Funny cartoon characters chuggington. Funny Engines from Chuggington Names of Engines from Chuggington

Type 3D
Director Sarah Ball
Producer Sarah Ball (Seasons 1-2)
Jacqueline Light (from season 3)
Screenwriter Sarah Ball, Jacqueline Bell, etc.
Roles voiced Maria Darling
Colin McFarlane
Andy Nyman
Sasha Dhawan
Imogen Bailey
Warren Clark
Morgan Overton
Charlie George
Toby Davis
Edward Sharp
Composer Chris Macrale
Studio Ludorum plc.
A country Great Britain Great Britain
Number of seasons 5
Number of episodes 190
Series length 10 min.
TV channel BBC Two
Broadcast With September 22, 2008
IMDb ID 1307510
Official site
Official site

« Merry Engines from Chuggington"(eng. Chuggington) is an English animated series produced by Ludorum studio, released on September 22, 2008.

The action of the animated series takes place in the fictional town of Chuggington. Chuggington's town center is a locomotive depot. Different locomotives live here - adults and young ones. All locomotives live together and work tirelessly, delivering wagons with goods to the right places. The main characters of the cartoon are the engines Wilson, Brewster and Coco. Each engine has a unique character - someone likes to have fun, someone to imagine, and someone to behave carefully or seriously. In addition to steam locomotives, there are also people in the cartoon, most of them are mechanics and inventors.


Main characters

  • Wilson- locomotive trainee, future rescuer. Very funny steam locomotive Red. Likes to have fun, play, make friends with other locomotives. Loves butterflies.
  • Brewster- careful train. Best friend Wilson. Future engineer. The train is blue and yellow.
  • Coco- girl train Intern, future high-speed green electric locomotive. He likes to brag about the fact that he drives fast. Likes to imagine. He is friends with Wilson and Brewster.
  • In and- traffic light. Chief dispatcher at Chuggington. She gives orders to the locomotives.
  • dunbar- locomotive-teacher. Dunbar teaches the engines the basics.
  • Callie- Rescue boat.
  • Emery- passenger train. Cheerful, energetic train. It has its own unique signal.
  • Frostini- an ice cream man, an elegant steam locomotive. Proud of himself. He likes to call himself "gorgeous Frostini".
  • Mtambo- tour guide in the safari park. Wise locomotive. Got into different adventures, sometimes tells about them to young engines.
  • Here (Tutti) And Hut (Hutti)- Twin locomotives. They always ride together. Hoot is colorblind, but cannot distinguish between red and green.
  • Zefi- tram. Morgan's assistant Very flirtatious, likes to imagine. Likes to spin.
  • Hodge Assistant Eddie. Cautious, serious locomotive. He doesn't like it when Eddie helps him.
  • Pete is the oldest steam locomotive in Chuggington. He knows a lot about the correct driving and loading of wagons. Wear glasses. Can't remember the names of the engines in Chuggington.
  • Alwyn- grandmother in Chuggington.
  • Eddie- Chuggington's repairman. Often late for work.
  • Morgan- Chuggington's mechanic.
  • Irvine (Irving)- garbage collector.

Minor characters

  • Harrison- a very proud, narcissistic steam locomotive.
  • Speedy- a former miner. Hardworking steam locomotive.
  • Chezword- a true Englishman.
  • super train- rescuer. He can fly high in the sky and even fly into space.
  • Skylar- teacher. Teaches the engines to become lifeguards. Appears at the end of season 3.
  • Piper- the smallest engine in Chuggington. He still doesn’t know how to drive properly, so he sways like a roly-poly. Appears at the end of season 3.
  • Deca- elegant double-decker tram. Grandma in Chuggington. Appears at the end of season 3.
  • Lori Morgan's assistant Gives medals to the locomotives.
  • Doctor Ling is an inventor.
  • Karen- quarry worker
  • Mr Simkins- Examiner of locomotives. Very strict. Doesn't like jokes.
  • Mystereoso- magician and conjurer.
  • Wiki- a caretaker in the safari park.
  • Dr. Guslin- vet.
  • Felix- farmer.
  • Reg Barnstaple- journalist.
  • Howie- dispatcher.
  • Mayor Pullman Mayor of Chuggington.
  • knot- assistant to the mayor.
  • Freddie- traveler.
  • ebo- an elephant in a safari park.
  • Nurse David
  • King of Buffertonia
  • Jackman- chief of the railroad patrol.
  • Asher- fireman of the railroad patrol.
  • Cormac- loader in the depot, local "
Chuggingston- British animated series produced by Ludorum plc., which was broadcast on the children's television channel CBeebies from BBC, as well as in more than 157 locations around the world. The first season included 52 episodes, lasting for 10 minutes.

