Biography of the actor Pakhomov, Konstantin Mikhailovich. National Service of Mutual Search for People Konstantin Pakhomov affectionate May now

Konstantin Mikhailovich Pakhomov(born January 13, 1972 in Orenburg) - Russian and Russian musician, singer, former member of the Gentle May group.

  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Performances
  • 3 Merits
  • 4 Notes


Born January 13, 1972, grew up in a completely prosperous family. Ancestors have nothing to do with music-creativity. Father - Misha Pakhomov (born 1946). Mother - Natalya Pakhomova (born 1949). In 1977, Konstantin's younger brother, Sergei Pakhomov, was born, who this moment is the admin of the Konstantin forum. Kostya's ancestors were against his musical career.

From 1979 to 1988, Konstantin studied at the Secondary general education school No. 55 of the town of Orenburg on Tkachev Street, house 20. At school he studied in a literary special class - it was enough through the roof. For some time he worked as a DJ in the local recreation center "Orbita".

He joined the Gentle May group in 1988, when it was already popular. Once, at the Orbita Palace of Culture, where all the recordings of May were held, a local schoolboy, Kostya Pakhomov, knocked on the door. By that time he had already graduated music school, perfectly knew the theory of music and had a set voice. After listening to him, Sergei could not help but appreciate his capabilities and took him to the group. “It all started with an ordinary school ensemble. He didn’t even have a name, just VIA, how stylish it was then. We played everything from the Beatles to the then contemporary music. I was the vocalist. Surely this ensemble gave me something. Since after the 8th grade I managed to get a job at the Orenburg Philharmonic and worked with famous group"Alpha" (when Sergey Sarychev was still there). He immediately studied at school. I immediately took a risk for the "first flight" to gain altitude abruptly - I recorded an album in "Tender May" ... "

In May-June 1988, for the first time, he took part in the tour of the group as part of the festival " Russian field". With his songs, he performed before the public of the Orenburg region. He wrote the lyrics for the songs "Evening of a Cool Winter", "What are you, summer", "Flowers" and "First Flight".

Pakhomov performed at more than 50 concerts as a duet with Sergei Kuznetsov. In July 1988, he moved to Moscow on the advice of Andrei Razin, but a year later he left the group due to a conflict with Razin: according to Sergei Kuznetsov, Konstantin was a very independent and self-sufficient artist, which irritated Razin.

In 1989, in the TV show Wider Circle! Kostya Pakhomov performed the song "What are you, summer?"

In August 1989, Pakhomov released his own solo album"The Ballad of Love", most of the songs of which were written by Sergey Kuznetsov.

In 1991, Konstantin participated in Rostov-on-Don in Sergei Minaev's program "50/50" where he sang the song "You, Me and the Sea".

After touring with Sergei Serkov, he ends his musical career and begins acting in films. His first and last main role became a role in Vitaly Makarov's film "Dummy in Love". The film can be attributed to the genre of adventure comedy with chases, racketeers and, of course, a romantic story. Together with Konstantin, Anna Tikhonova (feature film “Black Nights in the Town of Sochi”), Boris Shcherbakov (feature film “A Case in the Square 36-80”, “Coast”, “Groom from Miami”, “Apple saved”), Misha Svetin (feature film “The Man from Capuchin Boulevard”, “Twelve Chairs”), Svetlana Nemolyaeva (feature film “Garage”, “ Love affair at work”), Lyudmila Khityaeva (feature film “Ekaterina Voronina”, “Virgin Soil Upturned”, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Evdokia”) and Ilya Oleinikov (program “Gorodok”). The songs that sound in the movie, specifically "I Love" and "On the Bike", were not written by Konstantin. Lyrics by Simon Osiashvili, music by Viktor Chaika. His partner was Anya Tikhonova, the daughter of the famous scout Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Stirlitz. Filming was carried out in Sevastopol and Yalta, because of which the entire national economic activity of the Crimean region was paralyzed. the only thing people did was stick around the set and watch Kostya. Such things were going on… “Instead of the planned 3 months, the shooting stretched for a year. But, I think, the picture to some extent will be able to make up for my year-long silence, because my songs sound in it, one ancient - “Evening lights the fires”, and two new ones, written especially for the cinema. Later, this film began to be shown on TV3.

After that, a beautiful debut, Pakhomov completely leaves the stage.

Few knew that Pakhomov had seven years of music school behind him in the violin class. This is at the moment, when everything is sold and bought, virtually anyone who wants to play the violin can take. Previously, this was unrealistic. Only those who had the narrowest musical ear were taken to the violin.

