Daria Pynzar: biography, personal life. Daria Pynzar: “I will have a girl! Daria Pynzar VKontakte real page

In the spring, the reality show "Dom-2" will turn 14 years old. During this time, about 2 thousand participants visited the project, 16 weddings took place and 10 children were born. Agree, not so much, for a TV show the main goal, which is to "build" love. But what is certainly great at Dom-2 is turning provincial, unknown girls into real celebrities.

At Doma-2, people become not only more famous, but also more attractive. It's no secret that producers pay participants stylists, makeup artists, dentists, and even plastic surgeons. So the longest running reality show in the world gives the ordinary girl a ticket to beautiful life, turning them into socialites, business women, TV presenters, bloggers and actresses.

We have collected, in our opinion, the brightest and most successful former participants of "House-2" from the province.

Valeria Frost

Valeria Demchenko is 24 years old, she is from the city of Lugansk. On the project, the girl built a relationship with Zakhar Salenko. This explosive couple made a lot of noise on the TV set. After an endless series of quarrels, fights and partings and reunions, Valeria and Zakhar were forced to leave the perimeter after a vote in which the decision was made to expel Valeria. Zakhar immediately followed his beloved.

IN real life the relationship of the couple did not work out. Zakhar was not the most hardworking man. Frost, after parting, told the fans that Zakhar's dreams of a jewelry business, a tailoring studio, as well as traveling around the world remained only his dreams and they are unlikely to ever come true. Valeria, on the contrary, works hard, provides for herself and helps her mother. Frost has her own clothing boutique, and the enterprising beauty sells her old clothes and accessories through Instagram.

Nelly Ermolaeva

Nelly was born in the city of Novokuibyshevsk. The girl came to the TV project in 2009. There she met her first husband Nikita Kuznetsov. This passionate couple has become one of the brightest on the TV project. After two years of marriage, Nelly and Nikita divorced, citing domestic difficulties as the reason. Kuznetsov returned to Dom-2, and Ermolaeva began to implement her ideas and plans in real life.

The girl managed to build a career as a TV presenter and create her own clothing brand. Now Ermolaeva is married to the famous restaurateur Kirill Andreev. On February 9 this year, she gave birth to her first child in Miami.

Darina Markina

Julia Salibekova

Yulia Salibekova was born and raised in Krasnodar, her maiden name was Kolisnichenko. She has a twin sister Katya, with whom they came to the project together in 2010. On the project, Yulia found her love - an oriental handsome man Tigran Salibekov. But the relationship did not develop in the most rosy way, the couple either converged or diverged. Tigran doubted his feelings for the girl, and when he found out about her pregnancy, he refused to marry. In addition, the man's parents were categorically against Yulia.

The Salibekov family managed to overcome all difficulties, Tigran realized his mistakes, and the couple nevertheless got married. Now they are raising two sons together - Roland and Eldar. The young couple perform at various events and have a successful karaoke club.

Alena Vodonoeva

Victoria Bonya

12 years ago, an unknown girl from the city of Krasnokamensk came to the Dom-2 project. On the project, Victoria Bonya built relationships with ex-boyfriend Alena Vodonaeva, Stepan Menshchikov. The loud scandals of the couple favorably affected the ratings, so Victoria lived in the perimeter for almost a year.

After "House-2" Bonya was in a civil marriage with the son of an Irish millionaire Alexander Michael Smerfit, from whom she gave birth to a daughter, but last year the couple broke up. Now Victoria is a country-famous TV presenter and socialite.

Today we want to introduce an interesting person who is actively engaged in her page in social network Instagram. We will consider Instagram Pynzar Daria and determine what interesting materials this girl shares with her subscribers.

The television project "Dom-2" brought fame to many young people, one of them was Daria Pynzar. The girl behaved modestly and restrainedly, but the show is not complete without scandals, which this person also visited. On the project, Dasha tried to build relationships with various colorful men, among them was Rustam Solntsev. Cavalier was 10 years older than his project partner, which caused criticism from the audience and other participants.

Sergey became the final choice for Daria. In 2010, the relationship of these young people were registered. After some time, Daria and Sergey became happy parents, their first child, Artem, was born.

Dasha Pynzar Instagram new photos

The girl has accounts in other social networks, but she pays special attention to Instagram, which can be seen from regular publications. Statistics show that her profile is one of the most popular among current and former members reality show "Dom-2". 2.7 million people have subscribed to Dasha, the businesswoman herself chose to follow only 540 profiles.

There are numbers on your page. mobile phones for cooperation. Daria is engaged in holding events and various shootings.

Also in the description there is a link to other social networks used by the young mother. Having studied Daria Pynzar Instagram official website, you will become familiar with interesting moments from the life of a public person. The former participant of the TV project regularly uploads pictures with a handsome young man and a charming baby.

Dasha also devotes time to business. My adulthood she started with admission to the Faculty of Design, she is fond of the world of modern fashion and has exquisite taste which can be seen from the photographs. Daria made an important decision - to open a store. In the boutique, customers will find the latest in fashionable clothing. Businesswoman notifies her subscribers about new arrivals in the store. Thus, she unobtrusively advertises her boutique. Almost all well-known entrepreneurs use this technique.