This fictional story takes place in a small town Chugginston and tells the story of 6 young novice train engines, the so-called "trainees" of the railway. Each episode tells about small discoveries that trains constantly make for themselves, getting to know the world and learning about it. Children learn the meaning of strong friendship, learn to tell the truth, listen to elders, resolve conflicts without violence, and learn about many other life values.

Now let's talk about the heroes of the town of Chuggingston. Interns:

Wilson (Wilson)

A cheerful red train, which is distinguished by restlessness and inattention, most of his adventures are connected precisely with this.


A blue and yellow train that is designed to carry heavy loads. He likes to lift weights and take to a pickup truck, but often he does not calculate the strength and takes on a large load. If other chuggers fuss when they need to complete some task, then Brewster will not be in a hurry, if he is not confident in himself, he will ask a lot of questions. This sweetie is reliable, always shows respect and you can always rely on him if you have problems.


It's not just a train, it's a high-speed train! She is fast in everything. Strives for research, chasing adventure. Because of her impulsiveness, she can be harsh and often provokes quarrels and strife, but when this leads to trouble, she always knows that it's time to apologize.

Hoot and Toot (Hoot & Toot)

These twins are almost always together back to back, but despite the fact that they are twins, they are still different. The engine Tut is green with green eyes, and her brother Hoot, as in a shifter, has a blue body and green eyes.

Piper (Piper)

Small oil locomotive. In the first episode, Old Man Pete says that she runs on vegetable oil. In the next episode, Paper is shown to be a fun, mischievous engine.

Other Train Heroes:

(Action Chugger)

Chuggingston movie star. Since he has a red flasher on his nose, he is in charge of emergencies. And he can also fly. The radius of its flight extends at least to low Earth orbit, but after the flight it always lands on railway tracks.


She is a small and very maneuverable locomotive. Equipped with a siren and flasher and is always ready to rush to the rescue. Helps Dunbar train the interns.

Chesworth (Chatsworth)

Good old train. Performs the same tasks as Garrison.

Deka (Decka)

This is a double-decker tram designed to carry passengers as well as large groves. Deka has a variegated coloration and can be called a big personality.


Large maneuverable dark green (khaki) locomotive. He is responsible for training the interns at Chaggers School.


A subway train can be found on a high-rise line or in an underground tunnel. He often cheats and enjoys causing trouble for other trains. His right eye is green and his left eye is blue.

Fletch (Fletch)

This new image who appears in the fourth series.


This is an Italian ice cream train that is very popular with children. He usually or works at the mlm factory handing out ice cream to the children of Chuggington. He is proud of his achievements and speaks English with an Italian accent.


The fastest chugger in Chugginngston. It has an optical shape and photographic memory. Very punctual. He believes that there is nothing more important than getting passengers to their destination quickly and safely.

Harrison (Harrison)

Big blue dainty. Along with Koko, he is considered one of the fastest in Chuggingston.

Hodge (Hodge)

This mini diesel is made from different parts and parts. Fulfills various jobs with Eddie. Often serves as a pickup truck, which collects various trash for disposal.

Irvin (Irving)

A small red train that disposes of garbage. He proudly boasts that nothing is thrown away in Chuggingston.


