Download presentation Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Presentation on the topic of Leo Tolstoy

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy 1828 - 1910. Life and creative way. Introductory presentation to the lesson on the novel "War and Peace". To live honestly ... 1844 - 1851 Kazan University - Philological - Faculty of Law, was expelled for negligence, poor progress in history. “History is a collection of fables and useless trifles that do nothing to improve the fate of a person” - this position is reflected in the novel “War and Peace”. Fascinated by the philosophy of J.-J. Rousseau - you can fix the world only through self-improvement: he keeps diaries, wants to learn 11 languages, the basics of forestry, music, illustrations. An attempt to get closer and help the peasants. He is considered an eccentric ("Morning of the landowner") 1851-1855 Caucasus - studies mountain languages, life, culture. "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth", "Cossacks". “I was not a student in literature, I was immediately great” An innovator in revealing the “dialectic of the soul” - a special psychologism, as it develops human consciousness. "People are like rivers." Participates in the defense of Sevastopol, was awarded personalized weapons. "Sevastopol stories" "Sevastopol in the month of December" (1854), "Sevastopol in May" (1855), "Sevastopol in August" (1855). "The hero of my story is the truth - and its goal is to prove that the true hero of the Sevastopol epic was the Russian people." War in blood and suffering. Soldier's heroism - officer aristocracy (caste, desire for brilliance, orders) Nakhimov, Kornilov, Istomin with 22 thousand sailors with the support of the population withstood the siege of 120 thousand enemy armies (349 days) The main thoughts of the cycle It is the masses who decide the fundamental issues of history, determine the fate of the state. War is not banners and fanfare, but a dirty business, hard labour, suffering, blood, tragedy, it exposes the true essence of man. Life credo of Tolstoy. In order to live honestly, one must tear, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again, and quit again. And forever fight, and lose. And peace is spiritual meanness. spiritual crisis in the life of Lev Nikolaevich (1860-1870) "Arzamas horror" - a dream about his own death, a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness of life, disappointment that the ideals of brotherhood, class unity, thoughts of suicide are collapsing. 1870-80s - overcoming the crisis, "Confession": "Why everything, if the only irrefutable reality is death." Own understanding of Christianity as a rational religion - "the Kingdom of God on earth." He denied the dogmas of faith, reproached the church for "justifying violence", "I renounced the life of our circle, recognizing that this is not life, but only a semblance of life." Breaks with his class and goes over to the position of the patriarchal peasantry. The main works of Tolstoy 1863 - the beginning of work on the novel "War and Peace" 1873-77 - work on the novel "Anna Karenina" 1879-82 - "Confession" 1884-86 - "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" 1887 - "Kreutzer Sonata", the play "The Power of Darkness" 1889 - the novel "Sunday" is printed. "War and Peace" 1856 - the beginning of the idea for the story "Decembrists". The image of a man who after 30 years found himself in the city of youth, where everything has changed, and he is the same. 1825 - Decembrist uprising - "the era of delusions and misfortunes of my hero." Seeing a world without slavery, the officers were ashamed of what was happening in Russia and felt a duty to the oppressed people. "Three Pores". 1812 - "To understand him, I had to go back to his youth, which coincided with the glory of Russian weapons - 1812." 1805-1807 - foreign campaigns of the Russian army - "failures and shame." The structure and genre of the novel "War and Peace" Volume I - 1805 Volume II - 1806-1811 Volume III - 1812 Volume IV - 1812-1813 Epilogue - 1820 Epic novel Beginning of publication - 1865 "1805" Criticism for inept handling historical facts, inconsistency with the genre canon. Features of the genre Roman-epopee - pictures of history (Shengrabenskoye, Battle of Austerlitz, the Peace of Tilsit, the war of 1812, the fire of Moscow, the partisan movement) Chronology of the novel 15 years. Socio-political life: Freemasonry, the activities of Speransky, the Decembrist Society. The relationship of landowners and peasants: the transformation of Pierre, Andrei, the rebellion in Bogucharov. Display of various segments of the population: local, Moscow, St. Petersburg nobility, officials, army, peasants. wide panorama noble life: balls, receptions, dinners, hunting, theater. 600 actors and characters. Wide geographical coverage: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Otradnoye, Bald Mountains, Austria, Smolensk, Borodino.