Konstantin Pakhomov is not currently engaged in show business at all, and he does not like to talk about his own field of activity. He has his own forum on the web, although he occasionally appears there, perhaps due to his own employment. Konstantin was registered on the forum on October 2, 2011 at 17:49. It is clear that the past favorite of the public is not indifferent to oriental views sports. He reads a lot, loves the work of Gumilyov, Pasternak and Mandelstam, as well as Bulgakov and Rybakov. The most beloved hero of the film is the Count of Monte Cristo in the performance of Gerard Depardieu. Interested in the history of Russia. Possesses English language. Konstantin loves to relax in a small cozy company. In the main, he likes to relax in nature and away from the bustle of the city. There are several favorite places - the Czech Republic, for example. Earlier, Kostya plunged into the hole at Epiphany. Now only from a bucket of ice water is doused. Konstantin does not wear bracelets and various gold chains on his arm, because he does not see the point in this. He loves Konstantin and the Russian bath and visits it from time to time. Only now the snow does not happen every winter so that you can jump into it. Insofar as his birthday falls on the Old New Year, then on January 13, Konstantin celebrates a double holiday, although he no longer loves the New Year very much and no longer believes in fairy tales. And in childhood, the ancestors put gifts under the Christmas tree for Serezha and Kostya. Even at the moment, after many years, the Pakhomov family has such a good Russian tradition of putting gifts under the Christmas tree.

Zodiac symbol: CAPRICORN.

One of the members of the website in PM asked a fascinating question for Konstantin. Question: Why doesn't Kostya try to earn extra money on the former glory? For example, re-release your songs, make modern cover versions, sing in an 80s disco, give a dozen interviews. Konstantin's answer: “What do the attempts to earn extra money on the former glory lead to? To the fact that this glory (read Recognition) is returning. Shows on TV begin, rotation on Radio, interviews with photos in the press. Accordingly, this is followed by invitations to tour. That's something, but I don't feel like going on tour at all. And that's why she WAS fame, that the departure from the stage was Conscious. And then, it took a very solid period of time so that they would not recognize and could breathe freely. In other words, I'm not going to make money with this. And if I'm going to go on tour, it will be only for my own enjoyment. And when will I have such a desire, and will it appear ... I can’t foretell this.” And he adds that he will not organize meetings with admirers and fans, if only with like-minded people. And he also adds that a book about him will never be published, because he himself categorically does not want this and he keeps his whole life a great secret and does not want to tell anyone these secrets and it is unlikely that he will ever want to! It’s only clear that Konstantin has not been married to this time, and, unfortunately, he doesn’t have kids either, but in the material sense he feels great. “I am not married, no kids. I don't want it yet. Young still. He did a lot of things, including music. I am a rather secretive person, I do not like to devote others to the details of my own life.”

In 2006, Konstantin Pakhomov's CD with the best songs was released in the "Grand collection" series.

In 2007 he graduated from the Metropolitan Municipal Institute of Culture (MGIK) and now MGUKI in Khimki on Library Street, 13 and holds a senior position in the metropolitan ice cream company Ais-Fili.


Pakhomov was a balanced little boy. Somewhat selfish. Very well read. He did not smoke and categorically opposed alcohol (it seems that until now he has not indulged in these things). Naturally, in everyday life such a bouquet of pluses only decorates a person. But on the stage, in my opinion, you need a rebel. At the very least, I needed a rebel... I saw that Pakhomov had his own musical path. And he will certainly find her, if you help him a little, support him.

About everything about this - about his future, about music, pop and traditional, we talked with Kostya in the rarest moments of rest between concerts. It turned out that he does not like disco, not a fan of pop affairs. He was pulled harsh music. Was it possible to talk with Shatunov about the classics? .. Yes, he would have fallen asleep in two seconds! .. Kostya was curious about which of the Greats I had in my idols. And I told him why I love Antonio Vivaldi, why I only like the 14th note by Ludwig Ivanovich Beethoven, and why I can't stand Prokofiev and Scriabin. - So how are they atonal? - thought Kostya, and this was not a boy's question, but a spouse's.

Even in our own abstruse conversations, we touched on stellar issues. But all the same, I did not go to revelations with Kostya. He didn't need them. He was self sufficient. Kostya and I didn't eat a pood of salt during the Russian Field festival. Fire and water did not pass. Copper pipes- too (they did not tour in a brass band). But the exhausting work schedule, enervating loading and unloading of the apparatus - they all survived. And Kostya turned out to be a reliable employee." Sergey Kuznetsov


Pakhomov served under the contract in 1995-1996 as a reconnaissance machine gunner, commander of a special purpose group in the Chechen Republic, in 2001-2002 as a senior reconnaissance machine gunner, commander of a special purpose group, special purpose detachment in the Chechen Republic. He was awarded the medals "For Military Valor" and "For Courage".

