Name value max. Real name and surname MakSim Maxim full name singer

Turning on the TV, we watch all sorts of shows, performances of our favorite artists without even guessing about their nationality. All the heroes of our article are Jews, and this is not bad at all, just looking at these artists it is very difficult to guess that they were born in a Jewish family, or at least one of the parents was a Jew. We present you a list famous artists who you would never think were Jews.

Leonid Agutin (Leonty Nikolaevich Chizhov)

Soviet and Russian singer, songwriter, composer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in Moscow, in a Jewish family of musician and tour manager Nikolai Petrovich and a teacher primary school Lyudmila Leonidovna (nee Shkolnikova).

Angelica Varum (real name Maria Yurievna Varum)

Born in Lvov in the family of the composer Yuri Ignatievich Varum and theater director Galina Mikhailovna Shapovalova. Tinned artist of the Russian Federation.
Father Yuri Ignatievich (Itskhakovich) Varum recalls: "My grandfather's surname is Robak, he comes from Warsaw, where my father was born. When the Second World War, his brothers and sisters, forced to flee Poland, decided to take rare surname"Varum", so that after the war it would be easier to find each other. Stuck in Warsaw, my grandfather Yudka died in the ghetto along with his entire family. A deeply religious man, he enjoyed great authority, they came to him, like a rebbe, for advice, for resolving controversial issues.

Larisa Alexandrovna Dolina (Larisa Alexandrovna Kudelman)

Soviet and Russian pop and jazz singer, actress. People's Artist RF. She was born in Baku in a Jewish family of builder Alexander Markovich Kudelman and typist Galina Izrailevna Kudelman (née Dolina). At the age of three, she moved with her parents to Odessa, her parents' hometown.

Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov

Soviet and Russian crooner, composer and poet, honored artist Russian Federation, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, candidate technical sciences. Father, Major Mikhail Semyonovich Gazmanov, was a professional military man, a Tatar by nationality; mother, Zinaida Abramovna (1920-2006) - a cardiologist in a military hospital, Jewish by nationality.

Tamara (Tamriko) Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli

Soviet, Georgian and Russian singer, actress, composer, Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR (1989), People's Artist of Georgia (1991), People's Artist of Ingushetia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
"I am a man of the world. I grew up in an international family. My father is Georgian. I am as emotional as he is. And my mother is Jewish. Here I am in her mind. For Georgians, I am Tamara Gverdtsiteli, and for Jews - Tamara Kofman - Gverdtsiteli I was born and raised by a Jewish mother, and over the years I feel more and more of my Jewish genes. Do I feel that I belong to the Jewish people? can only be explained by the feelings that I have in relation to my mother and to the closest people ... My grandfather Vladimir Abramovich, whom I remember very well, belonged to the Kaufman family. After the revolution, part of the family emigrated from Russia. "


Russian pop singer, actress, model, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan. She was born into a family of Mountain Jews. My great-grandmother lives in Israel.

Leonidov Maxim Leonidovich

Born in a family of actors of the Leningrad academic theater comedies, honored artists of the RSFSR Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Lyulko and one of the founders of the famous skits Leonid Efimovich Leonidov ( real name Shapiro). The famous Russian singer lived in Israel for six years, recorded two music albums(in Hebrew and Russian), played in a musical, starred in a movie. And then he returned to his native St. Petersburg, recorded his hit about “Vision Girl”. Now Maxim lives in Russia, but continues to love Israel

Lolita Markovna Milyavskaya (Lolita Markovna Gorelik)

Russian pop singer, actress, TV presenter and director. Mom, singer, worked in a jazz band. My father worked with my mother as an entertainer, conducted the orchestra. During the tour of her parents, little Lolita was brought up by her grandmother. In 1972, the parents divorced, in 1974, the father emigrated abroad to Israel.

Boris Mikhailovich Moiseev

Soviet and Russian dancer, choreographer, pop singer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
In the English wiki there is a hint of nationality, in the Russian one there is not. He was born in prison, as his mother, dissatisfied with the authorities, was a political prisoner in those years. He spent his childhood in a small Jewish ghetto in the provincial Mogilev.

Marina Arnoldovna Khlebnikova

Soviet and Russian pop singer and TV presenter.
Khlebnikova was invited to the Jewish theater "Sholom" "- Why do you think you were invited to play in this performance?
- Don't know. The reason was probably the fact that I was a student of Joseph Davydovich Kobzon. Second, now I have a name. And for the theatre, this series of performances would be a bright spot. Perhaps the recommendations of Clara Novikova also played a role. And most importantly, of course, the roots.

Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

Russian singer and conductor. Founder, artistic director and art director of the art group Turetsky Choir and Soprano 10. National artist RF. Born into a Jewish family of immigrants from Belarus. Father - Boris Borisovich Epshtein. She bears her mother's surname, since all relatives on her side died during the Holocaust and, moreover, she looks like a Russian.

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky

Russian pop singer, pianist and composer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Born into a Jewish family of war veteran and doctor Zakhar Davidovich


Alexander Nikolaevich Uman and Igor Mikhailovich Bortnik - both left for Israel, Bortnik served in the army.