The presentation "Tolstoy" will make the lesson exciting, capture the attention of schoolchildren and help them remember important information better due to the well-thought-out structure of the material. Slides are adapted for children, with their help, classes in literature will become more effective. Not every child perceives new knowledge by ear, someone needs to consolidate what they hear visually. The presentation about Tolstoy's biography is filled not only with information about the life of the writer, but also there are portraits, images, illustrations. The method of visual consolidation contributes to better assimilation of the material and fixing it in memory for a long time.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is known to everyone for his unique style and written masterpieces. But not only the works are of great interest, the personality of the writer is also unique, he had interesting childhood, which is now mentioned in the process of getting to know the fate of the writer. The life and work of Tolstoy are amazing and unusual, and a visual presentation of a fascinating report will help to familiarize schoolchildren with literary discoveries.

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Biography of Tolstoy

Caucasus and Crimean War
Russo-Turkish War

Literary activity of the first half of the 1850s
Literary activity of the second half of the 1850s
Pedagogical activity
Life and creative maturity

spiritual crisis
Literary activity 1880-1890
Family life

Last years

Artist, thinker, man. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on August 28 (September 9), 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate of the Krapivensky district of the Tula province in an aristocratic noble family. “I don’t remember my mother at all. I was 1.5 years old when she passed away. ... She was not pretty, but well educated for her time. She knew ... four languages ​​..., played the piano well, and ... was a great master of telling fairy tales ”“ Father was of medium height, well-built, lively sanguine, with a pleasant face and always sad eyes. Father never humiliated himself before anyone, did not change his lively, cheerful and often mocking tone. And this self-esteem that I saw in him increased my love, my admiration for him "Mother - Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya () Father - Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy ()

The Tolstoy clan The first annalistic references to the Tolstoy family refer to XVI century. Pyotr Andreevich, the first of the Tolstoy family to receive the title of count, was a comrade-in-arms of Peter I. The Tolstoys were related to the families of famous figures in Russian history and culture: Pushkin A.S., P.Ya. Chaadaev, Decembrists S.G. Volkonsky, S.P. Trubetskoy, A.I. Odoevsky

Childhood After the death of his father (1837), a distant relative, T. A. Ergolskaya, who had a huge influence on Tolstoy, took up the upbringing of children: “she taught me the spiritual pleasure of love.” Childhood memories have always remained the most joyful for Tolstoy: family traditions, the first impressions of the life of a noble estate served as rich material for his works, were reflected in the autobiographical story "Childhood".

Adolescence and youth Tolstoy was 13 years old, the family moved to Kazan, to the house of a relative and guardian of the children P. I. Yushkova. For two and a half years he was preparing to enter the university. Deciding to become a diplomat, Tolstoy took exams for the eastern branch.

In Kazan, He successfully passed exams in history, geography, mathematics, statistics, Russian literature, logic, English, French, German, Latin, Arabic, Turkish and Tatar languages and entered the Kazan University at the Department of Oriental Languages ​​of the Faculty of Philosophy, then transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied for less than two years. Classes did not arouse a lively interest in him, and he passionately indulged social entertainment. In the spring of 1847, having filed a petition for dismissal from the university "due to frustrated health and domestic circumstances", Tolstoy left for Yasnaya Polyana.

From the diary of L.N. Tolstoy What will be the purpose of my life in the countryside for 2 years? - 1) Study the entire course of legal sciences required for the final examination at the University. 2) Study practical medicine and part of the theoretical one. 3) Learn languages: French, Russian, German, English, Italian, Latin. 4) Explore Agriculture both theoretical and practical. 5) Study History, Geography and Statistics. 6) Study Mathematics, Gymnasium course. 7) Write a dissertation. 8) Achieve an average degree of perfection in music and painting. 9) Write the rules. 10) Get some knowledge in the Natural Sciences. 11) Compose essays from all the subjects that I will study. 1847

Caucasus In 1851, elder brother Nikolai, an officer in the army, persuaded Tolstoy to go together to the Caucasus. For almost three years Leo Tolstoy lived in Cossack village on the banks of the Terek, participating in hostilities (at first voluntarily, then he was recruited).

