How to make a plan for a story in literature. Memo on literary reading

Writing a story plan is a mandatory element of school education. It's hard to write without a good plan good story, so you need to figure out how to properly plan the story.

Drawing up a story plan

If you decide to start writing your own literary work, then, first of all, you need to organize your ideas. Don't forget to write down all information related to your work. Keeping a lot of information in your head is difficult, and not getting confused in it is even more difficult.

  1. Decide on the topic of the story.
  2. Think about what subtopics you want to explore in your work.
  3. make a list actors: their names, occupation, features of appearance and character, relationships with each other. For each hero you need to prepare brief description. The list of characteristics should resemble the one that precedes the plays, for example, Igor Ignatievich, landowner, 48 years old. Married to Natalya Igorevna. Loves hunting. After the upheavals experienced in the war, he stutters.
  4. Starting from the main subtopics, write a detailed outline of the story. It should include not only main points, but also sub-points of the second and third levels. To facilitate the work, immediately write down the approximate volume of each part. The plan should be harmonious, its parts are interconnected in a logical sequence. Work it out carefully, then further work will go easier, and the result will be better. Good plan should concisely and accurately convey the content of the story.
  5. Try not to “lose” your heroes while writing the story and bring storyline each of them to their logical conclusion. One of the main keys to the success of writing a story is a successful climax and denouement. After all, they remain in the reader's memory after the completion of reading the work.
  6. After the work on the plan is completed, you need to carefully check your plan (and later the story) for the presence of various kinds of errors.

Finished text plan

Drawing up a plan is an obligatory component of the analysis of an already written story. It helps to remember the content of the work, to structure its events in a logical sequence, to determine the relationship between the individual parts.

  1. To get started, read the story, determine its main theme, highlight the names of the main characters.
  2. Divide the text into four parts:
  3. eyeball;
  4. plot development;
  5. climax;
  6. denouement.
  7. These points will be the backbone of your plan. If necessary, divide each of these parts into several smaller ones, marking in your mind or in the text the beginning of each of them.
  8. Reread the first part. Title it. The title should be concise and capacious. Try to convey the very essence of this fragment of the story in one sentence.
  9. Do the same for the other parts.

Types of plans

Sometimes the task requires you to draw up a plan of a certain type. In order to cope with this, you need to familiarize yourself with the main four types of plans:

  • question. Each paragraph of the plan is a question, the answer to which conveys the essence this fragment(Where did Taras go after school?);
  • thesis. The content of the paragraph is expressed through the theses of the verb structure - a brief formulation of the main provision of a particular part, containing verbs (Taras went to the stadium);
  • nominal. Plan of theses, which are expressed by nouns (Taras at the stadium);
  • basic plan. This plan consists of fragments of sentences that carry the main semantic load (Taras' plan - a trip to the stadium);
  • combined. Such a plan may contain several different types plans.

Text composition

When drawing up a story plan, you should adhere to the classical composition:

  1. Introduction - in this section it is necessary to acquaint the reader with the place and time of the action, as well as some of the key characters.
  2. Outset - describe the event that led to further development stories.
  3. The development of actions is the largest part of the story.
  4. The climax is the highest point in the development of events.
  5. The denouement is a conclusion that tells what their actions turned out to be for the heroes.

As you can see, the ability to correctly draw up a plan is an indispensable skill in analyzing and memorizing texts. Writing a good story will not be easy if its structure is not clearly and logically presented in the form of a list of points and sub-points.

When the plan is ready, you can start writing a story, useful information on writing a story can be found in the article.

Attention, only TODAY!


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It's simple! The main thing is to have a plan - the first stage creative process and then make a good plan. This is what we'll do today.

Brevity is the soul of wit

Agree, in the first New Year's days, you don’t want to think about something global. And creative thoughts, images attack the brain - the time is, after all, magical. Therefore, the idea came to me to speculate about how to write stories - works of small volume, but for this no less valuable than works of any other genre in literature.

By the way, one of the advantages of the work small form, in my opinion, that any person can start it and ... finish it. Which is not always the case with novels and even short stories. 🙂

But the master of short stories A.P. Chekhov did not say in vain: "Brevity is the sister of talent." When writing a story, this phrase is more relevant than ever, you can attach it to the wall so that it is always in front of your eyes.

