Do I have an ear for music? Do I have a hearing

Perhaps in the shower or in the car you sing like a rock star, but sometimes it's hard to objectively evaluate your own vocal ability. It turns out that it is quite possible to evaluate yourself if you learn to listen and hear correctly. Record yourself on a tape recorder and pay attention to your tone, pitch, and ability to control your voice. The good news is that almost anyone can learn to sing well. Follow simple recommendations to develop your vocal skills.


Part 1

How to evaluate your vocal abilities

    Evaluate the overall tone and timbre of the voice. Timbre is general characteristics the sound of the voice. If you hit all the notes, but the tone or timbre doesn't match the song, then the performance won't sound right. in the best way. Pay attention to how clearly and consistently you emphasize vowel sounds, how fully you use your voice register and how you reproduce rhythmic nuances (adapt your voice to different styles of performance).

    • When evaluating the timbre, pay attention to the softness or hardness, sharpness or smoothness, strength or weakness of the voice.

    Annabeth Nowitzki, private vocal coach:“Despite the fact that some people sing better than others by nature, this skill can be developed and improved. If you really like to sing, then approach the matter wisely and work on yourself regularly.

    Use your range and technique daily. Some people naturally control their voice better than others, but practice is good for every singer. Continue learning to control your breath, develop your voice and hearing, and find the right one. musical style that best suits your tone.

    • Musical talent often develops in parallel with musical talent. Get to know vocal techniques and learn how to use your voice as an instrument. The more you know about the various components of correct execution, the more effective your practice will be.
  1. Attend vocal lessons. Finding someone to teach you how to use your voice as an instrument will improve your singing a lot. Choose a tutor who will teach you not only how to hit the notes correctly, but who will also be able to develop the general technique of performance. A good teacher will tell you how to stand, breathe, move and read notes while performing vocal parts.

    • If your friends are taking vocal lessons, ask them for recommendations. You can also rely on the feedback of the choir leader, local groups and ensembles.
    • Many educators give a trial lesson for free or at a reduced price. Attend trial lessons with several teachers to find the best option. Did the teacher encourage you? Did you talk for most of the class? Focused only on the voice or also paid attention to the technique of performance?
  2. Learn to accept constructive criticism. If you have a wonderful singing voice, you will already know this, as well as the reverse situation. Just as a beginner guitarist has to go through an awkward stage when he is still not good at the instrument and does not always hit the strings, so singers should work hard to improve their voice. Such skills are not given to a person from birth, but are acquired through hard work.

    • If someone told you that you can't sing, but you have desire learn, then keep working on your voice tirelessly. Do not listen to ill-wishers. There are people who will never learn to sing, no matter how hard they try. If this is the case, then you will already know about it.
  3. Enroll in a music school or local choir to practice singing and develop your voice. Working in a choir is a great way to improve your vocal skills. You will know the opinion of the choir leader and other participants about your abilities, and you will also get the chance to work in a team. Often, inexperienced performers are more comfortable singing along with other people and not becoming the center of critical attention.

    Continue to study and practice regularly to improve your technique. If you decide that you don't have an innate ability but love to sing, then keep working. Your instructor will help you get the most out of your abilities. The joy of singing is available to everyone.

  • Musical deafness doesn't mean you have a bad voice, but it limits your ability to tune your voice to a particular song or tune.
  • Similarly, difficulty in trying to control your singing voice does not mean you have musical deafness. good performance depends on many factors. It's possible that you just need to work harder.
  • Get the opinion of people you trust. Like singing in front of friends and family, play your voice recordings with your closest people to get their opinion. If your friend sings well, then ask him about the technical aspects. If the listener is not familiar with vocal techniques, then find out the first reaction.

    • Choose people who will give you an honest answer and whose opinion you trust. It is better not to contact a person who will praise or criticize you in any case.
  • Sing in front of other people to get an outsider's opinion. If you need constructive criticism, try singing in front of an audience. Arrange a small concert for friends and family. Speak at open mic, participate in a talent show or go to karaoke. Find a suitable place and sing.