Crimean Campaign In 1854 Leo Tolstoy was assigned to the Danube army in Bucharest. Boring staff life soon forced him to transfer to the Crimean army, to the besieged Sevastopol, where he commanded a battery on the 4th bastion, showing rare personal courage (he was awarded the Order of St. Anne and medals). In the Crimea, Tolstoy was captured by new impressions and literary plans(I was also going to publish a magazine for soldiers), here he began to write a cycle of "Sevastopol stories". At this time, Tolstoy writes: "The Crimean War showed the rottenness and impotence of serf Russia"

In the circle of writers In November 1855, after the war, L. Tolstoy arrived in St. Petersburg and immediately joined the Sovremennik circle, which included N.A. Nekrasov, I.S. Turgenev, A.N. Ostrovsky, I.A. Goncharov and others. L.N. Tostoy was greeted as “the great hope of Russian literature.” However, in the journal L.N. Tolstoy did not work for long, and already in 1856 he left for Yasnaya Polyana, and then went on a trip abroad.

Opening a school In 1859, Leo Tolstoy opened a school for peasant children in the village and helped set up more than 20 schools in the vicinity of Yasnaya Polyana. Tolstoy was so fascinated by this occupation that in 1860 he went abroad for the second time to get acquainted with the schools of Europe. Tolstoy outlined his own ideas in special articles, arguing that the basis of education should be the "student's freedom" and the rejection of violence in teaching. In the early 1870s he compiled the "ABC" and "New ABC" for teaching children to read and write.

When I enter the school and see this crowd of ragged, dirty, thin children, with their bright eyes and so often angelic expressions, anxiety comes over me, the horror that I would experience at the sight of drowning people ... I want education for the people ... to save those Pushkins drowning there, ... Lomonosovs. And they teem in every school. L. Tolstoy - A. A. Tolstoy. December 1874 L.N. Tolstoy opened 26 folk schools where the children were trained.

On the work of Leo Tolstoy For many years a stern and truthful voice sounded, denouncing everyone and everything; he told us almost as much about Russian life as the rest of our literature. Historical meaning Tolstoy's work ... is the result of everything experienced by Russian society over the entire 19th century, and his books will remain for centuries, as a monument to hard work done by a GENIUS ... M. Gorky

Let's summarize the lesson Interpret the words of L.N. Tolstoy and about L.N. Tolstoy within the framework of those discoveries that were made in the lesson. Without my Yasnaya Polyana, I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it. He is one of those geniuses of art, whose words - living water. K. Fedin

Batsa Yana, student of grade 8-A, MAOU secondary school No. 11, Kaliningrad

Presentation about the life of Leo Tolstoy



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Leo Tolstoy

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1829-1910) Count, Russian writer, corresponding member (1873), honorary academician (1900) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Tolstoy's childhood Born on August 28, 1828 in the Krapivinsky district of the Tula province, in the mother's hereditary estate - Yasnaya Polyana. Was the fourth child. His mother died with the birth of his last daughter, when he was not yet 2 years old. A distant relative T. A. Ergolskaya took up the upbringing of orphaned children

Tolstoy's education His education went first under the guidance of the French tutor Saint-Thomas (Mr. Jerome "Boyhood"), who replaced the good-natured German Reselman, whom he portrayed in "Childhood" under the name of Karl Ivanovich. In 1841, P. I. Yushkova, taking on the role of guardian of her underage nephews. Due to a conflict between his family and a teacher of Russian and world history and the history of philosophy, Professor Ivanov, according to the results of the year, he had poor progress in the relevant subjects and had to re-take the first-year program. In order to avoid a complete repetition of the course, he moved to the Faculty of Law, where his problems with grades Russian history and German continued. Leo Tolstoy spent less than two years at the Faculty of Law: “It was always difficult for him to have any education imposed by others, and everything he learned in life, he learned himself, suddenly, quickly, with hard work,” Tolstaya writes in her “Materials to biographies of L. N. Tolstoy”.

Start literary activity Leaving the university, Tolstoy settled in Yasnaya Polyana in the spring of 1847. In his diary, Tolstoy sets himself a huge number of goals and rules; managed to follow only a small number of them. Among the successful - serious studies English language, music, jurisprudence. In the winter of 1850-1851 began to write "Childhood". In March 1851 he wrote The History of Yesterday. In a remote village, Tolstoy began to write and in 1852 sent the first part of the future trilogy, Childhood, to the editors of Sovremennik.

