Ganesha mantra to attract money and prosperity. Amazing Affirmation to Attract Wealth

Before we go directly to talking about the mantra for money and wealth, we suggest that you get to know God Ganesh. By Indian mythology, he is the god of wisdom, success and prosperity and helps those people who turn to him with pure and kind thoughts. He is depicted as complete man with the head of an elephant, next to which sits a dog or a mouse. God Genesha, according to legend, has 108 names, so if you want to get his favor, you need to contact him as often as possible. In this article, we will not voice full list names of this deity, but here are a few examples:

  • Ameyaya - loving;
  • Nirmalaya - pure;
  • Siddhasenaya - giving strength and power;
  • Shubhaya - merciful;
  • Vibhae - omnipresent;
  • Sindura Varadaya - wish fulfiller.

Genesha mantra to attract money

There is an opinion that the name of this one is not entirely correct, since money cannot be the goal itself, they are only a means to achieve it. But since this name is familiar to most people, we will not change it.

If you want to get rich, then start acting right now. First, be sure to use wealth mantras to attract money. Do not forget to mention the names of the god Ganesha as often as possible. Say your desire out loud regularly: career, salary increase, new job, a source of additional income, an increase in profits in your business, or talk about a specific amount. Then chant the mantra below.

It is also important to remember that the timing of the fulfillment of desires for each person is individual, so your positive attitude is so important. Also tune in to changes in your life - they will be sure.

The mantra for success and money is as follows:


The second version of the money-raising mantra is more complex:


Listening to or chanting this mantra will help you achieve your goals. A huge plus of this mantra is that it does not need to perform any specific actions. You can simply turn on the recording of this mantra, listen to it and go about your business at the same time. If you are reciting a mantra out loud, it is important to chant it. Gradually you will surely feel positive changes in your surroundings.

Following these simple rules, you will notice that you began to receive more money than you had before.

In Hinduism Ganesha - god of prosperity and wisdom. One of the most famous, revered and most interesting gods of the Hindu pantheon in the world. Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati.

Ganesha is depicted as a full man with the head of an elephant, next to which sits a mouse or a dog. It has one tusk and 2 to 32 arms, depending on its appearance.

According to one legend, his father god Shiva deprived him of his head. Ganesha did not let his father, inflamed with passion for his wife, into the chambers where she was. Then Shiva, in anger, deprived him of his head, throwing it so far that none of the messengers could find it.

The goddess was angry and refused to allow Shiva to come to her until he corrected the situation. In order to calm his wife, Shiva sewed on Ganesha the head of a nearby elephant.

According to another version, they forgot to invite the god Shani to Ganesha's birthday, and he, having appeared without an invitation, in anger incinerated the baby's head with his gaze. Then Brahma advised Shiva to sew on the baby the head of the first creature that he met. This creature turned out to be an elephant.

Chanted Ganesh mantras attract wealth, remove obstacles, etc., i.e. in fact, they are affirmations for changing life for the better.

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Mantra for money, wealth, prosperity

Ganesha mantra to attract money captivates with pleasant music and voice, and besides, it attracts money and wealth:

The text of the mantra Maha Ganapati Mool Mantra (performer Uma Mohan):

ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ग्लैं गणपतये वर वरद सर्वजनं मे वशमानय।। Om Shim Khrista Krym Klim Gamu Ganapatai Vara Varada Sarvajami Ma Majam Ana Moving तत्पुरुषाय वक्रतुण्डाय धीमहि।।।।।।।।। तन्नो दन्ती प्रचोदयात्। Tatpuruya Vidmae Vakratyanda Dhimakhi Tanni Prachoda एकदन्ताय विद्महे वक्रतुण्डाय धीमहि दन्ती प्रचोदयात्।।।।।।।।। EKADANTAYA VIDMAHE VAKRATUNDAYA DHIMAHI TANNO DANTHI PRACODAYAT OM SHANTIH SHANTIH SHANTIH

The mantra glorifies Ganesh, the god of abundance and prosperity, the giver of gifts, wealth, peace and tranquility.

Performs the sacred mantra in Sanskrit Uma Mohan, a famous Indian singer, musician, composer. Uma Mohan subtly conveys the mood and content of the text. Thanks to her extraordinary voice and a successful modern arrangement, the ancient sacred mantra sounds very bright and penetrating.

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Ways to attract money exist in every culture. In the East, according to tradition, special money mantras are used, with the help of which you can increase your level of material well-being.

A mantra is a phrase built in a special way, considered sacred and aimed at harmony with the world or with some particular area of ​​life.

Considered the most efficient. It is a prayer-appeal to the god Ganesha to attract wealth and prosperity. God Ganesha is considered the deity of wisdom, abundance and prosperity. This God of Wealth is the patron of business and removes obstacles and obstacles to success.

He is depicted as a many-armed deity with the head of an elephant and one tusk, and therefore his appearance at first sight may not please. squat full body does not quite fit with the head of the animal. But Ganesha is depicted in this way, because he is the patron of people with a subtle mind, who understand that appearances can be deceiving. And those who are unable to see the divine in the god Ganesha become victims of logic and rational mind, thereby creating an obstacle for themselves on the path of their prosperity and spiritual development. Ganesha must be felt, and not just looked at his appearance.

Before you start reciting a mantra, you need to listen to it and memorize it many times. You need to hear the correct sound of its sounds, feel its magic and power. So first take some time to listen and memorize the mantra, and then start reciting it.

Ganesha mantra to attract money:



There is a video at the end of the article, I advise you to listen to the correct sound of the mantra. In addition to a prayer appeal to the god Ganesh, you can purchase his figurine. There is an opinion that the larger it is, the more money will be. But this is, after all, up to each individual. The figurine can be made from different materials: stones, bronze, copper, wood, ordinary plastic or ceramics.