Writing stories is hard enough. Many writers recognize this genre as one of the most difficult: it requires precision of construction, impeccable finishing of each phrase, significant meaning and high tension of the plot.

So, to begin with, a few words about the genre itself.

Story- narrative epic genre with an emphasis on small volume and on the unity of the artistic event.

The story, as a rule, is dedicated to a specific fate, speaks of a separate event in a person’s life, and is grouped around a specific episode.

The story is usually told from one person. It can be the author, and the narrator, and the hero. But in the story, much more often than in the "major" genres, the pen is, as it were, transferred to the hero, who himself tells his story.

Literary glossary

Three important steps from start to finish

It has been known since school that work on any literary work takes place according to three main steps:

  • make a plan,
  • write text,
  • we edit (at school they checked it for typos, errors, inaccuracies).

Each stage can be broken down into even smaller ones. Today we will divide into pieces the first "elephant".

By the way, if you are sure that you can write without any plans, I will not convince you. Can. We grab the first thought that comes along and develop it as it develops. Stephen King advises doing just that. But we will talk about this style of writing later. (People are different, and everyone will choose their own path in creativity). And in this article, we will consider the classic approach, which begins with writing a plan.

In the next article on the topic "How to write a story" we will learn the basics of writing a text. And then we will get acquainted with the secrets of editing your masterpiece (otherwise it will never become one).

Each of these stages is important in its own way, I recommend working through each one if you want to get a worthwhile work at the end.

Author's intent

Before you start writing a story, it is important to find the author's intent. According to the dictionary, design- this is a conceived plan of action, activity; intention.

Author's intent is the first step in the creative process; arising in the imagination of the writer before the start of direct work on artwork an idea of ​​the content and form of the future work, its main features and properties; the initial scheme of the future work.

Dictionary literary terms. S.P. Belokurova. 2005.

Let's listen to what's in our head. What thoughts come to us? What are we thinking about? What are we fantasizing about? What impression did you read a book, see a movie, or read an article in a newspaper? Has there been a desire to build in a different way, to rewrite the work of another author? Is there any desire to put on paper the story of a neighbor or a doubt of a girlfriend? Or reshape the plot of your own negative situation?

  • You can read about how ideas are born.

The author's intention, according to S. P. Belokurova, may "not coincide with the embodiment, may be completed or incomplete, embodied or not embodied, change in the process of the author's work on his work or remain unchanged." In any case, initially it should be, otherwise it makes no sense to sit down at the computer or pick up a pen.

We select material

There are different ways to help select material for storytelling:

  • description of what he saw or experienced. This is how journalists work most of the time. However, such descriptions play an important role in writing as well;
  • construction. The writer comes up with a plot and characters, calling on the help of imagination and memory. From the material, you may need a description of the era and place where the characters live, their clothes and equipment, activities and environment;
  • synthesis. This is when at the heart of the work - real events, but the author changes some details and points, introduces conjecture.

Which way do we choose to write our story?

Perhaps the answer to this question will help to find other important questions:

  • What is the purpose of writing the text: to entertain the reader or to convey important thought, an idea?
  • What will our story be about? What is its theme and main idea?
  • Who will be the main character in the story?
  • What will be the plot of the story? Does it correspond to the purpose of writing and the idea of ​​the work?

At first, we may not find answers to all questions. But they will make thinking work in the right direction.

Making a story plan

Now is the time to pick up a pen and sketch plan. We prescribe:

  • idea story;
  • sequence of events, which, according to our original design, should happen (briefly, but sequentially);
  • thoughts, which come in the course of reflection on the topic (I know for sure that if they are not written down, they simply disappear and never return);
  • names characters and their descriptions, titles objects and places; time when events occur. By the way, the article will help you figure out the names: ““.

Let's also decide whether the story is going on:

  • in the first person (“I”; the narrator is the character himself),
  • the second ("you"; narrator - reader; used very rarely)
  • or third (he/she; narrated by an outside narrator; used most often). You can switch, for example, from a third-person narrative to a first-person or person narrative, the main thing is to do it correctly.

When drawing up a plan (in particular, a sequence of events), remember that history is from:

  • introductions (protagonists, scene, time, weather, etc.);
  • primary action (i.e. what was the beginning),
  • plot development (what events lead to the climax),
  • climax of the story a turning point stories),
  • closing action,
  • denouement (the central conflict may or may not be resolved).