Elena Vorobey (real name Elena Yakovlevna Lebenbaum)

Russian pop actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in a Jewish family of Yankel Movshevich Lebenbaum and his wife Nina Lvovna.

Clara Novikova

Born in Kyiv, in the family of a front-line soldier, director of a shoe store in Podil, Boris Zinovievich Herzer. The Jewish woman Klara Novikova reigns supreme among women in the kingdom of the Russian conversational genre. The Russian surname Novikova came from her first musician husband.

Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin

A popular Russian parodist, humorist, TV presenter, film actor and singer. Currently married to Alla Pugacheva. A family from a small village near Chelyabinsk. I even managed to write down something from my grandmother's memoirs. On my father's side, there were Larins in our family. According to my mother - Odessa Jews

Alexander Viktorovich Kutikov

famous Soviet and Russian musician composer, vocalist, music producer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born into a Jewish family.

Valery Miladovich Syutkin

Russian singer and musician, author of lyrics for the rock and roll band Bravo. Honored Artist of Russia, Artistic Director of the Variety Department of the Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov.
Mom was born in Moscow, on Samoteka. Her maiden name Brzhezidskaya, she is of Polish and Odessa blood. To put it bluntly (laughs). So I'm a normal Polish Odessa citizen. I have Jewish roots. From my mother… I am familiar with Jewish traditions.

Ukupnik Arkady Semyonovich

Born on February 18, 1953, Kamenetz-Podolsky, Khmelnitsky region. Composer, pop singer, producer of the CAR-MAN group, director of the Galla and Alla studios. "I was born in Ukraine. There, from the age of 5, I learned what it means to be a Jew, to be" a stranger among my own " "When I arrived in Moscow as an adult, I immediately noted that there is no such harsh attitude towards Jews as in Ukraine. Since then, I have achieved a lot in my life. And much has changed in the country. And, nevertheless, I am very worried about that there is MEOC, and that here I am always "one of my own".

Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur

Soviet and Russian humorist, singer and TV presenter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Born into a Jewish family of builder Natan Lvovich Vinokur.

Singer Maksim (Marina Sergeevna Abrosimova) was born in Kazan on June 10, 1983. Girl with early years started playing music. The future celebrity studied at a music school in piano and vocals. Along with music lessons, Marina went to the karate section. The versatile girl was constantly in the company of her older brother Maxim, and that is why they began to call her by his name. According to the singer herself, the pseudonym is also formed from the surname of Maximov - this is her mother's maiden name.

From the age of 14, Maxim actively begins to take part in various music competitions, for example, "Teen star" and "Nefertiti's Necklace", and also begins to write songs. The first were the compositions "Alien" and "Winter", which were included on the disc "My Paradise".

It is worth noting that the musical preferences of the future celebrity were very diverse. As the singer Maxim herself admits, she listened to everything - from "Spleen" to "Guests from the Future". However, the singer's addictions were also influenced by the music that her father listened to - this is " The Beatles and Pink Floyd. And besides this, the girl spent a lot of time in the company of her brother and constantly listened to courtyard music.

The beginning of MakSim's career

At the age of 15, Maxim had already firmly decided that she would become a singer and began to take her first career steps. in studios in hometown the girl collaborates with the Pro-Z group and records her first songs Start, Alien and Passer-by. The first song becomes a number one hit in Tatarstan, played on local radio and in all clubs.

And after some time it gets into the “Russian Top Ten”, although the then popular “t.A.T.u.” were announced by the authors. according to the singer herself, she wrote this song long before the group appeared.

Singer Maxim begins to engage in her own promotion. The girl records songs as part of a low-budget project and collaborates with little-known bands.

And the radio gets Maxim's single "Difficult Age", however, it does not have such success as the second one - "Tenderness". A year later, the composition "Centimeters of Breath" hits the air. Suddenly, the song becomes popular. And this despite the fact that there was no promotional company. However, despite such success, the name of the singer is still not known to the general public.

The singer decides to go to Moscow. In the capital, the girl begins to write new songs. By the way, they say that at first the singer Maxim performed in the subway.

MakSim - Difficult age

The unexpected success of the singer Maxim

Maxim collected enough material for the album and began to look for a company that would agree to work with her.

“One day I unexpectedly arrived at dance festival in St. Petersburg and saw that the song "Difficult Age" was sung by 15 thousand people with me. With this video, I came to the Gala Records company - it was already obvious to the management that this was perceived positively by people, ”recalls singer Maxim.

Maksim - Do you know

So the first album of the singer "Difficult age" appears, business cards which were the songs “Become the Wind”, “Do You Know?” and "Let go." And the song “Tenderness” gets to the first place of the chart of the “Russian Radio “Golden Gramophone” and stays there for 9 weeks. By the way, in the first few weeks, more than 200 thousand records of the artist were bought and the album becomes platinum.

After such a resounding success, singer Maxim goes on her first tour of the cities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Estonia and Belarus.

In 2007, the singer received two awards at once from the prestigious MTV Russian Music Awards ceremony: as the best pop project of the year and as best performer.