The heyday of Tolstoy's creativity During the first 12 years after his marriage, he creates "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina". At the turn of this second era literary life Tolstoy are conceived back in 1852 and completed in 1861-1862. "Cossacks", the first of the works in which Tolstoy's talent was most realized.

Tolstoy's military career In the Caucasus, Tolstoy remained for two years, participating in many skirmishes with the highlanders and being exposed to the dangers of military Caucasian life. He had rights and claims to George Cross but didn't receive it. When the Crimean War broke out at the end of 1853, Tolstoy transferred to the Danube army, participated in the battle of Oltenitsa and in the siege of Silistria, and from November 1854 to the end of August 1855 was in Sevastopol.

Tolstoy lived for a long time on the dangerous 4th bastion, commanded a battery in the battle of Chernaya, was during the bombardment during the assault on Malakhov Kurgan. Despite all the horrors of the siege, Tolstoy wrote at that time the story "Cutting the Forest", which reflected Caucasian impressions, and the first of the three "Sevastopol stories" - "Sevastopol in December 1854". He sent this story to Sovremennik. Immediately printed, the story was read with interest by all of Russia and made a stunning impression with a picture of the horrors that befell the defenders of Sevastopol. The story was noticed by Emperor Alexander 2; he ordered to take care of the gifted officer. For the defense of Sevastopol, Tolstoy was awarded the Order of St. Anna with the inscription "For Honor"

Last years of life. On the night of October 28 (November 10), 1910, L.N. Tolstoy, fulfilling his decision to live last years according to his views, secretly left Yasnaya Polyana, accompanied by his doctor D.P. Makovitsky. He began his last journey at Shchyokino station. The trip had no definite purpose. On the way, Tolstoy fell ill with pneumonia and was forced to get off the train that same day at the first large station next to locality. This station turned out to be Astapovo, where on November 7 (20) L. N. Tolstoy died in the house of the head of the station, I. I. Ozolin. On November 10 (23), 1910, he was buried in Yasnaya Polyana, on the edge of a ravine in the forest, where, as a child, he and his brother were looking for a “green stick” that kept the “secret” of how to make all people happy. In January 1913, a letter was published by the Countess Sofia Tolstoy, in in which she confirms the news in the press that at the grave of her husband his funeral was performed by a certain priest in her presence. But before his death, he did not express a desire to be buried, but bequeathed that he be buried simpler and cheaper.

Grave of Leo Tolstoy


The dog and its shadow

Bug was carrying a bone across the bridge. Look, her shadow is in the water. It came to the mind of the Bug that there was not a shadow in the water, but a Bug and a bone. She and let the bone in order to take it. She didn’t take that one, but her own went to the bottom.

Bad game Petya and Vanya had a game like this: they are like sheep beaten friend another forehead on forehead. The game was bad: Vanya became cone on the forehead, and Petya bump on the eye.

frog and mouse

The frog and the mouse started a quarrel. They got out and started to fight. The hawk sees that they forgot about him, went down and grabbed both.

monkey and pea The monkey was carrying two full handfuls of peas. One pea jumped out; the monkey wanted to pick it up and spilled twenty peas. She rushed to pick it up and spilled everything. Then she got angry, scattered all the peas and ran away.

Jackdaw and jug The jackdaw wanted to drink. There was a jug of water in the yard, and the jug only had water at the bottom. Jackdaw could not be reached. She began to throw pebbles into the jug and threw so many that the water became higher and it was possible to drink.

Turtle and eagle The tortoise asked the eagle to teach her how to fly. The eagle did not advise, because it did not fit her; and she kept asking. The eagle took it in its claws, lifted it up and let it go; she fell on the rocks and broke.

Ant and dove The ant went down to the stream: he wanted to get drunk. A wave swept over him and nearly drowned him. The dove carried a branch. She saw that the ant was drowning, and threw a branch into the stream for him. An ant sat on a branch and escaped. Then the hunter set the net on the dove and wanted to slam it shut. The ant crawled up to the hunter and bit him on the leg. The hunter groaned and dropped the net. The dove fluttered and flew away.