This order may be broken. For example, you can start the story with a climax or omit the closing action. But they say rightly: before breaking the rules, it is important to study them thoroughly.

What we are doing. See you!

Hello everyone who decided to learn the art of writing! Anna is with you - a copywriter with two years of experience who has written more than 500 articles. Today we have an important lesson.

I think you have often come across texts on the Internet in which it is difficult to grasp the essence. The author abruptly moves from one thought to another, departs from the topic. I want to close this nightmare and forget about it.

So that you avoid the fate of a would-be writer whose work no one needs, I will show you how to plan the text simply and correctly, I will also explain what it is.

Use my tips to take your copywriting to the next level.

An article outline is a list of the main ideas of the article, which are presented in a logical sequence. The main task is to reveal the content. The ideal structure is one that, when viewed, the entire text is recalled.

Each item on the list is a landmark that helps to understand the essence of the article.

Why should a copywriter draw up and think through a plan:

  • get rid of porridge in the head, put all the information on the shelves;
  • make the material useful, exciting for the reader;
  • thanks to a thoughtful structure, the reader can easily find the block of information he needs;
  • the number of customers, rave reviews will grow along with your income.

The ability to structure helps to prepare for exams, analyze competitors' articles.

We compose the structure correctly: detailed instructions

When you sit down to write a plan for the first time, chaos usually begins in your head, it is difficult to single out the main idea. As a result, paragraphs that should be short are blown up to whole paragraphs.

For reference. The main idea is the task of the article/work, and the topic is the generalized name of the content.

Where to start and how to finish:

  1. Read the text 2-3 times. Take notes, write down ideas as you read. If you're writing from your head and you don't need to study competitive articles, then skip this step.
  2. Ask yourself two questions: what is its topic, what is the material written for. So you immediately decide on the main idea.
  3. Take a closer look at each paragraph and think about where the key point is, what is its meaning? Often a paragraph is already a complete thought that can be introduced into the structure as a subheading. Don't dwell on the details. We are only interested in the action, the plot twist.
  4. Leave the list for a few minutes, relax. Re-read it. Do you understand what the work is about just by looking at it? Yes - you did a good job, no - you need to refine it.
  5. Rewrite the plan in a clean copy, use it for its intended purpose.

A few tips for the trail:

  1. Unfamiliar words, concepts that you will use, write out separately. Be sure to check their meaning.
  2. Don't repeat yourself. If the same word comes up several times, replace it with a synonym.
  3. Don't be afraid of improvements. If, after returning to the list after a few minutes, you want to make changes, then do so.
  4. The plan of the text for public speaking should be short. One paragraph consists of a maximum of 2 - 3 words.
  5. Make out points with numbers, and sub-points with a bulleted list.

Keep a separate notebook for plans. Write down all your work there. This is a good source of inspiration to keep track of your progress.

We took a look at the generalized way of structuring an article. Now let's complicate the task and divide the plan into several types, each of which is created in a special way.

What types of plans are there?

The plan helps us not to get confused, clearly formulate, state our thought. There are many options. Now we will consider the most famous methods.


Each section is represented by a thesis. Thesis - a brief statement of the main idea of ​​1 - 3 paragraphs. Distinctive feature: many verbs. It consists of a subject that names the topic, and a predicate that reveals it. Without a predicate, the main idea is lost.

How to find a thesis? It is difficult for beginners to highlight the main thing, discarding the details. Sometimes the subtitle of the structure is stretched for 10 - 15 words, although this is unacceptable. Ask questions for paragraphs. But remember: the answer should consist of 4 - 8 words and no more.

For example, I took the tale of the goldfish by A. S. Pushkin:

  1. The old man did not live well with his old woman.
  2. The old man caught the magic fish and let it go.
  3. The elder told the old woman everything, she demanded a trough.
  4. The dissatisfied old woman sent the old man for a hut.
  5. A hut is not enough for a grumpy old woman, she wanted to become a queen.
  6. The old woman was tired of being the queen, she wanted to become the mistress of the sea.
  7. The fish could not stand the greed of the old woman and disappeared.
  8. The old man and his wife were left with nothing.

Each 1,000 characters = 1 thesis. If you are writing a 6,000 character article, you need to highlight 6 paragraphs. So you don’t overdo it, the material will be a pleasure to read.