In 2007, the Gala Records studio began to rush the singer Maxim to record her second album. The girl has already recruited a team of musicians who will perform with her. And by the end of the year, the material for the second disc, which became a diamond, is already being completely recorded. By the way, it also included two old compositions - "Alien" and "Winter". The fans perceive the first single of the album "My Paradise" with a bang, and the video becomes popular and in demand on television.

MakSim - Stamps

“Unlike “Difficult Age”, where there were only two songs about me, and the rest were all sorts of observational situations, in the new album I sing only to myself. That is, it is autobiographical. It contains all my emotions - from panicky fun to tearful sadness - over the last two years of my life, ”says Marina.

Critics have noted that new album sounds much better than the debut, moreover, more sincere and warm. However, opinions were also expressed that there were too few hits on the disc.

The artist admits that before the release of the album, she experienced the so-called “second album syndrome”. The girl was afraid that the disc would not be as successful as the first one.

For the first time, singer Maksim plans to perform at the Olimpiysky. The question is being raised in the press - will the singer gather such a huge hall. Contrary to popular belief, the site was sold out - more than 18 thousand people came to the performance.

After a short break, in December 2012, the singer presented new single"Lullaby" and a video clip for it. On February 5, the premiere of two versions of the video for the song, which became a hit, "Sky Airplanes" - the director's version and the TV version - took place. In the spring of 2013, the premiere of the Animal Jazz video "Spider" took place, in the filming of which Maxim took part.

In March 2013, the singer announced the fourth album under the working title "Another Reality". According to her, all the songs for the album have already been recorded (among others, it will include the songs "Shards" and "How to Fly", as well as songs not yet published), but the release of the album was scheduled for May 27, 2013.

Animal Jazz - Spider

In April 2013, MakSim won the OE Video Music Awards 2012 in the Best Female Performance nomination.

On September 5, the premiere of the single "Another Reality" took place on the radio. On September 19, at a party dedicated to the launch of the Russian branch of Warner Music, the premiere of the video clip took place. The video premiered on the Internet on September 23. The single became the most successful on the radio with MakSim, after the release of the single "Shards".
2013 was one of the most fruitful and successful years for MakSim. So, on September 21, 2013, MakSim was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

In the same year, MakSim represented Russia at the international interactive vocal competition OGAE Song Contest with the song "It's Me". premiered October 31st social video"I will live." On November 19, MakSim received an award in the nomination "Best Album".

In 2014, MakSim's composition "I love you" sounded in the film "Only Girls in Sports". In March 2014, MakSim won the Spring Music: Tune in to the Beautiful nomination at the Spring Awards.

In August 2014, MakSim entered the top ten in the ranking of the most rotated performers on radio over the past 10 years.

At the end of 2014, a well-known men's magazine compiled a list of "21 songs of the XXI century", in which MakSim's song "Do You Know" took 9th place. November 19 MakSim received special prize"Best Singer-Songwriter" Music awards box. On November 27, MakSim received the Song of the Year award for the song "God" at the LF City Awards. December 25 MakSim received a diploma "Romantic of our time."

In January 2014, the singer announced that the new album would be released in September 2015.

On February 10, the premiere of the song “Became Freer” took place. February 13 solo concert in Moscow, where the singer presented new song"My love". In May, the release of Djigan's album "Your Choice" took place, which included a remake of MakSim's song "Rain".

In September, it became known that the new album, which is scheduled for release in autumn 2015, was called "Good".

MakSim's personal life

In mid-2008, information appears that Maxim is pregnant. Representatives of the singer do not comment on the rumors, however, the release of the song " The best night” confirms the veracity of the assumptions. And in the video for the composition, the girl appears already with a rounded tummy. This single again storms the top of the charts, and the singer becomes the most rotated in Russia in 2008.

According to unverified reports, in October 2008, Maxim on the Indonesian island of Bali marries sound engineer Alexei Lugovtsev. The singer herself comments on changes in her personal life rather reservedly. On March 8, 2009, Maxim gives birth to a daughter, whom she names Alexandra. Immediately after that, the song “I won’t give it back” appears on the radio. And again the single is waiting for success.

A few months later, the song “Lonely” from the upcoming album of the same name hits the Internet. The composition shocks fans with its content. A young mother, in particular, sings: "I'll sit at home - it's better to smoke, I'll smoke." The girl began to be accused of promoting drugs. However, the artist herself again decided to remain silent.

Six months after the birth of their daughter, Marina Abrosimova and Alexei Lugovtsev celebrated their wedding and got married. The church rite was held in the capital's church of All Saints. Singer Maxim, despite the status of a young mother and newly-made wife, continues to work actively. And already in early December 2009, the singer will present her third album "Single". Two months later, the disc topped the Russian chart.

By the way, following the results of 2010, Maksim received quite a few awards. Among them, WIPO (“ All-Russian organization intellectual property") and "Golden Phonogram" for the circulation of albums and the rotation of songs on the radio.

However, in 2010, the artist presented only two songs “Rain” and “My answer is Yes!”. In December of the same year, information appeared that Maxim and the father of her child were getting a divorce. The news was confirmed a couple of months later. After that, the singer said that she had no plans to release the fourth album in a row and was just writing songs.