This character appears in the fourth episode and takes the position of patrol leader. He is the most courageous in the city and has strong leadership qualities. He becomes the perfect mentor for Wilson, who now strives to be like him.

Metabo (M "tambo)

Ranger of the Safari Park and conducts tours for visitors. Its engine runs on fuel obtained from the recycling of garbage, so it also recycles garbage. Speaks with an African (possibly Kenyan) accent.

Old Puffer Pete

The oldest in Chuggingston, he is about 150 years old. He loves to tell stories and tells them to anyone who is willing to listen to him, and often confuses or forgets names. Because of his old age and wisdom, he loves to teach.

Alvin (Olwin)

Alwyn treats the interns like his little chug-a-chugs. She has a unique body. In front of the cab, she stores coal, thereby replacing the tank.

Skyler (Skylar)

A large orange engine with a crane that has just completed its training.

Speedy McAllister

A little rough and blunt, but despite this a good engine that benefits the Chuggers. He prefers to work in heavy industry than to be in close contact with clients. Has the loudest whistle.


The character also appears in the fourth episode and is part of the Chagginirs.


Comes to Chuggingston to lead the Chugginiers. A hardworking and organized craftsman with a concern for safety, which made him the ideal leader of the Chugginirs' crew and mentor to Brewster. His teammates Thane and Fletch. They are an engineering group that is responsible for all the hard work, loading, building bridges, tunnels and stations, as well as laying roads and repairs.


A windy person who giggles all the time. Represents a tram.

Continuation: Characters of the cartoon Chuggington:

Events unfold in a fabulous city called Chuggington, which is a locomotive depot. All locomotives are very friendly and come to the aid of each other. The town is populated like adult trains, which have a large life experience and wisdom, and very young.

Cartoon plot

The story tells about 6 engine trainees who happen to interesting stories. Every day they have not only fun, but also everyday work. The heroes must make it to the foundry and the sawmill. Young spectators travel through an ice cream factory, visit a quarry and, together with funny trains, feed animals on a farm or stroll through a safari park led by a wise guide Mtambo.

Railroad trainees face injustice, but thanks to their good heart and true friendship, they pass all tests with dignity and teach kids to be kind and faithful, respect elders and tell only the truth.

The young heroes Coco, Brewster and Wilson, whom we meet in the first season, face difficulties, they have to overcome themselves and learn from their mistakes. The older characters of the cartoon are always ready to help, give their shoulder and give wise advice, because the guys are just getting to know the locomotive business.

The cartoon characters are very colorful, with accurately traced facets of character and individual preferences. The storyline is dynamically developing and reveals to the audience Magic world locomotives.

In the first season, the creators introduce 10 engines, and the main characters are three: Coco, Brewster and Wilson. With the development of the plot, there are more heroes and more than 20 engines appear before us, which are actively involved in the development of events. Let's get to know the characters better.

A fun super high-speed train never sits still. The train is in the eternal search for adventure and new experiences. Coco is very emotional, and due to her temperament, she is sharp and unrestrained, which often causes quarrels and misunderstandings. But a good little train knows how to apologize and correct the situation in time. He is friends with Wilson and Brewster.

The twin brothers Tut and cheerful Hut are always together, side by side. Twins like two shifters: Tut is painted green with a blue eye tint, and Hoot's body is blue, while the eye tint is green. characteristic feature Huta is his inability to distinguish between red and green colors, so everyone believes that he is color blind.

Wise teacher. The dark green locomotive is responsible for training young heroes and teaches them the essentials.

Cheerful maneuverable rescue engine, helps the wise Dunbar to train newcomers. The locomotive is equipped with a flashing light and a siren. The lifeguard is always ready to help at the first call.

Do you want to know what a flying steam locomotive looks like? Then be sure to watch the series featuring the super train! The main difference of this hero is the ability to fly, even beyond the earth's orbit - into space. Superstar Chuggington has a flashing red light and protects the city in case of emergencies. After flying, the super train miraculously always lands exactly on the railway line.