This type of structure is built on questions to a semantic block of text. Personally, it's easier for me to work through the article this way. Questions arise even during the study of materials, thinking about the topic.

Such a plan is ideal for informative articles, master classes, instructions, analysis.

How it looks, I will again show using the example of a fairy tale about a goldfish:

  1. What did the old man do when he caught the magic fish for the first time?
  2. How did the old woman react to the story about the goldfish?
  3. What did the old woman make her husband ask for a fish?
  4. How did the fish respond to the old woman's last wish?
  5. What happened to the old man and his wife at the end?

Ask a question using words: how, when, why, whose, how much, who. Avoid the interrogative part "whether".


The naming plan consists of theses expressed by nouns, adjectives. Verbs are not needed. It is very short. The maximum size of one title is 2 - 4 words.

Let's go back to our golden fish tale to see the naming plan in practice:

  1. Meeting of an old man and a goldfish.
  2. The whims of an old woman.
  3. The old man and the old woman at the broken trough.

Do you remember the childhood classics? So everything is correct. If just one glance at the plan is enough to recall the contents of the article, you are on the right track.


The basic plan is written without rules. This is a small retelling of the article, consisting of the main informative parts. It is intended for personal use. It is important that you feel comfortable and understandable to work with it. All points are pillars, causing bright, detailed pictures, conveying the content of the article.

You can write it expanded or compressed. It all depends on your goal, capabilities, memory, associations.

Here is how I see the well-written basic plan of the famous fairy tale:

  1. The first meeting of the old man and the goldfish.
  2. Three wishes of an old woman.
  3. Fish refusal.
  4. Broken trough.

The supporting structure is made up for public speaking, presentations, news articles and short reviews. Not to miss main idea, but also do not constantly look at the sheet. Indicate facts, figures, names of objects, actors.


This is a mix of plans. Ask questions, write out abstracts - no restrictions.

For clarity, I will show the combined structure of the fairy tale about the goldfish:

  1. The elder came across a magic fish, which he felt sorry for. He let her go.
  2. How did the old woman behave when she heard about the unusual fish?
  3. Three wishes of an old woman.
  4. Why gold fish refused to fulfill the last wish?
  5. The old man and his wife returned to their former lives.

You can use it for any purpose.

Simple and complex

Which plan do you need: detailed or simple. To do right choice, think about how important it is to describe the details or can you get by with nominal sentences?

A simple structure is 3-5 headings without details, consisting of 2-5 words, and a complex one is more than 5 headings with subheadings and important details.

For example, the fairy tale "Kolobok" can be represented as follows:

Practice writing a simple outline. As soon as you start to get it, try to make it deployed.

As you can see, the simplified version indicates only the key points, the complex one helps to understand the behavior of the characters, the development of the storyline.

How does the genre of an article influence the creation of structure?

Before you sit down for the plan, think: what style does your text belong to? Will it scientific work or hot news? What is the difference:

  1. Scientific work is structured in such a way as to step by step prove a certain theory, a pattern. The author sets out the arguments, citing documents in support, referring to authoritative sources. The reader gradually comes to the conclusion - the main idea of ​​the material, which is at the end.
  2. A bright note, news and review are written in a different sequence. The first paragraphs are important, attention-grabbing information, the middle reveals in detail what was stated at the beginning, and the end is a generalization, additional information.

It's all about the nature of the texts. Scientific works read thoughtfully, paying attention to each information block.

The texts of journalists and copywriters are not studied. They are skimmed over for food, in transport. The first paragraphs should be catchy, make you want to read to the end. Those who do not take into account the difference in styles, lose a lot: their work goes unnoticed.

Common Mistakes + Examples

In the learning process, beginners often make the same mistakes. Self-learning is dangerous because the author does not always notice his weak spots, gets used to them, starting to write in uniform style subsequent plans. A mentor is needed at this stage. Where to find it? No need to go far, wool the Internet, we have been doing this for a long time and are ready to help you.

In the meantime, I will introduce you to the banal mistakes that make the plan inoperative:

  1. Violation of the logical connection, each item lives a separate life.
  2. Points intersect with each other, semantic boundaries are violated. The author failed to divide the text into key points or described the content in too much detail.
  3. All items point to secondary information. Most likely, the author failed to determine the idea, the topic of the article.
  4. Missing introduction and conclusion.
  5. The author chose the wrong words for the names of the items. It is impossible to understand what is being said.
  6. The length of the paragraph exceeds 9 words, resembles a paragraph.
  7. The size of the items, the look vary too. This is only valid when writing a combined plan.