Soon after the divorce, a new love came into the personal life of the singer MakSim - to the lead singer of the famous St. Petersburg rock band Animal Jazz Alexander Krasovitsky. They became close while working on the video and at first hid their relationship for a long time, but rumors soon appeared that Marina settled with Alexander in his Moscow apartment. The novel did not last long.

On October 29, 2014, MakSim gave birth to her second daughter, Maria, from businessman Anton Petrov. In September 2015, it became known that MakSim broke up with her second common-law husband.

"Tender May" number two

In a very short period of time, Maxim was able to become one of the most popular performers not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. The girl developed her unique style, and thanks to her perseverance and work, she was recognized as the most successful singer of the country in the first decade of the 21st century.

The artist is already being called a pop princess and the best-selling performer in Russia. And many media outlets drew a parallel between Maxim and the group " Tender May”, which was insanely popular in the early 90s. This is because there are many lyrical and touching songs in the girl's work.

To the question what is the name of the singer Maxim asked by the author Mallow the best answer is The real name of the singer is MAXIM)) MARINA MAKSIMOVA!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Answer from I-beam[newbie]

Answer from Ri Ri[guru]

Answer from Liza Savchenko*[newbie]
Marina Maksimova)) by the way, her brother's name is also Maxim, and her dog. Soon everyone will be called Maxim, and then the end of the world will come.

Answer from workable[guru]
MakSim (formerly Maxi-M; real name Marina Sergeevna Abrosimova (after Maksimov's mother)!! =))

Answer from Yulia Chirkova`[master]
Marina Maksimova*

Answer from Eyes_coffee_colors[guru]
she is not Maximova!! !
she is Marina Abrosimova! !
And she took such a pseudonym, because her brother's name is Maxim!

Answer from Azka[newbie]

Answer from Kristen[guru]
marina maximova. when she got married she became abrosimova

Answer from Your Princess CARAMELKOO[active]
Marina Maksimova!

Answer from Olivia Frazier[guru]
Marina Sergeevna Abrosimova
D. born: 10.06. twins 1983 (28 years old)
M. r.: Kazan, Tatar ASSR, RSFSR, USSR, Russia
Country Russia
Profession/career: singer, composer, actress: dubbing, actress
Genre: pop, music, comedy, family
Collaboration: Igor Bessmertny, Basta, Legalize, Pro-Z Group, Anatoly Stelmachenok, Alsu Ishmetova, Vika Kotorova, Dmitry Komarov, Elena Grebneva
Height: 1.60m.
total f.: 10
spouse: Alexey Lugovtsov (divorced).. one child
first f.: 2007
last f.: 2009
B .: Marina Sergeevna Abrosimova (after Maksimov's mother) born: 06/10/1983 in Kazan in the family of auto mechanic Sergei Orefyevich Abrosimov and educator kindergarten Svetlana Viktorovna Maksimova. From an early age, she began to study music, studied at a music school in vocal and piano classes. At the same time I attended the karate section. She spent a lot of time in the company of her older brother Maxim Abrosimov, in connection with which she received the nickname Maxim, which later became her creative pseudonym.
From the age of 14, the girl begins to participate in various music competitions, such as "Teen star" and "Nefertiti's Necklace", begins to write her own songs, including "Alien" and "Winter", included in the singer's second album "My Paradise".
Early career: By the age of 15, having firmly decided to become a singer, Marina begins to take her first steps in musical career. In the studios of Kazan, in collaboration with the group "Pro-Z", her first songs are recorded: "Alien", "Start" and "Passer-by". The song "Start" becomes a local hit in Tatarstan, gets into the rotation of local radio stations and is often played in clubs. After some time, the song gets into the collection "Russian Ten", but under the authorship of the incredibly popular at that time group "t.A.T.u."
Education: Graduated from the Kazan Lyceum No. 83, and Kazan State Technical University. Tupolev Faculty of Public Relations.
Popularity of the singer: In a fairly short period of time, MakSim has become one of the most popular singers in Russia and CIS countries. Having developed her own unique style and thanks to her enormous capacity for work, the singer became the most successful performer in Russia in the first decade of the new century. MakSim has also received several nicknames from the media. She is called a pop princess and the best-selling singer in Russia. Many journalists draw parallels between the singer and the very popular group "Tender May" in the early 90s of the last century. Such a comparison is caused by a large number of lyrical, touching songs in MakSim's repertoire.
MakSim also attracts the attention of the public by writing most of her songs herself, calling them autobiographical. The singer herself characterizes herself more as a singer-songwriter than a pop singer, and wants people to pay attention to her work first of all, and not to her personal life.
Group members: Marina Abrosimova - vocals, music producer
Evgeny Modestov - guitar
Stanislav Groshev - bass guitar
Valentin Tarasov - drums
Kirill Antonenko (Kirbas Lis - keyboards (left the band in October 2011)
Dmitry Ivanov - keyboards
Pavel Gonin - percussion
2006 - Difficult age: first concert in Moscow
2008 - Concert at the Olympic March 22, 2008
Songs not released on albums
Running on the waves
My answer is yes!
How to fly
It is me

Answer from Lyrics[guru]
Marina Abrosimova.