· Jackman

A character we meet in season 4 becomes the city's patrol chief. He has such character traits as courage, prudence, the ability to find the right decision. Wilson takes a cue from Jackman and wants to be like him.

The engine with Italian roots is very fond of treating Chuggington kids with ice cream. Works at a factory. He is very proud of himself and his achievements. Able to speak in English language, but the Italian accent is still present.

One of the main characters. Responsible for order in the city, removes garbage from the streets of Chuggingotton and immediately disposes of it. The red engine prides itself on the fact that everything in the city is recycled and nothing is thrown away.

A very cheerful tram who loves to laugh and therefore has a reputation for being a windy person. The young engine has the ability to spin around its axis and is a master of getting into various alterations.

Passenger electric train that runs on Chuggington roads. Likes to cheat and create trouble for other trains. Emery has eyes different colors: one is blue, the other is green, which emphasizes the inconstancy and unreliability of the hero.

The fastest Chugger in town. The main mission in life is the timely delivery of passengers to the right place. Endowed with a photographic ability to memorize. The streamlined shape contributes to the development of high speed.

The uniqueness of the mini-diesel lies in the fact that it is assembled from completely different parts, which together create the image of Hodge. The engine helps out with Eddie's business. Hodge takes care of the cleanliness of the city, cleans the streets of rubbish and recycles it.

Chief traffic light and city dispatcher. It is V who points the trains in the right direction and signals the danger, and also gives them instructions.

A wise guide-ranger in a fascinating and beloved place - a safari park. The yellow engine has participated in many stories, which he sometimes tells with a peculiar African accent. Recycles garbage and recycles it into fuel that runs its engine.

Hardworking Pete is the wisest and oldest engine in all of Chuggington. He knows exactly how to properly load wagons and safely ride on rails. He wears glasses and has difficulty remembering the names of the city's engines.

Alwyn takes place of honor grandmothers. She is very wise and always ready to come to the rescue of young heroes.

Considered Chuggington's chief engineer. As an assistant, he chose a quick-witted and diligent young Brewster. Together, they carry out all kinds of repairs, helping out local residents.

Along with the locomotives live and work in the city and people who rush to help everyone who is in trouble.

· Eddie

He holds the position of a repairman in the city of Chuggington. Eddie is always late for work, which creates more trouble for him. He is one of the main characters in the cartoon.

· Morgan

A kind and cheerful mechanic Morgan, who has a girlfriend Lori as an assistant.

· Karen

A pretty girl every day, along with the engines, works in a quarry.

All cartoon characters have their weaknesses and strengths, meet with troubles and find the right way out of the situation. All of them are characters from the cartoon "Chuggington's Engines".

A kind colorful cartoon captivates and captivates into the magical world of a fairy tale, where there is no evil and hatred. The world of Chuggington has long gone beyond the screen and settled in the little hearts of young viewers.

Chuggington is an English animated television series produced by Ludorum released on September 22, 2008.
Merry Engines from Chuggington
Type 3D
Director Sarah Ball
Producer Sarah Ball (Seasons 1-2)
Jacqueline Light (from season 3)
Screenwriter Sarah Ball, Jacqueline Bell, etc.
Roles voiced Maria Darling
Colin McFarlane
Andy Nyman
Sasha Dhawan
Imogen Bailey
Warren Clark
Morgan Overton
Charlie George
Toby Davis
Edward Sharp
Composer Chris Macrale
Studio Ludorum plc.
A country Great Britain Great Britain
Number of seasons 10
Number of episodes 440
Series length 10 min.
TV channel BBC Two
Broadcast With September 22, 2008
IMDb ID 1307510
Official site
Official site

The action of the animated series takes place in the fictional town of Chuggington. Chuggington's town center is a locomotive depot. Different locomotives live here - adults and young ones. All locomotives live together and work tirelessly, delivering wagons with goods to the right places. The main characters of the cartoon are the engines Wilson, Brewster and Coco. Each engine has a unique character - someone likes to have fun, someone to imagine, and someone to behave carefully or seriously. In addition to steam locomotives, there are also people in the cartoon, most of them are mechanics and inventors.