Lambs and wolf Sheep walked under the forest. Two lambs left the flock. The old sheep said: “Don’t be naughty, lambs, not long before trouble. And the wolf stood behind the bush and said: - It's not true, lambs, the sheep is old, her legs can't walk, she's so envious. Run alone across the field. .

. The lambs did just that. They moved away from the herd, and the wolf caught them and ate them.

man and cat The man got a lot of mice. He took a cat into the house to catch mice, and the cat thought that she was then taken to become fat herself. The cat began to eat bones and milk and became fat and smooth. And the cat did not catch mice anymore. She thought: “While I was thin and rough, I was afraid that they would not drive me away, but now I have become smooth and beautiful, and the peasant will not drive me away. He won’t soon finish another cat like me.”

And the man sees that the cat does not catch mice, and says to his wife: "Our cat is no good, look for a thin kitten." He took a fat cat, carried it into the forest and threw it away.

Hares and frogs Once the hares came together and began to cry for their lives:- And from people, and from dogs, and from eagles, and from other animals we die. Already better together to die than to live in fear and suffer. Let's drown! And the hares jumped into the lake to drown themselves. The frogs heard the hares and splashed into the water. One hare and says:

Stop guys! Let's wait for the heat; here the life of a frog, apparently, is even worse than ours; they are afraid of us.

Lion and mouse The lion was sleeping. The mouse ran over his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her in; She said: - If you let me go, and I will do you good. The lion laughed that the mouse promised to do good to him, and let it go. Then the hunters caught the lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard the lion's roar, ran, gnawed through the rope and said:

Remember, you laughed, you didn’t think that I could do you good, but now you see, sometimes good comes from a mouse.

Mouse, rooster and cat The mouse went for a walk. I walked around the yard and came back to mother. - Well, mother, I saw two animals. One is scary and the other is kind. Mother asked: - Tell me, what kind of animals are these? The mouse said:- One scary one, walks around the yard like this, his legs are black, his crest is red, his eyes are bulging, and his nose is hooked. When I walked past, he opened his mouth, lifted his leg and began to scream so loudly that I didn’t know where to go from fear.

It's a rooster, said the old mouse. He doesn't harm anyone, don't be afraid of him. Well, what about the other animal? The other one lay in the sun and warmed himself. His neck is white, his legs are gray, smooth. He himself licks his white breast and moves his tail a little, looks at me. The old mouse said: - You're stupid, you're stupid. After all, it's a cat.

Two roosters and an eagle Two roosters were fighting near a dunghill. One rooster had more strength. He beat another and drove away from the dunghill. All the hens gathered around the rooster and began to praise him. The rooster wanted the other court to know about his strength and glory. He flew up to the barn, beat his wings and sang loudly: - Look at me, I beat the rooster! None have cock in the world of such power! Didn't have time to sing an eagle flies, knocked down a rooster, grabbed it in its claws and carried it to its nest

hedgehog and already Once a hedgehog came to the snake and said: “Let me go to your nest for a while.” Already let it go. As soon as the hedgehog climbed into the nest, there was no life for the stings from the hedgehog. I already said to the hedgehog: - I let you in only for a while, and now go away, my all are prickly about yours. needles and they hurt. Yozh said: - The one who hurts, go away, but I feel good.

cat and fox The cat talked with the fox, how to get rid of dogs. The cat says: - I'm not afraid of dogs, because I have a trick from them. And the fox says: How can you get rid of dogs with one trick! I have seventy-seven tricks and seventy-seven evasions!

While they were talking, the hunters drove in and the dogs ran in. The cat has one trick, she jumped up a tree, and the dogs did not catch her, and the fox began to do her tricks, but did not dodge, the dogs caught her.

Mice and cat It became bad for mice to live from a cat. Whatever the day, then two or three will seize. Once the mice came together and began to judge how they could escape from the cat. Tried, judged, could not come up with anything. Here is one mouse says:- I'll tell you how to save us from the cat. After all, we are dying because we do not know when he will come to us. It is necessary to put a bell around the cat's neck so that it rattles. Then every time he is close to us, we will hear, and we will leave.

It would be good, - said the old mouse, - but someone needs to put a bell on the cat. You thought well, but tie a bell around the cat's neck, then we will thank you.

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