Answer from kitty[guru]
Marina Maksimova

Answer from fr fr[newbie]
Marina Maksimova

Answer from tanya lyubishina[newbie]
Marina Abrosimova

Answer from Kurzhanova Maria[guru]
Marina Maksimova

Answer from Diana Grigorieva[active]

Answer from IRINA ROMANOVA[guru]
Marina Abrosimova her name is

Answer from Alyosya![guru]
Biography - Marina Maksimova (MakSim):
The Maxim group was born in 2005 and in just a few months has won tons of Russian hearts, or rather hectares of places in them. Real name singers maxim- Marina Maksimova. Maxim was born in the city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan. Her date of birth is 06/24/1984. It is not difficult to calculate how old the singer is. It turns out that the age of Maxim is 24 years old.

She appeared in show business literally out of nowhere. According to MakSim, in her life everything happened by itself. She first studied at vocal mug in the city of Kazan. At the same time, for 6 years, Maxim attended sports Club karate. The result is a red belt.

The ironic girl is just a tomboy in a skirt. Kazan boys called her Maxim. In their early years Maxim has come a long way, which she does not regret at all: “This is not work, but pleasure. In general, I am lucky in life. It's wrong to complain."

MakSim is that rare case when a calling found a person. She wrote poetry in school age, and quite unexpectedly: severely violating discipline at school, she exchanged notes with her girlfriend in class, rhymed two lines ... and off we go! Usually students get a "2" for this behavior. Maxim found a profession. “At first, these were poems about nothing, or rather, about the unreal, not related to my life. Then I realized that you can write about yourself and about your life. She read classical poets, loved Anna Akhmatova more; the lyrics of the song “Become the Wind”, inspired by the works of the great poetess - the star shares. At the same time, Maxim participated in song contests. "It was good way skipping school - with pleasure and without consequences, ”the singer ironically remarks.

Even in high school, MakSim did not differ in diligent behavior. But absenteeism and lateness were always for "good" reasons - "creativity is above all!" - Maxim justified herself when she was late for the lesson after the rehearsal. The punishment was inevitable - the late students had to recite a poem, which Maxim did with pleasure. “Oh, Van, look what clowns ...” - she read with an expression, and the whole class burst into laughter.

While still at school, MakSim began to participate in competitions for young vocalists "Teen star" and "Nefertiti's Necklace". She performed songs from the repertoire of Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, and Zhanna Aguzarova. The singer Maksim got her first professional contract at the age of 14. The producer literally “took it from the competition”, and decided to make a star out of a young girl. “I, in fact, did not want any success, and to build singing career didn't intend to. My parents wanted me to become a lawyer. I did not mind: a lawyer is an honorable profession! "- says the soloist. Singer Maxim realized that she only wants to sing songs own composition. The first creations "Alien" and "Start" became super hits in the clubs of Kazan. And "Start" even got into the popular pop collection " hot ten”, which at that time was produced in huge editions. After some time, performances began in Murmansk, Neryungri, St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk.

A few years later, Marina Maksimova became a singer, went to study in Moscow, signed a contract with the recording company Gala Records and began working on her debut album.

MakSim came to our company from the street, rang the doorbell, “I brought a CD with songs…” After listening, we were pleasantly surprised. Even, to tell the truth, they are amazed by such a dramatic combination of childishness and naivety with a pronounced melodic talent and the ability to write real hits, reports Gala Records.

Be that as it may, now Marina Maksimova Maksim is not just a girl from the street and is already far from the notorious "zero".