    • Choose the right space. Your voice will sound better in a large room with high ceilings than in a carpeted basement.
    • When you have finished singing, ask the audience for their sincere opinion. It is important to understand that some people may spare your feelings, while others will be overly critical. Consider not one specific opinion, but an average assessment of your abilities.
    • Another way to find out the opinion of the public is to try to sing at the station or in mall. It is better to use a microphone and a small amplifier. Find out if passers-by will stop to listen to you. Be sure to get all the necessary permissions from the owner or administration of the chosen place. Performances in some venues may require special permits from local authorities.
  • Many parents dream that their child has become a popular celebrity on big stage, and already from early years enroll the baby in a music and choreographic school. Not always the desire of parents coincides with the capabilities of their child. Just because a baby loves to listen to music or dance does not mean that he has the ability to sing or dance.

    Obvious signs of talent

    An outstanding talent in a child is immediately visible:

    expressive or unusual singing;
    getting into the rhythm
    the ability to quickly memorize new melodies;
    selection by ear on a musical instrument;
    rhythmic and smooth movements;
    self-staging dance.

    If musical ability are not so pronounced, then most likely you need to rely not on your intuition, but on the professional approach of teachers. A striking example: the child hears a melody, quickly remembers the words and rhythm, but cannot display it with his voice. This situation is not indicative of the absence musical ear and voice, but about the discoordination of the voice and internal hearing. In addition, there are many examples when children came to a music school without the ability to sing, and finished it with a diploma.

    How does a musical ear test work?

    However, in order not to guess about the talent of the child, it is worth enrolling him in vocal lessons and playing musical instruments. In one case or another, you will be able to understand: what are the chances for the baby to master this instrument. The process of testing musical ear consists of several stages:

    Having a sense of rhythm
    assessment of voice intonation;
    musical memory ability;
    ease of perception of a musical instrument, the manifestation of interest in it.

    However, if such testing is carried out in the form of an exam, then the child may become confused and show poor results. Therefore, everything should take place in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. So, in order to test a child’s musical ear, the teacher taps the table with a pencil, taking any melody as a basis, and asks the student to repeat the same thing.

    To identify the purity (intonation) of the voice, the teacher sings a familiar melody, which the child must also repeat. And if it turns out that the child does not have a very melodic voice, but has an ear for music, he may well attend guitar lessons or any other instrument, at the choice of the parents or the child himself. Of course, the guitar is most loved by boys, but it is a universal instrument, so there are no restrictions.

    Thus, important factors indicating the musical abilities of the baby are:

    Desire to listen to music and memorize words;
    emotional sensitivity to different moods in music;
    showing interest in musical instruments;
    wild fantasy and figurative perception the surrounding world.

    The main thing is to choose a suitable music teacher for the child and give him the opportunity to try himself in this area.

    The apps below will help you understand if your hearing is normal. If the results are far from optimal, it makes sense to consult a doctor.


    uHear determines the sensitivity of your hearing, as well as how well you adapt to the surrounding noise. The first test takes about five minutes, the second - no more than a minute. For each test, you will need headphones, and in the application you can choose their type - in-ear or overhead.

    The test determines the sensitivity of each ear individually. This is achieved by reproducing noises of different frequencies and determining the upper and lower limits of your hearing.


    Hörtest for Android works the same way. You need to press the button every time you hear a sound in the headphones. I'm going to say the obvious, but don't fool yourself and push the button just to improve your test scores. You go through it for yourself.

    Mimi Hearing Test

    Mimi Hearing Technologies is a company that manufactures equipment for the deaf. If you have an iOS device, I would recommend taking this test. The application works in a similar way to the previous ones. Each time you hear a sound in your left or right ear, you need to press the Left or Right button, respectively. The result of the test is your age, based on hearing sensitivity. If it matches your actual age, great. If the difference is very large, then your hearing is not normal.


    If you don't have iOS and Android devices, you can use this YouTube video test. As with all previous apps, headphones are required.

    Tell us at what point you stopped hearing sounds and how old you are.


    Many women love to sing in the shower, but how do you know if there is a voice? It has long been proven that a person hears himself differently than the people around him. Sinus resonance is to blame. People hear themselves through the bone. In order for a person to find out how the people around him perceive the singing, you can record the voice even on the most ordinary voice recorder.

    When listening to the recording for the first time, many are horrified by their voice. This is due to the fact that people cannot recognize their own timbre. An outsider will not be surprised by anything, because the voice on the recording will be familiar to him.