Often, publications with family appear in the feed. For example, a video from a walk where young parents have a great time with their child. Unfortunately, cozy home photos in Lately became less, it is clear that the girl is closely engaged in work.

During vacations and travels, Dasha regularly shares her impressions with subscribers through vivid photos and short videos.

You will be able to watch for free all the updates of a young mother and a businesswoman, since her account has open status. Contact information is also open. If you have business proposals, then it is worth notifying them.

A pleasant surprise for fans of the reality show "Dom-2" will be photographs in which other project participants are present. This suggests that the girl keeps in touch with them and shows interest in current events on the project.

You should subscribe to Pynzar Instagram if you prefer to view pictures taken by a young mother and at the same time successful woman. Fans of fashionable clothes will also find a lot of interesting publications, Daria shares design solutions and tips. As for the materials published on the page on the social network, they are all made on high level. It can be seen that the girl is fond of photography and knows how to pick the right moment. Here you will find other participants of Dom-2, some photos will come as a surprise to fans of this person. You can find a girl by the nickname Daria 86 or use the direct link In this article.

Today we would like to talk about the popular participant in the television project "Dom - 2", Daria Pynzar. Dasha burst into the life of show business very quickly, thereby winning a huge number of fans. Therefore, many are interested in whether the real Dasha Pynzar is in Contact.

We suggest that you, first, familiarize yourself with her biography, and then find out for sure whether Dasha is on the social network. And if it is, you will definitely see a link to its page. Such an intrigue.

Blonde biography

Daria Chernykh (Pynzar) was born in January 1986, in Ukraine, locality Enakievo. A few years later, Dasha, along with her family, moved to the city of Balakovo. She studied well at school, loved music and literature lessons. She also took vocal lessons. After leaving school, Dasha entered the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture, the Faculty of Design. At the institute, Dasha was an exemplary student, but being in her third year, she decided to show all her talents and decided to take part in the popular television project Dom-2.

In December 2007 came finest hour for Daria. This year she appeared on film set TV project Dom-2. Everyone remembered Daria's first statement. She said that a virgin will build love only with those who will be honest and sincere with her. For herself, she will find only someone who will be worthy of her.

Worthy for herself, she considered Rustam Solntsev, who became her chosen one. Rustam is a kind of guardian of the project. Daria is probably ten years younger than Rustam, and therefore Rustam did not see her as a good housewife. The next boyfriend of Daria was Andrey Cherkasov. He played the role of a womanizer on the project. He could not get rid of love for women, and unable to bear it, Dasha herself left him.

After an affair with Andrei Cherkasov, Daria turned her attention to the athlete Sergei Pynzar. Their relationship developed according to the classic scenario: Sergey courted Dasha beautifully, called her the embodiment of the ideal female beauty. all the time he gave Daria luxurious gifts and huge bouquets of flowers. Their relationship gradually moved to a new level, but, despite the official status of an “almost married” woman, Dasha still continued to visit nightclubs and “kill” time on a striptease show with her best friend, a participant in the same TV project, Evgenia. Sergey endured Daria's mockery for a long time, and soon decided to break up with her. Dasha asked her beloved for forgiveness, and soon he forgave her and agreed to start the relationship from scratch.

They finally reconciled on May 5, 2011, when Sergey made a marriage proposal to Dasha, and they got engaged. Soon, they got married. The wedding ceremony began with official registration at the Gagarinsky registry office, where Sergey put a ring with precious stones. For a long time, Dasha did not want to take her husband's surname, but in the end she agreed. Sergey really wanted a child, but Daria told him for a long time that she was not ready to have children. She said that she loves children, but is still not ready to devote herself to motherhood. But soon they announced that they were expecting a baby.

Is there a girl in contact?

So finally! Daria Pynzar VKontakte is. If you follow this link - vk.com/id3327485, you can see that this is Dasha's official page. We hope you are happy to hear this. So, add her as a friend, see her photos, follow what she is interested in. There is really a lot of information on the page. Dasha, by the way, has more than two hundred thousand subscribers! And this is an indicator, you see.

Perhaps, Daria Pynzar belongs to the category of people whose childhood can be called happy with a big stretch. Dasha was born in 1986, in the city of Enakievo, which is located in the eastern part of Ukraine. Later, together with her sister and mother, she moved to the Saratov region. Dasha's mother died in 1994, and her sister, who by that time had already reached the age of majority, took up the upbringing of the girl. A few years later, the sisters moved to the capital, where Daria entered the MIEiK, choosing the specialty of an equipment and interior designer.

In those years, the main hobby of the girl was drawing - she mastered various techniques, created magnificent compositions. Another passion of Daria is cats. At the same time, the girl loved to disappear in prestigious boutiques and expensive clubs - her sister did enough profitable business and allocated large sums of money for "small" expenses.