Biography of the singer Maxim Singer Maxim (Marina Sergeevna Abrosimova) was born in the city of Kazan on June 10, 1983. The girl from an early age began to study music. The future celebrity studied at a music school in piano and vocals. And at the same time, Marina went to the karate section. The versatile girl was constantly in the company of her older brother Maxim, and that is why they began to call her by his name. According to the singer herself, the pseudonym is also formed from the surname of Maximov - this is her mother's maiden name. From the age of 14, Maxim actively begins to take part in various music competitions, for example, Teen Star and Nefertiti's Necklace, and also begins to write songs. The first were the compositions "Alien" and "Winter", which were included on the disc "My Paradise". It is worth noting that the musical preferences of the future celebrity were very diverse. As the singer Maxim herself admits, she listened to everything - from "Spleen" to "Guests from the Future". However, the singer's preferences were also influenced by the music that her father listened to - these are The Beatles and Pink Floyd. And besides this, the girl spent a lot of time in the company of her brother and constantly listened to courtyard music. The beginning of a career At the age of 15, Maxim had already firmly decided that she would become a singer and began to take her first career steps. At studios in her hometown, the girl collaborates with the Pro-Z group and records her first songs Start, Alien and Passer-by. The first song becomes a number one hit in Tatarstan, played on local radio and in all clubs. The favorite of the public, singer Maxim A, after some time falls into the "Russian Top Ten", although the then popular "t.A.T.u." were announced by the authors. according to the singer herself, she wrote this song long before the group appeared. Singer Maxim begins to engage in her own promotion. The girl records songs as part of a low-budget project and collaborates with little-known bands. And the radio gets Maxim's single "Difficult Age", however, it does not have such success as the second one - "Tenderness". A year later, the composition "Centimeters of Breath" hits the air. Suddenly, the song becomes popular. And this despite the fact that there was no promotional company. However, despite such success, the name of the singer is still not known to the general public. The singer decides to go to Moscow. In the capital, the girl begins to write new songs. By the way, they say that at first the singer Maxim performed in the subway. Unexpected success Maxim collected enough material for the album and began to look for a company that would agree to work with her. “Once I unexpectedly arrived at a dance festival in St. Petersburg and saw that the song “Difficult Age” was being sung by 15 thousand people with me. With this video, I came to the Gala Records company - it was already obvious to the management that this was perceived positively by people, ”recalls singer Maxim. Singer Maxim on video This is how the first album of the singer “Difficult Age” appears, the hallmarks of which were the songs “Become the Wind”, “Do You Know?” and "Let go." And the song “Tenderness” gets to the first place of the chart of the “Russian Radio “Golden Gramophone” and stays there for 9 weeks. By the way, in the first few weeks, more than 200 thousand records of the artist were bought and the album becomes platinum. After such a resounding success, singer Maxim goes on her first tour of the cities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Estonia and Belarus. In 2007, the singer received two awards at once from the prestigious MTV Russian Music Awards ceremony: as the best pop project of the year and as the best performer. In 2007, the Gala Records studio began to rush the singer Maxim to record her second album. The girl has already recruited a team of musicians who will perform with her. And by the end of the year, the material for the second disc, which became a diamond, is already being completely recorded. By the way, it also included two old compositions - "Alien" and "Winter". The fans perceive the first single of the album "My Paradise" with a bang, and the video becomes popular and in demand on television. Maksim. I won't give it back “Unlike “Difficult Age”, where there were only two songs about me, and the rest were all sorts of observational situations, in the new album I sing only to myself. That is, it is autobiographical. It contains all my emotions - from panicky fun to tearful sadness - over the last two years of my life, ”says Marina. Critics noted that the new album sounds much better than the debut, moreover, more sincere and warm. However, opinions were also expressed that there were too few hits on the disc. The artist admits that before the release of the album, she experienced the so-called “second album syndrome”. The girl was afraid that the disc would not be as successful as the first one. For the first time, singer Maksim plans to perform at the Olimpiysky. The question is being raised in the press - will the singer gather such a huge hall. Contrary to popular belief, the site was sold out - more than 18 thousand people came to the performance. Unplanned pregnancy In the middle of 2008, information appeared that Maxim was pregnant. Representatives of the singer do not comment on the rumors, however, the release of the song "Best Night" confirms the veracity of the assumptions. And in the video for the composition, the girl appears already with a rounded tummy. This single again storms the top of the charts, and the singer becomes the most rotated in Russia in 2008. The birth of a daughter and drug propaganda According to unverified reports, in October 2008, Maxim on the Indonesian island of Bali marries sound engineer Alexei Lugovtsev. The singer herself comments on changes in her personal life rather reservedly. On March 8, 2009, Maxim gives birth to a daughter, whom she names Alexandra. Immediately after that, the song “I won’t give it back” appears on the radio. And again the single is waiting for success. Maxim and Aleksey Lugovtsev A few months later, the song "Single" from the upcoming album of the same name hits the Internet. The composition shocks fans with its content. A young mother, in particular, sings: "I'll sit at home - it's better to smoke, I'll smoke." The girl began to be accused of promoting drugs. However, the artist herself again decided to remain silent. Six months after the birth of their daughter, Marina Abrosimova and Alexei Lugovtsev celebrated their wedding and got married. The church rite was held in the capital's church of All Saints. Singer Maxim, despite the status of a young mother and newly-made wife, continues to work actively. And already in early December 2009, the singer will present her third album "Single". Two months later, the disc topped the Russian chart. By the way, following the results of 2010, Maksim received quite a few awards. Among them are VOIS (“All-Russian Organization of Intellectual Property”) and “Golden Phonogram” for album circulation and song rotation on the radio. However, in 2010, the artist presented only two songs “Rain” and “My answer is Yes!”. In December of the same year, information appeared that Maxim and the father of her child were getting a divorce. The news was confirmed a couple of months later. After that, the singer said that she had no plans to release the fourth album in a row and was just writing songs. "Tender May" number two In a very short period of time, Maxim was able to become one of the most popular performers not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. The girl developed her own unique style, and thanks to her perseverance and work, she was recognized as the most successful singer in the country in the first decade of the 21st century. Maxim with his daughter The artist is already being called a pop princess and the best-selling performer in Russia. And many media outlets drew a parallel between Maxim and the Laskovy May group, which was insanely popular in the early 90s. This is because there are many lyrical and touching songs in the girl's work.

Maxim (MakSim)

MakSim (Maxi-M), real name - Marina Sergeevna Abrosimova. She was born on June 10, 1983 in Kazan. Russian singer and music producer. Honored Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia (2013), Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (2016).