    After listening to your singing, you can hear falseness, which was not initially felt. If a person recognizes it, then he still has a hearing. Otherwise, you should not be upset. Most likely, coordination of hearing and voice can be developed by nature.

    In order to finally make sure that there is a voice, you need to contact a professional musician or vocal teacher. It is clear that their services will cost a lot of money, but what can you do in order to start musical career. It is not necessary to contact specialists from higher educational institutions, you can also choose a teacher from a music school or college.

    How to check if there is hearing and voice - expert comments

    Do not give up music lessons, thinking that there is no hearing and voice. They just need to be developed. We will give a few recommendations on how to check if there is hearing and voice:

    • one person plays a note on the piano, the second listens to it and memorizes it. Then the keys will be pressed randomly until the second person hears the desired note. If you manage to determine the note by sound, then there is a rumor;
    • one person silently taps some kind of rhythm on the table with a pencil for ten seconds. The subject next tries to reproduce this rhythm. Over time, you can complicate the musical pattern;
    • if the subject knows how to play the piano, you can conduct musical dictation. The teacher plays single sounds in turn. The subject tries to get his voice in unison with the sounds that he hears;
    • the vocalist plays the piano, the subject tries to write down the notes he hears in a notebook. The vocalist then checks for errors.

    In the case when something does not work out, experts advise not to give up. Sooner or later it will turn out, the main thing is that there is a desire to develop. You just need to practice a little. Voice and hearing are inherent in man by nature. People who have them less developed will have to make a lot of effort to improve them.

    Musical development of the child:
    33 answers to parents' questions

    Part 1. How to determine the musical ability of a child?

    "How do you know if a child has a penchant for music?"
    "Does he have an ear for music or a sense of rhythm?"
    “Is my child strong enough to learn music?”

    In this part, we will discuss five questions related to determining a child's musical ability. The answers to these questions will help parents make a serious choice - whether to send their child to study music or not.

    Question 1: How to determine a child's penchant for music?

    There are three ways to determine the presence of musicality and talent, the level of development of a child’s musical abilities:

    • Conversation with a child
    • Determination of the general musicality of the child
    • Musical Ability Testing

    How to determine the musicality of a child in early childhood, at preschool and primary school age, as well as various ways musical ability testing, we'll go into more detail a bit later. Now, I want to draw your attention to the first way.

    Talking to a child seems to be the easiest and most elementary way to find out about his abilities and inclination to music, but in practice it turns out to be very difficult. If you just start asking a child, he is unlikely to answer you with anything intelligible. This should be done between times, specially preparing the situation so that the conversation goes naturally, and does not look like an interrogation. You can talk to him during the game or after listening to children's music, you can not talk specifically, but return to the topic you need from time to time.

    Be that as it may, the conversation with the child should serve two purposes.

    1) You need to determine the emotionality and artistry of the child- how deeply he can experience artistic images and how vividly, emotionally he can convey them. These qualities are equally important for poetry and for music. Therefore, if your child loves and easily memorizes poetry, reads them with expression, tries to convey the mood - he already has a certain artistry and emotionality. All this is an indicator that the child has a penchant for creativity, he can easily study music and achieve success.

    If a child is shy, reads poetry dryly and inexpressively, do not draw critical conclusions! Perhaps your child is an introvert, and the deep feelings that overwhelm him simply do not appear "outside". Perhaps he still "does not know how" to express his emotions and feelings (do it consciously). There can be no single approach, each child will have their own characteristics. But if you see that the child is bored, he does not like not only to talk, but also to listen to poetry, it is difficult for him to remember them - perhaps in this case it is better for you to go in for chess or sports.

    So, you can determine the emotionality and artistry of a child by simply asking him to recite his favorite poem.

    2) Determine your child's interest in music and creativity. What does he know about music, would he like to do it? What does he like more - singing or playing an instrument? Find out from your child what kind of music he likes best (or more specifically: from which cartoon or movie)? What cartoons or movies does he like to watch and why? What books, about what does he like to read or listen to more? Does he have favorite songs? Ask him to sing one of them.

    So you can determine the child's penchant for music, as well as find out what he is interested in in life, understand whether he needs to study music more seriously, go to a music school, or is it enough to attend a music and dance club.