Legendary musical groups and there are many solo singers of the era of the 80-90s. Wherein soviet stage for some reason, they were reluctant to accept newcomers into their ranks. It was only in post-perestroika times that this entrenched clan was shaken. And who succeeded! A group of orphans with their lyrical repertoire, before which the no less legendary “Na-na” later took off their hats.

The idea of ​​writing this post was inspired by the melody phone call my work colleague. Silence. Her phone rings loudly, she is not at the workplace at that moment, we enjoy the most beautiful melody for some time. Then we asked her what the melody was, it turned out to be Kostya Pakhomov's song "Birds". Later, during a lunch break, it turned out that in her youth she was a fan of Tender May, but not Yura Shatunov, but Kostya Pakhomov. She told how she was more than once at concerts, how Shatunov, to put it mildly, did not behave very correctly with these sobbing, girl fans, which cannot be said about his unspoken competitor K. Pakhomov.

It turns out that the army of Tender May fans was secretly divided into two groups. Some idolized Shatunov, others were captivated by the bewitching voice of Pakhomov. Two stars, two the brightest personalities, but they are completely different.

Y. Shatunov - difficult teenager, who early learned the cruel laws of the street, abandoned by his father, survived alcoholism and the death of his mother, the betrayal of relatives, all the “charms” of life in a boarding school. Today the singer lives and works in Germany and rarely gives interviews.

K. Pakhomov grew up in a prosperous family, was older and the only one in the group who had musical education and assigned voice. As a schoolboy, he studied in a literary special class, he was a well-read, calm, intelligent child. Parents were against Kostya's musical career, nevertheless, his rapid rise to the Olympus of the rudimentary show business took place, albeit at a very a short time(1988-1991). Creating the impression of a serious, adult, self-sufficient person, Pakhomov in the clips looks like a prince from a fairy tale. Today, we know almost nothing about his life. It is only known for certain that he took part in the hostilities in the Caucasus in the late 90s and has awards. There are suggestions that he lives abroad, has his own business. It is also assumed that he lives safely in his homeland, in Orenburg, under a different surname.

Few people know, but it was with the advent of Pakhomov in the group (1988) that a split occurred, and Shatunov for some time even concedes leadership to him. A whole album was recorded with songs performed by Pakhomov, which for some reason did not receive wide popularity. And it included only one song performed by Shatunov.

Who knows, perhaps if the strategy of A. Razin to keep Yu. Shatunov in the first positions in the group by any means was not so manic, we would have known a completely different “Tender May”. Professional, intelligent, discreet, as he, if only for a moment, but nevertheless did. K. Pakhomov…

And which of them is closer to you personally? The choice is not easy But, let's, at least within the framework of Maycharm, try to imagine the true leader of "Tender May".

Who would you like to see as the leader of the group "Tender May"

Poll completed.

The Laskovy May group, which started show business in Russia, recently turned 25 years old. Soloist and producer Andrey Razin gave holiday concert in Moscow, Yuri Shatunov performed in St. Petersburg that day. They did not congratulate each other. And is there any reason for fun?

The guys went missing and spent time in prison

In the 80s, "Tender May" literally blew up the country. Surprisingly, but a fact: the newly minted stars had neither a voice nor hearing, the lyrics of the melodies were below average. But at their concerts, the fans were hysterical and waving their bras. Some, unable to get an idol's autograph, tried to open their veins in the toilets concert halls.

“The loot flowed like a river, we carried money in suitcases,” the producer said proudly Andrey Razin. It was he who came up with the story with twin groups at one time. He recruited cute kids in orphanages, put together several groups, and they traveled around the country. Concerts of the popular group could be held in 5-10 cities at the same time. They sang to the soundtrack. In response to the demands of the fans to present the "face of the group" Yura Shatunov, the administrators replied: "He is sick."

We tried to find soloists popular group different years. It turned out that many of them are already ... in the cemetery! Moreover, the guys died at a young age, before they reached the age of 25. There is no longer bass player Vyacheslav Ponomarev, keyboardists Igor Igoshin, Mikhail Sukhomlinov, Arvid Yurgaitis, vocalist Yuri Barabash ...

- I don’t remember exactly which of them died from what: someone was stabbed with a knife in a fight, someone went missing ... But really, many are gone. A few more people are in prison. Some kind of curse? Perhaps, - says the first composer and creator of the group, Sergei Kuznetsov. - I did not analyze why it happened and who is to blame. But there is some frightening pattern.

Our interlocutor also admitted: if he woke up in the morning with thoughts of "Tender May", expect trouble. It has already happened: either the pipe of the house will break, then the neighbors will flood ...

