Shishkin winter in the forest description of the picture. Colorful essay descriptions

The Russian landscape has always been a subject of admiration and admiration for true connoisseurs and admirers of the beauties of nature. Unpretentious charm, subtle psychologism, lively soft colors, proud power - all this attracts those who understand and feel beauty. One of the largest landscape painters who glorified birch glades under the summer morning sun, golden in the fresh wind, winter freshness and frosty purity, was I. I. Shishkin.

Winter masterpiece

Description of Shishkin's painting "Winter" let's start with the definition of the general color and mood of the work. From the canvas breathes cold calmness, peace, winter festive mood. On foreground depicts a snow-covered meadow. As you can see, not so long ago a storm passed. She broke dry or weak trees, which fell to the frozen ground. The snow filled everything around with high snowdrifts, under which fallen trunks are drawn. Twigs and branches stick out from under them, sharply blackening against a white background. Continuing Shishkin's "Winter", let's pay attention to how realistically the snow is drawn in relief. We can see every hole, every mound. I just want to reach out and touch it, feel the slight tingling of frost under my fingers. In the center of the picture, near the lying trunks, in fur coats, there are small Christmas trees. They did not suffer from the storm, and the snow that covered them will reliably protect them from frost and other attacks of winter. And in the spring, when everything melts, nature will start from a stupor and joyfully reach out towards the sun, the Christmas trees will gently shake their paws and start to grow in a race with each other. The same friendly spruce family in a picturesque outfit rises to the right of the kids. Let's move the description of Shishkin's painting "Winter" a little to the left. There are picturesquely stretched high bushes, maybe wild roses. Their frosted branches stand out clearly against the dark trees that grow in the neighborhood. And around, wherever you look, proud slender pines rise. Closer to the viewer, their bark acquires a warm reddish hue.

The same light pink reflection lies around on all objects. Even the snow turns red. Apparently, Shishkin describes nature at the end of the day, when the sun slowly sets over the horizon, and the wonderful winter sunset begins to gain strength. The description of Shishkin’s painting “Winter” makes us pay special attention to the background of the painting. The pines go into the distance, into the future, and we understand that the forest is spread far, far enough to look at, for many kilometers. What is remarkable in the picture is that every detail, every object is written out especially carefully, very accurately, vitally. We can not only see the shades of the white winter sky, low and cold, but also, it seems, touch the rough bark, breathe in such a recognizable, unforgettable, delicious aroma of this amazing time of the year. The author of the work is a romantic, glorifying nature, able to live her life. And a realist, for whom accuracy, truthfulness in big and small are important. Shishkin's painting "Winter" in this sense is an excellent example of what a connoisseur of Russian flora, what an exact master the artist was.

Another remarkable property of talent is drawing without embellishment, without “smoothing” inventions. Landscape Shishkin, any, exactly the way it really is. The master does not try to portray him better, more interesting, more attractive than in reality. However, the soul of nature, powerful and quivering, its Russian character, is precisely revealed in all its glory precisely thanks to this truthfulness. Shishkin was called the artist of "perfect reality" by his contemporaries. "Winter" is one of his best paintings. Although the entire pictorial heritage of the master is included in the golden fund of Russian art.

Thanks to Ivan Shishkin for a great tour of the snowy forest!

Shishkin created different pictures who subtly and lovingly conveyed the beauty of their native nature. The artist showed what he could see a common person if it stops for a second, it will rest from the hustle and bustle. Just not always modern man there is enough time for hiking in the forest, observing nature, and Shishkin's painting "Winter" helps us make a correspondence excursion to the winter forest.

In Shishkin's painting "Winter" we see a winter forest, which is depicted so realistically that it becomes a little cool. White, snow-covered trees ducked under the weight of the load, and some trees even fell, unable to withstand such a luxurious snow decoration. The snow covered the whole forest with a beautiful blanket, on which the rare rays of the sun play. An even greater feeling of celebration arises when looking at a small bird that lurks on one of the trees. She puffed up, trying to keep warm, but, all the same, she is glad that such an amazing time has come.