Write down a list of errors and hang on your desktop. Every time you sit down to prepare or review a plan, go through the list.

Have you written a plan? Don't rush to use it. Let him lie down for at least a few hours, and then evaluate him with a fresh look.

Let's imagine what the wrong outline of the article “How to teach a child to speak?”

  1. When does a child learn to speak?
  2. The child does not speak.
  3. What should the baby be told?
  4. How to teach a child to speak quickly and clearly?
  5. Common mistakes that parents make: they read little to the child, force them to study, scold.

Even a simple glance at such a structure causes chaos in the head: what, why, what are they all about.

What mistakes are made here:

  • Point 1 is redundant. We're talking about how to teach a baby to talk, not when. It is better to write a separate text about this.
  • Point 2 is the thesis, and we draw up everything with questions. Looks clumsy, illogical.
  • Paragraph 3 can be made a subparagraph for ease of perception.
  • Paragraph 5 is long, homogeneous members after the decimal point must be arranged in subparagraphs.

And here is the corrected version:

  • Introduction.
  • How to teach your child to speak quickly and clearly:
    • reading aloud,
    • developmental phrases,
    • articulation gymnastics,
    • a lot of communication,
    • word games.
  • Why is the child not talking?
  • Common mistakes parents make:
    • annoying training,
    • lack of attention.
  • Conclusion.

Learn to write similar texts in order to earn money.


A plan is a support that helps to collect thoughts in a pile. When I started on the article exchange, I had no idea how it simplifies the life of a copywriter. Practice as much as possible: write yourself, analyze other people's work. Remember that perseverance and experience are your help.

Have you tried making plans yet? Have you noticed how easier it is to write articles? Write comments. Share your experience.

Subscribe to become an independent freelancer! We have a whole series of articles on copywriting and freelancing.

I wish you good luck!

Writing a story plan is a mandatory element of school education. Without a good plan, it's hard to write a good story, so it's important to figure out how to write a good story plan.

Drawing up a story plan

If you decide to start writing your own literary work, then, first of all, you need to streamline your ideas. Don't forget to write down all information related to your work. Keeping a lot of information in your head is difficult, and not getting confused in it is even more difficult.

  1. Decide on the topic of the story.
  2. Think about what subtopics you want to explore in your work.
  3. Make a list of characters: their names, occupation, features of appearance and character, relationships with each other. For each character, you need to prepare a brief description. The list of characteristics should resemble the one that precedes the plays, for example, Igor Ignatievich, landowner, 48 years old. Married to Natalya Igorevna. Loves hunting. After the upheavals experienced in the war, he stutters.
  4. Starting from the main subtopics, write a detailed outline of the story. It should include not only main points, but also sub-points of the second and third levels. To facilitate the work, immediately write down the approximate volume of each part. The plan should be harmonious, its parts are interconnected in a logical sequence. Work it out carefully, then further work will go easier, and the result will be better. A good plan should concisely and accurately convey the content of the story.
  5. Try not to "lose" your characters while writing the story and bring the storyline of each of them to its logical conclusion. One of the main keys to the success of writing a story is a successful climax and denouement. After all, they remain in the reader's memory after the completion of reading the work.
  6. After the work on the plan is completed, you need to carefully check your plan (and later the story) for the presence of various kinds of errors.

Finished text plan

Drawing up a plan is an obligatory component of the analysis of an already written story. It helps to remember the content of the work, to structure its events in a logical sequence, to determine the relationship between the individual parts.

  1. To get started, read the story, determine its main theme, highlight the names of the main characters.
  2. Divide the text into four parts:
    • eyeball;
    • plot development;
    • climax;
    • denouement.
  3. These points will be the backbone of your plan. If necessary, divide each of these parts into several smaller ones, marking in your mind or in the text the beginning of each of them.
  4. Reread the first part. Title it. The title should be concise and capacious. Try to convey the very essence of this fragment of the story in one sentence.
  5. Do the same for the other parts.