Main characters

  • Wilson- locomotive trainee, future rescuer. A very cheerful red locomotive. Likes to have fun, play, make friends with other locomotives. Loves butterflies.
  • Brewster- careful train. Wilson's best friend. Future engineer. The train is blue and yellow.
  • Coco- girl train Intern, future high-speed electric locomotive Green colour. He likes to brag about the fact that he drives fast. Likes to imagine. He is friends with Wilson and Brewster.
  • In and- traffic light. Chief dispatcher at Chuggington. She gives orders to the locomotives.
  • dunbar- locomotive-teacher. Dunbar teaches the engines the basics.
  • Callie- Rescue boat.
  • Emery- passenger train. Cheerful, energetic train. It has its own special signal and heterochromia of the eyes.
  • Frostini- an ice cream man, an elegant steam locomotive. Proud of himself. He likes to call himself "gorgeous Frostini".
  • Mtambo- tour guide in the safari park. Wise locomotive. He got into various adventures, sometimes he tells young trains about them.
  • Tutti And Hutti- Twin locomotives. They always ride together. Hutti is colorblind, but only red and green can't be distinguished.
  • Zefi- tram. Morgan's assistant Very flirtatious, likes to imagine. Likes to spin.
  • Hodge Assistant Eddie. Cautious, serious locomotive. He doesn't like it when Eddie helps him.
  • Pete is the oldest steam locomotive in Chuggington. He knows a lot about the correct driving and loading of wagons. Wear glasses. Can't remember the names of the engines
  • Alwyn- grandmother in Chuggington.
  • Eddie- Chuggington's repairman. Often late for work.
  • Morgan- Chuggington's mechanic.
  • irvine- garbage collector.

Minor characters

  • Harrison- a very proud, narcissistic steam locomotive.
  • Speedy- a former miner. Hardworking steam locomotive.
  • Chezword- a true Englishman.
  • super train- rescuer. He can fly high in the sky and even fly into space.
  • Skylar- teacher. Teaches the engines to become lifeguards. Appears at the end of season 3.
  • Piper- the smallest engine in Chuggington. He still doesn’t know how to drive properly, so he sways like a roly-poly. Appears at the end of season 3.
  • Deca- elegant double-decker tram. Grandma in Chuggington. Appears at the end of season 3.
  • Lori Morgan's assistant Gives medals to the locomotives.
  • Doctor Link is an inventor.
  • Mr Simkins- Examiner of locomotives. Very strict. Doesn't like jokes.
  • Mystereoso- magician and conjurer.
  • Felix- farmer.
  • Reg- journalist.
  • Mayor Pullman Mayor of Chuggington.
  • Note- assistant to the mayor.
  • ebo- an elephant in a safari park.
  • Nurse David - Chuggington's doctor
  • Jackman- chief of the railroad patrol.
  • Zach- chief of engineers.
  • Hanzo- high-speed electric locomotive.
  • paich- a tunnel engine from Tuttington.
  • Daily- fast chicken "єр.
  • Secrets- engineer.
  • Fletch- engineer.

Russian dubbing

  • Olga Shorokhova- Coco (seasons 1-3.5), Zephie (seasons 1-3.5), Hodge (seasons 1-3.5), Paich (season 5), Hutty (seasons 1-3.5)
  • Olga Golovanova- Coco (Season 4), Zephie (Season 4), Hodge (Season 4), Hutty (Season 4)
  • Olga Zvereva- Wilson (Season 5), Tutti (Season 5)
  • Zhanna Nikonova- Wilson (seasons 1-4), Tutti (seasons 1-4), Laurie, Kali (seasons 3-4), Piper, Paich (season 4)
  • Natalia Kaznacheeva- Brewster, Vee, Alwyn, Tyne
  • Igor Taradaikin- Pete, Dunbar, Harrison, Frostini, Supertrain, Jackman, Zack, Mtambo
  • Evgeny Waltz- Morgan, Eddie, Kali (seasons 1-2.5), Emery, Chezword, Fletch, Hanzo, Usher