And the ex-soloist Konstantin Pakhomov, with whom we contacted e-mail, does not even pronounce the name "Tender May" aloud. Only briefly - "LM". To avoid trouble. He doesn't talk about the past even with his friends.

The first fans were paid for the tantrum

The group was created under the Orenburg orphanage No. 2 as an amateur art group by music lover Sergei Kuznetsov. At one of the combined concerts, the guys were seen by Andrey Razin from the Stavropol Territory, who set himself the goal of conquering Moscow. He persuaded young musicians rush to the capital. Many ex-soloists belittle the merits of the cunning Razin, but it was he who arranged the concerts, introducing himself as Gorbachev's nephew (in fact, they are fellow countrymen with Mikhail Sergeyevich - from the village of Privolnoye, Stavropol Territory). Businessmen and politicians made concessions to him. And Razin brought the first crowd of girl fans under the door of one of the houses of culture, paying them to squeal ... And then there was a chain reaction.

Already in 1990, the number of fans of the boy band exceeded 16 million people. Hundreds of female fans ran around fortune tellers to bewitch idols.

Numerous love spells weakened the energy of young musicians. No wonder experienced artists regularly put themselves on energy protection, have their own magicians. The result of witchcraft influences could be the death of the youngest guys.
Shatunov says that for several years he felt bad, was sick - there was a feeling that all the strength had been sucked out of him. Miraculously cured. Now Yura lives in Germany, rarely gives concerts in Russia.

I have a small house in Germany. There is an apartment in Sochi, but not in Moscow. I spent all the savings that I had - I was careless about money, I didn’t think about the future, - says the ex-idol of millions. Suitcases of money did not bring happiness to anyone. Only Andrey Razin walks important and satisfied, says that he has achieved everything he wanted in life.


A story is told in a musical gathering. Somehow to visit Yuri Shatunov went Alla Pugacheva. Then she was not the number one star - an ordinary singer. Sat down to dinner. Shatunov began to champ loudly - how does a pupil of an orphanage have good manners? To which Alla Borisovna made a maternal remark: “Yur, this is indecent.” To which the 15-year-old artist, picking his teeth with a fork, replied: “When you have as much money as we have, then we’ll talk.” Pugacheva did not try to educate her young colleague anymore.

Konstantin Pakhomov can be called one of the most mysterious participants of Tender May! He not only stood at the origins of the group, but was one of the few who really had a musical education there. But after releasing two solo albums and starring in the cooperative melodrama Mannequin in Love, Pakhomov disappeared from television screens for years. Until now, very little is known about him. Rumor has it that Konstantin is in the ice cream business, and also served in intelligence in two Chechen wars. But there is no one to confirm or deny them. Unlike the rest of the ex-Mayevites, Kostya does not appear either on the Internet or on talk show Malakhov. In this article (which does not claim to be complete or objective), we will try to put together the available information about this mysterious artist!

ABOUT early biography Little is known about bones. Born on January 13, 1972 in the city of Orenburg. Unlike many other participants in Tender May, he was not an orphan. Before meeting Sergei Kuznetsov, he managed to finish music school in the violin class and sing in the school ensemble. And this acquaintance took place at the right time ...

In that happy time - in the spring of 1988, May was still an Orenburg group, and - an unknown administrator of the Mirage group, posing as Gorbachev's nephew. The first album "White Roses" was already recorded, which, dispersing in Orenburg, brought the group the first ... no, not yet popularity - fame. Then the scythe found a stone, Sergey Kuznetsov was fired from the boarding school, he was forbidden to see Yura Shatunov, and the group was left without a soloist.

Having settled in the House of Pioneers of the Industrial District, Sergei worked on the second album of Tender May, but the work did not stick. With Yura, he managed to record only one song - “Autumn is slowly leaving”, it was decidedly unclear who would perform the rest. At this difficult moment, fate brought him to Kostya ...

Kostya appeared with us after Shatunov and I "promoted" the first album. He came and immediately the bull by the horns: - I want to sing ... I listened to it, everything seems to be fine. Hears well. He has a good voice, the voice is good, clear. But I immediately realized: this is not “my” voice, I don’t need such a voice. However, since we had a few songs lying dead weight that did not suit Yura, I decided to record them with Kostya.

According to another version, Kostya ended up in the House of Pioneers because their equipment broke down, and they had to rehearse somewhere. One way or another, the acquaintance took place there, after which Pakhomov became the new soloist of Tender May.

Having recorded with him the songs “I Wish Happiness”, “Flowers” ​​and “Evening of Cold Winter”, which had been waiting in the wings for several years, Sergey quickly completed the second album, which received the unofficial name “Summer deceived us”. Yura Shatunov owned only the first track in it, the other five were performed by Kostya. The last was a beautiful synthesizer instrumental "A little about myself".