Types of plans

Sometimes the task requires you to draw up a plan of a certain type. In order to cope with this, you need to familiarize yourself with the main four types of plans:

  • question. Each point of the plan is a question, the answer to which conveys the essence of this fragment (Where did Taras go after school?);
  • thesis. The content of the paragraph is expressed through the theses of the verb structure - a brief formulation of the main provision of a particular part, containing verbs (Taras went to the stadium);
  • nominal. Plan of theses, which are expressed by nouns (Taras at the stadium);
  • basic plan. This plan consists of fragments of sentences that carry the main semantic load (Taras' plan - a trip to the stadium);
  • combined. Such a plan may contain several different types of plans.

Text composition

When drawing up a story plan, you should adhere to the classical composition:

  1. Introduction - in this section it is necessary to acquaint the reader with the place and time of the action, as well as some of the key characters.
  2. Outset - describe the event that led to the further development of the story.
  3. The development of actions is the largest part of the story.
  4. The climax is the highest point in the development of events.
  5. The denouement is a conclusion that tells what their actions turned out to be for the heroes.

As you can see, the ability to correctly draw up a plan is an indispensable skill in analyzing and memorizing texts. Writing a good story will not be easy if its structure is not clearly and logically presented in the form of a list of points and sub-points.

When the plan is ready, you can start writing a story, useful information on writing a story can be found in the article.

Writing a story plan is a mandatory element of school education. It's hard to write a good story without a good plan, so it's important to figure out how to plan your story properly. Outlining a Story If you decide to start writing your own literary work, the first thing you need to do is organize your ideas. Don't forget to write down all information related to your work. It’s difficult to keep a lot of information in your head, and it’s even more difficult not to get confused in it. Decide on the topic of the story. Think about what subtopics you want to reveal in your work. Make a list of characters: their names, occupation, features of appearance and character, relationships with each other . For each character, you need to prepare a brief description. The list of characteristics should resemble the one that precedes the plays, for example, Igor Ignatievich, landowner, 48 years old. Married to Natalya Igorevna. Loves hunting. Stutters after the upheavals experienced in the war. Starting from the main subtopics, write a detailed outline of the story. It should include not only main points, but also sub-points of the second and third levels. To facilitate the work, immediately write down the approximate volume of each part. The plan should be harmonious, its parts are interconnected in a logical sequence. Work it out carefully, then further work will go easier, and the result will be better. A good plan should concisely and accurately convey the content of the story. Try not to “lose” your characters while writing the story and bring the storyline of each of them to its logical conclusion. One of the main keys to the success of writing a story is a successful climax and denouement. After all, it is they who remain in the reader’s memory after the completion of reading the work. After the work on the plan is completed, you need to carefully check your plan (and later the story) for various kinds of errors. story. It helps to remember the content of the work, structure its events in a logical sequence, determine the relationship between the individual parts. First, read the story, determine its main theme, highlight the names of the main characters. Divide the text into four parts: plot; plot development; climax; denouement. These points and will be the backbone of your plan. If necessary, divide each of these parts into several smaller ones, marking in your mind or in the text the beginning of each of them. Reread the first part. Title it. The title should be concise and capacious. Try to convey the very essence of this fragment of the story in one sentence. Do the same procedures with other parts. Types of plans Sometimes the task requires you to draw up a plan of a certain type. In order to cope with this, you need to familiarize yourself with the main four types of plans: question. Each point of the plan is a question, the answer to which conveys the essence of this fragment (Where did Taras go after school?); thesis. The content of the paragraph is expressed through the theses of the verbal system - a brief formulation of the main provision of a particular part, containing verbs (Taras went to the stadium); nominal. Plan of theses, which are expressed by nouns (Taras at the stadium); plan-support scheme. This plan consists of fragments of sentences that carry the main semantic load (Taras Plan - a trip to the stadium); combined. Such a plan may contain several different types of plans. Text composition When drawing up a story plan, one should adhere to the classical composition: Introduction - in this section it is necessary to familiarize the reader with the place and time of the action, as well as some of the key characters. development of history. The development of actions is the largest part of the story. The climax is the highest point in the development of events. The denouement is the conclusion that tells what their actions turned out to be for the heroes. As you can see, the ability to correctly draw up a plan is an indispensable skill in analyzing and memorizing texts. Writing a good story will not be easy if its structure is not clearly and logically presented in the form of a list of points and sub-points.