To convey purity winter forest, the author used predominantly white color. We can say that such a choice is not accidental, since the winter reconciled everyone, erased all the dirt. If not for this picture, some people would never know how beautiful the winter forest is.

The picture turned out to be so attractive and lively that I wanted to walk through the winter forest, inhale the aroma of freshness - and fully experience the beauty of wildlife.

Composition based on the painting by Shishkin “Winter”

The brilliant Russian artist I. Shishkin was able to create a beautiful picture only from trees and snow.

The painting depicts a majestic dense forest in winter. After long snowfalls, he accumulated a lot of snow. Old fallen trunks with large branches and young growth are clearly visible. All this is covered with a thick white layer. At the same time, there are no traces, neither human nor animal. The forest seemed to freeze.

This forest could be called fabulous, it has a certain mystery, hidden magic. Perhaps it was about this place that Pushkin wrote in his "Lukomorye", and it was here that the action of folk tales took place.

Despite the fact that the picture was painted a long time ago, when there was no modern technology, it can be mistaken for a photograph, the forest is depicted so realistically.

Using the minimum number of colors, Shishkin creates three-dimensional picture. In the foreground there is a bright spot - a small glade littered with old trees. Further, a light strip leads the eye into the depths, to the light-filled space between the trees. Thus, the composition is complete. Dark ancient trees with powerful trunks, as it were, “border” light areas. The branches and part of the trunks are covered with snow, there is a lot of light in the picture. It is noticeable that winter began a long time ago, the snow cover has already grown stronger and it is not so easy to melt it with cold sunlight. A small bird sits on one of the branches. This suggests that the forest is still not completely frozen in winter captivity.

When looking at this canvas, a feeling of delight immediately arises, you feel the stillness of the frosty air and its fresh smell, mixed with the smell of needles and tree bark. This is not surprising, because Shishkin was an unsurpassed master of landscape, he accurately and lovingly depicted native nature giving the viewer the opportunity to enjoy it to the fullest.

Composition based on the painting “Winter” by Shishkin I.I.

I.I. Shishkin, like no one else, was able to convey all the beauty of the Russian winter in his famous painting"Winter". He depicted the winter forest so vividly, in connection with which it seems that this is not a picture at all, but a photograph. Everything is drawn to such an extent the smallest details that the landscape is alive. The whole forest seems to be bound by cold. There is not a single trace on the snow, maybe it fell the day before, but the snowdrifts indicate that snowstorms were not the first time here. The entire forest is covered with snow, and fallen trees and small Christmas trees are hidden under snowdrifts, so you can only see their outlines.

In the foreground are old tall pines with powerful trunks. Their branches bear the weight of the snow, while small trees bend under such a burden. The trees seem to be covered with a snow blanket, they are frozen and from this heavy blanket they cannot move. If you look closely, you can see a bird on a branch of one tree. She, too, is cold and sits with fluffy feathers to somehow keep warm. The bird, like the forest, is as if bewitched and cannot move. The forest is shrouded in a mysterious silence, which adds even more mystery to it.

Behind, on the right side of the picture is a small thicket. Due to the density of the trees, it is dark there, but the rays of the sun manage to penetrate the gloom, as well as in other parts of the forest. In the distance you can see a gap, as if a way out of the forest. It is light and the snow sparkles in the rays of the cold winter sun. I want to go into the light and get out of the mysterious forest towards something bright and good. I.I. Shishkin, with the help of several shades of brown and white, was able to convey the atmosphere of a quiet winter forest so vividly that it gives the impression of complete presence. It is as if a person, just like me, looking at the picture, is in the forest and with his own eyes looks at the untouched snows and the great mighty pines.

One of the most the best pictures Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is the work "Winter in the Forest (Hoarfrost)". There are an unusually large number of beautiful works in his creative gallery, however, this particular work is filled with extraordinary beauty and mystery. The artist liked to depict beautiful landscapes of the Russian land on his canvases.

