an application to the traffic police, two examinations: before installation and after, technical inspection, etc.), as well as the preparation of a large number of documents.
3. The installation of HBO by non-certified centers is excluded, since when registering, the set of documents also includes an Application-Declaration of the service center.
4. It has been established that if changes are made to the design of the vehicle without the permission of the State Road Safety Inspectorate, then the operation of such vehicles is prohibited, respectively, violators face not only a fine, but also a parking fine.
5. Dismantling a legally installed and registered HBO is also a design change.
6. Forms 2a and 2b are not provided for by the new technical regulations (although these forms are still required both in the traffic police and during the examination). Instead, it is provided for obtaining an Application-Declaration of a certified center - at the stage of passing an examination and submitting documents to the traffic police and a Certificate of compliance of the vehicle design with changes made to its design with safety requirements, as well as making changes to the TCP and reissuing a vehicle registration certificate - after passing all registration procedures.
7. Periodic testing of gas-cylinder equipment is provided for (the frequency coincides with the frequency of certification of cylinders: LNG - 2 years, CNG - 5 years) with the issuance of a certificate in the prescribed form.
8. It is planned to issue a Certificate of Compliance of LPG equipment with changes made during its repair (replacement of a reducer and / or cylinder), the rules for issuing this certificate by certified centers have been approved.
9. A single form of a passport for a gas cylinder of a wheeled vehicle and the rules for issuing it have been approved. The passport is issued on a sheet of A4 format and for cylinders of all types and volumes.
10. The rules for filling out the form of a certificate of conformity of a vehicle with changes made to its design with safety requirements have been approved.
How will this affect motorists and other stakeholders?
(after the introduction public service and / or the “fas” command will be received)

For owners of cars with previously installed HBO.
Your choice:
1. Continue to take risks and drive without documents, or with existing old documents, hiding the VZU, cylinder at the posts, removing the cylinder, gearbox and nozzles during maintenance or registration actions and then putting them back. And then - act according to the situation.
2. Put the HBO in order, replace or inspect the cylinder, restore or redo the installation documents (installers do this, since the law does not prohibit installing used equipment) and, if necessary, try to prove to the traffic police that you installed everything legally, know nothing about the new rules. If they start to press hard, go for registration according to the new rules.
3. Remove HBO and abandon it and, accordingly, save money;
4. Remove the equipment and reinstall it according to the new rules (with expertise, etc.).
For car owners who plan to install HBO
1. Calculate if you drive a lot by car, and the additional registration costs (10,000-12,000 rubles) will relatively quickly be covered by the savings from switching to gas, then do not hesitate and arrange everything according to the new rules. This registration is made once for the entire life cycle of the vehicle.
2. If you travel a little and installation and registration of HBO can pay off only after a few years, then do not bother and do not install HBO.

For certified HBO installation centers
1. Be prepared for a temporary decrease in demand for the installation of HBO for economic reasons.
2. Expect an influx of customers to replace or inspect cylinders, restore documents, etc.
3. Be ready to assist clients in registering HBO under the new rules. The time is approaching when it will be illegal to install HBO without the permission of the traffic police (put on the application) and the conclusion of the preliminary examination.
For technical inspection operators
1. Be ready that control over the check by the operator of the technical inspection during the passage of maintenance of vehicles with LPG will be tightened - the presence and correctness of filling out documents for the examination of HBO and gas cylinders. Now, in pursuit of a client and for a reason great competition, technical inspection operators, with a few exceptions in certain major cities, practically this question is not checked.
For traffic police officers
1. Additional will appear. income, both during registration actions (turned a blind eye to the presence of HBO), and on the highway, especially at stationary posts, since “if changes are made to the design of the vehicle without the permission of the State Inspectorate for Road Safety, then the operation of such vehicles is prohibited.”
2. The load on the relevant departments of the traffic police will increase. Now the Certificate is issued by the traffic police of the subject of the federation, as a rule, one person is engaged. It is necessary either to increase the staff or transfer authority to the localities, to the district traffic police.
For insurance companies
1. An additional loophole will appear not to pay insurance in case of an accident (“You illegally made changes to the design, the operation of such vehicles is prohibited by law, and you violated the law and operated. And if you didn’t violate, didn’t drive illegally on such a vehicle, then there would be no an accident, and, consequently, an insured event). And the court will be on their side.
For stores selling HBO
1. The demand for the purchase of automobile cylinders and related components (mount, multivalve, etc.) will increase significantly.

The practice of traffic police in 2016. IN Samara region traffic police raids began. 02/03/2016 they stopped the car at the post, they checked the trunks of everyone in a row, they saw the cylinder - present the documents, he presents (installation in a certified center in Samara in October 2015, all new cylinder is new, passport, certificates, everything is as usual, they are for him - and where is the Certificate of conformity of the design of the vehicle with the changes made to its design to safety requirements, he - And what is it, they are a fine of 500 r and a requirement to prevent an administrative offense, in which: prohibition of operation - from 02/14/2016, 02/14/2016 g to submit a car to the traffic police, in case of failure to submit it, the registration will be canceled, if these requirements are not met, you may be fined from 500 to 1000 rubles, or arrested for up to 15 days!