I think that it is not so important what size or what material the figurine will be, the main thing is to respect Ganesha and thank him.

Additionally, to enhance his help, you can scratch his right palm or tummy. You can put sweets or Chinese coins next to the figurine, since Ganesha, like all deities, loves very much when he is pleased with offerings and gratitude.

Now listen to the mantra, delve into it, memorize it and prosper! Also, to open your money channel at the energy level, you can use.

Ganesha mantra to attract money

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Most of the sacred hymns, we call them mantras, were written in Sanskrit. There are also written in Tibetan. We have already said that mantras are different. But financial mantras are special variety these works. They are small enough.

They differ from health mantras, for example, in that financial hymns do not have to be repeated exactly. Nothing bad will happen if you say a synonym for a few words. She won't stop doing this. Ideally, the financial mantra (like others) should be received from your guru (Indian teacher). Naturally, for many this is from the realm of fantasy. Of course, you should not read a dozen of them on the principle that the more the better. You must choose one. Trust your intuition and work regularly.

To begin with, we recommend listening to the mantra of your choice, recorded on audio media. How much time you spend on this depends on your memory. Proceed from how much you yourself can repeat it without a hint. The most famous financial anthem is Ganesha's mantra for attracting money and prosperity. When is the best time to do it? Any time of the day. It sounds like this:

  • "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha".

There are several other options for its implementation:

  • "Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah" - calls for success in the commercial field.
  • “Om Gam Ganapataye Sarve Vighna Raye Sarvaye Sarve Guarve Lamba Daraya Hrim Gam Namah” is the strongest formula for inviting wealth.

Any such mantra should be recited 108 times a day. AND the best option the reading will have an image of Ganesha next to it. Thus, you charge your wealth talisman. So that you do not make a mistake in choosing a statue, he is depicted in a sitting lotus position. One hand is always turned with the palm towards the one asking. When reading the mantra, one should move one's hand along the palm of the god or stroke his stomach.

Remember that he is not just considered the god of abundance. Be sure to give gifts to Ganesha. With their help, there is a transformation into that money energy which you need. Leave him a lot of sweets, coins or fruits. Thus, he will resolve your financial issues faster.

Naturally, you can say mantras without a figurine. Everything will depend on the strength of your faith in what you are doing. If your actions are regular and correct, the Universe will definitely be favorable to you and the results will not be long in coming.

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God Ganesh looks rather strange for a European, but for those who profess Hinduism, his appearance is absolutely normal. In a religion where all living beings are equally respected, the chubby god with the head of an elephant, one tusk and many arms is also the patron of prosperity and wealth. Prosperity, intelligence, success in all spheres of life are associated with his name, as well as high level intelligence and excellent memory (elephants remember for a long time).

Ganesha - god of prosperity and success

As a child, Ganesha was an ordinary child, if it can be said about the descendant of Shiva - one of supreme deities in the Hindu pantheon and Parvati - a good form of Devi. It is believed that Ganesh lost his head through the fault of his own father, who was angry with his behavior or because of the intrigues of the god Shani, who was not invited to the holiday. In both cases, the divine child lost its head, but survived, receiving the head of a young elephant.

Ganesha is so revered and respected that a respectful prefix Sri- is placed in front of his name. He is especially revered as a deity capable of bestowing prosperity and a special mantra is dedicated to him, capable of removing obstacles in the way of cash flows, helping to attract the energy of money, to achieve financial wealth and prosperity.

Mantra to the god Ganesha to achieve wealth and prosperity - affirmation of radical changes in life

The Ganesha mantra to attract money is performed every day or several times daily. Its main focus is the removal of obstacles to wealth and prosperity. They can be both external, independent of a person (crisis, war, illness), and internal. Often a person himself does not realize that he himself is the main obstacle on his path to wealth and prosperity. It's not about laziness or unwillingness to earn money. The sounds of the mantra help to realize the need for changes that contribute to changing the course of life. Sometimes it is enough to change jobs, move to another apartment or city. Everyone perceives the mantra as a personal guide to action and receives their own message of energy, pushing a person to solve problems and achieve well-being.

Mantra text

You can pronounce (sing) it yourself or listen to it in any performance. Popular singer and composer from India Uma Mohan performs the sacred mantra of Ganesha on ancient language Sanskrit. Ancient text set to music performed modern instruments, becomes close and understandable even to people who are very far from religion and worship of Hindu, and indeed any other gods. These are truly divine sounds, they evoke a response deep in the soul and encourage you to listen to it as often as possible. Mantra attracts positive energies, activating cash flows and drawing them to the mantra reciter or listener. But wealth will not come by itself, the mantra is only capable of awakening the flows and arousing in a person an inner desire for changes in his life. Ganesha will tell you the way, and following it is a personal matter for each person.



The influence of the mantra on problem solving

They read or listen to the mantra every time before starting a new business or when making an important decision, as it helps to remove the obstacles that arise in the way of possible well-being. The mantra seems to clear the way to success, and it's up to you whether to follow it or not.

Asking Ganesha directly for money is not worth it, since the concept of success and prosperity is much broader than financial independence. Money can be obtained, but to pay too high a price for such wealth - the price can be health, personal happiness, even life. loved one. A person who has coped with obstacles in his path easily acquires material wealth. Ask Ganesha for the ability to easily see obstacles on the path and bypass them, health to achieve the goal and intelligence in order to be able to maintain the newfound well-being.

You can also watch and listen to this mantra.