Peering into the painting “Winter in the Forest (Hoarfrost)”, the viewer finds himself in a magnificent forest kingdom, where everything around is wrapped in snow-white frost. We see a forest in front of us, depicted in white and black colors. And the upper part of the picture is filled with gorgeous shades of blue sky.

Paying attention to the picture, the viewer may notice that one part of the forest is lightened more than the other. Mighty, majestic trees beckon with their mystery and magic. The winter forest landscape is conveyed so realistically that, peering into it, you are transported to that snowy forest path, you hear the sounds of the awakening forest and the crunch of the snow-covered earth. The forest is alive! The sun's rays pierce each of its branches, illuminating the most remote and darkened corner.

Peering into the sky, the viewer feels its infinity, admires the magnificent blue tint that beckons each of us!

Looking at the picture, you can smell the frosty air that reigns in the forest! She is so realistic! Watching a winter morning in the forest, you feel a surge of strength and energy inside yourself. I want to live with my wings open. The Russian forest is unusually similar to the Russian soul. Inside each of us there are the same two sides - light and dark! And only willpower and character can reveal one or another side of the soul to a greater or lesser extent.

The painting by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin “Winter in the Forest (Hoarfrost)” occupies a worthy niche among the artist’s works and is one of the best in the ranks of Russian art.

The famous artist Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich is considered the singer of the Russian forest. It was thanks to the paintings depicting the forest in all its forms that he gained the greatest fame. He depicted both the forest in different states and at different times of the year. A lot of trees, sometimes flooded with sunlight, sometimes covered with snow. It seems that there is no such species that was not depicted by the author.

One of the pinnacles of his work is the painting “Winter in the Forest. Frost". It shows a beautiful sunny, frosty morning. Rays of light illuminate the ground covered with snow, which makes it shimmer and sparkle with all its beauty. The night was frosty, and all the branches of the trees were decorated with white fluffy outfits, and now they only sparkle in the sun with bright colors. Among the tops of the trees, a blue winter sky is visible. Very bright, beautiful, bewitching and cold.

On the right side of the picture, the author showed pine trunks in impenetrable density. And the left edge is rarer. There are bent trunks of various trees. In the depths, a broken tree lies barely noticeable, almost completely covered with snow. And the middle of the canvas resembles a path. It seems to divide the forest into two parts and in the distance you can see its end.

The picture is excellent for its liveliness, realism and beauty. This is exactly the forest that surrounds us from all sides. It is so beautiful to draw every snow-covered twig, blade of grass, bush, show the bends of trees and slender pines, only a truly talented person who is in love with this beauty can. This is exactly what Ivan Shishkin is.

1 option

Shishkin's painting "Winter in the Forest" is striking in its realism. It looks more like a photograph than a painting. It's amazing how this artist was able to convey the whole atmosphere of a winter day in the forest. Looking at it, as if you find yourself in this day, you feel the frosty freshness of the air, you admire the beauty of the blue sky and the snow-white outfits of the hushed trees.

Shishkin depicted in the picture a clear winter day, filled with light and purity. It can be seen that the weather is calm, there is no snowstorm and wind, so the trees look so calm and hushed.

This picture conveys all the beauty and all the greatness of the Russian winter. Shishkin managed to make it very realistic, which speaks of his great talent.

Option 2

Shishkin's painting "Winter in the Forest" depicts a bright and clear winter day. The whole picture seems to be filled with sunlight, although the sun itself is not visible in the picture.

The forest in the picture looks very majestic. Shishkin depicted tall pines, decorated with white snow. Frost is silvering on the branches of pines, which indicates that the day is frosty.

The whole picture is filled with freshness, peace, beauty. Shishkin was able to portray the winter as bright and beautiful, and he did it very believably. His picture seems to be about to come to life, so everything on it looks alive and real.