Marina Abrosimova, who became known under the pseudonyms Maxi-M and MakSim, was born on June 10, 1983 in Kazan.

Father - Sergey Orefyevich Abrosimov, auto mechanic.

Mother - Svetlana Viktorovna Maksimova, kindergarten teacher.

The elder brother is Maxim Abrosimov.

From an early age she was fond of music, she sang well. Graduated music school in vocal and piano classes.

She was also fond of sports, especially martial arts, was engaged in karate and reached the level of a red belt.

As the artist said, from an early age she was very close with her older brother, spent a lot of time with him and in the company of his boy friends. It was thanks to her brother that she received the nickname Maxim as a child - she later used it as a creative pseudonym.

In Kazan, she graduated from Lyceum No. 83.

IN school years participated in the music competitions "Teen Star" and "Nefertiti's Necklace", wrote her own songs, including "Alien" and "Winter", which were included in the singer's second album "My Paradise".

After school, she graduated from the Faculty of Public Relations at the Kazan State Technical University. Tupolev.

She first announced herself in the late 1990s, when she began collaborating with the Pro-Z group in Kazan. Then she recorded the songs "Start" and "Passer-by". The song "Start" becomes a local hit in Tatarstan, gets into the rotation of local radio stations and is often played in clubs. And after some time, the song was included in the collection "Russian Ten", but under the authorship of the incredibly popular at that time group "t.A.T.u."

She later said: "Many years ago I had a song called" Start. "After several years, the pirates released this song on the disk of the Tatu group and the listeners decided that I was trying to" mow " under them. In fact, this song was born long before the appearance of this group on our stage".

MakSim - Start

She also collaborated with the Guba team, but, according to her, the project was not interesting and she got into it by accident. She was offered to sing their material and she agreed to earn money.

At that time, MakSim wrote songs for the Sh-cola group, including "Party", "Night Amazons", "Cool Producer", "Do You Like It or Not" and "I'm Flying Away Like This".

In 2003, the singer independently published the single "Difficult Age" on the radio, which did not receive much success, like the second single "Tenderness". The Kazan group Pro-Z helped the singer in recording the songs, the members of which acted as arrangers and producers of the songs.

In 2004, MakSim released the song "Centimeters of Breath" on the radio. The single gained great popularity, reaching 34 positions in the general radio chart of the CIS countries. Having given his first performances in the clubs of Kazan and other cities of Russia, MakSim moved to Moscow. In the capital, according to her, she lived for eight days at the station, slept, sitting in the waiting room, and hid from the police. Then she met a dancer who invited her to rent a one-room apartment together. In this apartment, located in the Tsaritsyno area, she spent 6 years.

Having collected enough material, MakSim begins to look for a company that will agree to work with her, and turns to Gala Records. The company, having looked at the singer's demo disc with a recording of a performance at a concert in St. Petersburg, decides to work with her.

In 2005, work began on the first solo album "A difficult age". Her songs were produced by the full-time sound producer of the Gala Records studio Anatoly Stelmachenok.

In 2005, the single "Difficult Age" was re-released under the name "Difficult Age (2005 version)". Next, a video clip is shot for the composition. The song enters the top 100, peaking at number 46. To consolidate the success, in October 2005 the single "Tenderness" was re-released under the name "Tenderness (album edit)". The second video of the singer is filmed for the composition. True success comes to MakSim. The song takes first place in the chart of the Russian radio "Golden Gramophone", having stayed on it for 9 weeks.

On March 28, 2006, MakSim's debut album "Difficult Age" was released. In the first few months, more than 200 thousand copies of the disc are sold, and the album receives platinum status.

In October, a new single "Let Go" is released, a more lyrical and autobiographical song, co-written with MakSim's friend, Alsu Ishmetova. The video clip for the composition gets into heavy rotation for everyone music channels Russia. "Let go" became the first single for MakSim, which topped the general radio chart of the CIS countries, holding the first place for 4 weeks.

Success was developed by the single "Do You Know".

In June 2007, a video was shot for the song "Become the Wind", which, according to MakSim, was written under the influence of creativity.

In October 2007, at the MTV Russian Music Awards ceremony, MakSim received two awards at once: the best performer and the best pop project of the year.

At the end of the year, the promotional campaign for the second album begins. The first single from the album is released, a song called "My Paradise". The second album of the singer is released on November 13 "My paradise". In the first week, more than 500 thousand copies of the disc are sold.

In November 2007, the film "Charmed" was released, in which MakSim voiced main character- Princess Giselle.

In 2008, MakSim became the most rotated Russian performer.

In March 2009, MakSim released the single "Sky, fall asleep" on the radio. The song was used to advertise the film "Taras Bulba", but the composition itself was recorded earlier, in 2008, and hit the Internet under the name "Birds". For the record new version rapper Legalize was invited to cooperate.

In 2009, MakSim's composition "Alien" became the soundtrack of the television series Lapushki.

At the end of August 2009, her song “Lonely” hit the Internet, which attracted public attention with its provocative lyrics. In particular, the singer sings: "I'll sit at home - it's better to blow, I'll smoke." For these lines, MakSim was accused of promoting drugs.