    Remember, in order to determine a child's interest in music, it's not so much what he answers (most children of the same age tend to have very similar answers), but how he answers your questions. A certain certainty of the child in his tastes is important. If he doesn't care and he doesn't seem to be particularly enthusiastic about music, you should consider whether musical training the child himself (music classes can captivate him, “open”, but they can also reject him - here everything will depend on the child himself and on the skill of the teacher).

    If he can say more or less precisely that he likes cheerful, active music, as in such and such a cartoon; that he loves to sing, dance and play on pillows like drums; he loves cartoons about Spider-Man, because he protects everyone and always defeats “bad monsters”, he loves to read encyclopedias about animals, and his favorite song is “ New Year rushes to us ... ”and not only sings, but also starts dancing ... You have every reason to believe that the child will like to play music and he will be able to achieve certain successes.

    Question 2: How to determine the presence of musical abilities in early childhood?

    Watching a child (or remembering how he was at this age), you can easily determine whether he has or does not have musical abilities.

    The following may indicate that a child has a penchant for music and musical abilities developed from birth:

    • increased attention of the child to any sounding background,
    • a clear manifestation of interest in the sound of music,
    • a vivid emotional manifestation of the joy of the baby while playing his favorite music (some children begin to dance without even learning to walk, sitting in the crib),
    • the baby loves to listen to different music, not only children's and lullabies performed by his mother.

    Some time ago, scientists conducted a special study with babies under the age of one year - with the help of simple tests, they found out that most children supposedly have an “absolute” ear for music from birth. This fact confirms the opinion that all people have approximately the same abilities (including musical ones), and only the level of development of these abilities is different for everyone.

    This fact also leads to the following conclusion: the mere presence of abilities does not affect the success of a person in a particular field of activity. You can have musical abilities developed from birth - a beautiful, strong voice, perfect pitch and hate music at the same time. Any education, including music, exists in order to develop the necessary abilities in its field and provide certain knowledge. What then is important for success? What is important is the interest, the inclination of a person to a certain field of activity, which allows you to develop abilities in this area faster than other people can do. In most cases, this is the secret of the talent, giftedness of some people and the apparent mediocrity and “lack of ability” of others.

    The tendency to a certain field of activity usually manifests itself quite early. The musicality of a child can be detected already at the age of one year, if already at this age he shows a clear interest in the sound of music.

    Question 3: How to determine the propensity for music in children at preschool and primary school age?

    At this age, all three methods are applicable - talking with the child, testing (we will talk about it a little later), and determining the general musicality of the child.

    What are indicators of musicality and the availability of abilities in children aged 3-7 years and older?

    1) Maintaining Interest in Music manifested in early childhood. If your child interrupts his business and listens to suddenly sounded music, if he likes to listen to various music, not necessarily only children's songs, but also good pop music, classical music, tries to sing along or starts dancing to the music - all this speaks of the child's musicality.

    It should be remembered that the upbringing of the child plays a big role in this matter, but not the main one. If a child is musical by nature, he will show it, no matter if you played music with him or not. If by nature he has no inclination, "thrust" for art, you can "break your forehead", but only develop in the child an aversion to music. All you can do is help your child discover his musicality, give him the opportunity to express himself. If a child showed an interest in music in early childhood, but the parents did not pay attention to it, the child's interest is likely to fade. But this can also happen if you worked hard with your child - sang and learned songs, listened to music, played children's musical instruments. What to do, human nature is a complex and unpredictable thing! :)

    2) Your child is easy and for a long time remembers songs he likes. More or less "pure" sings, loves "compose"- compiles some of his songs from words and melodies known to him (in this case, some kind of “potpourri” or something completely unbelievable may come out). Less often - he composes (more precisely, improvises "on the go") his poems and songs - depending on how bright and expressive they turn out (of course, only emotionally, and not in meaning) - one can judge the child's giftedness and the presence of talent. In any case, all this speaks of the musical and creative abilities developed by nature.

    3) Does your child love performing in public?, likes to take an active part in matinees and holidays, likes to engage in creativity in any form - sing, dance, draw, sculpt from plasticine. He has a good imagination, he likes to invent - all this is a good indicator of the presence of creativity and music.