But since the public already knew that the soloist of Tender May was Shatunov, clarification was required. In the introduction, someone's voice explained the current situation: "Yuri Shatunov could not work with Kuznetsov, since further work was impossible due to the negative attitude of the director of boarding school No. 2 of the city of Orenburg towards their joint work."

From Kuznetsov's autobiographical book "You Just Was" it is clear that Kostya evoked conflicting feelings in Sergei Borisovich - on the one hand, Kuznetsov highly valued professionalism, on the other, human sincerity. Seeing how Kostya "works for the public", accepting flowers with a smile for songs written for Shatunov (at live concerts he had to perform "White Roses" and other songs from the first album), Sergey became more and more convinced that this cooperation was only temporary , and when the time comes, Kostya will step over it and move on.

“Kostya accepted the signs of the audience's attention without a shadow of embarrassment. This made me feel uncomfortable. I knew that all this was not for him. In reality, all this was intended for Shatunov. Because they went to him. Because they heard the first album"

(Sergey Kuznetsov, "You just were", 1991)

And when Pakhomov sang songs written for Yura, their author experienced a deep internal conflict, which certainly affected the attitude towards Kostya.

Pakhomov was a balanced boy. Somewhat selfish. Very well read. He did not smoke and categorically opposed alcohol (it seems that he still does not indulge in these things). Of course, in everyday life, such a bouquet of virtues only adorns a person. But on the stage, in my opinion, you need a rebel. At least I needed a rebel... I saw that Pakhomov had his own musical path. And he will definitely find her, if he gets a little help, support him.

(Sergey Kuznetsov, "You just were", 1991)

But Sergey was in no hurry to support Kostya, reasoning that if this is a talent, he will make his own way.

Corr: Have you dreamed about your band for a long time?
KP: From the beginning.
Corr: This is when from the very beginning?
KP: As soon as I got to Tender May, I began to dream about my band.

(from an interview in 1989)

In May 1988, Kuznetsov received an offer from the Orenburg Philharmonic: to perform at the Russian Field festival, whose concerts were to be held in different cities. The texts of Tender May were officially "filled" by the culture department of the regional executive committee, but even the requests of cultural officials could not convince the formidable Valentina Tazikenova to let Shatunov go on tour.

“The director of our Philharmonic Golikov Igor Petrovich called me: I invite you to talk. I came to him, and there Nadezhda Babkina was sitting in his office, we met her. He offers me - they have the festival "Russian Field", it is held every year, starting from the end of May and ending at the end of June. Let's join too, shall we? I speak with pleasure, only as Valentina Nikolaevna ... Well, Igor Petrovich raised all the connections that he has - he was refused. I propose to the Philharmonic: let's take another vocalist? Let's make the same songs, resing. Of course, I didn’t want this, because people listened to Yurka, he sounded from every window, and Kostya would be here ... But I had to agree.

(Sergey Kuznetsov, from an interview in 2016)

As a result, Kuznetsov went to perform with Pakhomov. However, judging by the book “You just were”, from the very beginning Sergey considered this cooperation only as temporary, and did not imagine and did not want Tender May with the only soloist Kostya Pakhomov.

We worked on these tours of 50 concerts. 2, 3 per day. And they received "mad" money - as much as 5.50 from the concert! We arrive with Kostya at the stadium - let's unload the equipment. Unloaded and played. Let's get her on the bus. We are moving to the local Palace of Culture ... The same thing is there. Unloaded - played - loaded. And there is still a third site ahead ... And this is all for unfortunate pennies. Therefore, probably, those first tours were not remembered for anything good. Although we were well received. Applause, flowers, fans...

Kostya and I didn't eat a pood of salt during the Russian Field festival. Fire and water did not pass. Copper pipes - too (not in a brass band toured). But the exhausting work schedule, enervating loading and unloading of the apparatus - they all survived. And Kostya turned out to be a reliable colleague.

Probably, it was then that Kostya managed to work as a disc jockey - at the same discotheque of the House of Pioneers, where Sergey Kuznetsov officially worked then. At that moment, it was still unclear how it would turn out. further fate Sweet May. Perhaps Kuznetsov and Pakhomov would have recorded the next album together, which would have drawn the attention of some Moscow producer to them (in the late 80s this word was already in use), or maybe Sergey would have found a new soloist. As for Yura Shatunov, he would have remained to finish his studies at the Orenburg boarding school No. 2, secretly dreaming of becoming a professional hockey player. But fate decreed otherwise ...

In June of the 88th, he was sent from the Record studio to Shostka to purchase a magnetic tape. Accidentally hearing Shatunov's voice on the train, he asked his neighbor in the compartment about the "Orenburg nugget" with great attention, then got off at the first station and returned to Moscow, where he arranged a business trip to Orenburg ...