In September, she presented a video for the song "Road", which was included in the soundtrack to the film "The Book of Masters", filmed in Russia by the American company Walt Disney.

In December 2009, the RU.TV channel summed up the results of the first decade of the 21st century, where, according to the results of user voting, MakSim won in the Singer of the Decade nomination.

And on December 1, 2009, the third album of the singer was released "Single". In February 2010, the album topped the Russian chart.

At the end of 2010, the Russian edition of Billboard magazine summed up the decade of 2000-2010, where the singer's debut album Difficult Age was included in the list of major releases of the decade.

In August 2012, MakSim represented Russia at International festival songs in Sopot (Poland) with the song "Do you know".

In April 2013, MakSim won the Best Female Performance nomination at the OE Video Music Awards.

In 2013, MakSim represented Russia at the international interactive vocal competition OGAE Song Contest with the song "It's Me".

In 2014, MakSim's composition "I love you" sounded in the film "Only Girls in Sports".

In March 2014, MakSim won the Spring Music: Tune in to the Beautiful nomination at the Spring Awards. In August of the same year, she entered the top ten in the ranking of the most rotated performers on radio over the past 10 years.

At the end of 2014, the men's magazine GQ compiled a list of "21 songs of the XXI century", in which MakSim's song "Do You Know" took 9th place. And on November 19, MakSim received the special prize "Best Singer-Songwriter" of the Music Box Award. On November 27, MakSim received the Song of the Year award for the song "God" at the LF City Awards.

On November 2, 2015, the pre-order of the album opened. "Fine", and on November 17 it was released. The single "Good" hit the top 100 of the radio chart, becoming the 20th song of the singer, who succeeded.

MakSim - Stamps

In September 2015, MakSim opened her own art school.

In 2015 she entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Theology of the Ryazan state university them. S. A. Yesenina. The singer explained the choice of direction with a desire spiritual growth and development, and the fact that scientific knowledge about religion and the history of religions will be useful for the mother.

December 27, 2016 MakSim officially presented her autobiography "It is me...". The book covers the period from the very birth of the singer.

Growth MakSim: 160 centimeters.

MakSim's personal life:

She was in a relationship with an actor whom she met on the set of the video “Let go”.

In 2008, she married sound engineer Alexei Lugovtsov. The wedding took place in the Church of All Saints in Krasnoselsky Lane in Moscow. The wedding was played in Bali.

In 2011, MakSim and Alexey Lugovtsov divorced.

Later, the singer said that the marriage with Lugovtsov was extremely unsuccessful and was accompanied by regular scandals, which had a sharp negative impact on her work and career as a singer, since she was constantly in a state of stress.

At the same time, she noted that family and children are the main thing in her life, expressed her intention to find new love and happiness in family life.

MakSim in the program " female look Oksana Pushkina"

Then she had an affair with the lead singer of the Animal Jazz group Alexander Krasovitsky. The couple even announced a quick wedding - MakSim reported that Krasovitsky had proposed to her and that the musician had found mutual language with her daughter Alexandra.

All three of them even did a joint photo shoot for the gloss, pretending to be almost a family. But the marriage never came to fruition.

In 2014, it became known that the singer was in a relationship with businessman Anton Petrov. On October 29, 2014, the couple had a daughter, Maria.

But even with Anton Petrov, the singer failed to start a family: in 2015 they broke up. The businessman left the singer for the sake of the 22-year-old daughter of the deputy Lisa Bryskina. Regarding the break with Petrov, the artist said: “It’s impossible to say that I suffered wildly then or somehow especially worry now. Yes, I worry, I’m alive, and I have emotions. But to say that I’m going to someone revenge is not about me at all! I am a self-sufficient person who has room to develop. I have no anger. Except perhaps a feeling of pity. Unfortunately, in our time, a stamp in a passport does not always mean feelings, this is quite obvious. And it happens, that a person prioritizes career."

In 2016, information appeared that MakSim had resumed relations with Alexander Krasovitsky.

He is into boxing.

Filmography MakSim:

2007 - Enchanted (voicing)
2009 - Book of Masters (vocals)

Discography of MakSim:

2006 - Difficult age
2007 - My Paradise
2009 - Single
2013 - Another reality
2015 - Good

Singles MakSim:

2005 - Difficult age
2005 - Tenderness
2006 - I'm letting go
2007 - Do you know
2007 - Become the wind
2007 - Our summer (with Basta)
2007 - My Paradise
2008 - Learn to fly
2008 - Best Night
2009 - I won't give it back
2009 - Sky, fall asleep (with Legalize)
2009 - On the radio waves
2009 - Road
2010 - Spring
2010 - My answer is Yes!
2010 - Rain
2011 - How to fly
2011 - Shards
2011 - Love is poison
2012 - Single
2012 - Live (with Animal Jazz)
2012 - It's me
2012 - Lullaby
2013 - Sky-planes
2013 - I am the wind
2013 - Another reality
2013 - I will live
2014 - God
2015 - Don't Exhale
2015 - Became freer
2015 - Goldfish
2015 - Rain (with Dzhigan)
2015 - Good
2016 - Go
2016 - Stamps