    Question 4: Does the child have an ear for music?

    There are a number of traditional tests to determine musical ear, voice and musical memory. Such tests are usually carried out at an interview when a child is accepted to a music school. These tests are very simple, but they require a minimum set of musical knowledge and skills from parents, and, in some cases, the presence of a piano.

    Test 1 Ask the child to come to the piano and turn away. Play two sounds in turn in different registers (upper and lower) and ask him which sound was lower and which was higher.

    Test 2 Press one key on the piano and ask the child how many sounds sounded. Now press two keys at the same time (preferably at a great distance from each other), and ask how many sounds have sounded now. If the child finds it difficult to answer, press the same keys in turn. Play any chord with both hands (in a wide range), and ask how many sounds were made (one, or many).

    The first two tests check hearing activity, the ability to "navigate in the sound space", to distinguish individual elements from the general sound of music (at the simplest level). They allow you to determine whether the child understands the difference in pitch, as well as the difference between a single sound and several sounded at the same time. If the child finds it difficult - don't worry, it's not so easy to understand these things, usually they are taught at an early stage of education (preparatory / first class of a music school).

    Test 3 Sing the note Mi of the first octave (for example, on the syllable "la" or a simple "a") and ask the child to repeat. Then sing the note La of the first octave and again ask to repeat. If you hear that it is difficult for a child to sing in this range, sing the notes higher: Do-Mi of the second octave, or vice versa lower: Small Si - Re of the first octave. Try different notes to determine the range of the child's voice.

    It is important that you sing by yourself, without the help of the piano. Use a tuning fork to sing accurately. The fact is that the sound of the piano, as a rule, “knocks down” children, it is more difficult to adjust to it than to the human voice familiar to them. If you don't succeed, and it's hard for you to hit the note exactly, it's better, of course, to use the piano. Do not use children's musical instruments - pipes, xylophones, children's synthesizers and others.

    Test 4 Sing a simple, short melodic phrase and have your child repeat it. Here are examples of such phrases:

    Test 5 Ask your child to sing their favorite song.

    So tests 3-5 allow you to check:

    • child's ear for music
    • musical memory,
    • "reproductive" musical ear(can the child repeat the sounded note and melodic phrase),
    • child's voice range
    • can the child intotone (sing “clearly”).

    Remember, if a child shows an average result, if he can catch at least the direction of the melody without hitting the exact note, then he has an ear for music, albeit poorly developed. There are, of course, exceptions, the so-called "hooters". These children can sing in a very narrow range, have no intonation at all and cannot even understand general direction melodies. In fact, there are quite a lot of such children, but in music schools know how to work with them and, in the end, develop their abilities to a certain level (in addition, the inability to sing does not prevent them from being talented pianists or trumpeters).

    Question 5: How to determine the sense of rhythm?

    Here are some tests for determining the sense of rhythm, which are also used in music schools during opening talk with baby.

    Test 1 Tap (not fast) a simple rhythmic sequence and ask the child to repeat. Repeat the test 2-4 times, depending on the child's progress, using different sequences. For example, these:

    Test 2 Have your child march in place to the music. Perform or record any popular, marching music. For example, the song "It's fun to walk together ...".

    Test 3 Ask your child to clap their hands to the music (as they do at concerts when the audience likes a song). Play or put on a recording of any rhythmic children's music, for example, Letki-Enki.

    If a child has a weak sense of rhythm, this does not mean that it cannot be developed. If a child successfully completes all tests, this means that it will be much easier for him to learn music, but this does not guarantee that he will not get bored in a month.


    1) Parents can easily determine the child's inclination to music, the presence of musical abilities and the level of their development in the above ways.

    2) Developed musical abilities, such as an ear for music or a sense of rhythm, do not mean that a child has a penchant for music. It is the interest, the desire to make music that plays a decisive role in whether the child achieves success in music or not (it does not matter, at a professional or amateur level).

    3) The absence of pronounced abilities and a clear desire to study music does not yet give the right to consider a child "incapable", "non-musical". Perhaps it is in the process of learning that the child will reveal his abilities and he will have an interest in music (as they say, appetite comes with eating). Thus, until you start making music with your child, you cannot be completely sure that the child does not have the ability and inclination for music.

    To be continued...

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