Shaking a travel document with the seal of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR (the Record studio, where he was listed, was indeed assigned to the Ministry of Culture), Razin took advantage of the Soviet “vertical of power”, in which the periphery was always afraid of the Center. His seething energy and decisive actions rallied what seemed impossible to return. Tazikenova also retreated, allowing Yura to perform again ...

But so far, only Kuznetsov left for Moscow with Razin. It was not easy to arrange the transfer of Shatunov, and Sergey did not want to take Kostya. After talking with Pakhomov, Razin invited him himself.

Thus, Andrey's role in Kostya's fate was not entirely negative, as they now tend to present it. The 16-year-old Orenburg ninth-grader was waiting for the first playgrounds of the country and all-Union glory, which he would never have known alone. Until September 1988, when Yura was also transferred to Moscow, Kostya was the only soloist of the now Moscow Tender May!

But Razin was not going to engage in the development of Kostya either, he had completely different plans on this score ...

After the re-release of two LM magnetic albums, already recorded in a final version at the Record studio, Andrei came to grips with what Kuznetsov had started moving for - recording his songs under the brand name of the already well-promoted Tender May. At first, Sergei Kuznetsov was against Razin becoming the soloist of Tender May, but depending on him in everything, the founder of the group now had less and less rights to his own opinion ...

Not having musical ear, Razin had an excellent commercial scent and was well aware that if he himself as a singer is not interesting to anyone, then together with Tender May he will always be accepted with a bang!

Yuri Guk also collaborated with May (it was his pen that owned the musical pamphlet “Stupid Owl”, ridiculing critic Yuri Filinov), and soon Razin borrowed the song “You, Me and the Sea” for his young soloist Andrey Gurov.

In his later interviews, Andrey admits that he tried, as far as possible, to "cut off the oxygen" to all the artists who left Tender May. In his interviews, he invariably said that Kostya was asking back, in turn, Kostya claimed that Razin regularly calls him back. However, in the film "How Much Are the Affectionate Today" Razin was emphatically benevolent:

“Konstantin Pakhomov is the person who worked with us for a year in Laskovy May, I am very grateful to him. Konstantin Pakhomov - the same guy that I took from school in the 9th grade, a student of the school, no one knew him then, Kostya took his first steps in the house of pioneers in vocals, suddenly, after a year, having worked for us, having received some then the audience, popularity, thanks to our joint work, will then talk about his leader, about the soloist, that Andrei Razin is mediocre, he does not play any type of instrument, he does not have an elementary ear. I will say that, perhaps, this is Kostya's childhood, self-affirmation, I do not condemn him in any way, Kostya is right to some extent, and I really like that, in general, he speaks about this openly. Once we were very close friends, he did almost everything that I told him, he set himself creatively very well, now he works independently, Kostya stands very tightly on the stage, I will tell you that this is for a long time, maybe education he will receive musical, professional. But practice, practice, great practice. Having worked 500 concerts with me, Kostya is the strongest at the moment ... ”.

(Andrey Razin, film "How much are affectionate now", 1990)

According to Arthur Gasparyan, a full-time critic of the Moskovsky Komsomolets (by the way, who devoted three whole articles to Kostya), when the singer reached military age, his fans organized a whole “committee to protect Kostya Pakhomov”, intending to picket the Ministry of Defense!

We are no longer Tender May

Such a symbolic name concert program, with which Konstantin and his band toured the country after the release of the first album. Since the group had too little material of its own for a solo branch, performances by local bands were included in the concerts, as if in a load.

Corr: You called your program "We are no longer Tender May", is it so important for you to emphasize this?
KP: Of course, because everyone is used to the fact that Kostya Pakhomov is the LM. But now they are completely different things. This can be understood both by the performance and by the music, by its quality, at least. Lesha Glyzin had the same situation after leaving the Merry Fellows.
Corr: Do you have anything in common with LM now?
KP: No, I haven't seen them in a long time, and they don't interest me either.

Memories of how these concerts were held were brought to us by the Ufa newspaper "Leninets" for the 1990th year:

“They were waiting for Kostya, Kostenka, and whatever else his fans call him. But the idol, having given them plenty to squeal and shout and sing just a little bit, left, leaving the stage to the Arbat group playing hard rock. But Pakhomov nevertheless completed the program, singing a couple more songs. This "show" was over. As they say, "thank you for your attention." It was not possible to talk with Kostya Pakhomov himself. "I can answer your questions. If I want," the administrator (or director) of the show snapped. This semi-condescendingly dropped "if I want" is quite symbolic. This phrase is the life and creative credo of the group, a group that has no name, no equipment, and most importantly, in my opinion, there is no desire to work and sing. But I really want to make money. Attract as many spectators as possible and, calling a spade a spade, inflate it, quickly "rewind the fishing rods." So that in the next city, just as eagerly waiting for this "not TENDERING MAY", repeat your trick. The team is insured against mistakes, because they will “hit” at the place where they have just been, and not because of where they are now. But the main insurance policy against punctures is still not this, but the viewer. Those same girls and boys that are pouring down on "May", thus making them invincible, inviolable and invulnerable.