About the cartoon "The Engines from Chuggington» (Chuggington)

Production: Ludorum plc, BBC

Number of seasons: 4 (in Russian, I managed to find only two, and then incomplete. If someone knows where the rest are translated, I will be grateful 😉);

Episodes per season: 30 episodes;

Series duration: 10 minutes;


In a fabulous Chuggington live cheerful and friendly trains. Every day they have a lot to do: a foundry, a sawmill, a quarry, an ice cream factory, a hotel, a farm, a safari park - everywhere you need to be in time, transport and pick up important goods.

The locomotives are very friendly, always ready to help, prompt and advise. Sometimes this comes in very handy. to trainee trainees Coco, Brewster and Wilson who are just starting their training in locomotive business.

Every day they face difficulties, learn from their mistakes, help and help each other.

What do you like the most

The cartoon is quite instructive: the trainees learn such common truths as: “go slower, you will continue”, “you need to obey your elders”, “you can’t arbitrarily leave without the permission of adults”, “there are dangerous places where it’s better not to go”, “you need help each other”, etc.

Very love the steam locomotives- they are very funny and funny, each with a detailed individualization, storyline, character and passions.

Disadvantage 🙂

The cartoon only has one downside: if your child likes it, get ready for the fact that you will inevitably have to buy toy trains (and, believe me, you won’t get off with one or two 🙂) railways and tracks, depots and suitcases for storing trains ...

With the rails, we were able to “get out” and, but we didn’t “fight off” the trains - we are collecting a collection 🙂

The main characters of the cartoon about trains

In the course of the development of the cartoon, its main characters also develop, new ones appear. If in the first season we were familiar with a maximum of 10 engines, and the main attention was paid to 3 engine trainees Coco, Brewster and Wilson, then in the second season the characters are already under 20 and almost all the engines are actively involved in the development of the plot.

So, cartoon characters about trains:

  • Young trains Koko, Brewster and Wilson- the main characters of the cartoon. Children who learn and learn from their mistakes all the subtleties of life and communication;
  • Their wise teacher Donbar;
  • Old steam locomotive Pete- the oldest steam locomotive in the Chuggington depot, regularly working for the benefit of fabulous city for 150 years!
  • Alwyn— grandmother-locomotive, constantly cares about her appearance and beauty 🙂
  • Locomotive Speedy McAllister- Pete's friend and a very wise engine;
  • The genius of making ice cream of all kinds - Frostini;
  • Zaffy- A very funny young train. Knows how to spin around its axis and constantly gets into some trouble;
  • An electric train that carries passengers Emary(Noteworthy is the fact that for some reason Emery has multi-colored eyes like Woland 🙂 - one eye is blue, the other is green);
  • very funny twins Hut And Tutti- the youngest cartoon characters;
  • Harrison- strong and beautiful train;
  • Chazworth- Garrison's friend, a somewhat phlegmatic, but very aesthetic train;
  • super train- A superhero among trains. He knows how to fly and is engaged in the fact that he always comes to the rescue at the right moment. In his spare time, he acts in films 🙂
  • Callie - emergency tug, ready at any time to save and get rid of trouble;
  • Hodge - a small engine working in the workshop;
  • irvine- a locomotive responsible for cleanliness and order in Chuggington;
  • Mtambo— works as a guide in a safari park and tells children about outlandish animals;
  • In and - dispatcher in charge of the entire depot. Tells who needs to go where and what to do;

Do your kids love Chuggington engines?

Good news 🙂

Friends, and now, as I promised - good news 🙂

I'm glad to inform you that since September 11 Nadezhda Danilova, the author of the project "Mom's Treasures", starts a training “Children's handmade photo album”, during which the participants will create their photo albums step by step!

To participate in the draw free participation in the training you need to follow the link and fill out form!

Join and give your child a gift, the value of which will grow every year! Good luck to you!

With love,