Nature endowed Dasha with a chic appearance and excellent character. Before appearing on the project, she was a model of kindness and innocence. The girl came to House 2 in 2007, carried away by Rustam Solntsev. On the project, she immediately announced that she had not yet had intimacy with a man and intended to build a serious relationship here. However, living together with Rustam was very fleeting - the young man was very disappointed with the absolute mismanagement of his beloved. As a result, having found his phone washed with linen, Sontsev decided that it was time to end this novel. Dasha became the next boyfriend. The self-confident and overly assertive brave officer actively persuaded the girl to intimate relationships, finally pushing her away from him.

Frustrated by constant failures on the personal front, Daria began to look closely at Sergei Pynzar. The handsome dancer could not resist the charms of the luxurious blonde, even though at that moment he was trying to “spin love” with Nadia Ermakova. Initially, Dasha and Serezha's communication took place exclusively outside the House 2 project, however, when their relationship developed into a full-fledged romance, the rest of the show participants found out about it. Despite not all courtship, on the project for a long time the romance of Daria and Sergey was considered a fiction, necessary only to ensure the stay of both on the program. However, over time, the lovers were able to prove to everyone the sincerity of their feelings and even won the "Romantic Date" contest.

However, their relationship cannot be called ideal either. At night, Dasha disappeared in the capital's clubs, which frankly infuriated Sergei. The girl preferred spending time with Evgenia Feofilaktova to conscientious rest with a young man. Daria's main claim to Sergey was his unprestigious and unpromising work - at that moment Pynzar was a trainer in a fitness club. Due to numerous conflicts, the relationship in the couple was constantly on the verge of a break, but he always found ways to reconcile. He not only forgave all the antics of the eccentric beauty, but also protected her from other project participants.

On March 8, Sergei presented Daria with a beautiful ring, offering to marry him. The girl agreed, on the condition of leaving her maiden name. As it turned out, she did not like the name of the guy. Sergei could not ignore such an insult and decided to break up with Daria. Realizing her mistake, the girl apologized and agreed to become Dasha Pynzar. In the spring of 2010, the guys legalized their relationship and continued to live on the project.

After this event family life got better as a couple. Sergey's financial situation has improved, Dasha has become gentle and attentive to her husband. In the summer of 2011, the couple had a son, Artem.

The former participant of the Dom-2 TV project Daria Pynzar with her husband and children have been living in Turkey in the city of Alantia for two months now. So far, the family is only renting a house, but they plan to buy one soon. own house on the seashore. The girl told why she was going to live here, because it is warm all year round, the sea, the sun, the mountains, Fresh air. Half of the population speaks Russian, many mothers with small children. The girl also stressed that the people who live here are open and kind, they treat kids well. Daria Pynzar has already sent her eldest son, Artem, to a local kindergarten, and is actively engaged with him English language, according to the portal 1rre. Periodically, they visit Moscow, where they have their own business. A nanny looks after the children.

Daria Chernykh was born in the city of Enakievo on January 6, 1986. Soon the family moved to the Saratov region. The girl lost her mother very early, who was replaced by an adult older sister. After some time, Natalia and Dasha moved to Moscow. The sister started her own business, and Chernykh went to study as a designer at the Institute of Economics and Culture. In her third year, the girl decided to change her life, and went to the casting of the scandalous television project Dom-2.

Daria Pynzar spoke about the reasons for moving from Moscow to Turkey: the life of a girl on the Dom-2 project

The girl came to the TV set "Dom-2" at the end of 2007. The spectacular blonde immediately attracted the attention of many participants. Daria said she was looking for real, Serious relationships for life, especially since she is still a virgin. She began her relationship on the show with an adult guy Rustam Solntsev, but in everyday life the lovers could not approach each other, so they broke up. Daria did not grieve for a long time, and tried to build her relationship with the bright Don Juan Andrei Cherkasov. The guy was too active and often rushed things, often hinted at intimacy to the girl. This frightened Daria and they soon parted. Left alone, Chernykh turned her attention to the young athlete Sergei Pynzar, who was trying to build a relationship with Nadezhda Ermakova. Daria quickly took the guy into circulation, and the lovers began to meet. They were considered one of the brightest pairs of the TV project. Sergey looked after her very beautifully, gave flowers, carried her in his arms. Chernykh, on the other hand, always had quarrels, did not want to relax with a young man, she liked going to nightclubs with her best friend Evgenia Feofelaktova more. Dasha often reproached Pynzar that he had a profession that had no prospects (the guy was a fitness trainer). The couple's romance continued mainly thanks to the efforts of Sergei, who doted on his beloved. In 2010, Pynzar proposed to his beloved, and they got married. Honeymoon the couple spent in Cuba. Already in the fall, the guys admitted to everyone that they would soon have a baby. On July 23, 2011, Daria gave her husband a son, Artem. For two years, the beloved with the child lived within the framework of the project in city apartments, when they were closed, the young people did not want to return to the clearing, and decided to leave the project.

Why Daria Pynzar moved to Turkey: the girl's family now

After leaving the Dom-2 show, the family rented a three-room apartment. The guys are doing business, opened new shop clothes. Daria moonlights as a presenter. When Artem grew up a little, in 2016 the girl became a mother for the second time, gave birth to a son, David. During pregnancy, the young lady participated in the show "Pregnant". The Pynzarey family admitted that they really want a girl, and they plan to do this in 2018. Now the guys have decided to move from Russia to Turkey.