To the question of Artur Gasparyan about whether Kostya would not like to return to Tender May, but without Andrey Razin, he will answer that " he has already grown out of these children's pants".

Meanwhile, in the summer of 1990, Andrey Razin's book "Winter in the Land of Tender May" was published, in which he accused Kostya of stealing:

“I got on with him. He is from a wealthy family, caressed, considered himself almost Michael Jackson. In the team, the children from orphanages disliked him. I had to deal with conflicts. But I didn't want to leave. Even after Kostya stole money from drummer Serezha Linyuk, I removed Serezha, but left Kostya. By that time he was already a "star". After graduating from school, Pakhomov said that he wanted to work independently. I didn't interfere. Free will. But Kostya began his "independence" with television revelations. At first I was offended, but then I realized that the guy is not so simple. He truncated that without "Tender May" nothing shines for him, and scolding in my direction will arouse interest in him. Realizing this, I calmed down. Let him swear. After all, if he shuts up, he will be forgotten. And the point is that he will soon be in the army, from which Kostya tried to escape by all means. A two-year intermission could put an end to his glory. So Kostya was drawn to hold out at least with this. So I ended up not at all against his dashing "revelations". I began to understand Kostya's situation and even sympathize with him. When a person wants to stay afloat by any means, nothing can catch him. Unless life itself teaches.

(Andrey Razin, "Winter in the Land of Tender May")

Mannequin in love

In 1991, the already grown-up Kostya played Zhenya in the film of the little-known director Vitaly Makarov "Dummy in Love", in which such famous actors like Boris Shcherbakov, Mikhail Svetin, Svetlana Nemolyaeva and Ilya Oleinikov. Kostya's partner in the film was Anna Tikhonova, the daughter of the beloved Vyacheslav "Stirlitz" Tikhonov, familiar to us from her roles in such perestroika dramas as "Shuravi", "Arkady Fomich's Committee" and "Furious Bus". The composer of the film was Viktor Chaika, and Kostya performed several songs in it - already in new arrangements.

Filming took place in Yalta and Sevastopol, where locals literally picketed film set to see your idol!

Corr: What do you appreciate in a girl?
KP: The beauty and... the technique of sex.
Korr:?! Explain yourself.
KP: I don't want to go into details.

I want to hope

Filming continued for almost a year, but Kostya managed to overcome this creative simple. In early March 1991, he appeared on the TV show "50/50", performing at the Dynamo Sports Palace, after which he went on tour.

In 1992, Kostya's second, less well-known album "I want to hope" was released, in which there was a departure from Disco Perestroika towards more modern pop music at the junction of synth-pop and rock. Thus, Kostya's work even survived "Tender May", which had completely disintegrated by that time.

Unfortunately, due to the prescription of years and the low popularity of the album, which was not lucky to be born at the decline of the popularity of disco perestroika, we do not know the authorship of most of its songs. According to reliable sources, the famous virtuoso guitarist Sergey Mavrin, a member of the Black Coffee, Metallakkord, Aria and Kipelov groups, had a hand in working on the album. With his help, the old arrangements, which were distinguished by a rather primitive synthetic sound, no longer fashionable in the early 90s, turned into full-fledged compositions with a distinct bass guitar background...

“Kostya Pakhomov is one of the soloists of the Tender May ensemble. Actually, we don't know each other. But my childhood friend is Igor Kozlov, with whom I played in the Black Coffee group in 1985 (thanks to which I got into it), with whom I created the Visit group earlier and later Metallakkord, in 1990 was a bass player with Kostya, who, in turn, decided to take up solo career. It was the year 1990, or the beginning of 1991... I couldn't remember exactly even with the help of Kozlov. Then two moments coincided - an offer from Pakhomov's group to record a guitar for them on their debut [ in fact, the second - D.S.] album, and my emerging fatigue from the monotony of what I record in Aria. I just needed a splash of emotions alien to Iron Maiden, so I easily accepted the offer, which was voiced by Igor Kozlov. Any third-party ideas were good for me, since there were almost none of my own back then. I was presented with minus (without voice) phonograms, and I went into the lead! I played everything I wanted, not caring that someone might not like it or not go through the style. Everything went well and I liked it. Including me. final version, already with a voice, today I myself listen for the first time ... "

(remembers Sergey Mavrin)

In 1992, a video clip was shot for the song "The Last Day of Spring". Unfortunately, both the album and the video were the last in creative career Pakhomov's bones. New songs never saw the light of day, and in the following 1993 musical career the singer finally ended. In Internet collections, you can find unreleased songs: "Spring", "Summer", "I Love", "On a Motorcycle" and "The Sun".

What happened to the ambitious creative plans artist? After all, he was going to enter the conservatory, produce young musicians, and finally release a disc on Melodiya? . The answer is probably already known to us...


The further life and work of Konstantin Pakhomov lie in a thick fog. The earth is full of rumors, but we will not retell them. Sergey Kuznetsov and others periodically recall him former members group, without giving any details. Even the film crew of the talk show “Let them talk” could not find Konstantin. No one opened the door to his Orenburg apartment, and the neighbors saw him only briefly and did not really know anything about him.

Malakhov: Andrei, do you know about the fate of Kostya Pakhomov, why does he not communicate with anyone and does not open the door to his neighbors?

Razin: Kostya Pakhomov left the team, having literally worked for almost a year. And he did not communicate with any of the guys anymore, neither with Sergei Lenyuk, with anyone. Therefore, it is his own business. As far as I know, Kostya entered Theatre Institute, successfully starred in several films and after which his career ended in cinema, I don’t know ... I heard that he was engaged in real estate ... Yura Shatunov, for example, also did not hear him for years, probably 20, maybe 21.

(“Let them talk. Affectionate May. To stay alive”, 02/28/2013)

IN in social networks there are several fan clubs of Kostya Pakhomov, in which his devoted admirers discuss the merits and demerits of songs recorded thirty years ago, compare Kostya's vocals with Shatunovsky, and stigmatize Andrei Razin for preventing Kostya from growing and developing in the 89th year. Periodically, public administrators throw up "firewood" in the form of rumors from people who allegedly saw or knew Kostya. There is also closed forum, on which Pakhomov allegedly communicates with his fans himself. What is happening there with its mysticism resembles a seance.

We would like to make this biography more complete and reliable, so if Konstantin Mikhailovich himself reads it someday, the editors of the Disco Encyclopedia will be happy to interview him, which will undoubtedly become the warmest greeting to his devoted fans over the past 25 years! In the meantime, we have to put an end here.


  • 1. O. Nikolaeva - “Comedy in the style of Tender May”, “Young Leninist”, October 7, 1989
  • 2. Igor Shestakov - "Kostya Pakhomov: -" I try not to be a star "" "Informal", 1989
  • 3. “Competitor of Shatunov?”, “Komsomolets of Donbass”, 1988
  • 4. Alexander Kasparov - "Oh" Tender Mays"", "Rural Youth", No. 5, 1989
  • 5. Alexander Musin - ""Tender May": rumors and facts", "Komsomol tribe", November 11, 1989
  • 6. "Komsomolets - our time", June 1991
  • 7. Leninets, Ufa, March 29, 1990
  • 8. Artur Gasparyan, Moskovsky Komsomolets, May 24, 1990
  • 9. Artur Gasparyan - "Konstantin Pakhomov:" I work on my own "", "Moskovsky Komsomolets", 1991
  • 10. Artur Gasparyan - “Kostya is among us again!”, Moskovsky Komsomolets, April 1991

At first, Kostya Pakhomov studied at the Orenburg school of the Industrial District, since he comes from Siberia, from the city of Orenburg. Then he started working as a DJ at the local Orbita House of Culture. Then the composer Sergei Kuznetsov came to this recreation center "Orbita" and offered Kostya Pakhomov to record an album that would be the first in the history of the "Tender May" group. It was 1988! Then Kostya Pakhomov, together with Sergey Kuznetsov, participated in the Russian Field - 88 festival, which was held in the Orenburg region. In 1989, Konstantin, together with the guys from the group (Yura Shatunov and Sergey Serkov and Sergey Kuznetsov) moved to Moscow to Kakhovka. In 1989, Konstantin left the group "Tender May" and created his own group, recorded a solo album, sang rock, performed. In 1991, he starred in the film "Mannequin in Love" along with Boris Shcherbakov, young Anya Tikhonova, Ilya Oleinikov. He then retired from the stage and cinema. This was around 1993! It is known that Kostya served 2 times in the army in Chechnya. Then he received Higher education at the Moscow Institute of Arts! And then any connection with him disappeared! I don’t even really know if he graduated from the university, what he is doing now and in general where he is and how his fate has turned out! He was with us in Leningrad with concerts in the SKK "PETERBURG" and SKK "YUBILEE". I really liked him! But Konstantin suddenly disappeared!
